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Training of Ramesvara dasa (Letters, 1976 - 1977)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book Trust," |"Book" |"Books" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperaton" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"ISKCON" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Karandhar" |"Karandhara" |"Karandhara's" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana trust" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Ramesvara" |"Ramesvara's" |"Sankirtana"


1976 Correspondence

Letter to Ramesvara Prabhu -- Nellore 3 January, 1976:

Thank you for your letter dated December 15th, 1975. I have noted the contents carefully.

Regarding the suggestion for book selling, the point is that the Temples must pay the cost of printing. Then they may sell for whatever price they like.

The transcendental competition is nice. If Jayatirtha Prabhu defeats Tamala Krishna Maharaja, then Tamala will have heart failure. Go on selling books. My Guru Maharaja was very much anxious about selling books and preaching, so you are pleasing him by this bombastic flood of books all over the world. Thank you.

I hope this letter meets you well.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


N.B. Your letter dated December 27, 1975 has been delivered by Tamala and I have noted the contents. In regard to sending money for the India projects, after covering the costs of printing, whatever balance is left should be sent. The printing cannot stop, it is the first consideration. But if there is more printing then there is more income, so what is the difficulty? One thing however, is that we have just engaged the best and most experienced construction company in India, Larson and Turbrow, to complete our Bombay project. We have had to guarantee them seven lacs Rupees per month for the next nine months. And thereafter we shall immediately begin the Mayapur temple. So I think $50,000 will not be sufficient. Gopala Krishna Prabhu suggests that in addition to sending this amount, if the Radha Damodara Party is given books at the printer's cost, then whatever else they collect they can send directly to me in India. In this way we shall be able to meet the Rs. 7 lacs per month. So please make this arrangement to send $50,000 per month as well as supplying Radha Damodara Party at cost. Begin this immediately.

The new Sixth Canto Bhagavatams are very nice. Yes, actually they are worshipable Deities. Be careful that our books do not appear like Bible printing. Sometimes the Christians also put gold guilding on their books, but people are adverse to purchasing Bibles. Neither our books should be given free, there must be some renumeration, otherwise it will be like Bible selling.

Letter to Pusta Krsna -- Bombay 10 January, 1976:

I have just sent you a telegram: "Yes Purchase Mercedes." For so long there has been contemplation to buy this car. But where is the car? We are spending crores of Rupees to finish this Bombay construction, but whenever I arrive at the airport, I am picked up in a borrowed car. What kind of impression is it to the members that we always have to approach them to borrow their car? Please get it. But one thing is that I have heard that you are taking the money from the BBT to pay for it. There is one story that a guru went to his disciple's home and was greeted very elaborately. When he enquired how was it possible for his disciple to afford such nice arrangements, his disciple told him: every-belongs to you. Later the guru saw that he had no money left in his bank account and he could understand that his disciple had spent all of his money. So whether you are also making such arrangements? I do not want to spend the books fund money for such things. If you can not pay for it, then Tamala Krishna says he will pay Ramesvara who can send you the money.

Letter to Ramesvara:

Enclosed please find one book written by Harikesa Prabhu called, Spiritual Dialectism. Please first of all print it in Back to Godhead magazine and if the response is good it maybe made into a book along the lines of Svarupa Damodaras book, The Scientific Basis of Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Calcutta 12 January, 1976:

. I beg to thank you for your letters dated December 18th and December 25th respectively.

The quote book, "The Krishna Consciousness Movement is Authorized", is very important. From each city find out important persons names and post it. You can send it to important members of the Government, businessmen, entertainers, sportsmen, etc. Another device is that you can address it to "Any Respectable Gentleman, Post Office . . ., City . . ., State . . .". The postman will then deliver it to some respectable gentleman. Everyone who gets it will think: "I am a most respectable gentleman because he has give it to me." The best thing is to find out the customers list to some big magazine like "Time" or "Life", and post it to them. I think the post office can give concession rate for huge numbers of postings. Yes, go on adding any new important quotes in the reprinting.

Regarding the improvements of gold stamping and gold guilding on the Bhagavatams, I have already advised Radhavallabha Prabhu. Simply to make fashionable and increase the price may hamper the sales. Rather decrease the price.

That so many people are purchasing our literature in Los Angeles indicated that it is being advertised: Oh, I have got a very nice book. Then their acquaintances want the book also. The books distribution in Los Angeles during the six day period is transcendental samadhi. They are working in trance, not on the material platform. No common man can work so hard, it is not possible. Working without sleep means no death. Sleeping is dead condition. "Jiv jago, jiva jago, gauracanda bole, kota nidra yao maya-pisacira kole." Your book distribution is really intoxication.

Please thank Jagannatha suta for the 10 copies of BTG. Thank you for printing the photo of the Mauritius meeting.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Calcutta 12 January, 1976:

In regard to Bhargava Prabhu, I discussed with Prabhupada and His Divine Grace asked me to write you. Bhargava is spending money of the BBT frivolously. He is taking and spending more than he is supposed to. Unless he gives very strict account of how he spends, he should be recalled. All money is collected under such difficulty, it should be spent only for Krsna. Srila Prabhupada said he was surprised to see how this boy comes everywhere he goes. Please do the needful.

Also, we received a letter from Ranadhira dasa regarding the request of Dr. Shyam Sundar das Brahmachari for complimentary subscription to BTG. Prabhupada said we should not correspond with him and not reply.

Also please find enclosed a letter with insufficient address which we therefore cannot reply.

Seen: Your servant,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Tamala Krsna Goswami

Personal Secretary

P.S. Please inform all Temples and GBC that Prabhupada's mail should

be sent to Calcutta not Mayapur, as mail to Mayapur takes an

extra week.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Mayapur 18 January, 1976:

I beg to thank you for your sending the monthly BBT newsletter. The results for December and for 1975 are wonderful.

In the material world competition one thinks my competitor can do so much, how can I bring him down? In the spiritual world there is appreciation: he has done so nicely, I could not do so well. Just like in the material world there is attraction between men and women and this attraction is stronger than anything else. In the spiritual world there is also beautiful men and beautiful women and there is attraction but this attraction is not so strong as the attraction for chanting the Lord's glories.

The results show that there is no limit to our book distribution. Our books are qualified to be distributed unlimitedly. We are not fiction writers. It is a fact that no expert booksalesmen can compete with our men. The Librarian has noted the difference between our men and other publisher's men. We are working for heart and soul, not for money. Such expert salesmen would have to be paid at least $1000 per month. That means if the had as many men as our Library Party they would have to pay at least $15,000 per month.

You are charging too much for the "Krishna Conscious Movement is Authorized". It should not cost the Temples more than 10 cents or whatever the cost price is. This is our advertisement and is meant for mass distribution. I have already suggested to you how to do this.

The Nectar of Instruction is also over-priced, in comparison with other books of its size. Print at least 100,000 and charge the appropriate price according to the other books.

Hoping this meets you in good health.

From the December ratings there appears over $800,000 was received. There should be $400,000 for construction.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Mayapur 22 January, 1976:

I am always very much pleased with our Library Party's preaching. Their work is most important. Ramesvara has sent me some recent review from Professors and there is no doubt that these intelligent men are deriving benefit from reading my books. These reviews make me very encouraged. also, the Krishna Consciousness Movement is Authorized has come out very nicely. The review or appreciation of your lecture sent by the professor shows that they are appreciating how nicely our men can present this perfect philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. Go on vigorously expanding this preaching. You are proceeding in the right way. It is good that now you have arranged for independent support of the party.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Mayapur 23 January, 1976:

Last year at the Mayapur meeting it was decided to build another residential building. Now the festival is fast approaching, so construction has begun today on a very long residential quarters. Due to urgency, I have asked Tamala Krishna to supply funds immediately. So whatever money his Party sends should be credited against their book bill. Also in the ratings it should be shown for book distribution, not as a Mayapur-Vrindaban Fund donation. They are sending the money as usual, simply I have asked them to send it directly to India.

I have received a letter from Pusta Krishna Swami. He has already paid for the Mercedes from his own money and he intends paying his debt to the Book Fund entirely in the future. Considering this, there is no need for Radha Damodara Party to pay for the car. Their money is already engaged for construction.

Another point is that BBT cannot give loan to Dallas for Gurukula construction. That is not possible. Jagadisa Prabhu is expecting a loan of $150,000 from the BBT. So I have told him that the money is already needed for construction here in India, in Bombay, Kuruksetra, and Mayapur. The best thing is that Gurukula should be moved to India.

Somehow or other arrange to give a loan for $40,000 for a new Temple in Houston. It is a worthy cause.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Mayapur 26 January, 1976:

I beg to thank you for your letter dated January 16th, 1976, and I have noted the contents.

Regarding supplying the Radha Damodara TSKP books at discount, there is no harm. The BBT should charge them the printing cost only and the balance they will send to India. It is the same as before, but instead of the money being sent to the BBT and then to India, this is shortcut and the money will go directly to India. As their collections depend entirely on book distribution, whatever amount they transfer here plus the amount paid to BBT in Los Angeles may be combined for listing in your monthly ratings as book distribution. In this way they will be encouraged to go on increasing the book distribution more and more and at the same time they will be encouraged to send more and more for the construction. There is no question of discounting them ore money than is needed in India, because we require crores and crores of unlimited funds. America has the money, so this is co-operation between the blind men and lame men. This will be a good name to your country, that Americans are building such nice buildings. It will make good relations between India and America. The next chance I have for meeting with Indira Gandhi I shall inform her about how much foreign exchange we are sending. After receiving your encouraging assurance that as book distribution increases the amount BBT sends will also increase, we are now going to attempt the Kuruksetra project and the Jagannatha Puri project. For the time being we are spending in India, but eventually we will spend everywhere. This will greatly enhance the American's spiritual position.

Always remain dependent on Guru and Krishna and your progress will always be assured.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Mayapur 30 January, 1976:

Enclosed please find a conversation between Dhrstadyumna das and a Professor Verdu of the University of Kansas. It was a television program as you can see from the enclosed photos. The professor has very much appreciated the discussion and he has written that he will now teach a course with special attention to the teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This conversation can be published as a small pamphlet similar to the one published originally as the "Vedic Way". The photos can be used for the front and back covers. The letter from the Prof. Mr. Verdu, can also be included. You can also include some reviews from important professors on Caitanya-caritamrta. There should be an advertisement for Caitanya-caritamrta 1st Part _ pp.; 2nd Part _ pp.; 3rd Part _ pp.; Complete _ pp. It should be printed so that Temples can give to persons who offer small donations, even too small to give a BTG to. It will also impress all intelligent people, that our students can present our philosophy so nicely and authoritatively.

Now work is proceedingly full scale here on the new residential building and in Bombay work is beginning under the guidance of Larson and Tubrow. So Rs. 7 Lakhs will be required immediately this month for Bombay. In your BBT Trustees report you say that $200,000. has been put in fixed deposit for one month. That one month is now over so you can immediately transfer $100,000. to the Bombay Bank of America account. The balance can be put on fixed deposit for another month and transferred to B. of America Bombay in the beginning of March when it matures.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Mayapur 3 February, 1976:

Ramesvara has asked some questions regarding the art work for the 7th canto, 1st volume. Please inform him of the following:

1. The sketch showing Hiranyakasipu very big is the better of the two. Yes, you should show fire emanating from his head.

2. There should be no effulgence around Prahlada. Hiranyakasipu should not be shown with a pipe. He was a non-smoker.

3. Krishna killing Sisupala took place inside, not outside.

4. To illustrate Prahlada being protected when he is thrown of the cliff, there should be a semi-visible Krishna waiting below, as if to catch.

5. Yes, you can show dead bones, skulls, and snakes in the dungeon. Prahlada was not actually attacked with the tridents, just threatened.

Please also inform Ramesvara that in future any transfers to Bank of America, Bombay, he should send me a photocopy of the bank advice to wherever I am.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Mayapur 6 February, 1976:

I have received your letter dated January 27, 1976 and have carefully noted the contents. Regarding the Nectar of Instruction, why not distribute it to the common men? Every book is meant for everyone, but especially for the devotees. Please try to print a large number so that it can be distributed just like Sri Isopanisad.

Regarding Krsna Consciousness is Authorized, the first thing you should do is arrange to have a few thousand sent to India immediately. They can be sent to the Calcutta temple but addressed to me. I am organizing an office of book distribution under my direct supervision, and I shall post these books to officers, professors, lawyers, etc. I think that the mass mailings of this book can be done by the BBT Mailorder department and BBT can cover the whole cost. But because we will be distributing it freely for the most part, you should try to get the cost reduced as far as possible. You can try to get a good response from your mailings, but regardless of the response, we should distribute this book indiscriminately to selected persons as I have already indicated: renown business, medical men, government officials, scientists etc. Your new membership publication should be included with the Krsna Consciousness is Authorized in any mass mailing.

Regarding the money for Bombay, you may send it by the first week of each month. There is no need to ask Gopala Krsna. Following each transfer of money, please send a xerox copy of the transfer slip to me.

Letter to Ramesvara -- India 25 February, 1976:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of BBT trustee's report dated February 13, 1976.

Regarding the devotees coming to Mayapur-Vrindaban, I would have liked they come all at least once in a year, so let the other trustees consider. If they come once every five years, then it will be five years vacant. the installment plan is better.

Jayatirtha is experienced; he is very good at negotiations. It is nice that he be retained as consultant/negotiator. The others are neophyte; sometimes they are cheated. George Harrison was cheated 20,000 pounds by reality men.

I have asked several times that you send a copy of the transfer slip when you transfer money to Bombay. You must send it regularly, whenever you transfer. What is the use of Radha-Damodara monies going to Los Angeles; he is sending direct. He will send and you can note.

It is good that the philosophy book is being arranged properly by Hayagriva.

Regarding the BBT book catalog and Mailorder catalogs, do not mention the commission. That will be settled up by the sellers.

Sudama Vipra Maharaja is here and he has advised me that he will order 10,000 Bhagavad-gitas, abridged edition. You can give him concession rate as far as possible and he will pay cash down something.

Please advise Mailorder to send one or two copies of their new catalogs to me.

Letter to Karandhara -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 5, 1976 which was delivered to me by Ramesvara. Hrdayananda Maharaja has suggested that why don't you come to South America and assist him in responsible management. That is good idea. Please keep me informed of your activities.

Letter to Ramesvara , Ranadira -- Melbourne 23 April, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated April 19, 1976, and I have noted the contents with care. Firstly, there is no need to print the Reservoir of Pleasure as if it were an excerpt from Dr. Judah's book. Furthermore, we can use some book review when it is favorable, otherwise reject it. Why should we print the Reservoir of Pleasure as if it were Dr. Judah's writing? Furthermore, you should not distribute Dr. Judah's book. We should not distribute anyone else's book except our own.

So far the sign is concerned, why should we make such an expenditure of so many thousands of dollars for a sign . . . what benefit shall we derive? Whether it will be beneficial or not? Everyone knows that it is Hare Krishna Centre so why should you spend some thousands of dollars? One thing, however, I can suggest. If we display there a new picture or painting of our Hare Krishna Movement regularly, very nicely painted. Also, you can have a book display, with pictures and paintings also. That will be good advertisement.

In regards to the International Yoga and Meditation Conference in Chicago, there is no need for any of our men to participate. However, you can have a Bhakti-yoga bookstall, and paintings, a painting of Dhruva Maharaja as 5 years old alone in the forest. One painting of a devotee sitting in a nice place chanting japa Hare Krishna. We have got yoga meditation . . . and quote authoritatively giving evidence: Yoginam api sarvesam, etc (BG 6.47). One who chants Hare Krishna is the topmost yogi. The highest perfection of yoga is Radharani . . . Krishna goes to Mathura and all night She is crying, "Where is My Krishna?" But what they can understand? So you can have a bookstall, and show paintings, like that.

I am going on to Auckland by the 26th April, then to Fiji for 28th April where we are laying the foundation stone for our new temple there. Afterwards, I shall go to Hawaii and then to Los Angeles at the end of May, or early June. I hope that this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

n.b. Yasodanandana Swami wants to print the Brahma-Samhita with color paintings. The BBT Trustees can discuss amongst themselves and if they agree then I have no objection.

Letter to Yasodanandana -- Melbourne 23 April, 1976:

Concerning the printing of the Brahmasamhita, I have informed Ramesvara Maharaja that the BBT Trustees can discuss this, and if they approve it, then I have no objection. You have stated that you would also assist in the printing costs. I can write an introduction to the book if it is approved by the others to go ahead and print it.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Honolulu 4 May, 1976:

I would like to know who has done the advertising layout for the ad on page 98 and 99 of the brochure entitled, Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco, March 24-25, 1975. Please make enquiry and inform me who has done the layout and who placed the advertisement. If you do not know, then perhaps Ramesvara das Swami or Satsvarupa das Maharaja would know.

Letter to Gopala Krsna, Tejiyas -- Honolulu 9 May, 1976:

I have received very encouraging reports from the Library Party in India, and it appears that this program will increase more and more. Now, you must be very sure to keep a stock of each and every book so that you can supply all of these orders immediately. You may require a stock of some 300 of each and every volume. So, contact Ramesvara Maharaja and compare your stocks with what you may require in the near future. The point is that you must have these books in stock in order to supply the orders promptly.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Honolulu 9 May, 1976:

I have received very encouraging reports from the Indian Library Party. Now, there must be sufficient stock of each book in our India warehouse to supply all of these orders immediately. I have written one letter to both Tejyas and Gopala Krishna in this connection, now you should find out their inventory and see that they have sufficient books to meet all of the orders promptly. Perhaps 300 of each book is required for this purpose in stock in India. So they should take inventory in India and order from the Los Angeles warehouse accordingly. Please supply these books promptly upon realization of the actual needs.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Honolulu 26 May, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your BBT Trustee's Report dated May 22, 1976, and I have noted the contents with care.

You have mentioned this Kingsport Press which is now printing our books in America. Where is this located? I am interested to know the details of several expenditures. Firstly, it appears from your report that the BBT is paying for 50% of the Diorama project. Why the BBT should spend money for the Diorama project? Secondly, I want to know how it requires $50,000 per month to maintain ISKCON Press as you have mentioned this on page 2 of the report under "Budget Projections." Concerning the need for a new larger warehouse for stocking and disbursing our books, why not use one entire floor of the new New York building. That will be very nice. There would be a warehouse on the West coast, and one on the East coast as well. The management should not be difficult as Tamala Krsna Goswami is going to make his office in New York and he will have a staff to assist him. Then we could avoid having to locate a new place in Los Angeles for the time being.

I noticed that there is outstanding loan debts of almost $1 million, and also that there is similarly nearly $1 million outstanding owed for books by the temples. What is being done to collect these funds?

Now concerning the London loan, I know that Madhavananda who is presently in Detroit, and Hamsaduta Maharaja both were collecting funds to construct a temple at the Bhaktivedanta Manor. What was done with these funds? And what is done with the money collected from Book sales in Germany and France?

Bhagavan das owes money on a loan which he got for purchasing the Chateau. He can return that money for being used to loan to London to purchase their new temple. Then you will not have to lay out that money from Los Angeles as you mentioned that funds are low this time. Between French and German book sales, it may be possible to loan this money to London. I am sending a copy of this letter to Jayatirtha and Bhagavan to discuss this matter. Since you are all BBT Trustees, you can discuss and come up with some idea how this can be done.

Letter to Bhagavan -- Los Angeles 4 June, 1976:

Your plan to compose the French books in Los Angeles is approved by me. The composition arrangements are very good here. They should always busy composing books. The article from the French-Soir I have given to Ramesvara Maharaja for possible use in connection with Back to Godhead magazine.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 6 June, 1976:

Concerning the request for another vehicle for preaching, you mentioned the cost of $9,500, Ramesvara Maharaja has informed me that Gargamuni Swami still owes $13,000 or so from when he was in America to the BBT. Ramesvara Maharaja has proposed that Gargamuni Swami purchase the vehicle and then Ramesvara could deduct this amount from Gargamuni's debt with BBT.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Los Angeles 7 June, 1976:

Concerning the Rs. 25,000 for continuing the food distribution program, Pusta Krsna Swami has discussed with Ramesvara Maharaja and there is enough money in the Food Relief bank account in Los Angeles to send this amount to India for this purpose. So Ramesvara Maharaja should be forwarding this amount to you for the prasadam distribution program in Mayapur.

Letter to Ramesvara -- New Vrindaban 24 June, 1976:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 19, 1976 and I have noted the contents with care.

Concerning the $12,000 given to me by Jagat Guru Maharaja, that has nothing to do with Nairobi debts. It was an individual contribution to the book fund. Contributions and debt clearing are two different things.

On your recommendation, I am accepting the following devotees for brahminical initiation:

Vamanajana das Adhikari,

Dayalanitai das Adhikari,

Gopavrndesa das brahmacari,

Bahulavana das Adhikari,

Brahmakarika dasi,

Jaganmayi dasi,

Rukmavati dasi,

Viharini dasi,

Jalasayi dasi,

Khandita dasi,

Darmada dasi,

Anavijnani dasi,

Srila dasi,

Hold a fire sacrifice and for the male initiates you can give them sacred thread. The gayatri mantra should be played for them into the right ear and the brahmanas should practice the principles of cleanliness both outside and internally. Outside by bathing regularly, and inside by always chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.

You mentioned that the lawyer was working to open the national parks, etc. What about the L.A. airport situation?

I hope that this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

n.b. They require books and magazines in Fiji. Kindly supply them as soon as they make their order.

N.B. food distribution fund may be sent to Jayapataka immediately. He wants it.

Letter to Ramesvara -- New Vrindaban 24 June, 1976:

I am in receipt of one letter from Srivatsa Goswami, 45 Dumrao Bagh Colony, Assi, Varanasi 221 005, India. He has written that Santosa das met him at his residence in Vrindaban and proposed to give Srivatsa Goswami all of my books in exchange for a set of "Goswami literature" edited by Sri Puridasa; all this was done without my sanction. Why has Santosa asked him for this? No one told him to do so. Write to him and ask him who gave him permission to do this!

What is this swop??? Why haven't they asked me first??? We have nothing to do with any publication by these people. Those books should be returned at once. Do the needful. Already they have sent several of my books to Srivatsa Goswami and Srivatsa Goswami mentions that he received 2 volumes of Caitanya Caritamrta from Los Angeles BBT Warehouse. Who is doing this?

Letter to Vasudeva -- New Vrindaban 24 June, 1976:

I am requesting the BBT in Los Angeles to forward you the books which you require. There is no need to deal through Australia. You can place your order directly to Ramesvara Maharaja and I am also notifying him to fill your order immediately so that your preaching work goes on there.

Letter to Ramesvara -- New York 25 June, 1976:

Enclosed please find one check for $2,000.00 (two thousand dollars), check # 1959, from Iskcon, New Vrindaban, account with The Bank of McMechen, McMechen, W. Virginia. this check is to be immediately deposited in the ISKCON MAYAPUR VRINDABAN a/c # 4-07143, at the Bank of America in Los Angeles (office no. 600). Please do the needful and send me the receipt to the New York address. Thank you very much.

Letter to Jayapataka -- New Vrindaban 26 June, 1976:

Concerning the food relief funds, I am not holding them. The food relief funds go directly from Los Angeles to Calcutta. I have already informed Ramesvara Maharaja to transfer the funds to Calcutta that are available. He has agreed to send Rs. 25,000 already and you should be receiving that soon.

Letter to Ramesvara -- New York 8 July, 1976:

I am enclosing one bank draft for amount of U.S. $2190.00 (two-thousand one-hundred and ninety) for deposit in the Mayapur-Vrindaban account ("ISKCON Mayapur-Vrindaban Fund a/c #6004-07143) at the Bank of America, 600. Please deposit this and send me receipt to the New York address.

Thank you,

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

enclosed: check 65-318/550


Letter to Ramesvara -- New York 11 July, 1976:

Please find enclosed one bank draft 1-8/210, 4 (number 262) for the amount of U.S. dollars 1,737.00 (one thousand seven hundred and thirty seven). This is for deposit in the Bank of America on favor of ISKCON Mayapur-Vrindaban Fund a/c no. 6004-07143. Kindly send me the deposit slip when the transaction is completed.

I hope that this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Delivered by hand. Received, signed by Ramesvara Swami

Letter to Ramesvara -- New York 17 July, 1976:

I herewith enclose three cheques for deposit in the Bank of America, ISKCON Mayapur-Vrindaban Fund, a/c # 6004-07143, in Los Angeles. The details are as follows:

Bank Check # Amount

Citibank, New York (1-8/214)4, (#293) $3,987.50

Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. 1-30/210, (#130) 50.00

Empire National Bank, Hopewell

Junction, New York 50-165/213 (#193) 101.00


TOTAL $4,138.50

Please deposit the sum of $4,138.50 (Four thousand one hundred and thirty eight dollars and fifty cents) in the above mentioned account and send the deposit slip to me by post.

I thank you very much,

Your ever well-wisher

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Enclosed: 3 checks

Hand delivered to Ramesvara Swami:

Received by, signed by Ramesvara Swami

Letter to Ramesvara -- France 5 August, 1976:

Please find enclosed one bank draft #672 from Provident National Bank on account 588 587 6 for the amount of #382.43 (US$ three hundred eighty-two and forty-three cents). This is for deposit in the Bank of America, Los Angeles, in favor of ISKCON Mayapur-Vrindaban Fund a/c no. 6004-07143. Kindly send me the deposit slip when the transaction is completed.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Enclosed: one check

Letter to Ramesvara , Radhavallabha -- Bombay 14 August, 1976:

I am in due receipt of the package from Los Angeles containing the Vyasa Puja and the latest BBT newsletter and I have found both to be extremely pleasing.

The report of the book printing is both encouraging and surprising. Every time I see this I remember the words of my Guru Maharaja when he told me that wherever there was money it should be used to print books, not that we shall have big big temples and then fight in the court. He asked me to do this and I am trying my little bit, that's all. It is all by his blessings for without his blessings this wonderful thing would not have happened. He said personally to me, "If I could sell this Gaudiya Matha building, that would have been better." He predicted that there would be fire within these walls. So I took it, "O, His Divine Grace wants some books." So I accepted it, "Yes, I shall do it." It is all by his blessings. Mukam karoti vacalam pangum langhayate girim, by his mercy a dumb man can speak and a lame man can cross a mountain.

Regarding the return of Indrapramada to the press, thank him for coming back. Krsna is so kind that anyone who does some service for Him, Krsna immediately captures him. Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat, a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear. There are many instances. Tyaktva sva-dharman caranambujam harer bhajan na pakvo'tha patet tato yadi... (SB 1.5.17) "If someone gives up self-gratificatory pursuits and works in Krsna consciousness and then falls down on account of not completing his work, what loss is there on his part? And if one performs his material activities perfectly, what gain is there?" So let us try to render service to Krsna very sincerely. Even a drop will never go in vain, nitya. In this connection Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prayer, ayi nanda tanuja kinkarama patitam mam . . . is very instructive. Let us remain in that attitude and Krsna will give us protection.

I have received the photocopy of the August transfer to Bank of America, Bombay. I think that the reprinted books should have a list of the numbers on the first page. The totals listed will be very good publicity.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Hyderabad 23 August, 1976:

I am in due receipt of the BBT Trustees report and have heard your proposal for funding the Mayapur project. Yes your proposal sounds very nice and you may do it. It is very good that this project be a world-wide effort.

Gurukrpa Maharaja has taken charge of the collecting for Mayapur now. You can simply send his food relief collection money to Mayapur. When the Bombay project is finished and Mayapur begins, the Mayapur project should be financed in the same way.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Vrndavana 8 September, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 29, 1976 and have noted the contents with care. It is very good that all this business has stopped sato vrtte sadhu sange. Revatinandana Swami is a very good preacher and you should encourage him. He can do nicely.

Let the restaurant go on. This is a very nice plan and I have discussed this with Rsabhadeva das. He may show you some communications on the subject. The householders who cannot sell books should be encouraged to work honestly on this restaurant project. It will be very nice if you GBC men can relieve me from the heavy burden of management.

Letter to Revatinandana -- Vrndavana 11 September, 1976:

The newly initiated brahmana may hear the mantra from the tape in the right ear at the time of the fire sacrifice which you may perform and the thread is enclosed within. The names of the first initiates may also be given at that time. Their beads may be chanted upon by Ramesvara Maharaja the GBC for your temple.

Letter to Cittahari -- Vrindaban 12 September, 1976:

Regarding the $30,000.00 which you will receive, you may deposit it in the Bank of America, Main Office, Los Angeles California, in the ISKCON Mayapur Vrndavana Fund. If you forward the amount to Ramesvara Maharaja there he will be able to deposit it for you.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Vrindaban 18 September, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 9, 1976 and have noted the contents with care. I am very pleased with your report and your contact with this author and producer. Now you may take it as my direct order that you must finish the Theistic Exhibit before the Mayapur festival, otherwise what is the use of all this endeavor?

Yadubara should be encouraged as he has given good service. Both his wife and himself are both serving nicely. I approve their work and they should be encouraged in all respects. In future we shall get more and more valuable services from them.

These management affairs sometimes disturb me. Kindly manage nicely. I want that the properties should not be jeopardized. So the idea of the declarations from the presidents is absolutely required. Nobody can do anything without my signature; that should be enforced.

In general, if any translator of my books requires the original manuscripts for his work, he should be supplied them by you. If you can succeed in spreading this movement to every town and village throughout the world that will be your great credit. Kindly do this and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be pleased and my Guru Maharaja will be pleased and I, as their humble servant, will also be pleased. That is our main goal in life, our svartha gatim.

Enclosed please find one check for $1,000.00 from ISKCON BBT Library and College Sales Dept. Kindly deposit this in the ISKCON Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust Fund in Bank of America, LA, and advise me.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Vrindaban 26 September, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 17th inst. including two transfer receipts for $70,000 from BBT to B/A Bombay a/c and $1900 rent to M/V a/c LA.

Regarding the Fiji situation, your solution to amend the constitution is nice. Let Vasudeva become president. Your idea to sell BTGs, collect donations, hold kirtana and distribute prasada profusely, yes, do that. I was given the impression that this temple was to be controlled by the Punja family and our devotees would not have any hand. This was the impression given. We want that a very nice relationship be kept with Vasudeva. It was wanted that he follows our instructions including following the GBC, so that everything can go on nicely. Let one brother be president and one treasurer, and give one good man who can act as secretary. I have not lost confidence in Vasudeva. Now the matter is clear—I'm very much pleased with him so let him remain president and that will please him more, and his brother treasurer with one secretary. If the temple remains permanently in ISKCON Fiji's name and cannot be sold, that is very nice; it is not for selling, it is for improving more and more.

Local men must understand our philosophy, then it will be very successful. We cannot import men from outside. We sincerely want that local men either from Vasudeva's family or any other family which will take on the work. We have to work on that line. Just like some of my Godbrothers wanted to take men from India to London but the attempt was a failure—but when I trained up local men then it was successful. I have no objection if the whole Vasudeva Punja family be trained up and take charge of the temple. Local men should not simply become a visitor but they should be trained up to take charge of the temple. That is what I want. As soon as one is a devotee there is no personal ambition—life is dedicated for Krishna.

If my books can be translated and published there, I have no objection. Since Tamala and yourself are there for some time everything will be alright. Vasudeva must be president. Gurukrpa is feeling inconvenience regarding Australia because of the long distance. His interest is mainly Japan. You or another man may take care of Australia.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Vrindaban 4 October, 1976:

I have received and approved Ramesvara's report from Fiji. I am awaiting your report on Africa. You see what is the situation in Africa, it appears to be a little mess. Yes, that's a fact, New York is the most important city in the world, and our Temple is situated in the most important center. Jayatirtha may act as GBC for South Africa as you have proposed.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Vrindaban 22 October, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 11, 1976.

Yes, my blessings are there that you may always have the strength to act according to my orders. Yes, I am feeling a little better. You are welcome to come in January. Thank you for your wanting to help relieve me from the management burdens.

It is my satisfaction that everything is going nicely in Los Angeles. I want to see that those programs that we have begun will go on expanding and improving more and more.

Letter to Bala Krsna -- Vrindaban 23 October, 1976:

Upon your recommendation I will accept as my duly initiated disciples the following devotees. Make sure that they strictly follow the regulative principles and always chant a minimum of 16 rounds, avoiding the 10 offenses. Hold a fire sacrifice and have Ramesvara Maharaja chant on their beads. I also enclose one sacred thread and gayatri mantra sheets for the devotees you have recommended. They should also participate in the fire ceremony.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Vrindaban 26 October, 1976:

Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept the following devotees for first initiation and also those whom yo have recommended for second initiation. Hold a fire ceremony. Instruct the new initiates to strictly follow the regulative principles and chant minimum 16 rounds daily avoiding the 10 offenses. Allow the second initiates to hear the tape of me chanting the gayatri mantra. You may chant on the beads.

Letter to Bahudak -- Vrindaban 27 October, 1976:

Upon your recommendation I will accept the following devotees for first initiation, as well as the ones you have recommended for second initiation. Hold a fire ceremony and instruct the devotees to follow the regulative principles and to chant a minimum of 16 rounds every day. Play the tape of me chanting gayatri into the right ear of the second initiates. Their beads may be chanted on by Ramesvara Maharaja. The names of the new initiates are:

Letter to Ramesvara -- Vrindaban 29 October, 1976:

I am in receipt of your letter dated 19/10/76.

It is a fact that we are different from all bogus groups. Now we should present our movement very nicely so that people will be able to understand. We are trying to raise the animal-like humans to real human status.

Yes, this book distribution movie should be excluded. Why has this been taken. Even if there is some bad dealing in the family, it should not be exposed.

What about that book Dialectical Spiritualism edited by Hayagriva? Also, the rejection by the BTG staff has somehow or other alienated Dr. Kapoor. You must carefully oversee which articles are being accepted for BTG.

I approve your efforts to sue this Ted Patrick and his publisher. It must be done.

Letter to Vasudeva -- Vrindaban 3 November, 1976:

I have replied to Ramesvara as follows:

Regarding the Fiji situation, your solution to amend the constitution is nice. Let Vasudeva become president. Your idea to sell BTGs, collect donations, hold kirtanas and distribute prasada profusely, yes, do that. I was given the impression that this temple was to be controlled by the Punja family and our devotees would not have any hand. This was the impression given. We want that a very nice relationship be kept with Vasudeva. It was wanted that he follows our instructions including following the GBC, so that everything can go on nicely. Let one brother be president and one treasurer, and give one good man who can act as secretary. I have not lost confidence in Vasudeva. Now the matter is clear; I'm very much pleased with him so let him remain president and that will please him more, and his brother, treasurer, with one secretary. If the temple remains permanently in Iskcon Fiji's name and cannot be sold, that is very nice; it is not for selling, it is for improving more and more.

Local men must understand our philosophy, then it will be very successful. We cannot import men from outside. We sincerely want that local men, either from Vasudeva's family or any family which will take on the work. We have to work on that line. Just like some of my Godbrothers wanted to take men from India to London but the attempt was a failure; but when I trained up local men then it was successful. I have no objection if Vasudeva's whole family is trained up to take charge of the temple. Local men should not simply become a visitor but they should be trained up to take charge of the temple. That is what I want. As soon as one is a devotee of Krsna, there is no personal ambition. Life is dedicated for Him.

Whatever Ramesvara and yourself will do, that is alright. Now you order huge quantity of Hindi and Gujarati books from our BBT office in Bombay. Distribute as much literature as possible, English, Hindi, and Gujarati. That is real preaching.

Letter to Bhagavan -- Vrindaban 7 November, 1976:

I am enclosing herewith a copy of a letter to Ramesvara. Consult with him in the matter and do the needful.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

N.B. Everyone has praised the Krsna Book.

enclosures: 13 sacred threads, gayatri mantra sheet, cc of letter to Ramesvara

Letter to Ramesvara -- Vrindaban 7 November, 1976:

Please find enclosed two letters which have just reached me here in Vrindaban after being forwarded several times, and my reply to them.

I think this matter is serious. Previously I sent one newsletter asking that this boy be returned to his father or at least that his father be notified of his whereabouts. My directions were not followed and now this is becoming a very burdensome situation unnecessarily. Why should we sacrifice the reputation of our Movement for one boy? If Krsna wants, how can his father force the boy not to become Krsna's devotee? We should do everything legally. Just show in the court that the boy wants to remain with his mother and that the mother wants to keep the boy very nicely. You can say that his father may force the boy to eat meat, etc. and in this way convince them not to take the boy away from his mother.

I understand that due to this incident we are now voted out of our Evanston temple by the city council, and that in San Diego we have been stopped from purchasing one building. Now, this Mr. Yanoff is creating a very bad impression of our movement. What is our gain? These things should be done legally not whimsically. If the father is victorious in the courts then what can we do? Our business is not to kidnap. People must come voluntarily. It is always voluntary. Krsna is offering the chance to go back home, Back to Godhead, but He leaves the choice up to the living entity.

The example of Prahlada Maharaja is there. Despite all efforts on the part of his atheistic father to change him, he remained a staunch devotee of the Lord. It is undoubtedly unfortunate circumstances, but why should we jeopardize the reputation of our Movement? You have been handling the affair. Please now rectify the situation. Do everything legally. Do not cause unnecessary troublesome situations. Our main business is to distribute my books and people will come gradually. Everything should be done for that purpose. People will criticize and oppose us, there is no doubt, so why should we create more trouble unnecessarily.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 8 November, 1976:

Yes, we should take advantage of this opportunity to preach. I see it that somehow or other they are chanting Krsna. Either they criticize or chant. The article you have sent from the college newspaper can help our counter-propaganda. Ramesvara should be informed.

Letter to Gunagrahi -- Vrindaban 16 November, 1976:

Make sure they know the four regulative principles and follow them strictly. They must also chant at least 16 rounds per day avoiding the ten offenses. Ramesvara Maharaja chant on the beads of the first initiates. Play the tape of Me chanting the Gayatri mantra into the right ear of the second initiates. Teach them how to chant on the finger divisions.

Letter to Adi-kesava -- Mathura, India 24 November, 1976:

I have studied all the letters and clippings in our support. It is very good. This is very important. By Krsna's grace, due to this apparent setback, now this Movement will become more prominent. Sometimes these tactics are also employed in military encounters. Temporarily retreating, then coming forward with stronger force than before. You may consult with Tamala Krsna and Ramesvara and whatever expenditure is required for emergency legal costs may be loaned from the BBT. We must spend for this purpose.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Vrindaban 24 November, 1976:

. I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 3, 1976.

It is good that you are engaging so many people to speak on behalf of Krishna. I did not receive, however, the list of quotes from parents of the Los Angeles devotees that you say was enclosed.

We can print the books written by Dr. Judah, Dr. Gerson, etc., only if they will agree not to charge royalties. If they want royalties, then we shall not print.

Yes, these attempts to stop our Movement will completely fail. It is Krishna's plan for us to become more prominent. In Bengal the press tried to defame our Bhavananda Maharaja, but now he has become a great hero. He signed 20,000 autographs on one holiday. Go on increasing the book distribution more and more. That is the key to our success.

Thank you very much for the pictures of Rukmini Dvarakadhisa. They are very nice.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. Today I have received the December issue of Back to Godhead. The interview with the London reporter is very important. This should be presented in the courts. It is 95% of the evidence we require to prove that Krishna Consciousness is genuine. This is not a sentimental faith or religion, it is a great science. Everyone is changing bodies. Regardless of his so-called faith, the Christians as well as the Hindus are changing bodies. This is science. There is a Bengali story. A deaf man used to call his wife. She would reply, "I'm coming!" But, he couldn't hear her. He would think, "The women's deaf." Actually he was deaf but he accused her of being deaf. Similarly these people are brainwashed and they are accusing us of being brainwashed. This we have to prove. We have the real science. This should be preached and proven in the courts. Use this article as evidence and with a good lawyer prove that Krishna Consciousness is the real science and that all others are brainwashed.

Letter to Ramesvara -- NEWSLETTER 26 November, 1976:

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. The following is an extract from a morning class on S.B. 5/6/3, delivered on 25/11/76. Srila Prabhupada has requested that it be sent to all temples and G.B.C.

"If you pat your subordinates it will increase their faulty habits and if you chastise them, they will improve. Therefore it is advised that either your son or disciple, you should always chastise them, never give them leniency. So a little leniency, immediately so many faults will grow. Now for our practical life we are known all over the world as shaven headed, is it not? Now we are becoming hair-headed, we are forgetting shaving. Because there is a little leniency, immediately faulty things are creeping in. So we should be known as shaven-headed, not hair-headed. This is discrepancy. At least once in a month you must be clearly shaven-headed. On the bright fortnight, on the day of purnima, four days after ekadasi. Once in a month, in the bright fortnight we must be shaven-headed. It is not desirable that in grown up age also, you be chastised. that is not desirable-that is also difficult because when the disciple or son is grown up, if he is chastised, then he breaks. So before being chastised we should be conscious that this is our rules and regulations, we must observe. Therefore it is advised by Canakya Pandit (Sanskrit) After the 16th year of the disciple or son, he should be treated as friend because if you chastise when he is grown up then he will break up- that is also another risk. So our request is that instead of chastising, with folded hands I request you, don't you become hippies again by growing hair. Keep your head cleansed at least once in a month. That is my request. Neither I can chastise you, I am an old man and you are young men."

And in the room after the lecture:

S.P.: "At least once in a month you must be shaven-headed."

Dev.: "Actually we usually shave more than once a month-every two weeks because even after two weeks it looks a little dirty.

Dev.: "You can get good wigs."

S.P.: "No. There is no need. That is also mental concoction. Nowadays you can go with coat, pant and shaven head, no one will criticize. It has become fashion. Russians, they use, Krushchev, I have seen, shaven head.

Dev.: "They don't have a sikha. That's all."

S.P.: "It is practice only"

And also there was some discussion regarding the new G.A.P. record: "A Change of Heart". In your recent BBT newsletter you quoted Srila Prabhupada as saying: "Why not in the temple." When he was asked whether it could be played in the temple. However, I was under the impression that he had said "Not in the temple." Therefore, to clarify matters Jagadisa prabhu again inquired from His Divine Grace. Please bear in mind that Srila Prabhupada has heard one full side of the album. His Divine Grace's comments were as follows:

HSd.: Srila Prabhupada, when you were in L.A., you heard that new record by Krsna Kanti...

HSd.: ...this pop music, you know, the tape you just got. The western style music

HSd.: In the new BBT newsletter which just came yesterday, there is a statement by Ramesvara that you were asked whether this record could be played in the temples and you replied: "Why not in the temples" Hari Sauri thought you said, "not in the temples," but Ramesvara,..

S.P.: No, not in the temple. If the wordings are alright, if there is no mistake in the set up of the wording, the change of musical tune, that is not harmful. Hare Krsna, this vibration you can make in different tune, we are already doing that.

HSd: But we are talking about these songs they are writing, philosophy songs, like this "caterpillar had a change of heart"

S.P.: Therefore we see the wording.

D: If the words are alright, can they be played in the temple?

GKd: Because no one can hear the words, it's the pop music that people hear.

Ak Sw: The words are just like modern pop songs, you can't really tell what it means. I suggested to these people: "Why don't you put music to Prabhupada's books. Take the words straight from prabhupada's books...

HSd: No, Prabhupada has approved this method for attracting karmis, but the thing is, when you become a devotee,..

S.P.: Yes.

Ak Sw: That kind of music reminds us of past bad sinful activities,..

HSd: The question is whether it should be played in the temple or not?

S.P.: Temple it may not be played. What is the use of playing in the temple?

GKd: I know from practical experience Srila Prabhupada, I just played the record, it is all current pop music with English philosophy wording and the brahmacaris were so agitated. They came to listen to it and they were taking fun of it like the pop songs.

Ak Sw: Because that style of music reminds us of the night club.

S.P.: Therefore I said it is better not to make these records.

GKd: Just your records and parampara records should be played I think. There are so many tapes of your records.

HSd: Yes, but this style they are doing now they explain that they wanted it because then that way they will be able to get them played on the radio; otherwise, they won't play bhajans or anything on the radio. But there's a distinction between that kind of music and pure Krishna Consciousness music. Even though the words indicate Krishna Consciousness, most of the songs are written in such a way that it's like, indirect. It's not directly Krsna. It's indirect.

S.P.: Yes, indirect.

HSd: Like they give this thing: "A caterpillar changed his mind," like that. It provokes some speculation.

S.P.: No. Indirect (it's) for gross outsiders. not for us. Therefore it should not be played in the temple. Gross outsiders only.

Kindly send a copy to each of our centers as soon as is conveniently possible. His Divine Grace specially requests that the system of shaving on the fourth day (the head) after Ekadasi, on Purnima, be introduced immediately in all centers.

Hoping this meets you in good health and Krsna Consciousness.

Your eternally worthless servant,

Hari Sauri Das, personal servant

Approved: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Hyderabad 2 December, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 26, 1976.

If they are giving us trouble to distribute at the airports, then go to the courts. What can be done? We already have favorable decisions from some courts. We are doing something good for the whole world. Present the scholars' opinions. They have the power, we are powerless. What can be done? Depend on Krishna.

You write to say that we are getting good response from the latest issue of BTG. These testimonials should be presented in the court. Dharmadhyaksa's article is very nice. Such articles should be published. Take the psychologists opinion in writing. If somehow or other people chant, they'll be our men. So, somehow induce them to chant.

Regarding these deprogrammers, we must defeat their false accusations in the courts. We do not force anyone. They may stay or go, the freedom is there. Out of their own accord they don't want association with meat eaters, drunkards, and debauches. Just as there is warning from the government that if you steal you'll be punished. We are convincing people not to commit sinful activities or associate with sinful persons. Are these bad tactics? We are making men of good character. It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss. Even 10 year old boys are smoking, so much degraded. We are trying to convince people to become first class men rather than fifth class men. We have to fight.

Letter to Dina Bandhu -- Hyderabad 11 December, 1976:

Now hold a fire sacrifice instructing the first initiates to always chant a minimum of sixteen rounds, and to strictly follow the regulative principles. Their beads may be chanted on by Ramesvara or Hrdayananda. Teach the second initiates how to chant on their finger divisions and let them hear the tape of me chanting Gayatri mantra in their right ears.

Letter to Sukadeva -- Hyderabad 12 December, 1976:

So, Gurukrpa says one thing and you say something else. What can I say? Now you should consult with Ramesvara and Hrdayananda Maharajas about your engagement. Work under their direction. That will be alright.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Bombay 27 December, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your telegram as follows: Christmas week book distribution in Los Angeles despite closed airport better than ever by your grace 112000 BTGS 8000 Gitas sold stop on invitation of governor Brown of California 50 devotees visited State mental institutions to help improve conditions and morale by giving religious message publicity very good Hare Krishna. Thank you very much. This is very good. Fight and depend on Krsna, that will bring you victory.

Letter to Kurusrestha -- Bombay 28 December, 1976:

Now hold a fire sacrifice. Ramesvara Maharaja may chant on their beads (or Satsvarupa Maharaja in his absence). Instruct the new initiates to chant a minimum of 16 rounds daily and to follow the four regulative principles very strictly.

1977 Correspondence

Letter to Vasudeva -- Bhuvanesvara 23 January, 1977:

It is very good news that the temple will be ready in late March. I have now instructed Ramesvara Swami and Bali Mardan dasa Adhikari, who I have sent to Australia to help manage there, to make all the final arrangements for the Deities, pujaris, etc. Ramesvara will contact you very soon about these details. So far my going for the opening of the temple, and installing the Deities, if my health is physically fit, then I can come in late April or early May, and if the temple can be opened then. So please go on and do everything nicely and I will try to see you then.

Letter to Alex, Bob, Drdhavrata, Gupta, Rsabhadeva, Stan -- Bhuvanesvara 24 January, 1977:

I have also heard that you are making plans for a very large order of my books from the BBT to be sold on a door to door basis on the style of the encyclopedia sales. If you can do this it will revolutionize our book distribution and afford greater spreading of Krsna Consciousness than any book distribution thus far. I want that every respectable person has a full set of Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrta in his home. I have given some suggestions how this book distribution in the homes can be done to one of my secretaries, Satsvarupa das Goswami and you can consult further with him as well as with Ramesvara and Tamala Krsna Maharajas.

Letter to Ramesvara -- India 29 January, 1977:

I have received your letter of January 24 with the enclosed newspaper, "The world Examiner". He has done this expertly, in the style of "The Reader's Digest", taking articles from different newspapers. Combinedly, it is a strong statement against the criminal position of "deprogramming". Distribute them widely, and if you can do it

freely that is also good.

Letter to Ramesvara -- India 13 February, 1977:

I have received a very favorable testimony of our Movement from the President of Indian Brain Research Association, Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta, Professor J.J. Ghosh. Dhira Krsna das, who obtained this letter writes that he has sent you the original. This will help us, and therefore I want it printed in prominent newspapers, even if we have to pay them to print it as and advertisement. Papers like the San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Times should carry it. Please do the needful.

Letter to Candravali -- Bombay 28 March, 1977:

Regarding keeping the cows, unless there is sufficient grazing land and cultivation, it is very difficult. But there has been some discussion about having a farm in California. You may write to Ramesvara Maharaja and Satsvarupa Maharaja in this regard. In any case the cows must be protected and cared for. If the farm is gotten then they can shifted there, otherwise continue to care for them as best you can.

Letter to Dravida -- Bombay, India 2 April,, 1977:

His party already consists of Madhava prabhu, Sadaputa prabhu, Ravindra Svarupa prabhu, and himself, and he has approached me that he would like you to help with the editing work as they are publishing scientific papers. In consultation with Ramesvara Maharaja try to have whatever work you are doing assumed by others so that you can free yourself for working with Svarupa Damodara. You may contact Svarupa Damodara, who is returning to America, for more details.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Bombay 2 April, 1977:

Now we are forming scientists party and we shall try with their help to establish Krishna consciousness as the genuine scientific movement of the world exposing the so-called scientists as nothing but speculators. Svarupa Damodara has received very good response here in India from the scientific community and there is good hope that many others will join him. He is returning to America for preparing some publications and when these are completed I have asked him to tour vigorously throughout the world lecturing with his other colleagues at all major institutions and universities. He has drawn up a budget of immediate needs, a copy of which is enclosed and I immediately sanction this amount. Whatever expenditure he requires supply him immediately from the BBT. I am prepared to give $10,000 or more monthly if required to finance this most important preaching program. So whatever money Svarupa Damodara needs must be supplied monthly and he will send you accounts.

You can save this money by minimizing the expenditures in the luxury departments of Sanskrit and artists. We do not want these departments for the time being. One or two men must suffice for Sanskrit work. There is no need of new paintings. Whatever paintings we have, that is enough. There is no need of constantly making new variations on the same themes. So for the art department no more expenditure. If they want to continue painting let them come and live here in Bombay or in any of our other temples in India. We have got sufficient facilities now for accommodation and in this way we can save so much money.

Svarupa Damodara has requested that Dravida das may come and help him with editing work. The scientists are publishing some booklets to be completed by their return here on Janmastami. If possible please arrange for Dravida das to join them.

Letter to Vasudeva -- Bombay 16 April, 1977:

Regarding Bali Mardan, he is now here in Bombay and will be in charge of our international guesthouse. I have suggested that Ramesvara Swami be the GBC for Fiji, and I think Tamala Krishna has already written you about this.

Letter to Ramesvara -- India 17 April, 1977:

I beg to thank you for your letter dated March 26, 1977. Thank you very much for the Guru Daksina.

Why not hold the Rathayatra on Janmastami? It comes at about the same time as you are planning and it will be very much appreciated. For Gaura-Nitai alone, Rathayatra is not at all recommended because They are playing the part of devotees. But as you are having three large carts you may arrange the following: Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai in the first ratha, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in the second ratha and Sri Jagannatha, Balarama and Subhadra in the third ratha. I have received a letter from Caru dasa from Berkeley. He is worried that due to your Rathayatra no devotees will attend the San Francisco Jagannatha festival. This must not happen. Due to competition one program should not be diminished for another. San Francisco Jagannatha festival is established for many years, and it must be maintained and increased in the same grand style. As far as possible all of the devotees should attend it, as has been done in the previous years. You may also hold Rathayatra as described above in Los Angeles. In this way both festivals can be performed very grandly.

Thank you for your prayers for my good health. Do not worry, I am working at night, a couple of hours, although I am not quite fit.

Letter to Gurukrpa -- Bombay 3 May, 1977:

Yesterday, Gopala Krsna spoke with Ramesvara Maharaja, and it is understood that you are waiting for a letter from me before sending the second amount of $100,000. It is also understood that no money will be coming this month from the BBT. Therefore you can arrange to immediately send the $100,000 to the Bank of America, Express Towers, Nariman Point, Bombay, India to the advice and credit of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness Mayapur-Vrndavana Fund, Account no. 16026. Please advise me when this transfer has been made.

Letter to Bank of America -- India 7 May, 1977:

Kindly transfer the amount of $40,000.00 (Forty Thousand Dollars and no cents) from our account number 6004-07143, "International Society for Krishna Consciousness Mayapur-Vrndavana Fund" held with your bank to the favor of "Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" account at the Union Bank, Los Angeles. Please advise me when the transaction has been completed at my above Bombay address.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

c.c. Ramesvara Swami (Robert Grant)

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust

3764 Watseka Ave.

Los Angeles, Calif. 90034

Letter to Ramesvara -- New Delhi 11 May, 1977:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 1st, 1977 along with all of the photographs and drawings.

I have just sent you a telegram readings as follows:


All of the artists' drawings are alright as they are showing, except for this one correction, that baby Krsna should be showing lying down, not standing up in front of Visnu.

I am very glad to know that you are all working so hard to double the book distribution this year. Here in Risikesh Mahesh Yogi has his headquarters and he is training his disciples. But he has to pay each of them a regular monthly salary and give them vacations as well. So he is not so fortunate as I am, that I have so many sincere disciples that I do not have to pay them any salary nor do they ever ask for any vacation. Instead they are working twice as hard to double the book distribution. I am so much thankful to all of my sincere disciples who are working so hard to fulfill this great mission of Krsna consciousness.

Jayananda's death is glorious. It is very good that he had stated, what is the use of such a useless body, better to give it up. He has left his body very wonderfully, and he has been transferred to Vaikuntha. I have already sent a condolence letter for publication in Back To Godhead. Everyone should follow the example of Jayananda. I am very proud that I had such a nice disciple. If possible Jayananda's picture should be hung in the ratha of Lord Jagannatha, and in all of our temples a day may be set aside for holding a festival in his honor, just as we do on the disappearance day of the other great Vaisnavas.

All of the photos of the doll exhibit are very nice. As you have suggested I have written a letter to Ambarisa encouraging him about the doll exhibit for Washington D.C.

From the photographs of the new construction I can see that in L.A. things are improving. Lord Dvarakadhisa is sitting there overseeing everything. He will give you all facility, simply you must cooperatively work together, faithfully following in the footsteps of the acaryas. You have written that the rent will pay back the loan and mortgages on the new building, but who will pay the rent if there are all brahmacaris living there?

I am staying here in Risikesh in the best house. It is situated just on the Ganges and the climate is very first-class. Many persons are coming in the afternoon for darsana, and in every case they are going away very much impressed that our movement is not some concoction.

I hope this meets you well.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

His Holiness Ramesvara Swami

Letter to Gurukrpa -- Vrndavana, 18 May, 1977:

For some reason temples are not sending in as much money as was expected to the BBT. Ramesvara says that he cannot afford to send any money for completing Bombay at this time. Therefore I am hoping it may be possible for you to continue to send $100,000 monthly for finishing the Bombay project, until such a time when the BBT can arrange instead to send the money. When the BBT can once again transfer funds regularly then I shall tell you what to do with further collections.

Letter to All G.B.C., All Temple Presidents -- Vrindaban 9 July, 1977:

To All G.B.C., and Temple Presidents

Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. Recently when all of the GBC members were with His Divine Grace in Vrndavana, Srila Prabhupada indicated that soon He would appoint some of His senior disciples to act as "ritvik

- representative of the acarya, for the purpose of performing initiations, both first initiation and second initiation. His Divine Grace has so far given a list of eleven disciples who will act in that capacity:

His Holiness Kirtanananda Swami

His Holiness Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami

His Holiness Jayapataka Swami

His Holiness Tamala Krsna Gosvami

His Holiness Hrdayananda Gosvami

His Holiness Bhavananda Gosvami

His Holiness Hamsaduta Swami

His Holiness Ramesvara Swami

His Holiness Harikesa Swami

His Grace Bhagavan dasa Adhikari

His Grace Jayatirtha dasa Adhikari

In the past Temple Presidents have written to Srila Prabhupada recommending a particular devotee's initiation. Now that Srila Prabhupada has named these representatives, Temple Presidents may henceforward send recommendation for first and second initiation to whichever of these eleven representatives are nearest their temple. After considering the recommendation, these representatives may accept the devotee as an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada by giving a spiritual name, or in the case of second initiation, by chanting on the Gayatri thread, just as Srila Prabhupada has done. The newly initiated devotees are disciples of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad, the above eleven senior devotees acting as His representative. After the Temple President receives a letter from these representatives giving the spiritual name or the thread, he can perform the fire yajna in the temple as was being done before. The name of a newly initiated disciple should be sent by the representative who has accepted him or her to Srila Prabhupada, to be included in His Divine Grace's "Initiated Disciples" book.

Hoping this finds you all well.

Your servant,

Approved: Tamala Krsna Gosvami

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Secretary to Srila Prabhupada

Page Title:Training of Ramesvara dasa (Letters, 1976 - 1977)
Compiler:Visnu Murti
Created:20 of May, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=72
No. of Quotes:72