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Divisions (Letters)

Expressions researched:
"division" |"divisional" |"divisioned" |"divisions"

Notes from the compiler: VedaBase query:division or divisional or divisioned or divisions not "divi* society"@7 not "division* of"


1947 to 1965 Correspondence

Letter to R. Prakash -- Allahabad 22 June, 1951:

Out of eighty four lakhs of varieties or species of life there are only four lakhs varieties of human being. Out of these varieties of human being those who can acquire the the qualities of goodness out of the three modes of nature, can also realize the proper self which is not the product of material world.

The Vedic culture determines the standard of social upliftment in terms of the degree of self-realization and as such the social division was estimated accordingly in terms of goodness (intelligence and higher learning), passion (martial spirit to lord it over the world), passion-cum-ignorance (the spirit of productivity) and ignorance (the spirit of passive acceptance of being controlled by the laws of material nature).

According to Vedic scriptures the present age is called Kali-yuga and almost all human beings are now degraded to the standard of the mode of ignorance and therefore the greater number of population are subjected to the pangs of the threefold miseries of material existence in the most horrible manner.

In such rabid condition of human being the panacea is "Krishna sankirtana" recommended in all scriptures. By this process, the forgetfulness of human being of his eternal relation with Godhead, is removed altogether.

1966 Correspondence

Letter to Sir Padampat Singhania -- New York 20 January, 1966:

I have in view a very nice building for sale which is just the suitable for a temple to start with. The land of the house is about 19' x 100' and although it is two storied it has a basement under ground and therefore it can be taken as three stories. It is nicely built with air conditioning and heating arrangement with marble staircase brass railings just suitable for a temple. The whole area is about 450 sq. feet and they are asking for 100,000 dollars that is five laks of rupees. And after purchasing the house we can build another story upon it with temple dome and cakra etc. So the estimate is about seven lakhs of rupees and for the present let us start in such way. The place is very important in the city. As your Dvarakadhisa Temple is situated in very important part of the city so this house is also situated in very important part of the mid city. Here in New York city there are three divisions namely the up town the mid town and the down town. The down town is full of business houses and office buildings whereas the down town is inhabited by most employees and middle class of men. The mid town is in between the two and the house I have selected is approachable easily from both sides of the town. The situation is very important on account of stores, subway station, post office, buses, banks everything all at hand's reach. If however cash is paid immediately the owner may come down to lesser price. This is ready building and we can start immediately the Bhagavatam preaching work and worship of the Sri Sri Radha Krishna simultaneously in this house.

The house has to be nicely decorated for attracting men and philosophical topics on the basis of the Bhagavatam Philosophy has to be preached for the learned scholars and high grade men. As we get popularity so can get local sympathy for the temple also. And it will be built up step by step and I am sure they will be very glad to receive the message and the training as well if not by all but some of them.

1968 Correspondence

Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 13 February, 1968:

Regarding Acyutananda's letter to you: it is a fact that in Brahmacari Ashram no Grhasthas are supposed to live, but the American House which we are now contemplating has no separate department for Grhasthas or Brahmacaris. Therefore for the present we cannot make such distinction in the American House. We are just beginning the American House there and gradually we shall make departmental division later on. Your quotation from Lord Caitanya that nobody should identify as a Brahmacari, Householder, Sannyasi, is quite correct. On the Krishna platform there is no such distinction. The only reason is that on the material platform sex life is very predominant. Therefore a Brahmacari is advised not to live with Grhasthas. But if there's strong sense of Krishna Consciousness, this distinction of material world will disappear in spiritual light. Anyway, so far you are concerned, I have received letter from Acyutananda which reads as follows about yourself: "Yamuna and Gurudasa are welcomed and they may come soon so I must have your decision." So you can prepare yourself for going there and keeping correspondence with Acyutananda, so that as soon as the house is settled there you can go with a car.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Montreal 17 August, 1968:

I do not know what is written there in the Clerk's office in Deed Book 98, but on common sense, it appears that the area is coal mine or oilmine. Under the circumstances, if in future coal industry is developed and if it is required, the government may at once ask us to vacate and no law can stop it. Even if the government does not acquire our land, if in our vicinity some such industry (coal or oil industry) is started, the whole idea of Vrindaban will fade away. Vrindaban conception is a transcendental village, without any botheration of the modern industrial atmosphere. My idea of developing New Vrindaban is to create an atmosphere of spiritual life where people in bona fide order of social division, namely, Brahmacaris, Grhasthas, Vanaprastha, Sannyasis, or specifically Brahmacaris and Sannyasis, and Vanaprasthas, will live there independently, completely depending on agricultural produce and milk from the cows. The life should be simplified without being hampered by laboring day and night for economic development, without any spiritual understanding. The New Vrindaban idea is that persons who live there will accept the bare necessities of life to maintain the body and soul together and the major part of time should be engaged in development of Krishna Consciousness. The whole Vedic principle is to develop Krishna Consciousness, without creating much botheration for the program of sense gratification. Industrial development (or mining industry) in the neighboring places will mar the whole idea. Now you have to consider, yourself, looking forward to the future, of the land, and then decide, what to do. I do not like to have New Vrindaban with industrial or mining areas.

Letter to Pradyumna -- Los Angeles 18 November, 1968:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated Nov. 12, 1968, and I thank you very much for it. Now you are in good opportunity to do the transliteration work and in cooperation with your professors and Hayagriva, make the Srimad-Bhagavatam revised edition in such a nice way that it may be accepted in any scholarly society. In the last editions, because the transcription was not there, some of the universities in the western countries refused to stock them. Of course, the American Congress library purchasing department in India are pleased to purchase 18 copies of my Srimad-Bhagavatam, as soon as it is published and they have open order for it. Still we want it to be done so nicely that it may not be refused by any scholarly section. So the transliteration and divisions should be so nicely done that it will go to your credit when they are accepted everywhere. I think by Krishna's Grace Hayagriva's attempt to revise it nicely and your attempt to fix up transliteration perfectly will make the next edition as perfect as possible. Do it very sincerely, and also pray Krishna to help you, and I am sure it will come out successful.

1970 Correspondence

Letter to Balmukundji Parikh -- Los Angeles 11 February, 1970:

Please accept my greetings and I thank you very much for your kind letter dated 5 February, 1970. I have understood the spirit of your letter and your suggestions are quite welcome.

According to our Sastras, the brahmacaris, the vanaprasthas, and the sannyasis are allowed to collect alms and are considered as the children of the society, which is composed of householders. In other words, our Vedic civilization is the most perfect community project. Only the grhasthas are supposed to earn money, especially the ksatriyas and the vaisyas, and the money is distributed community-wide. The community is divided into four parts, the brahmacari, the grhastha, the vanaprastha, and the sannyasi. Out of these four divisions, only the grhasthas are supposed to maintain the brahmacaris, the vanaprasthas, and the sannyasis. That is the whole program, which means if there are 100 members in the community, three-fourths of the whole number, namely 75%, are maintained by the one-fourth members, namely 25%. Our movement is for preaching the sankirtana vibration, so while the brahmacaris and vanaprasthas or the sannyasis take to this preaching work, the grhasthas or householders can maintain the temple and institution. In India, you have said, the temples are richest because the grhasthas support them. In this country also the householders support the churches. So for the inmates of the temple, namely brahmacaris or the priests (even though they are grhasthas, householders), they do not work outside. They are maintained by the outside grhasthas. But so far as our London Temple is concerned, it is not yet self-supported, although the expenditure is very high. I think you are also one of the important members of our London Temple, so you can suggest to the directors how the expenditures can be minimized. In the meantime, the householders, either Indian or European community, support the temple expenditures.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 20 March, 1970:

Therefore do not accept a new schedule, which may be 8 months, because we have already received the schedule from Mr. Haru Kugimoto, who is head of their Overseas Division, and his word should not be overruled by that of a salesman.

Regarding picture pages, sections of 8 pages together is not nice. The pictures should be just at the appropriate place of description in the text. There are many modern glues which will not loosen for a very long time, so glueing is not a problem. I think that this method of insetting the picture pages is best, and even better if they can be each protected by a leaf of waxed paper also. That will be best. So do what ever you think is best for getting the book ready (printed) as soon as possible.

Regarding the almanac, all your subjects included are approved by me. So there is nothing to add, just see that it is finished printing before Lord Caitanya's Appearance day.

I have received the new issues of Easy Journey, and I have very much appreciated the color picture on the cover. It is very much improved. Please offer my thanks to Advaita and his assistants.

I think all our books can be printed in such small booklets, part by part, and they will be easily saleable. Take for example TLC. If we issue part by part like that, it will be about 5 books. So people will easily buy, and our purpose will be served. Discuss the idea with your colleagues.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 6 May, 1970:

I am so glad to learn that things are going on nicely in our London Temple. The most important point in this letter is second time initiation of some of the devotees, specifically Jaya Hari Das Brahmacari, Jyotirmayidevi Dasi, and Mandakinidevi Dasi. So I am sending herewith the sanctified Gayatri Mantra Tape and papers for holding the ceremony, as well as a sacred thread and special instructions for the devotees with the Gayatri Mantra.

Now what we have to do is to hold the Gayatri Mantra ceremony according to the instruction paper, then at the end teach Jaya Hari personally how to count on the finger divisions. Then play the Gayatri Mantra tape for him, and let him repeat the Mantras along with my vibration, word-to-word, and then hang the Sacred Thread on his neck as usual. The girls don't require Sacred Thread, as you know, but they simply can responsively chant the Gayatri Mantras. In each individual case the instruction should be given and the mantra replayed.

This Gayatri Mantra function should be held amongst the devotees only.

While Trivikrama is coming here, the books which I have left in London—one large Bhagavatam, one small Bhakti-Rasamrta Sindhu, and maybe other books—he may bring here. So I am awaiting his arrival along with the books very soon.

1972 Correspondence

Letter to Gargamuni -- Tokyo 26 April, 1972:

Plans of the temple, detailed program—all these things are already taken care of, they are not your job. The real thing, money, is in your hands. Tamala Krishna has already taken his party to Bangladesh, so any assistance you can give him by way of advice or addresses will help. But you should concentrate on book sales and collecting with your SKP in various rich quarters in India. Now we have sent many books lately to India, Gurudasa has got a full description, and he is getting CCP clearance permission. Now you settle amongst yourselves on some programme for distributing these and many other books, I don't care at what price __ sell, because all you can collect will go for building for Vrindaban, and Mayapur only, no question of 50/50 division. The books are being sent to you free, so you raise money __ In the absence of Madhudvisa, you take charge of the school __ Sarasvati's arati will help. I have given her the name leader __ very happy when she's called leader. Our Purusottama das brahmacari was criticizing me for having little attachment with Sarasvati, and for that offense he had to leave the Society.

Letter to Bhagavan -- Los Angeles 28 May, 1972:

I have received the threads from you for the three boys and I am enclosing them herewith duly chanted by me. Now you can hold a fire yajna and give sacred thread to Parivrajakacarya, Santosa, and Indradyumna. Play the Gayatri mantra tape for them, and let them repeat the mantras along with my vibration, word for word, and then hang the sacred thread on their necks as usual. Teach them how to count on the finger divisions. This Gayatri Mantra function should be held amongst the devotees only. So you can hold the fire yajna for all five devotees. I am enclosing herewith also three copies of Gayatri Mantra.

Letter to Batu Gopala -- London 1 August, 1972:

All these questions should be directed to the GBC members, as my desire is to simply translate, and leave the management matters for them to decide. Anyway, you can correspond with him in this matter, and he can advise you.

Upon your recommendation, I have gladly consented to accept Elaine as my duly initiated disciple, and to give sacred thread to Audolomy. Enclosed please find one letter to Elaine, and one sacred thread for Audolomy. Her beads are being sent by separate post. Now you can hold a fire yajna for both of them, and give gayatri mantra to Audolomy. Show him to count on the finger divisions, and have him listen to the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra, repeating each vibration as I say it. You can get this tape from Bali Mardan Goswami in New York. Then hang the sacred thread over his shoulder in the proper fashion. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear, and the function should be held amongst the devotees only.

Letter to Tulasi -- London 1 August, 1972:

Upon your recommendation, I have consented to accept Jan, Becky and Tina as my duly initiated disciples, and also to give gayatri mantra to Pranaballavah, Mahasakti and Nandita Gokula. Enclosed please find a letter for those who are taking first initiation, and two sacred threads for Pranabalavah and Mahasakti. The beads are being sent by separate post. Now you can hold a fire yajna for all of them, and gayatri mantra to Pranaballavah, Mahasakti, and Nandita Gokula. Show them how to count on the finger divisions, and have them listen one by one to the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra, repeating each vibration as I say it. You can get this tape from Karandhara in Los Angeles. Then hang the sacred thread over each boy's shoulder in the proper fashion. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear, and the function should be held amongst the devotees only.

Letter to Madhudvisa -- Los Angeles 22 August, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your note along with the letter of Sriman Des Louragan, and upon your recommendation, I have gladly consented to accept him as my duly initiated disciple, and to give him Gayatri mantra also. His beads have been duly chanted by me and they have been sent under separate post. Now you can hold a fire yajna for these two boys and give gayatri mantra to Des (Gaura Sakti das). Show him how to count on the finger divisions, and then hang the thread over his shoulder in the proper way, after he has repeated, word for word, the mantra as I intone it on the tape. The tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear.

Letter to Madhudvisa -- Dallas 10 September, 1972:

Regarding the recommendation for Ambika dasi to take second initiation from me, yes, you may give her. Enclosed find one copy of Gayatri mantra. Now hold a yajna, teach her how to count on the finger divisions, then play the Gayatri mantra tape through the right ear. Have her repeat along with my vibration word by word and then give her Gayatri mantra as usual. This Gayatri mantra function should be held amongst the devotees only.

Letter to Aksojananda -- Los Angeles 15 September, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 11 September, 1972 and upon your recommendation I am very glad to accept Anga das Brahmacari for the second initiation. Enclosed herewith please find one copy of Gayatri mantra and also one sacred thread, duly chanted by me. Now hold a fire yajna, and teach him how to count on the finger divisions, then play the Gayatri mantra tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra through the right ear. Have him repeat along with my vibration, word for word, and then hang the sacred thread on his neck as usual. This Gayatri mantra function should be held amongst the devotees only.

Letter to Madhudvisa -- Los Angeles 21 September, 1972:

I am very much pleased to hear that you are distributing so much of our literature and books and I think if you go on like this that very soon you will become the number one book distributers in the whole world. At least I want that. I have already advised Caru in the matter of the legal business in Sydney, and I do not think there is any need for going to court and spending so much money. We are prepared to hold sankirtana on the street or in the jail, it does not matter, wherever we are, we are able to vibrate Krsna's name and be happy. So gradually they will grow tired of persecuting us and just like in London and other places we shall become established with our sankirtana party.

As Caru has recommended, I am very glad to accept Rajgana and Devi Darsana for second initiation. Enclosed find two threads, duly chanted by me, and two copies of Gayatri mantra. Now hold the fire yajna and distribute the Gayatri mantras and instruct them how to chant on the finger divisions. They should hear the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra into the right ear and the ceremony shall be held only in the association of devotees. I am enclosing one copy of Gayatri mantra tape herewith, as you have requested.

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Los Angeles 23 September, 1972:

Srutakirti is doing very nicely as my servant, he is a very good boy and I thank you for recommending him to me. So far purchasing the Allen farm is concerned, that you must decide in conjunction with Rupanuga, Hayagriva, and the others. But one thing is, we have not yet developed what we have got, so what is the point of expanding further? However if there is a good bargain and you think it is wise, I have no objection if you purchase the Allen farm, provided everyone agrees and there is sufficient money available.

Upon your recommendation I am enclosing two sacred threads, duly chanted by me, and three copies of Gayatri mantra. Now you may hold the fire yajna for Murari Gupta das, Ambarisa das, and Vijayadevi. Teach them how to count on the finger divisions and play the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra into their right ear. This ceremony should be held only in the company of devotees.

Letter to Jagadisa -- Los Angeles 29 September, 1972:

The basic issue underlying the study of these movements is whether they comprise the beginning of a trans-national world culture, and what long range social and political effects might result from them." So we shall reply in this manner and illustrate that the Krsna Consciousness movement is the best solution for solving all these problems and that it is the best trans-cosmic culture for making everyone happy.

On your recommendation I am glad to accept these three students as my initiated disciples. Their beads are being sent under separate post, duly chanted by me, and their letter is enclosed herewith. Now you may hold a fire yajna and initiate them and give second initiation to Krpasindhu, Soulacarya, and Kaumadaki. Teach them to chant on the finger divisions and play for them the copy of the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra in the right ear.

Letter to Nityananda -- Los Angeles 29 September, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 23 and I have noted the contents with care. Yes, I shall be very glad to hear that you have installed these Lord Jagannatha deities in your New Orleans temple, and I can see from the photo that they are very nicely made. Now hold the ceremony as per the enclosed instructions. During the fire ceremony you can also give the sacred thread and Gayatri mantra to Bhudara, which I am enclosing also herewith. Teach him to chant on the finger divisions and play the copy of the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra into his right ear. Also I am sending the beads for Michael Lightfoot, duly chanted by me, under separate post. So you may hold the fire yajna, install deities, and give initiation to these two boys.

I am very happy to hear that the temple is improving more and more under your expert guidance. Now go on with our program and try to increase your attraction of Krsna Consciousness movement to the public and recruit local men more and more to become fixed up devotees of Krsna.

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Vrindaban 27 October, 1972:

As for bathing the deities in milk from time to time, that is not required. The smarta or caste brahmanas, they think if someone inattentively touches deity it becomes impure, so they bathe. But that is not needed by us, only when they are installed.

Regarding the cook-book, that is a nice proposal to divide into two parts. There is no harm if devotees have invented recipes, so long they are strictly vegetarian, no garlic, no onions, like that.

Upon your recommendation I am happy to accept Sudhakari dasi for second initiation. Now you hold a fire yagna, give her copy of gayatri mantra and teach her to count on the finger divisions. You may play the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra into her right ear. The ceremony should be held in the company of devotees only.

Letter to Bhutatma, Kesava -- Vrindaban 2 November, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 3, 1972, and enclosed please find the copy of letter to the new initiates. Their beads are sent under separate post. You may hold fire yagna and give gayatri mantra to Lokanatha, and Gostavihari. Teach them to count on the finger divisions, and play the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra into their right ear. The yagna should be held in the company of the devotees only. Hold the fire yagna for all five devotees.

Regarding our travelling parties, I have got some complaint from London and other places, so I have given Dhananjaya this policy, that from outside if any one party comes they must work under the direct supervision and instruction of the local management, not that they shall remain separate competitor, no. I want to sell as many books as possible, that is the main thing. By selling books, that is the best preaching work. But so there may not be any complaint, your travelling parties must cooperate with their local temple officers, and that means they shall operate wherever they are allocated, that they shall only sell books, no collecting without selling books, and that, above the wholesale price of the book, any profit there is must be given at least 50% to the local temple. Ultimately, it shall be up to the local temple president if the presence of your party is favorable or not, everything is considered, and if he agrees you may stay, otherwise if he judges it is unfavorable at the time, he may order you to go out. But just to avoid these things, better to arrange in advance with the GBC men concerned. Ours is a cooperative movement, with Krishna and the advancement of Krishna's movement at the centre, and we must continue to sell as many books as possible, but discuss everything amongst yourselves and do it nicely without irritating anyone, that is the art.

Letter to Kurusrestha -- Hyderabad 23 November, 1972:

Now you are the leader of so many men, so you have got the blessings of Krishna's favoring you, because now He is forcing you to be responsible for becoming yourself perfectly example of Krishna Conscious devotee and making yourself perfectly example of Krishna Conscious devotee and making others Krishna Consciousness. Now become always attentive to all the aspects of your temple's activities, especially to the regulative spiritual life and preaching work. If this standard of devotional practices is maintained at the highest level, everything else you do will become automatically successful. And that will please me very much.

Upon your recommendation I have gladly accepted the five boy and girls as my duly initiated disciples, and their letter is enclosed. Also enclosed please find three sacred threads, duly chanted by me, and five copies of gayatri mantra. Now hold a fire yagna and give gayatri mantra to Arijit, Ananda Vardhana, Radha Damodara, Anuradha dasi and Bhaktilata dasi. Instruct them how to count on the finger divisions and play for them the tape of me chanting the gayatri mantra into their right ear. I think Karandhara has got the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra. The fire yagna can be held for all ten devotees.

Letter to Vamanadeva -- Bombay 3 December, 1972:

Please find enclosed one sacred thread duly chanted by me. Now, hold the fire yajna ceremony and give Gayatri mantra to Socillia Dasa. Let him hear with earphones into his right ear the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra and teach him to count on the finger divisions. The yajna should be held only in the presence of devotees. The world requires this Krishna consciousness movement, and for this purpose there must be a class of brahmanas for giving spiritual guidance by example. So you are one of the big leaders and you are nice, intelligent boy, so may such brahmanas, more and more.

Yes, why not once again start the St. Louis Newsletter, and send me a copy.

Letter to Rasada (Rick Joaquim), Dvijavara (David), Annada (Anita) -- Ahmedabad 13 December, 1972:

If you stick to these principles with determination, you will be freed from all attachment to maya, by Krishna's grace. The example is that when the sun is in the sky then where is the question of darkness? Similarly, when Hare Krishna mantra is vibrating on your tongue, and you are hearing attentively, then your consciousness become clear or Krishna Consciousness, and there is no question of maya or hazy consciousness. Just as when the darkness and the light come together the darkness cannot stand before the light, so maya cannot remain in the presence of Krishna. Always remember therefore to chant Hare Krishna, and that will save you in all circumstances without any doubt.

Now I am enclosing also one sacred thread, duly chanted by me, along with copy of gayatri mantra. Bhagavandas will hold the fire yagna and give sacred thread to Sri Gopala. He may play the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra into his right ear and teach him to count on the finger divisions. The fire yagna can be held for all the four devotees.

Letter to Sudama -- Bombay 23 December, 1972:

That is good proposal. Find out some intelligent men from schools, colleges, and being always very tolerant try to convince them gradually to utilize their intelligence and education in the service of Krishna. And if you simply keep to our standard programme—don't try to invent anything "Road Show" or "Yoga Village"—that means chanting daily 16 rounds, rising early, attending mangal arati, like that, if this programme is strictly maintained amongst all the devotees, they will remain pure, and if preaching is pure, automatically leaders, managers, funds, everything will be given profusely by Krishna, without any doubt.

Upon your recommendation, I have accepted the six new students as my disciples, duly initiated, and their letter and beads are enclosed herewith, along with sacred threads (four) and copies of gayatri mantra (five). Now hold the fire yagna and give gayatri mantra to Apurna, Gariyan, Mangalananda, Sudhanu, and Manjari dasi. Teach them to count on the finger divisions, and play for them the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra into their right ear. The fire yagna can be held for all eleven devotees.

Letter to Sri Govinda -- Bombay 27 December, 1972:

Enclosed please find three sacred threads duly chanted by me, along with three copies of gayatri mantra. Now hold the fire yagna and give gayatri mantra to Vipina Purandhara, Sundhararupa and Jaya das. You may teach them to count on the finger divisions and play the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra into their right ear. Instruct them fully in the qualifications for becoming brahmana, and henceforth they must be very, very careful not to commit any sinful acts or otherwise I shall have to suffer as their spiritual master. The ceremony should be held in the company of devotees only.

Letter to Jaggadeva -- Bombay 28 December, 1972:

With reference to a letter to me dated December 6, 1972, wherein Aksojananda Swami has recommended several students for initiation, I have since heard that he has left Amsterdam and he is supposed to be preaching in England, and I have heard that you are now the president of Amsterdam temple so I am informing you that, upon the recommendation of Aksojananda, I am happy to accept the two boys as my duly initiated disciples. Their letter and their beads, duly chanted by me, are enclosed herewith. Please find also three sacred threads enclosed, also chanted by me, along with three copies of gayatri mantra. Now if you have not got experience, then Hansadutta may come there for performing the fire yajna. Or if it is more convenient then someone may come from London, or Aksojananda may come for a few days and hold the fire yajna. Whatever, hold the fire yajna and sacred thread may be given to yourself, Hari Krishna, and Tirthasadhaka. You should be taught to count on the finger divisions and the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra should be played for each into your right ear. The fire yajna can be held for all five devotees.

1973 Correspondence

Letter to Bhutatma -- Bombay 5 January, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 18, 1972, forwarded to me here at Bombay. I am very happy to hear from you that everything is going nicely in the San Francisco temple. Upon your recommendation I am very glad to accept the six new students as my duly initiated disciples. Their letter is enclosed herewith. As for chanting on their beads, I have delegated Kirtanananda Swami to chant on the new devotees' beads on my behalf in your country. In Europe, Revatinandana Swami will chant on the new devotees' beads on my behalf. Because it is such long distance, therefore it is very expensive to send beads airmail from here, and there are so many instances of the beads being lost in that way. And I am getting now requests up to 20 or 30 each week, so it is practically becoming impossible for me to chant the beads when I am so far distant. Therefore the new devotees may send their beads to Kirtanananda in New Vrindaban, and he will chant the beads and send back to them. Is this all right?

Now hold the fire yajna and give also second initiation to Sarvadarsan, Yajnapati, and Hari Ballav. Enclosed please find three sacred threads, duly chanted by me, along with three copies of Gayatri mantra. Now hold the fire yajna for all nine devotees, and for the second initiates teach them how to chant on the finger divisions and play for them the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra into their right ear.

Letter to Jagadisa -- Bombay 5 January, 1973:

Upon your recommendation, I am very happy to accept the two devotees for second initiation. Now you may hold a fire yajna and give Gayatri mantra to Adyodyapati and Madhuhara. Teach them to chant on the finger divisions and play for them the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra into the right ear. The fire yajna should be held in the company of devotees only, so long it is restricted to Gayatri mantra initiation only. Two sacred threads, duly chanted by me, along with two copies of Gayatri mantra, are enclosed herewith.

So far the concert of Indian musicians and dancers for raising funds for the new temple, yes you may do that, I have no objection. But the concert should be their own concert, not that we are holding our program and they are appearing on the same program, either as our guests or as our co-performers. No, we shall not appear to the public like performers, we are not performers or musicians or dancers. But if the concert is held as a benefit concert, just like in Bombay we have held one benefit concert, of the Zaveri Sisters, Manipuri Dancing Group and nearly Rs. 100,000 was raised for our Juhu scheme. That will be the proper arrangement. So if you hold the concert in the auditorium and advertise these singers and dancers, that it will be their program, and also that it will be a "Hare Krsna Benefit Show" or something like that, that will be best.

Letter to Sukadeva 2 -- Calcutta 29 January, 1973:

So far your request for initiations for Patrick and Jane, that is approved by me. So far the infant is concerned, let him wait until he is older. You may receive the beads chanted upon by Kirtanananda Maharaja and hold the fire sacrifice. Concerning the second initiations for Ojasir das Brahmacari, Smaranananda das Adhikary and his wife Samsaramochan Devi Dasi, that is also approved, and you will find enclosed the Gayatri threads. So hold the fire yajna and for those who are initiated as brahmanas, teach them how to count on the finger divisions, and play the Gayatri mantra tape in their right ear and have them repeat it along with my vibration word for word, then hang sacred thread on his neck as usual. Girls don't require thread but can responsively chant the Gayatri mantra. In each individual case the instruction should be given and the mantra replayed. The giving of the Gayatri mantra can be held after the fire yajna and each devotee can come alone to you to receive the thread.

Yes, the spiritual master is also present in his picture, though more importantly he is present in his teachings. I think this is explained in one letter that has already been distributed. If you have further questions try to get them resolved by your GBC man, Karandhar, because now I wish to spend all of my time for translating my books like Srimad-Bhagavatam, so I may give them to you.

Letter to Govardhan 2 -- Los Angeles 8 May, 1973:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 3, 1973.

Upon your recommendation I am glad to accept these devotees as my initiated disciples. So now you may hold a fire yajna and send their beads to Kirtanananda Swami for chanting. Also I give approval for the one brahminical initiation. Please find one Gayatri mantra enclosed. After the fire yajna you may play the tape of me chanting Gayatri mantra into the right ear in private. Teach how to count on the finger divisions.

I am enclosing a letter to all the new initiates.

Please preach this Krsna Consciousness very strongly so that we may give people real light for seeing the way out of the darkness of Kali Yuga. The modern scientists are confusing everyone with their false propaganda and it is our duty to expose them and kill the demoniac tendency to forget Krsna.

Letter to Kurusrestha -- Los Angeles 16 May, 1973:

Upon your recommendation I am happy to accept the devotees you have mentioned, Dattatreya das and Rama Tulasi dasi, for second initiation. Now hold a fire yajna for devotees only. Afterwards, in private, play into the right ear, of the initiates, the tape of me reciting gayatri mantra. Teach them how to count on the finger divisions.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 24 December, 1973:

It was supposed to be repaid before my coming back but I do not know if it has been done. Yes you keep the Rs. 2 lakhs reserved for purchasing the Mahatma Gandhi building. One thing is the Rs. 65,000 from the BBT savings account actually belongs to the Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust. This I have discussed fully with Giriraja and Karandhara and Giriraja will explain what is to be done in this connection henceforward. Whatever has been done in the past we shall not try to make up for but I want that now this Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust money to be very carefully managed and deposited into a separate bank account and not be spent under any circumstances without my direct order. Giriraja will explain the details to you in full. Regarding the Mahatma Gandhi building, the price is fixed up at 3 lakhs to be shared into 5 divisions. 3 parties may be paid Rs. 60,000 apiece on the condition that they will take the money and immediately vacate. Then we shall make a trust over the property. When I was last there I discussed this matter with Mr. Chowdry the lawyer so keep ready the 2 lakhs for this transaction and when I return this will be squared up.

1974 Correspondence

Letter to Mukunda -- Bombay 27 March, 1974:

I sent him there for that purpose, to organize things as he has experience of the management and organization of a temple life. So between you and he, if you will mutually cooperate, there should be sufficient power to run things nicely.

Revatinandana Swami should not stay there but his travelling party should go on for preaching and distribute many books at the colleges and schools. Also Prabhu Visnu is supposed to stay in London as he is the president there.

As far as separation of men and women in Bhaktivedanta Manor, that should be strictly observed in the main temple building; between single men and women there must be strict division and strict observance of no illicit sex. The householders may continue stay as they are in the cottage house, living peacefully as grhasthas. Whether grhasthas, sannyasa or brahmacari everyone has to be completely engaged all the time in devotional service. That is the meaning of good management, to see that everyone is engaged 24 hours a day, and not sleeping unnecessarily or talking idly. I think Madhavananda has good ideas and is a good organizer. So he is returning to you in a few days; you two please work together so that devotees will be enthusiastic to remain and work at the Manor. We have such a nice variety of engagement there, sankirtana, deity worship, gardening—there is no scarcity of important work. I shall be eager to hear from you further how things are going in all departments, at our European Headquarters.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Tirupati 28 April, 1974:

This is the history. So far we are concerned we shall keep ourselves in ideal brahminical position and if need be if no ksatriya or Vaisya is here we can take up their work as emergency. Our business is to create ideal ksatriyas and vaisyas but beyond that our real business is to keep ourselves as ideal Brahmins. If we are not ideal we cannot create others as ideal. Training is required for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes of social constitution. Persons who are not fit for being advanced by training are sudras or less than that. At the present moment in the world state, there are sudras and less than that. There are no ideal brahmanas or ksatriyas. But these four divisions are imperative. So our business is to keep fit as brahmanas and to train others to be ideal ksatriyas and vaisyas for advancing the whole society. As Krsna says in the Srimad-Bhagavatam:

Tamala Krsna Goswami is going to Los Angeles and I shall give him instruction to join Madhudvisa Swami, Bali Mardan and Jayatirtha and reform the deficiencies. As soon as there is a little deficiency we must repair it or it will create a big hole and the ship will drown. So I have said keep fit. I saw this Vrindaban Candra and Prajapati as a little sentimental without thoroughly understanding. Without following the regulative principles advancement is doubtful, and one may fall at any moment.

As for drugs, not just one party, but everyone was involved. Our process is to reform. Everyone is under the clutches of maya. If we follow the regulative principles we can get out and come to spontaneous love. A diseased man is always under the clutches of disease. But if he follows the prescribed orders given by the __ __ he can be cured. Now, how to reform? If we ask him to go away the whole society will be finished. In the hospital many patients are there and the attempt is made to cure them, not to tell them to go away or to kill them. They try their best to cure them. If they tell them to get out of the hospital or if they kill them, that is easy.

Letter to Acarya Prabhakar Mishra -- Bombay 1 May, 1974:

Our Krsna Consciousness movement is specifically based on Bhagavad gita as it is. We accept Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead with full opulences of wealth, power, potency, beauty, knowledge and renunciation. If we want perfect education then we must follow the principle of Bhagavad gita. Such education will help the whole human society. In all different fields of activity, social, political, religious, cultural, economic and so on. If you take up this principle then the educational department should be divided into four divisional departments for advancement of knowledge. There are many departmental institutions for giving education just like medical, engineering, legal, administrative etc. But there is no educational institution where real ideal Brahmanas are educated according to Srimad-Bhagavatam brahminical culture, or to educate a certain section as ideal, perfect persons is essential in human society. At the present moment all over the world, hardly you will find such ideal men on top of society. So this class of men is essentially required if we want to keep peace and harmony with one another. I am trying to do this work and now we have got a very nice place in Bombay. I invite you immediately to come and see the place and I am prepared to amalgamate or affiliate your institution with ours. I think when I was in Delhi I went to this place Kirti Nagar and stayed two or three days with you.

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Tusta Krsna -- Bombay 9 November, 1975:

It is a very good idea for people to come to our vegetarian restaurant and take so many nice things, especially the panir, fried cheese, and sandesh, kachori, rasagulla, samosa and in this way they will forget their meat-eating. If you make a soup of fried panir with asafoetida and ginger, this will replace lobster soup nonsense. Of course we are not interested in giving them vegetarian food; we are wanting to give them prasadam. Then gradually they will become devotees.

The varnasrama college means to train people in varnasrama life. In human society a section of people must act as strict brahmanas. Similarly, another section must act as strict ksatriyas, still another as strict vaisyas, and the rest will be considered as sudras and less than sudras or the candalas. This is a materialistic division, but spiritually anyone can be elevated to the transcendental position simply by devotional service. This is the sum and substance of the Vedic education. If you and Siddha Svarupa Maharaja can organize such an institution following yourself the rules and regulations then it will be very glorious thing and I shall be very happy. But in any case both of you do not forget to come to Mayapur during Caitanya Mahaprabhu's birth ceremony. Let us act co-operatively, maybe sometimes separately, but the central point and aim should be one—Krsna.

Your idea for the scholastic institution as discussed with you and Siddha Svarupa Maharaja is a very good idea. Now we have got so many books—almost 50 books of 400 pages—so this institution can be affliated with some nearby university. Then the students will get their degrees of Bachelors and Post Graduates Pd.D. We have enough matter to qualify a person in academic career. At least we can offer the degree of DD—Doctor of Divinity by affliating ourselves with some neighboring recognized university.

1976 Correspondence

Letter to Locanananda -- Nellore 5 January, 1976:

I am pleased to accept as my initiated disciples: First initiation; Mr. Claude Nowe—Klesapaha-dasa, Bert de Vos—Vrsnivamsa-dasa, Belgin Kaya—Vedasmrit-dasi, and Maria Eugenia Jorquera—Marutvati-dasi; Second initiation; Jaya Gopala dasa, Janaraja dasa, Aharadi dasa. Now, hold a fire sacrifice and instruct the devotees to follow strictly the regulative principles and always chant a minimum of 16 rounds. Let Bhagavan dasa chant on their beads. Play the tape of me chanting Gayatri into the right ears of the second initiates and teach them how to count on their finger divisions.

Letter to Tusta Krsna -- Bombay 9 January, 1976:

All our brahmanas and anyone wanting to become brahmana, will have to sit for examination once a year at Mayapur. They will be expected to know Bhagavad-gita, Nectar of Devotion, Nectar of Instruction, Sri Isopanisad, a book soon to be published on Deity worship, as well as all the small paperbacks. If they pass the examination they will be awarded Bhakti-sastri certificate. Sannyasis will be asked to sit for Bhakti-vaibhava examination which will include the first six cantos of Bhagavatam.

In our Vedic Universities we will not encourage anyone to be merely a bookworm. There must be life—rising early in the morning, attending mangala arati, taking prasadam, etc. The man who is studying will be brahmana, the farmer will be vaisya. In this way there will be divisions, but they are all one in service to Krishna.

Letter to Balabhadra -- Honolulu 9 May, 1976:
(SB 1.2.13)

"O best among the twiceborn, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve, by discharging his prescribed duties (dharma) according to caste divisions and order of life, is to please the Lord Hari."

Letter to Gopala Krsna -- New Vrindaban 24 June, 1976:

Concerning Kuruksetra project, I have already replied to you concerning this in my letter to you of May 20, 1976, addressed to Bombay address.

Concerning Saurabha's ideas of having plays, When I go I'll personally see; for the time being however stop all these.

Concerning the printing of the Bhagavad-gita in India, we cannot pay more than America. It must be lower price than America, otherwise it is useless.

Concerning the issue of taxes and tax exemption, the divisional commissioner who was our chief guest one day in Vrindaban the last festival in April, 1976, he is from Agra and he is also favorable. He ordered all of our books and he may be able to help in this connection.

Letter to Gaura Govinda -- Vrindaban 18 September, 1976:

There was a confidential policy by the British government to kill India's original culture and everything Indian was condemned. From the very beginning they took this position. In our childhood and boyhood we had to read some book by a Mr. Ghose called, "England's Work in India". The purport was that we are uncivilized and the British had come to make us civilized. Later on the policy became successful because in our childhood days any anglicised gentleman was considered to be advanced in civilization.

In Calcutta the Chowringhee quarters were known as the English quarters and the neighborhood places were maintained very nicely. The Indian quarters were known as native quarters therefore even in our own city there was such a division as English quarters and native quarters. Anyway this policy became successful when our leaders took them as fact. Mahatma Gandhi wanted to refute this white prestigious position but he also failed because he did not understand spiritual culture or God consciousness. During the Moslem time, although sometimes fanatically, there were some cases of breaking the temple, but there was no such policy to kill the Indian culture. On account of this during the Moslem period even during the time of Aurangazeb there were Indian Princes and political leaders like Sivaji and Jaya Singh.

Letter to Gunagrahi -- Vrindaban 16 November, 1976:

I am in receipt of your request for initiations.

Now hold a fire sacrifice for these devotees. Make sure they know the four regulative principles and follow them strictly. They must also chant at least 16 rounds per day avoiding the ten offenses. Ramesvara Maharaja chant on the beads of the first initiates. Play the tape of Me chanting the Gayatri mantra into the right ear of the second initiates. Teach them how to chant on the finger divisions.

The names of the new initiates are as follows:

Enrique Ross—Yogananda dasa

Felipe Musquiz—Padmalocan dasa

Peter Tapp—Purusa dasa

Richard Warfield—Raktaka dasa

Heather O'Neil—Harsarani dasi

Letter to Visvakarma -- Vrindaban 19 November, 1976:

I have received your recommendations for initiation through Jagadisa.

Yes, I will accept these devotees as you have recommended; Jita Kandarpa das and Subuddhi dasi for second initiation and Bhakta Clem for first initiation. His new name is Karatieya dasa. Hold a fire sacrifice. Instruct Karatieya to always follow very strictly the four regulative principles and chant a minimum of 16 rounds daily avoiding the ten offenses. The second initiates should hear the tape of me chanting Gayatri in their right ear. Instruct them how to chant on their finger divisions. Kirtanananda may chant on the beads of the new initiate.

Letter to Adi-kesava, Dhrstadyumna -- Vrindaban 23 November, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 9, 1976.

Upon your recommendation I will be pleased to accept Drsya Krsna, Hamsarupa, and Subuddhi Raya for second initiation. Now hold a fire sacrifice for devotees only. Let the initiates hear the tape of me chanting Gayatri in the right ear. Teach them how to chant on the finger divisions.

Letter to Balavanta -- Vrindaban 23 November, 1976:

We have to increase this book distribution work more and more to firmly establish this Movement, which is the only hope for the suffering living entities.

The plans for the new temple in Mississippi are very nice.

Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept the following devotees for initiation. Now hold a fire sacrifice. The first initiates must promise to follow the four regulative principles and chant a minimum of 16 rounds daily, avoiding the ten offenses. You may chant on their beads. The second initiates should hear the tape of me chanting Gayatri mantra in their right ears. Teach them how to count on their finger divisions.

Letter to Balarama -- Vrindaban 27 November, 1976:

I am pleased to accept the following devotees as my initiated disciples. Now hold a fire sacrifice and instruct the first initiates to always follow the four regulative principles and chant minimum of 16 rounds daily avoiding the ten offenses. Let the second initiate hear the tape of me chanting Gayatri in the right ear. Show him how to count on the finger divisions. Their beads and thread have been duly sanctified by me.

Letter to Vicitravirya -- Hyderabad 10 December, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 8th December, 1976.

Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept the devotees; Tirthakara das, Mahavidya das, Jagatam dasi, Jagannathaisvare dasi, for second initiation. Now, hold a fire yajna for devotees only. Let the new brahmanas hear the tape of me chanting Gayatri in their right ears, and teach them to chant on their finger divisions.

It is a very nice report of book distribution. Your proposal to make 20 devotees per month is also very nice.

Yes, the accounts must be kept very clearly. Then everyone will be pleased with us. Not a single farthing should be wasted. That will be our credit.

Letter to Dina Bandhu -- Hyderabad 11 December, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated Nov. 25, 1976.

Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept the devotees you have recommended for initiation. For first initiation their new names are; Sam R.—Syamasundara. dasa and Jim N.—Jyotindra dasa. The second initiates are; Ramyaka dasa, Kaviraja dasa, Girijarata dasa, Abhaya dasi, and Srimati dasi. Now hold a fire sacrifice instructing the first initiates to always chant a minimum of sixteen rounds, and to strictly follow the regulative principles. Their beads may be chanted on by Ramesvara or Hrdayananda. Teach the second initiates how to chant on their finger divisions and let them hear the tape of me chanting Gayatri mantra in their right ears.

Letter to Alanatha -- Bombay 23 December, 1976:

Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept the devotees you have recommended for initiation. Now hold a fire yajna. Instruct the first initiates to always chant a minimum of sixteen rounds daily and to follow strictly the four regulative principles. Hrdayananda Maharaja may chant on their beads. Their names are as follow: Kiko—Kirticandra dasa; Mozart—Murari Gupta dasa; Francisco—Vasistha Muni dasa; Paulo—Paramahamsa dasa; Leandro—Lilananda dasa; Tercio—Trilocana dasa; Claudio—Karana karana dasa; Eneas—Isvara dasa; Regina—Rasavihari dasi; Christina—Krsnanandini dasi; Marta—Matsya dasi; Ivonette—Indumati dasi; Dora—Dev dasi; Maria—Murti dasi. For the second initiates, namely Ugraha dasa, Sadhyasrestha dasa, Ananda Murti dasi and Yogini dasi, you should play for them into the right ear the tape of me chanting Gayatri. Teach them how to count on the finger divisions.

Regarding the installation of Lord Ramacandra, it is a very good idea. For obtaining these Deities you can take the help of Saurabha. During the festival you are invited to come to Bombay to see the Deities here.

Letter to Vrikodara -- Bombay 24 December, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your telegram as follows, "Dearest Srila Prabhupada please accept my fallen obeisances I am requesting permission for second initiation for following boys RasaVilasa das brahmacari Janananatha das brahmacari they have both been chanting 16 rds daily without fail for 10 months and have taken their service very seriously your fallen servant Vrikodara das adhikary".

Upon your recommendation I will accept these boys for second initiation. Now, hold a fire ceremony for devotees only. Let them hear the tape of me chanting Gayatri mantra in their right ears. Teach them how to chant on their finger divisions.

1977 Correspondence

Letter to Amarendra -- Bombay 3 January, 1977:

If you feel competent to give her the spiritual strength she needs then let her return to Gainesville, otherwise she can go to another temple. Let her read Bhagavad-gita every day.

Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept the devotees you have recommended for second initiation; Manusrestha dasa, Vaninatha Vasu dasa, Akincana Krsna dasa, Sranti dasi, Garuda Pandita dasa, Brhanti dasi. Now hold a fire sacrifice for devotees only. Play the tape of me chanting Gayatri mantra into the right ears of the devotees and teach them how to count on their finger divisions.

Regarding your question as to when the soul leaves the body, it is when the heart stops beating. Even if the brain has stopped functioning, if the heart is beating that means the soul is present.

Letter to Nandikesvara -- Bombay 5 January, 1977:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated nil requesting initiations.

Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept these devotees: for first initiation: John—Jamahara-dasa, Don—Danapti-dasa, Andre—Aprakrtadasa, Cindy—Sindura-dasi, Sylvy—Siddhidasi, Clemence—Klesaghni-bhakti-dasi, and for second initiation: Jaya Govinda dasa, Sadapusta dasa, Paranagara dasa. Instruct the devotees to always chant a minimum of sixteen rounds and to follow the four regulative principles very strictly. One of the GBC or sannyasis may chant on the beads. Hold a fire sacrifice. Teach the second initiates how to count on their finger divisions and let them hear the tape of me chanting Gayatri mantra.

Page Title:Divisions (Letters)
Compiler:MadhuGopaldas, RupaManjari
Created:18 of Apr, 2013
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=53
No. of Quotes:53