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Training of Rocana dasa (Letters, 1974 - 1975)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"Activities" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book Trust," |"Book" |"Books" |"Branch" |"Branches" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Consult" |"Consulting" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperated" |"Cooperation" |"Cooperatively" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Distribution" |"Duty" |"Festival" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiates" |"Initiating" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Leading" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Magazine" |"Magazines" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managers" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust" |"Meeting" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Organize" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Preaching" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Program" |"Programs" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Rathayatra" |"Report" |"Reports" |"Rocana" |"Rocana" |"Rochana" |"Sankirtana" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"The society" |"Translate" |"Translated" |"Translating" |"Translation" |"Translations" |"Zonal" |"Zone"


1974 Correspondence

Letter to Rocana -- Bombay 21 November, 1974:

I am in due reciept of your letter date October 28th, 1974. I have replied your previous letter of September 17th 1974 and a copy of that letter is enclosed herewith. I am very glad to note of how you are increasing the "Back To Godhead" distribution there in such a remote place. Our "Back To Godhead" is the backbone of our movement so we should always be thinking how to increase it increase it increase it. I note that your are installing Gaura-Nitai deities on Govardhana Puja, please send me the report of how the festival went on.

Regarding the initiations the devotees which you have recommended I am herewith initiating and their names are as follows. Don—Dharmaprana Dasa. Jean Citrakera Dasa. Claudia—Cklamahara Devi Dasi. Kathy—Kamalaksi Devi Dasi.

I hope this meet you in good health,

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

N.B. You can hold a fire sacrifice for the initiated disciples. The beads may be sent to Kirtanananda Swami or Tamala Krishna Goswami for being chanting upon.

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Rocana -- Ahmedabad 26 September, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 17, 1975 and have noted the contents. Upon your recommendation I am accepting the the following as my initiated disciples, and their names are:

Dennis and Paula—Jnanamudra das & Trailokyasundari devi dasi

Timothy Moore—Yoginatha das

Peter and Carol Fortany—Rukminisa das and Vedagarbha devi dasi

Ken Perry—Parampadam das

Marlanee Boyadjian—Yasodanandapatni devi dasi

Please see that that they will follow our rules and regulations and chant minimum 16 rounds daily. I also accept for second initiation Mahidhara das and Pracetana devi dasi. Enclosed is the sanctified thread and the mantra sheet.

Letter to Rocana -- Bombay 17 December, 1975:

Thank you for your letter dated November 30, 1975. First of all produce your own food grain, milk and vegetables, eat as much as absolutely necessary, don't eat more, and in this way keep your health. Follow the regulative principles and then if there is time left over you can divert your attention. But I think you should not waste your time in any other thing except Devotional service and maintain the body in proper order. Unnecessarily you should not waste your valuable time.

Page Title:Training of Rocana dasa (Letters, 1974 - 1975)
Created:08 of Jun, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=3
No. of Quotes:3