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If you directly collect water from the rain, it is distilled water, without any contamination, without any dirty things, clear, very nice

Expressions researched:
"If you directly collect water from the rain, it is distilled water, without any contamination, without any dirty things, clear, very nice"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

You take the distilled clear water. If you directly collect water from the rain, it is distilled water, without any contamination, without any dirty things, clear, very nice. Those who have, I mean to say, traveled by ship, you'll see the ocean and sea is so clear water that up to twenty feet you can see clear water. Clear water. The stock, the ocean water, it is very clear.
Lecture on SB 1.10.5 -- London, August 28, 1973:

So yesterday we discussed about the profuse supply of milk. That is required. Luxury... Actually, luxury means nature's supply. You can have profuse supply of milk, grains. For dressing you can have profuse supply of silk, cotton. And for eating, profuse supply of grains, fruits, flowers. And for this profuse supply these are the means. The first thing is nadyaḥ, rivers. The stock of water is the ocean, and by evaporation, cloud is formed. Just like you pump water to the topmost floor. So Kṛṣṇa's pumping process is this cloud. Pumping process. He is, I mean to say, evaporating water throughout the whole summer season. And they are on the head, on the sky, and then the water is distributed all over the land. Parjanyaḥ. Kāmaṁ vavarṣa parjanyaḥ (SB 1.10.4). Because water is required. Just see how nice arrangement. And the water, whatever for the time being in the rainy season, is distributed. And for future supply it is stocked on the head of the hills and mountains. And from that hills and mountains the rivers—they are supposed to be water supply source—throughout the year will supply water. It is stocked on the head. The same principle. We simply imitate. We also keep a very big tank on the head of the house, and through pipe we get water supply. So here nature's pipe water supply is the big, big rivers, and the water is being supplied from the stock on the head. There are big, big lakes and it is supplied. The same process.

So nadyaḥ, samudrāḥ, and girayaḥ. Full cooperation. The stock is the samudrāḥ and the... Just see that such huge stock of water is salty. Why it is salty? It will never decompose. It will never decompose. But you cannot take the salty water. Therefore it is distilled by the sunshine, distilled. You take the distilled clear water. If you directly collect water from the rain, it is distilled water, without any contamination, without any dirty things, clear, very nice. Those who have, I mean to say, traveled by ship, you'll see the ocean and sea is so clear water that up to twenty feet you can see clear water. Clear water. The stock, the ocean water, it is very clear. So everything is nicely arranged. Simply they'll work nicely when you are obedient to God. Just like if you are a good citizen the government cooperation is full with you. But if you are outlaw, if you are rascal, if you are criminal, no supply, you go to jail. That's all. Try to understand. This is the arrangement.

Page Title:If you directly collect water from the rain, it is distilled water, without any contamination, without any dirty things, clear, very nice
Created:13 of Oct, 2012
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1