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Training of Cidananda dasa (Letters, 1967 - 1976)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"Activities" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book" |"Books" |"Branch" |"Branches" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Chidananda" |"Cidananda" |"Consult" |"Consulting" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperated" |"Cooperation" |"Cooperatively" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Distribution" |"Duty" |"Festival" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiates" |"Initiating" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Leading" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Magazine" |"Magazines" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managers" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust" |"Meeting" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Organize" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Preaching" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Program" |"Programs" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Rathayatra" |"Report" |"Reports" |"Sankirtana" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"The society" |"Translate" |"Translated" |"Translating" |"Translation" |"Translations" |"Zonal" |"Zone"

Notes from the compiler: Quote not yet compiled for: Letter to: ISKCON L.A., Nagapatni, Tradhis, Janmastami, Vikramini, Babhrubahan, Sacidevi, Karandhara, Santanandi, Romaharsana, Suchitra, Gajendra, Purnima, Sarala, Karunasindhu, Ananga, Krsnakanti, Herapancami, Jayatirtha, Ujjala, Gopala Bhattadas, Vrindaban Candra, Vidarba Kanya, Kanupriya, Caitanya,, Baba, Govinda, Poulastini, Brin, Dru, Becky, Nandalal, Freda, Tungabhadra, Cintamani, Carol, Silavati, Tulsidevi, Prsni, Joanne, Suniti, Cidananda, Madhukanta, Siddhesvara, Ramesvara, Phillip, Paramesvari, Bhutanatha, Trilochana, Jangarama, Pierre, Upadaliya, Pipali, Larry, Premarnava, Srivasa, Sarvabhauma, Riktananda, others — London 15 August, 1971


1967 Correspondence

Letter to Lilasukha -- San Francisco 17 December, 1967:

Your letter of Nov. 26, 1967, received along with your beads. I have sanctified your beads last evening when I initiated two other boys Cidananda and Krishna das. I am very glad to know that you are realizing Krishna Consciousness. The more you chant, the more you will realize.

1968 Correspondence

Letter to Cidananda -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968:

I am so glad to receive your letter dated Feb. 20, and I have noted the contents. You can arrange to supply prasadam only to our devotees. We are not in a position financially to distribute foodstuff for the poor class of men. Such men may take shelter of some charitable institution. At the present moment, we are not in a position to make charities but for the devotees we can sacrifice anything. So you can stop preparing prasadam for persons who are not willing to work neither to pay. Regarding your going to India, that is already in my program. Please save some money, not only for your passage but also for my passage. I am coming back to San Francisco by the 10th of March. When we meet we shall talk more of our Indian program. I think it is Krishna's desire that you should come to India with me and help in establishing a nice Indian center there.

Letter to Uddhava, Cidananda -- Los Angeles 26 February, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letters sent on Feb. 26, 1968. Yes, the idea of finding a large house for all the devotees is very nice. Please do it. And, if it is available, I shall stay there also, but it must be a quiet place, as much as possible. If it is not yet available, then I can stay in the building above the temple, provided the lift works.

So far the speaking engagements are concerned, they must be well-organized and sponsored, so that there will be enough publicity and many people will come. We are not cheap, we want to speak something, but there must be good accommodations provided. There must be speaker system, and there must be good publicity beforehand so that many may know of us and come. This is very important.

As it is presently planned, we shall leave this place on the 8th of March by PSA Airlines. The flight number is 977, and it leaves Burbank at 10:10 a.m. and arrives at San Francisco at 11:05 a.m. So you can make arrangements accordingly, and I will be very anxious to see all my good San Francisco students again. Hope you are well.

Letter to Mukunda, Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1968:

P.S. Please hand over the enclosed letter to Uddhava & Cidananda.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Allston, Mass 5 May, 1968:

P.S. Regarding church negotiations, Mr. Kallman's letter of assurance shall be the last word from us. They must reply it now yes or no. If "yes" then take in writing and send it to me. If "no" then take back the check for $1000.00; there is no need of lingering the matter. Please inform Jayananda and Cidananda about my opinion in this connection. Please let me know the result by return post.

Letter to Cidananda -- Montreal 12 July, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 8, 1968, and in the meantime, Uddhava das, and Krishna das Brahmacaris have also come here via New York. Since I wrote you about the stop payment instruction, I have received payment of both the checks and money order. So you need not worry about it. When you go to Australia, you must take with you one mrdanga and at least 4 pairs of cymbals to begin Kirtana immediately there. When I came to your country in 1965, I brought with me only one pair of cymbals, and it has increased to so many pairs, at least 50 times. And I came here without mrdanga. So when you go to Australia, you have to similarly increase the number of cymbals proportionately, namely, 50 times 4. That should be your mission, and I am confident that you can do it because you are a sincere soul. If you can introduce this Krishna Consciousness movement in such a distant place, Lord Caitanya will pour His incessant blessings upon you, and your life will be glorious. In this connection, I may give you the example of the boy, Subala, who was struggling in Santa Fe. Although he is not very much qualified from the worldly point of view, still his struggle for existence in Krishna Consciousness is advancing him more and more in spiritual realization. So far I know about you, you are intelligent, qualified, and willing worker for Krishna Consciousness, and I hope if you try to establish a center of our society in Sydney or any one of the important cities, of Australia, it will be a record in the history of Lord Caitanya's movement. I hope with this seriousness, you will go there, and always pray Lord Caitanya to help you. He is very kind, and He is always ready to help a willing worker. And as soon as you establish one center, it may be that I may go there for some time and try to help you in your organization. But before starting you should make an estimate of the procedure of your working there, as well as you must be assured of getting a job there. Here in America you are working and you are getting some money, but in Australia if you do not get immediately some occupation, it will be risky. So you must consider all these pros and cons intelligently and then, depending on the Grace of Krishna, you can go there, chanting all the ways, Hare Krishna.

Regarding some of your questions: Your question was, "I understand that we are not this body, mind, intelligence or ego, but are pure consciousness or pure spirit soul. This consciousness has been polluted by association with matter. By association with Krishna this consciousness will be purified. This consciousness is all throughout our body giving us the power to think, will, and feel, but how is consciousness interrelated with matter? Is consciousness like mist that hangs around a mountain? How do matter and spirit connect and how do they work together? I hope you understand my question. And what exactly takes place when consciousness becomes purified?" A living entity has constitutionally mind, intelligence, and ego, but they are contaminated in contact with matter. At the present moment, our ego is working under some designation. Somebody is thinking that he is an American or Indian, and other is thinking that he is Brahmacari or Householder. This sort of ego is material but when one is firmly convinced that he does not belong to any material designation, but, his pure identification is eternal servitorship of Krishna—in Vedic language it is called, aham brahmasmi. That means I am spirit soul. The Mayavada philosophers on account of their negligence to serve Krishna, may sometimes come to this understanding of Aham Brahma asmi, but they again fall down to the material platform on account of such negligence. Therefore, this chanting process is being constantly in Krishna Consciousness, there is no such fear of falling down of the devotees. Your statement "By association with Krishna this consciousness will be purified" is right. Consciousness is not related with matter. Just like the air is always pure, but when there is a mixture of dust in the air, it appears to be a cloud. The cloud and air are different substances. Similarly consciousness is pure spiritual, but when the consciousness desires to enjoy matter, it becomes cloudy and dusty, or contaminated. And then at that time, thinking, feeling, and willing everything becomes polluted. The same example as I have given several times that the proprietor of a car and the car are different identities, but when the proprietor thinks that this car is for his enjoyment, he becomes absorbed in such thought, and as soon as there is some loss or accident to the car, he thinks that he is hurt. This consciousness is false, but one suffers the consequences on account of false identification. Consciousness is not like mist, but when it is materially contaminated, it looks like that. Another example, that water from the sky falling down on the ground looks muddy, but water is not muddy, it is clear. When the water is again filtered, and muddy things are precipitated, the water comes to its original lustre, crystal clear. So our Krishna Consciousness movement is that we have to clear our consciousness by the transcendental addition of Krishna chemical. Then everything will be nice and clear, and we shall be able to see our identification without any designation. I think your questions are answered up to the last part, when you inquired "what exactly takes place when consciousness is becoming purified?"

Please keep me informed about your plans and program for Australia, and I hope you are all well.

Letter to Mukunda -- San Francisco 14 September, 1968:

I thought that Cidananda could go to Australia, but that idea has not been successful because the man in charge is an atheist, and as he scented that Cidananda is going to establish a center of Hare Krishna, he has withdrawn his cooperation and proved that his country is very unfortunate. So I am asking Gaurasundara to go to Hawaii or Florida. Gargamuni has already started one center at Seattle and Ananda Brahmacari from Montreal has gone to Vancouver. And New Vrindaban is being taken care of by several devotees.

Letter to Brahmananda -- San Francisco 15 September, 1968:

I am sending Gaurasundara to Hawaii, and probably I shall send Cidananda to Florida. And I have received letter from Sivananda that in Germany, there is good prospect, and he is already trying to rent one very nice storefront, 300 marks rent per month.

Letter to Mr. S. S. Sethi (Vice Consul of India) -- Seattle 26 September, 1968:

I do not know what to do with this wrong passport. The copy of the letter which I have addressed to Mr. Misra in this connection is also enclosed herewith. Kindly therefore do the needful immediately as I want both the passport and certificate very urgently, and I am simply waiting for them. I am sending my disciple Sriman Cidananda Brahmacari (Mr. Clay Harrold) to see you, and please advise him what to do.

Letter to Cidananda -- Seattle 5 October, 1968:

I have received acknowledgement of my letter dated 26th Sept., 1968, from Mr. S.S. Sethi, whom you saw. So I am replying him and the copy of the letter is enclosed, herewith. You can immediately go and see him and deliver the wrong passport, and take receipt signature on the copy of the letter. And keep the copy of the letter with the receipt signature, carefully.

Before delivering the wrong passport to Mr Sethi, you keep in your diary the number of the passport, the owner of the passport, and the issuing office etc., in your notebook. And after delivering the passbook to Mr. Sethi, please let me know what does he say. And I hope you will carry this nicely, and I shall be also glad to know how your San Francisco branch is going on. Here everything is all right; we hope we shall get very good response from the student community here, because one of the representatives of the student newspaper came to see me and there was nice discussion, and I hope a good report will come out.

I have not heard anything about the negotiation of the new temple house, and I shall be glad to hear about this from you.

Letter to Dinesh -- Seattle 6 October, 1968:

1. My passport and two certificates which are lying with Cidananda. These are very important documents and bring them within your inside pocket carefully.

Letter to Cidananda -- Seattle 15 October, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 11, 1968, and I have noted the contents carefully. I also thank you for sending my passport along with the two certificates which I have duly received yesterday and I am utilizing it for my medical examination, and other activities in connection with my permanent visa in USA. It is so much encouraging that your Sankirtana party is going everyday collecting some money and encouraging also that you are selling Back To Godhead. Similarly the Sankirtana party here also led by Tamala Krishna is doing very nicely. I understand that the son of Tulasi devi, Karnapura, has chosen coins in his Annaprashan ceremony. It is very nice. I think this boy will earn enough money for spreading Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Aniruddha -- Los Angeles 14 November, 1968:

The landlord in Hollywood Blvd. did not like our devotees to stay there, and he returned $450 so that we would move our articles there from the storefront. So the Deities are here in my apartment, so I do not know how we shall find out a suitable place. And when there is a nice suitable place for our temple, then I shall consider whether you are to come back. For the mean time, you work in San Francisco, and try to organize sales of our Back To Godhead as many as possible. I have not heard anything from Cidananda since a long time, and I hope he along with the other devotees are all well.

Letter to Aniruddha -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968:

Please convey my blessings to Cidananda. I have received his letter and am encouraged that he is taking interest in selling our Bhagavad-gita As It Is. You may all try to distribute this book as far as possible and it will be a great service to our movement. If any sincere person reads this book I think that he will be impressed by the solid footing on which our Krishna Consciousness is based. All of the nonsense Bhagavad-gitas that deny Krishna are simply bluffs so if one is intelligent he is sure to get some inkling of the authorized nature of our Krishna Conscious philosophy. So try to promote sales as far as you are able and Krishna will surely help you in this important endeavor.

Letter to Cidananda -- Los Angeles 24 December, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated Dec. 20, 1968, and with great pleasure I have noted the contents. Both you and Aniruddha are sincere devotees with good talents, so anything you do by combined consultation has my 100% approval. The idea of distribution of Prasadam is long standing, and I suggested this from the very beginning of my missionary activities, both in New York, and in San Francisco. But it has never come to any practical shape till now. Therefore, if you can actually start a Prasadam distribution program, it will be very very nice. But to start a separate restaurant for this purpose does not appeal to me. If we have Prasadam distribution program it is to be done in the temple premises, not separately. Separate attempt will require separate energy diverted from the temple management. Therefore if you do at all start Prasadam distribution, try to do it in the temple itself. In the temple also if you keep some Indian goods for sale, that is also very nice. But don't attempt two at a time. First of all start the Prasadam distribution and make it successful, then try to do business in Indian goods.

Regarding chanting in the street chased by the police is not good at all. The best thing is to invite people in our temple, and chant peacefully. If a person can sell from 7 to 12 magazines individually there is no need of making a procession of chanters and thereby disturbing the police equilibrium. If you can sell Back To Godhead individually as proposed by you, and some copies of our books, like Bhagavad-gita As It Is, that will be a great success. And there is no need of leading a procession of chanters for this purpose. The idea submitted by you is very nice, and I have given my 100% approval and I have given my opinion as above mentioned. Now you can do with intelligence depending on the supreme will of Krishna. I hope this will meet you in good health, and offer my blessings to all the devotees there.

1969 Correspondence

Letter to Aniruddha -- Los Angeles 23 January, 1969:

I can understand from your letter that there has been some disagreements or misunderstandings in the temple, but I think that you should know that all such disturbances must be solved peacefully and with consideration of the entire situation. Cidananda is the president there, and I think you understand rightly that everyone must cooperate with him in keeping the temple nicely and without any unnecessary tensions.

Letter to Cidananda -- Los Angeles 23 January, 1969:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 21, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. Since receiving this letter I have learned that you have decided that it is best that you do not leave your position in the San Francisco temple for the press department in New York. I think that this is the correct decision because your presence is very much needed in your temple. I am always glad to know that you are there to help manage the affairs of the San Francisco center so I am glad that you have decided to remain there as president. There are many places in San Francisco who will advertise in our Back To Godhead, so as much as possible you may try for this. But one thing is that the brahmacaris who are there must help in supporting the temple so you will have adequate time for this added responsibility upon you. So those who are able to earn money for supporting the temple must assist you in this connection.

I am very happy to learn that you are seriously negotiating to purchase the new house. But one thing is that if for one year there are people having regular meeting in our temple room with all of their smoking and other nonsense, I do not think this will be very good. In the meantime, you may continue to make negotiations, but if this condition cannot be changed I do not think the arrangement will be very satisfactory. I am so pleased to learn that Mulji bhai is so enthusiastic to help us in purchasing the house, and he is anxious to go from door to door to raise the money for helping in this way. Please encourage him because even this one building is not suitable then surely Krishna will supply us with some other house for our temple activities.

So I am fully aware that you are working very sincerely in Krishna Consciousness, and when difficulties arise you must simply remember to continue to depend upon Krishna, and He will supply you with the intelligence to solve any problems. You have already proven yourself as a very nice servitor of Lord Caitanya and I am always praying to Him that He will allow you to advance more and more in His eternal service.

Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 28 January, 1969:

Regarding the securing of advertisements, this responsibility should be divided among three centers, namely New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Purusottama has already gotten some advertisements for you, and he is teaching Sudama to help him also in Los Angeles. In San Francisco, both Cidananda and Dindayal will be trying for this also. In New York, Gargamuni and Nayana Bhirama should work in this way also. Nayana Bhirama did nicely in securing advertisements for this last issue, so I think he is skillful enough to be very helpful for the next issue also. If advertisements are sold in many different cities, it will add prestige to the magazine, because people will see that we are getting advertisements from all over.

Letter to Tirtha Maharaja -- Los Angeles 7 February, 1969:

I have already established the following centers:


61 Second Avenue

New York, NY

President: Brahmananda das Brahmacari (Bruce Scharf)

2. London ISKCON

22 Betterton Street

London WC 2


President: Mukunda das Adhikari (Michael Grant)

3. Hamburg Internationale Gesellschaft fur Krishna Bewusstein

2 Hamburg 19

Eppendorfer Weg 11


4. President: Sivananda das Brahmacari (Samuel Greer)

5. Hawaii ISKCON

4 Leilani Bldg. 1649 Kapialani Blvd.

Honolulu, Hawaii

President: Gaurasundara das Adhikari (G. McElroy)

6. Montreal ISKCON

3720 Park Avenue

Montreal 18, Quebec

President: Hamsaduta das Adhikari (Hans Kary)

7. San Francisco ISKCON

518 Frederick Street

San Francisco, Calif.

President: Cidananda das Brahmacari (Clay Harold)

8. New Vrindaban

RD 3

Moundsville, West Virginia

President: Kirtanananda Swami (Keith Ham)

9. Vancouver ISKCON

271 East Georgia Street

Vancouver 4, B.C. Canada

President: Ananda das Brahmacari (Eric Cassidy)

10. Seattle ISKCON

5516 Roosevelt Way N.E.

Seattle, Washington

President: Upendra das Brahmacari (Wayne Gunderson)

11. Santa Fe ISKCON

4113 West Water Street

Santa Fe, New Mexico

President: Harer Nama das Brahmacari (Harlon Jacobson)

12. North Carolina ISKCON

107 Laurel Avenue

Carrboro, N. Carolina

President: Bhurijana das Brahmacari (Wayne Connel)

13. Boston ISKCON

95 Glenville Avenue

Boston, Mass. (Allston)

President: Satsvarupa das Adhikari (Stephan Guarino)

14. Los Angeles ISKCON

1975 S. La Cienega Blvd.

Los Angeles, Calif.

President: Dayananda das Adhikari (Michael Wright)

15. Ohio ISKCON

1305 No. High Street

Columbus, Ohio

President: Hayagriva das Adhikari (Howard Wheeler)

Letter to Cidananda -- Los Angeles 11 February, 1969:

I am in due receipt of your letter of February 5, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. It is understood that you and Mulgi ba have been collecting for the new temple, but I do not know who is keeping account of this money. How much is there at present in this fund? Where is this fund being kept? Please inform me on these matters.

Regarding your efforts for securing advertisements for Back To Godhead, the best thing would be if we could stop these advertisements, but the difficulty is that without advertisements it would be very difficult to continue this magazine. So, under the circumstances, if you and other devotees can secure at least $100 per month for Back To Godhead, then it will not be necessary for you in San Francisco to obtain money by getting advertisements. Please consider on this point and let me know your ideas. So far as the Asian Student Foundation, I do not think you should give them free of charge 150 copies of Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

I hope that by now you are fully recovered in health, and I shall await your letter with interest. Please convey my blessings to the others in your temple.

Letter to Cidananda, Dindayal, Aniruddha, Makhanlal -- Los Angeles 23 February, 1969:

I have duly received all of your elaborate letters, and there are so many points to reply, it will take time to reply you properly. In the meantime, my request to you is that you take very seriously our program of Back to Godhead, and, as you have promised to contribute your quota of $750 per month against delivery of 5,000 copies of Back To Godhead, I am so much obliged to you all.

Now, who will work and who will not work that is consideration between yourselves. It is local affairs, and how can I advise you that one is to do something and another is to do something. Neither you should depend upon me for such local administrative business. All of you are sincere devotees pledged to the missionary activities, so you should sit together and decide what to do and what not to do.

But I am begging from you $750 per month against 5,000 copies of Back To Godhead. Out of this 5,000 copies, if you simply sell 1,500 copies you immediately realize your $750. The balance of 3,500 copies will be in your hands. If you can sell them at any price, not less than 30 cents per copy to stores, then whatever amount you realize will be clear profit for the Temple. If still there is some balance copies, then these copies we can distribute free by post to heads of the society, schools, colleges, libraries, and so many other institutions. So we have to make a list of them, and take concession rates from the post office. In this way we can make vigorous propaganda with Back to Godhead. Besides that, if you can introduce Sankirtana and classes and Back to Godhead in Berkeley, that will be another great advantage.

So I am reading your letters carefully and I shall answer them duly. In the meantime, you consider my appeal and do the needful jointly. For Aniruddha my instruction is that immediately there is no program in New Vrindaban because unless there is suitable houses for residence, we can not begin any work there. So I have instructed Hayagriva to make houses first. Then we can consider programs for going there. Now there is other important matters such as Back To Godhead which we should try for.

Letter to Gaurasundara, Govinda, Vamanadeva, Balabhadra, Sudama, Kartikeya -- San Francisco 2 April, 1969:

I beg to inform you that I have safely arrived as scheduled in San Francisco, and I am thinking fondly of you all. Cidananda has received one telephone call from Satsvarupa requesting advice as to what should be Jadurani's program, and I have advised that if the doctor wishes Jadurani to go to Hawaii immediately then she should do this. Otherwise she will wait in Boston till after I go there on April 22nd about. So when this matter is decided you will be notified about her arrival there.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Columbus, Ohio 13 May, 1969:

NB: Enclosed is one letter received from Cidananda, which you may read and do the needful.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- New Vrindaban 23 May, 1969:

The Rathayatra Festival program as suggested by you to invite many new people is very encouraging. Please do it very seriously, and make San Francisco a perfect New Jagannatha Puri. I think it will not be difficult because in San Francisco there are many nice devotees such as Dindayal, Cidananda, Makhanlal, as well as new devotees, such as Ojasvi and Devaprastha.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- New Vrindaban 12 June, 1969:

I am so pleased to receive your letter of June 9, 1969, and I can understand that Krishna is giving you intelligence how to manage the Western Coast branches of our society. I think you should now make an ad hoc committee. of management, comprising yourself, Jayananda, Cidananda, Dindayal, Upendra, etc. If in this way you can take charge of management affairs, it will be a very nice thing.

Letter to Cidananda -- Los Angeles 3 July, 1969:

I thank you very much for your letter dated June 24, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. Madhudvisa has already gone there as desired by you, and I am sure he will be very helpful. He is now a veteran trained man, and the Los Angeles temple is now an ideal place for all centers to take example. Now I hope you will be able to make San Francisco as important as Los Angeles temple in cooperation with Madhudvisa and the other devotees there. Please convey my blessings to Jayananda, who is helping so much now in organizing for the Rathayatra Festival. Regarding Kartikeya, if he wants to go to Germany, he can go, but if you require him in San Francisco at present, don't encourage him to go at present. But in Germany there is a need for brahmacaris, and Kartikeya knows a little German language. In Germany they are now printing a very fine German edition of Back To Godhead, and I am enclosing some clippings and a leaflet they have printed there. If Kartikeya can explain the words on these pages, then he can be encouraged to go to Germany. Just today I have received invitation from Krishna das that they want me to go immediately there, and even they have purchased one ticket for me. I will not be able to go to Germany immediately, but perhaps after the Rathayatra Festival this may be arranged.

Please convey my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet all of you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

NB: Enclosed is one letter to be given to Umapati, along with German papers for Kartikeya and one note for Madhudvisa.

If you meet Reka the Bengali Lady, tell her that I have received her letter without her present address. If she wants to come here she is welcome otherwise I am going there until Ratha Yatra festival.

Letter to Madhudvisa -- Los Angeles 15 August, 1969:

I thank you very much for your letter of August 11th, 1969, and I am so pleased to learn that your activities in San Francisco are going on nicely in cooperation with Jayananda and Cidananda. Jayananda and Chidananda are tested devotees as much as yourself and Tamala Krishna. You are all unique pairs. So I am gradually realizing that my attempt in this country to spread Krishna Consciousness has now taken some root, and I am sure this will grow more and more 'til it reaches the Lotus Feet of Krishna in Goloka Vrindaban.

Letter to Cidananda -- Tittenhurst 16 October, 1969:

It is a great pleasure to receive your letter dated October 7, 1969, and I am so glad to read it that you have got a nice place for starting our temple. I do not know what is the length and breadth of the space, but a throne of Radha Krishna may be made exactly on the pattern of Los Angeles, and the sample picture is sent herewith for your guidance. When everything is completed we shall install a 24" high Radha-Krishna Pair and make it exactly decorated like the Los Angeles temple. Ananda is a very silent worker and sincere devotee, and I am glad that two other brahmacaris, Ravindra and Rudra das, are also there to accompany you on the Sankirtana Party everyday. You are an experienced devotee, and I hope in your presence now Vancouver temple will come out very successful. I passed through Vancouver while coming from Seattle to Montreal, but I never saw the city. Now I hope while we install Radha-Krishna Murtis there I may see the nice city of Vancouver. Our method of establishing a flourishing center will continue to be the same. This is standard and successful. Please keep me informed about your center.

Here in London progress is going on nicely, and they have recently received authorization from the city authorities to establish our temple at 7 Bury Place in the heart of London. Last evening we held a very successful meeting at Conway Hall, and several hundred young boys and girls, as well as many Indian people, were chanting and dancing in transcendental ecstasy with us. Next week, and once every week for the next ten weeks, we have scheduled more such engagements. I am very much encouraged to see the nice reaction that the English people are having to our Krishna Consciousness Movement. It is all the Grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Letter to Bali Mardan -- October 28, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 15,1969, and it is very, very encouraging that you propose to go to Australia. Formerly I wanted to send Chidananda Brahmachari to Australia, and he attempted to take permission to go there. Somehow or other it was not fruitful. If you can now go there and start a center, it will be certainly all Glories to Sri Guru and Gouranga!

Letter to Rudra -- London 11 November, 1969:

It is very much pleasing to know that Vancouver center is improving daily. Cidananda is a very good organizing leader, Ananda is a good soul, and you are also a sincere devotee, so combinedly together push on this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Surely you will be successful.

Letter to Cidananda -- London 15 December, 1969:

I was very much anxious to hear from you since I did not receive any letter for a long time. So your letter dated December 7, 1969 is very encouraging and welcome. Since you have gone to Vancouver things have improved very nicely. Now we are going to print 50,000 BTGs per month, so try to increase the sales as far as possible. Sankirtana and distributing BTG and our other literatures is the fieldwork of this movement. Temple worship is secondary. People are invited to come to the temple to see the behavior of the devotees specifically in the matter of purification. There are two kinds of purification methods, external and internal. In our Krishna Consciousness Movement, Deity worship helps to keep us externally purified and Sankirtana helps to keep us internally purified. So as far as possible we shall execute both of these processes simultaneously. And by your exemplary character, the general mass of people will be benefited. Our hearts in material condition are filled with all dirty things, and this Krishna Consciousness Movement is the cleansing process.

I am very glad that your feasts are becoming very successful. Yesterday I received a letter from Hawaii that they are now receiving about 100 guests and they are charging $1.00 each. So now they have a good income. You may know that Gaurasundara was forcibly sent to Hawaii, by now he and his wife are both doing very nice propaganda. Please offer my blessings to Ravindra, who is working so nicely for Krishna Consciousness. Krishna will certainly be pleased upon him and his life will be sublime. Just make your center still more established, and when you are prepared to install Deities in a nice place, certainly I shall go. I have never seen Vancouver, and from Los Angeles it is not far away. So let us hope for that future date.

1970 Correspondence

Letter to Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 21 January, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 17 January, 1970 along with your maintenance fund check and the copy of the incorporation documents. You have done a great service by incorporating our Society in Canada. Please immediately send a copy to Cidananda in Vancouver branch so that he can do the needful also.

Letter to Cidananda -- Los Angeles 30 January, 1970:

Herewith, I am returning back the new beads duly chanted. The former beads may be kept with you and if some new boy comes and wants to chant, you may lend him the beads—not to be taken away by him, but to be used for chanting while he is in the Temple. Otherwise, you can keep them carefully and they may be used in some emergency.

I am so glad to learn that everything is progressing nicely in Vancouver, and you are proposing to sell 2500 BTGs per month. That is very much encouraging. You will be glad to know that we have now published our book, "Isopanisad," and I have mentioned your good name therein, acknowledging your contribution towards my book fund.

In my book fund, not only my disciples are contributing, but also others who are outsiders like Mr. George Harrison who has contributed the entire cost of publishing my book Krishna—the cost will be $19,000. Now we have got our press and we propose to publish many books. Also, attempt is being made in Hamburg for translating all our literatures into French and German languages and to publish them regularly.

So with increase of our activities by Sankirtana Movement if possible, try to save some money for my book fund.

Please offer my blessings to Ananda, Rudra das, Ravindra das and our new friend, Mr. John.

All glories to the Assembled devotees

Be happy and chant Hare Krishna Mantra.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 2 February, 1970:

I am glad to learn that another branch in Toronto you are contemplating to open. This news I have received from Cidananda also. Certainly it is a good news, but we must always remember that once a center is opened, it cannot be closed at any time.

Letter to Cidananda -- Los Angeles 29 April, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 27th April, 1970, and have noted the contents carefully. I have referred the matters concerning Ananda, temple management, etc. to Gargamuni, and He will advise you further in this matter.

In the meantime, I invite you to come visit me here in L.A. for a week or so, then you can speak with me directly. So please try to come here at your earliest convenience, and that will be very nice.

Letter to Damodara -- Los Angeles 4 May, 1970:

(List of Centers and Presidents)

Bahulasva Berkeley

Rshi Kumara New York

Satsvarupa Boston

Umapati Paris

Harer Nama Boulder

Subaladas Philadelphia

Rupanuga Buffalo

Sridama Providence

Jaya Gopala Columbus

Vamanadeva St. Louis

Bhagavan dasa Detroit

Madhudvisa San Francisco

Hamsaduta Hamburg

Citsukhananda San Jose

Gaurasundara Hawaii

Revatinandana Santa Barbara

Durlabh Laguna Beach

Gajendra Seattle

Gurudasa London

Bali Mardan Sydney

Sripati Montreal

Sudama Tokyo

Hayagriva New Vrndavana

Jagadisa Toronto

Cidananda Vancouver

Damodara Washington

1971 Correspondence

Letter to Cidananda -- Los Angeles 1 July, 1971:

I'm very sorry that you are separated from the temple for the time being. But don't worry. Krishna will save you, you can be sure. There is no doubt about it. So go on chanting Hare Krishna at all costs and never mind these tribulations of maya. Go on chanting Hare Krishna. Krishna is in your heart. Pray to Him for your protection and soon all things will be adjusted and you will again be in the association of devotees. Of that you can be sure.

Hoping this will meet you in rapidly recovering health.

Letter to Cidananda -- Nairobi 28 September, 1971:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated 12th and 15th September, 1971 respectively and have noted the contents. I am so glad to hear how you are doing well. I am always thinking of you and praying to Krishna when you will be relieved and join us again. But in any circumstance simply go on chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra and think of Krishna always.

So you should take it that your hospitalization is an opportunity of chanting Hare Krishna mantra 24 hours. After all we are not this body so bodily disorders cannot hamper our advancement in Krishna Consciousness. So long the tongue is active we can chant. Even if the tongue is not active we can think of Krishna. Someway or other if we can keep in touch with Krishna that is our success of life.

Yes, taking meat was undoubtedly a great offense, so don't do it again consciousness or unconsciously. Krishna will excuse you for whatever you have done, but don't do it again.

Hoping this will find you in rapidly improving health.

1973 Correspondence

Letter to Cidananda -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 25 November, 1973:

I am in due receipt of your letter and your kind words to me. Thank you very much.

I should be returning to Los Angeles the last week of November and I should be more than happy to see you there. Please always try to remember me by my teachings and we shall always be together. Just like I have written in the first publications of Srimad-Bhagavatam, "The spiritual Master lives forever by His divine instruction and the disciple lives with him.", because I have always served my Guru Maharaja and followed His teachings I am now even never separated from Him. Sometimes Maya may come and try to interfere but we must not falter, we must always follow the chalked out path layed down by the great acharya's and in the end you will see.

I hope this letter finds you healthy and in blissful serving mood.

1974 Correspondence

Letter to Cidananda -- Vrindaban 7 September, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your five letters. I am glad to know that you are in good health and practicing Krishna consciousness nicely. So far the question of marriage, this is generally not the concern of a sannyasi. Therefore I have asked the temple presidents to take care of this matter in a mature and responsible way. I therefore request you to approach the temple president there and the GBC and ask for their advise.

1976 Correspondence

Letter to Cidananda -- Calcutta 15 January, 1976:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 23rd, 1975 which I only received recently. Probably it has been forwarded a number of times before arriving.

Anyway, I have read your letter, and it is my opinion that you should return to Santa Cruz. But where ever you stay you must chant 16 rounds daily and strictly adhere to the regulative principles as well as try to study my books.

Page Title:Training of Cidananda dasa (Letters, 1967 - 1976)
Created:29 of May, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=41
No. of Quotes:41