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Training of Bhavananda dasa (Letters, 1969 - 1977)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"Activities" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Bhavananda" |"Bhavananda's" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book Trust," |"Book" |"Books" |"Branch" |"Branches" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Consult" |"Consulting" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperated" |"Cooperation" |"Cooperatively" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Distribution" |"Duty" |"Festival" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiates" |"Initiating" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Languages" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Leading" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Magazine" |"Magazines" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managers" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust" |"Meeting" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Organize" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Preaching" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Program" |"Programs" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Rathayatra" |"Report" |"Reports" |"Sankirtana" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"The society" |"Translate" |"Translated" |"Translating" |"Translation" |"Translations" |"Zonal" |"Zone" |"Zones"

Notes from the compiler: Reference not found for the letter to ISKCON N.Y., Bhavananda and others from London 15 August, 1971


1969 Correspondence

Letter to Harer Nama -- London 6 November, 1969:

I am pleased also that Bhavananda, Palika Dasi and Prabhavati Dasi are all working so sincerely and steadfastly to promote this Sankirtana Movement, and surely Caitanya Mahaprabhu will bestow His full blessings upon all of you.

1970 Correspondence

Letter to Bhavananda, Aravinda, Pradyumna, Patita Uddharana -- Los Angeles 15 January, 1970:

I am so much thankful to you all for sending me the first blue print copy of "Isopanisad". It is so nicely done that I am fully satisfied although there are certain discrepancies which I hope will be revised in our next issue. On the whole it is very nice considering the attempt being all first adventure of our boys.

I am specifically drawing the attention of Patita Uddharana that you may write articles whenever you find time and hand them over to Satsvarupa for publishing in our BTG.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Tokyo 20 August, 1970:

I think Bhavananda is president of the New York center so I shall be glad to hear from him.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Calcutta 9 September, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your very encouraging letter dated August 27th 1970, redirected from Japan. I was anxiously awaiting for this letter because since you have opened the new Temple I received one telegram at Los Angeles inviting me there at New York for which I was very much obliged, but I decided to come to India. I am receiving also many other letters which are not very encouraging in the matter of the activities of the four Sannyasis, so in Calcutta we have come and last Saturday, the 29th August, there was very nice reception at the airport. So at the present moment I am in mixed up condition both encouraging and discouraging.

New York is very much attractive for me because New York is the starting place of my activities in your country and when I had no place of preaching, one Armenian gentleman offered me a two storied building in Brooklyn with a nice hall downstairs for only $125 per month, but at the time I was paying only $70 for my apartment and I could not bear at that time to pay 125 dollars. That situation continued for at least one year and then I was bold enough to accept an apartment for $200. In this way the Society extended with so many branches and now you are paying $1,450 per month, so it is very encouraging. I thank you very much that you have already allotted a nice apartment for me, an entire first floor, so if I had the wings of a dove I could fly immediately to Brooklyn and enter my apartment. Anyway, in future I wish to go there. For the time being keep it nicely. By the grace of Krsna, wherever I go you all my disciples give me a very nice place for residing and in Calcutta also Sriman Acyutananda and Sriman Jayapataka, who are going to be Sannyasis tomorrow, they have given me a very nice apartment. So I am now 75 years old. I never thought how far I shall be able to travel such a long distance. But as people say I am still younger, then maybe sooner or later I shall come back to New York again.

I have seen your many pictures sent by you and they are all very encouraging. Kindly send me more pictures whenever possible. In Calcutta we are trying to open a permanent center.

Regarding the proposed wife for Jitendriya, if she is living in the Temple and if she is younger than the boy and if you think that the marriage will be very nice, the girl may be married with Jitendriya. She may follow the footsteps of her husband in all respects and later on conveniently she may be initiated.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 28 October, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 6th, 1970, and noted the contents. I am very glad to note your feelings of dependence on the mercy of Krsna and Spiritual Master. Yes, that is the way of surpassing the influence of Maya. It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita that Maya is very strong, unsurmountable, but one who surrenders to Krsna—Maya does not touch him. So, all our books are as good as Krsna because we deal in the books about Krsna only. Therefore, taking shelter of these books means taking shelter of Krsna—there is no doubt about it and if you stick to this principle there will be no attack from Maya.

Please conduct the Sankirtana program regularly and that will give me great pleasure. Regarding our new Temple in Brooklyn, Krsna has given you very good chance to serve Him. From the very beginning I was insisting Brahmananda to have a nice place in New York. Now we have got it and Krsna is giving us all other opportunities. Please try to utilize all of these opportunities in His service.

It is very encouraging that you have got license from the Board of Education to continue our children's school. Kindly organize it nicely and it shall be a great achievement. We have to concentrate to give them some idea about God—that should be our first business. In art class they should be encouraged to draw pictures of Krsna, Kuruksetra, etc. There are so many subjects for drawing as it is stated in our book Krsna. If they are trained, they will come out nice devotees. It will depend on the process of training. Regarding some misbehavior, that we have to check by training peacefully. Your attitude of tolerance and kindness is very nice, so train them in this way. It is Lord Caitanya's order that we have got to discharge welfare activities on behalf of Lord Caitanya.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Bombay 25 November, 1970:

I have not heard in a long time from New York. I am confident that things are going on there alright, but still I would like to hear from you or Bhavananda report of our Temple in New York. Next time I return, I shall go first to New York.

1971 Correspondence

Letter to Rupanuga -- Allahabad 11 January, 1971:

I have just received a letter from Bhavananda from New York and it appears that there are many persons regularly attending our classes and following the regulative principles as well as chanting Hare Krsna Mantra.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Allahabad 21 January, 1971:

Please accept my blessings and offer the same to your good wife Palika Dasi. I am in due receipt of your very kind letter dated 4th January, 1971 as well as the maintenance check for $105.00 and I thank you very much. Also I have received the nine letters asking for initiation. In this regards, let them chant strongly for two months and by the end of March I shall go there and initiate them personally. That will be better. But if they are so much anxious then their beads can be sent or else $5.00 per set of tulasi beads can be sent and that will cover the cost of shipping also. But it is better if they wait. Please thank all nine devotees for their very sincere letters.

So far as touching the Deity is concerned, that can be done only by the priest. Only on very special occasions are others allowed to touch the Deity. Touch means to place tulasi mixed with sandalwood at Krishna's Lotus Feet.

Your winter schedule is very nice. I am so glad to hear that temple worship is going on nicely and that you have made program for discussing all our books. Such group discussion of transcendental topics is so much potent and all should participate. So far as Bhaktijana getting himself married, I have written him separately about this. The child Chibiabos Ananda can keep this name until he is old enough to be initiated.

Letter to Bhavananda:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 20th February, 1971 and have also received the enclosed pictures and newspaper cuttings. All of them were so interesting to me. Thank you very much. You are doing so much for my Guru Maharaja. It is still more encouraging that the number of devotees in N.Y. temple is increasing. I wish that the number of devotees in every temple be more and more increased. I know that there are many young men in your country who are very frustrated but they have got one good quality. That is renunciation of this worldly attachment. From this platform they can very easily take to Krishna Consciousness. So our Krishna Consciousness Movement should be especially directed towards these frustrated persons. Make all our temples full with many devotees and after being trained up they should be sent to every town and village in your country so that they will be benefited as well as all others.

So far as making speaking engagements is concerned, by all means you may do so but first of all I shall let you know definitely when I am going to N.Y. Then you can make many engagements in respectable circles. That will enhance the prestige of our society.

Yes, let the devotees wait for initiation until I go there and under your care let them become more and more strong in Krishna Consciousness. I am looking forward to visiting N.Y. City. N.Y. is favored by me because I started this movement from there, and I wish to see that all the residents of N.Y. Krishna Consciously advanced.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 24 March, 1971:

The enclosed letter may be handed over to Mr. J. Mukherjee which speaks for itself. In any case we are not able to help him with passage money for returning to India.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Calcutta 16 May, 1971:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 5th April, 1971 and just received by me yesterday. I am so glad to hear how rapidly our New York center is expanding and how enthusiastic the devotees have become. That is first class qualification for making advancement in Krishna Consciousness.

Yes, Mr. Faramarz Attar will certainly be a great asset to our society and I am glad to accept him as my initiated disciple. His spiritual name is Atreya Rsi. Of the seven great Rsis, one of them is Atreya Rsi. And Concetta Bologna has also been accepted. Her name is Bhadra Devi Dasi. Bhadra means gentle and is another name for Durga, like Subhadra. I have received their money orders for beads and they will be arriving by separate post.

It is so much encouraging to hear how eagerly the high school boys and girls are taking to your preaching, so continue this program. All glories to Lord Krishna! And the devotees there are also so much eager. Very good. I shall be returning very soon. And thank you very much for your good feelings. Krishna will surely bless you.

Yes, Svarupa Prabhu has my permission to get himself married to Suzy O'Neil.

Please offer my blessings to all the boys and girls there in New York center. Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. The Calcutta function is going very superbly.

Letter to Atreya Rsi -- Calcutta 17 May, 1971:

I have just recently received one letter from Bhavananda Prabhu highly requesting that you be initiated and I am glad to accept you as my duly initiated disciple. Your name I have given as Atreya Rsi Das.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 1 July, 1971:

You will be glad to know that very soon I am planning to come to N.Y., as you have requested in your mailgram dated 29th June, 1971. So you can arrange for three world return tickets starting from L.A., to N.Y., to London, to Paris, to Bombay, to Calcutta, to Tokyo, to Honolulu, to L.A. once again. The three names are as follows: Syamasundara. (Samuel Speerstra), Aravinda (Arthur J. Friedman), and myself.

Last time Karandhara arranged for five tickets: Tamala Krishna, Madhudvisa Maharaja, Kirtanananda Maharaja, Kartikeya Maharaja and Devananda Maharaja, as well as myself. So this time you can arrange for three tickets only. So keep the date open and when the day has been fixed up, I will let you know.

Also, I am wanting many men to go to India. At a recent meeting of the temple presidents from the West coast, I asked that each of our nearly 60 centers send at least one man to India. So if you can make arrangements like that, it will be very nice. Many men are required there; they don't have to be very important members. We are arranging for a big temple in Mayapur, the birthsite of Lord Caitanya. So we shall discuss further on this matter when I go there.

Letter to Bhavananda -- London 5 August, 1971:

I understand from Karandhara that you had some telephone conversation on the matter of chanting places. In my opinion, Karandhara is required on the western side and you are required in N.Y. center. You have organized N.Y. very nicely; I give you all credit for this. But if you are insisting and require some change, then the best thing to do is to go to Mayapur and manage the building construction there. Tamala has written in his last letter that he has no experience in such building affairs and he wants to appoint some big contractors. That will be too expensive. We can save that amount by supervising ourselves this construction. That will be favorable for our purpose.

If you decide that you will go to Mayapur then you should apply for missionary visa from there. If there is any difficulty then I can submit your name from here and you can stop over in London to pick up your visa on the way to India. That can be done for any number of devotees planning to go to India, so this information should be passed on to all our centers.

Please offer my blessings to all the boys and girls there in N.Y. Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


cc: Karandhara; c/o ISKCON L.A.

Letter to Karandhara -- London 5 August, 1971:

Regarding your changing position with Bhavananda, I don't think L.A. can be managed at the present time without your presence.

Letter to Karandhara -- London 5 August, 1971:

In my opinion, Bhavananda is as much required in N.Y. as you are required in L.A., but he is wanting some change. So I think he can go to Mayapur to manage the building construction. Then Rupanuga can take over management of N.Y. center.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- London 14 August, 1971:

I have already engaged Nara Narayana, Vasudeva and Ranchor to prepare a grand scale plan for the Mayapur land and as soon as it is prepared, Nara Narayana will go there. Bhavananda is coming here on his way to India. He will reach here on the 19th August. Bhavananda and Nara Narayana, they have got good experience in building affairs so I think if we engage professional masons and supervise the work ourselves, we can save so much money.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Gurudasa -- London 23 August, 1971:

I am giving instruction to all the workers here and they are doing nicely, I think when Bhavananda and Nara Narayana go to India they will carry the plans with them.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Mombassa, Kenya 16 September, 1971:

I have shown in London the Westminster Abbey to Syamasundara., Bhavananda and Nara Narayana. Perhaps you have also seen it. I want the inside just like the Westminster Abbey. You will understand from the plans what is my desire in this connection.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Nairobi 9 October, 1971:

The important matter is that the children are taken care of nicely. Bhavananda was talking with me that in New Vrindaban students were very much neglected. Therefore they were immediately transferred to New York.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Bombay 22 December, 1971:

I am in due receipt of your letters dated December 6, 1971, and 11, Narayana, 485, and I am pleased that you are enthusiastic to deal with all matters of Calcutta Temple with serious view. I have sent Bhavananda there to help you, and you can assist him to organize everything very nicely.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Bombay 22 December, 1971:

About the treasurer post, that must be decided between you and Tamala and Bhavananda.

Letter to Yamuna, Palika -- Bombay 22 December, 1971:

I think that Palika dasi may join her husband, Bhavananda, in Calcutta as soon as she recovers her health, & she may help him there organize things very nicely for celebrating our festival in Mayapur from middle Feb. to end Feb, & she may help organize Calcutta center as nicely as they have done in New York.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Bombay 26 December, 1971:

Have Bhavananda and Nara Narayana arrived yet?

Letter to Giriraja -- Bombay 28 December, 1971:

I think that Bhavananda and Nara Narayana are organizing a very nice festival there.

1972 Correspondence

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 4 January, 1972:

I hope that Mayapur festival preparations are going on and I am awaiting news from you. Just now Tamala has received one telegram from you reading:

"Plans underway Mayapur pandal Absolutely imperative Giriraja return immediately Calcutta for collecting."

In Madras Giriraja reports that there is good field. He is expecting to make at least one life member daily and distribute many books to bookstores. Two men have already joined him from Delhi. So as long as there is good field he should remain there. Thereafter he may return to Calcutta.

Here in Bombay there is a big program planned for the 10th January for which they are selling tickets for admission, and again on the 22nd January the premier showing of the movie "Hare Rama Hare Krishna" has been donated to us. So both are good opportunities to raise funds. In between these two functions I am most likely going to Jaipur for a seven day pandal program.

So I shall be pleased to hear from you how things are progressing with Mayapur program.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 6 January, 1972:

Just now Syamasundara. has gone to Delhi for some meetings with important government ministers. So presently I cannot send the airline ticket for Aravinda, because Syamasundara. has kept it somewhere. So as soon as he returns which should be within a few days, then the ticket will be immediately sent to Calcutta.

I am very anxious for Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day to be celebrated by all of our devotees in Mayapur in February. There is no reason why the government will not let 20 or 25 of our men come there for two weeks. We have got our own land and we must celebrate this occasion as an important part of our religious beliefs. We will go there on the 15th February and by the end of the month we shall all return to Calcutta leaving only six or so men to stay there in Mayapur. So do everything with great determination as I want very much that this occasion shall be observed by all of our members. Write me and tell me what is your progress.

I hope this finds you well.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. Whether a duplicate of my yellow fever card can be obtained. I will be going to Nairobi by the 24th of January and shall require it again when I return. Acyutananda knows the hospital where it can be obtained. ___ many times for the duplicate sufficient.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 9 January, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 4, 1973, along with the check for airplane fares to Calcutta. When he has booked the flight, Syamasundara. will inform you when we are arriving. So far the marriage proposal between Madhavananda and Kausalya, enclosed please find a copy of one letter I have sent to GBC men in that connection. Henceforward these matters of marriage between the devotees must be decided upon by the GBC men and other senior members by their mutual consultation. So in this case you consider with other GBC and senior men. These things should be decided by our elderly members, not I should be involved so much with matters of husband and wife. You may send the report what programs you have arranged for me in Calcutta.

Letter to Jayapataka, Bhavananda -- Bombay 17 January, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated 5, Madhava, 485, and January 4, 1972, and I am very pleased that all the programs are going on nicely, such as land purchase, Mayapur project, deity worship, etc. And I thank you very much for the Yellow Fever Certificate. I shall be leaving for Africa on the 24th morning, returning probably by February 1st. I have sent the airline ticket for Aravinda to return to USA. Make sure he gets it safely.

Now that Gurudasa is there you try combinedly your best to get the permits for all the devotees in India to be allowed into Nadia district, and you can get the Governor to lay the foundation-stone. Then everything will be very successful and auspicious for our Mayapur scheme. I have received the plan from Bhavananda and it is nice. Please try very hard to get those permits, as we must be all assembled there for Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day.

So far Acyutananda's book is concerned, I have already written that you should try to collect at least 50% of the printing costs there, and all of the costs if you can, but the Book Fund, if absolutely necessary, will pay up to 50%. So far the other books in English which you mention, if you find a good printer you may order the plates to be sent here from Karandhara and they must be printed immediately. If such books are inexpensively available to all Indian people, that will give our preaching work a great boost, so try for it very seriously.

I hope this will find you in good health and happy mood.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

n.b. So far the house is concerned, don't worry. Stay where you are and continue to send him rent money. If he refuses to accept it, then lodge the money with the rent court. Even if he tries to take us to court it will take years, so there is no immediate danger. If you pay rent regularly on or before the 15th of succeeding month, then there is no law in the world which can move you an inch forever. So unless we have our own place in Calcutta we cannot vacate the house.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Jaipur 20 January, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 16, 1973, with list of programs. They are very nice. But one thing is, all of these arrangements, whether they are going to receive us at each place or if we are just taking the place to put on our own program? From their side we should be received, not just that we simply canvass to take their place for our own program. The Gaudiya Math invitation should not be accepted.

We shall reach Calcutta on 23rd morning, Indian Airlines Flight No. 129, as I think Syamasundara. has already informed you by cable.

Letter to Giriraja -- Bombay 23 March, 1972:

Madhavananda can go from Mayapur to Calcutta to help Bhavananda collect there, and you shall come here at the soonest.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 25 March, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 16, 1972 and I am so much pleased to read the contents. The newspaper clipping sent by you is very much encouraging. I am starting for Australia on the morning of March 31, and I wanted to see Giriraja before my starting. So kindly send him upon receipt of this letter if he has not already started. The report that Hindus and Muslims are taking prasadam together is very encouraging. Please continue this program. All the Muslims in Mayapur have now become very friendly towards us. For the last 50 years our Godbrothers were there but they could not make arrangements for the Hindus and Muslims to take prasadam together. The picture is very attractive, and is fitting ___ devotees. I am so pleased that Tamala Krishna Goswami is working so ___ hard, so combinedly you do the project together quite successfully. That will please my Guru Maharaja and me also.

Kindly send the reports at least twice in a month to whatever center I may be staying.

We have gotten an invitation from Bangladesh from my Godbrother, His Holiness Bhakti Sambandha Turya Swami Maharaja, Sri Gaudiya Math, P.O. Bordia, District Jessore. If possible you can make some program for Tamala Krishna Goswami's party to go there at our own expense. He is now a ruined man so if possible we can utilize his center as our branch.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Sydney 4 April, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 27, 1972, and with great sorrow I have noted the contents. I had also very much affection for Amrtananda, but if, as you report, there was some connection with Krishna at the last moment, then we have not to doubt that he will get good opportunity to advance further in Krishna Consciousness, so let us not lament. I understand there was some unstoppable attraction to the material glare, but at the same time he was strongly attracted to Krishna, so there was some very great conflict, and because he was weak in his mind he succumbed. So I think he may now get better opportunity to take it up, because he has become my disciple and has rendered some good service to Krishna.

You tried to get him back, that was an honest endeavor. So your kind of attachment for him is not material because it is related with Krishna, so that is good. Feeling loss is no mistake because of course any devotee out of our sight is a great loss.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Sydney 8 April, 1972:

In this regard, you please correspond with Mahamsa and Giriraja in Bombay, and with Bhavananda in Calcutta, and all of your work conjointly.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Auckland 14 April, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 4, 1972, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure and relief, because my special interest is in Mayapur, that we shall make it especially to glorify Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the best manner of programs, constructing buildings, preaching, Sankirtana, like that. Now in Mayapur there are two much important programs, namely, first of all, a school must be started in English medium. The children may work in the temple compound for gardening and cleansing, then they shall attend class. If they are given sufficient comfort, they will stay with us and develop nicely. Comfort means no bodily discomfort, and for this Krishna Consciousness education, many Calcutta rich men will send their children. Actually the Bhaktivinode Institute was started for this purpose, but they have turned it into an ordinary school. The second important program is this distribution of prasadam, without any discrimination, so that everyone will get equal portion, no matter how little or how much is there.

Our girls can be engaged for teaching as well as temple worship.

Mr. Bajoria will be a very good example; if the leading men of every city takes this example of installing Radha-Krishna deities in the home exactly as in our temple, then our preaching will be very successful. But they must learn the art of worshiping and following the regulative principles from us. As soon as they employ hired priests, the whole thing will be spoiled. Members of the household should learn to worship the deity as we are doing, following the regulative principles, then it will be successful. We want every house to be a temple, not that our place should be the only place for the people to come. No, this should be the process: that they learn at our place, then establish the same thing at home. So this Bajoria program should be considered as one of our successful points of preaching, so he should be encouraged, but he should be requested at the same time to have no hired priests, then it will spoil.

Your ideas for Rathayatra are nice, so do it like that. If you want any suggestions or points, I shall give you. I suggested to make a smaller ratha of wood finely-carved with silver plating if possible; if not, you can have a nice ratha in the normal way. In childhood, my ratha used to go to this temple, so if this is again introduced, it will be again very much appreciated by Radha-Govinda.

Letter to Giriraja -- Tokyo 2 May, 1972:

Practically no one has more energy than Visvakarma. So let him do gardening work and if Bhavananda needs his help to build Rathayatra car he can go to Calcutta for some time to work there.

Letter to Rishikumara -- Unknown Place Unknown Date:

Try to manage affairs at the Temple and Sankirtana Party to the best of your capacity with the help of Bhavananda.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Honolulu 9 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 26, 1972, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. Yes, the attraction should be so made that the Muslims will somehow come to our Mayapur temple, for learning English, for seeing arati, like that. In Bombay, many children are coming and they have all got bead bags and they are chanting, so gradually introduce chanting on beads as well. If they believe in the serving of God, we are also servants of God, why not they should join us. The servant must know what is God, what does He do, how He is satisfied: these things should be preached to them. How one is accepted as God, what are the symptoms: these things they should learn. So far accepting water, no, practically from one who is not initiated we should not accept any eatables or drinkables. This should not be discussed, but you should remember it. But if there is dire necessity, there is not question of prohibition.

I want to know, what is the reaction of my godbrothers there in Mayapur.

I wanted that at least one story should have been constructed by rainy season. I thought Tamala Krishna has already gone. I have not heard from him. In Bangladesh, we have got very good field. Simply by chanting, dancing and taking a little prasadam. Best thing is to speak among the educated class, like lawyers, professors—the mass of people, they cannot speak English. From Tamala Krishna's letter it is understood that Tamala Krishna has met Mujibar Rehman's son, who is educated. This advantage must be taken. When Mujibar Rehman is seen, he must hear our philosophy, how all peoples of the world can be united under one culture, which will solve all problems of the world. Our culture is faultless, this must be understood. There must be full discussion in the papers, etc.

Regarding Radha-Govinda's temple, it is in shabby condition, that I saw in 1967. I stayed there, and it was a great painful experience for me at least. In my childhood, Radha-Govindaji were the source of my enjoyment. I asked my father to give me Radha-Govinda deities and he gave me and I worshiped. And I also asked him to give me ratha, and the ratha was going from my home by the side of Syamasundara.'s house. Our house was later termed to be Govinda Bhawan, 151 Mahatma Gandhi Road. So Syamasundara. is just like my younger brother, we call him by nickname "Gabu." His elder brother was Siddhesvar Mali and his nickname was "Subida," an he was calling me "Moti," so we were very intimate friends from the perambulator. We were riding on the same perambulator when we were very small children. We were so intimate that he would not go in perambulator without me. We would not separate even a moment. But he is now dead and gone. Now ask Gabu to help us to hold the Rathayatra Festival for eight days at Radha-Govinda Temple and have one continuous kirtana and distribution of prasadam at the Chadni Hall. It is a big hall, at least 1000 men can be accommodated there, and in front there is a nice veranda and the deities can be kept there for eight days with gorgeous decoration, and in this way establish nice performance. Syamasundara. may invite his relatives to partake of prasadam.

If you hold every year, each year you can take to different Radha Govinda temples. There are many such temples in Calcutta proper, I shall gradually give you introduction.

So far your observation that the Bengalis have been degraded by bogus so-called sadhus, yes, the Bengali's are generally fish-eaters and some are flesh-eaters, so the Ramakrishna Mission gave this concession that there is nothing harmful in eating flesh. The Bengalis got this appetite for eating flesh and fish and at the same time becoming one with God. This foolish theory and fanaticism has killed the Bengali culture. Not all, but a few percentage.

So far the deities being worshiped by Mr. Bajoria, if this deity worship is introduced in other respectable families, that will be a great success of our movement. The family members of Mr. Bajoria may also hold kirtana at home before the deities. Try to introduce this.

Regarding the women teaching at Mayapur, if there is suspicion by the villagers, then stop it for the time being. But why there should be suspicion of women?

Letter to Giriraja -- Honolulu 15 May, 1972:

Our philosophy is prasada distribution, without discrimination rich or poor. I am writing to Bhavananda, he cannot spend membership money.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Honolulu 16 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 9, 1972, and I have noted the contents. Last time when I was in India you told me that Lalita Prasad wanted to see me and according to his desire I saw him. And the proposal was accepted by him. Now it appears he has changed his mind so what can be done? For the time being, forget the transaction and later on we shall see. There is no haste.

Regarding Gitar Gan composition quotation, I do not know which heavenly press you have gone to take the quotation—it is simple cheating. Jayapataka took the quotation from one press, which quotation included printing, paper, everything, 10,000 books for Rs. 4,000. This rascal wants so much. It is simply joking. Anyway, I think you cannot find out, let Jayapataka find out. The composition charges should not be more than Rs. 250 for 100 pages, very small pages. You can attempt to get it composed by the linotype machine in Juganta Press, owned by Tarun Kanti Ghosh. If it is attempted, he may give it free. Simply for composing there is no problem. If it is printed on linotype it is always new type.

Why you have not mentioned Mayapur in your letter? Now the Building Fund is fixed up in Bombay, and all the Life Member collections and Building Fund collections must go there. Giriraja has written you one letter but you have not replied it. Life Member money cannot be spent for eating and sleeping. The landlord K. Prasad Singharoy has written me one letter complaining that there was a fight between our men and some outsiders, servant class men, and he says that it is disturbing to the whole area. Perhaps he's designing to eject us on these grounds. I shall be glad to hear from you what is the actual position.

Have Srimati and Malati gone there? If so, what are they doing there? They left Bombay on ground that they have not sufficient engagement, so if they have come to Calcutta, what engagement is allotted for them?

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Honolulu 16 May, 1972:

Why the plinth work is not yet begun? What is the matter? Bhavananda has just written to me also, but he also has not mentioned anything.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Honolulu 17 May, 1972:

All collections and Life Membership money should go to Bombay for deposit in the Building Fund. It is understood that Giriraja has asked Bhavananda for the Life Membership collections, but Bhavananda has not replied. What is the reason?

Letter to Cyavana -- Los Angeles 23 May, 1972:

We shall of course continue to also look after all aspects of the building operation, but we should have the help and assistance of a qualified retired engineer. Try to find out such a person. You may consult with Bhavananda and Tamala Krishna in this respect, as the building work in Mayapur is already well under way and it is going very nicely.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 24 May, 1972:

You can distribute our men there to other centers—to Gurudasa and Bhavananda—if they shall require our help.

Letter to Niranjana -- Los Angeles 26 May, 1972:

you form a committee. along with Guru das, Giriraja and Bhavananda and altogether you work cooperatively both to publish and to distribute our Hindi literatures very widely throughout India.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 28 May, 1972:

I am in receipt of your letter dated May 18th, 1972, and I have noted the contents. Upon your recommendation I am enclosing herewith one thread and two copies of Gayatri Mantra to be given to Purnamprajna das and his wife Narayani dasi. So you can hold a fire yajna and give them their second initiation. One thing, as you have got no tape of me reciting Gayatri Mantra, you may ask Dayananda in London or Rupanuga in New York to send you one. The tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear.

I am expecting your long report about Mayapur project. Meanwhile, I hope this meets you and your good wife Palika devi in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. I think that Malati, Sarasvati, and Srimati are coming there to Calcutta. Why not these girls can assist your wife in worshiping the Deities?

Letter to Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 1 June, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 23, 1972 and I have noted the contents with great encouragement. I am glad to see that everything is going very nicely there in Calcutta and Mayapur, and that you are gradually paying back the book fund debt more and more. Regarding Mayapur building work, try to finish as quickly as possible and our living accommodations problem will be solved and I shall be very happy to stay there if it is completed when I return there in the autumn. I have received the drawing of the completed building, and it is very nice. So if you all think, Jayapataka, Tamala Krishna, and the others, my approval is there. Whatever you all decide in future in these matters, that's all right, but the structure appears to be nice. So you do not have to bother yourself by sending too many details of your progressive Mayapur construction work, simply give me simple report from time to time how the things are going on, and how ever you do it, that is to be decided among yourselves.

Go on buying the necessary land. But I think it is better to buy the land of Rohin Shaik without crop for Rs. 1500/- a bigha.

Letter to Subala -- Los Angeles 1 June, 1972:

So you work cooperatively with Giriraja, Bhavananda, Guru das, and all of the others there in India, how to perform this valuable service in the best way by utilizing all our men and time very wisely.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 16 June, 1972:

Among you three, including yourself, Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, two of three must sign. It is better if all three sign.

Letter to Acyutananda -- Los Angeles 28 June, 1972:

But I do not find any mention of how the progress is going on at Mayapur. This is our very important project, and I have entrusted the work to Tamala Krsna, yourself, along with Bhavananda and Jayapataka, but none of you are writing in this respect so I do not know what is happening there.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 28 June, 1972:

But I do not find even any mention how the work is going in your letters. Neither I find any photos or mention in the letters from Acyutananda, Bhavananda, and Jayapataka. Why you are not mentioning?

Letter to Shyamsundar Mallik -- London 13 July, 1972:

I hope you are making the Ratha-yatra Festival very successful, along with my disciples headed by Bhavananda and Acyutananda Swami.

Letter to Giriraja -- London 13 July, 1972:

How is it Calcutta is not sending collections to Bombay? Unless they send their collections you cannot pay them anything. Bhavananda and yourself, you consult and do the needful.

Letter to Bhavananda -- London 14 July, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated July 5 and July 8, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. So far the speakers for Rathayatra are concerned, that is all right, but it is also a good idea to offset their nonsense by our own speakers. Yes, we should stand in our position and defy all nonsense propositions. Our math in Mayapur is not for Bengalis, the math is for you foreigners, to give you facility for offering respects to Lord Caitanya.

I have notified Karandhara to send you the ten Krsna Books as you have requested, but in future I want at least two signatures to be there. One thing is, I have heard that Jayapataka is requesting Giriraja that Bombay should send maintenance allowance to Mayapur monthly. But I instructed in the beginning that Calcutta should maintain Mayapur. Also, you are not sending your collections regularly to Bombay, so how they can support you? If Bombay is maintaining, what are others doing, eating and sleeping? Why does Jayapataka want allowance? Anyone who cannot collect money, they should go to Mayapur and live there and simply eat and sleep, like women and widows. I shall arrange for their eating and sleeping. But in cities, those should live who can collect and earn. The widows are not earning in Hindu society, they eat and sleep at others' expense. So if you are not able to earn in Calcutta, better all go to Mayapur and eat and sleep and I shall accommodate all widows, women, and others at Mayapur and Vrindaban. Otherwise why should we maintain such large establishment in Calcutta simply for eating and sleeping and spending. These two places will be reserved for those who cannot collect. For them I am making provision. Only the active members who can collect, they shall live in the city. Eating, sleeping members, they shall live in Mayapur, that's all.

As soon as the first residence is finished, no more cash will be sent, only books. Therefore, you must work very hard to sell the books. Not that money will come from somewhere and we shall eat and sleep and so-called chanting. We must work hard like karmis, but not for sense gratification but for Krishna.

One thing, on the invitation card you have written All Glories to Our Guru Maharaja. This is impersonalism. As soon as we offer obeisances to guru, the name should be there. We are strictly personalists. The sahajiya's, they write Glories to Guru. Why you are learning this impersonalism, who has taught you? Daily I am offering obeisances to my Guru by vibrating his real name, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, otherwise it is impersonal.

Formerly, I told that Calcutta should support Mayapur. So whoever can take charge of both, he should be President. You should discuss these things amongst yourselves. Simply taking title of President will not help. Why there are no letters from Tamala Krishna, why he is not taking active part in Mayapur? I originally entrusted him with responsibility for Mayapur, but he does not even write what is the situation there, nor does he co-sign for money to be sent.

Whether you can deal with so many problems? I am receiving so many letters daily from Calcutta. The temple officers are appointed to minimize my time, not increase it with so many letters. Best to stop expanding, or if you cannot raise funds there, close up the Calcutta center. It is not that the officers should be expert in one field only, they should be expert in everything.

I have written one letter to Syamasundara. Mallik, and I am glad that the preparations are going on nicely for the Rathayatra Festival in Calcutta.

Letter to Karandhara -- London 19 July, 1972:

I have already sent you one telegram "OK SEND KRSNA BOOKS," so by now I think you have duly forwarded the $10,000 as per Bhavananda's instructions.

Letter to Giriraja -- Paris 22 July, 1972:

One thing is, you have mentioned Bhavananda will require four more lakhs for Mayapur. But he told me four lakhs total, and of that I have sent 2 1/2 lakhs, so he shall require further only 1 3/4 lakhs.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Amsterdam 30 July, 1972:

I told you at least two must sign, but in the last request from Bhavananda, even he did not sign, the letter was not even signed by one person!

Letter to Bhavananda -- London 1 August, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 24, 1972 and I have noted the contents carefully. I am so much pleased that your Rathayatra procession was so nicely received by the citizens of Calcutta. This news has engladdened me beyond words. Now take advantage for raising funds for Mayapur. Therefore I wanted this Rathayatra festival. I am enclosing some photos of our Rathayatra procession in other places and you can distribute these photos to the newspapers in Calcutta. In one day we have captured the citizens of Calcutta, and I am so much pleased.

Yes, the Mullick family is one of the most important and aristocratic families in Calcutta. Practically once Calcutta was owned by the Mullicks, now the Marwaris are there. So you have done the perfect job of conducting the affairs in Calcutta and I am so much pleased upon you, may Krishna give you His all blessings. I had not written to you previously due to my extensive travelling program since the beginning of June. But I have written you one letter dated July 14, 1972, did you receive that letter?

One thing is, I have just now heard from Gurudasa that the American Government agency which is providing us the foodstuffs for Mayapur is prepared to give us much, much more provided we fully utilize what they have already given. And I am informed by Gurudasa that the distribution program in Mayapur is not very widespread. Why you have neglected this very important program? I want that you shall distribute prasadam at least to hundreds of persons daily, and advertise very widely all over Nadia Province for people to come there and take prasadam daily without charge. Otherwise the whole thing is a farce. We have worked so hard for so long to get this foodstuff donated by your government and now we are neglecting? And if you expand this program to their satisfaction, they will give so much more of different varieties of foodstuffs and we can expand this program widely throughout India and become very much popular with the people as a whole. So try to expand this program as much as possible at Mayapur and let me know.

Another thing is, I have received one letter from Tamala Krsna Goswami that his visa for Bangladesh is now postponed, therefore I would request him to take one qualified engineer friend from Calcutta, there are so many engineers we have interviewed who will work for us without charge, so he shall bring one engineer to Vrindaban to assist Gurudasa in construction of the house there. At least he can remain in Vrindaban for a few weeks to get the thing off on a solid basis. They have been there many months now and only one fence is there, one small hut, and one tube well. Otherwise, simply politics. But I am very much certain that Tamala Krsna has got the right idea for doing things, so he can go there immediately and begin the real construction work with the assistance of one qualified engineer who will live with us on the same basis as we are doing things at Mayapur.

We have seen your note regarding Sarasvati Maharaja, and you may engage one Sanskrit teacher for Sarasvati so she shall become a very great scholar, just like Jiva Goswami was trained in Sanskrit language from early childhood and no one could surpass him in all of India.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


n.b. I am coming to India sometime in the month of October and I want to again hold Bhagavata Dharma Discourses and Hare Krishna Festival in Calcutta Maidan, I think by the last part of October. So you can begin preparing for that, and I shall be very glad to come there for speaking.

Letter to Gurudasa -- London 1 August, 1972:

I have informed Bhavananda and Tamala Krsna Goswami that they must try to increase the distribution of prasadam program in Mayapur, otherwise, as you have told me, the authorities of your country may revoke their foodstuff donation.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, Jayapataka -- London 9 August, 1972:

I thank you very much for your letter dated August 1, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully, along with statements of expenditures. I am very glad to see from the photos that the construction work is going on. But one thing is, you say that the building will cost 8 lakhs of rupees. According to one previous letter you told me total cost will be 4 lakhs, now it is double. Why is that? In dollars that means $100,000 for the building, but I am told that such building could be built in America for less than $100,000, what to speak of India! So I do not know why your expenditure is so high, I am not expert in these matters, but it appears everything is being spent very exorbitantly. For instance, from the statements I note that you have spent so much for steel, but these things you can get donated or you can get reduction. Tamala Krishna was in Tatanagar, why he did not take promises for so much steel instead of so many useless letters? You should canvass the big manufacturers in Calcutta for giving supplies of steel and other things, now we have got some solid framework to show them. It is not that we are so rich in America we can go on forever supplying you so much money and you spend exorbitantly and become cheated. I do not think that building is worth $100,000. The engineers may be trying to cheat you. You told the total cost will be four lakhs, now it is eight lakhs, why this doubling and uncertainty?

Some other points, you mention "bullock for transporting supply," and it has cost you Rs. 1800/-. I think that is exorbitant price for one bullock. And for that you have purchased two bullock-carts, why? And why you are paying salaries so much to engineers, there was understanding the engineers will work for nothing, only little pocket money, but not for salary. Who is keeping the accounts? All bills must be kept. One bicycle was purchased for Rs. 300/-, but these things anyone will give you, why you are spending money unnecessarily? Why so much legal fees are being paid for purchasing land? It is a simple matter, I pay you some money for your land, the solicitor makes deed of sale, finished. Why so much exorbitant spending? The building must be finished at any cost, that's all right, but it appears there is not clear idea of how to spend, now you say four lakhs, now eight lakhs, so I cannot continue to send so much money if there is no clear idea how to save.

These things like steel, cement—you take donation from the biggest men in Calcutta. If you go on Sankirtana to the big steel-making city in India and you do not take donation of steel from the citizens, only some letters, then where is your credit? Chanting and dancing, that's all right, but there must be some tangible results.


We are not so rich. The building work must not be stopped, go on with your work, but be more careful. I think there is not sufficient money in Mayapur fund for 10 Krishna Books, but I shall find out some money and send you myself from my own pocket if necessary. But one thing is, if we are spending so lavishly, I shall expect that the building will be the first-class building in India, you are spending like it is the Taj Mahal!

The funds in Bombay Building Fund are for Mr. Nair, not for Mayapur. For each ten Krishna Books you receive you are crediting as only one lakh, why? You are receiving at least Rs. 114,000, so where is that balance Rs. 14,000/-? Where the other 14,000 has gone?

Hoping this meets you all in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

n.b. I have informed Tamala Krishna to take one engineer to Vrindaban for starting the work there, whether he has done it? I shall expect his letter in this connection.

Letter to Yasodanandana, Gurukrpa -- London 9 August, 1972:

Kindly consult with Bhavananda, Giriraja, Gurudasa and the others in the respect and try to organize something very nice in South India.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 26 August, 1972:

My program is already sent to you earlier, I shall be in Vrndavana from middle October to middle November, but after that time I am free to come to Calcutta for holding our festival, but these things should be decided amongst all of you leaders in India, including Gurudasa, Giriraja, Tamala, Bhavananda, Gargamuni.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Unknown Place 28 August, 1972:

"My special blessings for Palika and Kausalya prabhus who are doing so much for our Lord and they must be specifically blessed to go back home, back to Godhead without any delay for waiting for the next life. Thank them very much on my behalf."

Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 29 August, 1972:

Bhavananda is now in Bombay, and I have asked him to return to Calcutta by passing through Vrindaban, and he can help you get the thing started.

Letter to Gurudasa -- New Vrindaban 1 September, 1972:

So Bhavananda is coming there in a few days, and Tamala Krishna is coming with one engineer, so conjointly you three men consider everything with these points in mind and do the needful.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- New Vrindaban 7 September, 1972:

I have sent Bhavananda to Bombay to look after the matter with Giriraja, but I do not know what is the resolution by this time.

Letter to Yamuna -- Dallas 10 September, 1972:

I think that Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, and Subala have returned to Vrindaban for assisting Gurudasa in the construction work and for helping Tejiyas to organize the Delhi Pandal program, so you may host them very nicely and see to their all comforts and facilities for swiftly working on these programs.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Subala, Gurudasa, Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 22 September, 1972:

I have received your joint letter dated Sept. 17, 1972, and I am very much encouraged that you are all big men gathered together there in Vrndavana to launch the building project of ISKCON Temple. I have full faith that you will do the needful by consulting all together how to do everything, therefore I have called you all there. But one thing is Bhavananda promised to remain in Bombay to finish up the conveyance deed business and not to leave there until it was finished. He was sent from Calcutta especially, but he was also silent. So I do not know as yet what has been the position regarding the conveyance and no one has kept me informed what is the position there. So this business worries me all the time, why he has been silent?

But I am pleased to understand that something will be concretely done in Vrndavana at last, that is my dream, to build a simple temple just like Govindaji's that is not so difficult. Now these men are joining us and cooperating to do the construction and engineering work, so I think my dreams will be finally realized at last.

I am leaving Los Angeles around 6th October and we have a few days program in San Francisco. From there we shall fly to India, stopping three days in Manila, and we should land in Delhi by the 16th October. I shall inform you details. One thing, I want to know how the preparations are being done for the second annual hare Krsna Festival and Bhagavata-dharma Discourses at Delhi starting around the 6th of November. If you can get that LIC grounds again that will be first class. Now we have got many many books in India and I want to raise the funds for our building projects at Bombay, Vrndavana and Mayapur by selling these books widely all over India, so these pandal programs are a golden opportunity to sell many many books, so make arrangements like that.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 26 September, 1972:

One thing is, Bhavananda has suggested that you need more help but he was called to help you from Calcutta and coming such long distance he was also silent and then he went away.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 29 September, 1972:

I have received one letter from Giriraja, copy enclosed, and I am very much distressed why this conveyance business is not yet settled up. I sent Bhavananda there to Bombay to do the needful, and he was silent and went away. Enclosed also find my reply to Giriraja's letter. Now I want that both of you shall go to Bombay immediately for finishing up this conveyance matter immediately. Try to get bank loan, and if you cannot, make arrangements for taking five lakhs from Mr. Jayan and we shall transfer from here as per his order, duly signed by both of you, double signature.

Keep me informed daily in this connection.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 29 September, 1972:

I want that this conveyance business be finished up immediately. I am sending also Tamala Krishna and Bhavananda there to help you do the needful.

Letter to Karandhara -- Los Angeles 29 September, 1972:

As soon as you get money from Jayan via Tamala Krishna and Bhavananda, then you all three sign jointly the letter of order and we will transfer the money from here.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 30 September, 1972:

I have received your letter dated September 23, 1972, jointly signed by yourself, Subala Swami, Gurudasa and Bhavananda, and I am very happy to hear especially that the work is going on in Vrndavana and that you will soon begin to dig the foundation for our Vrndavana temple.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 30 September, 1972:

A copy of Giriraja's letter is already sent to you and I have requested you to go there along with Bhavananda if possible or you go alone and save the situation.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- San Francisco 6 October, 1972:

So we are prepared to pay him 5 lacs against the purchase value. So both you and Bhavananda arrange for this money from Mr. Jayan, and send advice to Karandhara by joint signature.

Letter to Giriraja -- San Francisco 8 October, 1972:



Letter to Karandhara, Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, Giriraja -- Vrindaban 19 October, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter of October 18, 1972, jointly signed by all of you and delivered to me by Syamasundara.. If the Charity Commissioner refuses us the permission then there is no point continuing, and in that case we shall try to get the two lakhs we have paid back and go away. But it appears the Charity Commissioner permission is delayed and not refused, it is not a very grand mistake, and we can chastise for that the lawyers. I have read the clause 11, in the original Agreement for Sale and I do not find any mention of there being any six month time limit for obtaining the Charity Commissioner's approval, as you have told Syamasundara.. So there is only some delay, that's all. That will not be sufficient grounds for him to rescind the contract. Rather, our position is very strong so long we are in possession and we have paid him the earnest money and more. So best thing is to consult Mulla and Mulla and proceed accordingly. If there is need to pay off the twelve lakhs, we can do it by giving him four lakhs immediately and the balance eight lakhs we shall arrange with Mr. Jayan very soon. But Mulla and Mulla have said it is suicidal unless there is settlement of the Chhaganlal business first. So we shall not be willing to pay the twelve lakhs unless this matter of Chhaganlal's lawsuit and the registration of the conveyance deed and payment of capital gains tax by Mr. Nair are peacefully settled without any risk to us. Try to fix up some arrangement acceptable to Mr. Nair for paying him, but we shall not risk that we may lose everything to Chhaganlal or some other of Mr. Nair's cheating dealings. So best thing is to follow the advise of Mulla and Mulla and stick to our position very securely. If there is no possibility of settling with Mr. Nair without any risk to ourselves, then we shall stick to the terms of the original agreement and take the matter to court. How he can say we have defaulted? He has purposefully delayed, so if we take the matter to court he must reply to these charges. One thing is, that the whole trouble is due to Deewanji's misdealings. He should be brought before the Bar Association and exposed. We shall deal with him later.

Letter to Karandhara, Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, Giriraja -- Vrindaban 20 October, 1972:

Further to my letter of yesterday, I have thought the matter over thoroughly, and without any doubt our position in the matter is very strong. Nair is bluffing. One of my godbrothers who is expert in these things has advised me, and I also know it from experience, that once the agreement of sale is signed that is final, and it will not be very easy, in fact, it will be impossible for Nair to defeat us in the courts if it comes to that.

Now the thing is that Nair has accepted from us two lakhs of rupees, as follows: On February 8, 1972, cheque #GT/HS 306871 for Rs. 50,000; on February 25, 1972, cheque CHT/A-T492829 for Rs. 50,000; and on March 28, 1972, cheque # CHT/A-T492831 for Rs. 1,00,000. Now according to our agreement, that last one lakh of rupees was not to be accepted by him until the conveyance was completed. So he has taken, that means he accepts that the conveyance has been completed! Now you may go to the bank or somehow or other determine the exact date on which Mr. Nair accepted the cheque as above mentioned for Rs. 1,00,000, and that will serve as legal proof he has finalized the conveyance terms.

Our position is very strong. Now you purchase that house on the south border-line, repair it nicely and you can live there for years if we have to. I think he will take Rs. 15,000 cash if you can persuade him, or if he will not yield you can pay him Rs. 20,000 and finish the business. Possession is nine-tenths of the law. Why you should be afraid of him? We can satisfy any court of law. He has given us possession according to the terms of the agreement of sale, and we have paid him Rs. 50,000 to take possession, and he has acknowledged receipt, that means the transaction is finished. If I have something and I sell you, and you give me money and I give you that thing, the transaction is finished, never mind there is no receipt. So with Nair our transaction is finished. We have paid him money, he has given us possession, and we have agreed to terms for paying the rest of the money, that's all. He is simply planning tricks because there is no receipt and he does not want to give us receipt.

Take information from the bank when he took the money. One year from that time according to the terms of the purchase agreement we are supposed to pay further two lakhs, that is, one year from the execution of the conveyance. So we have paid Rs. 50,000 as earnest money, according to the agreement, and the agreement then states that we must pay Rs. 1,50,000 "upon the execution of the conveyance." So he has accepted that means conveyance transaction is complete, he may give me receipt or not, that doesn't matter. It is a case of misappropriation, he did not deliver the goods. Once when I was in business I took money from one man for an order of goods and I was bit late in delivering them, so he wanted to sue me in the court for misappropriation. It is the same thing. We have paid Nair, taken possession, and now he doesn't want to deliver the goods.

According to the clauses 14 and 15 in the purchase agreement, it is our option to rescind the contract within six months, not the vendor's. But he has accepted the cheque for Rs. 1,00,000 before six months, therefore we consider that he has completed the conveyance and we do not want to rescind but we shall close the deal immediately, finished, that's all. He is trying to avoid this issue by tricks, and he has dominated you and you are little afraid of him, and he has fooled you to think he is in superior legal position so that you will give him some money. But this is cheating. We shall not give him any more money. Don't pay him any more. First of all bring a criminal case against him. Deewanji cannot say he was not our lawyer, because he has executed this agreement. He should be brought to the notice of the Bar Association and humiliated. So make criminal case by consulting lawyer. It will not take much time. It is simple case of his cheating, that any reasonable man can see. So immediately you can file criminal case. He has taken money but he has not executed. So why you should be disappointed and afraid of him? Our position is very, very strong. We have paid money and we are in possession, so what remains for conveyance? As soon as you take money the transaction is finished, you may take receipt or not, otherwise it is simply cheating. So find out a first-class lawyer and apply in the court that the purchase agreement is already done and get it done, that's all. He is simply bluffing.

Enclosed find the copy of one letter I have forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. Nair. You may further request them to come and see me here. It will be too much difficult for me to come to Bombay at this time. Otherwise I am coming to Bombay in December if he wants to wait so long. Another thing is, I do not think it is necessary for Bhavananda to remain in Bombay for this business. Better if Karandhara and Tamala Krishna tackle the matter co-operatively by applying their full attention, and Bhavananda may return to Calcutta for taking charge there as soon as possible.

Letter to Purnaprajna, Madhavananda -- Vrindaban, India 23 October, 1972:

Do not worry, I have asked Bhavananda to return to Calcutta, and he should be returning there soon.

Letter to Purnaprajna, Madhavananda -- Vrindaban, India 23 October, 1972:

If you are supervising in Bhavananda's absence, you must see these things are going on, that everyone is strictly observing these practices, then there will be no lacking for anything.

Letter to Karandhara, Tamala Krsna, Giriraja, Bhavananda -- Vrindaban 24 October, 1972:

I am just now in receipt of your letter dated October 20, 1972, and Visakha dasi has just arrived and has told that you have not received any letter from me, and that you have sent several telegrams and letters. I have not received all of them I think. I received one express letter from the four of you dated Oct. 16th on Oct. 20th, four days from posting. Your letter dated Oct. 19th was received by me however on Oct. 21st, and just now I have received the letter of Oct. 20th. Enclosed find the copy of my letter of 20th.

If the title is all right I have no objection to your proposal to finish the deal with Nair by paying him personally Rs. 5,50,000 and to Mr. Shah Rs. 6,50,000 30 days from completion of an appropriate conveyance, the Rs. 6,50,000 to be handed over to Nair upon his settling of the Chhanganlal suit, and provided Nair provided us the necessary tax certificate for registration before we pay. The title must be there, otherwise we cannot complete. How there can be conveyance without title? Otherwise go to court, he is afraid of going to court, you have marked it? Our advantage if we go to court is that we shall not have to pay anything until one year from the execution of the conveyance deed. We shall only have to pay according to the original purchase agreement. If we pay 12 lakhs, that will take everything, there will be no money to build, and you shall have to repay the 8 lakhs, so whether we shall risk so much under these circumstances?

And why you are giving limit 30 days to find title? You say 30 days after conveyance is signed, so that gives you much more time to find it out. Title can be cleared in time, that is not very difficult business.

You think your position is rather hopeless. But I say that our position is very strong, just the opposite. Why you say hopeless? When Nair accepted two lakhs rupees of ours, the terms of purchase are finished, simply he has delayed to give us the papers. The transaction is finished when he accepts the money, so by tricks he is delaying. So why you are delaying to make case, there is no question of searching out the title. The point is when he accepted the money he accepted the conveyance. So immediately make a criminal case. After the case is decided, he shall be forced to give us the conveyance, and within one year after we shall give him the next installment of two lakhs. Because the transaction is finished, so we can legally occupy all the land, it is not trespass when the transaction has been completed and Nair has accepted the terms of sale by accepting money.

If you are thinking hopeless, then how I can make you hopeful? Our point is, he has accepted the money, that means he has agreed to terms of SALE. Take police precaution if he is threatening violence. We are in possession according to the terms of the agreement, simply he has delayed the conveyance. Therefore I say that you boys cannot deal very well in these matters, because you are too timid. Now whatever you like you may do. Immediately criminal case should be taken, that you are not doing because he is bluffing you. He says big words and makes threat and you believe him foolishly and do like he says. That I shall not do. When we have paid money that means he has accepted. Whatever it is, do not mention title search. That will come later, after the case is settled by the court.

But one thing is, if he returns immediately our two lakhs, plus Rs. 70,000 stamp tax money, we shall vacate, that's all. There is no question of damages. Either this plan, that he pays us back our money and we vacate immediately, or we go to court immediately. One way or the other. Otherwise we are already in possession legally, we have paid according to the terms of the agreement, and he accepted the money. So just to rid ourselves of this headache we will accept back the Rs. 2,70,000 and vacate immediately. Otherwise, immediately take him to court. Our position is very strong. Do not think think weak and timid, he is bluffing. You have not read the purchase agreement carefully.

Immediately an application should be submitted to the magistrate that he has accepted the money and has willfully delayed the conveyance on tricks, and he has threatened to drive away even by violence, what is this? You could not find out a good lawyer even? This must all be heard before a magistrate.

The transaction is finished, he has illegally delayed to give us the conveyance. Now through the courts we can force him to give. We shall stick to the purchase agreement, nothing else. And take police precaution that he is threatening us. Go to the magistrate and tell him we gave Nair money and now he is threatening violence to drive us away. We shall go to the court, there is no other way. Criminal court means complaint that we have given money, he has not given conveyance, he is threatening by force to drive us from the place. This is the only settlement possible, that he returns our Rs. 2,70,000 immediately and we vacate, or immediately file criminal case. There is no other alternative. We have finished the business. He is entrapped because he has received the money. Our boys do not understand. Anything, as soon as you receive money the transaction is finished. And even it is six months passed, it is our option to rescind, not his. Charity Commissioner has delayed, that is not very serious for disqualifying us. There is no time limit mentioned for getting permission from Charity Commissioner. Still, try for the permission from Charity Commissioner as quickly as possible, then we shall go on with the terms of the original agreement, either voluntarily or we shall have to force him through the courts. One thing is, you have said that we shall have to pay "entire additional Rs. 70,000 stamp duty," so does this mean we must pay only an additional 5% of Rs. 70,000 or Rs. 3,500 extra, or again pay Rs. 70,000 plus 5%? That is not clear.

In my opinion if you apply a petition before the magistrate that Nair has taken the money, that he is not giving the conveyance, playing tricks, and that now he is threatening by violence, such petition will clear everything. He is afraid of going to court, that is our favorable point. My clear-cut view is simply to present a petition to the magistrate. It costs only 12 annas. This complaint should be submitted, take a good criminal lawyer and file, then everything will be clear.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Giriraja, Manusvi -- Vrindaban 7 November, 1972:

What is the programme for Hyderabad? Bhavananda has not yet sent the tickets for train or plane-fare, neither anything definite has been informed us.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Bombay 19 December, 1972:

In these things you decide as you think best, I cannot tax my brain. Do everything consulting Bhavananda and Tamala Krishna.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 29 December, 1972:

Tamala Krishna has informed me that you are inviting me to come there to Calcutta immediately after the Bombay Cross Maidan Pandal program is finished, so I shall come there as you desire. So you may kindly arrange the airplane tickets for four persons, namely myself and three secretaries, and we shall come there on 23rd morning of January 1973, provided that you mail us the tickets at your earliest. I want to stay until 1st February and then fly from Calcutta to Djakarta and Australia and other places, as Madhudvisa has invited me to come there during February month. So I shall be in Calcutta for nine days, that means I want to speak at nine different programs in various parts of Calcutta city. So you try to arrange some big big speaking programs in various places of the city, all of them being well-advertised and attended by respectable and sober men. Of course, we can talk to any class of men, but I want to speak especially to large numbers of the higher-class or respectable and sober class of men of Calcutta. I will speak in Bengali, Hindi, or English, whatever language is required. So you may arrange the programs immediately in the various places, such as the Bar Association, the Chamber of Commerce, the Stock Exchange, the Royal Asiatic Society, University Institute, Ramakrishna Cultural Institute, YMCA, Govinda Bhavan, Madan Mohan's Temple, Gaudiya Math, Jalan's Ramchandra Temple, like that. Or if there is any Mohammedan or Christian association, we are universal spiritual culture, we can speak to these people also. Or in the Bora Bazar, there is the Marwari Association, or in Bagh Bazar there is Navavrindaban. Also, there is some cultural institution of Birla in Ballyganj and other places. Or there are many halls like the Royal Theater, and other theatres, many temples also, there is the Royal Exchange, like that. So I am prepared to speak every night for nine nights while I am at Calcutta. Make big propaganda and let me inform the respectable men of my birthplace city what we are doing all over the world on behalf of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and let us see if they will respond for helping us push on this Krsna Consciousness movement more and more.

I have heard one rumor from Gargamuni that Kanupriya and Hayagriva are smoking ganja. In that case, Hayagriva should be asked to leave for U.S.A. immediately to sit down in New Vrndavana and do what he likes. But he is big leader, and if it is common knowledge that he is using such intoxicants, the others will follow his example and there will be havoc throughout the society. That would be a catastrophe. Therefore I am enclosing one letter to Hayagriva and I am ordering him to return to New Vrndavana immediately and not to become misled himself and thus mislead everyone else. As for Kanupriya, if he returns to the U.S.A. he will not stop this nasty habit and it will be worse if he goes there than if he remains in India with his family. So he may remain wherever he likes in India, but he must live separately from the devotees, and if he continues this thing he may be requested not to associate with any of our devotees further.

1973 Correspondence

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 3 January, 1973:

Your letter dated December 29, 1972, is in hand, and I am especially pleased to hear that our Tarun Babu is now little more inclined and coming daily to the Calcutta temple. That will be a great occasion, as he has suggested us, to lead the sankirtana party of two lacs of men through Calcutta on Lord Caitanya's appearance day. So on the 18th March, Lord Caitanya's appearance date, everyone shall rest and chant in the temple. So Tarun Babu can arrange to take us early morning from Mayapur to Calcutta, then on that day, 18th March, we shall have our big Calcutta sankirtana procession, and on that same evening or the following morning the bus may return to Mayapur and we shall conduct big Utsava. Tarun Babu and C. L. Bajoria and all big life members can come and stay with us at Mayapur for Utsava.

Now diligently and tactfully handle this matter, it is a very very good sign that our Tarun Babu and Mr. Bajoria are working together and promising to raise Rs. 2 lacs for Mayapur. If this is actually collected, then at least 5 lacs more can be collected just by advertising their 2 lacs collection.

So far the money transferred from Calcutta to Bombay, as much money as can be arranged from the Building Fund can be immediately returned to Calcutta. But I think there is only roundabout Rs. 10,000 in the Building Fund in Bombay, although there are two Building Fund accounts here and I do not know how much is there in the other Building Fund account. Most of the money collected in India has been deposited in my Bhaktivedanta Book Trust fund for printing and purchasing books for distribution in India. Actually, our main business in this country shall be to distribute our books profusely. Mayapur, Vrindaban, these temples shall be utilized for the most part by foreigners. So far the work in India of spreading Krsna consciousness, there are already millions of temples, so what shall our two more temples accomplish for spreading Krsna consciousness? They are meant for the foreigners and big life members. But our emphasis for preaching work will be on these books. Just as I introduced this life membership program based entirely on books, so you and other leaders here in India meet together or correspond frequently to devise more and more methods for introducing our literatures to the Indian public. That is the most important business.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Jayapataka, Bhavananda, Gargamuni -- Melbourne 10 February, 1973:

While travelling here to Melbourne I was thinking how wonderful our Mayapur project is and how it can be developed in the future. I want that Mayapur be self-sufficient by having its own production of grains, vegetables, fruits and milk products etc., to the extent that you will be able to feed at least 500 men daily. This will be better than trying to arrange for maintenance funds to come from outside. So we can make some scheme for purchasing sufficient quantity of land. The land there is very fertile and if our men can manage the program then we can go ahead. The low land we can purchase at 600 rs./bigha and the high land at 800 rs./bigha. So now you all make inquiries for purchasing as much land as we shall require and immediately inform me how much money shall be required.

One thing to consider before we take any action is that if we buy lots of land, the government may become envious to feed so many men without them working etc. and the communists there are notorious for confiscating property. So I am concerned that if we develop this scheme the government may take some action against us. If you can develop an educational institution, that may help to pacify them.

I shall be in Sydney until the 18th, and shall then be going to New Zealand and Indonesia. I shall return to India during the first week of March.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 4 May, 1973:

Since leaving India more than one month I have not received any report of the Mayapur project, how it is going on. So I may request you to write me in this regard. I want that the building must be completely finished before my next return. So please tell me what is the position there.

I have requested men to come there to Mayapur. They will bring paintings for decorating the building especially the temple hall. Please see also that they get trained up nicely in making the dolls and the mrdangas. I want to solve these two problems. We will want these dolls in London and other places, so please do the needful.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. Please be kind enough to send me a report at least fortnightly

Letter to Jayapataka, Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 9 May, 1973:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated April 30 and am very pleased by the report.

Many students from America will very soon go there to learn the art of doll making as desired by you. It is better to go there and learn the art instead of the teacher coming here. Mayapur is already wonderful being the transcendental birthplace of Lord Caitanya. By utilizing western talents to develop this place certainly it will be unique in the world. As in Vrndavana we have named the temple Krsna-Balarama Temple, similarly I suggest that our Mayapur temple be know as Mayapur Candra temple or Mayapur Candrodaya. Whichever sounds better we should advertise from now.

I know there are many weavers who daily go from this side of the river to Navadvipa side for working in handweaving enterprise. So if we can employ some of them along with our own men for manufacturing first class saris we can purchase all these saris produced by you. Such small scale industries are also supported by the Bengal Government. Tarundada is in charge of such industry. I have consulted with Karandhara that we can purchase the saris and the government will be glad to cooperate with us for exporting Indian goods to outside of India. Similarly we can import nice dolls here. Gradually as our men become expert they can manufacture the same thing here. So Mayapur inhabitants can be engaged in such a small manufacturing enterprise as well as farming to become self sufficient. Side by side increase our spiritual consciousness by attending to the temple routine work, Deity worship sankirtana, attending class. The idea is we must have the necessities of our life as far as possible independently. But we should not be business minded. Our main business is to develop our dormant Krsna Consciousness. Side by side we may take to such enterprises as will maintain us very nicely. There is no need of sending the artisan to U.S.A. better send our disciples from here and learn the art there. In this connection manufacturing the mrdanga shells as well as the skin work on it is very essential. If possible our men may learn how to make karatalas also. At Navadvipa, there are many artisans for this purpose.

The summary is that our men must learn these four things: doll making, mrdanga making, karatala making and if possible making saris.

We want to display doll exhibitions in every center of our society depicting some narration from Bhagavatam, Mahabharata, Caitanya Caritamrta, Bhagavad-gita like that. Just like the picture that Arjuna's chariot is placed by Krsna between the groups of 2 soldiers. The Pictures are already there in our books and they are to be demonstrated by doll exhibition. The Krsna-Balarama Deities if it is very successful you can send one photograph to Yamuna in Vrndavana and if needed they may be sent to Jaipur as a model for carving our Krsna-Balarama Deities to be installed at Vrndavana. If possible you can send me some photographs of the dolls already manufactured and I shall give you further suggestions in this connection. To learn how to prepare mrdanga shell is very essential. Regarding land I had already given Jayapataka Maharaja direction to purchase as much land as possible if it is offered at cheap price. But the present law is if the land is not properly utilized any outsider may occupy the land even as trespasser and the land belongs to him as a tenant or owner. I do not know what is the legal implication otherwise I wanted to purchase lands as much as possible in that quarter. Sometimes you consulted the district magistrate who came to see me and he said we may keep maximum 60 bighas of land. So my idea is that I want to purchase all the lands there for developing into a spiritual city but it may be utopian at the present moment.

Regarding keeping the Mohammedans in our temple I have no objection provided they follow or rules and regulations. Our philosophy is that we are not this body, outer tabernacle, but one must stick to our principles and live with us like other devotees. The difficulty will be the Mohammadans will not agree to shave their heads and beards. Our principle is anyone can live with us provided he becomes clean shaved, dresses like us, follows the regulative principles and chants the beads regularly. So you can let me know what is the reaction on the Mohammedan side to these conditions. Most of my students are coming from the Christian and Jewish groups but because they agreed to follow our principles there was no difficulty to organize the society. Similarly Mohammedan or anyone else who has no objection to our principles is welcome.

I'm so glad that prasadam distribution is going well, the cows are healthy and agriculture products are coming out nicely. So go on with the regular temple worship method and attract more persons. That will engladden me. You have said that the building construction work is finished but you have not written how many stories beside the plinth floor. Mr. Daga wanted to pay 10,000 Rs for one story more. Has it be executed accordingly? Please keep in constant touch with me by sending report at least once in a fortnight. At last I may inform you that I am very much interested to purchase more land.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 13 May, 1973:

Since I posted my last letter to you and Jayapataka Maharaja, jointly it has been decided that I'm returning to India by the 22nd or 23rd of this month. I think you have already been informed by Karandhara Prabhu. The reason is my health is broken down.

Last time when I was in Calcutta, the great ayurvedic physician Bimalananda Tarkatirtha felt my pulse and he said there is something very wrong within me but I left the next day. Unfortunately since I have come to the Western countries beginning from Zurich (Switzerland) then to New York then Los Angeles, but everywhere the climate is not at all suitable for me. I have received one letter from Madhavananda who was instructed by the physician that I should come back to India immediately. So I am coming back, and I will stay at Mayapur. Last time when I was there I left with you some instruction namely fixing the closet doors, iron bars on the windows and I hope you have these all finished by this time as well as the toilet facilities. I was pleased to learn from Madhavananda that he collected Rs. 42,000/. in one month for Mayapur construction. I hope things are going on nicely without any scarcity of money.

Letter to Madhudvisa -- Mayapur 12 June, 1973:

I would very much like to come there for Rathayatra, but now I am not in very good health, and it is the opinion of Tamal Krsna Maharaja, Bhavananda Maharaja, Jayapataka Maharaja and Jagadisa that it is best for me if I stay here for now so that I may get my health back.

Letter to Bhavananda, Jayapataka -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 19 August, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 4, 1973 and I have noted the contents carefully.

From your report it appears that everything is progressing very nicely. What can I say? I am so much indebted to all you nice American boys and girls for helping me to execute the order of my Guru Maharaja, may Krishna bless you.

I hope this letter meets you both well.
Your ever well wisher
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

N.B. Please send me regular reports fortnightly. You have not written anything about Sanitary & electricity accomplishment. I guess everything is stopped for want of cement.

1974 Correspondence

Letter to Bhavananda, Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 6 January, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 25, 1973, from Mayapur. Thank you for the information. I have advised Karandhara to send immediately $4,000 to Gargamuni Maharaja and you take the Indian exchange for $4,000 from him immediately. I am writing this letter today January 6th at 8:00 P.M. and I have advised Karandhara to send the money by telegram. Probably you will get the money tomorrow or the day after. The exchange of $4,000 is about Rs 32,000. Out of this 32,000 purchase Goswami Maharaja's land for 5,100 and the balance 27,000 you can open an account, the Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust Fund. The MV Trust is registered here and I am sending you a copy of the trust so that the bank will immediately open a MV Trust account. The signators will be three, namely you two maharajas and myself. Two signators out of three will be valid for drawing money. You deposit the balance Rs 27,000 in this account. I shall try to send more money as soon as I know the account is open and you can purchase land as much bighas as possible. But don't purchase more land than we can utilize. My only desire is that our temple must be a living temple by chanting Hare Krsna Mantra and distributing prasadam as well as distributing books to the intelligent class of men. This time we shall have the first part of Caitanya Caritamrta published 400 pages. I am working on Caitanya Caritamrta continually.

So by the time I reach India, maybe the first week of February, I hope that by that time my quarters will be completely open for use without any difficulty.

I am glad Bharadraja and others are learning laboriously how to model. materials like bamboo, thatch and tarpolin you can purchase if the prices are cheap. I cannot say how many will be required, but purchase and keep in stock. If Tirtha Maharaja is having a big showing then we have to show more and let everyone see what the American model makers can do. What exhibition of models are you going to show?

I am glad hundreds of visitors are coming by our songs. You are already working hard there now work harder and Krsna will give you all facilities. My full blessings, with Krsna's consent, are upon you all. Hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


cc: Gargamuni Swami

N.B. If you want to send me a telegram before February 1st, you may send it to our Hawaii address:

ISKCON Hawaii, 1578 Ala Aoloa Loop,

Honolulu, Hawaii 968.

After that date, you may telegram my c/o our New Delhi center.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 11 January, 1974:

In the meantime, Jayapataka and Bhavananda Maharajas want money for land. Karandhara has sent $4,000 so I have allowed them to purchase more land. I will pay and have arranged for that. You can advise Jayapataka and Bhavananda to purchase land whenever there is an opportunity and we shall arrange to pay. But it should not exceed Rs 5,000 per month. Within that limit they can purchase every month some piece of land.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 11 January, 1974:

When I come to India, we shall sit together, you, myself, Bhavananda Maharaja, Gargamuni Maharaja, Gurudasa, and do the needful.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 11 January, 1974:

Yes, Bhavananda and Jayapataka Maharajas are the approved directors of Mayapur. They are selfless workers.

Letter to Jayapataka , Bhavananda , Brahmananda -- Bombay 22 March, 1974:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your express letter which arrived in Vrindaban March 19th, and I have noted the contents.

Of course I do not know what is the actual expenditure, but I request you to finish the business as far as possible and the money will be supplied. But this time when I go I want to see that everything under construction is completed. Brahmananda Swami has already gone there to help you in this connection so kindly do the needful. Combine together and get the things completely done.

Letter to Jayapataka , Bhavananda -- Bombay 3 April, 1974:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of—undated, and I have carefully noted the contents.

As for the advance of Rs 25,000 so that work can continue at Mayapur, that has already been sent from New York by Bali Mardan. There has been some delay in receiving it here but from our Bombay BBT account we have already forwarded the sum of Rs 25,000 to Calcutta, so that question is already answered. You have the money and work should go ahead full force to be completed as agreed.

As far as the cows suffering from no good shelter, why have you not built them something solid? I sent $5,000.00 on one occasion and then $4,000.00 previous to that, for construction for the cows. So why are they not protected?

Your report on the harvest of crops is a paradox, when compared to the fact that you have to spend money for maintenance. If there is so much harvest, you have cows, vegetables, then why do you require money for maintenance?

I have read in your letter how the brahmacaris find it very difficult to plough. It will be very difficult if we do not work the land ourselves. The difficulty can be overcome provided we are sincere. I think we can use modern machines, to drive a tractor, for example, is as easy as driving a car. Suppose we hire a tractor for the time being. I heard they are available from Krishnanagar. In America they take to agriculture; they are farmers although they are not Indians. So why can't the Americans work and farm in India? We just have to adjust in order to raise as much crops as possible for the animals and men. I have seen many farmers near New Vrindaban working nicely with tractors and growing food. One day Kirtanananda Swami hired one and within two hours he tilled many acres of land very nicely, although it was not even land. So in Mayapur it is even land; in a few hours we can till all the land we possess. My point is if somehow we cannot utilize the land then why purchase it at such expenditure? Self help doesn't mean Rs 10,000 spent monthly.

As for working with the architects, if you think the soil test is necessary you can consult together, you two and Gargamuni Maharaja and Brahmananda Maharaja and decide yourselves. Tamala Krsna goswami has no extraordinary experience, so you can do it yourselves. Tamala Krsna is sick now, recovering from a hernia operation, and after he has recovered he is going to America.

Yes, it is a good idea to go preaching in Bangladesh. If possible some men may go there. Gargamuni has some experience; when he went there it was Pakistan but still he had good reception. If you go to Bangladesh and establish a center it will be a great achievement. We have a center in China and one in Moscow why not Bangladesh and Pakistan?

As for Panca Dravida Swami, I know he is a good preacher and collector. Let him work there for some time and then come back. He is needed in South India and Acyutananda Maharaja is waiting for him. But it will depend on Panca Dravida, he can decide himself which part of the country he can preach best in. Wherever better facilities are we should work, it doesn't matter if it is Nadia or South India.

So please go on all working together in cooperative spirit and do the needful; then I may be spared taxing my brain over so many matters and I can go on my real work of translating. I will be glad to hear your further progressive reports.

Letter to Bhaktijana -- Bombay 10 April, 1974:

Since you are facing so many difficulties alone in Harlem, New York City, I think it would be better if you return to Mayapur, under the direction of Bhavananda Maharaja and Jayapataka Maharaja, and I have no objection to your return there.

Letter to Bhavananda , Jayapataka -- Hyderabad 20 April, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letters of April 15, 1974 and I thank you.

My point of view is this: whatever money you require I am already sending and will continue without hesitation to send, but I must be satisfied the money is properly spent. The first point is if I send you money for a certain purpose it must be spent for that purpose. Money for land must be spent for land purchase; if I send money for constructing of a kitchen it must be spent for that.

Also, if you purchase land it must be properly utilized. It is no use purchasing land to be wasted by costly laborers. If you actually produce some grains or vegetables, then where is the necessity for further money for maintenance. For maintenance we require 100 rupees per head without any risk for purchasing lands and cultivating the same. I understand there are only 20 men there at present, so utmost 2,000 rupees is necessary for maintenance. I am not competent to understand everything concerning what you plan to do, but that is my rough estimate.

You have tried to explain by long letter which I have not gone through yet. In the meantime go on the above principle: money spent must be used for that purpose intended. That will keep it very clear.

I know you are working hard and sincerely. I have no business to criticize you but as head of the institution or your spiritual master, it is my duty to find out your faults. Even Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented himself as faulty before his spiritual master. To remain faulty before the spiritual master is a good qualification so he is subjected to rectification. But if one thinks he is all perfect then there is no scope for rectification. Don't be sorry when I find fault. That is my primary duty. Canakya pandita says one must find fault with disciples and sons, it is good for them.

I hope things are going nicely and progressively. The money is with Giriraja: he has send Rs 50,000 in two installments, the balance is kept with him and you will get it timely. Hope this finds you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


N.B. Previously, eighty thousand rupees was taken from Hyderabad for Mayapur. (RS 80,000.00) I am not sure of the exact sum but Gargamuni Maharaja will have a record of it. So now that Hyderabad construction is going on, this money is required by them. Please see that it is returned by you as soon as possible.

Letter to Jayapataka , Bhavananda -- Bombay 9 May, 1974:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 28, April, 1974.

You write that you are very careful utilizing funds that are sent for that particular purpose. In all matters of management this careful attitude must be taken. I have been requesting my disciples for sometime to release me from the management aspects of ISKCON so I can be free to translate. And you two are managing one of our biggest centers. I cannot close my eyes when there are big management difficulties, so when I see things going wrong, money mispent, things not used properly, then I have to take part. But if you can relieve me of worry of management in Mayapur it will be a great relief for me. Krsna will give you more and more intelligence on how to do this if you sincerely endeavor.

Up to 5,000 to 10,000 rupees for purchasing land there is always available from the Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust fund. You write that you now have Rs. 9000/ so another 10,000/ will be made available to you for this purpose.

As for the hand-tiller from Japan that you are using on a trial basis, you should ask Bali Mardan to supply you this Japanese machine. He has good connections in Japan. He can provide you that same Japanese motor hand-tiller much cheaper or even free.

The news that you are able to keep up the prasadam program which is now up to 1500 persons on Sunday is very welcome and I hope you can continue this without stoppage. The success of Bhavananda Maharaja's English lessons of the Varnasrama College has given me great pleasure and I am sure many devotees will come from this program. It is a first class idea.

Letter to Mahamsa, Giriraja, Gargamuni, Gargamuni, Jayapataka, Tejiyas, Gurudasa -- Geneva 2 June, 1974:

After meeting here in Geneva with Karandhara das Adhikari and several other GBC members, I have decided to send Karandhara to India to replace Tamala Krsna Goswami as the new Governing Body Commissioner for India. I know from experience that Karandhara is a highly qualified devotee and I feel confident in placing him in such an important position for our society as head of affairs in India. It is a great relief for me. Karandhara is very enthusiastic to begin his new assignment and will be leaving for India in a few days. Please give him all cooperation and work together for advancement of our mission to make the people of India Krishna Conscious.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Vrindaban 8 August, 1974:

Regarding Karandhara's comment that Mayapur and Calcutta were the best organized centers in India, that I know. I have full faith in you, and also Bhavananda and Jayapataka Maharajas.

Letter to Sanka -- Mayapur 16 October, 1974:

I understand from Bhavananda Maharaja that you are invited here to plant a garden.

Letter to Jayatirtha -- Mayapur 27 October, 1974:

I understand from Bhavananda and Jayapataka that you have agreed to give Dollars 8,000.00 from BBT funds for construction of the second story of the Kitchen here.

Letter to Whom it may concern -- Calcutta 30 October, 1974:

I also appoint the following as the Trustees: Gargamuni Swami, Bhavananda Goswami, and Jayapataka Swami.

Letter to Jayapataka, Bhavananda -- Bombay 17 November, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 10, 1974 and have noted the contents. Regarding not building the second story on the Prasdam Pavilion, whatever you think is best is all right. Whatever you all three consult and agree is all right.

Hamsaduta has sent RS. 15,000/00 for the Food Program, and Bhagavan dasa has given the check to Gargamuni Swami for the Pavilion. So money is there. That is no difficulty. Only the projects must be finished by Gaura Purnima.

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Bhavananda, Jayapataka -- Bombay 23 January, 1975:

The bearer of this letter, Jagannatha das brahmacari is coming to Mayapur to work on the Caitanya Caritamrta manuscript. Hopefully, he will finish editing work on the Antya-lila by the Festival at the end of March. Please give him all facilities in this connection. He will need a quiet spot for working. Try to see that he is full-time engaged in this editing work.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Perth, Australia 15 May, 1975:

You request Tripurari Maharaja in this connection along with the others. Now, Bhavananda Swami and Gargamuni Swami are there. They are also expert in pushing this on. By combined effort, publish as quickly as possible and immediately Caitanya-caritamrta should be done.

Letter to Sudama -- Honolulu 8 June, 1975:

Now, be very careful. Don't make any mistakes. Keep company with Bhavananda. He is very sincere.

Letter to Bhagavata -- Evanston, Illinois 5 July, 1975:

So you should immediately come here to USA. You may hand over the management of Calcutta affairs to Bhavananda Maharaja.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Evanston, Illinois 10 July, 1975:

Enclosed are some photographs of a lake here where I take morning walk. Now I want that our lake in Mayapur should be like this. You can make the stone stairway on four sides, one at each end and one at the middle of each side.

Letter to Gopala Krsna -- Philadelphia 14 July, 1975:

Lust is so strong that if it is obstructed it turns into anger. Brahmananda Swami and Bhavananda Swami also confirm that he has this tendency.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Philadelphia 14 July, 1975:

Move the dirt from the pukur. It is not nice. I have sent to Bhavananda Maharaja the photos of how it should be done.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Mauritius 3 October, 1975:

In Bombay I have paid in advance Rs. 25,000/- to Bhavananda Maharaja for Food Relief poor feeding; so whatever you have collected for poor feeding may be sent to Bombay Bank of America.

1976 Correspondence

Letter to Dina Dayala -- Nellore 6 January, 1976:

Yes, your idea to teach English by having the students read KRSNA book is very good. When you were in Mayapur you saw Bhavananda Maharaja doing this and it was very successful. Simply repeat this.

Letter to Cyavana -- Mayapur 11 February, 1976:

Here there are other GBC and sannyasis like Jayapataka Maharaja, Bhavananda Maharaja, Tamala Krsna Gosvami, etc.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976:

Also, I am aware of the shortage of manpower at Mayapur and I am sanctioning Bhavananda Maharaja to do the needful and also for some men to go from here, but whether they actually are being sent?

Letter to Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 6 June, 1976:

I am very much encouraged by Bhavananda Swami and Gargamuni Swami's preaching attempts.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Nairobi 9 January, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 24, 1972 and have noted the contents carefully. Things here are going on very nicely. Enclosed is one clipping. Last night at the festival meeting one government official spoke very highly of my movement and everyone was very pleased.

Now I am here in Africa and will be returning within a week. From Bombay I shall let you know what is to be done after consulting Tamal Krishna Goswami Maharaj and Shyamasundar, two GBC members. I do not approve the proposal for constructing another new set of temples in the new land. If we construct temple, we must do it according to the big plan in the land already purchased. We have already one cottage in the land, and for three days it is not advisable to construct other houses. Those who have got permits may immediately go and remain in the cottage already there. If need be for three days you can rent some tents and cots. I am surprised that Calcutta cannot arrange even for your food expenditure in Mayapur, then what is the question of the festival?

So far Calcutta branch is concerned, it cannot be closed. It must be maintained. You have got permits for five men, and all of these men must go to Mayapur immediately and perform Sankirtan day and night. If Calcutta cannot supply your maintenance food, then Bombay will supply. So with great difficulty we have of the permits for permission, so with the exception of Bhanu who is going to Tokyo others may go to live there.

I have talked to Brahmananda Maharaj about all these things, and he is ready to take full charge of Calcutta and Mayapur but he is very busy here now. We have purchased a nice house in Nairobi. 50% of the payment, namely 122,000 Shs. has to be paid by the end of February. So after finishing this business if required he will come to India and take charge of things as required. But I am simply surprised why you are so disappointed with Calcutta affairs so you cannot maintain the devotees in Mayapur for ten days even.

I am sending a copy of this letter as well as your letter with enclosures to Tamal Krishna Maharaj, and I am also returning to Bombay and then we shall discuss and do the needful.

I hope this finds you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

cc: Tamal Krishna Maharaj, c/o Jaipur-

Letter to Gaura Govinda -- Vrindaban 7 October, 1976:

Nityananda Kanungo, the father of Bijayananda, can give you information about that land. He is a very famous man, and he lives in Cuttack. Otherwise Bhavananda may be able to give some assistance.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Vrindaban 10 November, 1976:

I have received one telegram from Gargamuni reading as follows; Ras purnima over five thousand books sold four lakhs visit temple Bhavananda signs twenty thousand autographs awaiting your arrival 15th or after please reply.

This means that by the grace of Krishna, not only our Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir has become very popular all over Bengal, side by side you have also become the attractive feature in Bengal. So, it is Krsna blessing you. Take this opportunity for preaching in Bengal. Especially please go from village to village with a party of 5, 6 men and preach the message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu with great enthusiasm. Along with preaching simultaneously Gitar Gana will be distributed.

So far my going to Mayapur, I am expecting to go to Hyderabad, therefore I shall fix up my date later on. In the meantime both Gargamuni and yourself preach vigorously.

Hoping this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

cc: Gargamuni Swami in Calcutta

Letter to Gargamuni -- Vrindaban 13 November, 1976:

I've sent one letter to Bhavananda also, in which I requested him to preach in the interior of Bengal. Now he is in the limelight, so his attention should not be diverted.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Vrindaban 24 November, 1976:

In Bengal the press tried to defame our Bhavananda Maharaja, but now he has become a great hero. He signed 20,000 autographs on one holiday.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Vrindaban 26 November, 1976:

With the Rs. 15,000 you may open a bank account there. You, Bhavananda and Prabhusvarupa may be the signers. Any 2 or 3 may sign on the cheques.

Letter to Prabhusvarupa -- Vrindaban 26 November, 1976:

The Rs. 15,000 may be deposited in the bank in ISKCON's name. Jayapataka, Bhavananda and yourself can be the signers. Any two may sign on the cheques.

Letter to Jayapataka, Bhavananda -- Hyderabad 7 December, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 3, 1976.

Yes, I sanction your getting the necessary funds from the MVT (1 1/2 lakhs). One thing is, you say you have received $10,000 from Gurukrpa for a generator. However, that should not cost more than $6,000. The balance can be utilized in the building scheme.

The boat party must continue preaching. It is very nicely responded to. The educated men you have mentioned, who have joined us must be kept very satisfied. These men are required. You say that everyone is working without any caste or race consideration. That is required. That is the basic standard of Krsna Consciousness.

Regarding Sri Jaya Narayana das Babaji, don't allow him any more. He has gone out without telling, that's alright.

Letter to Prabhusvarupa -- Hyderabad 11 December, 1976:

Regarding the construction of the boundary wall you may consult with Jayapataka Swami and Bhavananda Goswami. They'll do the needful, I have already advised them. Please work very closely with them in all matters.

1977 Correspondence

Letter to All G.B.C., All Temple Presidents -- Vrindaban 9 July, 1977:

Recently when all of the GBC members were with His Divine Grace in Vrndavana, Srila Prabhupada indicated that soon He would appoint some of His senior disciples to act as "ritvik

- representative of the acarya, for the purpose of performing initiations, both first initiation and second initiation. His Divine Grace has so far given a list of eleven disciples who will act in that capacity:

His Holiness Kirtanananda Swami

His Holiness Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami

His Holiness Jayapataka Swami

His Holiness Tamala Krsna Gosvami

His Holiness Hrdayananda Gosvami

His Holiness Bhavananda Gosvami

His Holiness Hamsaduta Swami

His Holiness Ramesvara Swami

His Holiness Harikesa Swami

His Grace Bhagavan dasa Adhikari

His Grace Jayatirtha dasa Adhikari

In the past Temple Presidents have written to Srila Prabhupada recommending a particular devotee's initiation. Now that Srila Prabhupada has named these representatives, Temple Presidents may henceforward send recommendation for first and second initiation to whichever of these eleven representatives are nearest their temple. After considering the recommendation, these representatives may accept the devotee as an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada by giving a spiritual name, or in the case of second initiation, by chanting on the Gayatri thread, just as Srila Prabhupada has done. The newly initiated devotees are disciples of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad, the above eleven senior devotees acting as His representative. After the Temple President receives a letter from these representatives giving the spiritual name or the thread, he can perform the fire yajna in the temple as was being done before. The name of a newly initiated disciple should be sent by the representative who has accepted him or her to Srila Prabhupada, to be included in His Divine Grace's "Initiated Disciples" book.

Page Title:Training of Bhavananda dasa (Letters, 1969 - 1977)
Compiler:Alakananda, Visnu Murti
Created:31 of May, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=128
No. of Quotes:128