Category:Under The Spell Of...
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Pages in category "Under The Spell Of..."
The following 127 pages are in this category, out of 127 total.
- A bona fide spiritual master must always condemn such independent mental speculators (who are under the spell of material energy). If the bona fide spiritual master directly points out the foolishness of a disciple, it should not be taken otherwise
- A conditioned soul may be very good and act in the mode of goodness, but still he is conditioned under the spell of material nature
- A conditioned soul under the spell of material nature cannot understand that any action he performs for sense gratification is faulty and that only his activities in devotional service to God can give him release from the reaction of faulty activities
- A devotee is always prepared to render service to the Lord (dasyam gatanam para-daivatena), but for those who are under the spell of illusory energy, He is an ordinary boy - mayasritanam nara-darakena
- A maha-bhagavata Vaisnava has the transcendental eyes to see who is sleeping under the spell of maya, and he engages himself in awakening sleeping conditioned beings by spreading the knowledge of Krsna consciousness
- According to Mayavadi philosophy, the Personality of Godhead, His abode, His devotional service and His emotional devotees are all under the spell of maya and are consequently subjected to the material condition
- Actually no one is a free man, for everyone is under the spell of material nature, but one who is surrendered to Krsna cannot be touched by maya. He, of all men, is free. If one places himself in sunlight, there is no question of darkness
- All these individuals (the atomic souls) are working in the material world for sense gratification, and under the spell of material energy they are thinking of being enjoyers. BG 1972 purports
- Animal life is always miserable, although, under the spell of the illusory energy, maya, the animals do not understand this. Slaughtering poor animals is also due to the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- Any activity performed under the spell of the mode of passion, there is definitely great misery
- Anyone who is not attracted to Krsna is understood to be still under the spell of the illusory energy (maya), but one who is attempting to be liberated by the process of devotional service is actually liberated from the spell of maya
- As a result (of living under certain circumstances and enjoying under the spell of material nature), he (every living entity) is suffering different kinds of happiness and distress, under the illusion of sense enjoyment. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as a living entity is placed in a particular type of body, he has to work under the spell of that bodily situation. BG 1972 purports
- As stated by Rsabhadeva, the entire world is going on under the spell of sexual attraction and desire between man and woman
- As stated in BG 15.10: "The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this."
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, mahatmanas tu: those who are great souls are under the spell of spiritual energy, and their symptom is that they fully engage in Krsna consciousness for the service of the Lord. Therefore they are called mahat
- Because we are under the spell of maya, we are thinking that our position is very secure. We are thinking, "Let us enjoy life," but what kind of enjoyment is this
- Being under the spell of conditional life, people in general are averse to rendering devotional service and practicing Krsna consciousness
- Bhagavad-gita says that in any activity performed under the spell of the mode of passion, there is definitely great misery. There may be a little so-called mental happiness - "I have this house or this money" - but this is not actual happiness. BG 1972 p
- Brahma tried to understand who they (the cowherds boys and calves) were and how they were uninfluenced by his mystic power, but he could not ascertain it. In other words, he himself came under the spell of his own mystic power
- By mentioning Brahma, the chief of all living entities within this material world, he (Bhrgu Muni ) wanted to state that everyone, including also Brahma and Lord Siva, is under the concept of the body and under the spell of material energy - all but Visnu
- By the instruction of a bona fide spiritual master, a living entity can know of his spiritual position, his material body, his senses, how he is entrapped, and how he is under the spell of the material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- Every living entity is quitting his body under certain circumstances; he is living under certain circumstances and enjoying under certain circumstances under the spell of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Every living entity under the spell of material energy is held to be in an abnormal condition of madness
- Every one of these living entities, they are making . . . having a hard struggle for existence. But under the spell of the illusory energy, they are thinking, "We are happy," although whole day and night they are unhappy; their desires are not fulfilled
- Everyone is suffering under the spell of maya; therefore the best course is to learn how to get out of the clutches of maya
- Everyone under the spell of the mode of ignorance becomes mad, and a madman cannot understand what is what. Instead of making advancement, one becomes degraded. BG 1972 purports
- He (the Absolute Truth) is completely free from false ego, for He is the full spiritual identity. It is absolutely impossible for Him to be subjected to ignorance and fall under the spell of a misconception
- His (Krsna's) friends, being controlled in such a way, could not understand that for one whole year they were absent from the Yamuna's bank and were under the spell of Brahma's illusion
- His (the living entity) servitude under the spell of illusory maya is also a manifestation of his eternal condition of service
- If Lord Caitanya, Lord Nityananda and Advaita had exhibited Their all-powerful Visnu potencies within this material world, people would have become greater impersonalists, monists & self-worshipers than they had already become under the spell of this age
- If one is advanced in knowledge, he must always be prepared to sacrifice anything for a better cause. At the present moment the entire world is in a dangerous position under the spell of a godless civilization
- If one refuses to act under the direction of the Supreme Lord, then he is compelled to act by the modes in which he is situated. Everyone is under the spell of a particular combination of the modes of nature and is acting in that way. BG 1972 purports
- If we have little faith that we require awakening of spiritual consciousness, we should not sleep under the spell of this material consciousness . . . a little faith will help us
- In Bhagavad-gita (2.69) it is also said, ya nisa sarva-bhutanam tasyam jagarti samyami: "What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled." Even in the higher planets, everyone is under the spell of the illusory energy
- In the Vedas the Supreme Lord is described as tam isvaranam paramam mahesvaram. Under the spell of illusion, living entities are trying to be lords of all they survey, but actually they are dominated by the material energy of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- It is offensive to attempt to qualify the infinite as being subject to the spell of ignorance
- It is very difficult to get out of the clutches of material nature. Devahuti poses the question that although one may speculate in many ways, where is liberation as long as one is under the spell of material nature
- Living entities are also prakrti, or enjoyed, but under the spell of maya, the living entities are falsely trying to take the position of enjoyers. That is the cause of samsara-bandha, or conditional life
- Lord had offered him (Dhruva Maharaja) the rule of the world for thirty-six thousand years because in the beginning he was under the spell of the material energy and wanted to take revenge against his stepmother and rule over his father's kingdom
- Lord Krsna, who awards the impersonalist the pleasure of Brahman realization by His bodily effulgence, also gives pleasure to the devotees as the S. P. of Godhead. Those under the spell of the external energy, maya, take Him only as a beautiful child
- Lord Sri Krsna is so attractive for the living beings, especially for the devotees, that it is impossible for them to tolerate separation. The conditioned soul under the spell of illusory energy forgets the Lord, otherwise he cannot
- Material plans for material happiness have no value, but under the spell of the illusory energy we consider them extremely valuable
- Material sense speculation leads to the conclusion that the Supreme is formless. It is because of such mental speculation that the conditioned soul remains in ignorance under the spell of illusory energy
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: You (Krsna) are the original source of the cosmic manifestation, which is acting under the spell of the three modes of material nature - goodness, passion and ignorance
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: You are the supreme director of all activities of all living entities. Although You are in the midst of everything which is under the spell of the material modes of nature, You are not affected by such contaminated qualities
- One can obtain permanent peace and prosperity by revival of one's eternal relation with Him, now forgotten under the spell of maya, the illusory energy of the Lord
- One should discharge his prescribed duties in full Krsna consciousness rather than those prescribed for others. Prescribed duties complement one's psychophysical condition, under the spell of the modes of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- People are most influenced by the mode of ignorance, and some are influenced by the passionate mode of material nature, and under the spell of these two modes a living being is actuated by the material conception of life
- People forget their relationship with Krsna and work under the spell of maya life after life, transmigrating from one body to another. This is the process of material existence
- Scientists conditioned by the spell of material nature suppose that material energy acts automatically, and therefore they are frustrated, like an illusioned person who tries to get milk from the nipplelike bunches of skin on the neck of a goat
- So long we remain servant and obliged to perform according to the dictation of the senses, then I am go-dasa - on the material field, go-dasa, or under the spell of the material energy, servant of the material energy
- Some of the disciples strictly accepted the orders of the acarya, and others deviated, independently concocting their own opinions under the spell of daivi-maya
- Someone may be rich, someone may be middle class, and someone may be a poor beggar - it doesn’t matter. As long as one is under the spell of the three modes of material nature, he must continue to experience these divisions
- Sri Bhrgu said: My dear Lord, all living entities, beginning from the highest, namely Lord Brahma, down to the ordinary ant, are under the influence of the insurmountable spell of illusory energy, & thus they are ignorant of their constitutional position
- Sri Krsna asserts that the entire universe is illusioned by the interactions of the three qualities of material nature, and we are under the spell of that illusion; therefore we cannot understand what God is
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is auspicious even for the nondevotees because it explains that even the nondevotees hovering under the spell of material energy can be delivered from such clutches if they hear the narration with devotion and attention
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the post-graduate study of knowledge for one who has thoroughly understood the principles of the BG. Unfortunately people have no taste for them, and therefore they are under the clutches of maya for repetition of birth and death
- The best among the fools who are thus deluded are those who engage in altruistic activities under the spell of the material mode of passion
- The body is material, but within the body is the soul. This is spiritual understanding. Unfortunately, one who is in ignorance, under the spell of material illusion, accepts the body to be the self. He cannot understand that the body is matter
- The brahmanas thus began to condemn their own activities. They realized that in spite of being so elevated by birth, education and culture, they still were under the spell of the illusory energy
- The child thus falls on the ground, smeared with stool and blood, and plays just like a worm germinated from the stool. He loses his superior knowledge and cries under the spell of maya
- The common man, who is under the spell of material energy, takes it for granted that the Lord is like one of us, and therefore he refuses to accept the transcendental nature of the Lord's form, name, etc
- The definition of the mode of ignorance is stated in the Vedic literature: under the spell of ignorance, one cannot understand the thing as it is. BG 1972 purports
- The desire for lordship is the material disease of the living being, for under the spell of sense enjoyment he transmigrates through the various bodies manifested in the material world
- The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this
- The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this. BG 15.10 - 1972
- The foolish mundaner cannot understand that he is under the spell of Lord Krsna's illusory energy, Maya-devi, who has made the mundaner bound to do as she desires. Consequently, the foolish mundaner enjoys only the temporary results
- The highest pleasure in terms of matter is sex pleasure. The whole world is moving under its spell, and a materialist cannot work at all without this motivation. BG 1972 purports
- The individual soul is under the clutches of illusory energy, and therefore although qualitatively one with the Supersoul, he is under the illusion of identifying himself with matter
- The inexperienced brahmana, puffed up by a little brahma-tejas, became influenced by the spell of Kali-yuga
- The living entity, because he is transcendental, has nothing to do with this material nature. Still, because he has become conditioned by the material world, he is acting under the spell of the three modes of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- The material world, which is moving under the spell of the three modes of nature, is also a manifestation of His (The Lord) energy
- The original ones (calves & boys) were sleeping under the spell of Brahma's mystic power, but the present ones, seen by Brahma, were all immediate expansions of Krsna, or Visnu. Visnu is the expansion of Krsna, so the Visnu forms appeared before Brahma
- The same Vedic mantra (uttisthata jagrata) is sung by Bhaktivinode Thakura, jiv jago, jiv jago. So we have to awaken them. They are sleeping under the spell of maya, and forgotten his real identity, and suffering - not only this life, life after lifetime
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead can even give Himself to the devotee. One who does not know Him is under the spell of illusion; he does not become a devotee, but a servitor of maya. BG 1972 purports
- The whole idea is that we are in this material world. That is miserable. Under the spell of illusion, we are thinking we are very happy. They do not know what is actually happiness. What is happiness? But there is no argument for these rascals
- The whole world is moving under the spell of womanly attraction, and as soon as a man becomes united with a woman, he at once becomes a victim of material bondage under a tight knot
- There are innumerable conditioned souls rotting in the material world, imprisoned by maya under the spell of sense gratification. The living entity is so entranced by the spell of maya that in conditioned life even a pig feels satisfied
- They (the philosophers) are under the impression that when the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears, He is under the spell of the three qualities, like all the other living entities who appear within this material world. That is their misunderstanding
- They (the spirit souls) are under the spell of the three modes of material nature. Because they were created by the material energy, their bodies are made of the material elements
- This entire universe is going on under the spell of sexual attachment, which was created by Lord Brahma to increase the population of the entire universe, not only in human society but also in other species
- This false idea of becoming one with the Lord is the last snare of the illusory energy, which traps a living entity into the bondage of forgetfulness under the spell of false ego
- This kind of work (that living entities trying to become Krsna, to enjoy the world to his best capacity) is done under the spell of the modes of material nature, called maya, or the illusory energy
- This struggle for existence is something like following the will-o'-the-wisp under the spell of material enjoyment
- This verse (BG 14.26) is a reply to Arjuna's third question: What is the means of attaining to the transcendental position? As explained before, the material world is acting under the spell of the modes of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- This verse is a reply to Arjuna's third question: What is the means of attaining to the transcendental position? As explained before, the material world is acting under the spell of the modes of material nature
- Those under the spell of the material energy cannot at all appreciate the activities of yogamaya, for a conditioned soul can hardly understand the pure reciprocation between the Lord and His devotee
- Those who are desirous of gaining material profits by working are called karmis, or fruitive workers. All living entities within this material world have come under the spell of maya
- Those who are under the spell of material energy do not follow the instructions of the disciplic succession but try to manufacture something of their own and thereby step outside the sphere of Vedanta study
- Those who are under the spell of the external energy accept this manifestation to be fact, whereas those who are advanced in spiritual realization know that it is illusion. Actual reality is elsewhere, in the spiritual world
- Uddhava continued, "When He (Krsna) appears within this material world He seems to act like an ordinary living entity under the spell of the modes of material nature. But in fact He is the overseer of this material creation"
- Under the spell of ignorance, the living entity claims that the Lord is responsible for his conditional existence. BG 1972 purports
- Under the spell of illusion, a person accepts the gross and subtle bodies as his self; such a conception is the basis of the doctrine of transference
- Under the spell of illusion, a person accepts the gross and subtle bodies as his self; such a conception is the basis of the doctrine of transference from spirit to matter
- Under the spell of illusion, living entities are trying to be lords of all they survey, but actually they are dominated by the material energy of the Lord
- Under the spell of illusory energy, the spiritual spark is almost extinguished, but by practical devotional service one can revive his natural constitutional position
- Under the spell of material energy, the living entities are entrapped in the bondage of many difficulties simply for the sake of a little bit of material happiness. They engage in fruitive activities, not knowing the implications
- Under the spell of material nature, we are becoming servants and masters, but if we agree to be controlled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His eternal servants, this temporary condition ceases to exist
- Under the spell of maya, the most unfortunate condition of a living entity, some of the branches, not accepting the gardener (Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) who poured water on them, considered the trunk the only cause of the great bhakti-kalpataru
- Under the spell of such designations (such as altruism or nationalism), they are always busy in the material field; for them spiritual realization is a myth, and so they are not interested. BG 1972 purports
- Under the spell of the Lord's material energy, he continues to loiter in the forest of material existence. He does not discover his real interest even at the point of death
- Under the spell of the material energy, represented by the threefold material qualities, the living entity is so entangled that he is not at all able to become free unless he is graced by the Supreme Lord
- Under the spell of vivarta-vada one imagines the separate entities, namely the cosmic manifestation and the living entities, to be one with Brahman. This is due to complete ignorance regarding the actual fact
- We are all in a very fearful situation, but we do not understand this. Under the spell of maya, we are thinking we are very happy, but this is not a fact
- We are searching for God, to dovetail our energy in the service of the Supreme, but under the spell of the illusory energy we do not know it. That is our mistake
- We offer our respectful obeisances unto the Supreme, who has created varieties of manifestations and put them under the spell of the three qualities of the material world in order to create, maintain and annihilate them
- When a poverty-stricken man becomes rich, he makes a program for sense gratification due to his ignorance of how to utilize his hard-earned money. Under the spell of the external energy, he thinks that his money is properly employed
- When he (the living entity) is under the direction of the Personality of Godhead he is free, but when, under the impression that he is satisfying his senses, he engages in sense gratificatory activities, he is actually under the spell of material nature
- When it is faultless, or beyond the spell of the material nature, then that is the stage of Brahman
- When one is under the spell of the modes of material nature, one should follow the prescribed rules for particular situations and should not imitate others. BG 1972 purports
- When the animation takes place, the living entities revive their own natural activities under the spell of time and energy, and thus the varieties of living beings are manifested. The Lord is ultimately the cause of all animation in the material world
- When the soul is under the spell of material nature and false ego, identifying his body as the self, he becomes absorbed in material activities, and by the influence of false ego he thinks that he is the proprietor of everything
- When we are under the spell of sattva-guna, rajo-guna or tamo-guna, we become affected. But Krsna, when you find that rajo-guna is exhibited in His pastimes, but He is not under the influence of that rajo-guna
- When Yogamaya, the supreme power of the supremely powerful Personality of Godhead, transferred Lord Sesa from the womb of Devaki to the womb of Rohini, both Devaki and Rohini were under Yogamaya's spell, which is called yoga-nidra
- Without working for Krsna, everyone is under the spell of these modes of material nature. And there is no training how to work for Krsna. That is the defect of modern civilization