So su-medhasaḥ means for executing religious life, for achieving the highest perfection of life, one must be very intelligent. A fool cannot achieve the highest perfection of life. Just like a fool cannot be very prosperous even in this material world, similarly, a fool also cannot make any progress in the spiritual world. So su-medhasaḥ means one should be little intelligent. What is that intelligence? If I have got the easiest path to achieve the highest perfection of life, why shall I take a path which is not very sure? This intelligence required.
Now, Lord Caitanya, as He is described, if you accept . . . we are explaining that paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṁ vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām, sambhavāmi yuge yuge (BG 4.8). So Lord appears in this age also. And according to śāstra, authentic scripture, He has appeared as Lord Caitanya. So if we accept this principle on the method of authentic scripture, that is our intelligence. That is our intelligence. Not that you have to become a great psychologist or a great scientist or mathematician. No. You have to take the orders of the authority.
Just like you are driving car. It is written there, "Keep to the right." It does not require a very nice intelligence. You keep your car to the right, you are all right. But if you go to the left, you are fool number one. Why? It is di . . . written there, "Keep to the right." Why you go to the left? That means you are fool number one. So this much intelligence we must have that, "Here is police direction, 'Keep to the right.' Why shall I go to the left?" This much intelligence can be had by any common man.