I thank you very much for your letter dated Feb. 16, 1968, along with the enclosure of an older letter dated August 27, 1967. I am very sorry to learn that my dear brother Sadananda is seriously ill and the doctors have advised complete rest for him. He is my intimate friend and God-brother, so although I wanted to open correspondence with him, I voluntarily restrain myself from doing so, taking into consideration his present health. I pray to Krishna that he may recover very soon, so that we may not only open correspondence, but maybe I can see him personally. In Bombay sometimes we lived together and he used to treat my little sons very kindly. His heart is so soft, as soft as a good mother's, and I always remember him and shall continue to do so. When you meet him next, kindly offer my respectful obeisances. And if there is any message for me, you can send me to my New York address.
Live together (Letters)
1968 Correspondence
The real thing is that you are feeling alone, and because you are so to say, child, you have become nervous. Otherwise for a preacher there is no difficulty anywhere, irrespective of climate and conditions. I came here in the month of December, and as my country is warmer to you, similarly your country is colder to me. I am also in diseased condition. When I first came to your country I passed through practically all the seasons. I came here in 1965, Sept., and I remained in the Northern portion of your country, namely N.Y., Penn., and Mass., etc., continually from Sept. 1965 to Dec. 1966. And you know how much severe cold is N.Y.; I passed through snow on the N.Y. street, so certainly I wasn't very much in comfortable situation. Still I had the strength of mind, and I continued to stay. Similarly, if you have strength of mind, you can stay always in India even in the most inconvenient condition. Another difficulty is that although you are four already in India, you cannot live together. Ramanuja left the camp as soon as I left you. You do not like Harivilasa. So you are living scattered. That is another difficulty. If you would have lived together with mutual cooperation, there would have been no trouble; but I think that is also not possible.
In my plain opinion, I think if you can all three at present moment, namely yourself, Harivilasa, and Rsikesa, live together, there will be no difficulty. You are going to Vrindaban, so formerly you told me that you selected a very nice house at Rs 50 per month, why not take that house and live together, all three, chant Hare Krsna, and try to remain in transcendental peace. In Vrindaban, the system is that during daytime one can live downstairs and with door closed, and electric fan running on. I was staying in Radha Damodara Temple in my room in the same way, by closing the door, making it complete dark and running on the fan. I was never in trouble. So if one is determined to stay, things could be adjusted to live together in Krsna Conscious cooperation.
Yes, I can perform spiritual weddings for my initiated disciples. I have gotten so many young devotees married, and they are executing Krishna Consciousness nicely. That is the real purpose of married life; to live together peacefully, execute Krishna Consciousness, bring up children in Krishna Consciousness, so they will not again have to enter into this world of birth and death.
I am enclosing herewith one letter from Pradyumna, and you can let me know what is to be done for his hospital charges. We are increasing our expansion, but we have to take account of these emergencies. I have already written you about taking steps for protecting our boys from the draft board; now, when we live together, somebody may fall ill. Now, find some future main source of income for our institution, and main source is publications. So if we can organize a good sales organization, that is our main hope. Besides that, if the Sankirtana party is nicely organized, we can have demonstration for public. I do not know how far we shall be successful, but we must find out a source of our income. At the present moment, some of the boys are working and practically it is going on under their working strength. Anyway, please think over what is to be done with Pradyumna.
On the other hand I was thinking that if I get permanent visa in Montreal, I shall make Montreal my headquarters and at that time I may require your help in so many ways. As we passed correspondence previously, that we should live together either in India or in this part of the world for publication of so many Vaisnava literatures. But if you want to develop New Vrindaban, I can spare you for that purpose, and it may be that we can live there together. For the time being, if you actually want to develop such ideal asrama, we must have sufficient land, and all other things will gradually grow. For raising crops from the land, how many men will be required—that we must estimate and for herding the cows and feeding them.
There is no need of separation. Live together and train up your mind, that is all. Artificial separation is never recommended. And when you see, living together, you have no desire for sense gratification, then that is the highest stage of perfection. Voluntary restraint is tapasya, austerity, and this is possible with advancement of Krishna Consciousness. Artificial separation is foolishness. We recommend voluntary restraint, not artificial separation. So you should understand that there is no objection to live together as husband and wife. The tendency is there, it is natural. But if one can check it, that is very good. But it is not compulsory. And not to be checked artificially, but with advancement of strength in Krishna Consciousness.
Brahmacaris and Brahmacarinis can live in the temple provided there is separate arrangement. The restriction is there because if they live together there might be sex impulses agitated. The whole principle is especially for the Brahmacaris to avoid causes which may give impetus to the sex desire. But in your country it is very difficult to make aloof the boys and girls because they are accustomed to mix together. So it is not possible for me to introduce this new system very strictly, because they are trained differently. Someway or other, if you are intelligent boy, you should make arrangement for the boys and girls to live separately; Brahmacaris at one place all together, and the Brahmacarinis all together at another place. We should always remember that sex life in spiritual advancement is great impediment. So keeping this point of view in front, we should intelligently manage things with great care. So that our aim of life may not be missed.
I understand that you are trying to organize a Brahmacarini asrama. A Brahmacarini asrama is certainly a great necessity because there are so many girl devotees who are attached to our Krishna Consciousness movement. Those who are married couple, there is nothing to be said—simply to live together as husband and wife. But those who are not married certainly such Brahmacaris and Brahmacarinis should not live together. That is a special restricted term of our cult. But because in your country there is no distinction between boys and girls, or man and woman, they can freely mix without any restriction, I did not give too much stricture on this point because by such stricture they might be annoyed, and whatever Krishna Consciousness they are trying to develop might have been checked. But factually if you can organize a Brahmacarini asrama, it will be very nice idea. And I think that our Jadurani or similar other girl students of a little bit advanced, they can manage such asrama. But there is another difficulty, that when the girls live together they will pick up quarrels. Anyway, that sort of quarreling will continue whenever there is a little bit individuality. That is the nature. Even such quarreling is visible in the spiritual world also.
Another boy, Christopher Fynn, may be going there very soon. And this letter covered is addressed to him. He is, so far I learned from Janardana, he is educated boy, and try to live together very peacefully in Krishna Consciousness. The business of Krishna Conscious persons is to enjoy by mutual association on the basis of understanding Krishna from Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. So when you become three together, you should utilize your time by discussions on Krishna, and chanting Hare Krishna. Even you do not get some job, Krishna will not put you into difficulty. But try to get some job, and work for the improvement of the temple. And whenever there is opportunity, try to chant in public parks, and collect some money from the gathering, and surely Krishna will help you in spreading this sublime gospel of Krishna Consciousness.
I hope very soon you will find out a suitable place in Hamburg and start the temple and if required you can take assistance from Syamasundara. for the Deities. I am glad to learn that Krishna das has got a job in a jewelry shop, similarly both you and Uttama Sloka may also find out some job and immediately take a nice apartment. If storefront is too costly then you can start the center in some apartment and try to invite people there and live together. Regarding your question, about living alone, living alone is a general tendency for a person who wants to get disassociated with the materialistic persons. That is also recommended by the Goswamis in their instructions. It is better to remain alone than to mix with materialistic persons. But this is not applicable when we have the opportunity to get the association of pure devotees. Our program is negative and positive simultaneously.
I am pleased with the progress that you, Mahapurusa, and Murari are making in establishing our Hawaii temple and also I have noted that you are making arrangements for accommodating me in January. You are making arrangements for me but also I think you should make arrangements for calling your wife. The husband and wife must live together for helping one another in developing Krishna Consciousness. So I think that you may write to your wife and request that she join you in your temple at Hawaii.
1969 Correspondence
So far the living arrangement is concerned, the grhasthas should be given chance to live together as husband and wife. If not, then all the girls can stay in a place and all the boys can stay in a place, if there is not sufficient space.
The description of your dream is very fascinating. It appears that you are constantly thinking of me and Lord Nrsimha has given you the chance to see Him because of your constant devotion. It is very encouraging. I understand that all of you are not living together. Just today I received one letter from Syamasundara. and his return address is again a new address on Balham Park Road. In his letter he says that he is leaving for Leicester (80 miles from London) for preparing an altar for Mataji's new temple. So if you are living at Mataji's, then does it mean that you are 80 miles off from London? I do not think so, but please clarify the situation. I am receiving letters from different sources, and I do not know where to reply home.
I am little disturbed hearing from Yamuna that you are in financial difficulty there. If you can sell our Back To Godheads and our books, how there can be financial difficulty? From the month of June you will have 5,000 BTG's, and you can make 35 cents profit on BTG. So roughly calculated, even if you distribute BTG wholesale, you make minimum profit of 20 cents per copy. Thus, you can easily make $1,000 profit simply by selling BTG, and what to speak of the books? Besides that, if you have got kirtana engagements, why should there be any difficulty of finance. The only problem is you have no place to live together. That you must make immediate solution. If you have no place to live together immediately, ask Mataji to give you a place. If she does not, then secure the mortuary at any cost. If they require a bank guarantee we shall arrange for this.
I have received a letter from my Godbrother informing me that it has been advertised in India that in Vietnam also somebody is spreading Hare Krishna Movement. So there is no need to be disappointed. You go on with your work as best as Krishna gives you the opportunity, and there is no cause of your anxiety. Everything is going smoothly. But since you are now separated, the strength of your activities appears to be little disturbed. Now you try to assemble together in the same spirit as you were doing, and in that case, temple or no temple, your movement will go on progressively. We are not much concerned about the temple because temple worship is not primary factor in this age. Primary factor is Sankirtana. But sometimes we want a center where people may gather and see, so a temple is required secondarily. So try your best immediately to live together. I am very much eager to see that you are again living together.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 8, 1969 with pictures enclosed. They are very nice. I understand the whole situation that you have not yet been able to find out a suitable place for living together, although Janardana is there. I think the same problem was experienced by the London devotees previously. Anyway, you will be pleased to learn that Tamala from Los Angeles has come here, and our Sankirtana Party has got some engagement in Hamburg from the 20th through the 24th of this month, so they will stay in the Hamburg temple for 4 or 5 days. Janardana wrote me in some letter a few days back asking if I can go there, but due to the climatic condition I do not wish to move further from here. So you consult amongst yourselves whether you require Tamala's and the Sankirtana Party's help. You can let them know immediately in Hamburg.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 2, 1969, and it is very encouraging that Saci Devi is coming. I know she is a very nice girl, so if you agree to marry her, then you must treat her very nicely so that you can live very peacefully. Our marriages are never meant for separation. You must live together very peacefully in all circumstances. Our Vamanadeva, after marriage, has opened a new center in St. Louis, and they are doing very well. So far as Hamsaduta is concerned, immediately there is no possibility of his leaving Berkeley center. It is a very important center, and as you say he is doing very well you require to stay there, husband and wife, and improve the center very magnificently. If you want to open a center, you are already experienced, and you should do it independently.
1970 Correspondence
Recently I have drained out of my book fund $14,000, so Hamsaduta wanted to pay me another $1,500. If he sends me the money it will be a great help to my book fund. Another point is that three couples from our London temple are living in George Harrison's place, but is far away from our temple. If they cannot join regularly with the temple activities, then there might be some disturbance within. I learn that Murari and Lilavati are feeling like that. Have you any correspondence recently with London? Or you may have correspondence with Gurudasa to adjust these things. As far as possible all the devotees should live together. To live in the association of devotees is a great strength. So you try to adjust things in that way as far as possible so the devotees may live together.
Regarding the three couples staying with George, I think if there is no contemplation of starting a new Radha Krsna temple there, simply to take advantage of staying there is no good. Temporarily we may take advantage of it, but as soon as possible the devotees must live together and execute our Krishna Conscious business in right earnest. So I hope you shall altogether consult and do the needful. Not a single moment should be wasted—that is very important thing. We shall not act anything which has no connection directly with Krishna Consciousness business.
1971 Correspondence
There is no question of your falldown. Chant 16 rounds regularly and no power in all three worlds will make you fall down. Krishna will save you always. So you can live strictly like a brahmacarini and make advancement in Krishna Consciousness by chanting and reading the books. And you have got good capacity for preaching work also. There is no objection for you living together, but it is better that you live as brahmacarini.
It is a fact that householders should not live in the Temple together. Whether with child or without child, householders should not live together in the Temple. Otherwise, what will the Brahmacaris and Sannyasis think? So this should be discouraged. Bali Mardan is correct in this point.
1972 Correspondence
So your husband has gone but you should not be too much worried, your husband will come back to Krsna consciousness, if not now then later. Anyone who has tasted the bliss of Krsna consciousness he cannot stay away for a very long time. So you should not be too much concerned. Do not be too much worried—forget the past, do not be attached to it for we are only thinking of how we may now please the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the devotees are always optimistic for the advancement of their spiritual progress. So in the meantime there is no question of any more marriage by you so you will become freed from the entangling grip of maya which means sex life. Just see, so many people are suffering so much just for a little sex life. I am so much disturbed by problems caused by sex life that I am not going to sanction any more marriages. Our devotees must do it at their own risk from now on and they must provide their own income for living together outside the temple or if they live in the temple they must live separately.
Regarding householders living in the temple; in India no woman is allowed to stay in the temple at night. But for our preaching work I have permitted women to stay in the temple. But, in the temple, husband and wife should live separately. There are many young brahmacaris and Sannyasis in the temple and men and women living together is simply a source of agitation, so therefore this is my order; ideally the husband and wife can live separately in the temple. If this is not possible they should live together close to the temple and attend temple arati etc . . . and if this is not possible the last alternative is to live away from the Temple and conduct your own deity worship etc. It is best to do the most ideal thing but whatever mode of living you chose the most important thing is to always remain one hundred percent in service of Radha-Krishna. The initiation of Michael Stein is approved and beads are being sent in separate cover.
Regarding your question whether husband and wife should live together in the temple, according to temple rules they should not live together in the temple. It does not give a good impression for brahmacaris and sannyasis. It is better if the grhasthas have a separate asrama, just like in Los Angeles the married disciples rent rooms together in one apartment house near the temple and live there separately, and in this way no one is disturbed, neither the brahmacaris are disturbed by householder life, nor the grhasthas are disturbed by brahmacaris. This is the best system, and if you and your good husband require to live together to advance nicely in Krishna Consciousness, that is very good proposal, but you should try to model the arrangement after the Los Angeles temple, and you should live separately, men and women, if you live in the temple itself.
Regarding your question whether grhastha couples can live together in the temple, no, they may not, that is a strict regulation. They can live in the temple, that's all right, but they must live separately men and women. So I am encouraging the grhastha devotees who want to live together to start householder asrama outside the temple in a nearby house, just like in Los Angeles there is one such householder asrama. There, the grhasthas, men and women, work sometimes in the incense factory and get paid $1 per hour, and in this way they pay the rent and meet other expenditures. So if you can arrange a similar house in Philadelphia center, that will be nice. The householders may sell my books and incense and make some small salary to pay rent, take prasada at the temple, and live very happily.
The condition of the owner Mr. Saraf was that within three months construction work would begin. We have fenced the land but otherwise we have done nothing. So immediately bricks must be bought so they can sit during the rainy season and become soaked. A tube well must be dug immediately. I don't know why it was not done. If needed we can draw up the water by pump and store it in a tank, just like before Vrndavana Station. We shall require much water for construction and for the vegetation. So a water supply must be there. We must have our own well, sweet or salty, it does not matter. So far the land of Mr. Dalmia, first develop what you have got. Or if they will accept a low price, or if we pay him the Rs. 60,000/- whether he will pay us back as donation? Your proposal for a separate asrama for women, that is a very nice proposal, and that must be done. At present, at all of our temples around the world no husband and wife live together.
Your husband has gone back from London, being completely overcome by family separation. So there is no need of living separately. Both of you husband and wife live together and render the best service to the Lord. We have never discouraged family life, so both of you are intelligent and can make your plan. Keep your situation fit for rendering service to the Lord more enthusiastically. That is my desire.
Yes, if there are African girls also who want to join us, and if they get the consent of their elder family members to live with us, they may live in the temple provided there is separate place for them so that boys and girls will not mix freely, just as we are doing everywhere. If that boy wants to marry your African girl, I have no objection as long as she obtains the permission of her parents and elders, and provided they live separately in the temple, or if they live together, they must live outside. Mr. Shah has sent me one letter of complaint in financial matters, so I have forwarded it to Brahmananda. Now you together deal with these money matters and Mr. Shah, should I always have to be consulted in these things? Enclosed find the copy of amendment, duly signed.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter undated, wherein you have requested me if you can again return to your wife. How is that? It will be a very bad example. It is not possible at all. Then you have to give up your sannyasi dress. So give up these thoughts. You cannot live together, that is not possible, neither you can see her or speak. If you want to keep her, she can remain separately and you can support her in that way, but you cannot see her. That means there are many other women loitering, so you may see her like that sometimes by chance, but you may not see separately or privately and you cannot talk with her, neither correspond.
1975 Correspondence
Yes, what is the use of approaching a poor man to contribute. A poor man will simply think how can I occupy. Regarding the retired persons staying, retired means vanaprastha. They cannot live with family. Husband and wife must sleep in different rooms. One room should be for two or three retired men, and they will live together. So there will be no accommodation together with the wife. And, husband and wife must follow all the rules and regulations.
I have received report from Brahmananda Swami that you are still living outside the temple. This is not good, and I would request you to immediately return to the temple. And they must receive you nicely. They are your spiritual sons and daughters, so Mother and children must live together in the temple.
Page Title: | Live together (Letters) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti, Serene |
Created: | 13 of Jul, 2012 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=32 |
No. of Quotes: | 32 |