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If somebody asks, "Oh, you are so nice girl, why you are passing stool and urine?" is that any argument? I am just speaking on the argument's sake

Expressions researched:
"If somebody asks," |"Oh, you are so nice girl, nice . . . why you are passing stool and urine?" |"is that any argument? I am just speaking on the argument's sake"


General Lectures

If somebody asks, "Oh, you are so nice girl, nice . . . why you are passing stool and urine?" is that any argument? I am just speaking on the argument's sake. Is that any good argument that, "Because we are very good, we shall not pass stool and urine"? Or "Because you are very good, therefore your urine and stool also will be very good"? Is that any argument?.

If somebody asks, "Oh, you are so nice girl, nice . . . why you are passing stool and urine?" is that any argument? I am just speaking on the argument's sake. Is that any good argument that, "Because we are very good, we shall not pass stool and urine"? Or "Because you are very good, therefore your urine and stool also will be very good"? Is that any argument?

So similarly, if Kṛṣṇa has created this external energy, that is for His satisfaction. That's all. But why should you take? If you are . . . if we are confident about Kṛṣṇa's goodness, why should we bother about Kṛṣṇa's stool and urine? Why not directly Kṛṣṇa? Let Kṛṣṇa pass any amount of stool and urine. We have nothing to do with that. So let there be external energy.

Page Title:If somebody asks, "Oh, you are so nice girl, why you are passing stool and urine?" is that any argument? I am just speaking on the argument's sake
Created:2024-02-19, 04:35:05.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1