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Maharaja Yudhisthira requested Narada to explain (the incident of Sisupala's receiving sayujya-mukti instead of entering hellish life) the cause for such a wonderful event

Expressions researched:
"Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira therefore requested Nārada to explain the cause for such a wonderful event"


SB Canto 7

The śāstras enjoin, tad-vijñānārthaṁ sa gurum evābhigacchet: [MU 1.2.12] when one is perplexed by the difficult problems of life, to solve them one must approach a guru like Nārada or his representative in the disciplic succession. Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira therefore requested Nārada to explain the cause for such a wonderful event.

This matter is undoubtedly very wonderful. Indeed, my intelligence has become disturbed, just as the flame of a candle is disturbed by a blowing wind. O Nārada Muni, you know everything. Kindly let me know the cause of this wonderful event.

The śāstras enjoin, tad-vijñānārthaṁ sa gurum evābhigacchet: [MU 1.2.12] when one is perplexed by the difficult problems of life, to solve them one must approach a guru like Nārada or his representative in the disciplic succession. Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira therefore requested Nārada to explain the cause for such a wonderful event.

Page Title:Maharaja Yudhisthira requested Narada to explain (the incident of Sisupala's receiving sayujya-mukti instead of entering hellish life) the cause for such a wonderful event
Created:2020-11-28, 09:23:20
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=1, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1