I have received the Tulasi seeds and the instructions. Immediately I have handed it over to Karandhara, and he is taking care of it nicely, but the seeds are not yet sprouted—today is the sixth day. So the factual result will be informed to you in due course.
Training of Karandhara dasa (Letters, 1970 - 1972)
Expressions researched:
|"Back to Godhead"
|"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust"
|"Book Fund"
|"Book Trust"
|"Book Trust,"
|"Dai Nippon"
|"GBC members"
|"Governing Board Commission"
|"Governing Body Commission"
|"Governing Body Commissioners"
|"Iskcon Press"
|"Trust Body"
1970 Correspondence
I, the undersigned, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, presently author of the following books: Krsna; Nectar of Devotion; Easy Journey to Other Planets; Isopanisad; Bhagavad-gita As It Is; Srimad-Bhagavatam; Teachings of Lord Caitanya; Krsna Consciousness: The Topmost Yoga System, do hereby appoint Rupanuga das Adhikari, Bhagavan das Adhikari, and Karandhara das Adhikari for the purpose of the publishing of manuscripts and literatures made by me, distribution and collection and all other necessary paraphernalia in this connection. This trust is called the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Out of the three trustees, the majority decision will be carried.
At the present moment, the Krsna books are coming from Japan and they should be taken care of immediately. The present procedure is that Sriman Karandhara das Adhikari is looking after the business and collecting the fund. The same procedure should be followed and whenever there is a collection, it should be deposited in my bank account entitled ISKCON, INC. - BHAKTIVEDANTA BOOK TRUST, number __ with the Security Pacific National Bank. And whenever there will be a new printing, on submission of the estimate I shall immediately advise the bank to remit as I am now doing. In the future, things will be done as it is necessary. All withdrawals are to signed by me exclusively.
The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust account will be used to publish my books and literature and to establish Temples throughout the world, specifically three Temples are to be established, one each in Mayapur, Vrndavana, and Jagannatha Puri.
Yesterday Karandhara presented me a check signed by you for $4,000 in my favor, but I have countersigned in favor of ISKCON L.A. as they have already purchased our worldwide tickets.
Now that I have formed this Governing Board Commission, the twelve members should each act as my zonal secretaries. So kindly keep me informed of your zone's activities at least once a week or once fortnightly. In this way I will be encouraged and can give you direction and inspiration.
You will be glad to know that with Messrs. Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. I have opened an account "Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Deposit" with immediate effect by depositing $5,000. At the same time I have ordered from them books worth $32,000 and as soon as the second volume KRSNA manuscript is received the amount will increase to $52,000.
Under the circumstances I shall request you to send as much as possible every week to this Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Deposit so that I may not feel any difficulty to meet my obligation.
Now you have in stock about 10,000 copies of KRSNA, face value of which is about $75,000, so kindly try to collect as much as possible and send your weekly collections to this deposit fund. Immediately you can send Durlabha's $500 and whatever book fund collection you have made and let me know by your next letter.
I have advised Karandhar to collect all book funds and send to Dia Nippon wherein I have opened an account "Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Deposit". The more they receive amounts, the more we print books for distribution.
Regarding shipping of the books, I hope you have already received message from Tamala Krsna. Teachings of Lord Caitanya and KRSNA books should immediately be shipped by S.S. Viswa Kirti and the shipping documents may be sent to me directly at my Calcutta address as follows:
37/1 Hindustan Road Ballyganj Calcutta-29
Perhaps you know that we are starting for Calcutta on the 29th August reaching there on the same evening. One Japanese student also is going with me and he is helping our cause by translating from English to Japanese. He will continue his work as translator and it will be easier for him to understand intricate subjects in my presence.
Regarding Isopanisad, I have already ordered Dai Nippon to reprint 10,000 with sewn binding (perfect binding). I thank you very much that you have sent $1,900 to Dai Nippon and they have acknowledged receipt. I heard from Tamala that you have sent further $1,500, but they have not received as yet. I hope by this time you have already sent this check.
I have invited some of the directors of Dai Nippon to take lunch with me today and I may inquire if they have received further money. The bill is already for $32,000 for the books which I have ordered to be printed and over and above this if the amount for KRSNA II and Hindi BTG is added the amount will come to somewhere about $53,000. So kindly go on sending weekly whatever collection you make for the Book Fund.
I am so glad to learn that the management of the Temple is going nicely and the devotees are feeling transcendental pleasure. I understand from Tamala that the number of weekly guests has almost doubled. This is very good news. Who is taking care of my apartments? It should be cleansed at least twice a week and on the Altar of the Deity at least one incense may be offered daily.
I thank you very much and all the devotees for offering me a garland daily as you were doing when I was physically present. If a disciple is constantly engaged in carrying out the instructions of the Spiritual Master he is supposed to be constantly in company with hs Spiritual Master. This is called Vaniseva. So there are two kinds of service to the Spiritual Master One is called vaniseva and the other is called vapuseva. Vaniseva means as above mentioned, executing the instructions, and vapuseva means physically or personally rendering service. So in the absence of physical presentation of the Spiritual Master the vaniseva is more important. My Spiritual Master, Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura, may appear to be physically not present, but still because I try to serve His instruction I never feel separated from Him. I expect that all of you should follow these instructions.
Hope this will meet you in good health. Please keep me informed of your good activities always and offer my blessings to all the boys and girls and the little children.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. As this letter was being written, I have received your next letter dated August 19th, 1970, and thank you very much for sending the check for $2600 to Dai Nippon to be placed in the "Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Trust."
I am very glad to know that you are travelling to Portland, Oregon, with some other devotees for the purpose of establishing a new center there with the help of Syamasundara.. That is very encouraging news.
I am so glad to learn that you are having nice success in placing my books in the libraries and in schools and colleges. That is very much to my satisfaction, so please continue your program for placing these Krsna Consciousness literatures in all the libraries and schools and colleges. I am sure that this will revolutionize the thinking of the thoughtful men of your country as well as the students and professors and the ultimate end will be to save the world from the clutches of material illusory activities which is now causing havoc everywhere.
It is a great encouragement to me also that the GBC is carefully revising the program of our temples in view of the recent attacks upon our Society. I am very much counting upon you all to keep the standard of Krsna Consciousness as I have already instructed you both orally and in my literatures.
I have received one letter of statement from Dai Nippon Printing Company that the "Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Deposit" has been credited with $10,000 up to the 29th of August, leaving a balance due of $22,100. I have advised them of your last check No. 225 dated August 29th for $1,500. So please continue to send them checks as you are doing so that they may receive another full $10,000 before shipment is made. This will leave still another $12,100 balance due from the original total of $32,100 which may be payed up after the shipment is made.
Regarding the packages sent to me in Los Angeles, if there is any sweets etc. they may be distributed among the devotees and so far clothes are concerned they may be kept in my wardrobe there for me. If there are any clothes for my Deities, however, they can be sent here by Air Post.
Regarding the four Sannyasis, I have already written to them in care of the Detroit temple requesting them to not preach anything which may hamper the growth of our Society. But I have not received any reply from them. Please try to help these boys and advise them on my behalf not to waste time in such fruitless endeavor. I hope in the meantime I shall receive their reply by the grace of Krsna.
Yes, I am so glad that your center is doing so well and all the devotees are now appreciating the presence of their Spiritual Master by following His instructions although He is no longer physically present—this is the right spirit.
Yes, you are correct that that anything outside of Krishna Consciousness is insanity, and I am glad that you are realizing it more and more. Similarly I have been getting letters from Karandhara, Rupanuga, and Hayagriva telling how they are feeling new assurance in Krishna Consciousness. So if our GBC members remain strong, strictly following the regulative principles, everything will be all right. Please continue to travel among the centers and preach as much as possible.
I am in receipt of your letter dated Sept. 13, 1970, and I congratulate you on the good news of opening the Portland center so successfully, and I am very pleased that things are going on nicely. I received your telegram, and also receipts for three deposits to the BBT at Dai Nippon; and I received your other letters, but on account of Devananda's disposition, I have not been able to reply them. Today I am taking the help of Kirtanananda. Please go on sending the reports.
On the whole I am very pleased with your management. The Ekadasi program is very nice. Krishna is giving you good sense and intelligence. Take care of your godbrothers and godsisters very carefully.
Under the expert leadership of such sincere students as yourself and Rupanuga and Karandhara in the U.S. the GBC is taking on the responsibility that I desired. Similarly in Europe Syamasundara. is working hard. So by Krishna's Grace everything is taking shape. Here in India also the work is pushing forward, and daily we are getting reports of support among the influential members of the community. Half of our devotees have just opened up another center on the other side of Calcutta, and last night there were more than 200 persons singing and dancing at our place.
Yes, in Calcutta we are getting good coverage practically every day and in every meeting the slide show makes the whole thing very impressive. So anyone coming from L.A. cannot only bring my UHER recorder from Karandhara but also slides and specially nice pictures as well as some large posters of your Spiritual Master and Lord Caitanya.
I have received Karandhara's letter and Satsvarupa's letter and I am so glad to receive their encouraging reports. So the Portland temple is now established and you try together to open as many other branches in suitable places as possible. Please try to improve our Vrndavana scheme at New Vrndavana with the cooperation of all parties.
Regarding your cooperative program with Karandhara for realizing the great potential for Krsna Consciousness in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, that is very good news—do it carefully.
Since a very long time I have not received any word from you. I hope everything is going on well with you in our Los Angeles World Headquarters.
Please send me a report of your general activities in Los Angeles Temple and also your Governing Body Commission activities.
Please offer my blessings to all the members of our Temples. How is the Deity worship being carried on?
Awaiting your reply.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. Also let me know if you are sending book collection fund to Dai Nippon regularly
Formerly I issued one circular letter requesting all GBC members who are zonal secretaries also, to give me a fortnightly report of the activities in his jurisdiction, but I am not receiving. I've received no letter since a very long time from Karandhara, and I'm very interested to know how things are going in L.A. We have a great responsibility to pay $2,000. monthly to the church trustees. In regards to my activities here, I'm trying to open many centers here in India.
I have received your special delivery letter of 15 October, 1970, and have noted the contents with great pleasure. You are one of my most determined students and for this reason I think that Krsna is giving you all facilities for serving Him. It is most encouraging to me to see that you are spreading this movement so nicely and I thank you for this. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has forecast that this Hare Krsna Mantra will be heard in every nook and cranny of the globe. He is God, so it will happen, that is a fact. So if we take advantage then we may take the credit, but if we do not someone else will.
You are right to just depend on Krsna. When He sees that you are sincere He will reveal everything to you. And this preaching work is your key to success in Krsna Consciousness; just see Bhagavad-gita As It Is, XVIII, 68-69.
I think that you may distribute copies to all centers of the letter from the Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah, endorsing our S.K.P. program and giving us official permission.
I am interested to know how much you have recently deposited in the Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Deposit Account. Please continue to earn thousands of dollars for printing of my books and this will be a great honor for you.
No one has sent my $15 monthly maintenance checks. So I am asking you to please expedite this matter among your centers. They should send readily negotiable American Express checks rather than personal checks which take up to two months to clear.
I have also just received the three sets of color photos of our L.A. Temple and they are very beautiful. Thank you very much for them.
The Deity worship should be done just in the way it was carried out in my presence. You should see that such a high standard is maintained and that there are no irregularities. Irregularity means breaking the schedule. As you have mentioned those thrones that are coming, I was just thinking of them. When they are fixed up, please send me photos of them. Please continue to send as much as possible to my bookfund deposit. I have received a copy of the monthly payments from the temple sent by you, but as of yet I have not received a copy showing payment for the months of Sept. and Oct. Please send me such a copy each month.
The new procedures you are instituting on Sankirtana Party are very encouraging to me. The opportunities for expanding the Sankirtana Movement are unlimited. We should tax our brains as to what is the best way to present Krishna Consciousness to particular people at a particular time and place. I have always thought that in L.A. there should be at least ten Sankirtana Parties going out simultaneously and as you have indicated, such places as Long Beach and other areas can each have their own Krishna Consciousness center. I am so much grateful to you for being such a strong soldier in pushing on this movement. Please continue in this way and give example to your Godbrothers and sisters. Please offer my blessings to all the L.A. Prabhus.
I have received today your letter dated October 25th, 1970, and in the meantime I have just replied your two previous letters from September so I hope you have also received that letter. I have seen the article from Salt Lake City and also one letter has come from Mohanananda in Dallas. So things are very favorable in both these places, just you see that they go on very nicely to our set standard. I am glad that you are taking your duties of overseeing the centers in your jurisdiction very seriously, that is very much needed.
Regarding Seattle center, I know that Krsnakanti is a very nice devotee and highly intelligent and enthusiastic, so he is certainly a good man for the presidency there. I am so pleased that Srimati Jambavati devi is caring for the Deities there so well. When the Deities will be radiant, it means that the service is going on nicely. So regarding the Los Angeles Deity worship, you were carrying it out very well in my presence, so you continue in that way. Two baths daily for Their Lordships is not required, but twice dressing is nice. Your program for training everyone in the proper form of Deity worship and other temple activities is very, very good. We want that all our men shall be able to do everything in Krsna Consciousness—a devotee is expert in all things.
Please continue to send all available funds to the "Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Deposit" as you are doing. Why have the centers not sent my maintenance checks regularly as before? So far the distribution of funds, temple management, etc. which you have mentioned, if one is sincere, the dictation how to do it rightly will come from within. It is stated that those who are engaged in the service of the Lord in pure love and devotion, to them dictation is given from within their hearts. But still you should check with me. If one is very cautious, then Krsna will give him protection. One should not become callous; he should be cautious.
Regarding initiation as mentioned in your letter addressed to Devananda Maharaja, we shall be very careful now in the selection of candidates for initiation and everything must be followed by them very strictly as we have instructed, then we shall see about initiation.
Regarding affairs of Temple management, financial distribution, etc., it is not necessary that you keep me informed of all the details. Regarding marriages, the correct way is that you should first get the marriage sanctioned by me and then perform the ceremony with my blessings.
I shall be expecting the posters and pictures soon; they will be very useful to our propaganda work.
How is it that you owe $20,000 to Dai Nippon? Are the Temples remitting the $0.15 cost per copy of BTG to ISKCON Press for each copy they receive?
Maya and Krsna are always side by side. Either one is serving Krsna or he is serving Maya. Please manage the affairs of your temple in close cooperation with Karandhara and your Godbrothers and Krsna will give you the good intelligence to progress nicely.
The present arrangement is that all book collection goes to Dai Nippon firm in Japan but so far money transferred there is only $21,000. That is 1/4 of the gross value. I think $50,000. at least should have been deposited there by this time. If I'm not wrong in my calculation, you can talk this matter amongst yourselves, especially Karandhara, and do the needful. I'm sure KRSNA will be accepted all over the world.
You write to say that you have asked Karandhara to send some money received for the bookfund to pay for paper. That is alright provided that Karandhara can also continue making payments to Dai Nippon. The problem is that book money isn't being properly collected. Big books like KRSNA and NOD: NOD, 5,000 books printed @ $4.00 = $20,000.; KRSNA - 10,000 printed at $8.00 = $80,000. for a total of $100,000. $70,000. or $80,000. should have been collected, but Karandhara has only collected $24,000. So where is the rest of the money? This means that the money is not being collected properly. What can be done? Also there were so many small booklets printed. Where is the collection for them also? If collections are not being made properly, then there will be a shortage of money. So how to adjust things?
Arrangements should be made so that book collection can be made properly. Also how the books are collected, how accounts are kept, how books are distributed. Then there will be no scarcity of money. Even if you take $5,000. to $10,000., that's all right so long as Karandhara can send to Dai Nippon at least $50,000. So what will be the cost of printing and folding 5,000 NODs? If Karandhara can't pay, I will see how to get it from here. (You can print and fold there and send here for collating and binding.)
I am in due receipt of your letters dated 28th October, 19th, 13rd, and 10th of November respectively and have noted the contents carefully. Your sentiments for me are very nice and I thank you very much for your sincere attitude which is so encouraging for me.
If we have to repair our house and Mr. Raj Anand is willing to give us the loan and you think there will be no problem in repaying him, then it is all right and you may do it.
I am glad to hear new devotees are coming and do not be worried about some of our members leaving; they will come back. Krishna never forgets the service rendered to him by the devotee and once tasting the nectar of devotional service to the Lotus Feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is not possible to forget Him.
I have received the report of Pittsburgh GBC meeting. I am happy to see you all so active and serious about carrying on the work which I have started. Now I want that all administration may be done by all of you 12 GBC members all over the world. Always keep in touch and consult matters all together for practical execution.
Yes, continue to send money to my book fund so that we shall be able to go on producing literatures of Krishna Consciousness. Thank you for the check of $227.00 for my maintenance fund. You may collect all the payments and send once monthly from L.A. the total amount. That will be better. I have also received the receipts of temple payment for Sept. and Oct. Also the pictures of the sanctuary appear very nice.
My Guru Maharaja used to say "don't worry about money, Do something nice for Krishna and money will come." So we should always be thinking how to distribute the message of Krishna and surely He will give us facility. Even an ordinary man if he wants publicity then he gives so much money for the propaganda work. Similarly Krishna is not poor. He can supply any amount for the devotees who are engaged in broadcasting His glories. I see that you are moving in the schools and universities for preaching. That is very good. Krishna says that this knowledge is the king of education. So it will be appreciated.
Your program to visit nearby cities and towns with a travelling party is nice. Krishna Das has also started this program in Germany and the success has been good.
Regarding worship of Tulasi, it is not very much important. Simply all the devotees may offer a little water every morning and in the evening offer obeisances and ghee lamp (one wick) and circumambulating three times repeating the mantras that I have given you. The plant may remain in the garden.
I am in due receipt of your two telegrams and letter dated December 6th, 7th and 6th, 1970, respectively. I have just come to Surat from Indore as we are travelling often now and I have just received your letters addressed to Bombay from where my mail is regularly forwarded.
I have already telegrammed you in return regarding the money contributed by Sai and his followers. The money is to be kept for the purpose of purchasing one very nice house in Calcutta for which we have already begun serious negotiations. You have utilized $500 for the Berkeley Center's immediate need, but this must be repaid by them so the entire contributed sum must remain intact as I have instructed by telegram. It is a very good news that the disciples of Sai and Sai himself are now coming to join with our ISKCON. Because they were chanting Hare Krsna, they developed some love for Krsna and therefore they have decided upon this right course of action. So they are all very welcome and you can give these good souls all encouragement so that they may not feel any inconveniences. They must live with us according to our standard practices and they shall surely advance in Krsna's service.
So far the current estimate for printing the revised and complete edition of Bhagavad-gita, you may immediately go ahead with this project and it is very much encouraging to me that you are eager to do so. However the proposal for using the money contributed by Sai for this purpose is not feasible. That money is already reserved. The London Temple has taken Krsna books worth $20,000, so they should send the requisite $17,000 for the publishing of our Bhagavad-gita As It Is in new enlarged edition immediately. I understand that the KRSNA book is selling there very well, so they can easily do it. I hope your international attempts for placing our books in libraries and selling our KRSNA books in particular is going on. I am always anxious to know that our programs are going on nicely.
I am very much happy that you are now attempting for opening up some centers in South America. It has long time been my desire to have some of our branches there. So you train up some qualified men and send them and if they can do something there it will be a great achievement. Simply they must chant Hare Krsna, observe the regulative principles and read our literatures sincerely and their success is guaranteed.
So far the overseeing of the temples in your Zone, I am very glad that you are travelling there and preaching and thus feeling enlivened. Just see that the standard of purity is strictly maintained and the standard of enthusiasm for spreading Lord Caitanya's Movement is increased.
Please offer my blessing to all the nice devotees of Los Angeles Temple.
I have seen the layout proposal for the first pages of our new edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is and it is fully approved by me. I shall immediately write one preface to the enlarged edition as you have requested and send it as soon as possible. I have written to Karandhara that the money for printing according to Advaita's estimate of $17,000 should be realized from London. London book sales have nothing to do with my book fund. They have got 2,500 copies of KRSNA or in other words $20,000 worth of books, so they can send $17,000 for printing of Bhagavad-gita, immediately. It is a good proposal to print 10,000 copies; 5,000 for India and 5,000 for U.S.A.
I am also glad that you are regularly sending the maintenance checks for your Temple to Karandhara. Thank you very much for this.
1971 Correspondence
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 18th, 1970, redirected to me here in Surat we have had a very successful preaching program during the last two weeks. Also in hand I have your letter dated 26th November, 1970, which is also acknowledged.
The most important thing is that the money donated by Sai should be kept as I have directed you for some concrete project, specifically the construction of a large center here in India. So you please keep it intact and wait further instructions what to do with the $28,000. Otherwise, it is a bad policy to send good money after bad money as in the matter of paying some past debts. That is not good business proposal. I am sure those debts will be liquidated in due course by other means as I have suggested to you before and you have also indicated that in some time hence the BTG debt will be cleared.
I am very glad that you find the situation in Hawaii so congenial and I know that Gaurasundara is doing his best there. The newly acquired property I have named as Advaita Bhavan and it sounds very inviting place for me to do my translating work. I am glad that Sai is also improving. He and his former followers are all good souls, so all of you should try to help them become fixed up in the bona fide line of devotional service to Krsna.
I am also glad that you are continuing to send money into the "Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Deposit" with Dai Nippon. I am very eager to begin printing of new books and the first thing is clearing our bills to date. So the matter of proceeds from distribution of Books should be carefully done so that the returns may be immediately sent off to Dai Nippon. I have also written to Satsvarupa and Advaita that the plan for printing our Bhagavad-gita As It Is in enlarged edition should go on as soon as possible.
Regarding your proposal that recommendations for initiations should be approved by the GBC members, that is not a good idea. Such recommendation is for the local President to make from first hand observation.
I am glad that you have found all our West Coast Temples to be going on nicely to the standard and I am also very enthusiastic for you to continue opening more branches as far as possible. But the first thing is that the already established Temples must be maintained and the second is that once a center is opened it may not be closed down. That is very bad. So all considerations must be done very thoughtfully and carefully.
Please continue to work with determination and great faith in Krsna and Guru and full cooperation of your God-brothers and fellow members of the Governing Body. If you all keep to the standard practices of pure spiritual life as I have humbly instructed you, there is no doubt that this Sankirtana Movement of Lord Caitanya will overtake all the earth and all opposing parties will be cracked down to nothing.
and thus feeling enlivened. Just see that the standard of purity is strictly maintained and the standard of enthusiasm for spreading Lord Caitanya's Movement is increased.
I am hoping that the Bhagavad-gita As It Is and Nectar of Devotion shall be printed soon. If you require the funds for NOD and TLC, I shall send it conveniently. But I have just received a letter from Karandhara that the needed money is already arranged and the printing should begin soon. I am very anxious to see that ISKCON Press is operating effectively. Regarding the Preface to Bhagavad-gita, I shall send that as soon as I have got some time to write one. In the meantime you can go ahead with the remainder of layout work.
I hear from all our centers that they have instituted regular classes for writing articles and still you say they do not contribute sufficiently to Back to Godhead. How is that? I want all our students to write articles for our transcendental magazine. That is practical. Karandhara has also written that my long desired scheme of a Krsna Conscious daily newspaper is being implemented. Please do this work very nicely. It will be a very great step in the history of ISKCON movement.
I am so much obliged to you for your nice sentiments. Krishna will bless you. Both husband and wife and Karandhara husband and wife, improve temple management more and more. Most probably very soon I shall return to the U.S.A. Offer my blessings to all.
I am in due receipt of your three letters dated 12.21.70, 1.1.71 and 1.7.71, along with four sets of beads and one letter from the Indian boy who is now in Boston. I have replied his letter separately. I have gladly initiated all the four new boys and girls as recommended by you and I am sending them each a letter and their beads together by separate post.
Please go ahead and print Bhagavad-gita as soon as possible. I am very pleased that you are regularly sending Dai Nippon for my "Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Deposit." Thank you very much for this good work. According to our account based upon Dai Nippon Credit Notes the total deposit up to and including the latest (No. 26) is $35,995. This is $500 more than your figure. The same discrepancy was noted to you some time back perhaps by Devananda. I have asked Dai Nippon for a complete statement of account to clear the matter. The money from Sai's group and the maintenance fund collection should be deposited for some solid work. We have to maintain ourselves from other sources. You can deposit the amount in my Bank of America Checking Account No. 3082-80075. In the meantime I have ordered the third printing of KRSNA Volume I, so I am confident of our distribution program's success if you all work on diligently. I am so pleased with your humble and sincere efforts in all these matters.
You are praying for Krsna's guidance and yes, Krsna will always guide you. You are always so sincerely working. He is inside you and He will guide you. Simply we have to keep ourselves always pure.
You say that Krsna book is selling singularly well. That is solid sale because the book is new, when it is popular the distributers will take it. Your propose to print Krsna book in the 10,000,000/millions. That is nice proposal, but I think it is still insufficient. I am glad you have launched your membership program. That is nice. We are doing that very nicely in India. Your Sunday Prasadam feast program is now successful. At the feast you can canvass everyone to become our member. Everyone is Krsna's son, so if one is mislead it is our duty to reclaim him for Krsna and one who is engaged in such work is soon recognized by Krsna.
I expect to return very soon via New York, Boston, etc.. Yes, you may perform the ceremony for second initiation for Tulsi das, Krsnakanti, Locana das, Nitai das, Jayatirtha, Karuna Sindhu, Sarola devi, and Maithili devi. The ceremony should be held as usual. Before the ceremony the chief Brahmana chants Gayatri silently. The tape should be played through a set of earphones so that only the initiate hears the mantra. They should hear once only repeating the mantras word by word with the tape record. Devananda says the instructions are there on xerox in a file labelled Prayers, Ceremonies, etc.
I have studied your method for care of funds, etc. So far as filling out forms is concerned, that is too much botheration. No one should require money but simply you should see to it that the goods required are supplied. In materialistic calculation they think all these things are necessary, but in spiritual life it is not required. Things should be done as simply as possible. Presently Karandhara is seeing to keeping our books so that they meet with government standards. You can correspond with him in that regard.
It is encouraging to hear that already you are distributing BTG so nicely, so continue in this way. Also you should widely distribute our books, especially to the schools and libraries. We have also initiated a life membership program for distributing our books and you can inquire about this program from Karandhara. I have noted how you already have been invited into peoples homes for Sankirtana program. Such engagements are ideal for making life members and distributing our literature. That has been our program in India and it has been very successful. So continue this program.
I understand that both Nandarani and yourself are advancing in Krishna Consciousness and that is a great solace for me. We require many boys and girls like you to spread this movement. Please do it carefully and help others to become Krishna Conscious. I'm sure that Karandhara and your good self, assisted by the others are doing well in that center. I shall soon be returning and shall be glad to see how things have improved much during my absence.
I was very glad to initiate Sandy and her spiritual name is now Srimati Kanta Devi Dasi. I have sent reply to her letter and her beads duly chanted by separate post. They should be arriving soon. I have also sent many other sets of beads and letters in the same package and I think you can more easily distribute them to their respective temples than we are able to do from here in India where things are costly to send by airmail. I am expecting to return to the States sometime by the end of March, so I think you may inform all the Temple Presidents that prospective initiations may wait until that time. In the meantime, however, if you see fit, you may offer the second initiation to Sriman Yasodanandana Das Brahmacari and encourage him to open a nice center in Quebec. That will be great service and I know he is very enthusiastic devotee. So if you have got the copy of the Gayatri tape, you may conduct the ceremony according to the instructions. If you do not have the full set of instructions, let me know and I will have Devananda write them up for you.
I have received one letter from Dai Nippon in which they confirm our calculation of money deposited with our "Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Deposit." So your calculation as I have pointed out is short by $500. I do not know how this error has crept in. Anyway, things are in our favor.
Hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. Have you deposited Sai's contribution in my checking a/c or not. On hearing from you I shall issue the check to Hamiltons whose house we are purchasing
So far as book distribution is concerned, this program should also be given much energy. Also for distributing our books we have initiated the life membership program. This program has been very successful here in India. If you can develop it nicely there in San Diego, it will be a great asset to your preaching work. So cooperate with Karandhara Prabhu and develop it nicely.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1st March, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. I understand that you have become a debtor to Dai Nippon for $52,000. This is not good. We must keep our credit. They have given us all facilities, and if you don't keep our credit with them, that is not good. So consider it a heavy debt. I have just sent them a check for $20,000. The forwarding copy of the letter is enclosed herein, which will speak for itself.
Now to make a solution to the problem the following formula should be followed: Print 200,000 BTGs without fail. The cost of this printing will be $14,000. Each center must collect at least 25 cents for each copy as donation, if not more. Any man will be able to pay 25 cents; it is not difficult. So by collecting 25 cents per copy is $50,000, expenditure is $14,000, and so there is a clear profit of $36,000. Out of that $5,000 per month may be paid towards the old debt. So still there is $31,000, so if this is divided proportionately for each temple, where is the question of poverty? This means that the management has not been done properly. Henceforward this policy should be followed. Collect $50,000, pay $14,000, leaving $36,000 profit. Pay the old debt of $5,000 and divide the remaining $31,000 amongst the temples.
Now as I am forwarding $20,000, the first four months at the rate of $5,000 may be paid to me. After this is paid, regularly $5,000 may be paid to Dai Nippon for their old debts. Manage like this and everything will be all right. So far Indian money, I paid for Isopanisad, NOD, KRSNA book, and some of the chapter-wise Srimad-Bhagavatam. So there was about 10,000 NOD, worth about $40,000, Isopanisad—$5,000, TLC—$3,000 and KRSNA book at $80,000. The total price for all these I have paid. These books were in the stock worth $155,000. You have not paid Dai Nippon even $50,000, so where is the money? The whole thing is that management is not being done properly.
So far as moving the accounting department to N.Y., that is all right, but first of all let the certified accountant there do and then when the GBC sees that he is doing nicely, then you can hand over the account. Yes, you may give the donors an honorable mention page in Bhagavad-gita.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated February 2nd, 1971, and noted the contents. I am very glad that you are carrying on your programs for spreading Krsna consciousness to the people with great enthusiasm and good response. The good reports are coming and it is a fact that we are being highly appreciated for our efforts to introduce this pure spiritual life to the society at large, but we must not lose our own status of advancement in Krsna consciousness. Everything must be done very intelligently.
I have the seven sacred threads (including one for Sriman Yasodanandana) and they are returned by separate post with my blessings. I have received the Bank of America deposit slips for $1,080.00. Thank you very much.
I am encouraged by your new membership drive. This membership program is so important that we get money, sympathizers and push on our mission of distributing books, all simultaneously. Anyone reading our Krsna book, Nectar of Devotion, Teachings of Lord Caitanya and Bhagavad-gita will certainly become a Krsna conscious person. Someway or other we have to push these literatures, whether through schools, colleges, libraries, membership or ordinary sales. In your country practically there is no illiteracy. Everyone can read and write. So when they will read Krsna book, certainly they will enjoy this as a story or as philosophy, morality, religion, etc. and gradually they will become perfect in Krsna consciousness.
It is very nice that Dayananda has taken most of the management of L.A. Temple. He will be more active now and his intelligent wife should also assist him, at least in secretarial work.
Bookkeeping is the most important item. As you are growing in stature, our accounting system should become very perfect. We have to publish now a short statement of accounts. As we increase our life membership number, we must submit our audited accounts and that will convince the public of our stability.
I have received some letters just now from Kesava in San Francisco, and I am sending him some instructions for celebrating Rathayatra. I hope by this time the new throne has been completed. I am very eager to see it installed. In the meantime we are sending big Deities, like in London.
Please offer my blessings to your good wife, Srimati Saci Devi, and all the other Prabhus. Hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. I have seen the GBC financial report for January, 1971, but I could not follow what is this "Breakdown" (i.e. BTG a/c $3,717.70; BP a/c $2,798.00; // total = $6,515.70).
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 13rd March, 1971, along with the invitation letters from the World Conference of Spiritual Enlightenment.
It is not a very important meeting, so you can send one Sankirtana Party there. You and Dayananda can speak something also. But by that time I may be in Los Angeles. Yes, the big Deities are already shipped to Los Angeles. We must have in L.A. immediately the installation of these big Deities. As soon as I arrive, I shall install Them.
Devananda has received the package with a charging cable and earphones for the Uher. Thank you very much for these. I am sorry to know that my old Uher was stolen from your office. You must always be very careful about such things. Anyway, another Uher was purchased and brought to me by Rsikumara Das. When I was in L.A. last time, I gave some instructions for the simple observation of the different kinds of holidays found in our Vaisnava calendar. Srimati Silavati had a copy at that time. So you may ask her to make a copy and send it to Srimate Maithili Dasi who has inquired how we are to observe these auspicious days in Krsna consciousness. We are now making the list of holidays for the new year of 485 Caitanya Era and when I return I can give some further hints how to observe them.
Regarding BTG, I have given a loan of $20,000 by check to Dai Nippon. I have given the information to Karandhara how to liquidate the Dai Nippon debt of $52,000. So follow this principle so that we shall not give chance for damaging our credit with them. I hope that the GBC members will see to this. I am thinking of returning to U.S.A. as soon as possible. Now everything depends on Krishna.
You should collect at least 25 cents per copy of BTG. We have to do in that way. Otherwise we will become debtor to Dai Nippon. Other instructions in this matter may be gotten from Karandhara, whom I have recently written.
P.S. Yes, if Karandhara has recommended it, both you and Narada Muni Das may get yourselves married. I have no objection. But you must be sure that you can meet all the responsibilities of household life; then it is all right.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 22nd December, 1970 requesting initiation, as well as the $50.00 gift for my book fund sent to Karandhara in L.A. Thank you very much. I am so glad to accept you as my initiated disciple. Your spiritual name is Gurukrpa, or one who has the mercy of the spiritual master.
It is so much encouraging that you have got a very nice temple and that already there are six students living there and following the regulative principles. Anyone who you recommend, I shall immediately initiate him. So take advantage and enchant those who are coming by your chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra. You will be victorious. And try to introduce our books there and it will be a great missionary success. One Krishna book sold means we go forward one step in our Krishna Consciousness. We should always remember this. Now the second part of KRSNA book is available, so take them from Karandhara.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated 23d February, 1971 and 12th March 1971 respectively as well as the memo to all Canadian and USA centers dated 25th March, 1971. Your very sincere attitude for serving your Spiritual Master, as indicated in your letters, is the only way for making advancement is spiritual life. To offer the highest respects to the Supreme Person and as much respect to the Spiritual Master, makes one bona fide to receive spiritual knowledge by revelation; that is the injunction of the Vedas. I see that your attitude is quite appropriate and so I pray to Krishna to bestow upon you all his blessings.
Yes, the $500.00 deficit with Dai Nippon has been adjusted. Also, I have received some time ago, the charger cable and earphones sent by you. It is all right how Sai's donation has been deposited. I have received the deposit slips, but one I am missing. But that doesn't matter because the money is already in the account. From Sai's money I have paid Dai Nippon on account of BTG debt, $20,000. This must be replaced by four monthly installments of $5,000.00 each as I have previously explained to you. Certain moneys should be held for emergency, but not that it should be taken and never given back. That is not good. So this $20,000. should be returned in four months, as I have already described in my previous letter.
So far as statements of accounts, I am getting many statements from temples that are deficient in their economic situation. So far you are concerned, you have done so much for L.A. temple. So you do not change your position. If sometimes you go out, leaving all management to Dayananda, that is all right, but your permanent center should be L.A.
For the third edition of Krishna book, 10,000 will be sent to L.A. under your care and you will distribute them and collect the funds and send to my book fund. This system I want to introduce, or in other words all books printed for American and European distribution will be under your control. That is my idea. Kindly let me know your opinion in this connection. You can write to the new Bombay mailing address, given above.
Yes, the new thrones are actually super-excellent. So the 24" high Deities might have reached L.A. by this time, so when I return I shall hold like installation ceremony. I wanted that thrones be constructed like this, so you have introduced it. Personally I have already instructed and you are following. So make L.A. the ideal temple for all our temples to follow, in every respect. For this purpose, I purchased that house. I hope the installments on the house account are being paid regularly. I have not received the latest receipt since a long time, but I hope you are doing the right thing. This is a great responsibility. I think out of the $11,500.00 which I advanced during the purchase of the house has been fully paid except $1,700.00. Please check to see if I have it right. Besides that, from during Brahmananda's time, I am due to realize from BTG department about $8,000.00. $2900.00 was advanced to Iskcon Press in your presence and $5,000.00 Brahmananda was to pay but it was withheld on account of imminent expenditure. Please see to this.
So these improvements in my apartment are attracting me more and more to go there immediately. So sooner or later I am going there to engage fully in translation work and thus enjoy all your good company. Sriman Gargamuni Maharaja went to Pakistan but due to serious civil war trouble there, he has come to Bombay and he is staying with me for the present.
Door to door Sankirtana is very nice program also, and a very nice means for distributing the books, so increase it more and more. And incense business is also picking up. These are all different opportunities to render service to the Lord. From now on all BTG and book fund collections should be remitted to Karandhara in L.A.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 30th March, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. Now I understand "breakdown." I Thought it meant that the system had broken down. Therefore I was a little perturbed. Now I understand it is different breakdown. So as I am not very expert in understanding, you will kindly explain to me when there is technical words.
I have been invited by Australia and I am seriously considering visiting Moscow on my way to Europe, so my reaching at L.A. may take some more time, but I am always remembering about L.A. because I was very peacefully doing my translating work there. Since I left L.A. my translating work is stopped somehow or other.
Regarding $20,000 advanced to BTG account, you have asked seeking my instruction where to forward $5000 monthly check. You may deposit in my checking account, no. 03081-61625, Pico-La Cienega branch of Bank of America.
So far as Gayatri initiations are concerned, the tape is not required. You have the threads, chanted on by me and now I am enclosing herewith copies of Gayatri mantra, one for each of the seven disciples to be initiated. Hold a fire ceremony. Chant Gayatri mantra to them individually and let them hear and repeat. Then offer the threads on my behalf. The fire sacrifice should be performed as usual.
One of our life members here in India, and our good patron as well, has requested some back issues of BTG. So please send him as many back issues as are available, and if there are none there, then you may instruct Karandhara to do the same.
The power of attorney will follow by express mail. Whether you have dispatched the money from Calcutta to the book fund and building fund and the membership statement also? That is urgent. Enclosed please find a photo copy of Birla's letter, as well as a letter from Karandhara addressed to you. We shall send the marble deities as soon as they can be packed.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 15.4.71, and noted the contents carefully. I am very glad that things are going on nicely in our World Headquarters. I have received from Calcutta the bank receipt for $35,000 and I thank you very much. I am expecting that you will continue your payments promptly to eradicate the debts to my book fund account from loan to the purchase of the L.A. Temple, the $8,000 and the $20,000 loans to BTG account. It is good news that you have received the third edition of KRSNA I. All our books should be sent by Dai Nippon to L.A. and from L.A. you should distribute them all to Europe and America and collect the returns.
Another thing is that we are in correspondence with Dai Nippon; they are trying to mingle the BTG account with my "Bhaktivedanta Book Fund Deposit" (BBFD) account, making them one. So unless you hear from me, you do not send more than $3,986.56 to the BBFD with Dai Nippon, which is the balance due at this time. You can send the BTG payments to them as usual but not any money for my Book Fund. They thought that because I have given $20,000 on behalf of BTG, I should pay off the entire debt of BTG from my Book Fund. So don't send them money for Book Fund until I inform you otherwise. Also, the Gujarati Indian devotees in San Francisco wanted to pay $20,000 for the printing of Bhagavad-gita As It Is. I do not know what is their position now; please let me know about this.
Regarding the shipment of Deities to L.A. I am writing to Jayapataka Maharaja to find out the position. I am glad to see from the copy of Temple payment record that you are paying timely at the rate of $2,000 per month. We must always remember that we are debtor for this amount and debts should not be neglected. According to vedic instruction, fire, debt and disease should never be neglected. They must be extinguished by all means. Regarding proposal of $8,000 loan to BTG being repaid at the rate of $1,000 monthly, it was not being paid, so $1,000 per month is better than no payment. Yes you can send the building Fund monies spent to New Vrndavana for development of our community project there. This collection may be utilized in this way after consulting the GBC whether New Vrindaban has been transferred to the Society?
So far taking sannyasa is concerned, you are already more than Sannyasi because your life is dedicated to Krsna. Sannyas does not mean change of dress. That is stated in the fifth chapter of Bhagavad-gita: anyone who works for Krsna is a sannyasi and a yogi. Arjuna was an householder, but at the same time more than a sannyasi because he fought for Krsna. Our principle should be only to do something and everything for Krsna under the guidance of the Spiritual Master. Yes, for begetting children sex life is religion. That is stated by Krsna. But sex should not be for any other purpose. After all we are in the material existence which is a bad bargain, so we have to make the best of a bad bargain. Perfection, in our philosophy, is to act with unflinching faith in Krsna and Spiritual Master and that will save us from all opposing situations.
Regarding payments of Book Fund monies to ISKCON Press, that is alright. Either the books are printed in Japan or ISKCON Press, it does not matter as long as they are printed. However, you can regularly inform me, say at the end of each month, how much you have paid from the Book Fund for printing with ISKCON Press. You have not mentioned for what books this money was allocated to them. That should also be informed.
I beg to thank you for your kindly improving our mission in Western world by the hard work of all my students there, and for keeping my apartments and gardens nicely. Just as you are all feeling separation grief for me, similarly I am feeling for you.
Please offer my blessings to all the devotees and I hope this will meet you in very good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. In regards to your letter dated 18th January, 1971, I remember that Tamala Krishna and I made some joint savings account some time ago. Tamala is in Calcutta and I am here in Bombay, but if you will let me know the number of the account, then we can jointly sign to transfer the money from that account. ACB
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 19th April, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. So far as recording record albums is concerned, I can go there by the end of May, at the present I am going to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the 30th April and then I shall be going to Calcutta via Sydney, Australia by the 14th May. They are having one Hare Krishna Festival similar to the one just held in Bombay up until the 24th May. So at that time if Mr. Duffy is still offering, then he should send me tickets for three men and I shall go there. In the mean time I shall try and send some tapes.
Your idea for selling advertisements for Rathayatra issue of BTG is very good. This idea we have implemented both in Bombay and Calcutta and it has proven very good for collecting money. In Calcutta they are collecting at a rate of Rs 5000/- per day.
The book distribution report is very encouraging. If you can find out two or three such distributers throughout the nation, then we can distribute 10,000 books very easily. Now 5,000 KRSNA, vol. II and 10,000 KRSNA vol. I clear stock you have got. Altogether 15,000 @ $8.00 per copy less 40%, or $4.80 x 15,000 = $72,000.00 clear cut which should be sent gradually to the Bhaktivedanta Book Fund and again reprint. So we shall overflood the whole of Europe and America with KRSNA book.
Please offer my blessings to the others there. Hoping this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. So far as sending money to my book fund for the Dai Nippon debt as advised in my previous letter, henceforward $3000.00 should be sent only. The next installment of paying my book fund should be paid to my Bank of America checking account #3081-61625 until further instruction to you. Your reply to Dai Nippon was very correct. I do not like their policy of intermingling Bhaktivedanta Book Fund deposit with BTG account. I am awaiting their further reply in this connection. Then I shall advise you to send directly to the book fund.
In reply to your letter dated 19th April, I shall be glad to initiate those whose names have been given. Just as soon as I secure the beads, they will be duly chanted on and dispatched. The check for $60.00 to cover the cost of 12 sets beads is in hand. ACB
Enclosed please find one letter addressed to the twelve devotees recommended by you and now duly initiated by me. Their beads should arrive very soon by air parcel post.
One thing is that in some cases I wasn't certain whether the names given were masculine or feminine. So from now on in all such cases the letter M or F, indicating Male or Female, must follow the name in brackets. Still there is some question, so if the gender is incorrect in the following names, you may make the necessary corrections:
I. (Pat Hogan) = Paratrikananda if male, or Paratrikanandi if female.
II. (Irene Kent) = Iksvakuraja if male or Iksvakurani if female.
I think of the twelve, Irene, Linda, Stephanie and Vickie were the only girls. Then the enclosed letter is all correct. Otherwise you can let me know.
Yesterday night I received one telephonic call from you. I talked for a few seconds and then you stopped, so I could not understand why you called me. Anyway I think things are going on nicely there.
I am still in Bombay and am supposed to go to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia next Monday. I was supposed to go today but did not because my new passport was misdelivered by the post office. So I am trying to reserve my seat and probably will be going on Monday.
I think you have deposited the $5000 installment to my account as was previously informed. If so, please let me know. I shall issue a check to Advaita Prabhu, Iskcon Press. He wants $19,000 for printing Bhagavad-gita As It Is in large edition. So if you have not as yet deposited the money in the bank, then directly give it to Iskcon Press and instead of sending money to Dai Nippon, Bhaktivedanta Book Fund, for the time being go on sending all money to Iskcon Press for printing Bhagavad gita As It Is. When it is printed, say about 2000 copies should be sent to India and the balance should be distributed by you to USA and Europe. Henceforward the books and magazines should be distributed properly and money collected and spent for again reprinting the books. If Iskcon Press can print our books nicely, we have no business with going to Dai Nippon. I think because they have moved to a better place, the press work will go on nicely.
This day the whole day has been to me an anxious time because I have heard very bad news from Pakistan. In a local paper it is published that four of our Hare Krishna Movement Missionaries were killed in Dacca by the Pakistani soldiers. I am very much anxious to know about Brahmananda. I had advised Brahmananda not to go to Pakistan after the civil war began there but I am afraid that he was very daring and might have gone against my instruction. So I am very very much anxious to know about Brahmananda. The whole day has been full of anxiety and still it is going on. So if possible, inquire and let me know by telegram.
So far as distributing the fifteen thousand dollars, I would advise you to send this money to ISKCON PRESS for printing Bhagavad-gita As It Is enlarged edition. They require about $20,000 out of which I have asked Karandhara Prabhu to send them $5,000 from the Book Fund. Similarly, if Lyndan Prabhu can contribute $15,000 then the present problem of printing this book is solved. So if you can kindly let me know your decision to Calcutta address, 3 Albert Road, Calcutta-17.
So far as the cost of printing, one girl in Baltimore has donated $15,000 and I have advised that it immediately be sent to the Press; the remaining $5,000 will be sent by Karandhara.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 6th May, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. Now Dai Nippon has agreed to keep my book fund deposit separate and they admit that they never intended to intermingle the two accounts, so you can resume sending to them.
The local GBC members and myself are considering a penguin size and style for KRSNA book, paper back edition in three parts completing the two whole volumes and selling at a cheap price of 75 cents per one part. Three parts will cost only $2.25. So what is your idea? According to their opinion, this cheap paper bound KRSNA book will have tremendous market in USA and Europe. Do you advise that such book shall be printed? On hearing from you I shall do the needful. But in my heart I want that KRSNA book in small or large form, should be distributed in every home who are English-speaking people.
Yes, I advised Rupanuga to pay $10,000, but not from the book fund. Anyway, the book fund and BTG should be kept separate. Book fund collections should go to Dai Nippon now because I am thinking of printing small KRSNA books.
For Bhagavad-gita AS It Is, one girl in Baltimore has donated $15,000 and a car. I have advised that the $15,000 be sent to N.Y. for printing of Bhagavad-gita and that the car be dispatched to India. I am awaiting their confirmation. If they send $15,000, then another $5,000 will complete the printing.
The magazine should be published regularly, but if distribution is less, then the number of printing should decrease. Still if even distribution is smaller, we should follow the policy of 25 cents per copy. Artificially increasing distribution and having a big debt is not a very good policy.
No, maintenance expenditures cannot come from the book fund. I do not understand why the press has moved and a new location fixed up, all for the cost of $10,000. What is the benefit of it? The Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is being attempted to be printed in ISKCON Press, but it is taking time—years. Does it mean in this way that the book fund will have to pay $1,500 per month and await printing? ISKCON Press is simply meant for printing our books and there must be sufficient work for printing; otherwise what is the use for maintenance? First of all it was suggested that the printing place would be situated in our N.Y. building. Now it has gone to another building. So I shall require the GBC members to inform me what is the actual benefit by such removal and keeping the press in a different building. The policy of maintaining a white elephant is not good.
That is the immediate important business—how to distribute these books all over the world. So far as the per cent of discount, that will depend on your discretion. But quickly distribute all the books as soon as they are received.
Yes, the record insert is very nice. Where was it printed? So far as the names of those accompanying me, for the tickets, that I shall let you know when I go back to Bombay, which will be sometime after the 24th instant.
So far as your getting yourself married, I have no objection and if after referring the matter to Karandhara Prabhu, he agrees, then all my blessings are there.
So far as your relocating your temple from Tucson to Phoenix, that is a GBC matter and so it should be discussed with the GBC members and especially with Karandhara Prabhu. I cannot suggest anything very well from such a distant place.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 25th May, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. So far the small paperback edition of KRSNA book is concerned, we will not be getting it for six months at least. So go on distributing hardbound and, although I have ordered them (perhaps by now you have received the statement from Dai Nippon) if you think it is best, I can put it off for some time. Besides that, in India we are distributing only a few hundred KRSNA books out of 15,000 because they are being distributed only via life membership program. So we are getting the money but we are distributing only to life members. So under the circumstances if you think they should be returned to U.S.A. then you can let me know, because here they are being distributed very slowly.
For printing of course the priority is Bhagavad-gita. But the $20,000. given by the book fund for BTG should be replaced first of all. That is priority. You can go on depositing in the checking a/c no. 308161625, Bank of America, Pico-La Cienega Branch. All BTG collections and any book fund collections should be deposited so that you are able to repay at the rate of $5,000 per month. Any book distribution collections over and above that may be used for printing of the books, and as you see fit.
So far I know, the press is not competent to take outside work, as I know it by their past dealings. 10% per printing costs for maintenance needs, that was the arrangement, but if the maintenance costs have to be taken up by the book fund, that will be a white elephant problem.
So far I have got two tickets to return to L.A. and if more men are to return with me, I shall let you know.
Just now I have received one telegram from Brahmananda. He is in Karachi and I have advised him to come here immediately. So all the important men have come here already to India. So for Dayananda and family coming here, that is all right, but the incense department may not suffer in his absence. Actually we have need of many men in India, at least another 50 or 60. But they need not be important men. Assistant men will do nicely. So if you can arrange to send 50 or 60 men here for propaganda work in Calcutta and Bombay, that will be very nice. We require at least 100 of our American boys to make propaganda all over India. So Dayananda may come as the leader of another 50 or 60 men.
The proposition in San Francisco sounds all right, if Jayananda is willing to take the responsibility to make payments on the remaining $80,000 due.
Also I heard that Dalmia is willing to give us his place in Vrindaban. Take it. Recently I have asked Karandhara to send another 50 to 60 men here, under the leadership of Dayananda. So we want to keep at least 100 men here in India for preaching. The people are appreciating our movement, so there is great potential.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9th June, 1971 addressed to Bombay as well as a copy of the letter addressed 3d June, 1971. Still I am here in Bombay and have not yet gone to London. My program is that on the 20th instant I will go to Moscow for five days and from there I will be going to Paris and London. I have inquired, but it doesn't seem that there are any direct flights available from Moscow to Los Angeles, so it may not be possible for me to reach San Francisco in time for Rathayatra festival. Still, if it is at all possible, I shall try my best. Otherwise I shall participate in the festival in London.
You will be glad to know that I have written one letter to Dai Nippon asking that they suspend printing of Penguin series KRSNA book for the time being. And so far as the $6,000 saved up for repaying the loan of $20,000 for BTG, it may be sent to the Press for printing of Bhagavad-gita.
So if the book distribution program is going so nicely, then we should produce books on our own press in great quantity. I have written Rupanuga one letter, the essence of which is that $15,000 worth of books, at our cost and not at face value, should be printed each month and distributed. Since it was formerly agreed that the press would charge 10% of the total costs for maintenance, so if $15,000 worth of books are printed then the $1,500 per month maintenance cost is taken care of. Other than that, our press operation is not economically sound proposal. But if books can be produced to the extent of $15,000 per month, then it is all right.
There is no need of sending more checks. Hold on to them. What you have sent to London, I will get when I arrive there. I have received no duplicate deposit slip receipt for $660 in my account at Bank of America. It was not enclosed. You needn't come to N.Y. since I will be going directly to Los Angeles from N.Y.
I have also received word from Karandhara about the book distribution program. It is very encouraging. So our books will have to be produced in great numbers. On our own press, they can do so, provided it is economically sound proposal.
Last time Karandhara arranged for five tickets: Tamala Krishna, Madhudvisa Maharaja, Kirtanananda Maharaja, Kartikeya Maharaja and Devananda Maharaja, as well as myself. So this time you can arrange for three tickets only. So keep the date open and when the day has been fixed up, I will let you know.
So far as ordering prints of Krishna from Jayapataka, all the GBC members here agree that it is not such a good proposal. It is much better, first of all, that these prints be gotten from us just as soon as they are printed up. Also it is much more important that you utilize your valuable time and energy to distribute our magazines and books. That is real propaganda work. And the householders can earn their livelihood by distributing our books also. That is one of the points of our new book distribution program and you can get more details from Karandhara or Rupanuga.
I am enclosing herewith a tape of the gayatri mantra chanted by me along with two copies of gayatri mantra and one sacred thread, duly chanted on by me, as well. The process should be that you let each of them hear the tape individually (through earphones). Show them how to chant on the fingers. Let them read the mantra and listen to the tape. Then, on my behalf you can present the sacred thread to Jaya Deva. Then hold a fire Yajna as you have seen done so many times before. If there are any questions about procedure, etc, you can consult with Karandhara and he will instruct you properly.
Regarding the Book Trust, soon you will be receiving copies of the documents from Karandhara and upon your approval we will draft a final agreement and sign it.
I understand from Karandhara that you had some telephone conversation on the matter of chanting places. In my opinion, Karandhara is required on the western side and you are required in N.Y. center. You have organized N.Y. very nicely; I give you all credit for this. But if you are insisting and require some change, then the best thing to do is to go to Mayapur and manage the building construction there.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 2nd August, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. I am so glad to hear that you have brought the big Deities from San Francisco. You can install the Dieties according to the ceremonial functions you have already seen in Boston. Do it nicely with cleanliness, love and affection. That is required. I don't think I shall be able to return to L.A. by Janmastami day so I am authorizing you to do the function.
Regarding your changing position with Bhavananda, I don't think L.A. can be managed at the present time without your presence. The original proposal was that if the presidents required the change then they could switch centers, but changing of your place will not be very favorable. So stay there and develop things nicely. I am so pleased to learn that you are opening a new branch in Fresno, California and are soon to open one in Long Beach also. So your presence is required there in the West. Your overseeing is most important position. What am I doing but overseeing. So continue there in L.A.
In my opinion, Bhavananda is as much required in N.Y. as you are required in L.A., but he is wanting some change. So I think he can go to Mayapur to manage the building construction. Then Rupanuga can take over management of N.Y. center. Yesterday I talked with the high commissioner from India for the United Kingdom. So now we shall get missionary visas from here very easily. So either they can get missionary visas from there in U.S. or if there is difficulty then you can send me the names of the devotees who are going there and I will submit their names from here and then they can come to London to pick up their visas on the way to India. So this information should be passed on to all our centers.
Forget taking sannyasa order for the time being. Unless your child is born, there is no question of taking sannyasa. We shall consider the matter further when your child is born. So now you should take care of your wife. The woman should be cared for, especially during pregnancy. At the time of the marriage ceremony there is a promise that the husband will care for the wife throughout her life and the woman will serve the husband throughout his life. When the child is grown up then the husband can take sannyasa. Of course Lord Caitanya took sannyasa at 24 years, but that is a special case. I think that now you're doing more than sannyasa.
This marriage is serious business and not to be taken lightly. There is no question of separation in Krishna Conscious marriages. Therefore I am asking all those who want to be married that they sign one paper promising that there will be no separation. Karandhara Prabhu can be consulted in this connection and he should draw up such document in the manner Rupanuga has done in N.Y. Then, if you are feeling able to handle the responsibilities of grhastha life, you can go ahead with the ceremony immediately and with my blessings.
I am so glad to hear that Krishna has provided you with a new temple very suitable for our purposes. So why not purchase immediately? If Karandhara is satisfied, then we can lend you part of the money for down payment and you can return it later on. So make arrangements in that way.
I am so glad to note that book distribution is going on nicely. Also there are many Krsna Books in L.A., so if you want to, you can ask Karandhara to send some. That will be nice.
You happen to be a member of the GBC. So whatever you want to do or whatever ideas you want to introduce in the management of our society, please write in a letter and distribute the copies to all the GBC members along with one copy to me also. Then collect the opinions of each and every GBC member and if the majority supports the idea then it should be taken as a fact for being carried out in our society. The majority vote and my opinion should be taken. When the majority opinion is present, my opinion will be yes or no. In most cases it will be yes unless it is grievously against our principles.
I am also glad to note that you have received $1000.00 for magazines. If you want you can keep it for your touring program expenses but if possible you can send it to Karandhara in L.A. or to me for Dai Nippon. We just paid them $20,000. for back BTG debts and we still owe them $27,000. more. So if you can send it for that purpose it will be nice unless you require it for your travelling expenses.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your two letters dated 23 August, 1971 and undated respectively and have noted the contents. At your recommendation I have consented to accept Philip Murphy and Freda Tepler as my duly initiated disciples and their letters and beads are enclosed herewith. Also enclosed please find two sacred threads duly chanted by me for Ramesvara and Dhruvananda as per your recommendation. So hold a yajna and get these threads on their bodies. The $10.00 check enclosed was also duly received, as well as the very gorgeous slides of Radha Krishna Deities newly installed in L.A.
Enclosed also you will find one letter from Jagatguru Das Brahmacari from ISKCON Salt Lake City. He has asked to receive Brahmin initiation. Why is he so much anxious to take second initiation? He was just very recently initiated with Hare Krishna mantra. So I have not agreed.
Out of the nine responses you got from GBC members for your proposal to reduce the price of BTG to the temples to 10 cents, there are seven in favor. Therefore I say yes. By this system of taking a majority vote on any given proposal and then submitting the final decision to me for approval there is no necessity for holding a GBC meeting. So much money will be spent unnecessarily for travel and big big plans will be made only. So what is the use? Simply go on as you have done in this case and that will be best.
I have just received one letter from Mohanananda in Dallas and he wants to purchase a very large property very much suitable for our purpose. He also proposes to have an acredited school there for the society children. All this he wants to develop in conjunction with the country asrama there. He is very enthusiastic for it. So you should encourage him and if his plans are feasible then perhaps Dallas would be the most suitable headquarters for the Southern zone. So you can discuss the matter with Mohanananda, Karandhara and the others and do the needful.
Regarding your returning to college, I have sent the case to Karandhara Prabhu and he will decide on the matter locally.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 12th September, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. Regarding the $33,000.00 loan, I expect you should pay at least $5,000 per month. On this understanding the loan was made. Anyway try and pay at this rate so that in seven months the whole debt will be closed. I have kept this money for such emergency payment so kindly return it as soon as possible.
Regarding the MacMillan agreement, Brahmananda says that he left everything with Rupanuga when he left N.Y. So kindly inquire from him. So far I know the agreement was made that my royalty would be paid directly to the society. In the beginning they paid me $1,000. and later on I think I got another $600. Besides this I have never received any money from them. If they paid anything it may have been paid directly to N.Y. ISKCON. So you can inquire and do the needful.
Yes you should duly collect for Mayapur and I shall advise you when the time comes for utilizing the money. In the mean time go on collecting. I thank you very much for proposing to collect $100,000 for the Mayapur project.
What has happened to the Bhagavad-gita quotation? Mr. Ogata told me to wait due to the fluctuating monetary standard, but for how long? Without the quotation we cannot send the manuscript. So please inquire.
Just recently I have received one letter from Pavanadeva Prabhu requesting second initiation at the recommendation of both yourself and Karandhara. So I am enclosing herewith one sacred thread, properly made and duly chanted by me and also one paper with Gayatri mantra. The procedure should be as follows for presenting Pavanadeva with sacred thread: First you must secure a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra from Karandhara in L.A. or Jayananda in Berkeley.
The procedure for initiation should be as follows: First of all secure the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra, either from Karandhara in L.A. or from Jayananda in Berkeley. Then you can hold a fire yajna. Then the devotees should hear the tape individually, privately, and through the right ear. They should repeat each word. Then you get the threads on the boys' bodies.
So far purchasing the new temple is concerned, if Karandhara feels that it is better to wait for some time before purchasing then it is all right with me.
So far your getting yourself married is concerned, I have no objection if it meets with Karandhara's approval. It appears that Lilasakti is a very good preacher, so help each other to become better and better preachers of this Krishna Consciousness movement. Don't fall astray. Separation is absolutely forbidden at any time. Always think of Krishna and be happy.
Enclosed you will find one photograph of the Deities there in L.A. recently sent to me. Why is Krishna without a flute? What is the difficulty to make for Krishna a flute? You can take a twig and wrap it in golden lace with a pearl drop hanging. That is a flute; how long it takes to make? Nothing should be concocted; not that a flower in place of a flute.
I think you have already advised N.Y. to send the full manuscript for Bhagavad-gita As It Is to Dai Nippon. If not you can advise them immediately.
Enclosed also you will find one letter from Kunjabihari das Brahmacari. So four times he has left the society; that is not very good record. So he is asking for second initiation. Let him stick to L.A. temple under your care for at least six months and then he will be eligible. Piece of Govardhana Hill cannot be taken from Vrindaban.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter post-dated 5th October, 1971 and have noted the contents. I am very glad to learn that Rayarama is going to join us again. He is always welcome. So when he goes to N.Y. he may write to me. Then I shall let him know where to go in India. For the time being, from here I am going to Bombay and then Calcutta and then Delhi. In this way they have got several programs in India. So on hearing from Rayarama at my Bombay address I shall give him direction where to come.
If you think it is wise to purchase that house you can give the loan of $15,000 from the amount of $33,000 advanced to BTG a/c. But one thing is that these amounts are especially kept to meet emergency credit with Dai Nippon because twice I paid them at the rate of $20,000, to meet their immediate demand. So our credit is maintained with them. So this $15,000 loan to the Dallas school scheme must be returned very quickly because it is emergency fund. If it becomes blocked on account of purchasing property then I do not think this money should be invested in that way. So if you consider that this money will be returned as soon as possible, not later than six months, then I allow you to give them the loan.
So far marriages are concerned, just use your discretion but be sure that marriage does not become a farce. It must be serious. So far age is considered, generally the girl should not be older than the boy but in special case you can use your discrimination. Sometimes it so happens that the girl is older than the boy. In India also sometimes it so happens that the girl is older than the boy in some provinces. So you can use your discrimination and do the needful.
I am in due receipt of your statement of account and similarly every branch of our society should make a periodical trial balance and balance sheet. You can advise to all the branches that such accounts should be kept very nicely so that the public may know that we are very clear in our dealings.
Regarding printing our books and literatures, I may inform you in this connection that I saw one bulletin of "Indian Railways" in which it was specifically advised that every railway servant should see to it that the wheels of the carriages or vehicles must be moving always, which means that the railway is going nicely. Similarly all of us should see that our literatures are profusely distributed. That means that our missionary work is going on nicely. Otherwise we are simply sleeping and eating. The literature we have already designated as brihat mrdanga. So distribution of literature means great Sankirtana.
I am very glad to know that you are trying your best to organize a school in Dallas and purchase a building in this connection, and that you are very much anxious to get a $15,000 loan from me. So I have advised Karandhara to give you this sum as a loan for six months because this money is kept to meet emergency demand from Dai Nippon. We have to keep our credit nicely with Dai Nippon. Twice I paid $20,000 each time. so they are convinced that we are a solid party. So this $15,000 loan to your school scheme may be returned as soon as possible, not later than six months. So you can immediately complete negotiation and take the money from Karandhara.
Stay in Melbourne and preach with steady determination. I am glad to learn that you are in steady correspondence with Karandhara and am sure he will give you all good direction. So don't be agitated by anyone's so-called demand but you stick to your preaching work, husband and wife, chanting and following the regulative principles. Don't be agitated by trifle things. Remain steady and go on with preaching work. Krishna will help you in every way.
Now our L.A. temple has come to a very prominent position. So far I know Karandhara is managing it nicely and you have got sufficient experience as president of L.A. temple. Now you are president of London Temple, so please just try to raise it to the L.A. standard.
So whatever has been done in the past you forget, but now do things nicely. All new matters should be consulted with all the members and a vote taken. I think you should immediately consult with Rupanuga and Karandhara also about the record impressions, what would be the cost in USA.
Outside of India everyone is cooperating with Karandhara. I don't think there is any discrepancy, but I do not know why in India cooperation is lacking. So you should do things nicely and in consultation with others and rectify the situation. I have also apprehended a scandalous situation; so do things nicely and immediately begin.
From Delhi Tamala Krishna has written that they want to get "Hare Krishna" and "Govindam" 45 rpm records impressed in Calcutta but the charge is exorbitant. So if you will kindly take immediately quotation from L.A. because there are many companies which imprint records, so we can print 10,000 copies. What will be the charges?
I am going to Bombay on the 19th night reaching there on the 20th morning at 8:15. So you can reply this letter to the Bombay address.
Another point is that I have advised Nairobi center and so we have already registered the society in the companies act and we have got a post box number also, as given above and we have our bank account also. We are getting membership fees very encouragingly. If they work hard then at least they can get one member daily, and besides that they are collecting nicely on the street Sankirtana. So I have proposed that 50% of the membership fee may be sent directly to Dai Nippon and 75% of the direct sales collection may also be directly sent, and that they get the books on consignment, or without paying on delivery. The idea is that 50% of the membership collection as it is already settled up should go to the book fund, so they will directly remit, whereas direct sales of books, 75% to the book fund and 25% they keep for expenditure. So how do you like this idea? Besides that whether you would like them to send money directly to Dai Nippon or to you. I think if they send directly to Dai Nippon and send you a copy for your information, then you can keep accounts properly and the matter becomes simplified. So consider over these points and let me know your decision.
Please try to distribute our books very very widely in all languages. That will push our movement very rapidly. We are now preparing a book on philosophical discussions. Syamasundara. is daily discussing with me the views of the different Western philosophers and we are studying them from the ISKCON point of view. This work is going on regularly and Aravinda is typing them regularly. So very soon a book will come out. When I go back to India I shall review all the Indian systems of philosophy also, from this angle of vision, so that this book will be very much interesting to the student class in the schools and the colleges. Try to encourage all our centers to go to the schools and colleges and introduce our philosophy, books and literatures. As soon as I see that you GBC members are managing everything very nicely I shall completely retire for writing my books only and I am thinking of staying in Mayapur for six months and in your camp, L.A., for six months. I hope in L.A. the Deity worship is going on very nicely; dress, flowers, ornaments, arati, cleanliness, foodstuffs, all of them must be regular, accompanied by kirtana, street sankirtana, distribution of literature, etc.
Regarding Bhagavad-gita, if the Morocco binding is as costly as the hard binding, then we will prefer hard binding. That is already advised to Karandhara also about printing more copies. He knows all the details.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 22nd October, 1971 and have noted the contents. So far BGAII is concerned, if the price for Morocco binding is the same as that of hardcover, then we shall prefer hardback only along with the paper back. I suggested Morocco binding before because I thought it to be cheaper. But if it is not cheaper then we don't want Morocco binding.
So far Brahmananda Maharaja making direct payments to Dai Nippon, you should open correspondence with him in this connection. When I left Africa I advised him to send 15,000 shillings. Whether he has sent or not? So far KRISHNA books, paperback, certainly 25,000 can go there for distribution in Europe and U.S.A. Another point is that we can have our own records pressed; there are so many records to choose from.
The real purpose of these stamps is to make Radha-Krishna picture seen by so many people. Other pictures for other stamps can also be used. The cover picture for KRSNA book is nice for one. Some may even say "KRSNA book" as advertisement. So use your discretion. We want to advance our propaganda is all.
Enclosed are sacred threads for Sri Galim das and Dvija Hare. As far as Kunja be Hari is concerned you please consult with Karandhara on this matter.
My sanction is there for Prisni dasi receiving Gayatri mantra. It should be done by the tape method; Karandhara has a tape of me reciting gayatri mantra and he knows the proper procedure also. Arrangements can be made.
We are simply calling our Indian programs "A Hare Krishna Festival." But if there are some holidays you specifically like, you plan them together with Karandhara by adjusting to the local taste.
Regarding your question about incense, Karandhara has just informed me that our Spiritual Sky incense business is making now $1,000,000 a year to spend for Krishna. How can that be Maya? My Guru Maharaja used to say, "Anything material, if it is used for the service of Krishna, it is a mistake to give it up."
I have notified the GBC that they should supply you with more men as they are required by you, so when that time comes you may apply to Syamasundara., who is travelling with me, or to Karandhara or Rupanuga in the US and they will do the needful.
If you do not have one, you can get a copy of a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra from Karandhara. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear. The fire yajna can be held for both devotees.
I am glad that you are writing essays, and that all of our students are contributing their work. I think that if we simply improve the contents of our BTG magazine that so many changes are not required. I have written to Karandhara on this point, so you may write him for my opinion. What is the use of instituting many changes?
I have seen one copy of the contract sent to me by Karandhara. It seems all right. One thing: What are the monthly payments? Now you organize our KC school very nicely on the basis of a kindergarten school and primary school for children up to 15 years old.
Karandhara has sent me one telegram inquiring about Krishna Book. Whether you have sent the shipping document to him?
I am in due receipt of your letter of November 13, 1971, in which you have recommended that Sriman Howard Sorgen and Srimate Jo An McNamara be accepted by me as my disciples. I am very glad to accept them as my initiated students, and I have given their spiritual names as Ganga Narayana das and Jaga Mohini dasi respectively. Now you must guide them very nicely in Krishna Consciousness, because you are a veteran devotee and practically speaking the future of our Krishna Conscious Society rests in the hands of my older disciples. Give them all facility to perfect their lives by protecting them and instructing them nicely, that is now the duty of my senior disciples.
Enclosed please find two copies of Gayatri Mantra and two sacred threads, duly chanted on. Two beads duly chanted by me have been sent under separate post. Hold a fire yajna and give gayatri mantra to Yasoda-jiva and Siddhesvara. You have a tape of me reciting Gayatri Mantra. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear. So the fire yajna can be held for all four devotees.
I have received today one telegram from Rupanuga, informing me that MacMillan Co. is enthusiastic to print our Bhagavad-gita As It Is, 30,000 paperback and 10,000 hardback. This is very good news. Now see to it that everything is done smoothly, so that Bhagavad-gita may be presented to the world without further delay.
Karandhara has a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra, so you can get this from him. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear.
So I think the best thing is to reduce our existing plates to 5 1/4 x 7 1/2 size and print Krishna Book in that way, as many as required. But I have just received a letter from Karandhara, wherein he proposes to establish a rival ISKCON Press in Los Angeles. This is a very good idea. It will accelerate my work, especially when I return to L.A.
Karandhara has a copy of this letter from Mr. Ogata so if you need you can get a copy from him. I think some color pages will be nice, as many as possible, under the circumstances. We can get 16 color pages each volume for less than 25 cents each copy. Is that all right?
So far your Central European Account, I don't think there is any advantage. It simply means more complication. Best thing is if each Temple transfers money regularly to Karandhara and sends you copies of the transfer receipt. If French money is changed to German money and then again to USA dollars, we lose some commission each time. But if French money is exchanged directly for dollars by Karandhara, there is less percentage of loss. What do you think?
Our big activity is to distribute books and KC Movement in general. But if there is need for money and you can run this business without interfering in our routine work, then I have no objection. You may get good advice from Karandhara and others who have become expert in incense business.
I fully approve of your program for distributing the posters and utilizing the profits to print more books. I understand from Karandhara that you will be setting up another ISKCON Press in Los Angeles to engage our New York Press in transcendental competition for printing my books. Competition and profiteering spirit are always there in the living entity. It is not that they can be artificially removed in some manner.
Karandhara and you are sincere workers, so Krishna will give you intelligence. So go on with your program nicely. In every case always remember Krishna so intelligence will come from within. I am very glad the deity worship is going so nicely. They look very glowing, and that is very satisfying to me. When I shall go to Los Angeles very soon, I shall take transcendental pleasure in offering my obeisances to Them.
I have asked my secretary, Syamasundara., to add a note to each letter I dictate informing that party that now we have got nice posters in Los Angeles and that they may order as many as possible from you and Karandhara.
You are a nice devotee, with good business brain and much energy for serving Krishna and thus earning for yourself the Supreme reward. So I want that you shall work nicely with Rupanuga, Karandhara and the other leaders to utilize what Krishna has given you to push on His movement very vigorously.
Without books, our preaching has no solid basis. Especially the Africans want our books. So Karandhara is in Tokyo now supervising the printing of many books, including the Krishna Book paperback-size which I am especially printing for the Africans. We are printing 50,000 copies of each volume in 3 volumes, or 150,000 books total, so you may order as many as possible by paying Dai Nippon and ordering from Karandhara. I think if I meet Mr. Kenyatta, I shall be able to request him to allow us more books.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 16, 1971, and I am very glad you are sincere to make an effort for managing our ISKCON Press. But what is that management? Simply taking money and no production. So I approve of Karandhara's plan not to give more money to the Press until all debts and books owed are cleared and settled up. If you think that by lowering the prices of our books that things will improve, I have no objection. But always work in consultation on these matters with Rupanuga, Karandhara, Bhagavan, Satsvarupa, and Jayadvaita. I think that you six men are a very favorable combination for successfully managing book business. Now do it very thoughtfully, with agreement among yourselves, and I'm sure there will no difficulty. Practically our Society means books, so if there are no books, how can we preach?
Your proposal to make a series of smaller books is approved by me. It is very nice. That will help in teaching the young children also. If the Press is running 24 hours, then everything is all right. Something must always be produced. I am very encouraged by the small pamphlets sent to me by Karandhara which he is printing in Los Angeles. I wanted that our Press from the very beginning should print such leaflets, but that they have not done—simply trying for equalling Dai Nippon, consuming money like Dai Nippon, and producing nothing.
For ourselves, we do not require temple for serving Krishna. But, because the public must have a comfortable place to sit down and chant Hare Krishna, therefore we get a nice house, install deity, decorate nicely and invite everyone. So if no one can come due to law, I do not think you should keep such place. Better to find a more suitable place, then install Lord Jagannatha. Consult Karandhara in this matter.
We purchased the press in the first place with the purpose of printing our books and magazine. But this has never really been done successfully. So I like very much your proposal to manage ISKCON PRESS. Do it all expertly and if you can get the books and magazines printed cheaper and earlier than Dai Nippon then we can have all our books printed by you. So you can stay permanently in New York for taking charge of the Press' management. I have got full faith in you, to make everything there work at the highest production level. If you can do BTG faster and more cheaply than Dai Nippon, then by all means do it. But whether Karandhara has already signed contracts with Dai Nippon? The new press sounds like a very good opportunity for us. So please let me know regularly what the press is producing and in that way I will see that things are actually developing.
1972 Correspondence
Just now Karandhara has gone to Japan to negotiate for the printing of so many books including softback Krsna Book. Bhagavad-gita will also be out soon. So let us try and see that everyone we meet must go away with at least some Krishna Conscious literature and our movement will spread very quickly.
As you say there are some serious delays in the negotiations for purchasing the large buildings, I think you must immediately return the $15,000 loan to Karandhara and the $8,000 loan from San Diego.
For this collecting money, we shall require that some of our men go every day into Bombay some distance away for seeing rich men and persuading them to give something. And I think for this purpose a suitable van or bus from Germany would be very nice. If you like, you may purchase there and drive here in that van as soon as possible and then go back. Syamasundara. has written to Karandhara that he may assist you in sending money to purchase, so you may consult Karandhara.
I am very encouraged that all aspects of your KC program are increasing under your supervision, and I have especially appreciate prominent Indian gentleman as examples of our propaganda work. Just go on printing such leaflets, as Karandhara is also doing in Los Angeles, and everyone will take one and get some solid information about Krishna.
I am especially pleased by your proposal of producing many small leaflets and pamphlets to distribute widely to the public. Karandhara has initiated this program, and his small pamphlets are very very nice and to the standard, so you may also do like that.
So far the other books in English which you mention, if you find a good printer you may order the plates to be sent here from Karandhara and they must be printed immediately. If such books are inexpensively available to all Indian people, that will give our preaching work a great boost, so try for it very seriously.
If you like you may join Kirtanananda's roving party for some time as manager, I have no objection. But if Hayagriva is requiring you to help manage New Vrindaban, and if you want to return there, you may also return there. In this matter you may consult Karandhara and the other GBC men.
I am happy to hear that Kartikeya Maharaja has returned to our camp. Now you give him all good counsel and friendship, and if he somehow develops some enthusiasm by becoming artfully engaged, he is very good boy and will be a great preacher. He always has my blessings. I think that by now Karandhara is there, so he may write me his report, one copy to Bombay address, one copy to Nairobi.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 12, 1972 and have noted the contents carefully.
I am answering your letter from an air ship going to Nairobi, Kenya. Where I will speak from Jan. 26 - Jan 30 to the Africans and Asians alike.
I do not know how and why these transparencies were sent to India but Tamala Krishna Das has received your cable and is doing the needful.
Your proposal to move Tokyo Temple back to the center of Tokyo is very good. This was my Guru Maharaja's policy that we should remain in the big cities in order that the maximum amount of people could take advantage of our preaching.
In all printing matter I am completely in agreement with you, therefore you can determine when and if ISKCON press can do BTGs.
The reports of increased book sales all over the world gives me so much pleasure. I thank you very much for your very determined efforts to push on this movement of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
The Gurukula program has my full approval and I am requesting you to develop it to the perfectional stage. This is a tremendous new chance that Krishna is giving you to serve him. You may go ahead with the down payment but if there are any further delays you may return the money to Karandhara or transfer it directly to my account: no. 308-1-62526 La Cienega Branch. From the date you received the money from Karandhara you have six months to repay.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 21, 1972, and I am especially glad that Karandhara is there and that you are working conjointly to print many books. that is my greatest pleasure, to see books being printed and distributed profusely. Without books, how can our preaching go on?
So far Bali Mardan is concerned, I think he is presently managing our ISKCON Press, but I have asked for the GBC to review the position of our Press, and the question of managing the Far East Zone may be also settled by them at that time. For the time being, since there is no one there to supervise as GBC, you may address your questions to Karandhara in Los Angeles and he will advise you.
As for your shortage of literature, that seems to be the general story throughout the Society, but just recently Karandhara as gone to Japan and ordered nearly $200,000 worth of our books to be delivered by April 1st, so you may place your order now with New York or with Miami or whoever supplies you with books, and soon you shall have plenty. Meanwhile, you may send to ISKCON Press for any small literatures which are available, such as "Easy Journey" and "Topmost Yoga." I am told that ISKCON Press has recently printed a large stock of these two books. Why these have not been sent to you? Or at least why you have not heard about them being available? I think if you are suffering for a shortage of literature you may write to Karandhara and he will take action. At least I think he has a large stock of small brochures which I like very much and which are very interesting. If the big centers on the east coast of your country are not cooperating by sending books, then you may deal directly with Karandhara as he is very reliable boy.
So under I. Rights and Royalties, please note that I have added the clause "an advance of $2,000.00 against the Author's earnings under this agreement," duly initialled, which you will also please put your initials, as also to the addition to XII., and then I think you are signing on behalf of International Society for Krishna Consciousness, so when this is completed, and when the Vice-President of MacMillan Co. has also duly signed, then the thing is done, I am satisfied. But one thing, kindly request them to publish this important book with all haste at their disposal, taking advantage of our Japanese contacts, because there is so much worldwide demand for this books that I think 40,000 copies will be sold within a few months' time. Karandhara reports that practically 5 centers have distributed 8,000 Krishna Books in only two months, so what to speak of such famous book as Bhagavad-gita. And Karandhara may publish that picture-book Bhagavad-gita with Dai Nippon right away, that will be very nice.
So I have informed Hamsaduta that you may stay there and work for opening a branch if there is good response. And so far money and books, I have informed Karandhara what is the position and he shall be sending you some money for immediately renting one place for temple, as well as sufficient stock of literatures. Without such books and magazines, our preaching work has no authorized basis, so there must be always books.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 28, 1972, along with the very nice book you have compiled "Prayers to Krishna." Actually, this book was so much enjoyed by me, and I think that you have done it perfectly and there is no need to make any changes. So today I have sent the book to Karandhara in Los Angeles and I have instructed his New Dvaraka Press to make the layout immediately and have the pictures painted very nicely just as you have drawn them, and to send the finished manuscript to Dai Nippon for printing 10,000 copies at once.
We had got some indication from Karandhara Prabhu that there was some misunderstanding and things were not going too well between you both big leaders, that is why I was little concerned because such things should never be allowed to fructify within our Society, that will spoil everything. But I am glad to hear from you that because there was some misinformation that we had got the wrong impression, and actually that everything is progressing in a spirit of mutual cooperation in all respects. This is Krishna Consciousness. Working together to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
I am also pleased to hear that you have eliminated all the book debts from ISKCON Press. I am very much pleased that you are working so nicely. Now you and Karandhara, along with Hayagriva, Jayadvaita and others, you conjointly think how to double and again double our books supply, there is no limit in this respect.
There is some opinion that it may not be very much advantageous for us to enter such contracts with Macmillan Company. But first I want to know the opinion of Karandhara and others like Rupanuga and Bhagavan.
I am so much thankful to you for your letter dated nil, and for the telegram wherein you have requested that I shall return to Los Angeles immediately if possible, and all blessings to you for Lord Krishna that you are endeavoring to propagate the message of Krishna Consciousness so widely and diligently. This television program is very much encouraging to me, and I wish to take part in it immediately. I wanted to cancel all other engagements and go direct to Los Angeles, but if I go in that way my promised visit to Sydney and to Japan especially will be frustrated.
So take little patience at least for one month, I'm sure that by end April I shall reach Los Angeles.
One thing more, if we are successful in this program then my dreamt mission of life to spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world will be fulfilled. I wish to speak on the great philosophy of Bhagavata Dharma at least once in a week on Television, so if arrangement is made by you for this, then you will be doing the highest service for Krishna.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 12/2/72, and I am very much glad that you want to come to Vrindaban to assist there, because just last week we have acquired with Krishna's grace a very large plot of land for raising up a very excellent center to revive the spiritual life of Vrindaban on behalf of Rupa and Jiva Goswamis, and also they have consented to give us at least eight very nice rooms more at the Radha-Damodara Temple, besides the two rooms and veranda already in my occupation, so it is a very big work and we require many men to come now to Vrindaban and assist, and in fact I have just requested Karandhara to send me fifty more men by end of March or as quickly as possible.
Because I am travelling so much it is best not to send any checks through the mail. Better you send it to Karandhara in Los Angeles and he can put it in my book fund.
So far I know Karandhara had only $13,600 in the Mayapur Fund, $10,000 of which was transferred back to my account, so for the time being you cannot expect more money from there. But your work will not suffer as all supplies will be paid for by the Building Fund. So let them supply bricks, they will bill and we shall pay by check. One thing: we have just completed a similar arrangement, as with Mr. Jayan, in Bombay, and the rate was much more favorable, so if in future we shall require, you may consult with Giriraja and Mahamsa what is to be done.
On April 6, 1972, the following message was dispatched by cable, one copy each to Karandhara, Rupanuga, and Hamsaduta:
On the following morning, April 7, 1972, three replies were received:
cc. All Temple Presidents.
APPROVED: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Founder-Acarya, ISKCON
"Atreya Rsi das was selected to be the Secretary for GBC and receive all correspondence including monthly reports." I never appointed Atreya Rsi member of the GBC, and I do not know how he can be appointed Secretary to GBC without my sanction. "He was also appointed to be on the Management Committee. with Karandhara for the purpose of supervising ISKCON business and implementing the decisions reached by GBC." This has very much disturbed me.
You say you have no Vaisnava calendar, but Syamasundara tells me that he has sent our Vaisnava calendar up to end May to Karandhara some time ago, so I am wondering why he has not distributed that list to all the centers?
This process of surrendering 50% of all profits made by the temple has been adopted by you, and I think you are the pioneer in this giving up of 50% to my Book Fund, though I had recommended it should be our general policy to Karandhara some months back. Of course, I can only suggest, and wherever possible that can be applied, but I do not force anyone.
Dear Prabhus,
Please accept my most worthless obeisances. I am presently in Japan with Srila Prabhupada and we are meeting conjointly with Dai Nippon to organize book production. As a follow up to Srila Prabhupada's letter to all Temple Presidents of April 9, His Divine Grace has instructed me to inform you all of the following:
The formula for ISKCON organization is very simple and can be understood by everyone. The world is divided into twelve zones. For each zone there is one zonal secretary appointed by Srila Prabhupada. The zonal secretaries duty is to see that the spiritual principles are being upheld very nicely in all the Temples of his zone. Otherwise each Temple shall be independent and self-supporting. Let every Temple President work according to his own capacity to improve the Krishna Consciousness of his center. So far the practical management is concerned, that is required, but not that we should become too much absorbed in fancy organization. Our business is spiritual life, so whatever organization needs to be done, the Presidents may handle and take advice and assistance from their GBC representative. In this way let the Societies work go on and everyone increase their service at their own creative rate.
Now, so far the BTG and Book Funds are concerned, these matters shall be managed separately from the GBC by a body known as The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. The Book Trust shall be comprised of Srila Prabhupada, Karandhara dasa, and Bali Mardan dasa. They shall combinedly collect the sales proceeds from each Center and utilize all funds for the printing of Srila Prabhupada's books and the construction of ISKCON Centers all over the world. Not a farthing is to be spent for any other purpose.
The Book Trust shall see to the printing and distribution to Centers of books and magazines and it will be the serious responsibility of each Temple President to see that the billed amounts for these are paid to the BTG and Book Funds regularly. The billings and collections shall come from and to Los Angeles where Karandhara dasa will collect and keep accounts. We request that everyone will take these formulas to heart and execute them very conscientiously. In this way we shall certainly be successful in pushing on this movement.
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga
APPROVED: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Founder-Acarya of ISKCON
Your lowly servant at Prabhupada's lotus feet,
Karandhara dasa Adhikari
c.c. To all ISKCON Temple Presidents
I am in due receipt of your letter, undated, along with your offering of $100, delivered to me here by Sriman Karandhara, and I thank you very much.
Regarding money from USA you can correspond with Karandhara. I cannot understand why our magazines were lying at the docks for three months. Is it that nobody took the time to clear them or what?
You may take money from Mr. Jayan in Calcutta if you require. Either in books or in cash, you will be supplied. I have just heard from Karandhara that he has dispatched several thousand paperback editions of Krishna Book to Bombay, so you may make arrangement how to sell these immediately, and for CCP permission you correspond with Gurudasa in Vrindaban.
So far our books are concerned, Karandhara has just dispatched 5,000 copies of each volume of Krishna Book, paperback edition, or 15,000 books total to Bombay. I shall ask him to send you the full information so you can get CCP immediately so there will be trouble when the books arrive there. All books which we import will be invested in India, it is not that we shall sell and take the money outside. No, the money from sales we shall spend in Bombay, Mayapur and Vrindaban.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 19, 1972, along with the French and German BTG's and other literature. They are very nice. I am very much encouraged by the increase in literature publication by ISKCON Press and also by the distribution by New York Temple. But they do not pay their bills, Karandhara is here and he has told me. Why is that, they do not pay their bills for literatures to my Book Fund? You can ask Rupanuga to report to me if this is true and give me accounting, and you also explain.
I want that you should get that place immediately. You may get books, as many as possible, from Karandhar, at cost price and sell them profusely for as much price as you like and all profits above cost price you may use to buy the church. That is my plan.
Karandhara has sent many books there from Japan, so you can encourage them there to sell as many books as possible, and all the money can go towards building, there will be no division of Book Fund/Building Fund for the time being.
Soon there are many men coming to India from USA and England, so you can take five men and do the needful, just as Tamala Krishna is doing at Mayapur. Ask Karandhara to send them immediately.
I am just now in receipt of your special-delivery letters dated April 29, 1972, and I am very much encouraged by the contents. The newspaper article is especially nice, it means that the citizens are beginning to look behind our dress to find out our nice philosophy. This is a very good sign.
So far Madhudvisa is concerned, I am presently making a scheme for assigning GBC men to those new zones and for re-distributing the sannyasis, so do not encourage Madhudvisa to come there until I have decided where he shall go.
I am very much in favor of your plan to get that place in Laurel Canyon, so begin immediately. $150,000 is not so much for such a place, especially if we can get for low down-payment, then it is a very good scheme. So this place and the skyscraper, you try for both of them immediately.
I am also very much pleased to hear from you that you have sold 100 sets of paperback Krishna Book in one day, and that you have re-ordered from Dai Nippon. Gradually, we shall replace the literatures which are currently popular with our own style of transcendental literature. I have tried it: any page you open, that is wonderful reading matter. My ambition is to spread these books far and wide all over the world so that everyone shall read at least one of our books and that will change his life. If only 1% become devotees, that will change the world. I think that eventually we can print TLC in paperback also.
In the skyscraper building, that can be a guest house for receiving tourists, so they can see how practical spiritual life is developing. If just 1% of these tourists become devotees, if they adopt this process, then our effort is successful.
So far moving the Press to Los Angeles, that is for you to consult with Bali Mardan. You are Book Trust now, you discuss with him and do the needful, that's all.
Hoping this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
n.b. Initiation letter under separate post.
n.b. The idea is that all the devotees must attend arati, prasada, and other temple services. If they miss they will be deviated. So if they are living far away, like in Laurel Canyon, then another temple should be started. Unless there is arrangement for another temple, it will be not a nice proposal. Temple worship and prasada must be partaken, otherwise it will be ordinary residential quarters like karmis.
The Mexican public is very sympathetic, so produce voluminously Spanish language literature. You can correspond with Karandhara in this respect of producing many, many Spanish books and magazines.
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 28, 1972, and I have noted the contents. I have no objection if Kesava tours the USA and gives instruction how to sell books, then when he is finished USA he can go to London. But one thing is, there is vast possibility for selling our books in England, I think more than in your country, and they have got program for buying a big, big church in London, so I want they should sell many books by buying cost-price from you and in this way pay for that church. I shall see when I go there for Rathayatra this summer.
I have already replied concerning purchasing that convent school and asrama.
What about my Bank of America Card? I have sent for it from you some time back because it has expired.
Hoping this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
n.b. I think it is best thing if the GBC members always travel on Sankirtana Party in their zone and go from one village to another and visit the temples to see how the students are learning and do my work. In this way, they will avoid the propensity to sit down and plot and scheme how to eat and sleep. So you can advise them all to travel extensively on Sankirtana all over their zone.
There seem to be vast discrepancies between your figures and those of Karandhara. For instance, he reports that since first of January, 1972, New York has remitted only $1243 to BTG Fund and $1538.20 to Book Fund, leaving balances due to BTG and Book Funds of $4571.05 and $5235.90 respectively. But you say your BTG debt is only $1,620 and BKF debt is only $3,897. If you are selling daily average of 2,000 literatures, why so little money is being paid by you on these debts? 60,000 pieces of literature per month means you should send the entire amount collected until this debt is completely eliminated. It is not good if such big temples who are setting the example for the whole Society do not pay their bills. This is most irregular. I am trying to retire from the administrative affairs, but if the presidents and GBC men make such disturbances then how I can be peaceful? Things should be maintained automatically, then it will be peaceful for me.
Karandhara says that New York is an "outstanding exception" to the regular payments of literature bills, and Bali Mardan has told me that you have "no inclination to supervise or check regularly on these financial matters, and thus it is left to a Treasurer who is also not very competent." He has suggested that you make weekly inventories and pay weekly for the books sold. That is a good idea. You can take his help, how to do it. You must organize these things in such a way that things will go on automatically and increase more and more. Now I do not know what is the real situation, they are saying one thing and you are saying another thing, but I want that this situation be immediately finished, and from now on all literature bills must be paid immediately by you.
Upon the recommendation of Karandhara, I have gladly consented to accept all of you as my duly initiated disciples. Your beads have been duly chanted by me and they are sent under separate post. I have given you the spiritual names as follows:
I am so glad to learn that all of you have been such a great help to Karandhara there in our Los Angeles center. I can understand that all of you are very sincere boys, and are very eligible candidates for going back to home, back to Godhead. And the process is simple.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your special delivery letter dated May 9, 1972, and I have noted the contents. You may borrow the $15,000 from me, I have no objection. But now you have agreed to give Hayagriva $4000 per month, that was a great mistake. Now you have to rectify it. Now Hayagriva writes me that he is coming to Los Angeles, so we can discuss. Abruptly if we stop, that will not be good. So we have to rectify by arrangement and agreement. I am simply surprised how you all GBC men agreed to give him $4000 per month. So the mistake has been made, now it has to be corrected by other ways. We shall arrive in LA on the 18th, as per your arrangement.
Our philosophy is prasada distribution, without discrimination rich or poor. I am writing to Bhavananda, he cannot spend membership money. Regarding books, posters, and stamps, I am writing to Karandhara that he should send you all of these things at cost price, and the cost can be deducted from the Mayapur Fund in U.S.A. I think if you get these stamps, every businessman in Bombay will take. Somehow or other we have to make vigorous propaganda. These two words "Hare Krishna" must appear everywhere.
Another thing, I am giving sannyasa to Rupanuga, Karandhara and Bali Mardan and as you have also asked me, I shall also be pleased to give you sannyasa. The others are coming to Los Angeles by the 25th May, 1972, and the ceremony will be held on the 27th May. However, as I am most probably coming to Dallas on my return from Mexico City, it is more practical to give you sannyasa order of life at that time. If possible you can also come and take sannyasa along with others.
I think that you may also come here and see me. Rupanuga, Satsvarupa, and Bali Mardan are coming here also, at least before the 27th of this month because I am giving them the sannyasa order of life on that date along with Karandhara?. However, there is certainly no urgency for taking sannyasa.
I had written you one letter to Bombay requesting that you shall be the GBC man for the South Pacific, South West Asia, and Australia-New Zealand zone. It was the idea of Karandhara, and Syamasundara. and the others to redivide the world into twelve zones and reappoint new GBC members to fill those positions. So we have been meeting for the past several days, and we have decided that you will be the best man to manage Australia, New Zealand, and all of the South West Asia zone, including Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia, etc.
I have instructed Karandhara to order from Dai Nippon all of our English literatures to be printed in very cheap paper back editions for sending to India for raising building funds. In addition, I am requesting our Hindi translators to translate more and more of my books into Hindi language and these will be printed in Japan in cheap editions as well.
I am very, very pleased to hear that you have accomplished your task for getting the CCP license, it is a very great service. I have instructed Karandhara to always send accompanying cover letter and statements of quantity of books, individual cost of books, total cost of books, in Rs. and dollars for the future shipments to India.
Karandhara has sent telegram informing that upon receipt of your jointly signed requisition order, after you have received from Mr. Jayan as per our former transaction, then we shall issue a letter of transfer for the ten Krsna Books as per your requisition order. But do not send the requisition before he has given you the money, first take the money there. If Tamala Krsna is not there he sould be informed. Among you three, including yourself, Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, two of three must sign. It is better if all three sign.
So far your road-show is concerned, we are not meant for giving performances, we are simple kirtana men. There must always be kirtana going on wherever we travel, and nothing else. In this connection refer to the GBC letter which will be sent to you shortly by Karandhara and Syamasundara.
You can send me the letters and documents as soon as possible, and we can use them in our propaganda work. I have sent one letter to Ish Kumar Puri, copy to you under separate cover. As for size of plates from Japan, you may correspond with Karandhara in Los Angeles about these businesses with Dai Nippon, as he knows all these things.
Our math in Mayapur is not for Bengalis, the math is for you foreigners, to give you facility for offering respects to Lord Caitanya. I have notified Karandhara to send you the ten Krsna Books as you have requested, but in future I want at least two signatures to be there.
I am in due receipt of your letter from San Salvador dated June 28, 1972, and I am very pleased to note your progress by marching through the central America. It appears this part of the world is very, very sympathetic with our movement, so you may supply Karandhara with all the news reports and request him to send men to open centers. This travelling and preaching is very much appreciated by me and factually it is really Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement. So you and your assistants have got my all blessings and encouragement, now go on with complete confidence and always praying for the protection and mercy of Lord Krishna, and there will be no impediments, rest assured.
If you require books in Spanish language, you may request Karandhara and Citsukhananda and they shall ship to you wherever you like, but this distribution of books, combined with preaching, is the best process for spreading Krishna Consciousness, so always there must be books.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 9, 1972, along with letters to temple presidents, which I have signed and duly posted. I am glad to hear that the owner has accepted our bid of $63,500 cash, and I shall be returning to U.S.A. before the end of 50 days to settle the matter. I have promised Brahmananda to be in Nairobi up to August 27th. If the deadline for payment is August 30th, that leaves very little time. Shall my presence be required to sell the FNMA bonds and make other arrangements? What do you suggest?
So far Dayananda, I have no objection if the grhasthas live outside and earn money, but I do not want them to leave. The strict temple procedure is only for those who live in the temple. Grhasthas should live outside, and they cannot follow strictly everything, but why they should give up altogether their devotional procedures? So many big stalwart devotees are leaving, why is this? Advaita, Uddhava, Krsna das, and now our Dayananda and Nandarani. I have sent them each one letter, so if you find them, you may deliver them my letters. This is not at all good if our big devotees fall down so easily and go away. Try to save them.
I have recently seen a copy of a letter that Karandhara Prabhu has sent to all centers regarding payments of the Back to Godhead and Book Funds dated July 9, 1972. Karandhara has informed me that you are apparently an offender in the connection of being tardy in payments to my BTG and Book Fund. This is not good. We are trying to push on this movement on many fronts, one of the most important being the production and distribution of our Krsna Conscious literature for the upliftment of mankind. My Guru Maharaja particularly gave me this assignment. Please assist me to your best capacity in this regards.
Karandhara Prabhu is the treasurer of the BTG and BKF so you may immediately clear your accounts with him, and this will be a serious responsibility upon you.
The other songs that you mention are all right. Regarding the manuscripts, you may photograph all of the pages, then we shall type them later. If there is shortage of film, I have instructed Karandhara to send you a large supply of the appropriate films for photographing the pages. Or you may purchase there and we shall pay from Book Fund. These are important works and they must be preserved forever, so what is that expense?
I have recently seen a copy of a letter that Karandhara Prabhu has sent to all Centers regarding payments to the Back to Godhead and Book Funds dated July 9, 1972. Karandhara has informed me that you are apparently an offender in the connection of being tardy in payments to my BTG and Book Fund. This is not good. We are trying to push on this movement on many fronts, one of the most important being the production and distribution of our Krsna Conscious literature for the upliftment of mankind. My Guru Maharaja particularly gave me this assignment, so please assist me to your best capacity in this regards.
Karandhara Prabhu is the Treasurer of the BTG and BKF so you may immediately clear your accounts with him and this will be a serious responsibility upon you.
I have recently seen a copy of a letter that Karandhara Prabhu has sent to all Centers regarding payments to the Back to Godhead and Book Funds dated July 9, 1972. Karandhara has informed me that you are apparently an offender in the connection of being tardy in payments to my BTG and Book Fund. This is not good. We are trying to push on this movement on many fronts, one of the most important being the production and distribution of our Krsna Conscious literature for the upliftment of mankind. My Guru Maharaja particularly gave me this assignment, so please assist me to your best capacity in this regards.
Karandhara Prabhu is the Treasurer of the BTG and BKF so you may immediately clear your accounts with him and this will be a serious responsibility upon you.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 7/13/72, and I have noted the contents. I have already sent you one telegram "OK SEND KRSNA BOOKS," so by now I think you have duly forwarded the $10,000 as per Bhavananda's instructions. From now on, I am insisting there be at least two signatures.
I do not understand all of the points about purchasing the apartment house, whether I shall be required to sign anything or what. So you may explain in detail what is to be done. As for the payment, we shall not need to cash the bonds, we can manage in other ways to pay the $63,500. I understand that we must pay the full amount cash by August 25, 1972.
As for Dayananda, I am enclosing the letter to him, so you may kindly forward to him. We have celebrated a very, very nice Rathayatra festival here in London, and in the Trafalgar Square itself I initiated nearly 30 new devotees with fire yajna before 25,000 persons, mostly Englishmen. All in all, it was the best Rathayatra we have seen to date. I have not heard anything from you about Rathayatra in San Francisco.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 27, 1972 and I have noted the contents carefully. You have paid the bank $6250.00 and the balance remains $57250.00. I can pay you $56000.00 by advising the Bank of America, and the balance of $1250.00 you can find, and the escrow will be fully paid. Regarding the corner property, for which you have offered $73500.00, that is a nice proposal, if the book trust can purchase the whole building outright as an investment and collect the rents as dividends.
I have just received the newscuttings from Calcutta, and the Rathayatra festival there was simply spectacular. In one day, we have captured the full attention of the Calcutta people and they are very much favorable. So in this way, if we perform many festivals in all of our centers around the world, many times during the year, then the general populous will become very much favorably inclined toward us and that will push on this sankirtana movement in the best way. Under separate post please find the copies of some important documents for your perusal.
Show them how to count on the finger divisions, and have them listen one by one to the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra, repeating each vibration as I say it. You can get this tape from Karandhara in Los Angeles. Then hang the sacred thread over each boy's shoulder in the proper fashion. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear, and the function should be held amongst the devotees only.
So far the St. Louis chapter is concerned, let Vamanadeva live there peacefully husband and wife, why he should go away? That will be all right if he installs his Radha-Krsna Deities from his home. I am also happy to hear that the Gurukula project has been given help by Karandhara and others, so that cooperatively we may demonstrate the topmost example of real education in the world.
Besides that you may order our books from the Los Angeles world headquarters, 3764 Watseka Avenue, Los Angeles, 90034, California, __ when you have got our books, then you may hold class all together daily at least one hour and read the Bhagavad-gita, Isopanisad, and other scriptures. You may address your inquiries about the literature in Los Angeles to Sriman Karandhara das Adhikari.
P.S. I have understand from Karandhara that you have not made Book Fund payments for several months. This must be done immediately.
Yes, Karandhara said that Sriman Siddha Svarupa Ananda is not up to the point of our preaching work, especially when the "Sai Speaks" booklet was distributed there was some discrepancy from our standard. So when this complaint was lodged I called him here and I asked him to stay with me for some time. When I went to London I made arrangement that Siddha Svarupa Ananda Maharaja would speak in the sanctuary of Los Angeles Temple and this was settled up and he remained here in Los Angeles when I went to London. After coming back I understood that he left immediately when I left for London. I have received no letter from him. So there is no misunderstanding, but I want to keep him with me for some time, so if you have got his address you can ask him to come to me and live with me again for some time. It is better not to draw any wrong conclusions from so little evidence, actually he is very sincere soul and everyone knows it and I like him very much and so does Karandhara, so you need not worry in this connection.
The building fund will construct, the book fund will maintain, and this fund is for daily expenditure of Seva Puja or worship of the deities only. So far your administrative duties as secretary of Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust Fund are concerned, that will be informed by you. For the time being, rents should be collected by Karandhara and sent to India. How it will be done I shall think over and let you know. As for the responsibility for proper spending, the man in charge or the president will be responsible in Mayapur and Vrndavana.
There is no doubt about it that I shall sanction your endeavor in this respect. I am always praying that my disciples will gradually increase our war against maya on all fronts. But I do not think it is necessary to take money from Karandhara for opening that center. From our experience we have found it is always in the long run more stable and better situation if local people can be persuaded to help from the very beginning.
Another thing is, I have got one letter recently from Mahamsa requesting to change his position, but you can tell him to kindly wait until I come there. Then we shall see. Also I have heard from Karandhara that Giriraja wants to give up his position as president at Bombay and that you will take charge of Bombay center. Similarly, I have sent him one telegram requesting to wait until I come there, then we shall make all arrangements.
I understand that you are having one book festival in Frankfurt this month, and I think Karandhara is coming there to assist you, so try to make our display and exhibition very prominent, and if they will allow us to have kirtana or distribute prasadam, we may also do that. That is a very important occasion so try to make the best utility of it and make our books very widely distributed all over Europe and other places.
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!
Please accept my most humble obeisances at your feet. Prabhupada just spoke with me regarding the distribution of foreign (other than English) language literature. His direction is that 10% of the gross income on the sales of all of our literatures, books, and magazines, should be sent to The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. The BBT is financing many world-wide projects for the society, and therefore all income from literature distribution should contribute and support it. Please therefore make the necessary arrangements. A simple way to accomplish this would be to figure at the end of each month what your gross (total; before subtracting production costs and overhead) income from the sale of literature was for that month, calculate 10% of this figure , and send this to BBT in care of myself in Los Angeles. I know that you will understand that this subsidy will greatly facilitate the growth of Society-wide programs and everyone will benefit. From your local view it may appear to be an imposition, but I assure you that overall it is in the interest of Lord Caitanya's Movement. Regarding your regular remittance, it will be left solely to your integrity and "for the overall benefit" conscientiousness. I am sure you will do the needful.
Also, regarding the sale of translations to outside publishers (which we hope to do with the Bhagavad-gita As It Is for Spanish, French, and German) 50% will go to the local Center which did the actual translating and 50% will go to the Book Trust, as per Prabhupada's directions.
If you have any questions or points to make, please correspond with me.
Your Servant,
Karandhara das Adhikari
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
That is very good news that you have sent more than $1,200 to Karandhara, now you may order as many more books as you require from him and take similar sanction from the government for repaying him.
Karandhara is coming there in a few days and he will see how everything is going on, because Syamasundara. must remain with me. But if Syamasundara.'s presence is also required for getting that new place, he can also come there.
Karandhara is in Germany and London on some business, so if it is required he can come there immediately to assist you. I want that this conveyance business be finished up immediately. I am sending also Tamala Krishna and Bhavananda there to help you do the needful. You may inform me by cable if you have got the bank loan or not, or if you require Karandhara to come.
By now I think Syamasundara. will have telephoned you with this information and instructions. First, regarding the business in London, it is best if you can finish it up yourself, remaining up to one week if necessary, then be prepared to go to India.
Regarding London affairs, whether George will stand as guarantor on the mortgage, or whether Syamasundara.'s presence required. If George is agreeable to be the guarantor, that is not a very big thing, only a small favor and he hasn't got to pay anything. We shall pay whatever money we have got and the rest monthly for so many years, the longest period we can get.
The situation in Bombay is that five lakhs rupees are required for executing the conveyance. This is being arranged through bank and Sumati Morarji. If this is done, then everything will be all right. But if they are not able to get the bank loan, you go there and make everything complete and the money will be supplied by Mr. Jayan. You can say it is a loan from a "friend." As soon as you get money from Jayan via Tamala Krishna and Bhavananda, then you all three sign jointly the letter of order and we will transfer the money from here. One thing is, the money should not be given directly to Nair. Rather you go with him to the tax officer and pay in his presence as witness, or the money should be paid in the registrar's office while registering the conveyance. This way or that way, but do not pay the money directly to Nair.
I want to sell those bonds, so what is the process? Have you got some broker? I shall require to know his name and address and other details. If you are remaining in London for a few days, we shall contact you further what is the next step.
So we are prepared to pay him 5 lacs against the purchase value. So both you and Bhavananda arrange for this money from Mr. Jayan, and send advice to Karandhara by joint signature. But you must be careful to pay the money in the court (registrar's office) and not in the hand of Mr. Nair or his solicitor.
Please accept my Blessings. I am writing this letter aboard the airship from Hawaii to Manila. I am reaching Manila in the morning 7:00 A.M. on the 11th October 1972. As scheduled I am reaching Delhi on the night of the 14th, so if need be you can see me at Vrndavana on the 15th or 16th, but my definite instruction is this,
1. We have fulfilled all the conditions as purchaser.
2. Mr. Nair has purposefully delayed with a motive to cheat us as he had done with some others in this connection.
3. But this time he cannot cheat us because we are in possession of the land and our deity Radha-Krsna is installed there.
4. Therefore we must immediately go to the court for enforcing him to execute the conveyance immediately.
5. Even the court case goes on for a long time, still our business there cannot be stopped.
6. Without going to the court, we cannot make any compromise with him.
7. But I think we can arrange the full amount of 14 lacs to get out this rascal out of the scene.
8. But we cannot do it without going to the court otherwise we shall become a party for breaking the purchase agreement. Therefore we have to go to the court before making any compromise.
9. In the meantime, take definite information from the bank whether they can loan us 50% of the whole value.
10. The whole value is 14 lacs. We have already paid 2 lacs. We can arrange to pay farther 5 lacs. That means we pay 7 lacs, the bank may pay the balance 7 lacs.
11. Actually the bank may not have to pay even 7 lacs because according to the purchase agreement, the last payment of 4 lacs has to be paid upon the decision on the court case pending about Chiman lal and company.
So you have to act according to this program on the advice of suitable lawyers.
Hoping this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
cc. to Sriman Karandhara in London
My dear Karandhara, Tamala Krishna, Bhavananda and Giriraja,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of October 18, 1972, jointly signed by all of you and delivered to me by Syamasundara.. If the Charity Commissioner refuses us the permission then there is no point continuing, and in that case we shall try to get the two lakhs we have paid back and go away. But it appears the Charity Commissioner permission is delayed and not refused, it is not a very grand mistake, and we can chastise for that the lawyers. I have read the clause 11, in the original Agreement for Sale and I do not find any mention of there being any six month time limit for obtaining the Charity Commissioner's approval, as you have told Syamasundara.. So there is only some delay, that's all. That will not be sufficient grounds for him to rescind the contract. Rather, our position is very strong so long we are in possession and we have paid him the earnest money and more. So best thing is to consult Mulla and Mulla and proceed accordingly. If there is need to pay off the twelve lakhs, we can do it by giving him four lakhs immediately and the balance eight lakhs we shall arrange with Mr. Jayan very soon. But Mulla and Mulla have said it is suicidal unless there is settlement of the Chhaganlal business first. So we shall not be willing to pay the twelve lakhs unless this matter of Chhaganlal's lawsuit and the registration of the conveyance deed and payment of capital gains tax by Mr. Nair are peacefully settled without any risk to us. Try to fix up some arrangement acceptable to Mr. Nair for paying him, but we shall not risk that we may lose everything to Chhaganlal or some other of Mr. Nair's cheating dealings. So best thing is to follow the advise of Mulla and Mulla and stick to our position very securely. If there is no possibility of settling with Mr. Nair without any risk to ourselves, then we shall stick to the terms of the original agreement and take the matter to court. How he can say we have defaulted? He has purposefully delayed, so if we take the matter to court he must reply to these charges. One thing is, that the whole trouble is due to Deewanji's misdealings. He should be brought before the Bar Association and exposed. We shall deal with him later.
My Dear Karandhara, Tamala Krishna, Bhavananda and Giriraja,
Please accept my blessings. Further to my letter of yesterday, I have thought the matter over thoroughly, and without any doubt our position in the matter is very strong. Nair is bluffing. One of my godbrothers who is expert in these things has advised me, and I also know it from experience, that once the agreement of sale is signed that is final, and it will not be very easy, in fact, it will be impossible for Nair to defeat us in the courts if it comes to that.
Now the thing is that Nair has accepted from us two lakhs of rupees, as follows: On February 8, 1972, cheque #GT/HS 306871 for Rs. 50,000; on February 25, 1972, cheque CHT/A-T492829 for Rs. 50,000; and on March 28, 1972, cheque # CHT/A-T492831 for Rs. 1,00,000. Now according to our agreement, that last one lakh of rupees was not to be accepted by him until the conveyance was completed. So he has taken, that means he accepts that the conveyance has been completed! Now you may go to the bank or somehow or other determine the exact date on which Mr. Nair accepted the cheque as above mentioned for Rs. 1,00,000, and that will serve as legal proof he has finalized the conveyance terms.
Our position is very strong. Now you purchase that house on the south border-line, repair it nicely and you can live there for years if we have to. I think he will take Rs. 15,000 cash if you can persuade him, or if he will not yield you can pay him Rs. 20,000 and finish the business. Possession is nine-tenths of the law. Why you should be afraid of him? We can satisfy any court of law. He has given us possession according to the terms of the agreement of sale, and we have paid him Rs. 50,000 to take possession, and he has acknowledged receipt, that means the transaction is finished. If I have something and I sell you, and you give me money and I give you that thing, the transaction is finished, never mind there is no receipt. So with Nair our transaction is finished. We have paid him money, he has given us possession, and we have agreed to terms for paying the rest of the money, that's all. He is simply planning tricks because there is no receipt and he does not want to give us receipt.
Take information from the bank when he took the money. One year from that time according to the terms of the purchase agreement we are supposed to pay further two lakhs, that is, one year from the execution of the conveyance. So we have paid Rs. 50,000 as earnest money, according to the agreement, and the agreement then states that we must pay Rs. 1,50,000 "upon the execution of the conveyance." So he has accepted that means conveyance transaction is complete, he may give me receipt or not, that doesn't matter. It is a case of misappropriation, he did not deliver the goods. Once when I was in business I took money from one man for an order of goods and I was bit late in delivering them, so he wanted to sue me in the court for misappropriation. It is the same thing. We have paid Nair, taken possession, and now he doesn't want to deliver the goods.
According to the clauses 14 and 15 in the purchase agreement, it is our option to rescind the contract within six months, not the vendor's. But he has accepted the cheque for Rs. 1,00,000 before six months, therefore we consider that he has completed the conveyance and we do not want to rescind but we shall close the deal immediately, finished, that's all. He is trying to avoid this issue by tricks, and he has dominated you and you are little afraid of him, and he has fooled you to think he is in superior legal position so that you will give him some money. But this is cheating. We shall not give him any more money. Don't pay him any more. First of all bring a criminal case against him. Deewanji cannot say he was not our lawyer, because he has executed this agreement. He should be brought to the notice of the Bar Association and humiliated. So make criminal case by consulting lawyer. It will not take much time. It is simple case of his cheating, that any reasonable man can see. So immediately you can file criminal case. He has taken money but he has not executed. So why you should be disappointed and afraid of him? Our position is very, very strong. We have paid money and we are in possession, so what remains for conveyance? As soon as you take money the transaction is finished, you may take receipt or not, otherwise it is simply cheating. So find out a first-class lawyer and apply in the court that the purchase agreement is already done and get it done, that's all. He is simply bluffing.
Enclosed find the copy of one letter I have forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. Nair. You may further request them to come and see me here. It will be too much difficult for me to come to Bombay at this time. Otherwise I am coming to Bombay in December if he wants to wait so long. Another thing is, I do not think it is necessary for Bhavananda to remain in Bombay for this business. Better if Karandhara and Tamala Krishna tackle the matter co-operatively by applying their full attention, and Bhavananda may return to Calcutta for taking charge there as soon as possible.
We have now decided to take legal proceedings against Nair because we have received one telegram from Tamala Krishna as follows: "Nair unreasonable, settlement impossible, immediately filing criminal and civil suits, letter follows, Tamala Krishna." So I have immediately sent one telegram: "Suing Nair, don't change bonds, repeat, don't change bonds, Syamasundara. das." So we have decided for good not to settle, so there is no need to cash the bonds as we shall receive lump-sum dividend by 10th December for at least $3500, so we shall not lose this interest. We may, however, require to change the bonds when we find out a suitable house for M-V Trust. That I shall let you know. In the meantime, keep in safe-deposit box. Later developments I shall let you know.
So you are sannyasi, but if you have to stay there for some time to manage, that is all right. Sannyasi simply means to do as I am doing, and sometimes I have to manage, sometimes cook, sometimes go to the bank, keep the money, write books, chant, preach in the class, keep accounts—sannyasi should be expert in every department. But best thing is to discuss with Karandhara and other GBC men to find a permanent manager of Dallas school, who will not suddenly go away; of course we cannot prevent that someone may suddenly go away, it may happen to anyone, but so far as possible impress upon the leaders what is their duty.
Instruct them how to count on the finger divisions and play for them the tape of me chanting the gayatri mantra into their right ear. I think Karandhara has got the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra. The fire yagna can be held for all ten devotees.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 11, 1972, and I have noted the contents with care and attention. Still we have not finished the business with Nair, and the case has become very complicated without any settlement. They were supposed to settle the Conveyance Deed on December first, as we had made a supplemental agreement in Hyderabad and Mrs. Nair had signed it. That was very favorable for us. But other things have interfered, and they have defaulted for one reason or another, so we have got the upper hand. Now I have asked Mr. Diwanji to come to see me tomorrow morning, and Mr. Nair is also coming here, so I want to make a settlement with them without further delay. I shall let you know later.
I have heard from Syamasundara. that there may be some difficulty with tax. That must be corrected. We are world-wide organization, and we must have the cooperation of the government authorities, so we shall not create any unnecessary misunderstandings by avoiding government requirements. That will not be good for our movement. Of course, Lord Caitanya led civil disobedience movement against the government because they used show of force to stop Him performing sankirtana movement. So if there is forcing us to stop this sankirtana movement, that much we must protest. But the government of your country is very nice, I think the best in the world at present moment, and they have not made any objection, even they are allowing our boys as ministers to be given relief from this drafting system. So we shall give them all cooperation. Now that requires proper accounts in all our temples.
That policy of "frying the fish in its own oil" is all right, but don't touch the bonds. It should be kept as it is. And now I am thinking to pay Dai Nippon for supplying books to India because there is no money in Mayapur Fund. There is huge demand for books in India, especially Bhagavad-Gita. So I wish to transfer the bonds for paying Dai Nippon on account of supplying books to India. The idea is that you can supply all varieties of books to India, whatever they order, and send them a bill in dollars, cost-price dollars, and the cost-price dollars may be paid to Dai Nippon by encashing the bonds. All of our books may be printed by Dai Nippon in huge amount to the extent of $100,000 cost-price and sent to India. I shall pay them with dollars from the bonds and everything, and here the money will be paid in rupees into a Bhaktivedanta Book Fund and M-V Trust Fund in Indian banks, at the rate of ten rupees per dollar. So there is no difficulty. Just like TLC costs $1.50, and the temple takes 25% or $1.50, and above that there is $3 profit. So from Jayan if we get 10 rupees per dollar, this way we will get 20 rupees.
So far Bhagavad-Gita is concerned, you must approach the MacMillan Company and either they must immediately stock somewhere in India so that our people may take it, or they must print it here. There is overall huge demand. You may copy this letter and send the copy to Bali Mardan. Why they cannot give us permission for printing Bhagavad-Gita? Make it clear whether we can print the older abridged edition, or if we can print the newer unabridged one. They must allow us to print here or immediately send 20,000 copies in India. We can sell all.
Now I think Krishna has inspired you in this way, and every facility is there, you are the pioneer in Dallas and you know how to do everything nicely, that I know, so now you go there immediately after consulting with Satsvarupa and Karandhara and Madhudvisa and the others, take their advice and do the needful.
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your several telegrams, and I have replied by telegram as follows: YES YOU CAN USE BOTH THE FUNDS IF IT IS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW YORK GORGEOUS TEMPLE. One thing is, that you should inform me in detail and send the plans of that place, along with how you shall make all the payments. You may repay me the $80,000 gradually by paying the money to Dai Nippon and shipping books to India, as they require, and they shall pay Rupees there into our M-V Trust Fund Account in Indian Bank. Another thing, Syamasundara. is going to London in one or two weeks for some other urgent business, so he shall see what is the position for getting the house there, and if there is no urgent need to use it there at London he may send the money you had sent for down-payment back to New York. If there is any immediate need to utilize the money for the London house, we shall make some suitable adjustment.
He may go to Los Angeles and stay in the temple there, taking instruction and help from Karandhara. If he tries to commit any further harm to you or attack you physically, inform the police and have him arrested.
I am in due receipt of your dated December 11, 1972, and I have noted the contents with care. Regarding your proposal to cash my bonds and take that house in New York, I have heard from Bali Mardan that the bid was refused and that he has made another bid, but it will be some time before it is decided. And Dhananjaya has telephoned to Bombay to request for keeping that down payment, because George is very keen to purchase one monastery and there is every chance they will get it before one week. At least let us see. So there is no immediate need to cash my bonds, nor take the money from London. Jayatirtha has informed that Bali Mardan has saved more than $100,000 in few months time only, so New York is very rich place for collecting, so why not he shall collect there for few more months to raise the whole price? Also, that place on 77th Street is not so much important as 5th Avenue and 40th Street. If we are taking such big place for big risk, why not in the important business district?
Now my plan for books in India is this: We shall pay MacMillan for 20,000 copies of Bhagavad-Gita at $1.25 each. Price may be settled as it is required, but not more than $30,000. I shall pay for 5,000 copies from my bonds, you pay for the balance 15,000 copies from Book Fund there. 5,000 Gitas may be sent immediately to India, the balance you distribute other places. In India we want to order a variety of books. So you may immediately order from Dai Nippon 5,000 copies each of KRSNA (Vol. II) (Hard-bound), TLC (soft-bound), NOD (soft-bound), KRSNA TRILOGY (soft-bound), Srimad-Bhagavatam (5,000 of each volume), plus you may send to India 10,000 each of each of the small books, like Easy Journey, Topmost Yoga, Beyond Birth and Death, Isopanisad, like that. So these books should be given at cost-price only, not wholesale price, and you may cash some of my bonds to pay the total cost-price of the above books to Dai Nippon and ISKCON Press. They shall pay me back here into one M-V Trust Fund Account at the rate of ten rupees per dollar, plus they shall give me some profit. So you may inform me what is the cost per book for each of the above, and the total cost you are having to deduct from my bonds. All books should be sent to India as quickly as possible.
Regarding the work of Pradyumna, now he is working very hard to finish those missing portions, and he will send you very soon. Actually, whatever else he may be doing, I very much appreciate Pradyumna's work. Everyday he gives me some solid work, at least something every day, so I am very much appreciating. I was in Ahmedabad preaching daily in the morning and evening for last two weeks, and at least ten thousand were coming to hear. From January 12th our second Hare Krishna Festival will go on in the Cross Maidan in Bombay, and Tamala Krishna and Syamasundara. are planning something very gorgeous just to push on the preaching work. Meanwhile I am little resting behind the scenes for few days, and one Kartikeya Mahadevia has been very kind to give us his place all to ourselves just by the seaside on Warden Road. Many big men of Bombay are coming to see me daily for confidential talks, and they are beginning to very much become inclined to our philosophy. I think in this place, it is very restful and there is no interruption, so I think I shall be able to increase my translations work.
Regarding your points about taxation, corporate status, etc., I have heard from Jayatirtha you want to make big plan for centralization of management, taxes, monies, corporate status, bookkeeping, credit, like that. I do not at all approve of such plan. Do not centralize anything. Each temple must remain independent and self-sufficient. That was my plan from the very beginning, why you are thinking otherwise? Once before you wanted to do something centralizing with your GBC meeting, and if I did not interfere the whole thing would have been killed. Do not think in this way of big corporation, big credits, centralization—these are all nonsense proposals. Only thing I wanted was that books printing and distribution should be centralized, therefore I appointed you and Bali Mardan to do it. Otherwise, management, everything, should be done locally by local men. Accounts must be kept, things must be in order and lawfully done, but that should be each temple's concern, not yours. Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled. There must be always individual striving and work and responsibility, competitive spirit, not that one shall dominate and distribute benefits to the others and they do nothing but beg from you and you provide. No. Never mind there may be botheration to register each centre, take tax certificate each, become separate corporations in each state. That will train men how to do these things, and they shall develop reliability and responsibility, that is the point. I am little observing now, especially in your country, that our men are losing their enthusiasm for spreading on our programmes of Krishna Consciousness movement. Otherwise, why so many letters of problems are coming, dissatisfied? That is not a very good sign. The whole problem is they are not following the regulative principles, that I can detect. Without this, enthusiasm will be lacking. Even mechanically following, and if he gets gradually understanding from the class, he will come to the point of spontaneous enthusiasm. This spontaneous loving devotional service is not so easy matter, but if one simply sticks strictly to the rules and regulations, like rising early, chanting 16 rounds, chanting gayatri, keeping always clean—then his enthusiasm will grow more and more, and if there is also patience and determination, one day he will come to the platform of spontaneous devotion, then his life will be perfect. All of this I have told you in Nectar of Devotion. So I do not think the leaders are themselves following, nor they are seeing the others are following strictly. That must be rectified at once. Each centre remain independent, that's all right, but the president and other officers must themselves follow and see the others are following the regulative principles carefully, and giving them good instruction so they may understand nicely why this tapasya is necessary. And GBC and Sannyasis will travel and see the officers are doing this, and if they observe anything lowering of the standard, they must reform and advise, or if there is some discrepancy I shall remove it. Of course, if new men are coming, they may not be expected immediately to take to our regulative principles cent per cent. Therefore we should not be so anxious to induce them to live in the temple. Anyone who lives in the temple must agree to follow the rules and regulations without fail. So if some new man moves in with us he may become discouraged if he is forced in this way. Therefore let them live outside and become gradually convinced in the class why they should accept some austerity, then they will live with us out of their own accord and follow nicely everything. It is very difficult to give up very quickly so many bad habits as you have got in your country, so educate them gradually, first with chanting, and do not be so much anxious to count up so many numbers of new devotees, if such devotees go away later being too early forced. I want to see a few sincere devotees, not many false devotees or pretenders.
So my point is that the regulative principles must be followed by everyone. Otherwise their enthusiasm dwindles and they again think of sex and become restless, and so many problems are there. There is some symptom of missing the point. The point is to be engaged in doing something for Krishna, never mind what is that job, but being so engaged in doing something very much satisfying to the devotee that he remains always enthusiastic. He will automatically follow the regulative principles because they are part of his occupational duty—by applying them practically as his occupational duty, he realizes the happy result of regulative principles. So the future of this Krishna Consciousness movement is very bright, so long the managers remain vigilant that 16 rounds are being chanted by everyone without fail, that they are all rising before four morning, attending mangal arati—our leaders shall be careful not to kill the spirit of enthusiastic service, which is individual and spontaneous and voluntary. They should try always to generate some atmosphere of fresh challenge to the devotees, so that they will agree enthusiastically to rise and meet it. That is the art of management: to draw out spontaneous loving spirit of sacrificing some energy for Krishna. But where are so many expert managers? All of us should become expert managers and preachers. We should not be very much after comforts and become complacent or self-contented. There must be always some tapasya, strictly observing the regulative principles—Krishna Consciousness movement must be always a challenge, a great achievement to be gained by voluntary desire to do it, and that will keep it healthy. So you big managers now try to train up more and more some competent preachers and managers like yourselves. Forget this centralizing and bureaucracy.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 8, 1972, along with description of that house. I am enclosing one copy of my letter to Karandhara in this regard. I want to use those bonds for purchasing books for India.* But I think there is no shortage of funds to be collected by you and your men in New York only.
Page Title: | Training of Karandhara dasa (Letters, 1970 - 1972) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti |
Created: | 20 of May, 2010 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=211 |
No. of Quotes: | 211 |