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Training of Hamsaduta dasa (Letters, 1967 - 1969)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book Trust," |"Book" |"Books" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperaton" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"Hamsaduta" |"Hamsaduta's" |"Hansadutta" |"Hansadutta" |"Hansadutta's" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana trust" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Sankirtana" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"Translate" |"Translating"


1967 Correspondence

Letter to Janardana, Hamsaduta, Himavati, Pradyumna -- New York 28 June, 1967:

While on my sick bed I was so much encouraged by your successful carrying on the Montreal Branch even in spite of the absence of Kirtanananda. There is a verse in the Bhagavad gita tenth chapter that anyone who serves the Lord sincerely with love and affection is certainly instructed by the Lord from within. The Lord helps us in two ways: internally as paramatman, and externally as Spiritual Master. So I think your sincere activities are being appreciated by the Lord from within and He is dictating you all for advancement of Krishna Consciousness. I hope that I may be able to go to San Francisco on July 5th, and from there if I get my permanent visa I shall go to Vancouver where there is every possibility of opening a new branch. There is a friend who is prepared to cooperate, and I understand that there are many Indians also. From Vancouver I may come to Montreal, perform the opening ceremony of installation of Radha-Krishna Vigraha. Then I may go back to India for six months, as there is a program for construction of an American house for training preachers at Vrindaban. Vrindaban is the only solitary transcendental abode within this universe where Krishna Consciousness automatically reveals. Therefore I have a great hope to train some of my disciples for preaching work, even in my absence. I am now old man, and attacked with serious disease; I may be overcome by death at any moment. Therefore I wish to leave some trained preachers so that they can do the work of Krishna Consciousness in the western world. That is my ambition. I hope you all pray to Krishna so I may be able to execute my duty properly.

Letter to Satsvarupa, Hamsaduta -- Vrndavana, India August 1967:

...but that we all dedicate our lives or our consciousness (no matter in what capacity) to Lord Krsna. If things can be worked out nicely within the temple, that's all right. But family life requires a certain amount of privacy and convenience, which may not always be available. I am simply concerned that you be happy and contented, so you can prosecute the most important thing, K.C., without being disturbed. Rupanuga and Damodara are both doing nicely in this regard, and I wish the same for you.

Your appreciation of my Spiritual Master is very commendable. One who understands and appreciates the disciplic succession is certainly advanced, and we should always be very careful to give full respect to those who have so carefully handled this Divine Fruit of transcendental knowledge before us. Even a slight change will spoil it. That is why I have always been so careful to give you only those things which I have heard from my Guru Maharaja

Please extend my blessings to Himavati and any others who may be with you. Hope you are all well.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Thank you for your letters. I am indeed enjoying my stay here in Vrindaban, and fully appreciate the great opportunity and responsibility that has been placed on me. My love to all.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Vrindaban 15 August, 1967:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 8/9/67, and I have noted the contents carefully, and I can see that you are a little disturbed in mind. Don't be. Everything will be all right, by Krishna's Grace; we are Krishna's property, but now we are seated in these bodies of maya, so it is sure that from time to time there will be disturbances—just like I am experiencing now. So don't worry about it, just go on chanting Hare Krishna and engage your energy for Krishna in the best way open to you.

I am also very happy to learn that Himavati is going to have a baby. A child is a rare gift given by Krishna, but at the same time a great responsibility; every parent has the responsibility to see that his child grows up K.C. I know that you understand this, and will always make Krishna the center of your home.

Now as to what you should do: there are a number of courses of action open to you. First of all, you are a family man, and usually at this point a man must think about providing for his wife and child. So if you like you can take a job in N.Y. or elsewhere and settle as an ordinary householder, like Rupanuga and others; or, if you prefer, you can continue to work within the Temple, either at Montreal or wherever there is sufficient space to accommodate you. But you must think of your health. I had already noticed a deterioration when I was in N.Y., and now you say it has gotten worse. That is not good, and you must correct it. So do the needful. Above all don't be worried. Krishna will help you. If it is necessary to go to work in order to maintain you wife and family nicely, Krishna will give you all support necessary.

At any rate, I shall be back by the end of October, and then everything will be all right.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Vrindaban 15 August, 1967:

So long as Hamsaduta and Himavati remain in N.Y. please see that they are well taken care of. There seems to be some difficulty.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Vrindaban 29 August, 1967:

Thank you for your recent letter. I am glad to know that you are comfortable in Boston, and that you are engaging your energy there in making nice Krishna prasadam. I am also very pleased to know that Himavati is definitely going to have a baby. It is a very wonderful thing, and surely Krishna will bless your home with His presence, as both you and your wife and His sincere servants; The best preparation for the coming of the child is just for the parents to remain perfectly Krishna Conscious, and of course, the best means for that is by chanting the holy Names and listening to Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. I very much appreciate that you enjoy helping to open various centers, and that is certainly laudable on your part. You must fully consider, however, your wife and child; your first duty now as a householder is to provide nicely for your wife and child


Lord to give up fighting; rather he was encouraged in his occupation but at the same time, he was to do it for Krishna. That is the secret of Krishna Consciousness—not that we all have to become preachers, but that we all dedicate our lives or our consciousness (no matter in what capacity) to Lord Krishna. If things can be worked out nicely within the temple, that's all right. But family life requires a certain amount of privacy and convenience, which may not always be available. I am simply concerned that you be happy and contented, so you can prosecute the most important thing, K.C., without being disturbed. Rupanuga and Damodara are both doing nicely in this regard, and I wish the same for you.

Letter to Himavati -- Delhi 23 September, 1967:

My advice for the present is that during your time of pregnancy you should eat very simple foods, hot or spicy foods are not to be taken and also sexual relations are forbidden. All blessings to Hamsaduta and yourself.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Delhi 6 October, 1967:

I can understand the hint which you give me about Himavati and Hamsaduta. As a matter of fact woman is like fire and the man is like the butter pot. They must keep apart for healthy atmosphere. But in your country the social system is different. In fact in our society, at least, we should make separate arrangement of residence for the boys and girls. Gradually we have to organize like that.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Calcutta 13 October, 1967:

I have received your letter of Oct. 5. "Money is the honey" goes so far as it is employed for Krishna consciousness. The body is undoubtedly a material vehicle but when it acts for Krishna Consciousness it becomes spiritualized. By the grace of Krishna material energy can be transformed to spiritual energy & spiritual energy is never deteriorated. To be in Krishna Consciousness means to be in Spiritual energy. More in my next.

1968 Correspondence

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 11 January, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your very encouraging letter dated January 3, 1968. Because you are a sincere servant of Krishna, Krishna is giving you gradually facilities to advance in your engagement of Krishna Consciousness. I am so glad to learn that now you have nice apartment of 4 rooms, and also a nice job for meeting your all necessary expenses. Take them as benediction from Krishna and utilize them for Krishna Consciousness business. If you can provide yourself by independent handwork then you can give up your present job, otherwise you continue with your job, even it is nonsense. The thing is, we must have sufficient time for executing Krishna Consciousness business, so you have to select which one will be suitable for you. If you think that by carving Jagannathas or painting you will have sufficient income, it is very nice. Otherwise do not give up your present job for some future hope. Rayarama's suggestion to open an asrama is very nice. If it is possible to keep sufficient number of cows in the asrama, there can be very nice milk business and that may make sufficient income for maintaining one institution for educating children in Krishna Consciousness. Actually the modern educational institutions are different grades of slaughter houses. If you can open an ideal institution for the future children of our associates, it will be a great service. Actually as I have already discussed in my Srimad-Bhagavatam, for economic problem one requires a little land and a few cows. Then the whole economic problem is solved. We should utilize our time for elevating ourselves in Krishna Consciousness than for so-called economic development. If we are satisfied with plain living, with minimum time and the balance time is engaged for elevating our Krishna Conscious program, then every man can be transferred to Goloka Vrindaban, just in this very life. The modern civilization has encumbered the mode of living and people are engaged all the time in the matter of eating, sleeping, defending, and mating. Both yourself, and your wife Himavati are good combination. If you can develop such an institution for future children of the society, or outside the society, it will be great service for the humanity. I am sure Krishna will give you more and more intelligence in this matter, if you seriously think on the subject by gradual evolution. Offer my blessings to your good wife and I pray to Krishna for your all round prosperity.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 22 January, 1968:

I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated Jan. 16, 1968, and noted the contents with pleasure. The idea of opening an asrama in the near future is certainly a wish of Krishna's. To develop our institution to its fullness, we require such an asrama without doubt. Child is the father of man, so the basic principle of any type of life is to instruct to the children from the very beginning. Krishna Consciousness. Children grow to be the topmost leaders of the human society. In the Bhagavatam it is said that the Brahmanas are the head of the social body, the Ksatriyas are the arms of the social body, the Vaisyas are the waist of the social body, and the Sudras are the legs of the social body. The legs may be placed in a lower position than the head ephemerally, but actually the legs are as important as the head for maintaining the body as it is. It is not that the legs should not be taken care of and just the head should be cared for. But it is a fact that if there is not a head it is a dead body. The modern civilization is a sort of a social body without a head, or actually it is a dead body. The body is dead since the very beginning of it's birth, and it is the spirit that keeps it moving. Therefore, spiritual enlightenment is the basic principle of civilization. The modern civilization is lacking in that respect and there are so many disadvantages on account of this deficiency. So we have to grow children to become the head of the human society and there is great need for this. I pray Krishna that you may give a starting to such an asrama in full Krishna Consciousness. In the asrama there must be a grand temple as the deity of the asrama.

Another proposal is I want to form a sankirtana party in which two members will play mrdanga, eight will play the cymbals, two will play on tampura, and one harmonium, besides that there will be the leader of the party. This party will be so trained that exhibitions of our chanting and dancing along with distribution of prasadam will be performed on a stage and for this performance we will sell tickets to the public. It will be known as a spiritual movement. Suppose if we begin it from New York and there is good response from the public, then our attempt will be successful prior to our traveling all over the world. We will earn money by stage exhibitions and attract attention of the elite public and move from one station to another. A shorter type of this exhibition was held during our television show and the performance was very much appreciated. So I want to train such a party immediately. I do not know where such training will take place, but I want to do it immediately in my presence. So consult with Brahmananda and others about this proposal. Give me your return suggestions about this proposal.

I quite approve your plan for manufacturing Jagannathas and do some profit out of it for maintenance of our temple. Hope you are well.

Your ever well-wisher

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. I think you can save money for this Ashram as much as possible. The Ashram may be named as "ISKCON-Nagari" or New Vrindaban and a separate a/c may be opened in the Bank.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 4 February, 1968:

I thank you very much for your letter dated January 1, 1968; and I am so proud to have such spiritual sons and daughters like you, who are so humble in their dealings but who are so high in their spiritual understanding. Lord Caitanya instructed us to be more humble than the grass on the street, and more tolerant than the trees, and to offer all respects to all, demanding no respect for ourselves. All these nice qualifications make one worthy to chant Hare Krishna. Just try to follow these principles and keep staunch faith in Krishna and in Spiritual Master, and your life will be successful without any doubt.

Regarding Kirtana Party: My idea is that at least one dozen persons should form a Kirtana Party. Two persons play mrdangas, eight persons play karatalas, one person playing tamboura, and one person playing melodious harmonium. The person who will play on tamboura will be leader singer. You have just calculated what I want, when you suggest that the leader should sing as I do, and the others will respond. That will be very nice. But all the members of the party will be pure devotees. None of them should be outsiders. We do not want any outsiders as far as possible. Mrdanga playing as you are doing at present will make you more and more expert as you go on playing. Here also I see Gaurasundara simply by playing is improving. If all the members keep their faith in Krishna and tries to please Him, certainly everyone will be pleased by hearing our Kirtana. It is sure and certain. When such Kirtana will be demonstrated, only the harmonium player may sit, and all the others may stand up and join the Kirtana and dancing properly dressed. This is actual idea and I hope if such Kirtanas are performed even on public stage, we can sell tickets. That will be a source of earning to maintain our activities.

I am glad that Purusottama is trying to get our Society recognized in the U.N. as a non-government organization. And if it is successful, then we shall be able to perform Kirtana in the U.N. stage. And if we are recognized by the representatives for different nations, then we may be invited from different parts of the world, then our Sankirtana movement will be successful. Our process will remain the same eternally, namely, to begin with Sankirtana and prolong it at least for 1/2 hour, then speak something from Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahma Samhita, etc. and invite questions and answer them. Then again concluded by chanting. This is my dream or idea, and I shall be glad if you, Brahmananda, Purusottama, Rayarama, and others can give this idea a practical shape and life, then I shall be very much thankful to you. Please convey my blessings to your good wife Himavati, and I hope to meet you very soon.

Letter to Labangalatika -- Los Angeles 4 February, 1968:

I have received your nice letter of January 28, and I thank you very much for it. The proper spelling of your spiritual name is LABANGALATIKA. The meaning of Labangalatika is delicate, sometimes Radharani is addressed as Labangalatika.

Please continue in your nice service attitude and Krishna will always be pleased with you. Hope you are well.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. Send through Hamsaduta

Letter to Janardana -- Los Angeles 7 February, 1968:

Regarding your proposal for opening a center in London: I am prepared to go there at any moment. Even I do not mind the severe cold there. I have asked Hamsaduta to organize a Kirtana party of 12 heads, so I wish to go there with a strong party for Kirtana and lecture.

Letter to Janardana -- Los Angeles 7 February, 1968:

I think by the Grace of Krishna my working has produced some sincere souls like yourself, Brahmananda, Hamsaduta, and others. Now we have to chalk out a solid program by consulting together. In the Western countries, there is no dearth of men and money, as well as intelligence, simply to get them together and our program will be successful.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter of Feb. 8, 1968, and have noted the contents. I thank you very much for your sincere appreciation, and for your feelings of imperfectness. The more you think as imperfect, the more you make actual progress in Krishna Consciousness. This hankering after perfection is seen in even the most perfect devotees. So we should never think of being perfect at any stage. Actually, Krishna Consciousness is unlimited, because Krishna is unlimited, so we do not know at which point the perfection is there. Even Krishna Himself thinks that he is imperfect to understand Radharani's feelings of devotion; and to understand the devotional feelings of Radharani, He became Lord Caitanya, to worship Krishna in the feelings of Radharani. So transcendental activities are so nice that it is all perfection, and still there is no perfect satisfaction. That is the duty of spiritual life. Please stick to your principles as you are now doing and serve Krishna to your best capacity, and Krishna will give you all protection undoubtedly.

I am very happy to hear you are making nice arrangements for the Kirtana Party; I am anxious to see the idea take shape. Yes, the more you develop the attitude for service sincerely, the more opportunities Krishna will give you to serve Him, in so many varieties of ways. And I am so happy to hear that you are finding strength to be determined to spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world; my Guru Maharaja wanted like that, especially the Western world, and my only request is that you all sincere boys and girls, to spread this Krishna Consciousness to every home, to every village and town, and to take this mission very seriously.

Please convey my blessings to your good wife. Hope you are both well.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. organization of the Kirtana party for world tour should now be given our first consideration.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 26 February, 1968:

I am very much ambitious for leading a Kirtana party, especially all over your state, and Europe. Hamsaduta is trying to organize this party. If you can move with this Kirtana party, say a batch of 12 to 15 heads, all over the States, as well as Europe, I am sure we will be more popular than the so-called yogi Maharishi Mahesa.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 26 February, 1968:

If printing of Bhagavatam is done here and a Kirtana party is organized then I shall never go back to India. I shall stay here in your good care till my death. Hamsaduta will help me in establishing a New Vrindaban in the West. Please inform Hamsaduta that I have received his encouraging letter: I am glad to learn that Sriman Umapati is coming to see me. He is heartily welcome. Kindly care of the shipping affairs from India.

Letter to Hamsaduta, Himavati -- Los Angeles 3 March, 1968:

I thank you very much for your nice letters, one dated the 23rd of Feb. and the other undated. I have noted the contents, and your attitude of service is so nice. I am pleased to hear that you have begun practicing for the Kirtana party; please keep me informed how you are progressing. Yes, if you like, you can also arrange for costumes and wig; one boy may be dressed as Lord Caitanya, another as Nityananda, as well as Gadadhara, Advaita with white beard and Srivasa with shaven head. Responsive chanting is very nice; one good singer may lead, and the others may join in. That is the system in India. It is very good for two reasons especially: One, the chanter gets to rest, so he does not become tired, and two, you get to chant and hear, that is the process. You may also have melodious accompaniment instruments, and amplifiers. Blowing of the conch shell and horns is very nice.

Yes, to be determined that the child will have his last birth into ignorance is very good. It is true that one should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death. And that is possible only with Krishna Consciousness. This is a very great service for Krishna, to give all opportunity for the child to be trained up in devotional service, and it is very good that you are thinking very seriously on this.

The more one feels imperfect in Krishna's service, the more he is advancing in Krishna Consciousness. Even the topmost devotees feel they are inadequate in their service to the Lord. So it is good to feel inadequate, and to try harder to please Krishna with better service. But one should never feel, oh, I have seen Krishna, and so I am reached perfection—this is not Krishna Consciousness.

Please continue your very good service, and do not feel any feeling of uselessness. It is true that Krishna has given some the opportunity to serve Him by nice writing, some by good business ability, some by nice cooking, and so on, but these various services are all accepted equally by Krishna. On the transcendental plane, one service is as good as another. There is no question of higher or lower. We are very tiny, and so we cannot really do very much. Simply we can engage our time and energy, and that is all Krishna sees. He sees this boy or girl is spending his time in My Service, and He is pleased.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 4 March, 1968:

I offer the same to my daughter, Himavati, and I hope she is doing well. I am very glad that Krishna is already dictating you how to make perfect the SANKIRTANA party. I completely agree with you about the program of our traveling across the country, being booked in several places. And I am glad that our friend, Allen Ginsberg, is helping you. There is no doubt about our success if we can make this Kirtana party successful. The most important point in this connection is that we shall never be professional; that is to say, we shall try to make the Kirtana party perfect from the point of view of Krishna Consciousness. The idea of introducing Panca-tattva in the kirtana party was also contemplated by me. Not only that, we have to prepare different dresses for Radha and Krishna, and Their eight confidential Associates, Sakhis. Sometimes you have to dress somebody as Nrsimhadeva and Prahlada; in this way, we shall have varieties of show along with the kirtana, and all the varieties will be picked up from Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. We have to teach the Brahmacaris and the Brahmacarinis to speak in Sanskrit some of the verses in this connection, and we explain the verses by singing, chanting, and speaking also. Sometimes in the middle of chanting and singing, we shall speak also. So, all these varieties show will be so attractive with melodious musical sounds, and above all our good behavior and advanced Krishna Consciousness, will make this show very successful. In the meantime, you train the Kirtana party as you are doing, and the responsive method is all perfect. I have already written you in my last letter in this connection, and again I say that the responsive method should be practiced. There may be more than one singer, just like you may take the leader's seat, sometimes Jaya Govinda may take the leader's seat, sometimes others may take the leader's seat, but the method of chanting and responding, then chanting, should always be followed. When I come to New York certainly we shall devise plans on this touring program, not only traveling within the States, but also traveling all over the world. And when we go to India in course of our travel, we shall collect some Indian devotees also to join us. Not only Indian, we shall gradually collect devotees from all over the world without any discrimination. Our Krishna Consciousness movement must be all-pervading, as Krishna is all-pervading.

You will be glad to know that in San Francisco they are trying to purchase one house. I have already suggested Rayarama for a regular printing press for printing our books. And some of the Brahmacaris may be engaged in the publication work, some of them may be engaged in the Kirtana party preaching work, and some of them in distributing our literature. That will make our mission perfect.

Just today we had one meeting in the California State College at Long Beach, Cal., they issued the enclosed pamphlet which may be published in Back to Godhead.

Letter to Brahmananda -- San Francisco 21 March, 1968:

I am especially interested in the Sankirtana party, for this purpose, which is understood to be being molded up by Hamsaduta. We have got invitation from a Bombay friend for our Sankirtana party, and if Hamsaduta's Sankirtana party is made up then, with whole party we will go first to England, then to Holland, then to Germany, then to Bombay, and make the program right and earnest from now

Letter to Brahmananda -- San Francisco 23 March, 1969:

I have written also to Hamsaduta about the Sankirtana party, and I think our books, paintings, and the Sankirtana party can give us enormous help if we can organize it very nicely. I want therefore a permanent residential quarter at New York, so that my personal supervision of these things may go on.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- San Francisco 23 March, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 7, 1968, and I thank you very much for your encouraging news of the Sankirtana party. Please confer my blessings upon your very good wife, Himavati, and I am so pleased that she can sew nicely, and make the costumes for the Sankirtana party. It is very wonderful that you have secured already some engagements for our party, and it is indication that it will be great success. It has just begun, and already there are so many engagements. I am so glad that you have organized the Sankirtana party, and it is very satisfactorily progressing. And at present, I am counting upon you more than anything else, because my program is, after going to New York for some days, then I shall go to Boston, to Buffalo, and to Montreal, and I shall take the Sankirtana party with me, and make an experiment how we get response. I shall then proceed with Sankirtana party to England, then to Holland, to Germany, and to any other countries, and/or directly to Bombay. One of my Bombay friends has written me as following: "I am pleased to receive your letter dated 3rd March, 1968, and have noted the contents. We are already doing Kirtana on Sundays and that is a part of our curriculum. This can be made extensive by your team of followers from America arriving in India. The best place for continuous Sankirtana is Vrndavana. Please let me know when you would come to India, with the devotees, so that we may arrange a reception and have a suitable program. Yours sincerely, Hari Krsna dasa Aggarwal." So, if we can reach Bombay with our Sankirtana party, and as promised by my friend, some Indians join us, then we shall make an extensive tour of India with the party, and we shall invite all kinds of religionists to join us. The Indian government is particularly secular government, and if we can present unified form of Krishna Consciousness—one God, Krishna; one scripture, Bhagavad-gita; one mantra, Hare Krishna; and one work, His service, then certainly we shall get very good encouragement from Indians also. My future contemplation is to have tours all over the world for 6 months, and sit down in a nice place for the balance 6 months, for training boys and girls as well as editing our publications. You consult with Brahmananda and he may consult with Mr. Kallman how this program may be given real shape. But I think this program will be solid one for propagating our Krishna Consciousness all over the world. And in spite of New York City's so many faults, I have got a natural inclination to make my headquarters in N.Y.C. Most probably I am going to get my permanent visa, from your government, and in that case, I want a very nice place to stay in N.Y., and make it my permanent headquarters for editorial office, as well as training Sankirtana party and preachers.

So far the advertising is concerned, you can follow the example of the enclosed advertisement, which is very nice.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Allston, Mass 14 May, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 13, 1968, and noted the contents. It is very good news that you are getting one bus for traveling with the Sankirtana party. Our first plan was like that—that we should have a nice Sankirtana party and travel all over the country. But since you said that you could not organize such a party, I requested you to go to open a center in Germany. Now our principle business and aim is to preach this Krishna Consciousness movement, and wherever we get the opportunity, we should take advantage of it. Now, it is up to you, to settle up—whether you should go to Germany or travel about here in this country. If you have got at least 6 members for your party, then I would advise you to travel in this country with the Sankirtana party. But if you have no members to assist you, then you can try to open a center in Germany, as our good friend Subala is trying, struggling alone in Sante Fe, and still pulling on. Our only business is to spread Krishna Consciousness to the best of our possibility, and Krishna has given us discrimination and judgment. So, Krishna is within you, you chant and ask Him, Krishna and He will give you proper instruction.

So far from my side, I can say that if you have got a party who can travel with you, then you can travel with them for some time with the Sankirtana party. If you go in the bus with your Sankirtana party, then we must sell our literatures, magazines, books, records, etc. The whole institution is not in very sound financial position, so we should always remember this position and try to sell our articles so that we may again publish our books and literatures. Back to Godhead is already in difficulty for financial matter. It is giving me some anxiety. Back to Godhead may not be stopped publication—it will be a great setback for our missionary purpose.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Allston, Mass 28 May, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter of May 27, 1968, and noted the contents carefully. As you are married, there is no need of separation as you are practicing artificially. You must live just like a respectable married couple and earn money as a Grhastha, and spend 50% for Krishna—that is the real program.

If you have no sufficient men to form the Kirtana party at the present moment, you can go on chanting as usual in the temple. There is no need of becoming hasty. One or two boys from S.F. can join you at any moment, that is not a problem. But you must have some men locally. The process should be at least 4 to 6 men must be competent to begin the chanting with instruments and the members of the audience should be requested to join them. If you can make this practice successful, you can go anywhere. Four to six men, and the members of the audience will join together, and then it will be very successful Kirtana performance. Just try to practice like this. I am going to Montreal next week and after reaching there I shall consider when and how to go to London, or any other part of Europe. At present it is not yet fixed up.

Letter to Upendra -- Allston, Mass 1 June, 1968:

I am going to Montreal on Monday, June 3rd, and if I find Montreal quite suitable, I shall call you and some other students to assemble there to practice Sankirtana in a systematic way. Of course, chanting Hare Krishna does not require any artificial artistic sense, but still, if the procedure is presented rhythmically, then the people may be attracted more by the transcendental music. So, Hamsaduta asked me about you and I have said that you will be able to come as soon as I call you, so first of all let me go there, then I shall let you know what to do.

Letter to Syamasundara -- Montreal 7 June, 1968:

So it is almost certain that I'm going to London by the month of August. And if you all wish to come there, then you can prepare for the trip. So far I remember that you know German language as well as Dutch language, so after we have started our London branch, you shall have to go to Germany and I think Hamsaduta can help you there, because he also knows some broken German.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Montreal 21 June, 1968:

Just now I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 18, 1968, and thank you very much. I am replying separately to Hamsaduta along with this letter. To the UNITED SHIPPING CORPORATION you can reply as follows:

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Montreal 21 June, 1968:

I thank you very much for your letter dated June 18, 1968, and I am so glad to note the contents. I think Krishna is giving you the required intelligence how to spread our transcendental movement. This is the right way, as you have adopted. To chant Hare Krishna, very nicely, with musical instruments and mrdanga, speak the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, and sell our literatures like books and magazines. That process will make our mission successful. Please try to do it very nicely.

Regarding the bus, the best thing will be to dispose of and get some money. One thing, you must be very careful that we should not divert our attention for money making too much. If we can make money by the process which you have now adopted, that is very nice. But we cannot divert our attention to such things as running on the bus, etc. This is not good. The bus should be sold to get out of the botheration. If the bus was in good condition, we could have it to utilized to move ourselves, but that is not possible. Under the circumstances, better that you dispose of it at highest possible price and get out of the complication.

Yes, that is all right, Himavati can sew nice things for selling. And your advice for the boys in San Francisco is very nice. They can also go out everyday into the Golden Gate Park and hold kirtana and so many people will come.

Yes, Vamanadeva can stay as your assistant, and can come here when you come. There is no objection.

Money making schemes should be easy; we cannot divert our attention for money making activities. We require some money for prosecuting our activities, and if we get that money by contribution that is best, otherwise, we can sell our literature and books, etc. But if we direct our attention like others, then it becomes karma. And karma is very dangerous for persons who want to go back to Godhead. Therefore, in Bhagavad-gita karma yoga is advised. On the whole, we can endeavor for money making if it doesn't hamper our devotional service. And otherwise, we shall prefer to starve and chant Hare Krishna. That should be the pivot of all our activities.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Montreal 27 June, 1968:

This system should be followed and you will be successful. Because in New York also Hamsaduta is following this system, holding Kirtana at Central Park every day, and he is collecting in the same way. All together he is collecting 50 to 70 dollars by contribution and by selling Back To Godhead. This is actually our successful propaganda. We want to distribute our literature and books within as well as our prasadam, and injecting our Hare Krishna medicine within the ear.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Montreal 3 July, 1968:

Yes, I quite agree with you, on this money subject. This subject matter I have discussed here also. The difficulty is that in your country the Brahmacaris cannot go and beg from door to door, therefore the process which is now adopted by Hamsaduta is coming to be very hopeful. But boys who are not engaged in the temple service during daytime must try to get some money be working or some other way. Without money it is not possible to exist in the material world.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Montreal 10 July, 1968:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 5, 1968, and regarding the Kirtana collection, I have talked with Hamsaduta who has arrived here last evening, and as proposed by you, that the contribution should be divided 50% for the temple, and 50% for the Sankirtana fund, is quite all right.

Letter to Umapati -- Montreal 13 July, 1968:

In this connection you can consult Hamsaduta in New York, and Satsvarupa in Boston how they are successfully carrying on. Here also the Brahmacaris are chanting in the Expo, and the arrangement is they will get some lump sum of money, and they have already gotten $300.00. Hamsaduta has also collected, by chanting, $150.00. So if there is no jobs at all, then you can fully engage yourself in Krishna's job by chanting in the parks and public places, and certainly Krishna will send you salaries. Krishna provides all living entities and why not his sincere devotees? Therefore, we have to become simply sincere in our Krishna Consciousness movement, and all other things will follow.

Letter to Syamasundara -- Montreal 15 July, 1968:

Regarding London-yatra: (like Rathayatra—yatra means travel.) I am contemplating of forming the following party: yourself and your wife, Mukunda and his wife, Gaurasundara and his wife, Hamsaduta and his wife, Pradyumna and Upendra. Maybe we may have to change later on a little bit, but this is my contemplation. Now, I do not know how to make this program fruitful. Here I have gotten some encouragement by recent Kirtana performances in the Expo. For two days they have paid us $300.00, and maybe they will be required to perform Kirtana for a few days more. Similarly I have got one encouraging letter from San Francisco written by Tamala Krishna, that there is good collection in the Kirtana performances led by Mukunda. I have asked Hamsaduta to open correspondence with you to make plans how to go to London.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Montreal 17 July, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter and check duly. I have already sent necessary instructions through Hamsaduta. You are all my limbs of my body. Unless you cooperate, my life will be useless. The senses and life are correlative. Without life the senses cannot act and without sense, life is inactive. I have advised Hamsaduta to cooperate fully with you. The 50% arrangement is agreed.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Montreal 17 July, 1968:

Henceforward our plan should be to push Sankirtana and sell our publications. For books, Brahmananda, for magazine, Rayarama, for Sankirtana, Hamsaduta and Mukunda, and for suggestion, my humble self. Please let us concentrate this integration and I am sure our movement will be successful.

Letter to Mukunda -- Montreal 17 July, 1968:

I think Krishna is dictating us to adopt this method for propagating the Sankirtana movement all over the different cities, towns and villages on the surface of the globe, because that was the prediction of Lord Caitanya. The exact words in Bengali poetry are as follows: "Prithi vite acche yata nagaradi gram. Sarvatra pracara haibe more nama."

I have already asked Hamsaduta to open correspondence with you. Please do expedite the arrangement for London Yatra by mutual correspondence.

Letter to Harivilasa -- Montreal 25 July, 1968:

Yes, we are planning to go to London as a Sankirtana party of 12 heads, by the month of September. And Mukunda in San Francisco and Hamsaduta in New York, they are combinedly planning this scheme. But I think you have got better responsibility in India than to come here and join them. As they are doing the Sankirtana program here nicely, similarly, you can also combinedly do the same work in India to attract the westerners who go there for some spiritual enlightenment. I think you will understand me right and try to do your best to give a shape to this idea.

Letter to Upendra -- Montreal 3 August, 1968:

I am very glad to receive your letter suggesting a branch in Vancouver, and it is very encouraging. Please negotiate with your friends as soon as this postal strike is over, and if there is a suitable place to open a center, I am agreed to this proposal. In the meantime, Hamsaduta is coming and I shall consult with him also, and if possible we will go to Vancouver.

Letter to Kirtanananda, Hayagriva -- Montreal 23 August, 1968:

N.B. Hamsaduta is performing kirtana in the park, and yesterday he collected 24 dollars. There is some picture in the paper and I am sending one herewith.

Letter to Aniruddha -- Montreal 24 August, 1968:

In San Francisco, I understand the Kirtana party collects sometimes up to $40.00 daily, and Montreal, the other day, Hamsaduta collected $24.00, similarly I hear from Boston, they are also making good collection. So if you can organize this Sankirtana party chanting in the parks and in the street, with permit from the authorities, there will be no scarcity of money, and people will be very glad to contribute.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Montreal 24 August, 1968:

P.S. One thing, that, there is no necessity of my going there immediately, unless you find it quite suitable, but if required, you may call one or two other devotees also, and to join in Kirtana and it will be successful, if you chant in the park and in your compartment, people will gradually come. That is my opinion. Hamsaduta is doing the same thing here, and he got the other day, 24 dollars. Similarly, in Boston Satsvarupa is also doing that, and what to speak of San Francisco. I think this Kirtana process will be all right.

Letter to Brahmananda -- San Francisco 9 September, 1968:

I hope you have already talked with Montreal, to Hamsaduta, or Janardana, about the money dispatched from the Canadian National Bank to London. It is very important. They are in the foreign countries; if they do not receive the money at time, how much difficulty they are in?! So the Montreal representative must immediately finalize what happened. And let them drop a letter to me what has happened. I am very much anxious about it.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- San Francisco 9 September, 1968:

Please accept my blessings, and I hope you are doing well there. And Himavati is helping you very nicely. You will be pleased to know that here the Sankirtana party, led by Tamala Krishna, is doing very nicely. I understand that within two months they have collected $1500.00, and people are taking this Krishna Consciousness Kirtana very nicely. They go every day to the business quarter and the respectable persons they are appreciating that they are very sincere and pure. So it is very encouraging. I think similar things you can organize in Montreal. We have to improve so many things.

Letter to Janardana -- San Francisco 9 September, 1968:

You will be pleased to know that I had no difficulty entering USA, with the Canadian immigration card. First of all, they wanted from me to see my visa, I told that I am Canadian immigrant. Then he said, oh yes, that's all right. So what for you are going; to visit there. How many months you want to remain there? I said about 4 or 5 months. So they did not make any etch in my passport. So I think even if I am not able to get the American visa, there will be no difficulty for my coming and going. Anyway, let us depend on Krishna. So Hamsaduta is there, the Kirtana party is there; please try to organize your center nicely. And I am also enclosing herewith one letter for Hamsaduta.

Letter to Mukunda -- San Francisco 14 September, 1968:

I hope that the money which I sent from Montreal to the Charter Bank in account of Samuel Speerstra has already been received by him. I shall be glad to hear on this point. So the $1,655.00 and further $600.00 contributed by me and Hamsaduta may be conveniently deposited in London in the branch of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. And open an account in my name. And send the passbook to me so that when I shall go to London there will be no difficulty there for me.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- San Francisco 19 September, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 11, and 13 Sept. 1968, and I have noted the contents carefully. Regarding Christopher Fynn: I have chanted his beads and am sending herewith; please find. He is a nice boy. You and your wife should guide him in the matter of further progress and his spiritual name, I have fixed up, Cintamani das Brahmacari. Regarding your press: If Cintamani das is settled to remain in Montreal, then you can start the press, a small press immediately. I think you should wait and see how Cintamani das is settled up there. Because if you purchase press, and if he goes away to England, then the investment will for nothing. I do not think that is advisable immediately. You continue to publish Back to Godhead in French language, in the mimeograph machine, and when you feel confident that it is going on, and Cintamani das is fixed up then it will great success for us to start a small press in Montreal. Regarding Peet Aarola: I have seen the picture, and it is a good idea that he wants to be initiated, and so you can send his also. I shall initiate him, because he is painting Radha-Krishna pictures. Let him render some service to Krishna. And if possible, try to open a branch in New Brunswick. It will be a great pleasure for me. I am glad that Kulasekhara has come back. I think he cannot go from our society because he has already rendered some service to Krishna. So Krishna is not going to leave him at any cost. So treat him nicely so that he can be fixed up there. And his attention should be in the matter of painting. That's a very nice idea. Please offer my blessings to him, and treat him very well. So far Mrigendra das is concerned, he will also come back; don't worry. Recently I have received letter from Sivananda; the prospect in Berlin is very bright. And two students from San Francisco are going on the 28th to Berlin, and I am asking Acyutananda and Jaya Govinda to come back and join him in Berlin. Similarly I have received report from London; they are having regular kirtanas and feasts, although not in our own temple, but in different places.

One most important thing is that the money which I sent on Syamasundara.'s account with Charter Bank, through my banker, the Canadian National Bank, has not yet received. This bank is most third class bank. Will you kindly personally go and inquire why are they so much callous, in foreign countries, they are without money and they are silent. It is very much surprising. So consult with Janardana what steps we can take. My account number is—, savings bank. Please let me know what is the result of your visiting the manager. If they have not sent the money, and if simply they say they have sent, then what steps shall we take against them? It is very serious matter. So kindly do the needful in consultation with Janardana, and let me know. Most probably I am, coming Saturday, I am going to Seattle. From Seattle my program is to visit Vancouver, and if possible, I may come back to Montreal again. Then I may be going to Europe.

Regarding Deity worship: It is very much essential and in this connection you can consult Brahmananda who is doing Deity worship in New York very nicely, and how is he feeling. One after another, Deity worship should be practiced by everyone. That cleanses the contaminated body very nicely. It is really the custom that before entering one must be cleansed and bathe himself regularly. The whole idea is that we must very much sincere in our activities to serve Krishna, and everything will automatically be convenient for prosecuting our Krishna Consciousness. And I hope you are doing very nicely, and Krishna will give you more and more strength. Hope this will find you in good health. Offer my blessings to all the students, and especially to Himavati. I am pleased to learn that Subhadra is looking on you; it is good sign, that she is favoring you in your good activities. She is sakti of Krishna, or the internal potency and by her mercy glance, you will be more and more successful in your advancement in Krishna Consciousness. Thanking you once more for your kind letter.

Letter to Mukunda -- Seattle 27 September, 1968:

Regarding the bank affair: You write to say "We are expecting a letter from the Canadian Bank any day as to whether the money was credited back to your account." This means that you have not received the money, and you are arranging to get the money again credited in my account in the Canadian National Bank, at Montreal. But I have received one note from Hamsaduta who says like this: "I went to your bank and checked into that 1655.00 for Syamasundara. and the gentleman in charge of the affair said that is all taken care of and that by this time they have got that money in London." I cannot understand what is the real position, but I request you to open correspondence with Hamsaduta and let me know conveniently what is the actual position.

Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 27 September, 1968:

If Brahmananda and yourself can arrange to send somebody to take charge of Santa Fe, he can immediately be called for your assistance. similarly, there is a new boy, Cintamani (Christopher Fynn) who is in Montreal temple. I think he can also be a great help to you. You can open correspondence with Hamsaduta in this connection, and if you think that boy is suitable, he can also help you. Please continue to send our Back To Godhead to all persons, I have given you list—especially to Sumati Morarji at Bombay, because she is coming again to help our activities.

Letter to Hansadutta -- Seattle, Wash. 98105 1 October, 1968:

I have not heard anything from you since last few days; hope everything is going on well. Now regarding the house which you saw on 772 Sherbrooke Street, in front of MacGill University, do you think I shall seriously negotiate for securing the house? The condition is that we have to pay at least $12,000 per year, or $1000 per month. You assured me that by opening Prasadam restaurant downstairs you will be able to raise this $1000. If you are confident about this, then let me know immediately, so I shall renew negotiation with the party. You may see the house once more inside; the process to do so is as follows: "Permission to inspect may be obtained upon application to the Base Construction Engineering Officer, 6769 Notre Dame Street East, Montreal, Quebec (Telephone 255-8811-Local 280), between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on working days only." So you can arrange to see the building by phone and let me know your opinion as soon as possible. Regarding your press, and publication of Back To Godhead in French language: I have not heard anything. I have also not heard anything from Janardan since I have come. I shall be glad to hear from him also. Have you issued any mimeograph copies of Back to Godhead till now?

So I am anxious to know all these informations as well as general information of the temple affairs. Offer my blessings to Himavati and all other devotees. Here the Kirtan party is doing very well. They are selling Back To Godhead nicely and making collection of $30 to $50 daily. Awaiting your early reply, and thanking you.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

N.B. While in Montreal, there was one small gold plated bowl kept in a gray flannel drawstring bag, kept in the bookcase in the apartment. In packing it is somehow missing. We do not know if perhaps it was left there in that apartment, and if so, could you ask Himavati if she found it in her cleaning of the apartment after we left? It has somehow or other been lost; please check about it as far as possible.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Seattle 1 October, 1968:

I have not heard anything from you since last few days; hope everything is going on well. Now regarding the house which you saw on 772 Cherbrooke St., in front of McGill University, do you think I shall seriously negotiate for securing the house? The condition is that we have to pay a lease $12000 down and $100 per month. You assured me that by opening Prasadam Restaurant downstairs you will be able to raise this. If you are confident about this, then let me know immediately, so I shall renew negotiation with the party. You may see the house once more inside; the process to do so is as follows:

Letter to Jayapataka -- Seattle 6 October, 1968:

I have not heard anything about publication of our Back To Godhead in French language. What about the printing in mimeograph machine? I am very much anxious to hear about it. Please issue the mimeograph copies of Back To Godhead as soon as possible. And Hamsaduta we wrote me about starting some press, but I have not heard anything about the press starting. I am interested in starting the press, so if you can manage it will be very nice. Another thing, you ask Janardana why he does not write me since I have come back to New York from Montreal. I have not heard anything from him. So I am also interested to know whether he is doing translation work or not. Please ask him to write me. And also, I have written one letter to Hamsaduta that please ask him to reply me as soon as possible.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Seattle 6 October, 1968:

Here in Seattle, things are going nicely, and it may be from here I may go to Florida. There is some friend in Florida who wants to help us to open a center there. All of you please chant Hare Krishna, and hear the sound vibration, and serve Krishna and Spiritual Master to your best capacity and everything will be all right. Please offer by blessings to all the devotees and I am expecting letters especially from Hamsaduta and Janardana.

Letter to Janardana -- Seattle 10 October, 1968:

Are you doing French translation work of our books? What about the program of French publication of Back To Godhead? I wrote you from San Francisco, but I have not heard any reply from you. Please take care of this business with the American Consulate, as you will find described in Hamsaduta's letter, as soon as possible.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Seattle 10 October, 1968:

I sent one letter to you on the 1st Oct., but it appears that you have not received it, because there is no mention of this letter. I am therefore enclosing the copy of the letter herewith. I shall be much pleased if you see the house No. 722 Sherbrooke Street. And give me your report in terms of my letter as per copy enclosed herewith. This is very essential.

Regarding the Sikh gentleman's request to use our temple for performing some Sikh religious ceremony: You know that we have refused even the Hindu people to hold demigod worship in our temple, and what to speak of the Sikhs, who are not to the standard of Vedic principle. As a matter of fact, we should not allow anyone to hold any function in our temple, otherwise than Vaisnava principle. In your temple, if your finances condition is going on nicely then there is no need for allowing anyone to hold ceremonies against Vaisnava principle. If anyone wants to hold some function, they should pay to the temple at least $50.00 and we shall prepare Krishna Prasad, offer to the Deity, and as we do generally, and the same Prasad may be distributed to anyone, may he be Hindu, Christian, Sikh, etc. So if Mr. Singh agrees to this principle, then he may pay you the required money to prepare Prasad, which after offering to the Deity, you can hand over to him, and he can offer to Guru Nanak or anyone else, and then you can distribute to the devotees. There cannot be any separate distribution of foodstuff save and except Krishna Prasadam according to our own principles. I understand that you are moving to a separate room because Himavati is feeling inconvenience, but whatever you may do, I have no objection, but the temple now is in your charge. I want to develop the Montreal temple under your supervision. Why Janardana is not writing me letters? Does he come to the temple regularly or not? What about the French edition of Back To Godhead printed in the mimeograph machine which is already there. I am very anxious to know all these items. Please reply me as soon as possible, on all these points. I am enclosing herein one letter to Janardana also, which please hand over to him, and ask him to give me reply as early as possible. I am very much anxious to hear from him.

I am so glad that Krishna is enlivening you in your service attitude. This is the secret of success in Krishna Consciousness—unflinching faith in Krishna and in the Spiritual Master enlightens a devotee in the progressive march of Krishna Consciousness, and keep this attitude, and I am sure Krishna will give you sufficient intelligence to make your life successful.

Diwali ceremony can be observed in the temple by illuminating 100's of candles, in different parts of the temple, and offering special Prasad to the Deity. This ceremony was observed by the inhabitants of Ayodhya, the Kingdom of Lord Ramacandra, while Lord Ramacandra was out of His Kingdom due to His 14 years banishment by the order of His father. His younger step-brother Bharata, took charge of the Kingdom and the day on which Lord Ramacandra took back the charge again from His brother, and seated on the throne, this is observed as Diwali function. This is the original idea of Diwali, and Dipabali. Dipabali means the same thing—Dipa means candles, and bali means numerous. When numerous candles are lighted it is called Dipabali. In India, this Dipabali function is celebrated in a special auspicious occasion. This Dipabali function can be observed on 21st October, and Prasad can be distributed on the 22nd October, during daytime, which is known as Govardhana Puja and Annakuta Ceremony. In India, in all Vaisnava temples, this ceremony is observed and 100's of people are given Prasad according to the capacity of the temple. So I understand that last year the Dipabali Ceremony was held in the temple, and there was collection of $130.00. So you can do the needful.

Hope you are all well,

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. I have received one letter from the Consulate General of the United States of America, letter No. MTL-V-14 (CAN) 10'C, giving me appointment date on October 25, at 9:30 a.m. at Montreal. So in that connection I am enclosing herewith a letter addressed to the Consulate General there. This letter may be personally borne by Janardana, or if he is busy, yourself. And get the papers transferred to their Vancouver Consulate Office, and let me know the result immediately. This is very URGENT, and should be done immediately. Let me know immediately the result of your meeting with the Consulate General, by return of post.

You can see in this connection one young gentleman Mr. Peter R. Jones U.S. Vice-Consul and he will help you.

Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 15 October, 1968:

Anyway, the issue of Back To Godhead which you have sent me is very very nice, and Krishna is helping you for your sincere efforts. I hope you will continue this attitude and improve the quality and writing of Back To Godhead both nicely. It is also gratifying that Subala has joined you and so also Bhaktajan has come back to assist you. Now I think you have got sufficient staff, and you may not require the help of the boy, Cintamani in Montreal. I think that he's required there to assist Hamsaduta. I have received letter from him.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Seattle 17 October, 1968:

Enclosed please find one copy of the letter which I have sent yesterday to the Consulate General of the United States of America, at Montreal, sent by special delivery air mail, so that they may keep the file there as I am going to meet them on the appointment day as they have set up, Oct. 25, 1968. I hope you have already made this arrangement. Hope everything is all right. I am coming there on the 23rd of October, 1968. I am starting from here by 7:15 air flight to Vancouver, and from there I shall catch another plane at 8:30, and reach Montreal sometime in the evening, they say 6:30 Montreal time. So the flight number is No. 04, of Canadian Pacific Airlines—date, Oct. 23, 1968. So, as I am coming there alone, I think Himavati will have to cook for me while I am there.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 24 November, 1968:

I have read with pleasure your letter of November 18th and have noted the contents carefully.

You describe that you are seeing more and more how Krishna is your friend and this is very nice. The more one understands that Krishna is my friend and my duty is to serve my Dearest Friend, the more one can know that his is advancing in Krishna Consciousness.

Regarding your question about Supersoul, we take it from Bhagavad-gita philosophy that the distinction between Supersoul and individual jiva soul must always be there. The Supersoul never will fall under the clutches of this illusory maya and the jiva soul has this tendency. So there is distinction, yet, the two, Supersoul and jiva soul are also the same as much as the sunlight and the Sun are qualitatively the same. So this is Krishna's message that we are simultaneously one and different from Krishna. When the jiva soul accepts the dictates of the Supreme consciousness Supersoul, his activities will no longer be for the sake of personal sense gratification but will be only for the purpose of gratifying the senses of Krishna. This attitude of service is the perfection of the living entity.

Please continue to try for the printing of Back To Godhead French edition. We work so that men of all languages and cultures may join us in chanting Hare Krishna and for this we need so many literatures in so many different languages. So please try for this. As you are His sincere servitor Krishna will provide you with the intelligence to do this nicely.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 28 November, 1968:

I have received your letter of Nov. 28, 1968, and I have noted the contents carefully. I thank you for your kind sentiments for me, it is very nice.

So far Janardana is concerned, I am anxiously awaiting to hear something from him. I consider him as one of the pillars of our society, so please request him to write to me and to inform me of the active interest he is taking in our society. He is very sincere thoughtful member and plus he is good speaker, so with these qualifications he can render most valuable service to Krishna Consciousness. So please ask him to be kind upon me and help in the venture of translating our various books and magazines. When Janardana goes to France, if he is willing to take charge of printing Back To Godhead French edition in France, rather then Canada, it will be very nice. Also in France he may open one center and many of my students may come to help him. In Europe I require 3 centers, one in London, one in Paris, and one in Hamburg.

In New York, Advaita and Uddhava are preparing to start press to print our books and magazines, so in this endeavor they will require more manpower. I think that Vaikunthanatha is suitable in this connection so he may make arrangements to come to New York to work in bookbindery establishment and also take classes in bookbinding to be paid for by Advaita and Uddhava. The money he earns for his labor shall be utilized for our new press program.

Regarding the "Inside Iskcon" journal, if it is not very troublesome the idea is all right. Since you describe a necessity for warmer shoes, leather may be utilized and their is no harm.

So far as it goes in Los Angeles, everything is going very nicely with the Sankirtana Party and soon we are expected to have a new temple location.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 30 November, 1968:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of the check for $321 Canadian dollars and I thank you very much for it. Just now I am going to send credit to Dai Nippon in Japan for $6,000 so I require some money for the book fund.

You are thinking of accepting a job but you are already in the job of Krishna, so for the maintenance of Krishna's temple you can contemplate as Krishna desires. But I will suggest, why do you not start the prasada program? It was in our contemplation for a longtime and you and your wife are expert cooks. There's ample space in our temple. Why not organize the prasada program. That will be both spiritual propaganda and monetary gain also.

Besides that I'll suggest instead of accepting job outside, why not try to sell our books? Bhagavad-gita is already published. If you want to sell, immediately ask Brahmananda to send you as many copies as you can sell and there also is a source of income.

Next month we are getting Teachings of Lord Caitanya. Dayala Nitai knows how to sell books, so both Dayala Nitai, yourself and the others, if you attempt to sell our books that will be the most glorious job. Plus if you can distribute prasada


Letter to Ananda -- Los Angeles 12 December, 1968:

You will be very glad to know that our Montreal center has mimeographed a very fine edition in French language of Back To Godhead. I think that in Vancouver there may be good opportunity to circulate this publication so you may write to Hamsaduta in Montreal to make arrangements for ordering copies.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 12 December, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letters of December 4th and December 7th, 1968 and also I have received the beautiful first edition of Back To Godhead in the French language. This is a great joy to me to see such publication being printed so nicely and my heartfelt thanks are due to Janardana, Dayala Nitai, Vaikunthanatha, yourself and your wife, along with all the others who have helped to make this publication come so expertly. Such French edition was my great ambition and now that you have achieved success, I request you all to improve it continually so the French speaking people will have opportunity to take advantage of our Krishna Consciousness movement.

So now there is plenty engagement for everyone at the temple and if you can secure funds simply by selling our literature, by prasadam program and by some sewing labor, then it will not be necessary to take karmi jobs outside. So Krishna has given you very good facilities to be engaged and make profit at the same time for the temple so even though you may live poorly, if you can support yourselves simply with these activities it will be very good.

You have expressed some new ideas to improve BTG of the English Back To Godhead, but I think that there is no need to interrupt their way of thinking. Now you have a chance for your own edition so do it nicely and according to your own ideas. You are artist, so you have facilities to make a very nice edition to sell to the French public. Since in Montreal 75% of the populace are speaking French I think you have very good chance to popularize and improve this magazine.

So far as my book fund is concerned, you have said that you do not wish to take profit from this fund so as you like you may take the commission as Brahmananda has proposed and then you can return the profit to me in Los Angeles. That will keep the accounts clear. But somehow or other see that our books are sold very quickly. My book fund is now drained by $7,000 and I should fill up this gap very soon. I require to keep this fund because it is helpful in achieving the immigration papers as well as credit for such items as temples and books from MacMillan and Dai Nippon. This account should therefore always be kept for an emergency. Also, I next wish to publish a new book entitled Nectar of Devotion. So if you can help with these funds it will be very appreciated.

You have asked about singing the prayers of Narottama Thakura and yes, they are very much approved in any language. Please convey my thanks to Janardana for the fine work he has done on the magazine and also request him to write to me about his future plans of going to France. He is a most sincere, important member of our society and I think that in France he may be able to do much to popularize our movement and to circulate our new French magazine.

Letter to Satyabhama -- Los Angeles 27 December, 1968:

If you want to write books for children, story books about Krishna's Pastimes, I shall give you nice hints and Hamsaduta and Himavati can help you with nice pictures.

1969 Correspondence

[[Vanisource:Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 3 January, 1969 [Based on the 1st paragraph, we believe that the original letter was incorrectly dated. Our estimate is that this is the correct date.--Bhaktivedanta Archives]|Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 3 January, 1969 [Based on the 1st paragraph, we believe that the original letter was incorrectly dated. Our estimate is that this is the correct date.--Bhaktivedanta Archives]]]:

Thank you for your letter of December 25, 1968. I am awaiting your pictures of the house which might be used for prasadam program. So far as the press utilizing this place it is not possible because the press is to be set up either in New Vrindaban or in New York.

Here in Los Angeles we have a very nice place. The rent is very high, but if we can maintain this establishment it will surely have great future prospects. I am glad to know that you now have a nice apartment. Live comfortable there and try to improve the temple conditions to your best capacity. If there will be an opportunity to purchase the new house you have found, try your best for this.

I thank you so much for having nicely appreciated the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This book should be read by all of my students at least one chapter per day, and in kirtana class it should be discussed sloka after sloka. Practically, we have tried to explain in this book all of the basic principles of Krishna Consciousness. If you can simply cram Bhagavad-gita then you will surely become a very good preacher.

Next January there will be an examination on this Bhagavad-gita. Papers will be sent by me to all centers, and those securing the minimum passing grade will be given the title as Bhakti-sastri. Similarly, another examination will be held on Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day in February, 1970 and it will be upon Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. Those passing will get the title of Bhakti-vaibhava. Another examination will be held sometimes in 1971 on the four books, Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and Nectar of Devotion. One who will pass this examination will be awarded with the title of Bhaktivedanta. I want that all of my spiritual sons and daughters will inherit this title of Bhaktivedanta, so that the family transcendental diploma will continue through the generations. Those possessing the title of Bhaktivedanta will be allowed to initiate disciples. Maybe by 1975, all of my disciples will be allowed to initiate and increase the numbers of the generations. That is my program. So we should not simply publish these books for reading by outsiders, but our students must be well versed in all of our books so that we can be prepared to defeat all opposing parties in the matter of self-realization.

Letter to Paramananda -- Los Angeles 9 January, 1969:

If Kirtanananda Maharaja welcomes you during the winter months there is no need of waiting for the springtime. I have no objections. The only question is if there is sufficient place to accommodate you during the winter season. Also be sure to consult with Hamsaduta to be sure that there will not be too great inconvenience in your leaving to New Vrindaban.

Letter to Mrs. Levine -- Los Angeles 10 January, 1969:

Regarding your initiation, I do not know whether your husband is also willing to be initiated with you. This first initiation can be performed by mailing your beads, but if conveniently you can come to see me with your husband, that would be very nice. I am so glad to know that you have become so interested in Krishna Consciousness, and it is pleasing to note that you are hearing from Hamsaduta and Himavati. They are an ideal pair amongst my disciples.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 10 January, 1969:

I have received one letter from Mr. and Mrs. Levine who I suppose are living in the same building where you are living. It is understood from their letters that they are eager to be initiated. If they are prepared to follow the rules and regulations I think that they can be initiated by mail. So if you recommend you can ask them to send their beads and I shall initiate them.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 12 January, 1968:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 9, 1969. Krishna is pleased upon you so that He is responding to your sincere service. In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He responds proportionately along with the degree of surrender to Him by the devotee. So the spiritual progress that you are making now is duly being responded to by Krishna. Of course it is the duty of the teacher to instruct his pupil rightly, but to pass the examination with a degree and merit depends upon the student himself. But the teacher is always happy when he sees one of his students has surpassed the capacity of the teacher also. That is an occasion of great jubilation. Please therefore prosecute your Hare Krishna vibrations along with your good wife, and certainly Krishna will see that all of your attempts will be successful.

I am very glad to note when you write to say that both you and Himavati miss your sleep and go to bed late. By Krishna's grace, Himavati is not only beautiful externally, but she is beautiful within also. Otherwise how she can say that you may have the license for sense gratification but what will you do with this license? A brahmacari is good for living a life of celibacy, but a person who can live a life of celibacy in the presence of a beautiful and obliging wife is more than a brahmacari. Of course anyone who is stuck up with only one wife is also called brahmacari. You will set a very good example if both of you agree not to have sense gratification anymore and still you remain as husband and wife together. This is possible, however, only if both of you are fixed up in Krishna Consciousness activities. I thank you very much for your sincere endeavor to do this activity.

Concerning the house, if it is possible to rent it with an option to purchase that will be very nice. My Guru Maharaja instructed us, especially to me, that it is better to remain in a rented house than to purchase our own place, but actually He had constructed many temples during His lifetime. The idea is that if things can be done without any extra endeavor, that is all right. If purchasing a house becomes cause of our extra anxiety, we should avoid it. But if by the grace of Krishna it can be easily done, there is no harm of having our own house. Anyway, if this house is suitable for a temple and for prasada distribution, we must have it at any cost. You may do as it is best by consulting Krishna.

Regarding the examination, you are already a passed student so don't be afraid of it. When the examination will be held, you will find the questions so easy that within a few minutes you shall be able to answer them all. I wish to introduce this examination system so that in the future our students may not remained unconcerned with these books we are publishing. These books are not material knowledge. To a sincere student, all of the contents of these books become revealed from within, even if he has not thoroughly studied them all.

Regarding your question, the deity shall be put to rest in time, and if people are still eating prasadam, the arati cannot be performed. It is better if after offering prasadam to the deity you perform arati, close the curtains and then distribute prasadam to the devotees. Please do not accept from Gopala Krishna 6 inch murti. He has promised to donate one pair of 24 inch murtis. Besides that, when you are engaged in the worshipment of the temple deities, you may not install separately deities at your home.

Tears come down from the eyes of a person who is already elevated in ecstatic love of Krishna. So these are very good signs. I am explaining all of these matters in my next book, Nectar of Devotion. I pray to Krishna for your further and further progress in this connection. I am pleased to note that you are now accepting outside engagements for kirtana activities. This is an important attempt. Please convey my blessings to Kulasekhara also. I am very glad to note that he is back at the temple and painting nicely. I hope this finds you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. I have duly replied separately Mrs. & Mr. Levine and hope they have received my letter by this time. I have agreed to initiate them & you can do the needful.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 16 January, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 12, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents.

I have gone through the description of the various rooms of the house but you have not mentioned if there is suitable space for a temple also. Our present temple in Montreal has very nice space so our first consideration is how to make the temple room nice. So I do not know how this house shall be suitable for all of our purposes. It may be very suitable for residence and prasadam distribution, but unless there is nice arrangement for a temple, how will it be possible to rent it? So unless I understand how you intend to arrange for a nice temple like the one you have presently, a little difference doesn't matter, I do not know how you can accept such house. I shall be glad to hear further from you about this.

Regarding your questions, the incidence of Sanatana Goswami and Rupa Goswami should be taken as follows; Rupa Goswami treated Sanatana Goswami as his Spiritual Master, so therefore to pray to Krishna for serving Krishna or the Spiritual Master is very good. Similarly, if the house is very good for serving Krishna it is very good. But if our purpose is for our personal convenience, for that purpose we shall not pray. But for the convenience of Krishna and the Spiritual Master we should always pray.

The absence of the idea of God is not very important, but the sense of loving God is the most important. The cowherd boys and all of the residents of Vrindaban were so much absorbed in love for Krishna that naturally there was absence of the idea of God. Yasoda was so much absorbed in love of Krishna that she did not care to know that He is God. Our whole philosophy is to increase our love for Krishna. Love with awe and veneration and love that is spontaneous is different, but still one has to learn about the greatness of Krishna. To come to the stage of spontaneous love for Krishna is a very high stage, and it is not to be imitated. In our conditioned state of life, we should worship Krishna as God with respect and veneration. That is the system. The relationship of the Spiritual Master and the disciple is not the same as the relationship with Krishna in Vrindaban. The relationship with the Spiritual Master must always be continued with the greatest respect and veneration, without forgetting His exalted position; like father and son.

Regarding your question about my Guru Maharaja, I never told anyone that He was one of the eight saktis. I do not know how you got this news. According to Vaisnava principles, nobody should think or imagine somebody as Krishna, Radharani, or Their associates. Everyone should aspire to follow the footprints of such associates. If somebody thinks that somebody is Radha or Krishna that is not sanctioned by the Vaisnava philosophy. So far as I know, my Guru Maharaja's position was one of the assistants of the manjaris. For the present, it is better not to discuss on these confidential things of a higher level, but you are always welcome to put your genuine questions for an answer. Otherwise, how will you know things as they are?

The photographs you sent me appear very nice, but the house photograph is covered with snow. I have seen this house from the outside, and sometimes I was thinking that this is a nice house for a temple. So I shall be glad to hear from you how and when you are going situate a temple in this house. That is the most essential point. Hope this finds you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

NB: Enclosed is a speech which was delivered by me by means of tape recorder in a meeting held in London center with many important guests. Please hand it over to Janardana for translation into French and printing in the French edition of Back To Godhead.

Letter to Mark Buchwald -- Los Angeles 21 January, 1969:

You have also consulted me for advice about some of your personal problems, and I think that for these matters you should consult Hamsaduta to help you work out some solution. Things will be shaped as Krishna desires.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 21 January, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 18, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. Regarding the house, you must know that it is in a residential area, and I don't know if you can get a license for a temple there. In the present temple, there is no temple license but we have freedom to chant and dance as we like. However, if we chant and dance in this new house I am wondering if the neighbors will not object.

Without any license you will have to stop kirtanas immediately if this should happen. In my apartment on the same street as the new house I had the experience that one day there was playing of the mrdanga and immediately there was objection. So these things must be carefully considered before making a final decision. Also, because there are several new people coming to kirtanas there, you must be sure that there is ample room for them to be comfortable. Anyway, before there is a final settlement of this house affair, please hold a meeting amongst yourselves to discuss this matter further. The meeting should include Janardana, Dayala Nitai, Jayapataka, etc. Already you have a very nice temple on Park Avenue so before you make any plans to change this you must make sure that this move is very carefully thought out.

Regarding Brahma Samhita, this book shall be included in the examination of the second year along with Srimad-Bhagavatam. I don't know why you are so concerned with starting with the Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu already. First study carefully the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This is the most important book for you to learn at first. I am pleased to learn that Eve Levine is expert typist, and that she is willing to begin typing the Vedanta Sutras. She will require a dictaphone for this work, and I would like to know if there is one available for her. Also, I am very encouraged to learn that Jayapataka has taken the initiative to look for kirtana engagements for your temple. He is a very good boy and you should encourage him to do this important assignment very nicely.

So far as the 24" murtis which Gopala Krishna has agreed to donate, I have information that They will cost about $250.00 including the cost of shipping up to Montreal. So either Gopala Krishna may write to his father or else he may donate the money to the temple and we shall get the murtis from Vrindaban. Regarding Himavati's visit home, if it becomes necessary, the idea is all right.

Letter to Himavati -- Los Angeles 24 January, 1969:

. You should always live with your husband and help him with his personal comforts, and he will look after your all necessities of life. There is no question of separation. By mutual agreement and advancement of Krishna Consciousness you can stop sex life, but there is no question of separation. Separation is artificial. As Hamsaduta advances in Krishna Consciousness then by his company you will also profit. So the husband and wife are mutually beneficial. This idea of separation was developed also in Govinda Dasi, but I have sent her back to her husband, and she is now following my instructions. There is no question of separation between husband and wife until the time when the husband takes sannyasa. At that time the wife cannot remain with the husband. Even in vanaprastha stage, or retired life, the wife remains with the husband, but without any sex relations.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 28 January, 1969:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 22, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. From your letter I can understand that you will no longer be negotiating for purchasing the house, and this is all right because I do not think it is very suitable for a temple.

Regarding your question about Vasudeva, the father of Krishna, you should understand that he is not simply a symbol. The statement made in Srimad-Bhagavatam in this connection is meant for understanding, but unless one is in Vasudeva's position, it is not possible to understand Vasudeva or Krishna. Vasudeva's position means to be situated in pure goodness. In the material world, the three modes of nature which are named ignorance, passion and goodness, are always found mixed up together. In other words, these modes are never found pure, but if there is one mode present, there is sure to be at least a tinge of another mode there also. For this reason, we may sometimes see a third class man showing the quality of goodness, and we may see a first class man showing hints of ignorance. The modes are never found in a pure state in the material world. But in the Vasudeva stage of pure goodness there is no contamination from any material influence of passion or ignorance. Vasudeva is never to be understood as being a symbol. You should clearly understand this.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Los Angeles 31 January, 1969:

I can understand from your letter that your car is now broken and useless. In the future, we should not purchase a second-hand car; it is always troublesome. This is the third time that such car has caused us difficulty. Rupanuga purchased a second-hand car for $600, and it proved to be useless. Another was given to Hamsaduta, and this too proved not very satisfactory. Now the third experience is yours. If it is possible to get it sold and get some money, you can purchase a small truck new, or else whenever we need a truck we can rent it. But don't purchase any more second-hand cars; they are too much troublesome.

Letter to Tirtha Maharaja -- Los Angeles 7 February, 1969:

I have already established the following centers:


61 Second Avenue

New York, NY

President: Brahmananda das Brahmacari (Bruce Scharf)

2. London ISKCON

22 Betterton Street

London WC 2


President: Mukunda das Adhikari (Michael Grant)

3. Hamburg Internationale Gesellschaft fur Krishna Bewusstein

2 Hamburg 19

Eppendorfer Weg 11


4. President: Sivananda das Brahmacari (Samuel Greer)

5. Hawaii ISKCON

4 Leilani Bldg. 1649 Kapialani Blvd.

Honolulu, Hawaii

President: Gaurasundara das Adhikari (G. McElroy)

6. Montreal ISKCON

3720 Park Avenue

Montreal 18, Quebec

President: Hamsaduta das Adhikari (Hans Kary)

7. San Francisco ISKCON

518 Frederick Street

San Francisco, Calif.

President: Cidananda das Brahmacari (Clay Harold)

8. New Vrindaban

RD 3

Moundsville, West Virginia

President: Kirtanananda Swami (Keith Ham)

9. Vancouver ISKCON

271 East Georgia Street

Vancouver 4, B.C. Canada

President: Ananda das Brahmacari (Eric Cassidy)

10. Seattle ISKCON

5516 Roosevelt Way N.E.

Seattle, Washington

President: Upendra das Brahmacari (Wayne Gunderson)

11. Santa Fe ISKCON

4113 West Water Street

Santa Fe, New Mexico

President: Harer Nama das Brahmacari (Harlon Jacobson)

12. North Carolina ISKCON

107 Laurel Avenue

Carrboro, N. Carolina

President: Bhurijana das Brahmacari (Wayne Connel)

13. Boston ISKCON

95 Glenville Avenue

Boston, Mass. (Allston)

President: Satsvarupa das Adhikari (Stephan Guarino)

14. Los Angeles ISKCON

1975 S. La Cienega Blvd.

Los Angeles, Calif.

President: Dayananda das Adhikari (Michael Wright)

15. Ohio ISKCON

1305 No. High Street

Columbus, Ohio

President: Hayagriva das Adhikari (Howard Wheeler)

Five thousand (5,000) copies of Back To Godhead Magazine are being published monthly now, and since the demand is increasing, we are arranging to print twenty thousand (20,000) copies starting from next April.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 9 February, 1969:

I am in due receipt of your letter of January 30, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am pleased to note that you are seeing into obtaining a dictaphone for helping me in preparing so many Krishna Consciousness literatures. The maker of my present dictaphone is Grundig, and it is an Embassy de Jur, Sterorette. This model was purchased by Hayagriva in New York for $190 by cash payment, but it can be had by installment payment at a higher price. So you may do the needful in this matter.

Regarding the Panca-tattva picture, it is simply a pose of Lord Caitanya and some of His associates receiving service from Their devotees and chanting Hare Krishna. Panca-tattva is described as Krishna in five expansions, namely Krishna Himself in the role of a devotee; His Incarnation in the role of a devotee; His energy in the role of a devotee; His expansion in the role of a devotee; and His two energies (internal and marginal) in the role of devotees. So the external energy is not there. Therefore the whole manifestation is transcendental. There are three energies, namely internal, external, and marginal. Although all of the energies are connected with Krishna, the external energy is differentiated. Just like darkness is another part of light, and therefore darkness can not stand before the light, but it stands somewhere by the side of the light. Without light, there is no existence of darkness, but darkness cannot be found in the light. Similarly, there is no darkness or activities of the external energy in the Pastimes of Lord Caitanya.

So far as Acyutananda and Jaya Govinda are concerned, I am not displeased with any of my disciples. A father can not be displeased with his sons, but sometimes the sons create disturbances, and the father has to tolerate. Constitutionally, the father is always affectionate and pleased with the sons. But it is up to the sons to obey the father and keep the relationship natural. The little disturbances created by Acyutananda and Jaya Govinda were temporary. Now again they have come to their real consciousness.

Regarding your question about Subhadra and Durga, they are not at all the same. Durga's other name is Bhadra, not Subhadra, and Durga's activities are within the material world. Subhadra does not work as Durga. Subhadra is internal energy, and Durga is external energy. As energy, they have a relationship as much as we are energies of Krishna, but the energies are working in different capacities. Although originally the energy is one, by their expansion, the accents of the energies are different, and as we are not impersonalists, this variegatedness of actions are essential for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as much as the government is one but there are multi-departments for management of the government. The education department and the criminal department are all departments of the government. The government is connected with all parts and departments, but the education activities are different from the criminal activities. This is the philosophy of inconceivably simultaneously one and different manifestations of the Absolute Truth.

I have received one nice letter from Ivan Levine, and I would like to know your opinion whether or not he should take initiation without his wife doing the same. I have no objection to initiate him alone, but will he be able to thereby follow the rules and regulations? If you recommend it, I shall initiate him. Of course, the best thing will be to initiate husband and wife together. If the wife is interested, why does she not agree to be initiated with her husband? What is the difficulty. On hearing from you in this matter, I will do the needful. Also, I understand that Mrs. Levine has not been feeling well due to her pregnancy. Please convey my request to her that she rest as much as possible and not too much exert her energies in any way. Upon hearing from you, I will inform Mr. Levine as to what is to be done.

I shall be very happy to know what is happening to the second issue of our French edition of Back To Godhead. I was very pleased with the first issue, and I hope the new issue will be ready very soon. Please inform me what is the problem in this important matter.

Kindly convey my blessings to the other devotees in your temple.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 21 February, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 14, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. Regarding your joining the Sankirtana Party, please wait for the time being and I shall call you at the right time. I have this in my mind. When I go to London and by Krishna's Grace we fix up for going around the world, or even if not that, if the London devotees need to strengthen their Sankirtana Party with more attractions, then your services will be required there. But in the meantime you must keep in mind to train somebody there so that in your absence he can take charge.

So far as the bowing down in Deity worship, before opening the door you should bow down. Then turn on the light and bow down again. There is no restriction on bowing down. As many times as you can is all right. Of course, your clothes and under garments should always be as clean as possible. Guests and devotees need not be wearing woolen robes to be dancing around the deities. Regarding your question about guests being present at arati, you should have as many guests there as is possible for you to get to come.

Please convey my blessings to all of the devotees at your temple. I hope this will meet you and your good wife, Himavati, in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. What about French BTG? I have asked Janardana to translate into French my B.G. Has he received the copy from Rayarama? Please ask him to write to me.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Hawaii 11 March, 1969:

I am in due receipt of your letter of Feb. 28, 1969, and I am very much surprised that other nonsense magazines are being published by Dayala Nitai, and Janardana says it is in my knowledge! I am very much surprised to hear this. Enclosed I am forwarding one letter to Dayala Nitai, and how it is that without your knowledge these things are being done? Certainly it must be disturbing to you—it is disturbing to me also!

Please do work on the French BTG, and you must immediately ask Dayala Nitai to stop that printing business. I was doubtful about him because he was still inclined to that yoga process, and my doubts are now coming to be true. He does not understand our philosophy very nicely.

I have come here last Monday, the 3rd March. The place is very nice, with both sunshine and seaview and fresh air. But the boy Kartikeya has fallen sick and it is apprehended that he is developing appendicitis trouble.

I shall soon return to the mainland and I plan to go to New York the first week of April. Please inform me further of this printing situation on receipt of this letter, and what is being done to remedy the situation.

Letter to Himavati -- Hawaii 18 March, 1969:

Regarding Vedanta Sutra tapes, please ask Hamsaduta to send me the copies of transcription so that I can make another tape. If I read the copy then it gives me impetus to write further.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Hawaii 23 March, 1969:

I am duly in receipt of your letter of March 18, 1969, and I thank you very much for it. Yes, I have written Dayala Nitai in connection with the yoga magazine, and you can keep me informed on this matter. Please try to run on smoothly as is possible.

Yes, it is very good if you can chant 64 rounds; this is very nice if you can do it. But first of all we should not be disturbed by any circumstances. If you do become disturbed then this means you are still deficient in reaching the point. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that when Krishna is within our view, at that time one is not disturbed even in the midst of gravest calamity. Anyway, even if we are disturbed, then the only resort is to chant and concentrate one's mind in Krishna. There is no other alternative. Chanting and dancing make one relieved of all material burdens.

I am going to N.Y. on the 7th of April, so as you propose it will be a pleasure to see you there with your good wife. I hope this meets you both in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. If possible Janardana may also see me at N.Y.

Letter to Dayananda -- Allston, Mass 1 May, 1969:

One boy whom I have initiated last night, named Candanacharya, is enthusiastic to go to Florida for opening a center there. For the time being he has come from Montreal along with Hamsaduta. He proposes to begin a temple in Palm Beach. He is a very enthusiastic musician and appears to be very nice boy.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- New Vrindaban 27 May, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 22, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. I have initiated the boy whom you have recommended named Steve* and his beads are sent herewith. Please help him to understand the principles of Krishna Consciousness as far as possible. Regarding Candanacarya's marriage with Sadanandini, if they settle up amongst themselves, I shall be glad. They are a very nice combination. You have written that you are wishing to leave for Toronto with Kanupriya, but this can be done only if there is no sacrifice of the Montreal temple. You are doing so nicely there as you have written, so why should you leave? Very soon we shall be getting huge quantities of Back To Godhead, and I want that Montreal temple shall purchase at least $100's worth of copies for selling each month. Do you think that in Toronto you will be able to raise as much money as you are doing now in Montreal? Please think over these matters and let me know what you have decided. Anyway, I am pleased that you are very enthusiastic for spreading this sublime movement, and your idea of having devotees going to the Newport Festival is very nice. You may correspond with the other centers on this point. Another thing is I have heard nothing from Bharadraja and Rukmini. I am anxious to hear from them and to see how they are doing the pictures. I have so many pictures for them to do, but why they are not corresponding?

Letter to Sripati -- Moundsville 28 May, 1969:

You have very nice association with your nice godbrothers in Montreal temple, and you should help them to propagate Krishna Consciousness in that area. So please consult with Hamsaduta, and there will be ample engagement for you in this connection.

Letter to Raktaka -- Moundsville 31 May, 1969:

So if you will follow these principles, chant 16 rounds each day upon your beads, avoid the ten offenses which Hamsaduta will give to you, and help propagate this chanting of Hare Krishna as far as possible, then you will see your life becoming more and more sublime. From your letter I can understand that you are an intelligent boy, so now you may make the best use of your intelligence in perfecting your life in Krishna Consciousness. Please continue to be very serious about this endeavor, and surely Krishna will give you all facilities for serving Him nicely. If you have any further questions you should ask Hamsaduta, or if you like, I am always ready to help you in whichever way I can.

Letter to Ananda -- New Vrindaban 8 June, 1969:

Mandali Bhadra and his wife have to go to Germany to take charge of our publications in German language. It is already settled, and it is understood that they are leaving on the 27th of June. So they will not be able to help you personally by their presence. You can write, however, to Hamsaduta, and he may go there for some days with his Sankirtana Party and help you in establishing your center firmly. I am also writing to Hamsaduta in this connection.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- New Vrindaban 8 June, 1969:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 2, 1969, and I have noted the contents. I understand that you are feeling some inconvenience due to police interruption, but we have to make the best of a bad bargain. There is a Sanskrit proverb, sati shatyam samacharit, and this means if somebody is cunning, we must also become cunning. To a cunning person we must not be a simpleton. Krishna Conscious devotees are expected to be very intelligent, so we have to work very intelligently to prove our advancement in Krishna Consciousness. I think you should keep a table by the Sankirtana Party, a table with a charity box and our books and literatures for sale. You go on with your work as usual and when the police come you say you are not canvassing. You have simply kept a table and whoever wishes to purchase may do so. This is called sati shatyam samacharit.

Regarding the Beatle hero, certainly you will find him nonsense. Actually they are nonsense, but in the Western part of the world it is a folly to be wise, and ignorance is bliss. This whole material civilization is gross ignorance, and therefore you cannot expect very intelligent persons in this part of the world. Even though one is a great philosopher, writer, or something like that, it does not qualify him to be one of the selected intelligent persons who take to Krishna Consciousness. There is another proverb in Bengali that in the forest a jackal is considered to be a great nobility because he is very cunning. Similarly, in the materialistic way of life everyone is blind, and in spite of thousands of big blind leaders, the followers who are also blind cannot get any tangible benefit. So you have done your duty to give him some impression about Krishna Consciousness. That is all right. We should not waste much of our time with these so-called leaders because they are jackals in the forest. They are not actually leaders. The only leader is Krishna and one who is Krishna Conscious. Others are simply misleaders.

Your unhappiness in the absence of sufficient engagement is a good sign. This is called abertya kalatyum. When a person is advanced in Krishna Consciousness he should always think that my time may not go in vain without being engaged in Krishna's service. Your main business is Sankirtana. From everywhere I am getting good reports, especially from Boston, New York, Los Angeles, and Hawaii that they are having good success by outdoor kirtanas. So you follow this principle without fail, and treat the cunning with cunningness. Sometimes in your letter it appears that you are confused. I do not know why you should be like that. Your clear program is spreading Krishna Consciousness, and you are competent and experienced for this. Why you should feel confused? As you are feeling for a little change, I thing you can go with your Sankirtana Party to Vancouver for some time, and help establish a center firmly because Ananda is struggling there alone. He had been helped by Mandali Bhadra and Vrndavanesvari, but soon they are leaving for Hamburg. So why don't you go for a few days to Vancouver?

Letter to Hamsaduta -- New Vrindaban 17 June, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated June 7, 1969 and June 11, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. Regarding the tour of North Dakota, this is a nice proposal. So if it is practical, it will be very nice for you and your wife. Only thing you have to do is rent a station wagon, so you can travel, sleep and cook there. Keep with you four or five pairs of cymbals, one harmonium, one mrdanga. One of you play the harmonium, one of you plays the mrdanga, and some persons in the audience can play the karatalas. In this way you can perform nice kirtana. Subala met me here in New Vrindaban and described this plan, but I do not think it is mature yet. But when some arrangement is done, you can accept it. You have suggested that Nandakisora and his wife join you, but how will you manage with two pairs of husbands wives with the $350 per week? The program is very nice, and if you can make it practical, I have full support for it. This is a good opportunity for spreading our philosophy and Sankirtana. I understand that you and Himavati have gone already to Vancouver, and I am expecting a letter from you as to your report in this connection.

Please offer my blessings to Himavati. I hope this will meet you both in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

PS: Regarding the time when the devotees arise in the morning, here in New Vindavan they are getting up by four o'clock. But in your country the people are not accostumed to this, and it will take a little time to get them used to it. But try to get them up at four o'clock as far as possible.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 26 June, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 22, 1969, and I have noted the contents. As you know that in the beginning of the Sankirtana Party, first I suggested to you, and you formed a small party in New York and began to perform Sankirtana in the parks. To some extent this was successful. Then gradually this idea was taken by others, and I am getting good reports from everywhere. So Sankirtana is our life and soul, and you have got a natural tendency for these Sankirtana performances. I have seen this personally, and you can do it very nicely. So for you the best thing will be to form a Sankirtana Party for yourself and travel all over the country. The talks which you had with Subala for a touring program, I do not know what happened to it. Subala also is not here; he has gone to Philadelphia with a view to open a center there, but I have not heard from him yet. The most successful Sankirtana affairs are going on here in Los Angeles. It is actually wonderful in comparison to others. They are also thinking of opening a branch in Laguna Beach, and I have encouraged this idea. Personally, I also still maintain the idea of a world Sankirtana Party, but such things at the present moment are a dream only. But one day maybe it may come out successful. So as you ask my permission to come here, I have no objection. I think if you come here and stay for a few days to study how they are doing things nicely, it will be a great benefit. Besides that, in San Francisco they are arranging for a nice Rathayatra Festival. So after getting all these ideas, if you make a program for touring all over the country with Sankirtana Party, that is cent per cent supported by me.

Letter to Bhagavan, Krsna Bhamini -- Los Angeles 13 July, 1969:

As you have requested to be sent a nice householder couple to come and help you, I am going to arrange with Hamsaduta and Himavati that they may go there soon to join you in Detroit. They are both very exemplary devotees, and they are already trained in managing all areas of Sankirtana Party and temple affairs. So their presence will be a great help to you. I understand that Hamsaduta works best when he can be in charge of the situation, so when he arrives he may act as the temple president and you shall be his assistants. When I speak with Hamsaduta and Himavati in San Francisco during Rathayatra Festival we shall make definite arrangements as to when they shall arrive.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 13 July, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 7, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. Rather then answering your points now, I think when we meet again in San Francisco Rathayatra Ceremony we shall discuss things. But one thing is that I have a very nice place in mind where yourself and Himavati may go to help start one temple. In Detroit there is one very nice household couple, Bhagavan das and Krishna Bhamini, and I am thinking that you would be ideal to go there and organize the temple as the president and propagate Sankirtana Party. So we shall discuss this at length in San Francisco.

Letter to Bhagavan, Krsna Bhamini -- Los Angeles 9 August, 1969:

So far as Hamsaduta and Himavati are concerned, at present they are organizing in Berkeley, but when they are finished there they may be willing to join you in Detroit. In the meantime, if there is any difficulty, or if you need men, you can consult with Tamala Krishna in Los Angeles, and he will help you. Regarding Gargamuni, yes, you may contact him. I have no objection.

Letter to Damodara -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1969:

I was very much anxious to hear from you, and this letter is encouraging. Similarly, Hamsaduta and Himavati are trying in Berkeley, and although they have not found as yet any temple, their work is going on nicely.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Hamburg 5 September, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 2nd, 1969, and I have noted the contents. Yesterday, the writings by you and Himavati were very much appreciated. I understand Krishna has given you very good opportunity for service in Berkeley. You both together apply your full energy in organizing this center. It has very good potency, and I am very glad to learn that you have got a nice house also and the rent is also not very high. But unfortunately you have only one year's lease, so how you can install a lifesize Deity there? Therefore, for the time being to install a lifesize Deity may not be feasible; but if you can pay 250 dollars, I will get for you from India 24" high brass Radha-Krishna Deities, one pair, for installing in Berkeley. In the mean time, I may remind you to fix up the altar exactly like Los Angeles. You have seen it personally, and I am also enclosing herewith a picture of the Los Angeles altar. I wish that this design of the altar should be followed by everyone. This Los Angeles altar has been erected under my supervision, especially the Radha-Krishna throne, and I would very much like to follow this idea everywhere. Get for your temple nice devotees and monetary help. I hope you will stick to this center organizing, husband and wife, and in the very near future it will be as good as our Los Angeles temple.

Regarding your question about rasa with the Spiritual Master, I do not know who is the someone who has said this, but it is a most unauthorized statement. Better you should stick to hearing from authorized persons, like your Spiritual Master or experienced Godbrothers. But never try to hear someone who is not in our line. It is simply a waste of time to hear and then again have to rectify the mistake. Regarding your question about my never returning to Spiritual Sky, that is possible simultaneously. So far as the quotation from Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura you have cited, that is quite all right. In this age, chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra is the prime business of the devotee, and preaching of this Hare Krishna Mantra by outdoor Sankirtana and propagation of literature is our more important business. Side by side, Deity worship is recommended, but when there is a question of accepting one of them, we shall prefer to accept chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra first.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Tittenhurst 28 September, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 23rd, 1969 along with your check for $250. I have ordered for 4 pairs of Deities, and as soon as they arrive I shall give you one pair. Regarding your question about faith in devotees, faith must be there. But we should always take instruction from devotees who are considered to be elevated. A preacher's position is like this: He should have firm faith and love for Krishna. He should make friendship with devotees. He should be very much charitable and kind to the neophytes and he should avoid the company of nondevotees. This program suggests, of course, that a devotee who is not in the neophyte stage can discriminate what is Krishna, what is devotee, what is neophyte and what is nondevotee. Unless one is able to discriminate, he is to be considered to be in the neophyte stage. In the neophyte stage the position is that the neophyte devotee worships the Deity in the temple with great awe and reverence, but he cannot discriminate who is devotee, who is nondevotee and who is neophyte. I think you must be in the second stage and should try to discriminate as above. Any devotee wanting to see you should be welcomed, but your treatment should be according to his position.

I am so glad to learn that you have so quickly improved the center by the Grace of Krishna. So conduct business very carefully and cautiously. When Krishna gives us opportunity, we should never misuse it. I am confident that you and Himavati are very considerate. So you arrange things in such a nice way that the center improves more and more daily, as Tamala is handling in Los Angeles. If you deal with the students cautiously and carefully, many of them may embrace this Krishna Consciousness Movement, and even a few of them turn to Krishna Consciousness on account of your endeavor, Krishna will be so much pleased upon you and bestow His benediction. So you can keep the extra money in the bank carefully, and whenever there is excess money, you can spare it for the book fund and press organization, which I have taken now very seriously. So far as I understand, to install the press there is about a $5,000 deficiency.* Brahmananda informed me of this, and I have assured him that he should not worry, I shall try to manage for it.

So far as you are thinking about me, I always think about you and your wife, how beautiful devotees you are. May Krishna bless you more and more. Things here in England are satisfactory, and I am meeting some interested important Indian gentlemen, who may take also seriously this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Regarding your two questions from Bhagavad-gita, in both instances the reference is made to the Supersoul, or Krishna.

Regarding Vedanta Sutra tapes, I can send them to you when I return to Los Angeles, because the books and reference books are there. You mention in your letter that you have a very good typist there. If he can handle a Composer machine as we have purchased in Columbus, that will be a great help because as soon as we start our press we shall require so many composed matters for printing into books. The IBM machine is very nice in this connection. If he can handle such machine, then you can try to secure such machine and we can send manuscripts for composing. First of all see whether he sticks with us and becomes seriously engaged in our activities. Then consult with the people for Composer machine. That will be a great help.

Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

*They will require $20,000.00 for establishing the press.

Letter to Madhudvisa -- England 30 September, 1969:

No extravagance should be allowed. I know you are very much thrifty, you do the management nicely. So the necessary expenditures may be made and nothing more than that. Perhaps you know that in Berkeley Hamsaduta is also doing very well. If you find a nice house in San Francisco, that will be also very nice. The present temple is nice, but I think the accommodation is not sufficient.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Tittenhurst 18 October, 1969:

Regarding purchasing of temples, if within our means and estimation it is possible, that is a good idea. The best example is Boston temple. They have taken responsibility for $1100/ per month, and by the Grace of Krishna they are now collecting at the rate of $120 per day. So if Berkeley is also in that position, they can take that risk. Similarly, San Francisco also, and I understand that both Hamsaduta and Madhudvisa are doing nicely. So if the principle of Boston temple can be followed without over-burden and anxiety, that is very good. If they are also collecting daily average $100, they can take the risk of purchasing the house.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Tittenhurst 2 November, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 4, 1969, and there are three important subject matters of which you have tried to get my opinion. I may inform you that they are all very nice proposals. So far as the building is concerned, if you can manage for the money, immediately try to purchase it as Satsvarupa has done in Boston. Similarly, regarding the land, it is also a very attractive proposal. If the land is not rocky and there is sufficient open space for pasturing ground so that we may keep cows all the year round, then it is a very nice proposal. Tamala Krishna told me about such land, and he is very hopeful about getting our men in that quarter (California). So you can try for it, and if possible please let me know what is the actual situation of the land. Regarding my accepting a teaching position in Berkeley University, which is said to be the finest University in the United States, this is also a nice proposal. Actually, I want to have such position for some time in order to attract the University students. But one thing must be noted that I will not be free to take the class between 11 am and 5 pm. If that is possible, you can negotiate for such post. If actually I get such post, naturally I will have to live in Berkeley. And as you say the climate is nice there, there will be no difficulty.

Regarding your question about Lord Jesus Christ, we accept him as saktyavesa avatara. Lord Buddha is in the same category also. Lord Buddha is mentioned specifically in Srimad-Bhagavatam as incarnation of Godhead, and yet Vaisnavas do not accept his philosophy, which is classified as atheism. Similarly, even if we accept Lord Jesus Christ as saktyavesa avatara., it doesn't mean that we have to accept his philosophy. But we have all respects for him without fail. Regarding books like Aquarian Gospel or even the Testiments, we cannot accept them as authorities because sometimes it is learnt that the words are not actually spoken by Christ, but they are so set up by the devotees. For example, in the Ten Commandments it is clearly stated "Thou shalt not kill", but some Bishop in Boston has changed it to "Thou shalt do no murder". This means the Bishop wants to keep hold for animal slaughter. So don't bother about all these literatures. We have all respect for these great preachers, but we do not require to study books save and accept for some reference. We must push on our philosophy how to love God. Our process is simple. We have got volumes of books also, so it is better for us to mind our own business than to divert our attention in the studies of other books. This was definitely forbidden by Lord Caitanya.

After all, Krishna Consciousness philosophy is as old as 120 million years at the least. So nothing can be compared with our philosophy either in the matter of antiquity, philosophy, ethics, science, morality, etc., all in correct vision and approved by great stalwart acaryas. So far others are concerned, they cannot be compared even. For example, if Lord Jesus Christ said "Thou shalt not kill", or "Thou shalt do no murder" to the people, it does not reflect very good social structure of the audience. Our philosophy is above all these things. Just like we prescribe to our students no illicit sex-life, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling, but they are not ends in themselves. The real end is how to serve Krishna and sacrifice everything for Him. And to learn this transcendental art we have got so many volumes of books. So the summary is that instead of diverting our attention to read such unauthorized books, better pay our attention to more authorized Vaisnava literature. These scriptures of the Buddhists and the Christians may be the words of God, but still the are not always applicable to us. It is just like a king may give some rules and regulations for some criminals in prison; but for the good citizens out of the prison these rules are not necessarily applicable. So these Christian and Buddhist scriptures were delivered for a different class of men, and we needn't spend our time in studying their doctrines. You should read our own books over and over again and as far as possible do not try to enter into controversy. We do not concern ourselves with any other religion. Our religion is to become the servant of the servant of the servant of Krishna (CC Madhya 13.80).

You have sent me one plan for constructing a dais for the Deities in which you have placed Radha-Krishna under Lord Jagannatha. Instead of putting it like this, you put Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana picture underneath Lord Jagannatha, and make a separate throne for Radha-Krishna exactly on the pattern of Los Angeles temple. Regarding Melvani, I am glad that he has come to you from Montreal, but his photo shows he is not in the standard dress; and the tilak is not correctly made. Anyway, you welcome him. He is a very nice gentleman. But try to convince him to follow all of our principles. That will be very nice.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- London 18 November, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 7, 1969. Whenever there is difficulty in understanding you are at liberty to question me, and it is my duty to give you the right reply as far as possible. There is no cause of anxiety for this method. Questions and answers is the relationship for the Spiritual Master and disciple. The only thing is that questions should be put, as it is advised in the Bhagavad-gita, preceded and followed by submission and service. With this, all questions are bona fide. Regarding the application for the school, I don't think it is very lucrative job. If you want your Spiritual Master to be engaged in some outside job, you must see that He is getting suitable remuneration. I am therefore returning this form as there is no use of it.

Regarding the building, if it is already acquired by the university, then if you purchase, the university authorities must give you guarantee that they will return the money, whatever we have paid, after deducting the usual rent only. On this we can negotiate. For the land, first of all ascertain the real situation as I inquired in my last letter. Then try to secure it. But the university course should be given more stress than purchasing the house or securing the land. This is a very important thing. If such courses are taken by you, then practically there is no need of my employment there. Regarding Citsukhananda, I do not know whether his Spanish education is sufficient for the purpose of right translation, but he can make some portion and send it to me. I shall examine it and then give my direction. In the meantime he can try to translate our BTG and you may try to print a Spanish edition of BTG as you were doing in Montreal of French edition. That will be a nice job for him and an opportunity to nicely expand our literary activities.

Letter to Aniruddha -- London 7 December, 1969:

Our Vamanadeva, after marriage, has opened a new center in St. Louis, and they are doing very well. So far as Hamsaduta is concerned, immediately there is no possibility of his leaving Berkeley center. It is a very important center, and as you say he is doing very well you require to stay there, husband and wife, and improve the center very magnificently. If you want to open a center, you are already experienced, and you should do it independently.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- London 7 December, 1969:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 28, 1969. I could not check my laughing when you have said so many things in bereavement for asking me to serve in the university. There is no question of bereavement. A child sometimes commits mistakes, and the father says "Don't do like this." So there is no question of being very seriously bereaved. There is a story that one man was very hungry, and he went to an unknown friend and asked him to give him some food. The man supplied him a little foodstuff, but he was not satisfied. His hunger was still there. So he asked the man for more food, and the man said there wasn't any. Then the hungry man inquired from the other man, "Which caste do you belong to?" The other man said, "I am Mohammedan." Then the hungry man said, "Oh, I have lost my caste, and still my belly is not satisfied." The idea is that if we have to accept some service, there must be proper remuneration. Otherwise, our free service is open in the temple. Anyone can come and take advantage. Generally in the universities they pay the teachers from $800 to $2,000 per month, so at least they must pay via media not less than $1,000 per month. Anyway, don't bother about it. Go on with your business. But I thought that I required some money for my Book Fund, so I could gather some money in this way. But this will not satisfy my hunger, so forget this incident.

Now I am so pleased to learn that your Berkeley center is improving day by day under the good care of yourself and your good wife, Himavati. Please go on improving the condition of this important center until you have made it as good as Los Angeles center. Regarding the building, how much money do you have for a down payment? If you have at least $3,000, then I can ask some other centers to give you a loan for the balance so you can attempt to purchase the house. You say that it is a nice house, so if it is ours, we can decorate it very nicely for a good temple. Otherwise, we do not mind to stay in a rented house. When Krishna will give us opportunity, we shall purchase. Here in London temple we are going to install very big Deities on December 14th. The Deities are 42" high, made of first class marble imported from Jaipur, India by some devotee at the cost of about $400. He has donated it to our temple.

Please go on with the school course. That is a very nice program. In Hawaii also they are doing that, and also in Seattle, Los Angeles, etc. this program is going on. So it is a good opportunity. Sankirtana Party on the streets, selling our literature, taking some opportunity for teaching students, and giving them nice Prasadam: This program should be followed very rigidly and things will come out very successful without fail.

Regarding Citsukhananda, he needn't bother at present to translate into Spanish. Unless we have got branches in some country where the Spanish language is important, he should not divert his attention. Regarding the little boy named Jimmy and his mother, the mother may do work; just like sweeping, cleansing the temple, collecting flowers, making garlands, washing dishes, etc. The boy should be trained to be a nice brahmacari, but it is risky to keep a boy of this age away from the public schools. In your country the law is very strict to send such minor children to school. The best thing will be to send him to New Vrindaban to be taken taken care of by Kirtanananda, Ranadhira, Satyabhama, Syama Dasi and Paramananda. They are already taking care of some young boys who are there. They are trying to develop a school of our ideal in that place. So after some time, if the mother sticks to our principles, the child may be sent to New Vrindaban and she can remain in the temple and gradually be initiated. In the meantime, encourage her to read our literature and books, and be engaged in some service as above mentioned.

Page Title:Training of Hamsaduta dasa (Letters, 1967 - 1969)
Compiler:Visnu Murti
Created:20 of May, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=99
No. of Quotes:99