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Training of Prabhavisnu dasa (Letters, 1973 - 1975)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"Activities" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book Trust," |"Book" |"Books" |"Branch" |"Branches" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Consult" |"Consulting" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperated" |"Cooperation" |"Cooperatively" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Distribution" |"Duty" |"Festival" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiates" |"Initiating" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Leading" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Magazine" |"Magazines" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managers" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust" |"Meeting" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Organize" |"Our society" |"Prabha Visnu" |"Prabhavisnu" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Preaching" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Program" |"Programs" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Rathayatra" |"Report" |"Reports" |"Sankirtana" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"The society" |"Translate" |"Translated" |"Translating" |"Translation" |"Translations" |"Zonal" |"Zone"


1973 Correspondence

Letter to Prabhavisnu -- Bombay 3 January, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 1, 1973, and I am very glad to hear from you the wonderful news of travelling party in England. I think the people of that place are becoming more and more inclined for this Krishna Consciousness movement, they are inviting you to stay at their houses, they are taking books, becoming sometimes devotees—all of these are very encouraging signs to me. If you simply go on in this way, stopping in every village and city of England-Scotland, or if there are other places like Ireland, simply stop for some time, distribute books and hold Sankirtana procession, answer their questions, give some leaflets or small informations freely, distribute prasadam wherever possible, at least some small thing, and if there is genuine interest being shown, then request the townspeople to arrange some engagements for speaking in their schools, or in someone's home, or a hall, like that. In this way remain always without anxiety for destination and comfortable situations, always relying only on the mercy of Krishna for your plan, just go on preaching His message and selling His books, wherever there is interest. We shall not waste time if there is no interest or if the people are unfriendly, there are so many places to go. But I understand from your letter that practically everyone is taking some interest. That means you are presenting the thing in a very nice manner, they can detect that here are some persons who are actually sincere and nice, let me hear them, let me purchase one book. So I can understand that it is not an easy matter to travel extensively over long periods of time without proper food, rest, and sometimes it must be very cold there also, and still, because you are getting so much enjoyment, spiritual enjoyment, from it, it seems like play to you. That is advanced stage of spiritual life, never attained by even the greatest yogis and so-called jyanis. But let any man see our devotees working so hard for Krishna, then let anyone say that they are not better than any millions of so-called yogis and transcendentalists, that is my challenge! Because you are rightly understanding through your personal realization this philosophy of Krishna Consciousness, therefore in such a short time you have surpassed all the stages of yoga processes to come to the highest point of surrendering to Krishna. That I can very much appreciate, thank you very much for helping me in this way.

Hoping this meets you and the other men of your party in the best of health and spirits.

1974 Correspondence

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Vrindaban 12 September, 1974:

I have just now received some letters from London from Madhavananda and others brought by Paramahamsa Swami who was there. Regarding Madhavananda being the president, if he received the vote, why you have opposed? You must be impartial. My recommendation is that he must be the president. He has been chosen by the vote, and I am giving the casting vote for him. He is doing things very nicely there, so he must be the president. Prabha Visnu should go on Sankirtana, and Madhavananda should be president. Everything must go on. The women are doing nicely, so why are they being changed from the pujari to the Sankirtana? These things should be done by the President. These are internal things, and you should not interfere. I do not approve of your changing the women. It should be the choice of Madhavananda who should be the pujari.

Letter to Mukunda -- Mayapur 29 September, 1974:

You may inform Prabhavisnu that I have received his letter dated 22/9/74.

Letter to Prabhavisnu -- Bombay 3 December, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 9, 1974. I am very glad to learn that you are all working peacefully together. This is the most favorable atmosphere for cultivating our Krishna consciousness. And if people see us working together nicely, they cannot criticize anything against our Krishna consciousness movement.

Upon your recommendation I am accepting the following devotees as my initiated disciples and their names are as follows: 1. Soley—Sarvasagara dasa; 2. Angela—Aksunnasakti devi dasi; 3. Jackie—Janardanaprita devi dasi. Their beads may be chanted upon by Hamsaduta. I am also accepting the following as twice born brahmanas upon your recommendation: Brsabha dasa; Jaya Laksmana das; Jnana das; and Jalastitha devi das. Their mantra sheets and sanctified threads are duly enclosed. Now hold a fire sacrifice. The gayatri mantra can be heard through the right ear from my recorded tape.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Bombay 31 December, 1974:

Now, considering the European situation in a meeting between Myself, yourself and Bhagavan das, I think Madhavananda should become president of London and Prabhavisnu should become president of Amsterdam and you can arrange this.

Regarding the grhasthas living in the temple, I have already discussed with you in detail, so do the needful. The principle is that we make propaganda for devotees to come. Don't ask any of them to go away. That is not our principle. So, make nice arrangement for all the devotees there.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


cc; Madhavananda, Prabhavisnu

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Prabhavisnu -- Bombay 4 January, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letters dated Dec. 17 and Dec. 27th, 1974 and have noted the contents. Your festival sounded very nice. Go on like this. Regarding book distribution, this is my foremost desire to have my books circulated profusely. I have just discussed with Hamsaduta about lowering the prices for England. Keep the grounds there nicely. That is important. I am glad to hear how nicely the cows are doing. Send some milk here.

Madhavananda is being sent to Hong Kong to collect for Krishna-Balarama Mandira in Vrndavana.

As far as the initiations are concerned, Hamsaduta was not so sure about all of them, so he can go over the list with you in London, and after hearing from him, we shall consider.

So, all your desires are fulfilled. You must be very cautious, being president that you set a perfect example so others will not be misled. Always chant 16 rounds and observe our other rules and regulations strictly.

Letter to Patita Uddharana -- Bombay 10 January, 1975:

I am in due receipt of you letter dated Jan. 4th, 1975 and have noted the contents. I very much appreciated your nice report on London and I am glad to hear how things are going on there. Many thanks to Prabha Visnu das.

Yes, I'll come there, but the first opportunity may be in April. I am also hankering to go there. Please take great care, you are experienced. Co-operate with Prabha Visnu and make an ideal place for devotional service there.

Regarding the incident with Mr. Mody, it was a mistake by Kausalya. Don't commit anything which will cause mistrust. This is not at all desirable. Keep peaceful situation with all men. There is no question of taxing someone for a donation. They can give donation and we will accept on friendly terms. Nobody should be pressured for contribution.

Impure atmosphere can be counteracted by having kirtanas twice and thrice daily with dancing. So, keep the atmosphere very peacefully. Go on chanting and hold classes in Bhagavatam, etc. Don't allow anyone to engage in eating and sleeping alone or the devil's workshop will develop.

Letter to Prabhavisnu -- Honolulu 3 February, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 18, 1975 and have noted the contents. Regarding the question about selling records there, I have already told Hamsaduta that it may continue temporarily until the stock is finished, but you must give a book with each record.

I will most probably be coming to London on March 2nd or 3rd after visiting South America. So, I will see you then.

Your picture of the London Deities is very nice. Thank you very much.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

N.B. I have just received your letter (signed by several persons) dated Jan. 27, 1975 and have noted the contents. Hamsaduta will be coming there shortly. We shall decide about the permanent management arrangement when I come there in March.

Letter to Prabhavisnu -- Bombay 13 November, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter undated and accept upon your recommendation the following as my initiated disciples. For first initiation, their spiritual names are as follows: Martin Webster—Akhandadhi; Gordon Stocker—Prithvipati; John Morgan—Dharanidhara; Frank Jokson—Yajnanga; Terry Maloncis—Ādi Kurma; Lynn Avionis—Sri Kama dasi. I also accept the following as twice-born brahmanas and their threads and mantra sheets are enclosed: Krpamoya das, Yasodadulal das, Sarvasagara das, Gokulananda das; Ragudvaha das, Cittavinodama das, Vamsivadana das, Anjana devi dasi. You should have a fire sacrifice and the second initiates should hear through the right ear the mantra on my recorded tape. The beads may be chanted upon by Hamsaduta. It is your responsibility to see that these devotees that you have recommended strictly follow the rules and regulations, chanting 16 rounds, attending the classes and the mangala aroti and refraining from the four prohibitions. You should lecture on these points at the initiation ceremony so that everyone understands fully. And by your own example you should teach.

1976 Correspondence

Letter to Prabhavisnu -- Los Angeles 5 June, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 20, 1976, and I have noted the contents with care. Concerning the set of Srimad-Bhagavatams that Dr. Tripati gave us in Aligarh, I happen to know that the complete set should not cost more than Rs. 700, like that. And besides that, the paper may be so brittle that it may be useless. That I can examine when I see the set of books personally in Vrindaban. But, I know that the set of books could not cost so much, Rs. 3,000/-. So wait until I see the books in Vrindaban on my return and then we shall do the needful. At this point there is no need to immediately give Dr. Tripati honorary patron membership. I thought that he was giving the books as an offering.

Letter to Amogha -- Los Angeles 6 June, 1976:

Concerning the Nitya Svarupa edition of the Srimad-Bhagavatam that was given to us, I was informed by Prabhavisnu das that the professor who has kindly given them is requesting that since the books cost so much he should be given patron membership. I have one set here in Los Angeles however the paper is so brittle that when you touch the paper, it breaks. Practically it is unuseable. Also, the professor has said that the books would cost Rs. 3,000/- but I happen to know that they could only cost about ?Rs. 700/-. In any case, if the pages are brittle, what is the use. We cannot give him patron membership in exchange for the set of books. Anyway, when I return to Vrindaban, I shall see the set of books, and then I can decide further on this matter.

Page Title:Training of Prabhavisnu dasa (Letters, 1973 - 1975)
Created:05 of Jun, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=11
No. of Quotes:11