Regarding your being depressed, you are becoming older, but so also am I an old man. But, you should not be depressed on account of advanced age. Krishna will help you. I do not think you have done wrongly in your management, and still now I do not think you have done wrongly. Rather you are wrongly depressed. But, for you this feeling of insufficiency is good for progress. No one should think that now I am complete. It is good to think that I am incomplete and useless. Actually Krishna is unlimited, and our energy is limited. Actually we cannot serve the unlimited, but Krishna's unlimited mercy induces us to serve, and He accepts. Actually we are unworthy. He is so kind that He accepts our little service as if it were very big and great.
Regarding your wanting to leave your family and take sannyasa, what is your family? You live aside from your wife, and you have no children, so you are already sannyasa. Anyway we can consider later on. First we have to push this movement. That is most important thing. Grhastha or sannyasa it doesn't matter. First we have to know the science of Krishna consciousness. Caitanya Mahaprabhu never said everyone had to take sannyasa. We should just be after becoming the pure servant of Krishna.