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Training of Giriraja dasa (Letters, 1972)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"Activities" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book Trust," |"Book" |"Books" |"Branch" |"Branches" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Consult" |"Consulting" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperated" |"Cooperation" |"Cooperatively" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Distribution" |"Duty" |"Festival" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Giriraja" |"Giriraja's" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiates" |"Initiating" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Leading" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Magazine" |"Magazines" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managers" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust" |"Meeting" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Organize" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Preaching" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Program" |"Programs" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Rathayatra" |"Report" |"Reports" |"Sankirtana" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"The society" |"Translate" |"Translated" |"Translating" |"Translation" |"Translations" |"Zonal" |"Zone"


1972 Correspondence

Letter to Giriraja -- Bombay 3 January, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 30th, 1971.

I am not surprised that Mr. Rathanam Iyer has decided to cancel the program you were planning. I was not eager to accept his proposal in the beginning because it has been our experience that it is never good to have to depend upon others for our preaching. I am sorry that now that it has been advertised in the newspapers that I am coming to Madras, if I do not come our prestige may suffer. Anyway what is done is done. The fact is that I am the only one in India who is openly criticizing, not only demigod worship and impersonalism, but everything that falls short of complete surrender to Krishna. My Guru Maharaja never compromised in His preaching, nor will I nor should any of my students. We are firmly convinced that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all other are His part and parcel servants. This we must declare boldly to the whole world, that they should not foolishly dream of world peace unless they are prepared to surrender fully to Krishna as Supreme Lord.

I have read the text of your speech delivered to the Rotary Club and it is very thoughtfully prepared. Try to arrange as many speaking engagements like that, and simply repeat what you have heard me say in lectures and in our books, and the spiritual effect will be very potent. I am very pleased with your preaching attitude. Now you can finish up making members and distributing the books you have and then you can come and join here in Bombay. On about the 11th of this month we will be going to Jaipur most likely. Srimate and Kausalya devi are trying to arrange a five day pandal there. They are preaching very nicely also, making engagements and potential members. So if we go there there will be a good field or making many life members. As you have asked, the books are being dispatched to you today and Tamala informs me that Dinanath and Pancajanya have gone to Madras to assist you.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 4 January, 1972:

I hope that Mayapur festival preparations are going on and I am awaiting news from you. Just now Tamala has received one telegram from you reading:

"Plans underway Mayapur pandal Absolutely imperative Giriraja return immediately Calcutta for collecting."

In Madras Giriraja reports that there is good field. He is expecting to make at least one life member daily and distribute many books to bookstores. Two men have already joined him from Delhi. So as long as there is good field he should remain there. Thereafter he may return to Calcutta.

Letter to Giriraja -- Bombay 4 January, 1972:


Letter to Giriraja -- Bombay 4 January, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 31st, 1971. From your letter it appears that you are doing nicely distributing books and if you say that with help you could make at least one life member daily, then why not continue on in Madras for a month as you suggest or until there is no more field. But now we have received a telegram from you saying you are going to Calcutta. Now that two men have gone to join you and books have just been sent today what is the need to leave so soon? It is not good that every time there is need of a collector that you are the only one who can go. The best thing will be that you remain in Madras as long as there is a good field for distributing books and making members. When the field is dry then you can go to Calcutta. So I have sent you a telegram reading:

"Your letter December 31. If Madras business is going on nicely disregard Tamalas telegram Remain Madras Letter follows."

Letter to Giriraja -- Bombay 23 March, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 13, 1972, and I am very glad to inform you that today we have laid down the cornerstone for our Bombay Center here in Juhu, and the ceremony was very wonderful with many important people attending. I am very much glad that you are doing so nicely in Calcutta by making many Life Members daily, so now I think you should join me in Bombay immediately as you are free, after training up a competent replacement there. We have also a few days back laid the cornerstone for our Vrindaban Temple, and besides they have given me many more rooms at Radha-Damodara Temple for our use. So the program now in India is immense task, so I am very much encouraged that you feel yourself enthusiastic to help me in this way, by taking a bold lead for pushing on this Movement here.

Now Brahmananda is in charge here, and there is a huge land and we are occupying it in tents and small cottages like Mayapur cottage and the work is immense. So Gargamuni is collecting also not less than two Life Members daily, but his collection goes toward our Vrindaban construction work. So now things are not going very nicely in Nairobi because Brahmananda has left, so I shall have to send him back there tomorrow, therefore I wanted that you should come here to assist Madhudvisa and __ by collecting profusely, and I think there will be no difficulty here because there is such rich population. Madhavananda can go from Mayapur to Calcutta to help Bhavananda collect there, and you shall come here at the soonest.*

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

*latest by the 27th March 1972

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 25 March, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 16, 1972 and I am so much pleased to read the contents. The newspaper clipping sent by you is very much encouraging. I am starting for Australia on the morning of March 31, and I wanted to see Giriraja before my starting. So kindly send him upon receipt of this letter if he has not already started. The report that Hindus and Muslims are taking prasadam together is very encouraging. Please continue this program. All the Muslims in Mayapur have now become very friendly towards us. For the last 50 years our Godbrothers were there but they could not make arrangements for the Hindus and Muslims to take prasadam together. The picture is very attractive, and is fitting ___ devotees. I am so pleased that Tamala Krishna Goswami is working so ___ hard, so combinedly you do the project together quite successfully. That will please my Guru Maharaja and me also.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Jayapataka -- Sydney 2 April, 1972:

So far I know Karandhara had only $13,600 in the Mayapur Fund, $10,000 of which was transferred back to my account, so for the time being you cannot expect more money from there. But your work will not suffer as all supplies will be paid for by the Building Fund. So let them supply bricks, they will bill and we shall pay by check. One thing: we have just completed a similar arrangement, as with Mr. Jayan, in Bombay, and the rate was much more favorable, so if in future we shall require, you may consult with Giriraja and Mahamsa what is to be done.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Sydney 4 April, 1972:

I am considering to fill up the two GBC posts which are now, vacant, one by the resignation of Krishna Dasa, and one by Tamala Krishna Goswami taking Sannyas. I am considering several persons, among them Kesava and Giriraja. I shall let you know when I have decided on these points. Meanwhile, you many inform the other GBC members that for the time being there shall be no change within the society and that they shall manage as before.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Sydney 8 April, 1972:

There is one Ish Kumar Puri, who is at the firm of Atma Ram & Sons, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-6, and I think you and Tamala Krishna have had some dealings with him before, and I think he has promised to help us in this respect, so kindly also visit him and take his help. In this regard, you please correspond with Mahamsa and Giriraja in Bombay, and with Bhavananda in Calcutta, and all of your work conjointly.

Letter to Giriraja -- Sydney 12 April, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 5, 1972, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. It appears to be very encouraging. Regarding the pandal, I do not know why they have not removed it yet, because we have ordered them to take it away, so if they have not done it, that is their business, we are not going to pay more that you have already paid. But if they are willing to sell the whole things at cost price, we are willing to purchase the whole thing. If possible, negotiate in this way.

Regarding construction of our own structure 40' x 40', that can be accepted.

This prasadam distribution item is very, very important, and it is so much pleasing to me that in the beginning so many children are coming for taking prasadam, and that supply of rice has come automatically. Please continue this program rigidly. By prasadam distribution you will do service to the Lord, and the public will be pleased upon you as well. Gradually increase the number of guests, and don't deny anyone. Continue in this way: Whatever is there, distribute equally—it may not be very sumptuous, but no one should be denied equal portion.

Regarding Building Fund money, Yes, you may draw on that, but Mr. Mehta's and all other bills should be checked and passed by our Indira devi.* We do not know about Mehta's estimate. When I asked him for estimate, he told me, don't worry about it, but another person gave us estimate without bricks at Rs. 1800/-. Of course, there is now much brickwork, so it must be more than that, but I don't think it is that much as you have said. But as we have made no contract, we shall pay him whatever he asks, but first show it to Indira devi and if she says it is all right, then pay it. I wanted to pay for the whole thing from the Souvenir Fund, but they say it is all finished, so I do not know what is the present position. Madhudvisa said the Souvenir Fund was Rs. 95,000/-; whether it is spent, then pay from Building Fund, what can be done? If they had done as I instructed from the beginning, instead of paying so much money for this temporary pandal, then things would have been better.

Now, we want to get books from America in any quantity, provided there is possibility of sale there, and the whole proceeds of sale will be employed in building our Bombay, Vrindaban, and Mayapur projects. So make plan in consultation with others, how to do it. If we have regular plan of selling books, then there will be no scarcity of money, and it will be easier to get books from Japan and sell them and utilize them than to receive money from America. So I do not think there is need for any transactions for five Krishna Books.

In Bombay there are many charitable institutions and Trusts, so if you approach them and they are convinced about our activities, enough money can be collected intelligently. I never suggested for a round building. Every inch of the available land should be utilized for a skyscraper. I do not know if Saurabha has made any designs. If so, let him send them to me, along with site plan, so I may make suggestions and give him direction how to do it.

If you make friendship with the education minister, then he can recommend to all the colleges and schools especially for purchasing our books, and besides that, if he allows our men to speak in colleges about our Krishna Consciousness Movement. But you will have to convince him that Krishna Consciousness is not a religious faith. Actually, study of the Bhagavad-gita is the only source of understanding what is the secular state. Krishna is the source of all human cultural contributions, and His book is the most widespread read all over the world. So if you can convince this education minister that this KC Movement is cultural. One big, big Professor Dimock has given in his introduction to my Bhagavad-gita As It Is that every college student should read this book. Syamasundara. can send you a copy of his statement if you require. So if in other colleges beyond India it is so recommended, why not in India. So the education minister must advise this books should be read. This will give us example for approaching central government. There are so many things to be done.

Ask Radha Raman Goswami and Ksirodakasayi and Ramananda that it is my desire to simply engage themselves in translation work. Why Ramananda is now in a slack for translation work? You can ask him on my behalf what it his intention. So for the time being all three should only translate so we can publish many literatures in local language. All Hindi and Bengali literatures should be composed in India and sent for printing by Dai Nippon in Japan. That will be nice progress. I am going to Japan to make further arrangements with Dai Nippon to get these things done very nicely.

As soon as possible we should open our own school and teach children KC through English medium, that is one of our programs. Our school will not be government recognized because we cannot follow the government syllabus. We want to teach only Krishna Consciousness. Also, in Mayapur and Vrindaban we must have schools, and if Srimate Morarji cooperates with this scheme then we can do something combinedly instead of separately. We are distributing our own prasadam free, why another business should be there? Anyone is open to take our prasadam free. Better Smt. Morarji may contribute rice, dahl, etc. for this prasadam distribution program. According to our Vedic system prasada distribution should not be on the line of hotel or canteen business. Whatever prasadam we can distribute, that should be done free of charges. So to summarize, you should distribute free prasadam, and try to introduce immediately KC instruction to the students through English medium. I know many parents are eager to educate their wards through English medium. If we can introduce this system, our girl disciples may be engaged for teaching them: a little English grammar, reading and writing, geography, arithmetic, history, sanskrit,, but all of them should be Krishna Conscious—that is Bhagavata program:

kaumaram acarer prajno

dharman bhagavatan iha

Madhudvisa has written one letter to Syamasundara. expressing his desire to come to this side. So if you think that you can manage without his help, then he is welcome to come this side. There is very good scope this side for Sankirtana Party. The Sydney and Melbourne people are doing especially nice.

Hoping this meets you and all the nice devotees in Bombay in good health and very jolly mood.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

*Please let me know Indira's former address

Letter to Ksirodakasayi -- Tokyo 18 April, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 9, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully, I am replying you on plane on my way to Tokyo; I should reach Hong Kong this evening, and tomorrow I shall start for Tokyo. Regarding plans of Vrindaban construction, I have advised the boy Saubha to send it to me in Tokyo for my approval, and from Tokyo I shall send it back to you. Giriraja has also informed me that the plans are completed and are very nice. You should correspond frequently with Giriraja in this matter.

Letter to Giriraja -- Tokyo 23 April, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated April 15, 1972 and I have noted the contents. This food distribution program is to be done very, very nicely as I have already written in my last letter. Generally people make a plea that why are there so many hungry and naked. So we invite all hungry and naked people to come to us and we will give them food and clothing and Krishna consciousness as well. This will attract the general public and there will never be any shortage of food-stuffs, so continue regularly. In Bombay there are many generous persons who like food distribution programs, and actually, our temple should be the via media for feeding the poor with food and spiritual knowledge. Our Bombay program should be based on giving Krishna consciousness through the English medium and distribution of prasadam without any discrimination. This will enhance our prestige and will accelerate our spiritual life as well. The temple program of arati, kirtana, bhoga offerings, discourses, etc. should continue. There should be no neglect of that program.

You can have the gardeners decorate the whole land with flowers and if possible some fruits also. Have a boundary fence so that everyone cannot enter it. So far your hired Brahmin cook, since we have our prasadam distribution program this may be necessary, but he must be clean, no smoking, and he must wear kunti beads. As far as possible he must follow our principles.

The temple foundation should be done first. There are many engineers in Calcutta who can give us free service, and if some of them can be brought at our expense to see to the supervision, that will be nice. Everything must be done very cautiously. For clearing the debt of Mr. Nair, he has to be paid three lakhs per year. That means if you make one member daily, that will be 360,000 per year. So you should make one member for clearing his debt, and one member for construction. This should be the calculation. Our latest edition of Krsna book is very handy and just like an ordinary story book. It can be distributed to every student and gentleman, and to all the English-speaking public. Our men can be engaged for this purpose. You can make one advertisement that can read like this:

"Read KRSNA, the Supreme Personality of Godhead" Available in all bookstores 3 Volumes - Rs. 15 So far funds from USA, if need be we shall help. The program should be that you take from the USA as much money as you want in the shape of books, and the whole amount can be engaged in building and construction work. For example, Krsna books cost 75 cents for 3 copies, so if USA has sent you the books at cost price, you can make profit by selling at $2. That is $1.25 profit per set, and you haven't got to pay back even the cost. This arrangement will be nice, otherwise in case of emergency, the other arrangement can also be adopted. If we get our plans sanctioned, automatically we will get customers for our flats. But we must get all these occupants as devotees, and you can consult with Indira regarding this matter. There are many devotees who are prepared to accept. The two Parsi sisters should be allowed to come and go as they like, and they should try to understand our procedure, follow the principles, and they are welcome. There are many Parsis in Bombay who are willing to come, and it only takes some organizing in the matter. Mahamsa can help you in this way. Regarding money from USA you can correspond with Karandhara. I cannot understand why our magazines were lying at the docks for three months. Is it that nobody took the time to clear them or what?

Letter to Brahmananda -- Tokyo 24 April, 1972:


My dear Brahmananda,

Please accept my blessings. I am very glad to receive your letters of April 6th and 15th, 1972, and I have noted the contents. You have got great responsibility in Africa, greater than in India. As you are concentrating your activities in Africa with Mr. Shah and Damji Devji, there is no need to return to India at the present moment. I have received one report from Bombay that things are going on nicely, so unless there is urgent necessity I shall not want you to go back to India. Rsi Kumar was anxious to go to S. Africa. I have already advised him to go to South Africa and if he's still willing I wish that he may be helped in that respect. My desire is that you be in charge of East Africa and he may be in charge of South Africa, and this way you both organize the African program very nicely.

Just now I am on the plane towards Hong Kong (Apr. 19th), where I shall stay overnight, and tomorrow I shall go to Japan. Our preaching in Australia and New Zealand was very successful, and in New Zealand we shall very soon have our own temple, as our new disciple there, Gaura Krishna das, has already given 3 acres of land in Auckland.

I am very glad to note that you are increasing always by enrolling many Life Members. That is the heart of our expanding progress in Africa, making Life Members, so go on like this and make many many hundreds and thousands of Life Members in Africa.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

cc. Giriraja das/Bombay

Letter to Giriraja, Cyavana -- Tokyo 25 April, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 16, 1972, along with sketches and plans, etc. Thank you very much. The report is quite encouraging to me, and I think that the way you are proceding is nice. But one thing is, I have included one photograph of our proposed skyscraper to be built up in Los Angeles at ISKCON World Headquarters, and so I want that our skyscraper in Juhu should also be looking like this. I do not like the round towers you have proposed, it is too fanciful. Simply add Govindaji's temple, as you and Saurabha have drawn it, add it onto this skyscraper in the enclosed photo, then you will have per Juhu plan. Monsoon in Bombay begins in middle of June, and last year it was early, in May, so how you can get all drawings finish approved by city council and begin the foundations before monsoon. I do not think it is possible, but you can try for it, that is right.

Another thing, your selling at Rs. 100/- 120/- is too high. At most we should ask about Rs. 80/-. Our project is to receive guests and sell flats to devotees. Indira said many there are men devotees in Bombay who are anxious for such association, so she will be very much expert in seeking out customers for the flats, so you should take all help from her, she is very important lady and also very much convinced by our philosophy. Tea-drinking may be allowed a little, but no meat, drinking, gambling, like that. So on these considerations we are prepared to give some concessional rate to devotees for living with us there.

It is a nice proposal to lay down the foundation all together but then I think we shall have to move the pandal and make many other adjustments. All of these things should be considered carefully, such as having to remove the semi-permanent pandal, before beginning. Our Juhu place has got so many trees, so they will bear the heaviness of the rains and winds, and these will not be very much felt. Try to save as many of the trees as possible.

You may take money from Mr. Jayan in Calcutta if you require. Either in books or in cash, you will be supplied. I have just heard from Karandhara that he has dispatched several thousand paperback editions of Krishna Book to Bombay, so you may make arrangement how to sell these immediately, and for CCP permission you correspond with Gurudasa in Vrindaban. If you get from Mr. Jayan, simply hold in safe deposit box, and, as required, withdraw in smaller amounts and enter in the books as "Chit Collection," or "Misc. Contributions," or like that. One thing, how much you have deposited since I left India? I want to see a copy of each months' Building Fund Account statement for my records also, so Mahamsa may send regularly. I think that you are both doing very nicely in all respects there, along with Mahamsa and Saurabha, and I am putting all trust and confidence in you all nice boys to perfect this Juhu scheme for Krishna's pleasure. Thank you all very very much.

Now we are here in Japan until May 6th, then we are going to Hawaii until about 20th of May, then to Los Angeles. Hoping this will find you all in good health.

Letter to Giriraja -- Tokyo 2 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 20, 1972, and I have noted the contents. So you have paid Mr. Bhuther Rs. 10,000, but you have built a temporary pandal for Rs. 1500/-, and all of the materials can be re-used so just see how much money you have wasted on this pandal. No one followed my instructions in this matter, as I repeatedly advised to build a semi-permanent pandal from corrugated iron sheets, and now so much money has been lost. I have got some reports that the deities in Bombay are being much neglected. This is most abominable affair. Radha and Krishna should not ever be neglected or left unprotected, so I am wondering what you have done to rectify this situation. I have heard that Madhudvisa intervened to get the deities a better place, so he has done nicely. Also I have got complaint from Nara Narayana that he is not being allowed to work on his gardening as I instructed him to do it. So you let him go on with that work of gardening; sometimes he may be difficult to live with, but good manager means he is able to satisfy everyone and live in cooperative manner with all the devotees, so if you manage things nicely he can do tremendous work. Practically no one has more energy than Visvakarma. So let him do gardening work and if Bhavananda needs his help to build Rathayatra car he can go to Calcutta for some time to work there. I have not got any plans from Saurabha, though I requested him many times, only I have got two sketches from the architects in Cyavana's letters Saurabha was going to sketch the interior of Govindaji's temple and make plans for Vrindaban also, but he has not sent, so I do not think he is yet very reliable.

I am very much pleased about the children's classes. These are very, very important program, so let it go on nicely, even if Madhudvisa leaves there. I have heard that some men have come from USA, so if Gurudasa needs some help, some can go there to help him. Also, Gargamuni wants to form a travelling party for raising funds, so some men can be given him, not more than four.

You may offer my thanks to Sumati Morarji for giving us some sofas and chairs. So far books are concerned, don't reduce the price on hardback Krishna Book unless there is vast increase in sales by making cheaper. But I do not think that if you reduce the price for Krishna Book hardbound that more people will buy it. You can send report if making cheaper has sold many more books. But if someone wants Krishna Book cheap, they can purchase our paperback edition which has been sent to India from Japan recently. Mr. Deewanji has done very nice service for Krishna, please offer him my heartfelt thanks. Always consult with him on these matters before doing anything. You can form the Hare Krishna Cooperative so we shall avoid the stamp tax, that's all right. So far CCP permission is concerned you should be more in correspondence with Gurudasa in this matter, as I have sent him all the details and he has assured me that getting the license will not be at all difficult from Delhi.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Tokyo 4 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 4/24/72, and I have noted the contents with pleasure. The Life Member meeting in Delhi is very important, so do it nicely. Also, about 20 men have come from U.S. to Bombay, so I think some of them may come there to help you. You may request Giriraja to send four or five men to help you, I fully approve.

Letter to Cyavana -- Honolulu 10 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 1, 1972, along with plans. The plans are very nice. I have sent already one photo to Giriraja of our skyscraper in Los Angeles, so I want that this square building, whether as one bigger building or two square towers as you have proposed, that this type of square building be added to Govindaji's temple. Then it will be perfect. Otherwise, the round towers are too fanciful, and not so much practical because square building gives us more space to utilize.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Honolulu 11 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 5/8/72, and I have noted the contents. Your idea for helping Vrindaban by sending money upon their sending you invoices will be very nice. But there is no need to keep all the money in Bombay, as suggested by Giriraja to Gurudasa. They have made a very nice plan for Vrindaban, more gorgeous than Bombay plan but also quite costly, but they are also collecting nicely and I have requested them to go ahead as they see fit. The present construction of fencing, etc., they have paid for collecting locally. Ksirodakasayi has promised me: "I am planning to make a very big program to collect at least 25,000 rupees per month average for our project." So they are doing something enthusiastically, so let them do it. What is there in occupying a post, we simply want to serve Krishna, and if you also can collect this amount then combinedly the construction can go on very nicely and quickly.

If you leave Bombay, make sure the school is in very capable hands such as yours, because this program is very, very important, not that you shall go away and things will stop.

Yes, you can go to Madras and South India. In Madras we wanted to start a center and it was almost settled that the Chief Justice would give us a place. So actually, if it is possible to open a center in Madras that would be very nice. Regarding the letter published in "Swarajya", I do not think it is a very important paper, but still I am enclosing* my reply and I would like it to be signed by Giriraja and he can send it to his friend on the Hindu paper and one copy to Swarajya for printing. Meanwhile, I have sent one copy to Gaudiya Math in Madras.

Letter to Giriraja -- Honolulu 15 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 5, 1972, and I was anxiously awaiting for this. So actually we have taken a very responsible task on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. At the present moment, to speak the truth, the whole population of the world are demons and animals. It may be a very strong aspersion on the people of the world, but this is the fact. But still, because they are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, so originally they were pure and therefore it is the mission of Krishna to get back His parts and parcels to home, exactly like a father likes to get back his son at home because this son had gone out of home for false happiness. But the people are so mad, they are talking so many nonsense things—nonsense philosophy, nonsense science—and our task is to meet all of them and at the same time pacify them in their lunatic condition. So I am sure you are a very good soul to act on behalf of Krishna, and do it nicely. Krishna will give you the proper intelligence. He is sitting in your heart. Simply he wants to see us working sincerely.

I have received reports from Mahamsa and Cyavana, and it appears they are doing nicely. Some of the men, however are complaining they have no sufficient engagement. Two girls have left already Bombay and their complaint was that they had no sufficient engagement. Similarly I have received letters from Puranjana, Varadhana, and Atmarama and either they are not willing to work according to direction or otherwise, how do they complain there is no sufficient engagement? I think there is more than sufficient engagement for everyone. We have got so much to do. We have to deal with so many men with different personalities. So kindly utilize their energies and at the same time keep them satisfied. That is leadership. if one man is appointed as leader, all must follow him and be obedient. "Obedience is the first law of discipline." They are pointing out irregularities, but they themselves are not doing their duty, so they are pointing out the irregularities in others. They came to serve, now they don't want to serve so there is some excuse. Oh, irregularity, let me go away. The workers should not suggest irregularities.

I am pleased you are selling many Krishna Books daily. All our men should go with books. There is sufficient engagement. If Indira devi has approved Rs. 4700/- for that job, that's all right, pay it. One thing: Don't rent tarpaulin, that is money lost. Better to purchase and get for cheaper price. What is the Rs. 7,500/- paid to Mr. Nair. On what account that is paid? So far the building plans, they are nice. I have already sent telegram to Cyavana reading as follows "Fully approve your plans. Go forward immediately," and I have sent you the copy of plan with sketch of domes on the temple roof. So do the needful. So far our investing, where is our money to invest? We have no money to invest. Our process is to collect and spend, from left hand to right hand, or from right hand to left hand. So far you are revising your plan to fit the Los Angeles skyscraper, I do not say that is necessary, it is only a suggestion. Whichever is nicer, you do. Cyavana says that the L.A. skyscraper is impractical for India because it will have to be air-conditioned, so there is no need to follow this plan if it is impractical there. But I am thinking to invest some money to provide for maintaining Vrindaban and Mayapur temples. So in that case, we can follow Indira's instructions, but this will be done when we go back to India, not now. So far the scheme to give Rs. 10,000 and get Rs. 12,000 in return, it is not bad proposal, but we shall think it over and let you know. About the business proposed by Indira's brother, yes, we can give some land on condition that 50% of profit he gives us, but we cannot guarantee that our men will work. We have had bad experience in this partnership business in New York with Mr. Kallman, so we are not going to do that anymore. As far as possible we shall not deal in business. That will not be very good for our spiritual progress. But if somebody contributes for our good cause, that is different. I have suggested in previous letters that we want persons to live in our house who will observe our devotional regulations. We want to pick up some devotees who will be satisfied with regulated life, daily having darsana of the deity, chanting—we want some selected men to live with us, either as cooperative housing society or however. So far prasada distribution, it is not a question of rich or poor. That will be Karma Kanda. Our program therefore is that we offer prasada to everyone. Make our temple so nice that everyone who comes is offered some prasada. Not that we are after poor men. It is nice that we are feeding 200 daily, but gradually try to increase. But do not advertise, we shall be self-advertising. And do not go to poor areas, this is not our philosophy. Our philosophy is prasada distribution, without discrimination rich or poor. I am writing to Bhavananda, he cannot spend membership money. Regarding books, posters, and stamps, I am writing to Karandhara that he should send you all of these things at cost price, and the cost can be deducted from the Mayapur Fund in U.S.A. I think if you get these stamps, every businessman in Bombay will take. Somehow or other we have to make vigorous propaganda. These two words "Hare Krishna" must appear everywhere. So if we work sincerely without any material aspirations, Krishna will help in all respects, be assured. So far the donation of roses, utilize them nicely. There will be flowers for the deity, it will be a great service. Nara Narayana is enthusiastic so let him do this work. One thing: why you and Cyavana are sending carbon-copies of your letters to Brahmananda? What is the use, he is not returning, he has to manage African affairs. You have to manage there with your assistants. I have received the Hindi article sent by you written by Mangalananda Goutam, and this gentleman is known to me, and it is written nicely. So I am enclosing herewith one letter for him, you can forward. Hoping this meets you in good health,

Letter to Bhavananda -- Honolulu 16 May, 1972:

Why you have not mentioned Mayapur in your letter? Now the Building Fund is fixed up in Bombay, and all the Life Member collections and Building Fund collections must go there. Giriraja has written you one letter but you have not replied it. Life Member money cannot be spent for eating and sleeping. The landlord K. Prasad Singharoy has written me one letter complaining that there was a fight between our men and some outsiders, servant class men, and he says that it is disturbing to the whole area. Perhaps he's designing to eject us on these grounds. I shall be glad to hear from you what is the actual position.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Honolulu 17 May, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 5, 1972, and I have noted the contents. Yes, we shall personally supervise everything there at Mayapur, instead of giving everything to contractor. The engineer may simply see that things are being done properly and we shall see that the labor is working properly. Purchase first-class building materials, then there will be first-class building. So far your recommendation for getting money, this arrangement is approved. Accounts and money should be in one place. You have already got Rs. 1,10,000 from me, so if you submit account of this expenditure, you will receive more. All collections and Life Membership money should go to Bombay for deposit in the Building Fund. It is understood that Giriraja has asked Bhavananda for the Life Membership collections, but Bhavananda has not replied. What is the reason? Please do the needful. This fund shall never be used for maintenance. If there is shortage of maintenance, that fund will be also supplied from Bombay.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 24 May, 1972:

I have received your letter dated May 9, 1972 and I have noted the contents carefully. Actually it is the duty of the spiritual master to find fault with his students so that they may make progress, not that he should always be praising them. So if you find some criticism, kindly accept it in that spirit. I am only interested in that you along with all my other students should become Krishna Conscious.

Now we shall only want good devotees to live with us on that land. Not that we shall form a cooperative housing society and whoever pays us money, we shall accept them to live with us. If they live with us and do not follow our principles we can not take them to court. So we must be very careful from the beginning to select only qualified devotees of Krishna or Vaisnava families to live with us, just like Indira devi and her family. So you may create the building society but there should be an explicit understanding that only those who agree to follow the rules and regulations will be allowed to live with us. So begin collecting in this way from devotee families in Bombay, and when I shall come there in Autumn we shall see how the things are going.

I am glad to see that all of the other programs are going on nicely, especially that the deities are being cared for again properly. Now you give our ladies full facilities and help them by giving them money and other things wherever required by them so that our deity program will not be lacking. I am especially also engladdened by your report of book distribution there in Bombay. You can distribute our men there to other centers—to Gurudasa and Bhavananda—if they shall require our help. Yes, we can become self-supporting in this way by distributing our books in Bombay and in India in general. I shall be interested to hear the result of your experiment whether to lower the prices on books.

So far the temples in India are concerned, the independent and self supporting method does not apply in India. In India Bombay is the headquarters and all other centers shall send their funds for centralizing in Bombay. In return you shall supply everyone with enough books and you shall pay construction bills as required by them. I had asked you in one letter previous if you are interested in accepting the GBC post for India and central Asia. I have not yet heard from you in this connection but I shall be glad to hear your opinion.

Yes, that is good proposal about Hindi translating. Ksirodakasayi has written to me that he is unable to translate, layout and compose everything himself there in Vrindaban. So if he is able somehow or other to get the things translated there in Vrindaban let him send the matter to you in Bombay for composing and layout. In addition there is one man and his wife here in Los Angeles who will be also translating in Hindi language under my direction. They will also send their manuscripts to you for composing and laying out, or if it is better we may do the composing and layout in Los Angeles. Kindly consult with Ksirodakasayi in this regard.

Hoping this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. Please send Rs. 1000.00 one thousand only to Puri Maharaja at Rajamundry as advised to Mahamsa. ACBS

Letter to Niranjana -- Los Angeles 26 May, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 18th, 1972, and have noted the contents carefully. Regarding Hindi literatures, I am very much encouraged that yourself along with Ramananda and Ksirodakasayi Prabhus are anxious to do some solid work. you form a committee. along with Guru das, Giriraja and Bhavananda and altogether you work cooperatively both to publish and to distribute our Hindi literatures very widely throughout India. The committee. must be also organized for distributing the books and magazines, otherwise what is the use of publishing? First make certain that our distribution is very nice organized. So after your exams you may plunge into this task whole-heartedly and try to enlist the help of all the others and make the project come out very successfully. Form the committee. and whatever is needed, you do it. It doesn't matter if the Hindi translation is perfectly the same length as the English original, translate any issue of BTG or any book and send the manuscript after composing to Japan for printing, that is the best plan. For our English BTG's they have got the original photographs and negatives in Japan, so if you translate some issue of English BTG you can send there for printing and the cost will be cheaper because they have already got the photos, etc. In Benares there are many presses and they supply very cheaply. So you take quotations from Benares and find out the lowest quotation for soft binding, first-class paper, and printing in the size of our present Bhagavatam booklets, Easy Journey To Other Planets, like that. In Delhi and Mathura also there is very good facility for Hindi printing. So in this way cooperate with the others to find out either some printer there in India who will print our books in good quality and also very cheaply, or translate and compose the work there and send to Japan. Either way the work must go on and increasingly our literatures should be profusely distributed in India.

Kindly report to me your progress in this respect after your examinations are finished. Meanwhile I hope this will find you in very good health.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 28 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 23, 1972, and I have noted the contents with great care. I am glad to hear your explanation how the men are being engaged there in Bombay. That will be the test of your management, how well the men are satisfied by their engagements. I am very glad to hear that Nara Narayana is doing so much work and that Puranjana has decided to remain there. He has decided rightly.

The new Deity house should be paid for by Mr. Chhabria must be first-class. So far Mr. Vasist, we want that kind of man to live with us. So when you canvass for tenants for our skyscraper building, try to find out many such men as Mr. Vasist. Regarding a pilgrimage to Vrndavana yes, that is a good proposal, everyone can go in a group to Vrandavan for a few days and then altogether return. But the program in Bombay should not be hampered by everyone leaving. So you can plan accordingly, but the program in Bombay is the important thing, never mind vacations or pilgrimages if they will interfere with our work there. We are not tourists, but if a trip to Vrndavana will enhance spiritual life of the devotees without interfering with our Bombay program then it will be all right to go there for a short time, hold nice sankirtana widely throughout the city, and return altogether.

I have written to Gargamuni Maharaja that his traveling sankirtana party should concentrate for distributing our literatures there in Bombay suburbs. The money is in Bombay. What is the use of going village to village when the village people not only can they not read in English but also they have no money. And we will not be able to preach to them. So I think best thing is to thoroughly travel into the suburbs and all sections of Bombay city, sometimes going to Thana, sometimes to Poona, somethimes to Surat, like that, and distribute our books in these places and collect. I have instructed Karandhara to order from Dai Nippon all of our English literatures to be printed in very cheap paper back editions for sending to India for raising building funds. In addition, I am requesting our Hindi translators to translate more and more of my books into Hindi language and these will be printed in Japan in cheap editions as well. So you will not lack for books there in India, and by selling these books very widely you can collect immense funds for building projects in Bombay, Vrndavana, and Mayapur.

So far your question regarding Deity worship, during arati everything should be offered first to the Guru. Regarding the three alternatives for our Hare Krishna Housing Society, the alternative, namely, place the flats in the housing society in the names of our various disciples so that they will hold all the votes, and let them sublet or sell their flats, this alternative is very nice.

Bhagavan was here from Detroit that he has mentioned that there has been some difficulty for him by sending money to Bombay for purchasing the Detroit Deities, and he is puzzled what has happened to the money and when the Deities are coming, etc. So you kindly investigate what is the position concerning those Deities and as soon as possible ship them from Bombay by air-freight collect to Detroit. I have heard that Mr. Birla has given us two more sets of nice Deities in Jaipur, so you can transport these two sets to Bombay and sent one set to Detroit an one set to Toronto by air-freight collect as quickly as possible. There is no need to purchase any more Deities as these two sets of Deities have been given to us without charge. Also Bhagavan reports for money which he has sent to India there is no acknowledgement. So you can kindly clear up this matter.

On Ash lane near Meadows Street, Fort area, there is a wholesale dealer of books and magazines. They can be interested in distributing our literatures, especially magazines. And you can approach A. H. Wheeler in Allahabad for also distributing our books widely throughout his railway station book stalls all over India.

Letter to Deputy/Assistant Charity Commissioner -- Los Angeles 28 May, 1972:

Sri Giriraja Das Brahmacari our Co-trustee has applied for the registration of The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust under the Bombay Public Trusts Act 1950. The contents of the Application are true to our knowledge and we have nothing to add to the same. No separate notice of hearing is required to be issued for us. We have no objection if the registration Certificate is issued to the Applicant.

Letter to Subala -- Los Angeles 1 June, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 22nd May, 1972, from Patna informing me that your health is strong and that you are carrying on with determination this preaching work. I have heard from others that you are doing very nicely, and that you are making life members also. That is very good news to me. I am making many Sannyasis here in America, and I am convinced that our movement must run on this extensive traveling and preaching system. So you work cooperatively with Giriraja, Bhavananda, Guru das, and all of the others there in India, how to perform this valuable service in the best way by utilizing all our men and time very wisely. Push on vigorously, especially in the matter of distributing our literatures widely throughout India and showing always a good example of real Krishna Consciousness way of life.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 8 June, 1972:

I have received your letter from Bombay dated May 30th, 1972, and noted all the contents. Yes, by Krishna's Grace we have a very responsible task before us, so combinedly we should do it nicely so that everything goes on systematically. Rupa Goswami says that the things are enthusiasm, patience, conviction, acting exactly to the order of the Sastra and Guru, and always keeping oneself in the society of devotees, and this makes our devotional service successful. So our serious students should follow Rupa Goswami's advice.

Mr. Pandiya's suggestion for the housing society is very much appreciated by me, and it is very good proposal. We cannot give the control of the house to anyone and everyone. So your idea is all right, the housing society should be registered in the society's (ISKCON) name and we should pay the tax 70,000/.

Thank you for sending the books to Brahmananda, so you should also send him bill, collect, and deposit in the book fund. If you have paid 100% of BTG money into the book fund account already, that is all right, you haven't got to pay twice. You should inform Ksirodakasayi what you have already paid into the BTG Book fund account. Did Ksirodakasayi send any bill? According to that bill you must pay, then the account will be nice. But if he has not sent you a bill, and you have paid the rest into the book fund, you haven't got to pay him. But in future he should always send bill and you should settle up with him accordingly. Now Gurudasa has gotten the import license, so whatever books are sent from here, the whole amount should be spent for building. Books sent from here should be considered as a contribution to the building work in India. Now we are printing many small, attractive booklets at ISKCON Press and I think they will sell like anything in India also. So in the future we shall see about getting these small books printed in Japan and send them in profuse quantities to India.

If you have a crown dipped in gold for the Bombay Deities, you must keep them very carefully. I understand that sometime ago one crown was stolen from Krishna's Head despite the presence of one brahmacari who was sleeping there and did not even hear the thief coming. So we must take very great precaution to always protect the Deities from all kinds of danger. One thing is, if we make our Deity worship program extremely opulent and gorgeous, and if all of the devotees are always attending arati and holding kirtana in front of the Deities, that will be the best program for attracting the Indian people to Krishna Consciousness Movement. So you try to give the pujaris all assistance to improve the standard of Deity worship and always render Radha and Krishna the most sincere attention.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


n.b. I am in receipt of your letter dated June 5, 1972. I was not here, I was in Portland, Oregon, and am just now coming back. I think all the points are already replied, still I say that the land should be registered in ISKCON's name and pay the tax of Rs. 70,000. This is a good idea. And you can introduce the Bhetnama system, whereby one person purchases the use of one room or some rooms for his lifetime, and whenever he may come to stay the room must be vacated immediately for his residence for as long as he likes, but if he leaves, someone else may use the room in his absence. This is called Bhetnama. As Mr. Chhabria has said he wants to reserve one room for the week-ends, similarly, many men are prepared to pay for this facility. We have to simply find them out. All good men should spend their week-ends with us, away from business, and they may bring family and it will be Vaikuntha in Hare Krishna Land.

The deity program must be improved very gorgeously. Flower garlands should be expanded, and all expenditures for the deities must be expanded without any miserly contemplation. Our temple should be so gorgeously decorated that we shall excel all Bombay temples. This is my idea. Try to fulfill it. When they hear that we decorate our deities so gorgeously, people will throng, and on festival days especially, like Janmastami, Jhulana Yatra, etc. So four or five devotees should be always engaged in deity worship.

Letter to Sriman Ram Prashad Dasa -- Los Angeles June 14, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 1, 1972, and I have noted the contents. We have introduced a Life Membership program there in India, for the purpose of giving the intelligent men in the society an opportunity to help push on this great movement of pure Vedic culture. Our members receive all our books printed to date - Bhagavad-gita (in 1000 page edition), Caitanya-caritamrta, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Sri Isopanisad, Srimad-Bhagavatam (to be completed in 60 volumes), and other books totalling about 20. They also receive any book which will be printed in the future, as well as a lifetime subscription to Back to Godhead magazine. Any of our life members and their immediate families are permitted to stay in any of our 100 temples anywhere in the world, free of charge, for as long as they like. So my suggestion to you is that you communicate with Sriman Giriraja dasa Brahmacari, the president of our Bombay headquarters, and he will give you more information regarding this membership program. Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 16 June, 1972:

I have appointed Giriraja to be the GBC zonal secretary for India zone, and I am sure that he meets your requirements of being equipoised and considerate of all the needs of all the branches under his control or jurisdiction. Simply all you leaders there in India must cooperate with him nicely and give him confidence and advice how to manage the things in the best manner. So I suggest you address your ideas for managing to Giriraja and cooperatively make arrangements. Bombay should be the headquarters for India. You send all money there and when you require you take and they sould keep all accounts nicely. Whatever you need, they will supply.

Letter to Gargamuni, Mahamsa, Naranaraya, Giriraja -- Los Angeles 19 June, 1972:

My dear boys, kindly accept my blessings, and I hope by Krishna's Grace you are doing all well. This morning I received one telephone message that there is some misunderstanding between yourselves, and Giriraja, who is in charge of Bombay center. I may inform you in this connection that what I am doing to push on this great movement in the world is all with your cooperation. It is not possible for me alone to execute this great responsibility. Kindly, therefore, abide by the direction of the man in charge of the center. If there is lack of obedience then there cannot be discipline, and without discipline we cannot manage a huge world organization. I shall be returning by September next. Kindly therefore do not make any fracture during this period at least, and when I return if you all don't like the man in charge surely I shall replace him out of you. But for the time being, please do not make any rupture, and please obey by the direction of Giriraja Brahmacari.

So far Gargamuni is concerned, I have already given him permission to go to Ahmedabad and other places in Gujarat State. He is a sannyasi and his main business is to travel and preach as I am doing in this old age, and that will please me very much.

So far Nara Narayana is concerned, he is engaged in gardening work, so please give him all facility so he can make a good garden on all the vacant land on our property.

Mahamsa and Cyavana may act by the decisions of Giriraja, so Cyavana may transfer his building supervision work to somebody else, according to Giriraja. I have heard the building work is not going on satisfactorily, but that is our main business there, so if it is not being done nicely, the proper experienced man must be put in charge of the construction work.

So in conclusion, it is my request even you do not agree on some points, Giriraja is in charge so please follow his direction and that will please me. I am very much anxious to see the progress at Bombay center, and I want it shall become the first-class preaching center in the world. Please help me in this ambition. If we can manage successfully, we will be attractive for the whole of India. Our task is very heavy, do not neglect by paltry disagreement. I hope Krishna will bless you to understand my heart and oblige.

Letter to Yadubara -- Los Angeles 20 June, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter from Bombay dated June 14, 1972 and I have understood its contents. Today I have received one telephone call from Giriraja and he has informed me that there is some disagreement among you leaders there in our Bombay Center. This is not at all a pleasant situation for anyone. I am entrusting this huge task to all of you for working together cooperatively for doing something wonderful. I can understand that you are responsible and cool-headed along with the others, so you take the hand in reconciling all differences.

I have just now written to Gargamuni, Mahamsa, Nara Narayana, Giriraja as follows: "It is my request even you do not agree on some points, Giriraja is in charge so please follow his direction and that will please me. I am very much anxious to see the progress at Bombay Center, and I want it shall become the first class preaching center in the world. Please help me in this ambition. If we can manage successfully, we will be attractive for the whole of India. Our task is very heavy, do not neglect by paltry disagreement. I hope Krishna will bless you to understand my heart and oblige."

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 21 June, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 13, 1972 and have appreciated its contents very well. I am happy to hear that the men are engaged nicely, especially in the matter of distributing our books. Take any number of books without paying any price, and engage the whole amount for our building work there in Bombay, but the building work must be very superb. Now I have sent you one letter yesterday which I hope by now has cured the situation amongst you all leaders there in Bombay. So if there is neglect or slackening in the building work you may please give all good direction how it may be improved to the topmost standard in all of India. One thing, if our men are making daily between Rs. 30/- and Rs. 120/-, let us say average of Rs. 50/-, so that is Rs. 400-500/- per day, or Rs. 15,000 per month so that is very nice. So in this way you may order increasingly as many books as you can distribute and they will be immediately dispatched to Bombay without any cost to you.

So far foodstuffs, you should collect profusely. If you collect more distribute more, and if you collect less, distribute less, but only distribute what you have collected. If there is no food, do not contribute our own funds for this purpose. Try to collect more, besides there is the contribution of American Government. You should purchase one iron safe and keep the Deities' jewelry or any valuables in that, or an iron closet, a little heavier, and you may keep either in my room or in some special room.

Ahmedabad is a great industrial city. It has got more than 100 big, big mills and if all of the mill-owners and officers become our members, from Ahmedabad and other cities in Gujarat, such as Baroda, Surat, Dvaraka, Rajkot, like that, you can collect millions of Rs. Also, I remember in Bombay at Akash Ganga there was some invitation from some important persons living near Dakot in Gujarat sometimes before. Whether they have been contacted? If we can open a Center in Dvaraka or Dakor, that will be very nice. In Gujarat State we can open a Center in every city because the people are so much dedicated to Krishna. In Gujarat we can very soon make our movement very popular, because by nature they are devotees of Krishna.

There is no question of selling the flats, as you had proposed this idea before of our own men owning the flats and leasing or renting them to devotees. Somehow or other, all of our tenants should be our devotees, and we can give them concession rents, but they should be devotees and at least in our colony there should be no violations of our rules and regulations. Actually make it a Hare Krishna land or a pilgrimage for Vaisnavas and the Indian people in general. I am very much especially pleased that you have had such a nice meeting with Sumati Morarji. She is our old friend and benefactor from long years back, and always she has desired for us to live as her close neighbors. She used to tell me in Bombay two years back that she wanted we should build our temple somewhere nearby to her place. She also assisted Tamala Krishna and Syamasundara to try to find one house in Juhu for our headquarters several times. So you can mention this fact to her that now we have fulfilled her desire and we are living in close proximity to her, so she should take advantage of Krishna's blessing her with such an opportunity for serving the Lord by herself building our Juhu temple. Encourage her to attend the meetings every day, and if you make the Deity worship very, very opulent and gorgeous, she will automatically be attracted to them. She has no children of her own, so why not she should take Radha and Krishna as her Children? So you can propose gradually and tactfully that she can alone build up a wonderful temple in our property and we shall name it "Sumati Temple" or "Sumati Hall". So encourage her in this way, and I am very much engladdened that she is so much willing to help us, now you apply yourself to the matter very diligently and think always of Krishna and it will come out very auspiciously. You can ask her to write me her itinerary in London, or if you think so, I will send her a letter personally. You can tell her that I shall be in London during that time also. I am leaving here on morning of July 2nd and arriving London July 5th via New York. I shall be very glad to see her and bring her in our temple there. Or she can write to me when she is there c/o 7 Bury Place. That is a good proposal to receive her at London Airport. Somehow or other, either she pays for the temple herself or she raises the funds from others, she must be persuaded in this great project, which will bring great benefit to her countryman and which will attract many, many foreign devotees of Krishna to the Indian soil for taking up this spiritual life very seriously. It is a unique temple in the world, and if you show your wonderful abilities as American and European boys and girls to manage everything superbly, she will not hesitate to entrust you in every way. Therefore, there must always be good will and cooperation amongst yourselves for this huge task ahead. I always think of our Juhu place, and I want that it shall be the model for all the world to emulate and respect as the perfect example of a Krishna Conscious community. The temple will cost about 2 lakhs, more or less, so Sumati Morarji can pay easily.

That is a good idea to print the articles which I have written and insert with photos and advertisements. Visakha will be the leader of designing pamphlets, and she has written also one article, "Hero of India," and she has written it very nicely. One thing is, in one letter to you some days back I gave you notice to send Rs. 1,000/- to Puri Maharaja to his address in Rajhmundry, so if you have not yet sent, do so immediately. After sending, write to me the acknowledgement.

So far your question regarding the regulative principles of our devotional life, you can request all the disciples there that this is our life, so why they will not follow? If there is any discrepancy in this matter, you may send me the names. And for Sannyasis such discipline is a must.

If Mr. Chabria wants to send a Sanskrit teacher there, he can teach Ramanuga and he may teach in a class also, I have no objection, but without salary. Our work is honorary.

Letter to Cyavana -- Los Angeles 28 June, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 21st June, 1972, and I am very glad to hear that the proper permits have been obtained for the building work. but one thing, we are forming a cooperative society with our own members, but what is the advantage? I think that the cooperative society is formed in order to avoid paying some taxes, like stamp tax, but I just sent a check for Rs. 70,000/- to Giriraja for payment of stamp taxes, so what is the advantage if we still have to pay the stamp tax?

Yes, Giriraja is to be regarded as the absolute authority in all matters. Why do you disobey? Of course, everything should be departmentally managed, but unless there is discipline how will anything get done? If you are in disagreement at every point, how it will be possible to finish this important work? Anyway, please cooperate with Giriraja and the others, and if this is impossible then I will have to take other steps. If you want to go to Jaipur and Vrndavana for a little while, I have no objection, do it immediately.

Letter to Giriraja -- London 12 July, 1972:

I have met with Mrs. Morarji on arriving here in London and she has agreed to be the President of our Bombay Board of Trustees for building up the Juhu project. This is a good opportunity. So she, along with our other big Life Members, can form this Committee., and our own men will give direction. Now form the Committee. by consulting her how to do it, and the Committee. may meet and organize how to raise funds and push on this project, and I shall give direction how to do it.

Now one thing is, she wants us to come to her school and give classes in Krishna Consciousness, so you go there with others as often as possible and give instruction to the children, bring them to our temple, distribute prasadam, like that. More and more, she will become favorably disposed as she sees us that we are performing the best welfare activity. Kindly inform me how these matters are making progress.

Letter to Giriraja -- London 13 July, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 6, 1972, and I have noted the contents. I am pleased to hear that everything is progressing nicely there in Bombay. As for Srimati and Madri, they shall not be going to Africa. Brahmananda mentions that several other boys want to go to Africa from Bombay. Why this restlessness? If you so much require their services in India, why they should whimsically go away? It is better if they stay to help you there.

So far the flats, yes, Rs. 80/- per sq. ft. should be the price. Rs. 100/- is the standard rate for that neighborhood, so our price is not too high. So far Lalita Krishna is concerned, I have received one letter from Purusottama das Brahmacari requesting to travel to Malaysia with Lalita Krishna for opening some centers there. So best thing is to open centers in Malaysia and Singapore, recruit many Chinese-speaking devotees, translate our books into Malaysian and Singapore language, then with a party go to China later on. Regarding the boys you have recommended, their letter of initiation is enclosed and beads are sent under separate post.

Life Member means Life Member, there is no inheriting by the eldest son. It is only Rs. 1111/-, what is that?

Why you shall send Mayapur a monthly allowance? The plan was that Calcutta or Tamala Krishna was to maintain Mayapur. How is it Calcutta is not sending collections to Bombay? Unless they send their collections you cannot pay them anything. Bhavananda and yourself, you consult and do the needful. Why everything is referred to me? I instructed that Calcutta should support Mayapur. Otherwise what is the use of maintaining such big establishment in Calcutta?

So far Saurabha's idea to concentrate on the temple building, that is accepted.

Letter toTilakainath ( Tom), Dhumrakesa (Doug), Gokulacandra (George), Pavamana (Paul) -- London 13 July, 1972:

Upon the recommendation of Giriraja I have gladly consented to accept all of you as my duly initiated disciples. Your beads have been duly chanted by me and they are sent under separate post. Your initiated names are as follows:

Tom/Tilakainath das

Doug/Dhumrakesa das

George/Gokulacandra das

Paul/Pavamana das

Now please continue to strictly follow the regulative principles, namely: no eating of meat, fish, or eggs; no intoxicants, including tea, coffee, cigarettes; no illicit sex-life; and no gambling.

If you stick to these principles with determination, then you will become free from all attachment to Maya, by Krishna's grace. The example is that when the sun is in the sky, there is no question of darkness. Similarly, when Hare Krishna Mantra is vibrating on your tongue and you are hearing attentively, then your consciousness becomes clear, or Krishna Consciousness, and there is no question of Maya or hazy consciousness. Just as when the light and the darkness come together, the darkness cannot stand before the light, so Maya cannot remain in the presence of Krishna. Always remember, therefore, to chant Hare Krishna, and that will save you in all circumstances without any doubt.

Letter to Bhavananda -- London 14 July, 1972:

I have notified Karandhara to send you the ten Krsna Books as you have requested, but in future I want at least two signatures to be there. One thing is, I have heard that Jayapataka is requesting Giriraja that Bombay should send maintenance allowance to Mayapur monthly. But I instructed in the beginning that Calcutta should maintain Mayapur. Also, you are not sending your collections regularly to Bombay, so how they can support you? If Bombay is maintaining, what are others doing, eating and sleeping? Why does Jayapataka want allowance? Anyone who cannot collect money, they should go to Mayapur and live there and simply eat and sleep, like women and widows. I shall arrange for their eating and sleeping

Letter to Bhavananda -- London 14 July, 1972:

I have notified Karandhara to send you the ten Krsna Books as you have requested, but in future I want at least two signatures to be there. One thing is, I have heard that Jayapataka is requesting Giriraja that Bombay should send maintenance allowance to Mayapur monthly. But I instructed in the beginning that Calcutta should maintain Mayapur. Also, you are not sending your collections regularly to Bombay, so how they can support you? If Bombay is maintaining, what are others doing, eating and sleeping? Why does Jayapataka want allowance? Anyone who cannot collect money, they should go to Mayapur and live there and simply eat and sleep, like women and widows. I shall arrange for their eating and sleeping. But in cities, those should live who can collect and earn. The widows are not earning in Hindu society, they eat and sleep at others' expense. So if you are not able to earn in Calcutta, better all go to Mayapur and eat and sleep and I shall accommodate all widows, women, and others at Mayapur and Vrindaban. Otherwise why should we maintain such large establishment in Calcutta simply for eating and sleeping and spending. These two places will be reserved for those who cannot collect. For them I am making provision. Only the active members who can collect, they shall live in the city. Eating, sleeping members, they shall live in Mayapur, that's all.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Paris 22 July, 1972:

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 10, 1972, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. I am very glad to hear that the building work is going on with full speed, including both day and night shifts of workers. Do not worry, I am sending you two first-class men from England, both of them have got good experience in engineering and building work. They are named Smarahari das and ___. They shall be arriving very soon in India, and you can train them to help you there full-time. Besides, you may ask Giriraja if Saurabha das can come from Bombay from time to time to assist you there and see how the things are going on. He is experienced man.

Letter to Giriraja -- Paris 22 July, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 14, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am especially pleased to hear that everything is going on nicely in Bombay, and that you are sending a party of men to live in Bombay city for collecting there. That is a nice plan. Yes, the men may be rotated from time to time. And if all the others also go sometimes to nearby neighborhoods for preaching and distributing books, that is also good proposal. I am also glad to hear the deities will soon have a first-class house, and you will keep their nice jewels, etc., in a heavy iron safe.

So far my writings, avoid publishing them in hodge-podge journals. These so-called Hindus are generally impersonalists, and we do not want to have anything to do with them. Better we stick to our own standard, and eventually they will all come to us for learning what is God. You can try the daily newspapers. If Times of India, Navbharat, if some of these daily papers agree, I can send regularly one sloka from Bhagavad-gita, whatever is in the book plus further elaboration.

That is a good plan, if Saurabha can find someone who will finance our Juhu project. But you must be very careful in this regard, and do not make any final agreements without consulting me in the matter.

Regarding the plan by the Life Member to build one temple in Kashmir, yes, we are interested to help by managing it, and immediately we can send 25 members there. So you can submit our plan and he can build it accordingly.

Regarding Gujarati BTG, you can do as you see fit, either reprint the same issue, or print a new issue utilizing the Bengali blocks.

One thing is, you have mentioned Bhavananda will require four more lakhs for Mayapur. But he told me four lakhs total, and of that I have sent 2 1/2 lakhs, so he shall require further only 1 3/4 lakhs. That must come from selling books. The books are coming at no cost to you, you simply sell them and utilize the entire money for building for Bombay, Vrindaban, and Mayapur. That will be the real task ahead, to sell many, many books all over India and use all the money for building. Why do you see any difficulty? Yes, try for getting free manure from some gosala.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Amsterdam 29 July, 1972:

Hamsaduta has promised to arrange for getting one German van for your party in India, and he will send some men there by driving it to India very soon. If so many men are coming forth to offer you all cooperation, why not take collection from them for new slide projector? That is not very big thing, so I think you can manage. In Bombay they have got very big work to collect for their Juhu building scheme, so they may not be bothered ___ small thing of slide-projector, but I have requested Giriraja ___ give you all cooperation and whatever you want you give __ and I am enclosing one copy of that letter to Giriraja. __ likewise must also try to assist him and work together ___ for the success of our mission as a whole, not that ___ is more important than another—they are all important ____ work in that spirit and do the needful for pushing ____ all over the world progressively, you have got _____

The murti is already installed, and you ______ etc. I have already told you to do it. So ___ ____ to help you, why is this still going on? _______ But anyway I have written to Giriraja and we ________ prove. But one thing is, cooperation takes ___ ____ if we always see that it is my defect if no ________ me. In this spirit, try to woo Giriraja into ________ also help you both.

Yes, start a center in Dvaraka immediately ____ achievement for us. Subala can join you immediately ___ not needed in Delhi.

Letter to Giriraja -- Amsterdam 30 July, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 19, 1972, and I have noted the contents. So far the Board of Trustees, you can add some men in Calcutta, Delhi—I think all of the big men in Calcutta are known to you, Birla, Bajoria, etc. It is nice that Mr. Nair is on the committee.. He can keep the equitable mortgage, I have no objection. He can simply give us receipt, that's all. One thing is, we have sent you transfer for Rs. 70,000 and Rs. 29,000, so this has to be returned as far as possible.

I have got one letter from Gargamuni wherein he complains he is not getting cooperation from Bombay for his travelling party. He is doing very well, I am very much in favor that his work shall not be hindered, so kindly extend to him every facility, any small thing he requires you supply. And I have advised him also to please work nicely with you and let whatever is done be finished and go on progressively in a cooperative manner.

So far the school of Sumati Morarji, make the children into Vaisnavas through English medium of learning. We are not going to abide by the government schedule. They should be taught our books as soon as they can read and write. The idea is that those who will later on accept service, they cannot be accepted by us for schooling, we cannot help them. They must be the sons of rich and important men who will not be taking education simply to use it for eating and sleeping. They should be taught just to do like the elders, that is, rise early, cleanse, attend mangal arati, read our literatures, chant, go for sankirtana, like that, and besides that, a little ABC, mathematics, geography, history, that's all. And teach the small children to play Krishna games: one child is a cow, another is cowherd boy, they go to the forest, there are demons there, Krishna kills the demons, like that; in this way, let the children play Krishna games, then attend arati, then learn some ABC, then play some more, have kirtana, little ABC, and by keeping them always diversified they shall not lose interest and will keep their attention always focused around Krishna.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Amsterdam 30 July, 1972:


My dear Jayapataka,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 22, 1972, and I am very happy to hear the things are going nicely in Mayapur. I do not hear very often what is going on there, but from your description I can understand that it must be very nice there now in this monsoon season. I have not heard from Tamala Krishna at all in this connection, so I do not know if he is still taking part in the Mayapur work or what.

If you make it a first-class temple, there will be no lack of visitors for preaching, you will never even have to leave that place for preaching. And if you serve nice prasadam, the whole of India will come. So stick to our principles very rigidly, and everyone will come to see these American Vaisnavas. I want that we shall excel the Caitanya Math. They have been struggling for the last 50 years, and we shall surpass them in two years. We are working two shifts of labor: that is American style of doing things. I am very pleased if you can continue in this manner of American style. But if you do not, then I shall remain on the same level, then it is a great discredit to the Americans. But if I defeat my godbrothers, then I am worthy to be called the guru of the Americans. Even there is competition in spiritual life.

Regarding funds, we are supplying for building purposes from here, but if there is emergency, then Giriraja can help. But for the present we are sending whenever you have requested. But your form of requesting has not been as we had arranged, therefore there has been delay. I told you at least two must sign, but in the last request from Bhavananda, even he did not sign, the letter was not even signed by one person! Try to be very careful in these matters at all times, we are doing very responsible work. And so far the maintenance, Calcutta is taking care, so there is no problem. Yes, you are correct, all membership and book collections shall be sent to Bombay, donations for maintenance may be kept there and spent locally, unless they are very sizeable, then they can go to Bombay.

Very soon you will be receiving many, many books. I shall instruct Giriraja to send you as many books as you shall require for selling there for raising fund for Mayapur project. I do not wish to send more funds from here, but we shall send you free of charge many books and the whole money collected from them may be spent in building.

I am glad to hear that you are purchasing more land for expanding. What about our former land purchased from some Ghose that is on the left side of our land? From so many wonderful varieties of vegetables, you will get very soon full of vitamins. Keep a cow, then there will be no question of scarcity or relying upon somebody else for your maintenance. Now you have got a big hall on first floor, so keep rice stock there to protect from floods.

I think the whole atmosphere in Mayapur must be now very, very nice and I shall be so much glad to return there sometimes in the month of September, so kindly finish up the work by that time. Malati has expressed desire to decorate my quarters there, so as soon as they are ready she may come there and prepare everything very nicely.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


cc: Giriraja/Bombay

Letter to Yadubara -- London 6 August, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter from Calcutta dated July 30, 1972 and I have noted the contents carefully. That's all right, you can forget the Lalita Prasada Thakura chapter for the time being. Let it be and help Giriraja with the construction work in Bombay immediately. When I return to India in October I shall see what is the situation and we shall consider further. Lalita Prasad Thakura also wants to consult with me so I shall do that. You should submit to me a weekly report as secretary of our Bombay center, as I am always anxious to know how the things are going on there.

Letter to Giriraja -- London 8 August, 1972:

I thank you very much for your letter dated July 31, 1972, and I think things are going nicely there, but we must always remember that the Hare Krishna Land Development Trust, the trustees must be such persons who contribute lump sums for developing different parts of the building. I am very pleased that Mr. Kandelwal has contributed for the library portion. Similarly, I request Sumati Morarji to contribute for the temple portion. I am prepared to put a tablet that the temple portion is contributed by Sumati Morarji. Similarly, the two wings on both sides of the courtyard in front of the temple may be contributed, one by Mrs. A. B. Nair, one by somebody else. The idea is that all the trustees should contribute with great distinguishment.

And let me know how many trustees you are taking


how many are our initiated members. Our initiated members must be in the majority, and if any deed has to be prepared then I shall send you the wordings. If not, verbally is all right. If they want to make any documents, that must be approved by me. The idea is that no one should enter into the management without any sanction. If they pay lump sums then they can be on the committee., but our majority must be there. We have had bad experience in Nairobi due to carelessness in forming the management committee., therefore I am advising you in this way.

You mention you are making a resolution to change the Articles and Memorandum of Association, but I do not think you can do that because the trustees in the Articles and Memorandum must all sign, and I do not think that you are mentioned there. You may send me one copy of that Articles and Memorandum. Why she wants to be included in the Articles?

On the total, how many square feet are estimated throughout the whole building? You must raise the full amount of our expenditures. Sumati Morarji is our ___ friend, that's all right, but tactfully she must agree to contribute for the main temple, just like Khandelwal. Let me know what they are doing.

Letter to Yasodanandana, Gurukrpa -- London 9 August, 1972:

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 2 August, 1972, and I am very much pleased to hear that you are leaving Calcutta for your tour of the cities of south India. This is very pleasing news to me, and I think that you will have the first-class reception in places such as Bangalore. I shall myself be coming to India sometime in October, so if you are able to arrange any nice engagements in the south part of India for me, I shall be glad to come there. Kindly consult with Bhavananda, Giriraja, Gurudasa and the others in the respect and try to organize something very nice in South India.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 23 August, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your long letter, and immediately I have sent one telegram as desired by you, reading as follows:



In the conveyance deed, there is a clause on page 7 that states that the purchaser shall not be required to pay either of the last two installments, namely E and D, aforesaid, until the suit filed against the vendor in the Bombay High-Court (suit #94 of 1968, Messrs. Chhaganlal and Co. vs Mrs. Candrabai A.B. Nair) is disposed of and the amount, if any, in the said suit is paid to the plaintiff. Therefore, out of 14 lakhs, we have paid 2 lakhs. The bank may pay further 8 lakhs, and 4 lakhs should be held up until the above-mentioned suit #94 of 1968 is disposed of. In this way arrangements should be made. Regarding construction material, I see that 64 lakhs will be spent for the whole construction, and you have to pay 5% on the amount to the architect. I think it will be a huge amount. In Delhi, one architect asked for 2%, but I thought that somebody may contribute his service for this great cause. If not, the charges may not go more that 2-2 1/2%. In this connection, you may consult Gurudasa. I think that 5% is too much. Anyway, you are on the spot, you can do the needful by consulting amongst yourselves. Formerly it was understood that Mr. Nair would not charge interest. Anyway, if you have to charge interest, better go to the bank. There is a proposal that somebody wants to donate seven acres of land at Ahmedabad, 17 miles from the town. This proposal was sent by Paramahamsa das Brahmacari, and I have already replied his letter. So if it is convenient, some of you can go see the land, and if it is favorable, we shall go and develop an asrama there. There was a reference in the letter of Mahamsa that the President Giri can open the foundation stone ceremony of our temple, as he is a friend of Mr. Somani. I have already replied his letter, and you can see it. If it is a fact, I have suggested that the ceremony can take place on Wednesday, September 20. That day is auspicious on account of the appearance of Vamanadeva and Srila Jiva Goswami. If it is a fact, then we can invite many responsible persons—the Prime Minister, Governors, many secretaries on that occasion. Then it will be possible to place our philosophy before a very respectable assembly and it will be easier to raise funds also. People have not yet understood our philosophy, how glorious it is, and how this Indian culture could be accepted throughout the whole world. The ritual foundation stone ceremony was already observed and you have the marble tablet. I think President Giri's name also will be included in that tablet and it will be set up on the corner foundation of the temple.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 24 August, 1972:


(To Giriraja)



Letter to Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 26 August, 1972:

My program is already sent to you earlier, I shall be in Vrndavana from middle October to middle November, but after that time I am free to come to Calcutta for holding our festival, but these things should be decided amongst all of you leaders in India, including Gurudasa, Giriraja, Tamala, Bhavananda, Gargamuni.

Letter to Madhavananda -- Los Angeles 26 August, 1972:

Regarding my Gita Gan, take quotation for printing there also. If it is cheaper why should we go to Dai Nippon? I think Jugantar can do the work, let them do it conveniently. Anyway, somehow or other do it, and you can request Giriraja to send the money from the Book Fund if he approves of everything. You can ask Asokamrta or I think there are some Bengali girls there also, all of them are well educated, they can proofread the manuscript.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 27 August, 1972:


(To Giriraja)


Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 31 August, 1972:


(To Giriraja)


Letter to Tamala Krsna -- New Vrindaban 7 September, 1972:

In Vrindaban I wanted a temple like Radha-Govindaji's and a simple residential quarter, but it has not yet begun due to so many reasons. Now when you have gone please do begin something without any delay. Our Bombay affair has been little muddled because the conveyance deed is not yet executed. I have sent Bhavananda to Bombay to look after the matter with Giriraja, but I do not know what is the resolution by this time. Anyway, let us work very diligently for Krishna all over the world, and our advancement will depend on our sincerity.

Letter to Giriraja -- Dallas 12 September, 1972:




Letter to Yadubara -- Los Angeles 13 September, 1972:

Another thing is, I have got one letter recently from Mahamsa requesting to change his position, but you can tell him to kindly wait until I come there. Then we shall see. Also I have heard from Karandhara that Giriraja wants to give up his position as president at Bombay and that you will take charge of Bombay center. Similarly, I have sent him one telegram requesting to wait until I come there, then we shall make all arrangements.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 26 September, 1972:

Thank you very much for your detailed letter dated September 16, 1972, and I am glad to learn in detail how the things are going on in Bombay. I am always thinking about that place, it is only a few steps to the Juhu Beach, and there are many nice palm trees overhead with cooling breezes, and I am looking forward very much to return there soon. Only I am always anxious how the things are going on there, therefore I have asked you to report regularly. So far the bank mortgage is concerned, that is all right. Why don't you do it and finish this business with Nair? This talk is going on since so many months, why it is not being finished up? Now we have formed a committee., now whatever you think, you do. I want to see how the things are going on, and how it is going depends on you. Now I cannot tax my brain so much from such distant place what to do if there is any difficulty, therefore I am relying completely on you, my trusted senior disciples, to finish up these things nicely. I want that construction work be immediately taken up. If this is not possible, as suggested by Madhukar Munim, we may file a criminal or civil charges, as you see fit. Either this way or that way, finish it immediately. So many letters you are sending for the past so many months, and still nothing is settled. You may take bank mortgage for 20-30 lacs extra and use it for construction, that is approved by me. I just want to see that things are done, that's all.

The Board of Trustees is approved by me. Regarding the Rs. 4,000 for paper for the Gujarati issue of Back to Godhead,, I have sent you already Rs. 70,000 and Rs. 29,000, whether that has been replaced? Then I will forward further sums. I have requested Satsvarupa to reimburse you immediately the Rs. 7,000 paid out for the Dallas and Detroit deities.

One thing is, you have sent the conveyance for the unoccupied agricultural land valued at Rs. 900,000 but there is no conveyance issued for the occupied land or nonagricultural land with buildings valued at Rs. 500,000. When that conveyance will be also signed? Kindly send me one copy of that second conveyance* as soon as possible. It is mentioned in the one conveyance you have sent me that a second conveyance must be also issued, but I want to see that that is done as quickly as possible and settle up this matter once and for all.

Your plan for forming sankirtana parties for selling our literatures throughout India is very much appreciated by me. Now you have got many many books there and in order to finance our building projects in India you must sell these books profusely. The traveling party idea is the best method for distributing our literatures widely. All funds should be deposited in the Book and Building Accounts and spent for those purposes only. I have very much appreciated your Hare Krsna monthly magazine, it is a great step forward, now maintain it actually monthly and collect many advertisements and spread our propaganda in this way. One thing is, Bhavananda has suggested that you need more help but he was called to help you from Calcutta and coming such long distance he was also silent and then he went away. I do not know why he has gone away because I asked him to stay there in Bombay and help you execute the conveyances and not to leave Bombay until the conveyances were signed. Kindly keep me informed more regularly what you are doing and how the things are getting done in Bombay.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 29 September, 1972:

I have received one letter from Giriraja, copy enclosed, and I am very much distressed why this conveyance business is not yet settled up. I sent Bhavananda there to Bombay to do the needful, and he was silent and went away. Enclosed also find my reply to Giriraja's letter. Now I want that both of you shall go to Bombay immediately for finishing up this conveyance matter immediately. Try to get bank loan, and if you cannot, make arrangements for taking five lakhs from Mr. Jayan and we shall transfer from here as per his order, duly signed by both of you, double signature.

Keep me informed daily in this connection.

Hoping this meets you both in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

cc: Giriraja


Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 29 September, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 25, 1972, and I am very much distressed that this conveyance business is still going on and it cannot be settled. You have formed a big committee. with Sumati Morarji, so what use is such committee.? Why they cannot help you finish this business? If the money is still not available, what is the use of this big sound? Although by law Mr. Nair must give us the conveyance, and we are not legally bound to pay the 5 lakhs conveyance tax, still, we shall pay it and subtract form the purchase price, as he suggests. But one thing is, you must secure document in proper legal from which will insure that the five lakhs will be subtracted from the fourteen lakhs purchase price, not that again we shall have to pay according to Mr. Nair's whims. Try to get that bank loan of five lakhs, and Sumati-ben will stand as guarantor, try for that and somehow or other get the bank to loan us. But if you are unable to get the bank loan, we shall pay. If it is not possible to get the bank loan, you send telegram to Los Angeles and we shall make necessary arrangements from this side. But somehow or other this business must be settled up immediately, so complete the conveyance on this understanding.

You can give public notice in the Public Notices column in the newspaper and send one copy to Mr. Nair, as follows: "The International Society for Krishna Consciousness has purchased the land in Juhu, Bombay-54, known as Nairwadi, plot __, under purchase agreement dated __, and we have advanced the requisite money under the Sales Agreement. The other party, Mrs. A. B. Nair, has not, however, completed the business under some pretext. Under the circumstances, if someone attempts to purchase the land, he does so at his own risk as we are already in possession of the purchase agreement signed by Mrs. A. B. Nair."

We shall be leaving Los Angeles by the 6th October for San Francisco, thereafter we shall leave for India, arriving in Delhi by 16th October. Kindly keep me informed daily what is the progress in this connection. Karandhara is in Germany and London on some business, so if it is required he can come there immediately to assist you. I want that this conveyance business be finished up immediately. I am sending also Tamala Krishna and Bhavananda there to help you do the needful. You may inform me by cable if you have got the bank loan or not, or if you require Karandhara to come.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 30 September, 1972:

The summary of the Bombay situation is this: Nair says he has to pay 5 lacs of rupees to the government as a tax. This 5 lacs of rupees he is unwilling to pay from his pocket, so Giriraja, with the help of Sumati Morarji-Ben, is trying to take loan of 5 lacs from the bank, but it is not yet completed. A copy of Giriraja's letter is already sent to you and I have requested you to go there along with Bhavananda if possible or you go alone and save the situation. If money is required from here it can be arranged in the same way as with Mayapur. But it is better to arrange for the money locally through the bank, as Sumati Morarji-Ben has promised. If money is not available in that way, then arrange money from Mr. Jayan and we shall arrange for the necessary action as it is done. But in any case we must not deviate from the terms of the purchase agreement. But as a matter of concession we can pay further 5 lacs of rupees, to be deducted from the total price of 14 lacs. We have already paid 2 lacs, and if we pay further 5 lacs, taking loan from others, then it is to be understood that we have paid 7 lacs on the total, and the further 7 lacs will be paid, either taking loan from the bank, failing which, in terms of the original purchase agreement as already devised there, we shall take the remaining 7 lacs as mortgage from Mr. Nair.

All of this appears to be very complicated, and Giriraja is finding difficulty, from his letter I can understand. So I think you have to revive your position as GBC again and look after all the business of India affairs nicely. May Krsna bless you with all good sense. Your program submitted by you all jointly is tentatively accepted by me. Our meeting time in New Delhi will be informed very soon by letter and telegram both.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 4 October, 1972:

I thank you very much for your letter dated September 27, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am greatly relieved to hear from you that the bank is likely willing to loan us Rs. 5 lakhs or Rs. 10 lakhs. That is the ideal solution. Best thing is to take loan. We have paid two lakhs, so take twelve lakhs from bank and finish the business. That will be nice. Otherwise, we shall go to the court with lawyer and get out a criminal case against him. That is the lawyers business. Take loan and give him, that is the best solution.

We want to keep that land, we do not want to break the agreement, therefore I have formed this committee.. Actually we are in possession of the land, and we shall remain there. Now if we have to take Mr. Nair to criminal court, and supposing it will take years to settle, still, we can occupy and carry on as we are doing. But if you can prove to the municipal officers that we are legally in possession of the land according to sales agreement, why they shall not give permission to build?

We must have that land, and on the terms of the purchase agreement. Otherwise we shall bring him to the criminal court. We are in possession of the land in legal terms, so even the government cannot take it. We can give Mr. Nair this much concession, the five lakhs worth, but it must be deducted from the purchase price. Otherwise, we shall not give any concession we shall go to the courts. You consult the lawyers. The committee. is there, I want that the land should be purchased, that's all.

Hoping this meets you in good health,

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

n.b. Syamasundara. is in London now for settling up the London house, and he will fly to Bombay very soon on his way to meet me in Delhi, so why not take his help to finish this business?


Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 5 October, 1972:

Here is a copy of a letter received from Ambubhai & Diwanji that they are no longer acting as our attorneys. So please let me know who is acting as our attorney and what is the situation. Please reply to both Manila and Vrndavana addresses. Manila address is ISKCON Manila, 179 Ortega St., San Juan Rizl, Manila, Republic of the Philippines.

Hoping this meets you in good health

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


P.S. Vrndavana address is Radha-Damodara Temple, Sevakunj, Vrndavana, Mathura (U.P.)

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- San Francisco 6 October, 1972:

I do not know where you are now, probably you are in Bombay. So, I am sending one copy to Bombay and one to Vrndavana. The Bombay dealing has been muddled by the tactis of Mr. Nair and Diwanji. Giriraja is in trouble. He is a child in these worldly dealings so immediately go to help him. The present position is that Mr. Nair wants more money. We have already paid him two lacs. So according to our purchase agreement, we require to pay him 12 lacs in 4 years. But he says that he has to pay 5 lacs to the government as tax, so he cannot pay from his own pocket. So we are prepared to pay him 5 lacs against the purchase value. So both you and Bhavananda arrange for this money from Mr. Jayan, and send advice to Karandhara by joint signature. But you must be careful to pay the money in the court (registrar's office) and not in the hand of Mr. Nair or his solicitor.

Letter to Giriraja -- San Francisco 8 October, 1972:


(To Giriraja)



Letter to Giriraja -- San Francisco 9 October, 1972:


(To Giriraja)



Letter to Giriraja -- San Francisco 9 October, 1972:


(To Giriraja)



Letter to Tamala Krsna, Giriraja -- Manila 11 October, 1972:


My dear Tamala Krishna and Giriraja,

Please accept my Blessings. I am writing this letter aboard the airship from Hawaii to Manila. I am reaching Manila in the morning 7:00 A.M. on the 11th October 1972. As scheduled I am reaching Delhi on the night of the 14th, so if need be you can see me at Vrndavana on the 15th or 16th, but my definite instruction is this,

1. We have fulfilled all the conditions as purchaser.

2. Mr. Nair has purposefully delayed with a motive to cheat us as he had done with some others in this connection.

3. But this time he cannot cheat us because we are in possession of the land and our deity Radha-Krsna is installed there.

4. Therefore we must immediately go to the court for enforcing him to execute the conveyance immediately.

5. Even the court case goes on for a long time, still our business there cannot be stopped.

6. Without going to the court, we cannot make any compromise with him.

7. But I think we can arrange the full amount of 14 lacs to get out this rascal out of the scene.

8. But we cannot do it without going to the court otherwise we shall become a party for breaking the purchase agreement. Therefore we have to go to the court before making any compromise.

9. In the meantime, take definite information from the bank whether they can loan us 50% of the whole value.

10. The whole value is 14 lacs. We have already paid 2 lacs. We can arrange to pay farther 5 lacs. That means we pay 7 lacs, the bank may pay the balance 7 lacs.

11. Actually the bank may not have to pay even 7 lacs because according to the purchase agreement, the last payment of 4 lacs has to be paid upon the decision on the court case pending about Chiman lal and company.

So you have to act according to this program on the advice of suitable lawyers.

Hoping this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

cc. to Sriman Karandhara in London


Letter to Yadubara -- Manila 13 October, 1972:

In my last letter I informed you that 70,000 and 29,000 rupees were transferred from the Book Fund, whether this money has been returned to Book Fund. So there is no information in your letter about this, so let me know in Vrndavana whether this fund has been returned yet. Mahamsa knows it, Giriraja knows it and you as secretary should also have known it. So when I return you should inform me and then I shall do the needful.

Letter to Karandhara, Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, Giriraja -- Vrindaban 19 October, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter of October 18, 1972, jointly signed by all of you and delivered to me by Syamasundara.. If the Charity Commissioner refuses us the permission then there is no point continuing, and in that case we shall try to get the two lakhs we have paid back and go away. But it appears the Charity Commissioner permission is delayed and not refused, it is not a very grand mistake, and we can chastise for that the lawyers. I have read the clause 11, in the original Agreement for Sale and I do not find any mention of there being any six month time limit for obtaining the Charity Commissioner's approval, as you have told Syamasundara.. So there is only some delay, that's all. That will not be sufficient grounds for him to rescind the contract. Rather, our position is very strong so long we are in possession and we have paid him the earnest money and more. So best thing is to consult Mulla and Mulla and proceed accordingly. If there is need to pay off the twelve lakhs, we can do it by giving him four lakhs immediately and the balance eight lakhs we shall arrange with Mr. Jayan very soon. But Mulla and Mulla have said it is suicidal unless there is settlement of the Chhaganlal business first. So we shall not be willing to pay the twelve lakhs unless this matter of Chhaganlal's lawsuit and the registration of the conveyance deed and payment of capital gains tax by Mr. Nair are peacefully settled without any risk to us. Try to fix up some arrangement acceptable to Mr. Nair for paying him, but we shall not risk that we may lose everything to Chhaganlal or some other of Mr. Nair's cheating dealings. So best thing is to follow the advise of Mulla and Mulla and stick to our position very securely. If there is no possibility of settling with Mr. Nair without any risk to ourselves, then we shall stick to the terms of the original agreement and take the matter to court. How he can say we have defaulted? He has purposefully delayed, so if we take the matter to court he must reply to these charges. One thing is, that the whole trouble is due to Deewanji's misdealings. He should be brought before the Bar Association and exposed. We shall deal with him later.

Letter to Karandhara, Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, Giriraja -- Vrindaban 20 October, 1972:

Further to my letter of yesterday, I have thought the matter over thoroughly, and without any doubt our position in the matter is very strong. Nair is bluffing. One of my godbrothers who is expert in these things has advised me, and I also know it from experience, that once the agreement of sale is signed that is final, and it will not be very easy, in fact, it will be impossible for Nair to defeat us in the courts if it comes to that.

Now the thing is that Nair has accepted from us two lakhs of rupees, as follows: On February 8, 1972, cheque #GT/HS 306871 for Rs. 50,000; on February 25, 1972, cheque CHT/A-T492829 for Rs. 50,000; and on March 28, 1972, cheque # CHT/A-T492831 for Rs. 1,00,000. Now according to our agreement, that last one lakh of rupees was not to be accepted by him until the conveyance was completed. So he has taken, that means he accepts that the conveyance has been completed! Now you may go to the bank or somehow or other determine the exact date on which Mr. Nair accepted the cheque as above mentioned for Rs. 1,00,000, and that will serve as legal proof he has finalized the conveyance terms.

Our position is very strong. Now you purchase that house on the south border-line, repair it nicely and you can live there for years if we have to. I think he will take Rs. 15,000 cash if you can persuade him, or if he will not yield you can pay him Rs. 20,000 and finish the business. Possession is nine-tenths of the law. Why you should be afraid of him? We can satisfy any court of law. He has given us possession according to the terms of the agreement of sale, and we have paid him Rs. 50,000 to take possession, and he has acknowledged receipt, that means the transaction is finished. If I have something and I sell you, and you give me money and I give you that thing, the transaction is finished, never mind there is no receipt. So with Nair our transaction is finished. We have paid him money, he has given us possession, and we have agreed to terms for paying the rest of the money, that's all. He is simply planning tricks because there is no receipt and he does not want to give us receipt.

Take information from the bank when he took the money. One year from that time according to the terms of the purchase agreement we are supposed to pay further two lakhs, that is, one year from the execution of the conveyance. So we have paid Rs. 50,000 as earnest money, according to the agreement, and the agreement then states that we must pay Rs. 1,50,000 "upon the execution of the conveyance." So he has accepted that means conveyance transaction is complete, he may give me receipt or not, that doesn't matter. It is a case of misappropriation, he did not deliver the goods. Once when I was in business I took money from one man for an order of goods and I was bit late in delivering them, so he wanted to sue me in the court for misappropriation. It is the same thing. We have paid Nair, taken possession, and now he doesn't want to deliver the goods.

According to the clauses 14 and 15 in the purchase agreement, it is our option to rescind the contract within six months, not the vendor's. But he has accepted the cheque for Rs. 1,00,000 before six months, therefore we consider that he has completed the conveyance and we do not want to rescind but we shall close the deal immediately, finished, that's all. He is trying to avoid this issue by tricks, and he has dominated you and you are little afraid of him, and he has fooled you to think he is in superior legal position so that you will give him some money. But this is cheating. We shall not give him any more money. Don't pay him any more. First of all bring a criminal case against him. Deewanji cannot say he was not our lawyer, because he has executed this agreement. He should be brought to the notice of the Bar Association and humiliated. So make criminal case by consulting lawyer. It will not take much time. It is simple case of his cheating, that any reasonable man can see. So immediately you can file criminal case. He has taken money but he has not executed. So why you should be disappointed and afraid of him? Our position is very, very strong. We have paid money and we are in possession, so what remains for conveyance? As soon as you take money the transaction is finished, you may take receipt or not, otherwise it is simply cheating. So find out a first-class lawyer and apply in the court that the purchase agreement is already done and get it done, that's all. He is simply bluffing.

Enclosed find the copy of one letter I have forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. Nair. You may further request them to come and see me here. It will be too much difficult for me to come to Bombay at this time. Otherwise I am coming to Bombay in December if he wants to wait so long. Another thing is, I do not think it is necessary for Bhavananda to remain in Bombay for this business. Better if Karandhara and Tamala Krishna tackle the matter co-operatively by applying their full attention, and Bhavananda may return to Calcutta for taking charge there as soon as possible.

Letter to Karandhara, Tamala Krsna, Giriraja, Bhavananda -- Vrindaban 24 October, 1972:

I am just now in receipt of your letter dated October 20, 1972, and Visakha dasi has just arrived and has told that you have not received any letter from me, and that you have sent several telegrams and letters. I have not received all of them I think. I received one express letter from the four of you dated Oct. 16th on Oct. 20th, four days from posting. Your letter dated Oct. 19th was received by me however on Oct. 21st, and just now I have received the letter of Oct. 20th. Enclosed find the copy of my letter of 20th.

If the title is all right I have no objection to your proposal to finish the deal with Nair by paying him personally Rs. 5,50,000 and to Mr. Shah Rs. 6,50,000 30 days from completion of an appropriate conveyance, the Rs. 6,50,000 to be handed over to Nair upon his settling of the Chhanganlal suit, and provided Nair provided us the necessary tax certificate for registration before we pay. The title must be there, otherwise we cannot complete. How there can be conveyance without title? Otherwise go to court, he is afraid of going to court, you have marked it? Our advantage if we go to court is that we shall not have to pay anything until one year from the execution of the conveyance deed. We shall only have to pay according to the original purchase agreement. If we pay 12 lakhs, that will take everything, there will be no money to build, and you shall have to repay the 8 lakhs, so whether we shall risk so much under these circumstances?

And why you are giving limit 30 days to find title? You say 30 days after conveyance is signed, so that gives you much more time to find it out. Title can be cleared in time, that is not very difficult business.

You think your position is rather hopeless. But I say that our position is very strong, just the opposite. Why you say hopeless? When Nair accepted two lakhs rupees of ours, the terms of purchase are finished, simply he has delayed to give us the papers. The transaction is finished when he accepts the money, so by tricks he is delaying. So why you are delaying to make case, there is no question of searching out the title. The point is when he accepted the money he accepted the conveyance. So immediately make a criminal case. After the case is decided, he shall be forced to give us the conveyance, and within one year after we shall give him the next installment of two lakhs. Because the transaction is finished, so we can legally occupy all the land, it is not trespass when the transaction has been completed and Nair has accepted the terms of sale by accepting money.

If you are thinking hopeless, then how I can make you hopeful? Our point is, he has accepted the money, that means he has agreed to terms of SALE. Take police precaution if he is threatening violence. We are in possession according to the terms of the agreement, simply he has delayed the conveyance. Therefore I say that you boys cannot deal very well in these matters, because you are too timid. Now whatever you like you may do. Immediately criminal case should be taken, that you are not doing because he is bluffing you. He says big words and makes threat and you believe him foolishly and do like he says. That I shall not do. When we have paid money that means he has accepted. Whatever it is, do not mention title search. That will come later, after the case is settled by the court.

But one thing is, if he returns immediately our two lakhs, plus Rs. 70,000 stamp tax money, we shall vacate, that's all. There is no question of damages. Either this plan, that he pays us back our money and we vacate immediately, or we go to court immediately. One way or the other. Otherwise we are already in possession legally, we have paid according to the terms of the agreement, and he accepted the money. So just to rid ourselves of this headache we will accept back the Rs. 2,70,000 and vacate immediately. Otherwise, immediately take him to court. Our position is very strong. Do not think think weak and timid, he is bluffing. You have not read the purchase agreement carefully.

Immediately an application should be submitted to the magistrate that he has accepted the money and has willfully delayed the conveyance on tricks, and he has threatened to drive away even by violence, what is this? You could not find out a good lawyer even? This must all be heard before a magistrate.

The transaction is finished, he has illegally delayed to give us the conveyance. Now through the courts we can force him to give. We shall stick to the purchase agreement, nothing else. And take police precaution that he is threatening us. Go to the magistrate and tell him we gave Nair money and now he is threatening violence to drive us away. We shall go to the court, there is no other way. Criminal court means complaint that we have given money, he has not given conveyance, he is threatening by force to drive us from the place. This is the only settlement possible, that he returns our Rs. 2,70,000 immediately and we vacate, or immediately file criminal case. There is no other alternative. We have finished the business. He is entrapped because he has received the money. Our boys do not understand. Anything, as soon as you receive money the transaction is finished. And even it is six months passed, it is our option to rescind, not his. Charity Commissioner has delayed, that is not very serious for disqualifying us. There is no time limit mentioned for getting permission from Charity Commissioner. Still, try for the permission from Charity Commissioner as quickly as possible, then we shall go on with the terms of the original agreement, either voluntarily or we shall have to force him through the courts. One thing is, you have said that we shall have to pay "entire additional Rs. 70,000 stamp duty," so does this mean we must pay only an additional 5% of Rs. 70,000 or Rs. 3,500 extra, or again pay Rs. 70,000 plus 5%? That is not clear.

In my opinion if you apply a petition before the magistrate that Nair has taken the money, that he is not giving the conveyance, playing tricks, and that now he is threatening by violence, such petition will clear everything. He is afraid of going to court, that is our favorable point. My clear-cut view is simply to present a petition to the magistrate. It costs only 12 annas. This complaint should be submitted, take a good criminal lawyer and file, then everything will be clear.

Letter to Giriraja -- Vrindaban 1 November, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 22, 1972, regarding the supply of deity for Chicago centre. I am told that the Bharatapur deity is more than 200 years old and is made of solid silver, and therefore it will be very difficult to get government permission to export it from India. It will be too much trouble, so if nice deities can be gotten from Jaipur as we have done before, that is better.

Now first business is to get the permission of Charity Commissioner. One MP from Assam has forwarded his letter to Chief Minister Naik urging him to help us get that permission. If we cannot settle, then get the Charity Permission and sue in the court. Our position is strong. We can sue even without Charity Commission permission.

You and Tamala Krishna arrange the pandal programme in Bombay to be the first-class presentation, and inform me of the dates. I think Tamala told me once from December 20 to January 10th. From Bombay I shall go to Calcutta, and after the 20th January I have been invited by Madhudvisa to go to Australia for about one month or six weeks, and then I shall return to Mayapur. Before coming to Bombay, I may go to Ahmedabad for some time, as Dinanatha has gone there to arrange the programme.

So long the regulative principles are followed, everything else will follow, and at least we shall command the respect of the public. People may not have the impression that they are the same hippies under different dress.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Giriraja, Manusvi -- Vrindaban 7 November, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 4th November, 1972, and in reply I have sent one telegram, as follows: "We must have land according to purchase agreement. Letter follows. Bhaktivedanta Swami." So further to telegram, if Mr. Nair pays back all our money, total of Rs. 2,77,500/-, if this is returned immediately, then we don't take any action and we vacate immediately and peacefully. But if he does not repay and we do not vacate, then we must have that land at any cost on the purchase agreement. You only want to file criminal suit. No, we shall take civil steps also. Our point is to try to get the land according to the original agreement. Even the land is not bargain, that doesn't matter. Don't change. If we have to pay two lakhs rupees a year, what is that? My position from the very beginning has been, give us our money back, we vacate, otherwise we take legal steps for acquiring the land according to the purchase agreement, as well as steps for insuring our protection, that's all. So work according to this plan and keep me informed.

What have you done regarding the permission from Charity Commissioner? That is essential, take that permission immediately.

What is the programme for Hyderabad? Bhavananda has not yet sent the tickets for train or plane-fare, neither anything definite has been informed us. Whether there will be nice arrangement for deities there, and which deities they are putting there? Please inform.

Page Title:Training of Giriraja dasa (Letters, 1972)
Created:01 of Jun, 2010
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