The Vrndavana scheme as suggested by you appears to be very nice. You purchase the adjoining two farms in the name of ISKCON and leave it to His Holiness Kirtanananda Maharaja and the devotees for further development.
Training of Kirtanananda dasa (Letters, 1970 - 1973)
Expressions researched:
|"Back to Godhead"
|"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust"
|"Book Fund"
|"Book Trust"
|"Book Trust,"
|"Dai Nippon"
|"GBC members"
|"Governing Board Commission"
|"Governing Board Commissioners"
|"Governing Body Commission"
|"Governing Body Commissioners"
|"M-V trust"
|"M.V trust"
|"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust"
|"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust"
|"Our society"
|"Tamal Krishna"
|"Tamal Krsna"
|"Tamala Krishna"
|"Tamala Krsna"
|"The society"
1970 Correspondence
If Kirtanananda Maharaja moves amongst the school, college and university authorities and induces them to recommend this "Isopanisad" for additional reading by the students either privately or in the library it will be a great achievement.
Another encouraging thing is that Kirtanananda Maharaja has now taken up actually the work of a Sannyasi and is preaching outside our Krishna Consciousness cult with great enthusiasm.
I am so glad to receive your letter dated 12 February, 1970, along with your check for $50, and thank you very much for this.
Your touring in different places and preaching Krsna Consciousness is fulfilling my dream. May Krsna bless you on and on for being engaged in such exalted work. In the Bhagavad-gita, last portion of eighteenth chapter, it is said that nobody is dearer to Krsna than anybody on the earth except the person who is engaged in preaching the most confidential philosophy of life, namely surrendering unto Krsna, leaving aside everything material or spiritual.
In the Vedic literature there are many recommended processes for spiritual realization, and Lord Krsna says that all of them can be avoided and if one is simply engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord that is the highest perfectional platform.
There is a great future for this Krsna Consciousness movement in every part of the world, and I am getting such indications from every where. So please continue these activities by travelling on your good truck, assisted by some sincere devotees like Yadunandana and others, and I am sure you will be successful in your mission.
Now I am hopeful that our New Vrindaban will be an exact replica of Vrindaban in India. I think it was ordained by Krsna that you went there, took your Sannyas order of life in the presence of Rupa Goswami and Jiva Goswami, and now you have got the opportunity to execute their will. Perhaps you may remember that after you accepted the Sannyas order many hundreds of people congratulated you, and you were looking so beautiful at that time that some of them were murmuring that this Sannyasi is looking exactly like Sri Caitanya. So all those utterances are the blessings of Sri Sri Radha Damodara.
So carry on this work more enthusiastically and you will feel more and more jubilant in transcendental bliss. So far I am concerned, because our relationship is father and son, so nobody will be more satisfied than me by seeing your successful preaching work. Nobody in this world likes to be defeated by somebody else, but the father when he is defeated by the son feels more pleasure. Therefore, I may once more request you to try your best to construct New Vrindaban an exact duplicate of Vrindaban, and that will give me the highest pleasure.
Side by side, please try to introduce our books in the different university curricula, and that will be another success. I have information from Gargamuni that major portions of my TLC are not yet sold. Of course such literatures are not meant for ordinary public, but I am sure if you try to introduce in the university circle; and I have got many testimonials of my books and thus they can be introduced without any difficulty.
By the by, I may inform you that you desire me to go to New Vrindaban during Janmastami days, and I suggested to organize a fair within our campus. Do you think it is possible to do so within such short period? But if you can do so, either this year or next, I am sure many people will come to see such fair, and that will be a great impetus for developing the land. The most important thing is easy transport.
Hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever will-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. Our Isopanisad is now published. This excellent book of God-Consciousness should be introduced as study book for school and college students because it is so nicely explained about God-Consciousness. Any sincere gentleman serious about knowing God-Consciousness must read this book. A little education will make every one aware what is meant by God. It is a challenge to the atheists, agnostic, skeptics and gross materialists. Please get this book in quantities from Boston and try to introduce it.
Next summer if you hold Janmastami gorgeously, as I have already suggested to Kirtanananda Maharaja, surely I shall go there.
So far your planning to go to India, not only you, but I think several others, including Kirtanananda Maharaja and other advanced students, will go to India for preaching Krsna Consciousness.
If you so desire, you can remain in Boston and take up the charge of layout business. And sometimes you may go with Kirtanananda Maharaja. That will be nice.
As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of you income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers.
But I think if Kirtanananda Maharaja as well as you try to introduce our books for study in the university classes, especially in the religions department, that will be very nice and you can get good income out of that. Kirtanananda Maharaja has already introduced to one college, similarly Brahmananda has also introduced in some college, and in each place they have sold more than 40 copies of TLC.
So the potency is there because these books are not ordinary literature, being based on Vedic philosophy they are in a way a new line of thoughts to the Western world. And those who are really interested in spiritual understanding surely will appreciate. But for this introduction I don't find anyone just competent except yourself and Kirtanananda Maharaja.
Now for New Vrindaban, if there is no immediate necessity for purchasing the side properties, you just wait for another year, and keep in a separate bank deposit for this purpose, and similar amount collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja.
Similarly, we have to convince people of your country. They are intelligent, well to do, and receptive. Why not try this program combinedly, yourself, Kirtanananda Maharaja, and Brahmananda.
I think you have already read the news in our BTG. And similar experiences are being gathered by Kirtanananda Maharaja and Rupanuga Dasa Adhikari because they are now moving in different colleges and universities, and getting good response.
Regarding moving with Sankirtana Party, as Kirtanananda Maharaja is doing now, it will be another impetus for pushing forward our mission.
Whatever the Spiritual Master gives in His own hand, it should be accepted immediately as His grace. In the beginning in New York I was cooking myself and was distributing at least one or two capatis to all my disciples, at that time not less than a dozen. Gradually, Kirtanananda Maharaja took charge of the cooking and learned the art very nicely from me, and he educated all others how to make our present Prasadam.
Kirtanananda Maharaja is now moving amongst the students in various schools, colleges, and universities, and getting good response. Many students are already attracted to New Vrindaban and at the weekend there are about 20 to 30 outsiders regularly.
If we can rightly impress the Krsna Consciousness idea in some intelligent student's heart, it will be of great service. Perhaps sometime after, I will request you and Kirtanananda to go to India and execute this program in the student community there.
Perhaps you have seen the picture in our New York temple which was brought from India by Kirtanananda Swami.
So as you say the deep Southern part of this country is virtually untouched, but I think Kirtanananda Maharaja has gone to several places there, and he has been very successful.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 3rd May, 1970, and beg to thank you very much for your kind sentiments. Yes, if it is any credit for me, that is what you have written that I tried to give aural reception to the words of my Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, and thus I tried to engage my tongue in repeating the same words without any change. Actually I am the most unworthy servant of His Divine Grace because I delayed to execute His order by so many years. But it was better I began late than never, and therefore He has kindly sent to me so many young hearts to cooperate with me in this great Movement. Please therefore continue your good cooperation, and I am sure great things will happen without delay.
Regarding New Vrndavana activities, I think whatever you are doing is approved by me. As you are acting very sincerely in Krsna Consciousness, Krsna is dictating from within your heart, so there is nothing to be disapproved.
Regarding purchasing the property next to the schoolhouse, I have taken information from Devananda that this land is not directly attached to our present property, but the only advantage is that it is on the roadside, and we can engage it in so many ways. So if Krsna is giving us the chance to purchase it, let us take advantage of the opportunity.
But from strategic point of view, as we are expecting to purchase Mr. Snyder's property next year, he may be still tighter. But the advantage of being on the roadside in future will be of great use, there is no doubt of it.
Here in L.A. we are decorating the Temple room very nicely. As I am inviting everyone to come here and see, I think you should also once come here and see the Temple room so that you can erect in New Vrndavana in the same style. It is not very difficult, but it looks very gorgeous.
Now among our students those who are advanced should take up this matter more seriously, and the Movement which you have started may not be stopped for want of adequate preachers—that is my request to you all. I am very glad to know that Kirtanananda Maharaja has now taken up this matter seriously and is preaching.
If I go to Vrndavana, I will go during Janmastami festival there to see how Kirtanananda Maharaja has arranged. We have to make program that the Janmastami ceremony is held in New Vrndavana with great pomp—as much as the Rathayatra festival is to be performed in San Francisco.
Here presidents from other centers, like Hayagriva, Rupanuga, and Kirtanananda Maharaja, etc. are staying in this Temple. Kirtanananda Maharaja yesterday played the church organ very nicely. We are going to have another meeting this evening with organ playing.
I am very glad that you are going with Kirtanananda Maharaja to colleges.
I do not know what Kirtanananda Maharaja has told you, but where there is want of pujaris only Panca Tattva picture should be worshiped by performance of Kirtana and as soon as Jagannatha or Radha Krsna Deities are installed you will require some qualified pujaris immediately.
I have asked Tamala to come here and Hayagriva to come here. Rupanuga, Bhagavan das and Kirtanananda Maharaja are already here, so I am fervently appealing to you all not to create fracture in the solid body of the Society.
I think Brahmananda Swami, Gargamuni Swami, Visnujana Swami, Kirtanananda Swami and Subala Swami, all of them, two in a party assisted by other Brahmacaris should form separate Sankirtana Parties and travel all over Europe, America and Canada.
On the 15th August, 1970, Tamala has sent you the following telegram: "Srila Prabhupada desires to come Calcutta/ Immediately telegram 6-16, 2-chome Ohhash, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan or telephone Tokyo 466-2935 to Tamala, Sudama, Kirtanananda or Madhudvisa and confirm reception accommodations—Tamala."
I received your telegram, and also receipts for three deposits to the BBT at Dai Nippon; and I received your other letters, but on account of Devananda's disposition, I have not been able to reply them. Today I am taking the help of Kirtanananda.
I have already written one letter to Jaju, the copy of which is sent herewith. Both you and Kirtanananda Maharaja or Acyutananda Maharaja must see him immediately to inquire if he agrees to my proposal mentioned in the letter.
I have not heard from either of you since my coming this side to Bombay, so I am very anxious to know how you are each making life members.
I wrote one letter to P. M. Thakura to be delivered by one of our men personally. Whether it has been delivered? Where is the big key for Vrindaban? Devananda Maharaja has taken the smaller key from your box, but he did not find the large key.
I have written one letter to Mr. Jaju, and he has just replied briefly. Please see him and whether he is really serious?
Please keep me informed how things are going on in Calcutta.
I am very much sorry that since I have come to Bombay leaving Calcutta I did not receive any letter from you. I hope everything is going nicely there. I do not know also how many life members have been created since my departure for Bombay.
I was informed by Tamala from Bombay that the Hamilton House at Dalhousie Square is available for purchase. If it is so, immediately all of you see the house how far it is suitable for our purposes.
So far the terms of purchase is concerned, we shall accept any reasonable price provide the place is better suitable than Mr. Jaju's place.
Enclosed herewith please find the copy of the letter addressed to Mr. Jaju and immediately see him and do the needful. I am very much anxious to have a center in Calcutta, so both those places are very suitable for our purpose. Now you have to decide which one we shall take and work for it immediately.
I am returning to Bombay from Amritsar on the 30th October 1970, and the reply may be sent to the same address c/o Kailash Seksaria.
I have not received any letter from you since I left Calcutta—neither from Kirtanananda Swami nor Acyutananda Swami. I do not know how things are going on there. I shall be glad to hear of your activities and enrollment of life members.
Kirtanananda Swami is with Ramananda in Gorakhpur and Gurudasa and Yamuna with some other devotees are in Delhi.
If you go with Dhandharia and he meets the expense, that is nice, and meet Kirtanananda Maharaja and Ramananda there and then I shall also go there.
Kirtanananda Maharaja is feeling double separation. If he likes, he can go back to New Vrindaban. Let him feel only one separation.
1971 Correspondence
If you ever have any points of uncertainty, you may inquire from your elder Godbrothers or Hayagriva Prabhu and Kirtanananda Maharaja or if need be from me.
Last time Karandhara arranged for five tickets: Tamala Krishna, Madhudvisa Maharaja, Kirtanananda Maharaja, Kartikeya Maharaja and Devananda Maharaja, as well as myself.
So please arrange for Kirtanananda Swami to send tickets, round trip, to Pittsburgh.
Arrangements are being made for us to leave for Detroit on the 16th morning. We will stay there for two days and then come to Boston for a few days also. Then we will go to N.Y. so I don't think there will be time for going to New Vrindaban just now. So Kirtanananda Maharaja needn't send tickets.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 16th August, 1971 as well as your kind contribution of $100.00 check and I thank you very much for the same. I am so glad to hear how Janmastami and Vyasa Puja were celebrated so successfully there in New Vrindaban and devotees were coming from all the centers. We had a nice program here in London also and many outsiders were coming.
I understand that during the festival Hayagriva Prabhu was not there. How is that? Where he is now? The index of BHagavad Gita is very much delayed. Kindly ask him to send the complete index immediately for which the complete work is suffering.
I was sick for four or five days; now I am a little better but the disease is prolonging in a different way. I cannot sleep at night more than 2 hours and during the day sometimes I am feeling some dizziness. Otherwise everything is all right. I am chanting Hare Krishna as usual and writing my books regularly.
You have asked for some song translations and one is enclosed below. Others may be gotten from Dinesh who is presently in Israel.
Please offer my blessings to the others there. Hoping this will meet you all in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Lord Gauracanda is singing in sweet voice, singing very sweetly the Maha Mantra . . . He is asking every one, whether householder or in renounced order of life to chant always the Mahamantra . . . Either in distress or happiness never forget chanting this Mahamantra. Make this practice how to continue this chanting always. Gradually we are losing the duration of our life and if we don't take the opportunity of worshiping the Lord of the senses, Krishna, then we are simply wasting our time. Now we are fully conscious. Let us now chant loudly with the holy names of Radha Madhava. Being entrapped in the network of illusory maya, we are simply engaged in false duties. Therefore it is the good advice of Bhaktivinode Thakura that everyone should become mad after chanting the Mahamantra He is requesting everyone to do so.
I understand from Kirtanananda Maharaja that there is a nice scheme for travelling sankirtana party.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters just now received by me here in Calcutta and describing your plans for travelling Sankirtana party, and it is very much encouraging news for me. Silavati Prabhu said that this was her long cherished dream. It has been mine also. If there were three or four such travelling parties, it would be a grand scale propaganda. So do it with great enthusiasm and surely you will have the blessings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And wherever you go, if there is good response you can try and open a center there. This is first class scheme and surely will be "The greatest show on earth."
So far Visnujana Maharaja joining your party, that is super-excellent idea. Already, at your request, I have written him one letter to the San Antonio address, that he has my full-hearted blessings for joining the party.
Plays will be very successful and Vrindaban Candra is very expert in this connection. One thing, though, is that nice plays should be written for showing in the villages. The plays should be done seriously so that they will not laugh.
And Krishna has made himself available in the form of very nice brass Murtis from Washington D.C. It is not necessary also that Lord Jagannatha come along. Sometimes He is misunderstood also. The Deities can be installed in a temple and then taken for travelling. That will be best. So far Silavati's other questions: The large brass Deities can be bathed the same as the small ones if they can be handled easily; Cooking can go on after the Deities' plate is made. Without offering to the Deity nobody can be supplied, but after the offering if there are so many men and more is required then how can it be stopped?; In Vrindaban dhupa is offered without a flower sometimes, but either way is all right. If a flower can be offered, then that is nice; generally sandalwood paste is offered on the forehead, but on other parts of the body is all right; Kumkum powder should be offered on the feet.
My sanction is there for Prisni dasi receiving Gayatri mantra. It should be done by the tape method; Karandhara has a tape of me reciting gayatri mantra and he knows the proper procedure also. Arrangements can be made.
I am in receipt of your letter of November 3, 1971. Yes, you may take the 32" brass deities, along with throne and paraphernalia on your tour of many states, and in this way try very nicely to reveal to everyone everywhere you go the ecstasy of arcana worship.
I have answered your several letters, but somehow or other it appears they did not reach you.
I am very much pleased by this travelling Sankirtana program. Kindly execute it nicely, and sell as many books and magazines as possible, so that by reading Krishna philosophy, and by seeing you, they will become fully convinced.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 17, 1971, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. I am especially pleased that your travelling Sankirtana Party is being organized nicely under your supervision, and that it is meeting with good success. This travelling SKP is busses carrying tents is very encouraging. It should be continued all over the country. One thing is that all the students on the party must strictly follow the rules and regulations. Cleanliness is most essential, rising early, taking bath, etc. It is not that because we are travelling that we can neglect our routine work and become irregular in our habits. No, we must make every effort to remain regulated and clean, this is the solid basis for our work. When our routine work, like chanting, reading books, nice arati, deity worship, etc., is very nice, then our preaching will have effect. That is the secret.
You mention that you will open centers, many centers. I don't think there is need to open many more centers in your country. Rupanuga proposes to open only a few more centers in big cities and concentrate the balance of men in college preaching and travelling parties like yours. To manage centers requires many men, so unless we have got many men this idea will not be very fruitful. Better if there are a few important centers and travelling parties for the smaller towns and villages, going and coming back, going and coming back, like this.
Silavati should not think displeasure. There is no question of displeasure. Because we are travelling, your letters sometimes reach me only after several weeks, and similarly my replies may be delayed. There cannot be displeasure. This is my mission and you are helping me, so whatever help you are giving is welcome. There is no possibility of displeasure.
I was thinking that you could send that Cadillac car to India, but I understand there are no spare parts available here, so what is the use? So use it for equipping your travelling party as you see fit.
I am very glad to consent to accept the nice boys and girls you have recommended as my duly initiated disciples. I have replied them under separate cover, and have also sent five sets of beads duly chanted, along with five copies of Gayatri mantra and five sacred threads, also duly chanted on, by separate post. Hold a fire yajna and give sacred threads and Gayatri mantra to Karnamrta, Srutakirti, Kuladri, Harikesa, and Devaprastha. I think you can obtain a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra from Rupanuga. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear. So the fire yajna can be held for all ten devotees.
The spiritual names of the new initiate
Kindly push on with this travelling preaching party, distribute as many books as possible, and this will be the real contribution to Lord Caitanya's Movement.
1972 Correspondence
I can understand there is some disagreement with Hayagriva. From your letter the indication is like that. Under the circumstances, you may go with Kirtanananda Maharaja with his touring party.
So far Bill's letter which was sent to Madras, I have not yet received it. So first let it come. If Kirtanananda Maharaja has recommended their initiation, then when his letter comes I will initiate them.
Your songs and poems are very much liked by me. Syamasundara. informs me your proposal for travelling party for roving all over England and Wales, just like Kirtanananda is doing in America.
If you like you may join Kirtanananda's roving party for some time as manager, I have no objection.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 2, 1972, and I am very very pleased to hear from you again and to hear that your roving party is having great success and opening many temples. Actually that is the process, travelling, preaching, taking opportunity wherever Krishna offers it and leaving behind solid centers where propaganda will continue to go on nicely. You are doing very good work and I am very much pleased upon you for such sincere effort. Your program of speaking in colleges and other places and getting paid is very much liked by me; in this way, try to penetrate every school and college and introduce our books profusely. ___ is nice you are taking advantage of every opportunity for spreading Krishna Consciousness by speaking on radio, attending engagements, etc. That is the method recommended by my Guru Maharaja—now you are practically demonstrating this fact with good results. So go on like this, you have all of Krishna's blessings.
It is very nice that even the Mayor was convinced by you to buy our Krsna Book. That is a very good sign. Yes, you may name your naughty boy Radha-Damodara because He is always being tied-up with ropes.
Hoping this will meet you in good health and happy mood.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. For the last one week we are having Festival in Jaipur (Rajasthan)
The verses of the Gita have a specific melody but you may choose a suitable tune. Most important is that the melody remains very simple. You can take further direction from Kirtanananda Maharaja regarding these matters.
I am also pleased to hear something about Kirtanananda's party, and if you have them, kindly send me one photo of these painted busses, how they look, so I may be inspired by seeing them.
But the difference is, that in spite of his becoming a philosopher he could not assimilate and practice the philosophy, and he went away, so you may write like him, but please do not go away. I think others like Kirtanananda may be repeating, but they stay.
You can report to me how the bus is running, and you may correspond with Kirtanananda Maharaja in Boston as he has got many such busses. He can give you best advice.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 25 April, 1972, and I was expecting your check for a long time. I have been dreaming for a long time that you ___ send something but I didn't get. So now I am coming to Los Angeles by 20th May, and you must come there to meet me. You are the first sannyasi of my institution so I expect greater things from you than the others. Lord Krishna has given you the chance, so do this preaching work very nicely. He will continue to give us all opportunity if we remain sincere and serious.
Yes, that is a nice proposal if you speak like a learned scholar. Everything is there in our books; so learn it and put in your own way by reproducing. You are also materially well-educated so reproduce what I have taught in your own language. These things are new thoughts in your western countries, everyone will be interested. Writing is also required. Let it be published first in our BTG, then sometimes they may be printed into books also.
So far threads and beads, you were moving around, but so far I know everything was sent to Atlanta center but if someone has taken there, or if they were lost in mailing, I do not know. I am coming there soon, so we can adjust it then.
I shall not be able to come to your programs in early May as I am in Hawaii, but you are my representative, you can do it. I am very much pleased that you have got me also one bus for my travelling there. That was my ambition. Now you are all fulfilling all of the ambitions. At the present moment I take with me three assistants, so my books writing is going on, so that is not stopped by my travelling. So now I can go on touring and my writing will go on. So if we have got our own bus that will be very nice. I very much appreciate the photos you have sent, they should be published in our BTG. Sometimes after if you take a bus in India, it will be very very greatly appreciated.
My blessings to Visnujan, Silavati and all others. I am very much pleased with all these activities. This is carrying out the order of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. One thing, is prasadam being distributed profusely on this travelling party?
Now Kirtanananda has bought me one bus, so now I am taking with me wherever I go three assistants, so my translating work is not stopped even while traveling, so I may continue to tour sometimes and my work will go on, therefore I shall certainly come to Dallas sometime after my coming back to USA.
I have received your letter from New Vrndavana dated June 20, 1972, and noted the contents thereof. I am very glad to hear that you are giving your full attention to the worship of Sri Sri Radha Krsna there at New Vrndavana, and it shall be your task to make certain that they will never be so much neglected in the future. Your proposal is very nice to make the atmosphere of the Deities very, very opulent, and the temple must be kept always very nice. That will be the attractive feature and people will come to see for that reason.
So far your road-show is concerned, we are not meant for giving performances, we are simple kirtana men. There must always be kirtana going on wherever we travel, and nothing else. In this connection refer to the GBC letter which will be sent to you shortly by Karandhara and Syamasundara.
So far your naming of the new initiates, Syamasundara. tells me that there are several duplications, and this is not very much desirable. So in future, better to telephone or somehow contact my secretaries and get the names from them, and in that way there will be no duplication in the future.
I have duly received the check for $200 and I thank you very much for it. Enclosed also please find one copy of Gayatri Mantra for Varanasi devi dasi.
I shall be arriving in New York sometime in the afternoon of July 2, and I look forward to seeing you all there at that time.
Here in New Vrindaban, the Janmastami Festival continually from September 1 is going on very gorgeously. There are more than 500 guests and they are listening to Bhagavat Discourses with rapt attention, chanting and dancing. Many respectable Indians are coming. One Dr. Srivastava, professor of statistics at Colorado University, is interested in developing this scheme. Sriman Kirtanananda Maharaja has arranged very nicely. Everything is very satisfactory.
Regarding my personal servant, I have taken one boy, Srutakirti, as my personal servant and Nanda Kumar has remained in New Vrndavana with Kirtanananda Maharaja.
Thank you very much for your letter from New Vrndavana dated 19 September 1972 along with the box of sandesh. The sandesh was the first class sandesh I have tasted in your country, you have mastered the art perfectly well, thank you very much. I am happy to hear that your program in New Vrndavana has been very successful, and for my part I was very much pleased to attend this year. Now I can understand that this Bhagavata-dharma discourse can be held anywhere all over the world and people will come in large numbers such great distance and under all kinds of hardships just to hear our discourse. That is very encouraging to me, now you are sannyasis and GBC men and I leave it to you to hold this Bhagavata-dharma discourse and Hare Krsna festival all over your country widely, and this will be the success of our movement. You are experienced devotee, and you know how to do things well, so kindly train the others and distribute your experience widely, and organize. If such festivals can be held in different places continuously then my dream will be fulfilled. Your program for traveling to the colleges is nice, try to sell as many of our books and literatures as possible and lecture to all the students what is the real purpose of their education of life. If students become interested, they may come to New Vrndavana and stay with you for some time, and you can instruct them in our philosophy. Gradually try to develop that place, there is immense potential and immense land for development. I saw so much land, but there were no men working the land or raising crops. That is our purpose for keeping so much land, to utilize it in the service of Krsna. So next year you can raise so many kinds of fruits and vegetables there and keep cows, and that will be the ideal Krsna Conscious community of living.
Srutakirti is doing very nicely as my servant, he is a very good boy and I thank you for recommending him to me. So far purchasing the Allen farm is concerned, that you must decide in conjunction with Rupanuga, Hayagriva, and the others. But one thing is, we have not yet developed what we have got, so what is the point of expanding further? However if there is a good bargain and you think it is wise, I have no objection if you purchase the Allen farm, provided everyone agrees and there is sufficient money available.
Upon your recommendation I am enclosing two sacred threads, duly chanted by me, and three copies of Gayatri mantra. Now you may hold the fire yajna for Murari Gupta das, Ambarisa das, and Vijayadevi. Teach them how to count on the finger divisions and play the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra into their right ear. This ceremony should be held only in the company of devotees.
Your letter dated 6 October 1972 and your check for one hundred dollars are in hand. I thank you very much for your kind contribution. Yes, I am going to India via Hawaii and Manila, and I shall inform you when I shall reach India by the fifteenth of October.
I am a little in anxiety on account of Bombay affairs. It is a question of fifteen lacs of rupees, but the matter has not been properly handled by our men in India. Please pray to Krsna that things may come in normal situation. All of you may remember that we have taken a very responsible task in the matter of broadcasting the message of Lord Caitanya Who is Krsna Himself. Lord Caitanya is Radha-Krsna combined together. So you are one of the seniormost servants of the society. Kindly try to improve the aims and objects of the society so that all over the world the people may become happy.
Actually there is no problem, even in the material condition of life. Krsna has provided everything sufficiently and there is no question of scarcity or poverty. Only the demons and blind leaders are misguiding the whole population in the name of politicians, leaders, swamis, yogis, philanthropists, and making the whole world entangled more and more in problems. Our proposition is preaching the gospel of Krsna and request everyone to accept the truth that Krsna is the Supreme Master and everyone should surrender unto Him. Then there is no problem.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 19, 1972, and I have noted the contents with care. Now we are in Radha-Damodara Temple staying, and the programme of speaking morning and evening in the courtyard is going on very nicely. It is the same peaceful atmosphere as your New Vrindaban, and just as in New Vrindaban everyone present is devotee. Actually, everywhere wherever Krishna is being glorified, that is Vrindaban.
Regarding your questions, try to finish the temples in New Vrindaban as quickly as possible using whatever materials you have. Later on they can be improved more and more and eventually they will be the first-class opulent temples in the world.
So far starting a trust fund, yes, that is very good idea, so that the deities may never be neglected. The thing is, there must be continuous income, so if there is income from land that is all right. In Los Angeles we are getting income from rents from two apartment houses because there is always certain income.
As for bathing the deities in milk from time to time, that is not required. The smarta or caste brahmanas, they think if someone inattentively touches deity it becomes impure, so they bathe. But that is not needed by us, only when they are installed.
Regarding the cook-book, that is a nice proposal to divide into two parts. There is no harm if devotees have invented recipes, so long they are strictly vegetarian, no garlic, no onions, like that.
Upon your recommendation I am happy to accept Sudhakari dasi for second initiation. Now you hold a fire yagna, give her copy of gayatri mantra and teach her to count on the finger divisions. You may play the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra into her right ear. The ceremony should be held in the company of devotees only.
1973 Correspondence
So it is becoming very expensive to send so many sets of beads such long distance, and it has become little bothersome for me also, so I think now you may be appointed by me to give first initiations to new disciples by chanting on their beads on my behalf. In America Kirtanananda Swami is going that. So now if there are two of you that will give me great relief. Kirtanananda will chant on the beads for new devotees in America, Canada, like that, you can chant on the beads for the European continent new disciples.
As for chanting on their beads, I have delegated Kirtanananda Swami to chant on the new devotees' beads on my behalf in your country.
Therefore the new devotees may send their beads to Kirtanananda in New Vrindaban, and he will chant the beads and send back to them.
You may send your beads to Kirtanananda in New Vrindaban for chanting on them on my behalf.
Now I am getting so many requests to take first initiation from temples in your country, and once before I had empowered you to chant the beads on my behalf, so henceforth, as long as I am away from America and Canada, I am requesting all of the temple presidents in that zone of North America and South America to send the beads of the new devotees to you at New Vrndaban. The candidates for new devotees will send me their letters as usual, and I will give them names myself and enter in our records, simply you must chant on their beads and then return to them. Is that clear? Or, if you think it is better arrangement, I think that Bali Mardan has got many many beads in New York which we have sent him from Mayapur, so if you like you may get from him many sets of beads and you may chant them and, whenever requested by my letter only, you may send the new beads directly to the new devotees. Henceforth, then, I shall send copies of my letters of reply to the new devotees, wherever I am in the world, to you, and besides that the new devotees themselves will write to you and send you their beads. Similarly, I have appointed Revatinandana Maharaja in England to chant the beads of the new devotees on European Continent. Otherwise, in other parts of the world, I shall chant them as always.
Hoping this meets you in good health,
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
N.B. How far further construction of New Vrndaban is going on?
Now you may send your beads to Kirtanananda in New Vrindaban for chanting them, as I have empowered him to act on my behalf.
You may request them to send their beads to Kirtanananda in New Vrndavana for chanting on them on my behalf. I have given that responsibility as it is too costly to send so many beads such great distance by air mail. Now I am getting so many requests for first initiation, therefore I have given that responsibility to Kirtanananda, and Revatinandana will chant on the beads for the European devotees.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 10 January 1973, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. I can see that Krsna is giving you more and more facility for developing this New Vrindaban scheme. So this is very nice. I am very pleased that you have acquired some more cows. In Mayapur also we have some cows now. So you are the manager there, and in cooperation with the GBC men it is up to you to see that everything is developed very very nicely and that all the land is utilized properly, not that it is sitting going to waste. So once you are utilizing everything very nicely, then you may increase more and more as you like. So consult with the GBC and you may decide whether it is worthwhile to purchase more land at this time.
You write that you have just returned from your second trip to Mexico City. This is very very nice, as you are sannyasi, and sannyasi means to travel and preach the message of Krsna all over the world. So you are actually doing this and Krsna will be very pleased by such activities. Also you are distributing my books. This is the most important work, as anyone who simply takes one of these books, simply by reading may be saved and turned towards Krsna Consciousness. So in cooperation with others, go on traveling, preaching, distributing my books, and this will please me very very much.
Regarding your recommendations for second initiation, they may be given the sacred threads enclosed herein. As you are one of the elder members of our Society and you are sannyasi, it is your duty to see that all the devotees are following strictly the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds, attending the classes, reading our books, and always remaining enthusiastic for executing devotional service. Everyone has got some propensity. The art of preaching is to engage that propensity in the service of Krsna. Whatever we have got, our mind, our intelligence, our possessions, our time, our energies, let them all be used in Krsna's service. So by training people in this way, this will be the success of your preaching work.
We have just completed one very nice pandal program in Bombay, and every day thousands of people were gathering to hear the sannyasis preach in our "Questions and Answers" booth. Sometimes the people were staying past 12:00 in the evening to hear your American sannyasis preach this Krsna conscious philosophy. . So we have got good audience for resounding the message of Caitanya Mahaprabhu all over the world. I am going on 2nd February to Melbourne, Australia, and then shall be returning to Mayapur for the appearance day of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
So far your request for initiations for Patrick and Jane, that is approved by me. So far the infant is concerned, let him wait until he is older. You may receive the beads chanted upon by Kirtanananda Maharaja and hold the fire sacrifice.
Regarding initiation, you may arrange with Kirtanananda Maharaja to receive beads chanted upon by him.
Regarding the question of your wife's initiation, that is certainly approved by me. You may arrange with Kirtanananda Maharaja for receiving beads duly chanted upon by him.
Dan Swanson is now Dvijati Pujaka das, Christopher Beard is now Carucandra das, Phillip West is now Prabala das and Rebecca Strowger is now Rupa Ramesvari dasi. Will you please send one copy of this letter to Kirtanananda Swami along with their beads of the aspiring devotees for I have authorized him to chant on the beads on my behalf.
I am in due receipt of your letter and I approve of the initiations of Bill Allan who is now to be called Balaji das, Paul Terry who is now to be called Parambrahma das, Richard Selvin who is now Radhanatha das and Tom Meyers who is now Taru das.
The initiation that you have recommended are approved by me. Victor Mistretta is now to be called Vrikodara and Darrel Martin is now Dvibhuja. You may send one letter to Kirtanananda Swami along with their beads for chanting on. I have authorized him to chant on the beads on my behalf.
I am approving of the initiation of John Favors who is now to be called GHANASYAMA DASA. From your description he is to be a very nice and intelligent boy so please train him up properly. You may send his beads on to Kirtanananda Maharaja for chanting.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 20th. and February first along with your enclosed plans of the Radha Govindaji Temple in New Vrindaban. From these plans everything seems to be in order except the domes are making the temple look like a mosque. Therefore you please eliminate these domes and consult the Mayapur plan which can be obtained by writing Calcutta for design of the domes. The Deities should be facing East. If you are laying the foundation stone to this temple there is a ceremony which you can observe. First you may have one fire ceremony with four Brahmins surrounding the fire, reading from Bhagavad-gita, Nectar of Devotion, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Teachings of Lord Caitanya. This reading should go on during the entire ceremony. You may also dig one pit about 15 feet deep and have one golden Ananta form prepared, about two inches, put at the bottom of the pit. All during this, Kirtana should be going on. And then five types of various items should be placed in the pit, 5 types of jewels, 5 types of metals, 5 types of fruit, 5 types of grains, 5 types of amrta, like this different panca. These all should be carried down the ladder by the various Brahmins, and as they put each one at the bottom of the pit, the various fruits, flowers, etc. all of the Brahmins should one by one climb to the bottom of the pit and make their offering and chant the first verse of Gayatri Mantra. After this, you may lay some bricks down on top of everything and then begin to fill up the pit with dirt again. When the pit is filled up with dirt again you may put one foundation stone on top of the pit and this pit should be located at the exact corner of the Temple building. The idea of this is that the entire building will be resting on the hoods of the Ananta snake, and this is very auspicious. After this program you may have several days of Kirtana and feasting.
The arrangement for chanting on the beads is that when I send a letter to the respective individuals with their new names, they may send a copy of that letter on to you, and on receipt of this letter you may chant on their beads.
I am here in Australia now and things are going very well. I will be returning to India by the beginning of March and then to America by mid-April and I look forward to seeing you again then.
By your good recommendation I am pleased to accept Leroy Howes and David Joy as my initiated disciples. Their new names are: Paramatmananda Dasa and Pavaka Dasa. To save time and money, kindly forward two sets of japa beads to Kirtanananda Swami in New Vrndavana for the proper chanting, and then you may perform the fire sacrifice.
Thank you very much for for your letter dated the 3rd of March 1973 along with your kind daksina $200 check. Thank you very much, I have received your pamphlet inviting to participate in New Vrndavana activities. It is an excellent pamphlet nicely set up, but I am sorry to inform you that your co-founder Hayagriva Prabhu is little disturbed. Sometimes before you told about him participating in intoxication. Then I did not take it seriously, but the same thing is again revived and I am little perturbed. So is it possible to save him from this dangerous position? His is important man in our Society and we cannot allow him to deviate from our principles. Please try to save him.
I heard before that Birbadra is under your control, is that a fact? Hayagriva told me is under your control.
I shall secure gold Sesa and carry with me for the foundation and most propably while returning to L.A. through New York at that time if the ceremony is being held I shall attend. It will be a pleasure for me. Your vision of 7 Temples on 7 hills is very encouraging. May Krsna fulfill your transcendental desires. The graphic drawings of the Temples are very saris factory and the devotees working together is very encouraging. May Krsna help you in your noble endeavor to come out successful in the project of New Vrndavana. Your Krsna is most beautiful, just like an attractive boy.
Meanwhile Hayagriva can be encouraged to continue his literary contribution of articles, editing of the smaller books, etc. We shall see what he can do, and if at all possible he should be brought back to the standard. In this connection I have written his wife, Kirtanananda Swami, and the GBC members.
Such a talent is not so easily replaced, so we must try to bring him back to the standard for his own benefit. In this connection, I have written his wife, Kirtanananda Maharaja, and the GBC to see what they can do for him.
Yes, your Temple is always gathering nice devotees and I accept Brian, Leslie and Caroline as my duly initiated disciples and you can send the beads for chanting to Kirtanananda Swami, along with a copy of this letter.
Your proposal to go to Chicago Temple under the supervision of Satsvarupa Maharaja and Kirtanananda Maharaja is very good. They are your well-wishers.
Upon your recommendation I am gladly accepting Peter Laudert as my initiated disciple and as you have requested am sending him a letter (enclosed). Please have Kirtanananda Maharaja chant on beads for sanctification and you may hold a fire yajna.
You send a copy of this letter to Kirtanananda Swami and he will send you your japa beads duly chanted upon as I have prescribed.
So you send a copy of this letter to Kirtanananda Swami and he will chant on your beads.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 24, 1973 with enclosed daksina check for $200.00, for which I thank you very much. Yes, I will come for the ground breaking ceremony because it is special event. So you please send tickets for four of us to come.
Regarding the initiations, enclosed are four mantra sheets and one sacred thread chanted on by me for the four brahmanas, and I am pleased to accept the following as my initiated disciples: Sarvesvari dasi (Shelly); Gunyarupini Dasi (Ginny); Gomata Dasi (Gale); Vajresvari Dasi (Elly); Lajjavati Dasi (Lynn); Isvara Das (Mark). So you perform the fire yajna for the brahmanas and let them hear the Gayatri Mantra from the tape which I have recorded into their right ear, and you may chant upon the beads for the first initiates.
Upon your recommendation I am glad to accept these devotees as my initiated disciples. So now you may hold a fire yajna and send their beads to Kirtanananda Swami for chanting.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 6, 1973 and have noted the contents with great care and concern.
The deities may be immediately repaired and worshiped. Now we must take precaution as you have suggested. You may get some guns and some of the boys may be trained as ksatriyas. Such gun shots could have taken place long ago since we are challenging everybody. So we must be prepared to fight. We cannot stop this movement. It is actually a fight against Maya. So Maya may also sometimes cause casualties in our camp. So, we must only thank Krsna and seriously dedicate everything for Him. So, you are Kirtanananda Maharaja, take pleasure in performing kirtana. That is our real weapon against Maya.
I am very pleased that the corner stone function was nicely done and successful. Continue the work enthusiastically. Thank you very much for the check for $200.
I am slowly regaining my health. It is now the rainy season here and accordingly the digestive process is slowed down. Therefore the rainy season means slow recovery.
I was just thinking of you and wondering why I hadn't heard from you in a long time. You'll be pleased to know that your assistant Srutakirti is here. He's feeling all right. This boy appears to be a very sincere devotee.
Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept the devotees you have recommended for first and second initiation. You may chant on the beads of the first initiates and I am enclosing six sanctified sacred threads for the second initiates. Play the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra into the right ear of the brahmanas. The names of the first initiates are: Jim Hessler—Krpacarya das; Jack Mower—Kasyapa das; Chuck St. Dennis—Cakradhari.
Hoping this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. On top of the towers on the temple, you should make Visnu's colus (or cakra) and a flag.
On your recommendation I have accepted the four students in your temple as my disciples. Their new names are as follows:
Marilee Ash—Mrgaksi dasi
Harvey Mechanic—Mrgendra das
Dan Cunningham—Gatravan das
George Vutetakis—Gopati das
Have them send their beads to Kirtanananda Swami for chanting. You can hold a fire yajna for the initiates and invite many guests.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 10 June, 1973 and I have carefully studied the contents.
After the shooting affair what precaution have you taken? Bharadraja is here and he gave report that the devotees were very frightened. I further understand that the attack was for the second time. . Here in Mayapur there are reports of dacoity at least once, twice in a month surrounding our place. So we have now taken two guns under regular license from the government. . So when New Vrindaban has been attacked twice, thrice, why are you not keeping guns? We are not advocates of non-violence when there is aggression we must kill them. So I think you shall immediately arrange for guns and at least 10, 12 men should be trained up so when there is again attack you can properly reply the aggressor.
So far as my health is concerned it is improving a little but at the same time another new symptom is developing. Yesterday all of a sudden I have developed eye trouble. They said it is conjunctivitis or something like that. The left eye is swollen and always weeping and I cannot see properly.
Syamasundara came here and he also wants me to come to London for talking with some important men. I am thinking of going there by the first week of July but wondering what shall I do if some new symptom of my bad health threatens me in so many ways. But on the whole, if I go to London I think it will not be difficult for me to go to New Vrindaban. Sometimes by the 20th of August I could arrive because Janmastami will take place on the 21st. Just now I cannot promise taking consideration of my bad health. But if I at all go to London there is 90% chance of my going to New Vrindaban.
In the meantime I shall be glad to hear from you what defense measures you have taken to protect the life and property of New Vrindaban. This is very important and you must take all steps. Actually the government should have arrested all the gang and punished them properly for their atrocious behavior on unarmed people. Is there an attempt to have the government punish the gang who are well known to your country? We just take measure against occasional attacks by criminals.
So on your carefully considered recommendation, I am accepting these girls and boys as my initiated disciples and their names are as follows:
Thomas Doherty—Tamopaha das;
Jim Higgins—Niscinta das;
Paul Gibson—Punderika das;
Lance Nally—Gaya das;
Steven Lisowski—Satyamadhava das;
Nancy Alderman—Nikunjarasi Vilasi dasi;
Deborah Little—Daksinesvari dasi;
Ginette Newman—Govindarupini dasi;
Donald Parker—Modandin das;
Sylvia Parker—Savitri dasi
They may send their beads for chanting along with a copy of this letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 21st July, 1973. I have noted the contents with great pleasure.
Yes! Go on acquiring the surrounding lands and in this way we will establish a local self governing village and show all the world a practical example of spiritual life as Krishna Himself exhibited in Vrindaban. Agriculture and protecting the cow, this is the main business of the residents of Vrindaban, and above all simply loving Krishna. The cows, the trees, the cowherd men and Gopis, their chief engagement was loving Krishna, and in New Vrindaban we want to create this atmosphere and thereby show the whole world how practical and sublime our movement is.
I shall go to New Vrindaban as soon as your palace is finished. Jaya!
For the small cottages I suggest to construct as the diagram below—wooden beams and between the beams fill with gravel cement. The roof may be tile. The size may be 12' x 15'. This design is especially suitable for grhasthas, who can feel very comfortable there, and you may house four brahmacaris in such place. Every day you can build one such house, ten may be required, and in one month you will have 30 such nice shelters.
Regarding Janmastami. Why not continue your festival up to the end of the month as I have suggested. I will be finished here 22nd August. So on 23rd I can start for New Vrindaban.
Why do you say "little sannyasi", you are Maharaja—Great King. Like Yudhisthira Maharaja and Pariksit Maharaja—Emperor. Actually you are doing something very, very big—so you are Maharaja. Krishna will bless you. Therefore you are Kirtanananda, one who take pleasure in Kirtana.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your telegram from New York "Festival extended per letter expect Your Grace 23rd, send details"
Here Syamasundara. has arranged a gorgeous festival beginning 21st till 27th August. Just see the program.
August 21st: Chief guest, Indian High Commissioner
August 22nd: Chief guest, George Harrison
August 23rd: Ecumenical day, chief guest, Malcolm Muggeridge and representatives from all faiths.
August 24th: Young people's day, advertised 4 days before the event on all young peoples programmes on BBC radio. At least 5000 young people expected to come.
August 25th: Businessman's Day, chief guests Mr. Toyoto, and Baron Rothschild
August 26th: Neighbor's Day, chief guest Graham Hill
August 27th: Intellectual's Day, chief guest, D. Wayne, William Burroughs, Professor Alister Hardy.
So please excuse me because I shall not be able to come there. When I return to America I will come there.
I beg to __ receipt of your telegram recommending new initiates. Their names are as follows:
Robert—Vahna Das
Joanne—Visvadhika Dasi
Richkin—Mahabuddhi Das
Robert—Padmanyayana Das
George Crocker—Cirantana Das
Frank Chiesa—Candramauli Das
Ken Karpovich—Krsnasravana Das
Rachel Sullivan—Vedajanani Dasi
I am happy to hear that your program was successful, here also we had some nice programs, and in Amsterdam we also staged a nice festival. So this festival program is very very important and it is especially effective for the mass of people. So go on making festivals and make everyone in America Krishna conscious.
The two boys are gladly accepted by me on your recommendation, their names are as follows.
Ronald- Kamalasana Das and Peter - Prthusrava Das. Please give them good instructions regarding our Krishna consciousness philosophy and hold a fire ceremony and distribute nice Prasadm
to all the devotees.
I hope this letter meets you well.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(Beads may be sent to Kirtanananda Swami for chanting upon.)
So far as the woman distributers who have left New York and Boston Temples and have gone to New Vrindaban, they should return immediately and resume their original service. In Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Movement, everyone is preacher, whether man or woman it doesn't matter. I do not know why Kirtanananda Maharaja is encouraging our woman devotees not to go out on Sankirtana for book distribution. Everyone should go out.
Please accept my blessings, and I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 16, 1973 and I have noted the contents carefully. Next time you come to India, you must come to Mayapur in March, not only you but many others. Our Bombay affairs are almost settled by 90%. The conveyance deed is prepared and it will be signed within one or two days.
Now this displeasing of godbrothers has already begun and gives me too much agitation in my mind. Our Gaudiya Math people fought with one another after the demise of Guru Maharaja but my disciples have already begun fighting even in my presence. So I am greatly concerned about it.
Following in the footprints of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu:
- trnad api su-nicena taror iva sahisnuna
- amanina manadena kirtaniya sada harih
"One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and should be ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly."
We must always remember this verse and be as tolerant as the tree, as we execute the Krsna consciousness movement. Without this mentality we cannot be successful.
Material nature means dissension and disagreement, especially in this Kali yuga. But, for this Krsna consciousness movement its success will depend on agreement, even though there are varieties of engagements. In the material world there are varieties, but there is no agreement. In the spiritual world there are varieties, but there is agreement. That is the difference. The materialist without being able to adjust the varieties and the disagreements makes everything zero. They cannot come into agreement with varieties, but if we keep Krsna in the center, then there will be agreement in varieties. This is called unity in diversity. I am therefore suggesting that all our men meet in Mayapur every year during the birth anniversary of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. With all GBC and senior men present we should discuss how to make unity in diversity. But, if we fight on account of diversity, then it is simply the material platform. Please try to maintain the philosophy of unity in diversity. That will make our movement successful. One section of men have already gone out, therefore we must be very careful to maintain unity in diversity, and remember the story in Aesop's Fables of the father of many children with the bundle of sticks. When the father asked his children to break the bundle of sticks wrapped in a bag, none of them could do it. But, when they removed the sticks from the bag, and tried one by one, the sticks were easily broken. So this is the strength in unity. If we are bunched up, we can never be broken, but when divided, then we can become broken very easily.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
cc: Karandhara Das, ISKCON, Los Angeles
Mohanananda Das, Gurukula, Dallas
Today I received the same complaint from Kirtanananda, and the reply is enclosed. This is applicable everywhere. Unless we become very strong in Krsna consciousness, it is very risky to handle material things and business.
You may be pleased to know that on my way to U.S.A., Los Angeles via New York, I am now staying in London. I have just come yesterday 23rd November, 1973 from Nairobi. The fact is that I was to stay at Nairobi for at least one week, and there was very big arrangement for Hare Krsna festival. The wide circulation of advertisement was there, and it was expected some thousands of people will gather, but the immigration department by their confidential conspiracy did not allow me to enter into Nairobi. Therefore, from the Nairobi airport I immediately arranged to come to London, and last night at about half past eight London time I have come here at Bhaktivedanta Manor. I am feeling very much happy. Here everything is going on very nicely. It has given me much pleasure. Now when I go to New York I wish to meet both you and Hayagriva Prabhu, and if you so desire I can go from New York to your place for a few days. I have got important talks with you for development of our New Vrndavana project, so kindly get information from Bali Mardan Swami, and as seen as you hear that I am there, please come and see me with Hayagriva Prabhu. If you so desire, I shall go to New Vrndavana along with you.
I hereby accept the following devotees for first and second initiation as recommended by you:
John - Vatsara dasa
Elena - Kalakantha dasi
Peter - Vatsala dasa
Deborah - Sasikala dasi
Paul - Vatsi das
Cheryl - Kandarpa-sundari dasi
Naomi - Kamalalita dasi
Enclosed find three sacred threads and three gayatri mantras for the second initiates. Hold a fire yajna, after which they may listen to the mantra once through the right ear from from the cassette tape I have have made.
You may send the beads of the first initiates to Kirtanananda Maharaj and send it to me in Los Angeles.
I hereby accept the devotees as you have recommended for initiation and their names are as follows:
Emil—Svavasa dasa
Mike—Vyapi dasa
Joe—Naikatma dasa
Wally—Naikarmakrt das
You may send their beads of Kirtanananda Maharaja for chanting upon.
Page Title: | Training of Kirtanananda dasa (Letters, 1970 - 1973) |
Compiler: | Alakananda |
Created: | 27 of May, 2010 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=103 |
No. of Quotes: | 103 |