I was ready to send some threads and gayatri mantras to Houston, but now you have moved, so I shall send them to Pusta Krishna instead. I am going to Los Angeles soon, you can stay there, and we shall speak some.
Training of Pusta Krsna dasa (Letters, 1971 - 1976)
Expressions researched:
|"Back to Godhead"
|"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust"
|"Book Fund"
|"Book Trust"
|"Book Trust,"
|"Dai Nippon"
|"GBC members"
|"Governing Board Commission"
|"Governing Board Commissioners"
|"Governing Body Commission"
|"Governing Body Commissioners"
|"M-V trust"
|"M.V trust"
|"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust"
|"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust"
|"Our society"
|"Pusta Krishna"
|"Pusta Krsna"
|"The society"
1972 Correspondence
I have received several letters from Hrdayananda requesting sacred thread initiation for Pusta Krishna and Mahamaya dasi in Houston centre. So now he has come to Los Angeles so I am sending you their threads and two copies of gayatri mantra enclosed. You may hold a fire yagna and give them both gayatri mantra. you know well how to do it.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 30, 1972 and I have noted the contents carefully. Yes, that is the sannyasi business, to travel from center to center and instruct the devotees in spiritual life. That is a good program for you, to learn the books very thoroughly and practice the knowledge you are learning. Without practice of the knowledge, what good is the knowledge? But I do not think it is necessary for you to return to your university for taking further education. Your education is to be found in our books, the material education is finished. If you want to teach in universities and colleges, they must accept us on our high degree of Vedic learning, not on our so-called credentials. They must accept our system of scholarly learning from the spiritual master. So do not bother yourself anymore with this idea but go on learning from our own scriptural evidence how great is the supreme science. Your depth of understanding it will be the credentials, let them accept us on that basis. I shall be reaching New Vrindaban by the end of this month, and we shall discuss further.
I have been informed by Sriman Syamasundara. of your question via telephone from New York Temple, and my reply is that this sankirtana or street chanting must go on, it is our most important program. Lord Caitanya's movement means the sankirtana movement. You may simply take two hours for chanting sixteen rounds daily, two hours for reading congregationally, and balance of time go out for sankirtana. We must do both, reading books and distributing books, but distributing books is the main propaganda. Reading in class for two hours is sufficient and other reading can be done in spare time if one has got it, it is not that one has to be always reading. One hour a morning for Bhagavata class and one hour evening, either Bhagavad-gita or Nectar of Devotion, that is sufficient.
Now you are my elder disciples and both of your are sannyasis and also advanced in Krsna Consciousness, so these questions should not arise amongst you again and again. That means everyone is not conscientious. These things are not new to you, why do you continually ask these questions? The GBC authority must be accepted under all circumstances, not that there will be fighting amongst you. This fighting spirit will destroy everything, but what can I do, you American and European boys are trained up in this fighting attitude. Now put it aside and simply work cooperatively for spreading this movement all over the world. The standards I have already given you, now try to maintain them at all times under standard procedure. Do not try to innovate or create anything or manufacture anything, that will ruin everything. Simply do as I am doing and be always serious and sincere to serve Krsna, and He will give you intelligence how to do everything.
So far the painting department is concerned, they have telephoned me also, so their work is very important, and four or five painters may be allowed to paint full-time, after chanting two hours their rounds, and they may spend one or two hours on sankirtana party as it is convenient. Jadurani is the best book seller of all, so she may go out for distributing books as much as possible if it is convenient and does not tax her too much away from painting art work.
Now I want very much to get that building in New York so kindly inform me regularly what is the progress. I understand they have refused our offer of cash $600,000, so you may offer more, up to $900,000, or as you see fit, reducing the cash outlay, also as you see fit. And try to take a mortgage for fifteen years. If Kesava is there he may become the President of the New York Temple. If he is able to get that new place, then he will have done something big and he can take that post of President of New York Temple. And you are GBC man and in charge of ISKCON Press. This will free you for preaching more and traveling, because you are also sannyasi.
I have received your note from Boston dated September 22, 1972, and I think that by now you must be in London. I am very glad to hear that you will be holding Bhagavata-dharma Festivals all over England. I know that you are good preacher and sincere boy, and Revatinandana Maharaja is also sannyasi, so you work together with him and with the others in cooperative spirit to spread this Krsna Consciousness movement widely all over the British Isles. From Revatinandana I can understand that there is immense field for preaching amongst the youth and in all parts of the country, so do not hesitate to take the bold step forward and invite everyone to become devotee of Krsna.
One thing is, now we have got many many books in England and we must raise funds for our place there, so try to increase the selling of literatures and magazines and deposit everything in the building fund. Preach, sell books, in this way gradually you will feel yourself becoming perfectly happy.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 1, 1972, and I am very much engladdened to hear that you have arrived to Europe and that you have enthusiastically begun your work there, opening one centre in France. Yes, such opening of temples, holding daily street sankirtana, distributing books, preaching in the schools and colleges, this is our standard programme for injecting Krishna Consciousness in the world. And if we simply stick to this programme we shall be successful, without any doubt. Now you are sannyasi, sannyasi means responsible, you must be responsible for the spiritual progress of the devotees, to see that the right standard is being observed in all departments. Just as I am doing. Sometimes I go to the bank, sometimes keep accounts, sometimes preach, hold the class, write books, sometimes cook—sannyasi should be expert in all departments, and he should distribute his experience to others, that's all. So I think you are the right man for assisting me in this way in European continent, and Krishna has brought you to the right place, so with great enthusiasm go forward. Thank you very much.
Yes, everyone of you should write something, so if you have completed any small booklets, you may send them to me and I shall see them and send to Hayagriva for possibly printing.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 27, 1972, and I can very well appreciate your preaching work on European continent, having received very favorable reports from other big leaders there. That is wanted, that all of you will take upon yourselves the responsibility of preaching widely everywhere the message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. By that responsible commitment to your spiritual master, that is your qualification for getting Krsna's blessing upon you. And only in this way will you be able to make your spiritual progress rapidly. So you are very determined and intelligent boy, you have got a cool head, so I am very much confident that you will be able to render more and more the best service to Krsna and to your spiritual master. That means that you will simply introduce our Krsna Consciousness program anywhere and everywhere, without any compromise or deviation from the highest standard of devotional practice, as chalked out for us by our great predecessors. If you yourself remain always pure, then your preaching will have effect. As soon as there is little impurity, the whole thing will deteriorate and go to hell. So we shall not like to take the credit in that case, therefore I am praying simply that all of you, my advanced disciples, GBC men, sannyasis, temple officers, like that, that all of you will become sober-minded and feeling always very much responsible how the things will go on as I have given them. If you simply do as I am doing, not avoiding anything which may have to be done for pushing on Krsna's movement, remaining always stuck up very tightly to the footsteps of Rupa Gosvami, then without any doubt you will remain always fresh and enthusiastic for working very energetically on Krsna's behalf, without any falldown.
By next spring or summer I shall be coming to London, so I shall be on that side, so if I get opportunity I shall like to see that place, Switzerland, as I have heard that it is the best place in Europe. Anyway, let us see what Krsna desires.
1973 Correspondence
Please accept my blessings and I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 13th of March, with enclosures.
Yes, your study program is nice. By writing according to our realization we become more and more convinced and all doubts are destroyed. I have looked over your essay and I think you are understanding our philosophy rightly. Why don't you write something for Back to Godhead?
We can avoid idle conversation and utilize our time in the spare moments for studying slokas from the Gita and Bhagavatam. Practically I have given you more than enough for 50 years at one sloka daily. If we can simply read one sloka daily, that is step by step progress.
I said it long ago, that we are trying to make Brahmanas from anywhere in the world. We can offer the intelligent person the opportunity to be trained up in the highest spiritual knowledge and train him up as a preacher himself. That is a very attractive offer, so in your traveling SKP you can preach like that, and quote some important slokas from our books and wherever you go you will be respected and you can recruit some solid devotees for pushing on this movement. So kindly go on with your program.
I have been informed of the situation of the South African program by Brahmananda Swami who is here with me now as personal secretary, and I want to send you there. There is one boy there Ksudhi Dasa who is very young boy, so I want you to go there to take charge of the preaching program there in Durban.
One Mr. Parekh of the Hindu Mandal has written me inviting me to go there and they will pay all the tickets. q 750615 750615 So I want to go there from London on my return to India, and I can stop there. So you go there and make all the arrangements and inform me accordingly and I can come.
You can correspond with Ksudhi Dasa Brahmacari at the following address: c/o Popatlal Kara, 201 Gray St., Durban, South Africa, for getting the visas. It will be easier for you to go from London.
1974 Correspondence
That Pusta Krsna Maharaja is assisting you in raising the standard at Bhaktivedanta Manor is also good news. He has written me that he is needing English boys to join him in South Africa as the English of all nations have free entry there. He is very hopeful of preaching and distributing books in Capetown. So if possible, help him by offering some English boys, and after some time he may go to South Africa with the boys.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 18, 1974.
Your report is very encouraging to me, that you distributed 110 Gitas in two days in Capetown, South Africa. You also find that there is good preaching to be done there among intelligent Indians and Europeans. And for the people in general you can hold kirtana and distribute prasadam sumptuously.
So I understand you are now at the Bhaktivedanta Manor assisting Mukunda in strictly following the parampara and encouraging all the devotees in that direction. When your work is done there, you may return to South Africa, and I have asked Mukunda to help you with some men for South Africa. I am also very pleased with the reports I am getting from Brahmananda Swami, so please cooperate with him in Africa.
I beg to acknowledge your letter of April 21, 1974 and I have noted the contents.
Yes, I think the advise given by Brahmananda Maharaja is sound, namely not to worry about maintaining a permanent center in South Africa but travelling with sankirtana there for distributing books and preaching, which you say is a good field there. We do not have so many men; it requires at least five men to maintain a center, so I approve of your plan to close the center and travel in South Africa.
As for the deities of Gaura-Nitai, yes you may take them on travelling sankirtana and worship them. Please keep me informed of your activities.
I was glad to receive you second letter and the letter from the Ministry of Home affairs stating that they have no objection to my coming to Kenya. Yes, I would like to go there after the Vrindaban ceremonies. Hopefully you will have joined me by then and we can go together to Kenya and from there to South Africa where Pusta Krsna Maharaja is trying to arrange a program for our coming.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 24, 1974 and am glad to read the contents. Your success with the South Africans there is very good. I have initiated the boy and girl, and their spiritual names are as follows: Gokulendra dasa and Rocanai devi dasi. You can chant on their beads. You must get more South Africans to join and make our mission solid there. The Indians they are hopeless so far I have seen, so get the Europeans to join as many possible. Regarding the draft situation, let them go from the college to the temple. They can stay with us for some time and then go back and forth. In the colleges they can introduce our books. We are getting very good written appreciations from learned circles in USA of our books and many libraries and universities are ordering an open order all of the books as they are published.
Regarding the book distribution to the Indians, yes that was my program. Hold a meeting and sell books. These books are not fiction or imagination. If the Indians like the authority of the books, take advantage and distribute profusely.
I see in the photos of Gaura Nitai they are wearing lungis, but They wear dhotis. You have made it become a lungi.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 12, 1974 and have noted the contents. Regarding my travelling, no, I have not stopped travelling. I am trying to go on like a young man, but sometimes the health does not allow. That is beyond my jurisdiction. So you have finally gotten the visa for South Africa. So we are trying to get the endorsement on my passport for going to Africa here in Bombay.
I will come to South Africa. Brahmananda Swami suggests that we come after going to Australia. We shall remain in Australia up to end of February, and will be able to spare two weeks in South Africa, because I must be in India by mid March.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
N.B. We were not able to get the S.A. endorsement in Bombay in time, so we shall try for it in Australia.
1975 Correspondence
I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 11, 1975 and have noted the contents. I am prepared to come to South Africa by the middle of July. I can come there from Brazil. We shall need at least one visa for Wayne Gunderson (Upendra) and if possible, one for Robert Campagnola (Harikesa). Please arrange for that.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
N.B. One travel agent in New Delhi has told us that two of her clients (American) were going to Johannesburg with visa, sufficient funds onward ticket, passport, etc., and due to some change all of the sudden in the Government, they were thrown into jail, and the next day, they were sent, at their own expense out of the country. The travel agent said that it could be even more severe for an Indian citizen, so, if there is any risk, it is not a very good idea. So, you should find out if there any risk at all and then let me know at my Los Angeles address. ACBS
Upon your recommendation I accept the children of Rasa-lila as my disciples. There spiritual names are Radhika devi dasi and Sanatana das Brahmacari. You can chant on their beads. I know the devotees there are working hard, especially as you have mentioned Prabhanu, Sharma, Dinanath, Jnana das, Caitya-guru, Jalakara das, and Pusta Krishna Swami. Because you are all cooperating with me, so much has been done. When I was alone I was taking so much trouble, but now there are so many assistants. But now you have to manage things very carefully and relieve me from the management so I can translate my books. But I do not want to see that everything deteriorates by your management. If you cannot increase then you should at least maintain what I have established.
N.B. Now I have decided that I must come to Africa. So my visa for South Africa is valid up to October 18. Therefore I shall leave from Bombay approximately October 1 for Mauritius and stay there for one week. Pusta Krishna Swami may come there and take me to South Africa since none of my servants have S.A. visas. I shall stay in South Africa for one week. Then Pusta Krishna Swami may take me to Nairobi and I will stay there for one week and go to Mombassa if you think. Then I shall return to Bombay by the end of October. So you arrange this program.
Also, Pusta Krishna Swami is going to purchase one car for my travelling purposes in India and for this I want you to get him a three year visa from the government. The following information will be helpful.
Paul Howard Dossick
Passport number—Z2269551
Issued—U.S. Embassy London, England on May 5, 1975
Expiration date May 4, 1980
Birth date Feb. 8, 1950
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Please forward the visa to him in Johannesburg as quickly as possible. Also, kindly find out what are the regulations if a tourist brings (drives) his car into India and forward this information to Pusta Krishna Swami in Johannesburg.
I have received one letter from Jnana das Adhikari dated Oct. 8, 1975, and also Pusta Krsna Maharaja has pointed out one letter addressed to you here in Johannesburg dated Oct. 10 from Jnana das. This letter was opened by Pusta Krsna because it may have contained information relevant to our travel to Nairobi.
Dear Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupad. It has come to our notice that one Godbrother of Srila Prabhupad's, Swami Bon Maharaj, has been spreading damaging propaganda against Srila Prabhupad and against our movement. Satsvarupa Maharaj recently informed Srila Prabhupad that one Professor in Canada refused to take a standing order of Srila Prabhupad's books because he associated with Swami Bon at his Oriental Institute in Vrindaban, and Swami Bon so much made untrue accusations against our beloved Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupad. Swami Bon recently made a tour of Canada and Satsvarup Maharaj reported that his statements were "poisonous, saying many false things about Krsna consciousness." Recently, one professor, Dr. Hines, of Indian Religious Studies at Yale marked: "I think Swami Bon is just jealous of Srila Prabhupad."
Under the circumstances, we shall fully non-cooperate with this Swami Bon and neither we shall form any kind of association with any person whose aim it is to blaspheme the Lord or his pure devotee.
I hope that this meets you all in blissful serving mood,
Your unworthy servant,
Pusta Krsna Swami
Acting Secretary for
Srila Prabhupad
(initialed by hand)
I have instructed Pusta Krishna Swami to issue one newsletter to the temple presidents, GBC, and sannyasis concerning the nefarious activities of Swami Bon. Kindly copy this and send out to all the temples accordingly that they should have no dealings with Swami Bon or others who are envious. You will find this letter enclosed.
In India especially people are religiously inclined. They like to live in village and also like to love Lord Rama, Lord Krishna. This idealism is running through their blood and veins. We have to organize their natural tendency and elevate them again back to Home, Back-to-Godhead. Please think over these points very seriously and as soon as I return we shall take up the program. My beloved sannyasi disciple Swami Pusta Krishna has promised to give me a car, and as soon as I get it I shall move from village to village along with some selected assistants and organize this farming village development program.
In Mauritius for the first time in my life I had to meet a very disastrous type of motor accident. We were four in motor carriage, the driver, Brahmananda Swami, Pusta Krsna Swami and myself. The driver was especially injured and we got a little bruises and cuts. Anyway, I have come to Bombay on November 3rd. Here the temple construction is now being undertaken seriously and we are looking after things.
I have seen your letter dated October 13, 1975 addressed to all GBC's. Brahmananda is accused, but I shall explain that Pusta Krishna Swami since the last three years was trying for my visa, so out of natural compassion for him I thought let me go to South Africa and come back before sitting down tightly. He was expecting me for a very long time, and South Africa is a strict place in the matter of visa and so on. After going there I was very much satisfied with how my movement is being received there. After my lecture in the University the Europeans clapped and they were very enthusiastically purchasing my books.
One telephone call has come from Dinnath that Sharma the president has left Africa because of fighting with Cyavana Swami. When I was in Nairobi I took away from Cyavana all managerial duties. There were so many complaints against him from our men and from outsiders. He could not manage nor could he collect. I had wanted that Sharma and Shakti Mati manage themselves without any interference.
Now I want you to manage things there. The management was not being done properly when I was there. The accounts were not being kept properly, and they were spending everything. Please rectify the situation. Cyavana Swami should go to Europe for preaching and travelling. Caitya-guru das may be sent here to India for starting our Kuruksetra Project.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 17, 1975. Regarding the car, you just register it in your name in Germany. Hamsaduta Prabhu has agreed to give the 11% tax until export. Then drive it here and when it is here we will see how to manage.
The list of devotees to be initiated have been named as follows;
Mike Harris—Pandavagrya Das
John Antonopaula—Nagendra Das
Gail Netherlands—Vimoha Devi Dasi
Martha Kriek—Venurati Devi Dasi
You may chant on their beads, and instruct them nicely in the regulative principles and philosophy of Krishna consciousness.
The Jehova's witnesses do not accept the fact of rebirth, and they claim "AWAKE" so this is nonsense. Your letter was very nice. The whole world is in darkness, we are bringing light by preaching Bhagavata Dharma. Thank you for helping me.
I hope this letter finds you well.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. I just received you letter dated Nov. 20. Yes a roof carrier will be nice.
1976 Correspondence
I beg to thank you for your two letters dated December 23rd and 24th respectively.
I have just sent you a telegram: "Yes Purchase Mercedes." For so long there has been contemplation to buy this car. But where is the car? We are spending crores of Rupees to finish this Bombay construction, but whenever I arrive at the airport, I am picked up in a borrowed car. What kind of impression is it to the members that we always have to approach them to borrow their car? Please get it. But one thing is that I have heard that you are taking the money from the BBT to pay for it. There is one story that a guru went to his disciple's home and was greeted very elaborately. When he enquired how was it possible for his disciple to afford such nice arrangements, his disciple told him: every-belongs to you. Later the guru saw that he had no money left in his bank account and he could understand that his disciple had spent all of his money. So whether you are also making such arrangements? I do not want to spend the books fund money for such things. If you can not pay for it, then Tamala Krishna says he will pay Ramesvara who can send you the money.
Thank you for appreciating Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. There is no need to feel sad at the end of a chapter or a volume because there is always another chapter and another volume. There is no scarcity. You want more nectarine and the supply is also there. Those who are actually looking for spiritual culture will find immense wealth in Caitanya-caritamrta.
I beg to thank you for your letter dated 15th January, 1976.
I am very glad to know that you have already purchased the Mercedes. For such a long time this car has been required and now you are fulfilling that desire. Thank you. But you must pay your entire debt to the Book Fund in the future, otherwise you will become that disciple who spends the money of his Spiritual Master.
Since you are paying, there is no need for Radha Damodara Party to pay. Their money is already being utilized for construction in Mayapur.
I have received a letter from Pusta Krishna Swami. He has already paid for the Mercedes from his own money and he intends paying his debt to the Book Fund entirely in the future. Considering this, there is no need for Radha Damodara Party to pay for the car. Their money is already engaged for construction.
In any case, I have heard the report from Pusta Krishna Swami concerning the visa situation in Korea, and if you are trying for Missionary Visa then you can apply for it here in America.
Concerning the Rs. 25,000 for continuing the food distribution program, Pusta Krsna Swami has discussed with Ramesvara Maharaja and there is enough money in the Food Relief bank account in Los Angeles to send this amount to India for this purpose. So Ramesvara Maharaja should be forwarding this amount to you for the prasadam distribution program in Mayapur.
Concerning the Rathayatra festival, you can hold it in the warm months, just like in Melbourne, the festival is held in January. Pusta Krsna Swami is going to arrange to have Jagannatha Deities sent from Puri if there is no one expert enough to make Jagannatha Deities in South Africa.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 18, 1976 and have noted the contents with care. I am very pleased that you are preaching for preaching is our main line. Harikesa Swami was also doing preaching work and now you are also. Preaching is the most important business. Although my personal service is also important, the preaching work comes first. I want everyone of our men to become first class preachers. So you want to preach that is best. Don't be worried, but go on with your preaching and you will be happy.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 30, 1976 and have noted the contents.
If you relieve me of the burden of management, that will be a very great service to Krsna and the movement. See that everything is going on nicely. With great endeavor we have made the framework, now we have to see that things are going on nicely.
Yes, this preaching work is our mission. It is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, my Guru Maharaja's mission, and my mission. It is through the parampara. As I am trying to discharge my Guru Maharaja's mission, you also try and things will go on nicely.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever-well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
nb—Where is the Bhavan Journal Questions and Answers? Send it immediately.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 6, 1976 and have noted the contents. Please send that Bhavan's Journal Manuscript to me in either Delhi or Vrndavana. It is approved by me if you want to sell the farm.
I am in receipt of your letter dated 10/10/76.
I know that you are intelligent and can act very nicely to help spread Krsna consciousness. If you feel Maya attracting, then live an honest life as a householder and contribute to our movement. As a family man you can join Svarupa Damodara to help with the Bhaktivedanta Institute. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says it doesn't matter whether one is a sannyasi, grhastha, brahmana, or sudra. You have intelligence. Study more and more. If you think that you should be married, then do that and assist Bhaktivedanta Institute by giving service. My request is, don't become an ordinary foolish man. Keep Krsna consciousness in any condition of life. That is success.
Page Title: | Training of Pusta Krsna dasa (Letters, 1971 - 1976) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti |
Created: | 05 of Jun, 2010 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=37 |
No. of Quotes: | 37 |