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Training of Hayagriva dasa (Letters, 1970 - 1976)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"Activities" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book" |"Books" |"Branch" |"Branches" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Consult" |"Consulting" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperated" |"Cooperation" |"Cooperatively" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Distribution" |"Duty" |"Festival" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"Hayagriva" |"Hayagriva's" |"Hayagrivas" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiates" |"Initiating" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Leading" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Magazine" |"Magazines" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managers" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust" |"Meeting" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Organize" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Preaching" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Program" |"Programs" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Rathayatra" |"Report" |"Reports" |"Sankirtana" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"The society" |"Translate" |"Translated" |"Translating" |"Translation" |"Translations" |"Zonal" |"Zone"


1970 Correspondence

Letter to Hayagriva -- Los Angeles 14 January, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your two letters dated January 5 and 8 1970 respectively, and I am so much moved from your kind sentiments that you have expressed for my humble activities. Actually I am not worthy of any one of the words spoken by you but all of them are due to my Spiritual Master Who was so kind to me. In fact I am a worthless person because my Spiritual Master ordered me to take up this work in 1922 but I did not carry his order until 1958, when I was obliged to carry out His order by His arrangement only. This means although I was not very enthusiastic to carry out His order He forced me circumstantially to accept it. So this is His special mercy upon me and I always think about this with gratitude to this exalted personality coming directly from Vaikuntha World and we had the great fortune to meet Him. I think that is the only credit on our part that we happened to meet Him by some "ajnata sukriti" or unknown auspicious activities. He is so kind upon me that when I came to your country, where I was completely unknown, He sent to me some good souls like you unsolicited. So I accept you all as assistants or representatives of my Guru Maharaja Who is still helping me because I am so feeble and unworthy. Anyway, the business which we have taken to work together is neither your business nor my business as far we are personally concerned, but it is the business of Lord Caitanya and His bona fide servants like my Guru Maharaja. Therefore it is the duty of all of us to execute it as nicely as far as possible within our capacity. In other words, we shall just try to discharge our responsible duties faithfully and seriously, then all facilities will come for our help.

The Vrndavana scheme as suggested by you appears to be very nice. You purchase the adjoining two farms in the name of ISKCON and leave it to His Holiness Kirtanananda Maharaja and the devotees for further development.

Regarding Krishna book, as soon as it is ready we will begin to print it either on our own press or in Japan as it is suitable and we shall not wait for George's $19,000. His lawyer has put some difficulty in the matter and it is not yet settled up. Regarding our enlarged, revised Bhagavad-gita As It Is, if possible you can conveniently give an enlarged introduction also.

Here in Los Angeles they are selling our literature very nicely and yesterday I received the blue print of "Isopanisad" and this also appears very nice. If Kirtanananda Maharaja moves amongst the school, college and university authorities and induces them to recommend this "Isopanisad" for additional reading by the students either privately or in the library it will be a great achievement. As you have read it, we have tried to discuss the nature of God's greatness and our relationship to Him as preliminary chapter of Krishna Consciousness. So this book is the cheapest of all our other books and they can easily be introduced for mass reading and they will be benefited undoubtedly.

Regarding publication by Mr. Ferlingetti, I have got all approval and we must take this opportunity for making our publication still more popular. Please try for it.

Letter to Jananivasa -- Los Angeles January 26, 1970:

So for the time being you will hand over a copy of this thesis to Hayagriva Prabhu for publication in the BTG in two or three installments.

Letter to Mandali Bhadra -- Los Angeles 3 February, 1970:

I am asking Hayagriva to send you the MS for Bhagavad-gita, and you can also write him directly to send a copy.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Los Angeles 15 February, 1970:

I have written to Hayagriva to send the manuscript, typed or untyped for being submitted to Dai Nippon immediately. If Hayagriva does not send it immediately, I think the duplicate copy which is with you may be submitted. The number of pictures to accompany the 400 pages text is 52 (fifty two) not 50 as you have written. I want that the manuscript and the pictures be submitted to Dai Nippon without delay.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Los Angeles 23 February, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 14 February, 1970, and have noted the contents carefully. I am very glad to know that you have sent the final manuscript of KRSNA book to Brahmananda and that it now reads very well. Thank you very much.

Regarding the chapter end tags, that information has already been sent to you with my last letter.

It is correct that Nanda, Krsna, the gopas, gopis, etc. left Gokula to move to Vrindaban. There is no discrepancy because the whole area of Mathura is known as Vrindaban. Every place there is known as Vrindaban, but there are different quarters.

Some of the Gopis were detained, not allowed to go to Krsna, we accept that the Gopis danced with Krsna anyway, and they went in their spiritual body. Whatever was detained was material body.

Regarding the speeches of Brahma and Nagapatni to Krsna, that is not their quoting, that is my quoting—therefore it is called the Bhaktivedanta purport. But it is not incompatible, as you have suggested, because the Bhagavad-gita existed long before.

Regarding your change of the title to "Kamsa Begins His Persecutions," it is alright. I am enclosing herewith a preface which I have written for the Krsna book. Please edit it nicely and send one copy of the edited version back to me, and another to Brahmananda for printing.

Letter to Syama -- Los Angeles 23 February, 1970:

Please ask Hayagriva Prabhu to finish the Bhagavad-gita As It Is with full explanation and text, and as soon as it is finished I shall send you some new tapes which you shall work husband and wife conjointly and you will be very pleased.

Letter to Malati -- Los Angeles 6 March, 1970:

Please offer my blessings to Sarasvati Dasi. Will you send her to our school in New Vrindaban when she is little older. The school is developing nicely there under the headmastership of Hayagriva Prabhu.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Los Angeles 9 March, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 4 March, 1970, along with the edited copy of the Foreword to KRSNA. Thank you very much. The few alterations of dates is approved by me, so it is alright.

Regarding your question do the Vedic histories refer to this planet only. No. Vedic history means of this universe. Our history begins from the beginning of the creation because the creation takes place with the birth of Brahma from the abdomen lotus flower of Lord Visnu. Then Brahma gradually creates. He begets so many sons known as Prajapatis who are supposed to be the generators of living entities, and therefore the history begins from Brahma. In the Bhagavad-gita this is confirmed in the 15th chapter. It is said there that the root of this big universal banyan tree is on the top; therefore history begins from the top.

Yes. This planet comes later on. We can take the idea from the tree—the tree grows gradually, and the different fruits, branches, and twigs gradually appear. Therefore it is to be understood that this planet has grown later on. Besides this we understand that although the planet was later on grown up, it was covered with water—pralaya payodhi jale **, merged into the water after devastation. Then gradually it emerges from water. That we can experience, that gradually land is coming out of the oceans. Because of its being merged into water, it is natural to conclude that the beginning of life was aquatic. This is confirmed in Padma Purāṇa that the species of life evolved from aquatics to plants, vegetables, trees; thereafter insects, reptiles, flies, birds, then beasts, and then human kind. This is the gradual process of evolution of species of life.

But we do not accept Darwin's theory. According to Darwin's theory, homo sapiens came later on, but we see that the most intelligent personality, Brahma, is born first. So according to Vedic knowledge, Darwin or similar mental speculators are rejected so far the fact is concerned.

I am so glad to learn that the Gita is going on nicely. Perhaps you know that Mandali Bhadra wants to translate into German, so as you finish one chapter you may send one copy to him immediately for being translated into German.

Mayapur is the birth-site of Lord Caitanya. It is a small village You cannot find it on the map, but near Calcutta you may find the place "Navadvipa," and Mayapur is part of this Navadvipa district. So far your planning to go to India, not only you, but I think several others, including Kirtanananda Maharaja and other advanced students, will go to India for preaching Krsna Consciousness. That will be a lesson to our so-called "secular" government. I came here with this purpose, so you have to fulfill my desire. I think it is coming to be true by the will of Lord Caitanya.

Acyutananda is getting good opportunities to move amongst enlightened circle in Calcutta, so if some of our advanced students go to India for this purpose, that will be a great achievement. I am thinking of that plan always. In the meantime, let us publish as many books as possible within this year. I wish to go to India for this purpose in the beginning of next year.

So far life-size Deities are concerned, even if you do not go, that can be imported. We have got addresses of supplier, and if you give me the size of the Deity you want, that can be imported. In the meantime you try to construct some temples in New Vrindaban. I want to publish one catalog of our ISKCON movement, giving pictures of all important centers and especially of New Vrindaban. This idea I gave you long ago when I was in New Vrindaban. I have advised Brahmananda also in this connection. So get this catalog printed as early as possible.

Another important thing is our theistic school in New Vrindaban. If you can establish a nice educational center, I know many parents of your country will be glad to send their children in New Vrindaban. But we have to create a nice atmosphere and educational system there. Satyabhama is very much enthusiastic in this connection. So you organize this institution systematically.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Los Angeles 19 March, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 12 March, 1970, along with a poem "All glories to Sri Gurudeva . . ." etc. This poem and your many other writings give me the impression that you are naturally thoughtful and philosophical, and thus I am very much hopeful that in future you can give to the world many nice things presented to the understanding of the thoughtful men in this age.

In that way, I wanted you to live with me and be engaged in writing such things, getting ideas from me. But we will have to wait for a few days more, and then I shall ask you to leave completely from your present occupation in the university.

At present, you patiently work there and get as much money as possible for developing New Vrindaban. As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of you income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers. I have inquired yesterday of Gargamuni whether he has any response to his appeal for money to other centers, and he said there was none. So I don't think other centers will be able to help another center for developing. Each center has to manage its own affair independently.

But I think if Kirtanananda Maharaja as well as you try to introduce our books for study in the university classes, especially in the religions department, that will be very nice and you can get good income out of that. Kirtanananda Maharaja has already introduced to one college, similarly Brahmananda has also introduced in some college, and in each place they have sold more than 40 copies of TLC. So the potency is there because these books are not ordinary literature, being based on Vedic philosophy they are in a way a new line of thoughts to the Western world. And those who are really interested in spiritual understanding surely will appreciate. But for this introduction I don't find anyone just competent except yourself and Kirtanananda Maharaja. So you can think over this matter and Krishna will show some way out.

Another thing is that there is a 90% chance of my going to India early next year. When I go, if you accompany me I will very much like it, provided you are free.

Now for New Vrindaban, if there is no immediate necessity for purchasing the side properties, you just wait for another year, and keep in a separate bank deposit for this purpose, and similar amount collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja. In this way, in one year I think you can accumulate this 5000 to 7000 dollars or even it is a little less, at that time, I shall try to complete it someway or other.

Our next attempt would be to present the brochure with all different pictures of our centers to the foundations and attract their attention. Our program is sublime. Our philosophy is practical and authorized; our character, the purest; our program, the simplest; but our ultimate goal is the highest. Similarly, we have to convince people of your country. They are intelligent, well to do, and receptive. Why not try this program combinedly, yourself, Kirtanananda Maharaja, and Brahmananda.

I think in New York there are so many foundation offices. If you all three or four together, you can add also Subala, it will be nice combination. If the foundations understand that actually you are doing something nice, then the financial difficulties for developing our various centers will be over.

Letter to Damodara -- Los Angeles 4 May, 1970:

(List of Centers and Presidents)

Bahulasva Berkeley

Rshi Kumara New York

Satsvarupa Boston

Umapati Paris

Harer Nama Boulder

Subaladas Philadelphia

Rupanuga Buffalo

Sridama Providence

Jaya Gopala Columbus

Vamanadeva St. Louis

Bhagavan dasa Detroit

Madhudvisa San Francisco

Hamsaduta Hamburg

Citsukhananda San Jose

Gaurasundara Hawaii

Revatinandana Santa Barbara

Durlabh Laguna Beach

Gajendra Seattle

Gurudasa London

Bali Mardan Sydney

Sripati Montreal

Sudama Tokyo

Hayagriva New Vrndavana

Jagadisa Toronto

Cidananda Vancouver

Damodara Washington

Letter to Hayagriva -- Los Angeles 22 May, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 16th May, 1970. I am very glad you are coming here by the 6th of June next, and it will be a great opportunity to discuss at that time about New Vrndavana, and other affairs.

Your remark on the student demonstration is quite appropriate. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura said that materialistic knowledge is another expansion of the influence of Maya. The result of material education is that the living entity forgets his own identification and takes to the business of a particular type of body which is given to him by the grace of Maya. The Vedic education means one has to understand his real identity as brahman or the spirit soul. Unfortunately the modern educational system is so defective that everyone is educated to accept this body as self. At the present moment they have no clear idea of identification, so much so that even a person who is partially advanced about the importance of the soul does also improperly identify himself with the Supreme Brahma.

So Krsna Consciousness Movement is meant for defying both classes of men; namely the karmis and the jnanis or yogis. That is our mission. Now among our students those who are advanced should take up this matter more seriously, and the Movement which you have started may not be stopped for want of adequate preachers—that is my request to you all. I am very glad to know that Kirtanananda Maharaja has now taken up this matter seriously and is preaching. Similarly I expect our advanced students like you, Rupanuga, Bhagavan das, Brahmananda, etc., may be seriously engaged now for preaching this cult.

Yes, I have received the tape as well as your "Chant" booklet. I am sorry they were not acknowledged earlier. I have asked Boston to send you the KRSNA tapes for part II. They are already edited, and it is nice, still you can have a final glance over it. After your final editing is the work retyped by Syama dasi.

If I go to Vrndavana, I will go during Janmastami festival there to see how Kirtanananda Maharaja has arranged. We have to make program that the Janmastami ceremony is held in New Vrndavana with great pomp—as much as the Rathayatra festival is to be performed in San Francisco. Similarly I propose to have great festival in Honolulu which is now New Navadvipa. This festival is to be observed during the Advent of Lord Caitanya's birthday. In this way the students should meet in these different important places at least 3 to 4 times in a year so that the work in different centers may go on uniformly.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 2 June, 1970:

Here presidents from other centers, like Hayagriva, Rupanuga, and Kirtanananda Maharaja, etc. are staying in this Temple. Kirtanananda Maharaja yesterday played the church organ very nicely. We are going to have another meeting this evening with organ playing. So everything is going nice in this center, and perhaps you remember the park which they have constructed, it is very, very nice.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Los Angeles 19 July, 1970:

So far it is fixed up that I go to New Vrindaban for Janmastami day by the 20th August. So if you like I can go for a few days before to Boston to see your temple and press. You can fix up this program by talking with Hayagriva and let me know. I think everything is going nicely in Boston.

Letter to Brahmananda , Gargamuni -- Los Angeles 31 July, 1970:

I have asked Tamala to come here and Hayagriva to come here. Rupanuga, Bhagavan das and Kirtanananda Maharaja are already here, so I am fervently appealing to you all not to create fracture in the solid body of the Society. Please work conjointly, without any personal ambition. That will help the cause.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Calcutta 14 September, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 31st, 1970, and noted the contents.

I am very glad to know that the GBC is actively working to rectify the subversive situation which has been weakening the very foundation of our Society. All you members of the GBC please always remain very vigilant in this connection so that our society's growth may go on unimpeded by such poisonous elements. Your preaching in New Vrndavana as well as intensified study of our literatures with seriousness is very much encouraging. Please continue this program with vigor and reestablish the solidity of our movement.

From the very beginning I was strongly against the impersonalists and all my books are stressed on this point. So my oral instruction as well as my books are all at your service. Now you GBC consult them and get clear and strong idea, then there will be no disturbance. Disturbance is caused by ignorance; where there is no ignorance, there is no disturbance. The four Sannyasis may bark, but still the caravan will pass. There is every evidence that they are influenced by some of my fourth-class Godbrothers.

Regarding India, first of all I am trying to fix up a center in Calcutta and then I shall call you as your presence is needed. In the meantime go on constructing New Vrndavana.

If there is opportunity, try to convince these rascal Sannyasis who are misled by fourth-class men that if they at all want to have a change of leadership why do they not select a better leader than at present moment. What is the use of finding out a fourth-class leader who has no asset as their background. I am simply sorry that such intelligent boys are misusing their brain-substance in this way. Try to rectify them as far as possible. Isana Das has inquired from Tamala regarding Tirtha Maharaja. I do not know what is the sequence of this inquiry, but it is clear that there is a great clique and the so-called Sannyasis are the via media of spreading contamination in our Society. It is a very sorry plight.

Letter to Bhagavan -- Calcutta 19 September, 1970:

Yes, you are correct that that anything outside of Krishna Consciousness is insanity, and I am glad that you are realizing it more and more. Similarly I have been getting letters from Karandhara, Rupanuga, and Hayagriva telling how they are feeling new assurance in Krishna Consciousness. So if our GBC members remain strong, strictly following the regulative principles, everything will be all right.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Calcutta 19 September, 1970:

I am in receipt of your letter dated Sept. 5, 1970, and the essay "THE SPIRITUAL MASTER: EMISSARY OF THE SUPREME PERSON" enclosed therein. I have read it, and am glad that you have understood the matter so thoroughly, and have now substantiated your conclusions with so much scriptural proof. Actually, that is our method of preaching, simply to repeat the message as it is coming down from higher authority. Here in Calcutta everything is going nicely. Hundreds of people join in our Sankirtana Party daily in downtown Calcutta, and I am confident that this mission of Lord Caitanya's will be successful if only we continue to push on this great movement, without any personal motivation. Hope this finds you and your good wife and child in good health.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Calcutta 26 September, 1970:

I have received your letter of Sept. 11, 1970, and have noted the contents. It is nice that you are personally managing New Vrindaban now, and I am sure that everything is progressing nicely just to the standard. So for the present just continue in this way. Krishna will give you all intelligence how to do it. Regarding Mr. Ginsberg's article, yes, it may appear if it is followed by an adequate refutation. But kindly make the refutation very strong; then that will be nice. I am adding some points that you may elaborate on.

1) As you state, Krishna is identical with His name. That means that His name has the same qualities as Himself, i.e. sat, chit, ananda. No mundane vibration is eternal, otherwise why does it grow tiresome and have to be changed every other week. Nor do mundane songs produce real knowledge or bliss unending. Also, this transcendental vibration purifies one. Anyone can see practically how our students are becoming purified, but the chanters of material songs are not.

2) Ginsberg says these words are physical in a frankly physical universe. But this is not true, for actually everything is spiritual. It is only under certain conditions, viz. forgetfulness of Krishna that this internal or spiritual energy of Krishna becomes material. Therefore when we hear the name Krishna, which is identical with Krishna, we must remember, and in that way everything is purified.

3) Tennyson may have felt something when he chanted Tennyson, but does anyone else? Does Mr. Ginsberg want to chant Tennyson, Tennyson? But everyone enjoys chanting Krishna. That means there is something different about His name. He is the center of everyone and everything.

4) Krishna explains in the 7th Chapter of B.G. that there are four classes of men who approach Him. There are millions of men in distress, or searching for money, or curious, or searching for knowledge, but only a few come to Krishna, and all of them are mahatma—simply because they have come to the right place, Krishna. That is not by chance, but due to their past pious deeds. No one can approach Krishna without being purified, so this is the process. But no matter what the original motive, if one actually comes to Krishna he is mahatma. S.B. confirms it that if someone follows all the rules and regulations very nicely but doesn't come to Krishna it is useless, and similarly if someone comes to Krishna, even if he doesn't follow very nicely, he is perfect. Also, B.G. 7/19 says that the wise man after many births comes to know that Krishna is everything. So Krishna is central. So we may begin our chanting with some motive, but that is not the final stage. Love of Krishna is final, and how can we develop that unless we are chanting and thinking of Krishna?

5) Some analyst or priest or lover may widen the consciousness from this to that, but only Krishna is without limit and therefore can widen the consciousness infinitely. That is the difference. The material world has varieties of this and that, this thing more than that thing, but only Krishna is without limit, and if we desire ananda, bliss unending, we must go to Krishna.

6) Hare Krishna cannot be compared to any sexual cry because the sexual cry is a call for some partner to come satisfy the caller's desire. That means it is sense gratification. When we chant H.K. we are calling to Krishna to please let us serve You. So on the spiritual platform it is the service that is desired, but on the material it is sense gratification that is sought. The rest of the points I think you can cover nicely.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Bombay 8 November, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 27, Sept. I'm very pleased that you're opening a nice center in the important city of Pittsburgh. Please develop the Pittsburgh and New Vrindaban plan conjointly. If Pittsburgh center can help contribute financially to our New Vrindaban, that will help relieve many financial problems. I am often thinking of New Vrindaban and I'm so much glad that you have taken the initiative to establish that program. Before I came to your country, I was thinking to establish an ideal Vedic community. So please work very hard to make New Vrindaban grow.

I will agree with you that we must not strain by having more devotees there than we can fit comfortably. Things must be done in such a way that no one feels inconvenienced. That is one of the problems of our modern metropolis. Everyone is packed together so tightly that the condition is always unbearable. Develop things in New Vrindaban in the natural way, so that gradually, as you have more facilities, more men can come. So far as purchasing the property and schoolhouse owned by Mr. Caufield—that is very nice proposal. So I propose that if you can collect $15,000. Then I will loan you the remaining $5,000. from my bookfund.

Your essay "The Spiritual Master: Emissary of the Supreme Person" is so nice, so why not have ISKCON PRESS publish it and then all our students can study it.

Here I am working in Bombay to establish one Krishna Consciousness Headquarters for India. There are many big influential industrialists in Bombay and the climate is very nice. So it Krishna desires, we will have a temple here. If I get such a nice temple, I may call all the men who are in India to come here, and at that time you may come also. Presently Hamsaduta, Acyutananda Swami, Jayapataka Swami, Madhudvisa Swami, and some others are in Calcutta. Kirtanananda Swami is with Ramananda in Gorakhpur and Gurudasa and Yamuna with some other devotees are in Delhi. So everyone here is trying to establish a temple and we will see where Krishna wants us to have it.

Please offer my blessings to your good wife Syama Dasi and your growing boy Samba, and I can hardly wait until he grows big enough to defeat all the mayavadis.

Letter to Kenneth -- Bombay 17 November, 1970:

Please try your best to learn our Krsna philosophy very nicely, when you have some difficult point you can ask advice from Sriman Hayagriva or your elder Godbrothers.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Bombay 24 November, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 16th November, 1970 and I've noted the contents carefully. I have instructed the GBC members with me here in India that they should write you once a week and report on activities here. It is very encouraging to hear that Pittsburgh temple is doing so nicely and that New Vrindaban is also being developed gradually. As far as the roadside property is concerned it is in long standing for purchase. So try to purchase as soon a possible, as you are hoping to get finances from spiritual sky incense which you are manufacturing under Ranadhir's expert guidance in Pittsburgh.

Regarding KRSNA book, Vol II, 4,000 copies may be sent to the U.S.A. and 1,000 may be sent to London; the remaining 5,000 can be sent to Bombay, India.

Regarding Printing of Bhagavad-gita complete and unabridged edition, it may be printed with our ISKCON PRESS and 5,000 copies may be sent, printed and folded to Bombay because I notice in your ISKCON PRESS newsletter that Advaita has expressed his opinion that if sent by ship without folding first, it would not be possible for the books to be properly folded and printed here in India. Regarding the missing verses, I will see if it is required and will send you at a later date.

Kirtanananda Maharaja is feeling double separation. If he likes, he can go back to New Vrindaban. Let him feel only one separation. As far as myself, most probably I shall go back to U.S.A. by next spring, so I also am feeling separation.

In your letter you refer to Gurudasa as GBC member, but I think there is some misunderstanding because he has not yet been appointed by me as GBC member, because there is no vacancy.

Please offer my blessings to your good wife Syama Dasi and son Samba. Hope this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. I have advised K. Maharaja to return to New Vrindaban. ACB


Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 1 December, 1970:

These engagements at schools and colleges is a most important task. If schools become interested with our philosophy and we can introduce these books, then it is our success. A little effort in this direction is sure to be successful because these are completely new thoughts for the Western world, this science of God. And because the West is scientific minded, they will take it up. We should try for this vigorously. Once they take up Krishna Consciousness in the colleges, it will be the greatest success. We've got books and we've got the Dr. Staal correspondence. Let the school authorities inquire about it. These are the propoganda items. This task should especially be entrusted to Hayagriva Prabhu because he is in one university. Not just Hayagriva, but all of you who are college graduates. You know better than me how to introduce these books into the schools.

1971 Correspondence

Letter to Dr. Baltwant Singh -- Gorakhpur 22 February, 1971:

I thank you very much for your kind invitation to our organization for visiting your place. Since a very long time I was thinking of going to your place but there was no opportunity to do so. Now as our movement is spreading all over the world and I am working at present in India, two of my disciples, husband and wife, have already gone to Trinidad. They are somewhere in Frederick Street in Trinidad. The couple's names are Vaikunthanatha Das Adhikari and Saradia Devi Dasi and they are now at present in the Port-of-Spain. I'm enclosing herein one picture of the couple. If possible you can open correspondence with them. If you find difficulty then you can refer this matter to Hayagriva Das Adhikari; c/o New Vrindaban; R.D. 3; Moundsville, W. Virginia; U.S.A. He will help you with their address. You can arrange to call this couple, Vaikunthanatha and Saradia, and after their arrival it may be possible if so requested, to send more men by suitable arrangement.

Letter to Abhirama -- Bombay 5 March, 1971:

So your idea of having a large boat travelling from city to city is very encouraging. So if you have got the means, then go ahead and do it. Krishna Conscious men aboard ship and chanting Hare Krishna is very nice program and the coastal people may take advantage of this transcendental vibration and be benefited. So do it cooperatively with Hayagriva Prabhu and let me know of your progress.

Letter to Satadhanya (Stan Federoff) -- Bombay 30 March, 1971:

I think the atmosphere at Pittsburgh Temple is very congenial to you, so you go on studying our literatures very carefully in the association of your Godbrothers and sisters and work cooperatively to help spread this sublime Movement to as many persons as possible, there. If you ever have any points of uncertainty, you may inquire from your elder Godbrothers or Hayagriva Prabhu and Kirtanananda Maharaja or if need be from me.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 24 April, 1971:

Recently I have received one letter from Hayagriva in which he wanted to know in 24 hours whether I could pay $20,000, but I have already given $20,000 to BTG. Besides that, New Vrindaban has to be developed very nicely but whether Hayagriva has already transferred the property to the society's name? This is required now. We require seven temples in New Vrindaban and 50% of the membership collection (Building fund) may be invested for this purpose. But Hayagriva should transfer the property to the society's name.

Letter to Umapati -- Los Angeles 9 July, 1971:

You have complained about those devotees who have mistreated their wives and children, but that is not the example. Those who have deserted this movement are not the example. So why are you citing them as example? There are so many devotees like Dayananda, Syamasundara., Hayagriva and others who are living with their wife and children very peacefully. There are so many. So why take bad examples; there are so many good examples to be taken. I have gotten married so many of my disciples. Gurudasa, Tamala, there are so many living peacefully. If someone has deserted, then he is wrong and not the example.

Letter to Kirtanananda -- London 22 August, 1971:

I understand that during the festival Hayagriva Prabhu was not there. How is that? Where he is now? The index of Bhagavad Gita is very much delayed. Kindly ask him to send the complete index immediately for which the complete work is suffering.

Letter to Abhirama -- London 31 August, 1971:

Your proposal to open centers in South America by your "floating ISKCON temple"* is very much encouraging to me, so if it is possible then certainly you have my blessings. You must make sure, though, that the management of our Baltimore temple is going on very nicely. Once that has been settled up you can make plans accordingly. Hayagriva Prabhu is the GBC representative for that part of the globe so you can consult with him and others in this connection.

*wherefrom you propose to purchase this boat?

1972 Correspondence

Letter to Ranadhira -- Bombay 5 January, 1972:

I can understand there is some disagreement with Hayagriva. From your letter the indication is like that. Under the circumstances, you may go with Kirtanananda Maharaja with his touring party.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Bombay 5 January, 1972:

I have seen the All-India BTG issue No. 43 only in its dummy form, so I eagerly am awaiting the final copy. I received one letter from Hayagriva in which he says he is not getting any material for editing. Is there some some reason for this?

Letter to Ranadhira -- Bombay 17 January, 1972:

If you like you may join Kirtanananda's roving party for some time as manager, I have no objection. But if Hayagriva is requiring you to help manage New Vrindaban, and if you want to return there, you may also return there. In this matter you may consult Karandhara and the other GBC men.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Jaipur 20 January, 1972:

You may transcribe the Ajamila tapes and produce a very nice book. You may send the manuscript to Jayadvaita or Hayagriva for editing and printing with Dai Nippon.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Nairobi 29 January, 1972:

Concerning Hayagriva, he is unquestionably a very expert editor, so you please try to help him and encourage him to perform that service. If he can remain happy in Krishna's service then there is no measure to the value of his work.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Madras 13 February, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Jan. 20, 1972, along with Cow Protection Report, and I am very pleased to hear that you are keeping things very nicely and yourself you are determined to follow strictly the regulative principles. I am very glad to learn that the regulative principles are being strictly followed, otherwise we shall fall down, victim of Maya. Yes, as in the case of Ranadhira, please institute these most important points of attending mangal arati and chanting 16 rounds, these are the most important points of Krishna Consciousness process. But make it so that people may not think too repressive so they will not go away—impressive but not repressive, that is the system. These regulative principles are our life, if they are not respected then we fall down from the standard and the whole thing is finished. As GBC you should see the standard is perfectly maintained, and that deity worship is perfectly done. Then Krishna will give us all protection. Neglecting the principles means neglecting Krishna's order. So you are one of the chief men of this Institution, kindly maintain your behavior to the standard so that others will follow and the whole thing may go on nicely. It was said about Lord Caitanya: APANI ACARI PRABHU JIVERE SIKHAYA, that is, He personally used to practice Himself the injunctions and then He used to teach others. That is our principle: Unless one is perfectly behaved person, he cannot teach others. My only request is that all the GBC members should be strictly to the standard of life, and see that others are also following them. Then our centers will be well-managed. Kindly do that and advise your co-workers to do that.

Thank you for your invitation; this time when I shall come to your country I shall certainly go there to New Vrindaban.

Regarding your payment for deities, I had asked you for $400, so you have paid $200 and mention that balance is $100. Did you pay already $100 before? If not, the balance remains $200.

I am especially pleased that you are compiling booklets for ISKCON Press. Yes, that is their best work: small booklets and pamphlets. Leave the big books to Dai Nippon. Meanwhile, Syamasundara. has collected many tapes of me lecturing in Africa and India, and he is sending them to Jaya Advaita for transcribing. He shall request Jayadvaita to make one copy of each for sending to you also, and also one copy for the Krishna Radio Show in Los Angeles.

A few days back we have purchased a large 20,000 sq. yd. plot of land in the wealthy and most beautiful neighborhood of Bombay, and I have called Brahmananda here from Africa to work with the others to raise up our first Hare Krishna City, with very nice temple and skyscraper apartments. In March, upon returning from Mayapur, I shall lay the cornerstone and the work will begin. We have collected sufficient funds to begin the work, and the rest will not be difficult to get. Part of the space will be used for a school and college of this Krishna Consciousness, especially to attract the bright young Indian boys and girls, so I think that you shall have to come here in future to take charge of such institution of learning, either in Bombay or in Mayapur.

I Hope this will meet you in good health and happy mood.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

n.b. I have read your Cow Protection Report, and I am very much encouraged, especially by your proposal to supply our centers with ghee. This should be done, and you can take money. Now I wish to donate 5 cows, so kindly send me the cost of 5 cows and I will send you check.

Letter to Satyabhama -- Mayapur 28 February, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 24, 1972, and I am very much pleased that you and your good husband are developing the New Vrindaban land very peacefully, and I think that you both are perfectly suited to remaining there and managing things very nicely, and you may gradually bring that New Vrindaban property to its full potential by stages, and that will please me very much. I always had great hopes for New Vrindaban, and gradually we are developing, as I can understand from Hayagriva's recent Cow Protection Report.

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Calcutta 5 March, 1972:

I am also pleased to hear that you have eliminated all the book debts from ISKCON Press. I am very much pleased that you are working so nicely. Now you and Karandhara, along with Hayagriva, Jayadvaita and others, you conjointly think how to double and again double our books supply, there is no limit in this respect.

Letter to Labangalatika -- Tokyo 22 April, 1972:

Upon inquiring from Hayagriva prabhu regarding the deity worship program at New Vrindaban, I have been assured that everything is going on nicely now, and that Radha and Krishna are receiving proper care and service. It is very good that you are feeling so much responsibility for the welfare of Their Lordships, and I hope that you will very enthusiastically engage yourself in tending to Their needs.

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Tokyo 26 April, 1972:

So far your coming to Los Angeles, you are doing very nicely there, why you should come? Besides, I want it that one GBC man will come to live with me for one month in rotation, and so I have asked Hayagriva to come first and stay with me for one month, and after he goes, then perhaps you can come next, we shall see.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Tokyo April 27, 1972:

I am presently in Japan where I am very much encouraged of the response of the Japanese people to our movement. I shall be departing from here to Hawaii on the 6th of May instant and thereafter I shall be coming to Los Angeles on about the 15th of May.

As you know, I am very eager to devote my full attention to writing my books when I return to Los Angeles. Therefore I am keeping Pradyumna with me and training him personally in Sanskrit work. I wish also that you join me when I return to Los Angeles so that the editing work may go on very efficiently. With both Pradyumna and yourself at my side then the work will go on very speedily. It is my serious desire to devote the fag end of my life to translating Srimad Bhagavatam and so many other Vaisnava literatures so by assisting me in this regards you will be performing the highest service to Krsna. I am anxious to hear from you concerning this proposal so you may send your reply care of our Hawaii branch and I shall receive it there.

Another thing is that I wanted that each GBC man spend one month with me out of the year so that I may personally instruct him. when I am in Los Angeles this program should be initiated. Since you will be coming then you will be the first and then the others may come succeedingly.

Hoping this will meet you in good health and happy mood.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Sriman Hayagriva das Adhikary

ISKCON New Vrindaban

Rd. 3

Moundsville, W. Virginia


Letter to Karandhara -- Honolulu 12 May, 1972:

You may borrow the $15,000 from me, I have no objection. But now you have agreed to give Hayagriva $4000 per month, that was a great mistake. Now you have to rectify it. Now Hayagriva writes me that he is coming to Los Angeles, so we can discuss. Abruptly if we stop, that will not be good. So we have to rectify by arrangement and agreement. I am simply surprised how you all GBC men agreed to give him $4000 per month. So the mistake has been made, now it has to be corrected by other ways.

Letter to Ranadhira -- Los Angeles 21 May, 1972:

I am expecting that Hayagriva shall come here any day, and at that time we will settle up the New Vrndavana program and we shall consider your suggestion about Bibhu.

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Los Angeles 23 September, 1972:

So far purchasing the Allen farm is concerned, that you must decide in conjunction with Rupanuga, Hayagriva, and the others. But one thing is, we have not yet developed what we have got, so what is the point of expanding further? However if there is a good bargain and you think it is wise, I have no objection if you purchase the Allen farm, provided everyone agrees and there is sufficient money available.

Letter to Pusta Krsna -- Vrindaban 8 November, 1972:

Yes, everyone of you should write something, so if you have completed any small booklets, you may send them to me and I shall see them and send to Hayagriva for possibly printing.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 29 December, 1972:

I have heard one rumor from Gargamuni that Kanupriya and Hayagriva are smoking ganja. In that case, Hayagriva should be asked to leave for U.S.A. immediately to sit down in New Vrndavana and do what he likes. But he is big leader, and if it is common knowledge that he is using such intoxicants, the others will follow his example and there will be havoc throughout the society. That would be a catastrophe. Therefore I am enclosing one letter to Hayagriva and I am ordering him to return to New Vrndavana immediately and not to become misled himself and thus mislead everyone else. As for Kanupriya, if he returns to the U.S.A. he will not stop this nasty habit and it will be worse if he goes there than if he remains in India with his family. So he may remain wherever he likes in India, but he must live separately from the devotees, and if he continues this thing he may be requested not to associate with any of our devotees further.

1973 Correspondence

Letter to Hayagriva -- Bombay 9 January, 1973:

Your letter dated January 1, 1973, is in hand, and I have noted the contents with great care. Who tells you not to edit? I have never said. I said to stop this intoxication, but not your editing. You say it is rumor only, but I have heard it several times from other persons. So let it remain as rumor, don't let it be fact. That will give me great hurt. I am also coming to Calcutta soon and we may discuss everything further when I come there. And why you are living with that ganja smoker? He has got his wife and family, so you should separate from him and live in the temple as the others are doing. If there is such complaint against our senior men it does not look well.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Sydney 17 February, 1973:

While in India last it was brought to my attention that our Sriman Hayagriva das has become deviated from the four basic principles which I have given to all my students for adherence to when they are first initiated. I do not know why he is living in such a way but I feel that he must be brought back to the standard immediately. So I am requesting you as my Governing Board Commissioners to help me bring him back to the standard. He has very good talent, but he is spending it by living such an unrestricted life.

Therefore, in the meantime, there must be another co-editor of Back to Godhead magazine to replace him. I have discussed this with Madhudvisa Maharaja here in Australia and he has suggested that Hrdayananda das Goswami could be a good man for the job. I have not made any decision, but I would like you to discuss this amongst yourselves and send me your conclusion. I cannot stress this point enough that we must handle this publication of Back to Godhead very nicely for it is one of the most important aspects of our society. So you will please do the needful in this regard and please contact me soon.

Letter to Karandhara -- Sydney 17 February, 1973:

While in India last it was brought to my attention that our Sriman Hayagriva das has become deviated from the four basic principles which I have given to all my students for adherence to when they are first initiated. I do not know why he is living in such a way but I feel that he must be brought back to the standard immediately. So I am requesting you as my Governing Board Commissioners to help me bring him back to the standard. He has very good talent, but he is spending it by living such an unrestricted life.

Therefore, in the meantime, there must be another co-editor of Back to Godhead magazine to replace him. I have discussed this with Madhudvisa Maharaja here in Australia and he has suggested that Hrdayananda das Goswami could be a good man for the job. I have not made any decision, but I would like you to discuss this amongst yourselves and send me your conclusion. I cannot stress this point enough that we must handle this publication of Back to Godhead very nicely for it is one of the most important aspects of our society. So you will please do the needful in this regard and please contact me soon.

Letter to Karandhara -- Auckland 21 February, 1973:

Regarding Sriman Hayagriva Dasa; it is our duty to rectify him. To create a devotee takes much labor and to reject him in a minute is not to our credit so please try to do the needful in this regard. Consult the other GBC men there, then make a proposal to Hayagriva and if still he is incorrigible then you take the necessary steps.

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Calcutta 6 March, 1973:

Thank you very much, I have received your pamphlet inviting to participate in New Vrndavana activities. It is an excellent pamphlet nicely set up, but I am sorry to inform you that your co-founder Hayagriva Prabhu is little disturbed. Sometimes before you told about him participating in intoxication. Then I did not take it seriously, but the same thing is again revived and I am little perturbed. So is it possible to save him from this dangerous position? His is important man in our Society and we cannot allow him to deviate from our principles. Please try to save him.

I heard before that Birbadra is under your control, is that a fact? Hayagriva told me is under your control.

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Calcutta March 7, 1973:

I can understand that actually Hayagriva was not involved directly in the management of Back to Godhead and that whatever arrangement you already have there is sufficient. Meanwhile Hayagriva can be encouraged to continue his literary contribution of articles, editing of the smaller books, etc. We shall see what he can do, and if at all possible he should be brought back to the standard. In this connection I have written his wife, Kirtanananda Swami, and the GBC members. Thus far I have received no reply regarding Madhudvisa's suggestion about Hrdayananda from the GBC members.

Letter to Jagadisa -- Calcutta 10 March, 1973:

Actually, Hayagriva was not doing any managing or editing of BTG except for his own articles. More importantly he was engaged in working on our books, producing those smaller paperback booklets, etc. Such a talent is not so easily replaced, so we must try to bring him back to the standard for his own benefit. In this connection, I have written his wife, Kirtanananda Maharaja, and the GBC to see what they can do for him.

Letter to Karandhara -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 26 July, 1973:

I am also happy to note that Hayagriva is working on The Books. Please keep him carefully, his work is very important for our Movement.

Letter to Karandhara -- Bombay 19 October, 1973:

This boy Rsi Kumar appears to be lost coming in contact with business. I heard he was coming to India and staying in the hotel without coming to the temple. Similarly Hayagriva is also lost almost. So, the situation is not very favorable.

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 24 November, 1973:

Now when I go to New York I wish to meet both you and Hayagriva Prabhu, and if you so desire I can go from New York to your place for a few days. I have got important talks with you for development of our New Vrndavana project, so kindly get information from Bali Mardan Swami, and as seen as you hear that I am there, please come and see me with Hayagriva Prabhu. If you so desire, I shall go to New Vrndavana along with you.

1974 Correspondence

Letter to Hayagriva -- Bombay 25 March, 1974:

Since a long time I did not hear from you, but I am very anxious to see you.

Here in Bombay we have a nice spot. We are now in possession. It is just like a garden house. I shall be glad if you come here and live with me for some time.

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Mayapur 5 October, 1974:

From the pictures anyone will see that you have organized New Vrindaban very nicely. It is just like Krishna's Vrindaban. Now they are happy in New Vrindaban both animals and men. Here in one picture is Kirtanananda instructing the cow to chant Hare Krishna. In another picture the boys and the cows are being taken equal care. Everyone is living very peacefully and eating very nicely. There is so much land. This is real Vrindaban life. In Vrindaban Krishna calls the cows each by his own name. When cows were purchased in the beginning I have seen them crying because the calf was taken for killing. They can understand. Not that they are animal and cannot understand. The neighboring farmers come and they are astonished at the nice preparations made from their milk. I see in the small cottages they are living very, very happily. The cows are grazing, and the male members are doing the work. Local flowers are used for the garlands. Yes, New Vrindaban is almost a small state. Some of the rogues are envious. Rogues are always envious when they see something nice. Even Hayagriva will not leave that place. He is living very happily there.

The plans for the palace are very nice. It is a temple, like Jagannatha temple. It is very calm and quiet there. I like it. In the beginning when Hayagriva purchased, I immediately gave him the idea of New Vrindaban—cow protection. On the whole our New Vrindaban scheme is successful.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Mayapur 15 October, 1974:

Regarding publishing the philosophy book, first of all I want to see the copy after it is edited. Hayagriva can do it. He is paid for that.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- India 10 December, 1974:

The tapes of these lectures have been sent to L.A. via one devotee returning to Washington D.C. (4 tapes) and Bali Mardan (3 tapes). The balance of 4 tapes is with Srutakirti and he will hand them over to you in Hawaii, via Ramesvara. Prabhupada suggested that Hayagriva could edit the lectures into the purports for making this book.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your servant

Brahmananda Swami

Personal Secretary

Approved: ACBS

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Ramesvara -- Melbourne 19 May, 1975:

Yes, let Hayagriva come to Los Angeles, he is very intelligent. He is becoming more enthused. That is very good.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Honolulu 8 June, 1975:

I don't think that Hayagriva is at fault. He has not changed the meaning or the philosophy in any way. But if you like to use the original manuscript, then if it is possible, you can use it.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Bombay 9 November, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 23, 1975 with the proposed Table of Contents for the philosophy book. By the grace of Krsna you have got a special capacity to do this work. I am very glad that you have revived your activities in the editorial work. So Krsna will certainly help. Do not neglect chanting 16 rounds at least. Yes, you can come and see me wherever I am, either at Mayapur in the spring of next year or it may be that I may go to Imphal in Manipur after the Vrndavana festival. The Table of Contents are nice and you can come and we shall discuss further. Yes, you have got a nice farm in New Vrndavana. If you are not there, then let others stay. That is all right.

Regarding the scientists, they will always find something new because their knowledge is not yet standardized. They will go on making new discoveries, on account of their imperfect knowledge. The modern scientists despite their experience of imperfectness, they take everything that they find out as the last word of perfection. Again they find out something which they find out as a further improvement and so they have to adjust everything new. They do not know that the senses are imperfect so any advancement of knowledge with imperfect senses must always remain imperfect.

Our process is different. We admit that we are in the conditional stage and our source of knowledge is not the senses because they are imperfect. We cannot find the right knowledge from the imperfect senses. We therefore take knowledge from the most perfect personality, Krsna, and His faithful servants and the result is that despite all of our imperfect senses, we have perfect knowledge. You have to keep this point of view in your front and pray to Krsna for enlightenment and then we shall be able to understand what is written in the Vedic literature. This is confirmed in the Vedic literatures: yasya deve para bhaktir, yasya deva yatha guru (ŚU 6.23).

Letter to Svarupa Damodara -- Bombay 12 November, 1975:

Also enclosed is one article sent to me by Hayagriva about the new discovery which creates turmoil and confuses the physicists. The material scientists, they are discovering so many particles, but they have not yet discovered the soul.

1976 Correspondence

Letter to Ramesvara -- India 25 February, 1976:

It is good that the philosophy book is being arranged properly by Hayagriva.

Letter to Syama -- Honolulu 23 May, 1976:

I understand from Hayagriva that now you are living in San Francisco along with your youngest son. I hope that you are doing well, but I shall be glad to see you in Los Angeles by the 2nd of June, 1976, when I shall be arriving there.

Letter to Harikesa -- New Vrindaban 24 June, 1976:

The communism book that you have written, they say that there are some words that may be irritating to the communists. We have just finished a book which Hayagriva is editing at present. It is called Dialectic Spiritualism and within that book, your comments can be added if need be for preaching in the Eastern European countries.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Vrindaban 29 October, 1976:

What about that book Dialectical Spiritualism edited by Hayagriva? Also, the rejection by the BTG staff has somehow or other alienated Dr. Kapoor. You must carefully oversee which articles are being accepted for BTG.

Page Title:Training of Hayagriva dasa (Letters, 1970 - 1976)
Created:26 of May, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=67
No. of Quotes:67