"wom* hunt"@5
Pages in category "Woman-hunting"
The following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total.
- Ajamila, in his boyhood, practiced chanting the name of Narayana under the direction of his father, but later, in his youth, he fell down & became a drunkard, woman-hunter, rogue and thief
- Jagai and Madhai were born in respectable brahmana families, but they adopted the professions of thieves and rogues and thus became implicated in all kinds of undesirable activities, especially woman-hunting, intoxication and gambling
- Actually the whole world is presently fallen into material existence. Everyone is a meat-eater, drunkard, woman-hunter, gambler and whatnot. People are enjoying material life by committing the four basic sins
- Ajamila, in his boyhood, practiced chanting the name of Narayana under the direction of his father, but later, in his youth, he fell down and became a drunkard, woman-hunter, rogue and thief
- He (Bhaktisiddhanta) so much against this Ramakrishna Mission and Vivekananda. So much. He knew all history of Ramakrishna. He became impotent. He was woman-hunter and therefore uneducated
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) delivered Jagai-Madhai. They were very sinful. Sinful means they were born in a respectable brahmana family, but by bad association they became drunkard, woman-hunter, cheater and plunderer, like that
- He is happy personally, but because He knows that "These drunkards, woman-hunters, prostitute-hunters will suffer very, very severely, so why not deliver them?" This is Nityananda Prabhu, Vaisnava
- I am going in a secluded place and thinking, "How many women I have hunted." What is this nonsense? Eh? And showing, "I have become very much advanced. I am leader." And my leading is I'm thinking of woman. That's all. And money
- If one is woman-hunter and drunkard and meat-eater, oh, his social position is very nice, up-to-date. This is modern civilization
- If somebody cuts my throat, I become so sorry or so aggrieved. Why shall I cut the throat of other animals? This is civilization. And not that go on killing animals like anything and hunt upon the woman, topless woman, make business
- In the higher statuses of society they (people) cannot indulge in the habit of woman hunting, which is strictly prohibited by social convention
- In this age there are very few scholars. Almost everyone is a fallen meat-eater, drunkard, woman-hunter or gambler. Such persons are never considered learned scholars, even if they pose as such
- Instead of making them drunkard, woman-hunter, meat-eaters, we are making them Krsna conscious. That is the best help
- It is no longer considered abominable to be a drunkard, woman-hunter, meat-eater, thief or rogue, for these elements have been assimilated by human society
- King Puranjana's abandoning the company of his religiously married wife is representative of the conditioned soul's attempt to hunt for many women for sense gratification
- Krsna is a woman-hunter. That is the highest pastimes of Krsna, rasa-lila. But here if a man becomes woman-hunter, he will be most abominable person
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered the two fallen brothers Jagai & Madhai, but the entire world is presently full of Jagais & Madhais, or, i.e, woman-hunters, meat-eaters, gamblers, thieves & other rogues, who create all kinds of disturbances in society
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered the two fallen brothers Jagai and Madhai, but the entire world is presently full of Jagais and Madhais, or, in other words, woman-hunters, meat-eaters, gamblers, thieves and other rogues
- That is the defect of Western civilization. Vox populi, taking opinion of the public. But what is the value of this public? Drunkards, smokers, meat-eaters, woman-hunters
- The activities of such persons (like Jagai and Madhai) have now become common practices. It is no longer considered abominable to be a drunkard, woman-hunter, meat-eater, thief or rogue, for these elements have been assimilated by human society
- The Jagai-Madhai, too much materialistic, woman-hunters, drunkard, meat-eater . . . so these things have become now common affairs. But it is very, very fearful for the devotees
- The jugglery and magic is here present: all these meat-eaters, drunkards, woman-hunters, now Vaisnava. This is real magic
- The prakrta-sahajiyas do not consult the Vedic literatures, and they are debauchees, woman-hunters and smokers of ganja. Sometimes they give a theatrical performance and cry for the Lord with tears in their eyes
- The two brothers Jagai and Madhai epitomize the sinful population of this Age of Kali. They were most disturbing elements in society because they were meat-eaters, drunkards, woman-hunters, rogues and thieves
- The whole world is disturbed. Why? Because it is full of these sinful men: drunkards, woman hunters, gamblers, and intoxicants. The whole world. And they are expecting peace. Nonsense. Where is peace? First of all educate them to become sinless
- The world is full of Jagais and Madhais; namely drunkards, women-hunters, meat eaters and gamblers, and we will have to approach them at the risk of insult, injury and similar other rewards
- There is no ideal character. All politicians, scientists, leaders, they are all drunkards and woman-hunters. So what they can lead?
- There is no ideal character. Everyone is drunkard and meat-eater or woman-hunter. What is the civilization? Hog civilization
- These professional Bhagavata means they immediately begin to recite rasa-lila. Bhagavata reading dissertation means rasa-lila. And people take in a different way, that Krsna was woman-hunter
- They (professional reciters) have in this way (by creating the impression that SB deals only with Krsna's rasa-lila) presented Krsna to the Western world as a great woman-hunter, & therefore we sometimes have to deal with such misconceptions in preaching
- Two kinds of rascals - nondevotee of Krsna and woman-hunter - reject immediately
- We had fallen into abominable lives as meat-eaters, drunkards and woman hunters who performed all kinds of sinful activities, but now we have been given the opportunity to chant the Hare Krsna mantra
- What is this world, material world? The material means sex desire. That's all. The woman is hunting after man, and the man is hunting after woman
- Without understanding Krsna, if one tries to understand the loving affairs of Krsna with gopis, they misunderstand. They think that "Krsna is woman-hunter, and Krsna is making love with other's wife and daughter"