The aim of our education should be, whatever education we might have got, we must satisfy the Lord by such education. That is the perfection of life. I have therefore asked our chemist friend, Dr. Swaroop Damodara das Brahmacari to refute the theory that life comes out of matter. This is not the fact, rather, matter comes out of life. We have discussed this point very broadly and Swaroop Damodara is convinced that everything comes from life, Krsna—aham sarvasya prabhavo/ mattah sarvam pravartate. (BG 10.8). So, I've asked Swaroop Damodara to invite Ramananda Rao to come and join him to present this revolutionary theory to the learned advanced scientists. We know it certainly that matter comes out of life. Simply we have to present this thesis in chemical, technological words. Svarupa Damodara has already written one small booklet, "Krsna Consciousness, Purely on a Scientific Basis." So this is the business of big, big, chemists and physicists to present the real facts in Krsna Consciousness.
Training of Svarupa Damadara dasa (Letters, 1973 - 1977)
Expressions researched:
|"Back to Godhead"
|"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust"
|"Book Fund"
|"Book Trust"
|"Book Trust,"
|"Dai Nippon"
|"Damodar Singh"
|"GBC members"
|"Governing Board Commission"
|"Governing Board Commissioners"
|"Governing Body Commission"
|"Governing Body Commissioners"
|"M-V trust"
|"M.V trust"
|"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust"
|"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust"
|"Our society"
|"Svarupa Damodara"
|"Swaroop Damodara"
|"Tamala Krishna"
|"Tamala Krsna"
|"The society"
1973 Correspondence
Regarding Svarupa Damodara's going to the colleges, Rai Ramananda has also agreed to come. I met him recently in India and he is enthusiastic. Now we shall put this challenge against this wrong theory that life comes from matter. Undoubtedly matter has come from life, and we can present so many practical proofs of this. So let Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda think in their own chemical language how to push this fact to the scientific world. If by Krsna's grace they even partially admit it, it will be a great triumph. My point is even if they partially accept then they have to find out what is the original life. In the sastras we have information that the original life in the universe is Brahma and Brahma is also a product of Garbhodakasayi Vishnu. Garbhodakasayi Visnu is a product of Karanadakasayi Visnu and in this way we ultimately reach Krsna the Cause of all Causes. We have to give a fight to the wrong conception of the unauthorized scientist.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 15, 1973 and was very glad to read the contents. Regarding your book, "The Origin of Life," I have already given you the points, so you can inquire from me any intricate question in this connection and I shall try to reply. In the meantime I have received a letter from Ramananda and I am enclosing herewith. I think you can send him a ticket by arranging with Karandhara so he can immediately come there. When I come there to Los Angeles in my presence both of you can discuss threadbare all questions and put them in a satisfactory way.
The headings you have selected are nice. Now I may add one heading which may be the conclusion as follows: "Original Life is God." Because the soul is eternal (which you have discussed in point 2), the origin of life, God, is eternal.
We have to fight with all these so-called leaders, scientists, and philosophers, just like Krsna came to kill all the demons because the whole world is full of demons.
Regarding the translation work, if you can translate into German or other languages of Europe, then it will be a good help. They are very much eager to publish in other languages there.
I am glad to note that you are keeping an altar in your place. If the Dr. offers his obeisances, that goes to his devotional credit. All our processes of seeing the Deity, taking caranamrta, playing instruments, taking prasadam all go to the credit of devotional service.
1974 Correspondence
I have just received one letter from Dr. O.B.L. Kapoor of Vrindaban and would like to know if you have sent that letter to him regarding the book publishing. You can add to that letter that Dr. Svarupa Damodara M.S. PhD. U.S.A. has written recently one book Scientific Basis of Krsna Consciousness and there was no contract or agreement. He has given us the book, and we have printed 30,000 copies. We shall not publish on the basis of royalty.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 3, 1974 and have noted the contents. So it is very good your preaching there in Manipur. This is your duty. By the grace of Krsna you have got a position in the education field, doctor of chemistry. When you will present our philosophy the educated circle will have to listen. They cannot neglect. So when ever you speak, speak scientifically about Krsna's existence. _ is the background of the cosmic manifestation. This is a fact. Unfortunately because people have become demoniac, Krsna is not realized, naham prakasha sarvasya. He is not exposed to the nondevotee. Our mission is to turn the people to become devotees so that they can see Krsna. As it is stated in the Isopanisad, niranmayena patrena satvasyapihitam mukham.
So we have got a great mission. You are one of the strong pillars of the mission. So I have all confidence in you. Follow strictly all our rules and regulations. Be fully strong to push on this cult amongst the educated scientific circle. That you are getting many speaking invitations is a good indication. Take advantage of this. Krsna is asking you to do this job. The people there are naturally Krsna conscious, and when you present more scientifically, then will be convinced.
I have shown your essay to Dr. Svarupa Damodara and he has read it. He is returning soon to California, and you can see him and discuss how to improve it. You should write more because it is very important subject matter.
Regarding the tax exemption for research, we are doing actual research of the Vedic literatures. In this connection you can give the quotations from the many professors in America regarding how they are receiving my books which are heretofore unknown and unavailable to Western readers. Furthermore we are doing active research. We are demonstrating how people can live peacefully and simply, according to the correct civilization. Our ideas are not man-made imperfect ideas, but perfect scientific conclusions. In addition I have a number of Doctorate students in various fields of science, Dr. Svarupa Damodara, Dr. Wolf-Rottkay, Dr. Rao, and others. They can act as the Heads of the research. We are presenting ideal living on Vedic principles of purified life of no illicit sex, no meat eating, gambling or intoxication.
1975 Correspondence
I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 20th, 1975 and have noted the contents. I was very glad to receive your letter and to hear that you are feeling very happy in Krishna's service. I will be coming to Atlanta around the first week of March. Rupanuga prabhu has informed me that he will call a meeting of all the scientists in the movement at that time in Atlanta. So I will be seeing all of you there.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan 21, 1975 and have noted the contents. I had not received any letter from you until now, Svarupa Damodara das is in our Atlanta temple. The address is: 1287 Ponce de Leon Ave., N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30306 U.S.A. I have asked Svarupa Damodara to write you and I gave him your address. He promised that he would immediately write a letter. I have just completed a world-wide tour visiting Hong Kong, Japan, U.S.A., South America and Mexico, London, and now I am in Tehran. Our center here is very nice. I will be leaving for Bombay on the 15th of March and then on to Calcutta on the 19th from there. This year, we will again celebrate the birth day of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Mayapur on March 27th. All the devotees will be coming about a week early for doing parikrama of the different holy spots. About 400-500 devotees will again come this year. I would be happy to see you there if you are able to come.
I think that the best thing for you is to study our books very carefully and then try to write something. Do not try to concoct your own theories. This is not the process. You must write just as you have heard from your Guru and nothing else. Otherwise, your writing is useless. I think you may contact Svarupa Damodara prabhu if you want to ask any questions. Most important thing is to make sure and follow all of the regulative principles and chant at least 16 rounds daily.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 20, 1975 with enclosures, and I thank you very much for it. It is very good that you are progressing with the book proving scientifically that Lord Sri Krishna is the origin of life. Yes, do it slowly but surely. It is important work for our preaching mission.
As you say you are thinking of retiring from the university, yes, as you are not a family man, you can do it for better service to the Lord. Regarding Manipur, you said that there is a Govinda temple there and that they are willing to hand over the management. I think somebody came to see me in India about it, but I don't exactly remember the name. The best thing will be for you to retire and take charge of such a noble project.
Regarding your question about the jiva soul in the heart and the jiva soul within the cells, they are separate. Both are jiva atmas, but a particular jiva belongs to a particular body. There is the jiva in this body, but there are also jivas within the cells. Just like I am living within this apartment, but does it mean that no other living entity can live here. There are so many ants, flies, bugs, they are also living within the apartment. Even in my stool there are thousands of living entities.
Your second question is not very clear what you want to ask, but the fact is that each and every living entity is covered by two kinds of bodies, one subtle and one gross. So the subtle body causes the living entity to take another gross body. We have got experience that in dreaming the gross body is inactive while the subtle body is continuing activities; and again in deep sleep the subtle body is continuing activities. The living entity after being carried by the subtle body to another gross body, it sometimes remains in deep sleep in the womb of the mother. Then gradually the subtle body begins to act within another gross body. When this gross body is fully developed befitting to come out of the mother's body, that is called another birth. Again he changes to another gross body imperceptibly. Just like in the film thousands of pictures are moved imperceptibly. It looks that the body in the picture is moving, but the audience cannot understand that there are so many pictures in the spool. They think that the picture is moving. Similarly every second every moment we are changing the body.
Those who are not sober cannot understand how the spirit soul is changing from one body to another. Krsna therefore says that this change of body can be appreciated only by the dhiras. dhiras tatra na muhyati (BG 2.13). While those who are not dhiras cannot understand how the soul is changing from one body to another. There are two kind of men, dhira and adhira. The modern education is producing only the adhira class who are neither sober or educated. Therefore the majority of the population cannot understand how the soul is transmigrating from one body to another. They are only interested in wine and woman under the impression of the bodily concept of life. Therefore out of so many scientists in this country only you and the few others are understanding the importance of this subject matter. manusyanam sahasresu (BG 7.3). So please work very hard, following our rules and regulations and you will always remain in the fire of Krsna consciousness.
Regarding your asking me to come to Atlanta, it may be possible. That I shall see.
I have read Dr. Wolf's letter addressed to you dated July 1, 1975. I think he has given you good, sane advice. I think you should not think of relinquish your job without meeting me and discussing the matter deeply. Don't do anything out of sentiment. You must make the best use of a bad bargain. Unless you keep your job, you will not be considered an important man in the material sense. And, if you are not an important man, then who will listen to you?
I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 6, 1975 with enclosed photo of the Gaura Nitai Deities. It is very nice how you are worshiping the Deities. Our movement of Krishna consciousness is not dry. Your letter was pleasing to me. I am glad that you have keen interest in the Institute program. Be ready, as I am negotiating. As soon as it is complete, I shall send a telegram for you to come. In the meantime request all GBC's to send lists of all our disciples who have B.A., M.A. or Ph.D. degrees.
I am glad to know that you are getting nice cows for your farm. If you have good cows then you will have good milk, which is the most important food. We are giving cow protection in the very place where they are eaten. At Bon Maharaja's Institute there is enough land for also keeping cows.
I was not able to come to Atlanta because I was called here to India on urgent business. Also I was feeling inconvenient by so much travelling. Regarding your question, so long they are not getting the human form by natural elevation, they are under the laws of nature. "prakrteh kriyamanani, gunaih karmani sarvasah (BG 3.27), "Material nature is helping to bring him to the human body, or human species. When a human being is civilized he can take knowledge from Vedic literature. So in Kali Yuga the Srimad-Bhagavatam is the essence of Vedic literatures: nigama kalpa taror galitam phalam (SB 1.1.3).
So by study of Srimad-Bhagavatam under the bona fide spiritual master, one becomes aware of the full value of life, and then he revives his original Krishna consciousness. That is the perfection of life. The individual soul is already under specific material nature, and the process is going on in lower grades of life, but in the human form of life by advancement of education, one can become above the modes of material nature. That chance is given to him. This is stated in the Bhagavad-gita: "yanti deva vrata devan (BG 9.25)." So if he likes he can go back to Godhead, "yanti mad yajino 'pi mam," and stop this transmigration process. Then he comes again perfect in Krishna consciousness. We are trying to bring the human society to this stage of life.
In human life even in the lower stage of modes of nature, he can come to the higher stage. That is our movement. In the animal form there is no chance, only in the human form. Unfortunately the modern mode of education is to kill the chance. In animal stage of life it is very dangerous.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
N.B. The negotiation with Bon Maharaja is not very feasible. It is too much encumberous. So if it possible, you start the Institute in USA. Do you think it is possible here in India or in USA?
Regarding Dr. Wolf, why has he gone against us? First of all consult with Svarupa Damodara. What is his complaint?
Why has Dr. Wolf gone against us? What is his complaint? Just consult with Svarupa Damodara.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 16, 1975 addressed to Brahmananda Swami. The purpose of the Institute is to achieve the distinction of human life. The human being is meant for understanding his real identity. If a human being becomes entrapped with this body which may be American, Indian, brahmana, ksatriya, and so many other designations, then he remains on the platform of cats and dogs. A dog or a cat is thinking he is such and such. Similarly a human being thinks he is this and that designation, then he remains in the dog and cat category.
The Institute will be primarily for those who have not entered our temples. The subject matter will not be different from what is taught in our temples. There will be no difference between our temples and the Institute, but the Institute will be official for the general mass. It will be a formal education and they will get degree. It will be open for everyone, including those who have already entered our temples, they may also participate. But, the subject matter should not be different from what is in the temples.
I hope this meets you in good health. I have heard that Dr. Wolf has turned against us. What is his complaint?
Since a long time I have not heard from you. About a week before when I was in passing from Durban to Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, I saw several factories for preparing chickens. The modern scientist, they say, from chemical life has come, or life from matter. So, I suggested that a little chemical composition may be made by the scientists with some yellow color, and why not put this artificial egg in an incubator and get more and more chickens. If they cannot produce even a chicken or even an egg of chicken, how can we believe their very big, big talks.
In the words of Bhagavad-gita, they are described as mudhah, mayaya-apahrta jnana. Besides that, can you tell me what is the scientific opinion of the days being consecutively Sunday then Monday, then Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and last Saturday? What is the history of this set-up? (from Sunday to Saturday).
According to our sastra, sun is first, then moon, then Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, like that. In other words, from Bhagavatam we understand that the moon is 1,600,000 miles above the sun. If that is true, then is it possible to go to the moon planet by persons who can never imagine to go the distance to the sun planet? Under the circumstances, if we say that they have never gone to the moon planet, is it exaggeration? You are a scientist, I hope you will reply these 2 points scientifically. If the moon planet is actually far away from the sun planet, how they can go there and publish in the paper that the moon planet is the nearest planet.
Enclosed you will find one form for application to a new professorship that has opened up in the big university here in Durban, South Africa. It is a university only for Indian students, and the rector there is very much impressed and eager to have one of our men with the educational qualifications to come and take the seat of professor there. The rector wants an experienced teacher for Vedic Culture. The whole Vedic Culture is discuss in our books. I think that you shall be able to do this job very well. Please fill out the form enclosed and return to the Johannesburg Temple, 59 Muller Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg, South Africa. When mentioning your qualifications, you can also mention that you are a Bhakti-sastri from (ISKCON).
Regarding the Dallas Army base property, you can forward this offer to Svarupa Damodara and in this connection you may correspond with him. We may require it for the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies. Do not reject this military base. We can use it for this purpose. You can use the Illinois property for the Gurukula and the army base for the Bhaktivedanta Institute. Send details to Svarupa Damodara of the military base.
I am in due receipt of your letter from Imphal, Manipur dated August 18, 1975 forwarded to me by my disciple Dr. Svarupa Damodara das. I am prepared to go to Manipur with some of my European and Indian disciples some time in April, 1976. I have written to Sri. N. Tombi Singh in New Delhi as per your instructions. Please find enclosed copy of letter.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Sincerely yours,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
c.c. Svarupa Damodara das,
I have received a letter from the Manipur Gita Mandal in Imphal dated August 18, 1975 inviting me and my disciples to Manipur for putting on my programs. I am prepared to go to Manipur with 6 or 7 or my European and Indian disciples in April, 1976. So if you can arrange for my going there, I am prepared.
Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
c.c. Kulachandra Singh
Secretary, Manipur Gita Mandal
Dr. T. H. Damodar Singh
Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 11, 1975. I had never received your letter of September 21st and the invitation for going to Imphal for Manipur Gita Mandal. So I have now written them a letter as per enclosed and please find enclosed the copies. So we shall go there in April, 1976 and I will take some of my disciples who are good kirtana men. So you also should come and join in this program. Please arrange for that.
Regarding your letter of September 21, yes, it is a very good idea to have a meeting at the Mayapur meeting time to thoroughly discuss the Bhaktivedanta Institute. So please do the needful. It will be a great service if you can organize such an Institute in the U.S.A. In Dallas there is one former army base which is now vacant that has a number of buildings and enough land. It is located about 70 miles from the city of Dallas. So you should immediately correspond with Jagadisa. It is very big and nice. I think we should take it for the Bhaktivedanta Institute. The climate there is also nice.
I am glad that you are doing lectures in the various universities. When you go, take all of our books and keep them in your front. We have got so many books for study.
I am forwarding you the letter which Dr. Wolf has written me. I have not replied it, but you can reply it as you think fit.
Also enclosed is one article sent to me by Hayagriva about the new discovery which creates turmoil and confuses the physicists. The material scientists, they are discovering so many particles, but they have not yet discovered the soul. In Bhagavad-gita we learn:
- apareyam itas tv anyam
- prakrtim viddhi me param
- jiva-bhutam maha-baho
- yayedam dharyate jagat
- (BG 7.5)
That the jiva-atma is the superior particle and these other particles are all inferior. So this is their business, to discover the inferior particles and neither have they discovered the superior particle which is one ten-thousandth the tip of a hair. Simply they are wasting their time. I hope this meets you in good health.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 9, 1975. Regarding Manipur, I have replied your letter on November 12th and have informed them that we will be able to go to Manipur in April of 1976. And I am glad to note that Dr. Wolf is ready to help the German translation work. I know that he is a sincere devotee and I pray for his ever advancement in Krsna consciousness.
I am glad to note that your book about the origin of matter and life is progressing very well. This will be a great challenge.
From the Srimad-Bhagavatam we learn that the universe is like a tree with the roots being upwards. The pole star which is situated within the Asking question starts constellation is the root. The universe is pivoting around the pole star. That is one movement. The second movement is that the sun is revolving around the universe, or as if it were going around the tree. That is the second movement. The sun is not fixed. If this is proved, then their whole scientific theory collapses. According to them, the stars are all suns. The stars may have the same composition as the sun but they are not suns. The Brahma-samhita says that the sun is the king with unlimited light and temperature. The Srimad-Bhagavatam sublime literature describes all these things and it was written five thousand years ago. And they say that five thousand years ago there was no civilization. That Srimad-Bhagavatam has this information proves that Indian civilization is the oldest civilization.
Because your letter to Nairobi was a long letter I sent it to Svarupa Damodara, he is also one of my trusted disciples. I do not know why he has not replied it yet, and since I do not have a copy with me I am also unable to reply it. How is the German translation work going on?
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 29, 1975. I have noted the contents carefully. Your book is selling very nicely in south India, people are appreciating it very much. This scientific book should be done very carefully, so that people in general may not be mislead by the over intelligent scientists. There are so many contradictory things, but we have our authority and they have their authority. Our knowledge is from vedic scriptures which we accept as definite and without any mistake. A modern scientist believes that there was no civilization before 3,000 years, our Bhagavatam was spoken by Sukadeva Goswami 5,000 years ago and he is explaining "as I have heard it from authority", so we have got parampara system for millions of years. If there was no civilization before 3,000 years, then how this subject matter of knowledge could be discussed? How could it be received through the param-para system? So there is contradiction certainly. But the statement that there was no civilization 3,000 years ago can be adjusted by the conviction that there was civilization, millions and millions of years ago.
For more information regarding vedic astronomy you can consult any learned astronomer, there are many in Calcutta, my Guru Maharaja was also very learned in this field.
My point is life comes from life. They say life has come from chemicals, so how these things can be adjusted? Besides that the scientists change their theories after some years, this proves that they have no perfect knowledge, otherwise where is the necessity of changing? That is the basic point of our argument. Perfect knowledge is never changeable. If we can prove that life comes from life, or the soul is from the supper soul, then all other things can be brought into serious consideration. So you try to prove that chemical combination can never bring about life, this is our main argument. If we can prove this particular subject matter, that the soul cannot be manufactured by combination of chemicals, then gradually we can prove that vedic knowledge is perfect, while other sources of knowledge by speculation and imagination are all wrong.
The other day I was talking on the morning walk about the sun globe. They say because it is fiery there cannot be any life there, but sometimes we see a big iron factory is full of flames from the chimney at a long distance, but does it mean there is no life in the factory? Fire is one of the five material elements, and Bhagavad-gita says that the soul is never burnt by fire. So in the sunglobe globe if the living entities have a fiery body, just as fish have body suitable for living in the water, so how is it that there is no living entity in the sun globe if they have a body suitable to live in the sun globe? In the vedic literatures it is said that there are germs (agni pok) within the fire. There are so many contradictions, but we have our own defence. Why should we blindly accept imperfect scientists, they are imperfect because they are changing their position in the name of progress. The word progress is used when there is imperfection at the beginning. So this regular changing of standard knowledge in the name of progress proves that they are always imperfect. It is a fact that they are imperfect, because they gather knowledge with imperfect senses. At any rate we cannot deviate from vedic knowledge. Regarding coming to Mayapur festival, you must come, because after that we are going to Manipur.
I will send your corrections to the editors. Thank you.
1976 Correspondence
Enclosed please find one book written by Harikesa Prabhu called, Spiritual Dialectism. Please first of all print it in Back to Godhead magazine and if the response is good it maybe made into a book along the lines of Svarupa Damodaras book, The Scientific Basis of Krishna Consciousness.
I beg to thank you for your letter dated December 26th, 1975, and I have noted the contents carefully.
Your plan to have the Bhaktivedanta Summer Institute in one of our farms is a very good idea. But you say that there is a chance that none of our farms will be suitable. Why not? Anyway, you will be discussing it at Mayapur at which time you should fix-up everything definitely.
I have read the aims and objects of the Institute and it is done very nicely. I am satisfied that you are properly understanding the philosophy. The analysis you have given in the section "What is the Bhaktivedanta Institute", regarding the scientists, technologists, and other so-called authorities is most accurate. According to Bhagavatam, they are all asses and cows, sa eva gokhara.
I have also suggested for the GBC's consideration, that we introduce a system of examinations for the devotees to take. Sometimes there is criticism that our men are not sufficiently learned, especially the brahmanas. Of course second initiation does not depend upon passing an examination. How one has moulded his life—chanting, attending arati, etc., these are essential. Still, brahmana means pandita. Therefore I am suggesting examinations. Bhakti-sastri—(for all brahmanas) based on Bhagavad-gita, Sri Isopanisad, Nectar of Devotion, Nectar of Instruction, and all the small paper backs. Bhakti-vaibhava—the above plus first six cantos of S.B. Bhaktivedanta—the above plus cantos 7-12 S.B. Bhakti-sarvabhauma—the above plus Caitanya-caritamrta.
These titles can correspond to entrance, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. So just consider how to organize this Institute. At Mayapur we shall finalize everything.
Svarupa Damodara has written me about the Bhaktivedanta Summer Institute. It is a very good idea. If possible try to accommodate it on one of the farms we already have. To buy another farm simply for this purpose is not very practical. The Institute should not only stress book study but there must be equal time given to kirtana, arati, prasadam, etc. There must be spiritual life, then book study will have meaning.
Regarding your letter to me send to Nairobi, I have handed it over to Svarupa Damodara, so I do not possess it.
I beg to thank you for your letter dated January 21st, 1976 and I have noted the contents carefully.
If you cannot come to India there is no harm. Ordinarily, if you leave, your application will be closed. Better not to take any chances. You instruct your assistants who are coming how and what to discuss with the GBC on your behalf.
In the tentative course outlines some additions are as follows. In the philosophy section there should be a class dealing with all the Vaisnava philosophies (the four sampradayas). Music class can be based on the Sama Veda. In the Political Science class Maharaja Prthu's life may also be studied. There should also be a discussion with the GBC regarding what titles should be awarded to students who pass.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 2, 1976.
Regarding your initial points you may refer to my previous letter dated 29th January, 1976.
As far as the College and University Lecture Party is concerned that is very important and it may be done very seriously. As a matter of fact Tamala Krishna Maharaja is here and he suggests that our educated gentlemen travel with his buses. So what is the use of working alone. Working conjointly is better. Therefore I have instructed him to call you when he returns to the United States. He has assured me that his college programs are very organized and he is very enthusiastic to increase.
Regarding publishing books, these books can be published by you and men in your rank. Ordinary man cannot write such books. So therefore if a book is written by one man with "Bhaktivedanta" or "Bhakti-sarvabhauma" and it is of high quality then it may be considered by me for publishing.
The message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was to give the same message as Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita: "surrender to Krishna". The pastimes of Radha-Krishna relationship are confidential and are not for the distribution to the ordinary public. Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to discuss with Svarupa Damodara, Ramananda Ray, Sikhi Mahiti, but not publicly. Ordinarily he was chanting the Hare Krishna mantra with ordinary devotees at the Jagannatha temple. So I think you should not discuss Radha-Krishna pranyayavikritih openly among ordinary conditional souls.
Regarding relocating New Kuruksetra and beginning the Bhaktivedanta Institute there, first of all decide among the scientists, Svarupa Damodara and party, and if they agree then I have no objection.
You mention that the scientists try "to simplify the problem at hand by neglecting any complex factors that may be present." What is that simplification? That there is no God. Their position is "sour grapes." They try by their speculation to understand things, and being unable they say there is no God. So we can use this science to defeat them, just as I have many other disciples, such as Svarupa Damodara. He is Ph.D. in Chemistry and now he is using his scientific background to defeat their atheistic arguments.
Now our Ph.D's must collaborate and study the 5th Canto to make a model for building the Vedic Planetarium. My final decision is that the universe is just like a tree, with root upwards. Just as a tree has branches and leaves so the universe is also composed of planets which are fixed up in the tree like the leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. of the tree. The pivot is the pole star, and the whole tree is rotating on this pivot. Mount Sumeru is the center, trunk, and is like a steep hill, like the alps mountains which also have very high peaks. I have seen in Switzerland one mountain peak which was so high that is penetrated through the clouds. The tree is turning and therefore, all the branches and leaves turn with the tree. The planets have their fixed orbits, but still they are turning with the turning of the great tree. There are pathways leading from one planet to another made of gold, copper, etc., and these are like the branches. Distances are also described in the 5th Canto just how far one planet is from another.
We can see that at night, how the whole planetary system is turning around, the pole star being the pivot. Each planet has its orbit fixed but the sun is moving up and down, north and south. It is not that we shall accept the theory that the sun is fixed up and the others are all going around the sun. That is not correct. Even the 7th star is rotating once around the pole star in each 24 hours. The whole universe is just like a big tree, that is a fact. I do not think that the modern astronomers have any such idea that the whole universe is like a big tree. The planets which are full of living entities are one after another, one above the other. The relative positions of the planets is fixed up but the whole thing is turning. The sun is going north and south, it has its own orbit below the moon. So now you all Ph.D.'s must carefully study the details of the 5th Canto and make a working model of the universe. If we can explain the passing seasons, eclipses, phases of the moon, passing of day and night, etc. then it will be very powerful propaganda.
I am sending this letter to you, and you can make photocopies of it and send to our other Ph.D.'s and begin serious research into the matter in detail. But one thing, I am convinced that the universe is just like a great tree as described therein.
I am in due receipt of your letter with contents dated May 15, 1976, and I have noted the contents with care.
The idea of lecture seminars is very good. This is required. It is a very nice idea.
Concerning your immigration application, that is o.k. that you may not be able to leave Atlanta for some time, do not worry. They require some bank balance. Whatever bank balance they require, we shall supply. The health examination is there. You are employed by ISKCON, a registered association in the U.S.A.
Concerning the emblem for the Bhaktivedanta Institute, the words "Athāto brahma jijñāsā" is alright, however instead of inside the emblem, you can put athato on top (in Devanagari) and brahma jijnasa on the bottom (in Devanagari). That will be nice. Enclosed you will find your copy with the ideas written on the appropriate place.
I am in due receipt of your short note dated June 3, 1976, which was hand-delivered to me by Dr. Wolf. I won't have the opportunity to visit Atlanta on this tour, however, I shall be in New York from July 9th to July 20th. You can see me in New York if it is possible for you.
Svarupa Damodara is the best candidate for the post at the university. What the other candidates will know? Therefore he is writing so many books. He has rejected the so-called scientific knowledge. It has no basis. So if he is chosen for the post he can go there to Durban and take up the post.
Regarding the scientists, we have entrusted our own three scientists namely Svarupa Damodara, Sadaputa, and Madhva and we leave the matter to them, we do not say anything ourselves, but are leaving it to them. But there are many common men who do not believe that they have gone to the moon planet. So as common men we can simply say, how can dust and rocks reflect so much of light as to illuminate the night, like the sun at day. It is simply bogus to say that the moon is full of dust and rocks. Such a beautiful soothing planet is full of dust and rock with no living beings there is simply unbelievable. You are a learned scholar, do you think it is believable that dust and rocks can illuminate the whole universe at night. It is so soothing and beautiful. I shall be very glad to receive further enlightenment in this connection from your good self.
I know that you are intelligent and can act very nicely to help spread Krsna consciousness. If you feel Maya attracting, then live an honest life as a householder and contribute to our movement. As a family man you can join Svarupa Damodara to help with the Bhaktivedanta Institute. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says it doesn't matter whether one is a sannyasi, grhastha, brahmana, or sudra. You have intelligence. Study more and more. If you think that you should be married, then do that and assist Bhaktivedanta Institute by giving service. My request is, don't become an ordinary foolish man. Keep Krsna consciousness in any condition of life. That is success.
The society of friends in support of the Hare Krsna Movement is a very good proposal. So, induce them to do that. That will be great success. If such persons organize a movement that the Hare Krsna Movement is genuine it is a very, very good success. Try to do it. All the scholars who have given certification will join. That will be great success if that corporation is formed. So our scholars, students like Svarupa Damodara and others can join with them to form this corporation. This should be organized. This is a very good proposal. Somehow or other try for that.
1977 Correspondence
You may be knowing that we have formed one party of scientists under the leadership of Sriman Svarupa Damodara prabhu. Also we have formed the Bhaktivedanta Institute for organizing scientific presentations of Krishna Consciousness. This party is our most important preaching arm with which we will be able to destroy the bogus speculation and cheating which goes under the banner of scientific advancement. Therefore I have got great hope for Svarupa Damodara and his colleagues. I want them to travel vigorously throughout the world to lecture in all universities and other institutions. There is no lack of financial resources and we shall spare nothing to see to this party's success.
His party already consists of Madhava prabhu, Sadaputa prabhu, Ravindra Svarupa prabhu, and himself, and he has approached me that he would like you to help with the editing work as they are publishing scientific papers. In consultation with Ramesvara Maharaja try to have whatever work you are doing assumed by others so that you can free yourself for working with Svarupa Damodara. You may contact Svarupa Damodara, who is returning to America, for more details.
You may be knowing that we have formed one party of scientists under the leadership of Sriman Svarupa Damodara prabhu. Also we have formed the Bhaktivedanta Institute for organizing scientific presentations of Krishna Consciousness. This party is our most important preaching arm with which we will be able to destroy the bogus speculation and cheating which goes under the banner of scientific advancement. Therefore I have got great hope for Svarupa Damodara and his colleagues. I want them to travel vigorously throughout the world to lecture in all universities and other institutions. There is no lack of financial resources and we shall spare nothing to see to this party's success.
Svarupa Damodara has approached me that he likes to have you join him for making arrangements and engagements for his lectures. I know that you are intelligent and very energetic so kindly try to arrange things in consultation with your GBC so that you may be spared for this most important work. You may contact Svarupa Damodara who is returning to America for more details.
Now we are forming scientists party and we shall try with their help to establish Krishna consciousness as the genuine scientific movement of the world exposing the so-called scientists as nothing but speculators. Svarupa Damodara has received very good response here in India from the scientific community and there is good hope that many others will join him. He is returning to America for preparing some publications and when these are completed I have asked him to tour vigorously throughout the world lecturing with his other colleagues at all major institutions and universities. He has drawn up a budget of immediate needs, a copy of which is enclosed and I immediately sanction this amount. Whatever expenditure he requires supply him immediately from the BBT. I am prepared to give $10,000 or more monthly if required to finance this most important preaching program. So whatever money Svarupa Damodara needs must be supplied monthly and he will send you accounts.
You can save this money by minimizing the expenditures in the luxury departments of Sanskrit and artists. We do not want these departments for the time being. One or two men must suffice for Sanskrit work. There is no need of new paintings. Whatever paintings we have, that is enough. There is no need of constantly making new variations on the same themes. So for the art department no more expenditure. If they want to continue painting let them come and live here in Bombay or in any of our other temples in India. We have got sufficient facilities now for accommodation and in this way we can save so much money.
Svarupa Damodara has requested that Dravida das may come and help him with editing work. The scientists are publishing some booklets to be completed by their return here on Janmastami. If possible please arrange for Dravida das to join them.
Page Title: | Training of Svarupa Damadara dasa (Letters, 1973 - 1977) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti |
Created: | 27 of May, 2010 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=43 |
No. of Quotes: | 43 |