Category:Transcendental Loving Service to God
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Pages in category "Transcendental Loving Service to God"
The following 341 pages are in this category, out of 341 total.
- Transcendental loving service (BG)
- Transcendental loving service (CC)
- Transcendental loving service (Conv. & Letters)
- Transcendental loving service (Lectures)
- Transcendental loving service (Other Books)
- Transcendental loving service (SB)
- Transcendental loving service of the Lord (BG)
- Transcendental loving service of the Lord (CC & Other Books)
- Transcendental loving service of the Lord (Conv. & Letters)
- Transcendental loving service of the Lord (Lectures)
- Transcendental loving service of the Lord (SB)
- Absorbed in the transcendental loving service
- Accepting transcendental loving service
- Accepts transcendental loving service
- Achieve the transcendental loving service
- Action in the transcendental loving service
- Against the transcendental loving service
- Attracted toward the transcendental loving service
- Detached from the transcendental loving service
- Devoted to the transcendental loving service
- Every moment in the transcendental loving service
- Fixed in the transcendental loving service
- Forgets the transcendental loving service
- Gives up the transcendental loving service
- Gradually elevate one to transcendental loving service
- Information of the transcendental loving service
- Krsna consciousness and transcendental loving service
- Original position of transcendental loving service
- Practice of transcendental loving service
- Satisfied in the transcendental loving service
- Senses engaged in the transcendental loving service
- Senses in the transcendental loving service
- Situated in the transcendental loving service
- Transcendental loving service and surrender
- Transcendental loving service and the material world
- Unalloyed transcendental loving service
- A devotee who is fully engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord is protected by the Supreme Person
- A godless civilization detached from the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is just like a detached hand or leg. Such parts and parcels may appear like hands and legs, but they have no efficiency
- A paramahamsa like Madhavendra Puri is always satisfied in the loving service of the Lord. Material hunger and thirst cannot impede his activities
- A person in Krsna consciousness who is fully devoted to the transcendental loving service of the Lord develops all the godly qualities of the demigods
- A person properly initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, becomes attached to the Lord's transcendental loving service in one of the five transcendental relationships. Such transcendental service is not a subject matter for gross and subtle bodies
- A person who is able to attain this transcendental qualification is called jivan-mukta, liberated, even though he is apparently in material conditions. This liberation is achieved by one who constantly engages in the transcendental loving service of God
- A pure devotee accepts the transcendental loving service of the Lord but rejects all kinds of liberation for his personal sense gratification
- A pure devotee who is related with the Lord in loving transcendental service can experience the presence of the Lord at every moment
- A sudra does not know how to use money to render transcendental loving service to the Lord
- According to them, (the Vaisnava philosophers) mukti means transferal to the loving service of the Lord from one's position of serving maya
- Advancement in the transcendental loving service
- After asking various questions and becoming established in the transcendental loving service of Lord Krsna, Vidura retired from putting questions to Maitreya Muni
- After liberation the process of bhakti, or transcendental service, continues
- After the elimination of all sins or obstacles on the path of devotional service, one can become attracted, one can have steadiness, one can have perfect taste, one can have transcendental emotions, and one can be situated in loving service of the Lord
- All kinds of activities, both auspicious and inauspicious, that are detrimental to the discharge of transcendental loving service to Lord Sri Krsna are actions of the darkness of ignorance
- All of them (Anugas) are great devotees, and they are always busy in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- All work in Vrndavana is specifically executed in full knowledge of its being transcendental loving service to Krsna the supreme proprietor of everything and all souls. This natural environment for living in pure Krsna consciousness
- Although every service has a particular result, the devotees never aspire for the fulfillment of their own desires; their desires are fulfilled by rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Although within the material nature, one who is thus situated in full knowledge of the Paramatma and atma is never affected by the modes of material nature, for he is always situated in My transcendental loving service
- Always follow the prescribed program of KC as already established by the Spiritual Master, and thus executing your prescribed duties in the loving service of the Lord He will reveal Himself to you in proportion to your sincere efforts to satisfy Him only
- Any living entity who forgets his eternal relationship with Krsna is under the sway of the material condition. Bereft of the Lord's transcendental loving service, he is subjected to the reactions of fruitive activity
- Anyone who is against the transcendental loving service of the Lord is more or less a beastly creature, as confirmed in this verse (SB 3.4.34) of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Anyone who is earnestly serious in heart and soul about being in intimate touch with the Personality of Godhead in the relationship of transcendental loving service will always be infallible in words and action
- As a machine part requires oiling and cleaning for maintenance, similarly, a Krsna conscious man maintains himself by his work just to remain fit for action in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- As confirmed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in Bhagavad-gita (6.47): Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all
- As long as one desires material benefit or liberation, which are called the two witches of allurement, he cannot relish the taste of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord
- As soon as this knot is loosened, therefore, all the clouds of doubt are at once cleared off. One sees his master and fully engages himself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, making a full termination of the chain of fruitive action
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15), the whole purport of all the Vedas is to know the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus become a transcendental loving servant of the Lord
- As Svarupa Damodara has said, if one wants to learn the meaning of Srimad-Bhagavatam, one must take lessons from a realized soul. One should not proudly think that one can understand the transcendental loving service of the Lord simply by reading books
- As the Lord Himself recommends in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47): Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all
- Attained the Lord's transcendental loving service
- Because he (the Krsna conscious man) remains satisfied in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, he can remain steady, like the ocean, and therefore enjoy full peace. BG 1972 purports
- Because persons who are acting for transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord, they are called Krsna conscious, so it has connection with God. Therefore it is religion, dharma
- Being thus fully engaged (in the transcendental loving service of the Lord), the Pracetas would be completely freed from all material attachment. Material attachment is very strong
- Bhagavat-parsadatam prapte mat-sevaya pratitam te: "The pure devotees are convinced of attaining the association of the Personality of Godhead, and thus they are always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord"
- Bhakti-rasa, however, the mellow relished in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, does not finish with the end of life. It continues perpetually and is therefore called amrta, that which does not die but exists eternally
- Brahma and persons in the line of his disciplic succession who follow in his footsteps are always successful in the discharge of loving transcendental service to the Supreme Lord
- Brahma said to Narada, "Whatever I have spoken to you about the Bhagavatam was explained to me by the Lord & I am advising you to expand these topics nicely so that people may easily understand the mysterious bhakti-yoga by transcendental loving service"
- Brahmaji previously told Narada that the desires of Brahmaji are never unfulfilled because he is always absorbed in the transcendental loving service of the Lord; nor has he any desire in his heart save and except the transcendental service of the Lord
- Brahmaloka and Viraja-nadi are also attained after difficult austerities, but in these realms there is no understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His transcendental loving service
- Buddhi-yoga means transcendental loving service to the Lord. Such devotional service is the right course of action for the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- By internal energetic bewilderment, Sri Krsna expands Himself into unlimited numbers of Narayanas and exchanges or accepts transcendental loving service from the living entities in the transcendental world
- By observing the four restrictions and avoiding the ten offenses to the Holy Name (e.g. minimizing the authority of the sastras) you will become qualified to receive the mercy of the Lord and thus advance yourself in His transcendental loving service
- By practicing sadhana-bhakti one may gradually rise to the point of raga-bhakti, and by performing raga-bhakti in loving transcendental service one can even control the Supreme Powerful Lord
- By the grace of the Lord, the Pracetas were given special facilities. Although they could live millions of years to enjoy material facilities, they still would not be deviated from the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- By working to please the Lord by engaging his senses in the Lord's loving service, the devotee is immediately situated on the transcendental platform, and he enjoys unlimited blissful life
- Caitanya's mission is to teach people how to dovetail themselves into engagements of transcendental loving service. He is Krsna teaching His own service from the position of a devotee
- Constant engagement in the transcendental loving service of Vasudeva means constantly hearing the glories of the Lord
- Controlling the senses in the transcendental loving service
- Dedicated to the transcendental loving service
- Determined faith is called drdha-vrata, and it is the beginning of bhakti-yoga, or transcendental loving service. That is the verdict of all scriptures
- Determined in the transcendental loving service
- Devotees attached to the transcendental loving service of the Lord are called, respectively, neophyte, perfect and eternally perfect
- Dhruva Maharaja continued: O unlimited Lord, kindly bless me so that I may associate with great devotees who engage in Your transcendental loving service constantly, as the waves of a river constantly flow
- Dhruva Mahārāja is advised that if he has no desire for sense gratification, then he should directly engage himself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. The path of apavarga, or liberation, begins from the stage called moksa
- Discharging the transcendental loving service
- Diverted towards the transcendental loving service
- Eternal right of transcendental loving service
- Even if the impersonalist reaches the highest platform of spiritual realization, he falls down again to material attachment because of not being situated in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord
- Even in the nonliberated stage, a living entity can be directly engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Personality of Godhead Lord Krsna or His plenary expansions like Rama and Narasimha
- Even one is illiterate. Even he does not know what is ABCD, he can realize God provided he engages himself in this submissive transcendental loving service. And one may be very learned, high scholar, but he cannot realize God
- Even the worms, birds and beasts are assured of elevation to the highest perfectional life if they are completely surrendered to the transcendental loving service of the Lord, so what to speak of the philosophers amongst the human beings
- Everyone is benefited by transcendental loving service
- Everyone's energy is generated or borrowed from the reservoir of energy of the Lord; therefore, the resultant actions of such energy must be given to the Lord in the shape of transcendental loving service for Him
- Everyone, whether he desires material enjoyment, liberation or the transcendental loving service of the Lord, should engage himself, offering obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, because the Lord can award everyone his desired benediction
- Everything about the Lord's activities and personal features is revealed to the devotee only through his loving service attitude
- Expert in the transcendental loving service
- For a devotee, everything in the world is very pleasing because he knows how to use everything in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- For a Vaisnava, acceptance of sannyasa means getting relief from all material activities and completely devoting oneself to the transcendental loving service of the Lord. This is confirmed by Srila Rupa Gosvami - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.255
- For pure devotees of the Lord who are completely satisfied with the transcendental loving service of the Lord, there is hardly any necessity to visit the various places of pilgrimage
- For the devotees, liberation (mukti) is very unimportant because, having attained the Lord's transcendental loving service, they have attained everything desirable and have transcended all material desires
- For want of sufficient piety, the onlookers are not attracted by such pastimes of God. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that only those who have completely surpassed the way of sinful reaction can engage themselves in the transcendental loving service of God
- Full knowledge of transcendental loving service
- He (one German scholar who became a devotee) came to India not to learn the methods of the yogis’ mystic powers but to learn the path of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord, as mentioned in the great scripture Srimad-Bhagavatam
- He (the first class devotee) understands perfectly that the ultimate goal of life is to attain to the transcendental loving service of Krsna, and he knows that Krsna is the only object of worship and love
- He (The Lord) manifests His particular form as the devotee demands. This demand of the devotee is satisfied by the Lord because He is pliable in terms of the transcendental loving service of the devotee
- His only business is to turn everyone to the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Therefore all these features of Narada make him the dearmost son of his father, and all this is due to Narada's being a first-class devotee of the Lord
- If one hears the pastimes of Krsna with the gopis, from authorities with submission, then he will be promoted to the platform of transcendental loving service to the Lord & the material disease of lust within his heart will be completely vanquished
- If one is engaged in pure transcendental loving service to the Lord, it is understood that he has already achieved the five kinds of liberation
- If one is infected with the desire for material enjoyment or material liberation, he cannot rise to the platform of pure loving service unto the Lord, even though he may render devotional service according to the routine regulative principles
- If one is so absorbed in the rendering of service, he can be understood to be elevated to the highest position of bhakti. By such transcendental loving service alone can one surpass the influence of maya and relish pure love of Godhead
- If one is very serious about liberation, he must stick to the process of transcendental loving service, engaging twenty-four hours a day in the highest stage of ecstasy, and he must certainly be aloof from all activities of sense gratification
- If one wishes to engage in devotional service to the Supreme in order to be purified and to reach the goal of life - the transcendental loving service of God - then he should find out what the Lord desires of him. BG 1972 purports
- If you can consolidate all these western youngsters in search after some spiritual enlightenment, this will be a great service to your country, to your community, and to the world at large in the transcendental loving service of Krishna
- If you want to force your senses to stop work, it is very difficult. But if you engage your senses for transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord, it will be automatically stopped
- In all cases, namely nominative, objective, causative, dative, ablative, possessive and supportive, everyone is benefited by such transcendental loving service to the Lord
- In devotional service there is no sense gratification, but only transcendental loving service to the Lord. Consequently, the so-called priests engaged in sense gratification do not very much like devotional service
- In his (living entity) conditioned life he is dominated by the material modes of nature, and he forgets the transcendental loving service of the Lord. As a result, he has to struggle very hard to maintain his existence in the material world
- In his conditioned life he (every living entity) is dominated by the material modes of nature, and he forgets the transcendental loving service. As a result, he has to struggle very hard to maintain his existence in the material world. BG 1972 purports
- In his liberated stage the devotee is attracted by one of the five humors in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. As he continues to serve the Lord in that transcendental mood, he attains a spiritual body to serve Krsna in Goloka Vrndavana
- In other words, he (the living beign) has to realize that qualitatively he is nondifferent from the Supersoul, and he transcends the material sky by his pure identical intelligence and thus becomes engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- In Stotra-ratna (46), Yamunacarya writes: I long for the time when I shall engage fully in Your transcendental loving service without any desire for material satisfaction and without being confined to the mental plane
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that a person who is totally engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, and who constantly remembers Him at every step, easily obtains the mercy of the Lord by entering into His personal contact
- In the material world, which is full of darkness and dangers, combined with birth and death and full of different anxieties, the only way to get out of the great entanglement is to accept loving transcendental devotional service to Lord Vasudeva
- In the spiritual sky the Lord and those who are eternally engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord are all eternally young because there is no old age and disease and there is no death. Because there is no death there is no birth
- In the spiritual sky we are able to speak personally with God, play with Him, eat with Him, etc. All of this can be attained by bhaktya - transcendental loving service
- In the spiritual world, the Lord is the sublime enjoyer of everything, and the living entities there are all engaged in His transcendental loving service without any contamination of the modes of material nature
- In the transcendental loving service of the Lord, it doesn't matter whether we are working, cooking, painting, writing, chanting, or whatever, they are all the same. There are no such distinctions of higher and lower on the transcendental platform
- In the transcendental loving service of the Lord, there is no place for monistic knowledge or fruitive activities. The gopis in Vrndavana were neither highly learned scholars nor mystic yogis
- In the transcendental service of the Lord, everything is tangible without any separate attempt at fruitive work or empiric philosophical speculation
- In the Twenty-third Chapter there is a description of the mellows of transcendental loving service, and in the Twenty-fourth Chapter I have described how the Lord analyzed the atmarama verse
- In this way (becoming more tolerant than the tree and humbler than the grass) chants the holy name of the Lord, very soon he achieves the platform of transcendental loving service to the Lord, and tears appear in his eyes
- In transcendental loving service, the servitor is as free as the Lord
- It (Vedanta philosophy) is a great science, and the great professor is the Lord Himself in the form of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And persons who are empowered by Him can initiate others in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- It is definitely expressed herewith that without the transcendental loving service of the Lord, everything is void
- It is only by their (Vaisnava's) mercy that the conditioned soul is awakened to Krsna consciousness. When awakened, he is no longer eager to enjoy the materialistic way of life. Instead, he devotes himself to the loving transcendental service of the Lord
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.2.32) that a person who gives up the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord and superficially considers himself liberated, never attains to liberation
- It is the nature of a pure devotee to sacrifice his life for the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Let us all become the followers of Raktaka in offering transcendental loving service to Krsna
- Liberated by developing transcendental loving service
- Liberation is not so important as the transcendental loving service of the Lord. The Lord could have awarded Prsni and Sutapa immediate liberation, but He preferred to keep them within this material world for His different appearances
- Lives only for the transcendental loving service
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "I am a Mayavadi in the renounced order of life, and I do not even know what transcendental loving service to the Lord is. I simply float in the ocean of Mayavada philosophy
- Lord Caitanya said that only one who is fortunate can get the seed of transcendental loving service, by the mercy of Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, and that of the spiritual master
- Lord Ramacandra exhibits the actual purpose of an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the devotees take the opportunity to offer loving transcendental service to Him
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sent Nityananda Prabhu from Jagannatha Puri to Bengal, which is known as Gauda-desa, and Lord Nityananda Prabhu overflooded that country with the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Mahatma means Krsna conscious, who is unalloyedly attached to the loving transcendental service of Krsna. Bhajanti mam ananya manaso, this is the definition of mahatma. Anyone who is cent percent engaged in the service of Krsna
- Merged in the transcendental loving service
- My dear Lord, Your abode is visuddha-sattva, always undisturbed by the material qualities, and the activities there are in transcendental loving service unto Your feet
- Narada can deliver to anyone the transcendental loving service of the Lord as a servitor, friend, parent or lover, as one may desire out of one's own transcendental love for the Lord
- Narada Muni recommends another method for controlling the senses in the transcendental loving service of Mukunda, the Personality of Godhead
- No one but the Lord Himself can teach this highest form of devotional service - transcendental loving service
- Nondevotees neglect the transcendental loving service
- Not able to satisfy the Lord by transcendental loving service
- Not elevated to the transcendental loving service
- Not only are scriptural disparities resolved, but a kind of transcendental bliss is awakened, and in this way one is fully satisfied. The transcendental loving service of the Lord constantly engages the conditioned soul in serving the Lord’s lotus feet
- Now I shall speak about the characteristics of devotional service, by which one can attain the shelter of Krsna and His loving transcendental service
- O Narada, you were taught about the science of God and His transcendental loving service by the Personality of Godhead in His incarnation of Hamsavatara. He was very much pleased with you, due to your intense proportion of devotional service
- Object of transcendental loving service
- Obviously, attainment of transcendental loving service to the Personality of Godhead is the ultimate goal of all mysticism. That is the purport of the above-mentioned verse - BG 6.47
- Of those following the regulative principles of devotional service, there are the advanced and the beginners; and in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, there are sixteen types of devotees
- One becomes undisturbed and non-envious in full transcendental loving service to the Lord; and one makes friendship with the devotees of the Lord who are situated in faithful service to Him
- One can go on increasing his hankerings for the loving transcendental service of the Lord, and yet he will not find satiation or end
- One hundred percent in the transcendental loving service
- One is reinstated in his original position of transcendental loving service to the Lord, as will be clearly explained in the following verse
- One is then (by the method of bhakti-yoga) situated in the permanent existence of the soul, with full knowledge of transcendental loving service for the Lord
- One must also give up this misconception of "I" by practicing the way of devotional service or firmly being situated in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- One must be completely surrendered in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- One must not enjoy the fruits of his work himself, but must dedicate the same for the transcendental loving service of the Personality of Godhead. This is the first step on the ladder of devotional activities
- One of them (methods for controlling the senses) is the process of jnana, the path of philosophical understanding of the Supreme - Brahma, Paramatma & Bhagavan. The other is that of direct engagement in the transcendental loving devotional service of God
- One should generally accept the following principles to properly execute devotional service: (4) inquire and learn love from the spiritual master, (5) follow in the footsteps of holy persons devoted to the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- One should make it a point that by his work and the result of his labor he serves the Supreme Lord as prescribed by the authorities expert in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord Visnu
- One should not stop simply upon stepping on the first, second, or third stone, but must make his progress complete by going all the way to the final step, the perfect stage of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One should therefore always be fixed in Krsna consciousness, busy in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. It is guaranteed that such a devotee will never be affected by the actions and reactions of the three modes of material nature
- One's real desire should only be to achieve the stage of loving transcendental service to the Lord
- Only out of His immense compassion does the Personality of Godhead reveal Himself as the spiritual master. Therefore in the dealings of an acarya there are no activities but those of transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Only the transcendental loving service of the Lord can deliver the real goal of life, and thus the service rendered by Sriman Narada Muni is the highest among all the sons of Brahma
- Pasandas, or atheists, cannot understand the pastimes of the Supreme Lord or transcendental loving service to the Lord. They think that devotional service is no better than ordinary fruitive activities - karma
- Peace of mind, or in other words the healthy state of mind, can be achieved only when the mind is situated in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Perfect happiness in transcendental loving service
- Persons who are always planning to do harm to other living entities are not eligible to understand Krsna consciousness and cannot enter into the realm of transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Please keep your lives absorbed in transcendental loving service to the Lord and be happy. Your increased Temple activities chanting two hours before the altar, three hours of studying scriptures
- Principles of transcendental loving service
- Properly utilized in the transcendental loving service
- Pure bhakti-yoga is independent of such karma and jnana because it alone can not only endow one with liberation from conditional life but also award one the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Pure devotees do not ask anything from the Lord for their personal benefit. Even if offered personal benefits, pure devotees do not accept them, because their only desire is to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead by transcendental loving service
- Pure devotees engage themselves fully in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Their minds cannot be diverted from the lotus feet of Krsna. Their talks are solely on the transcendental subjects. BG 1972 purports
- Pure devotees or great saintly persons who desire to achieve the highest goal in life and who are completely free from all material desires for sense gratification engage constantly in the transcendental service of Your lotus feet
- Pure Vaisnava is free from all material contamination of fruitive activities & mental speculation. He is simply, purely disposed to transcendental loving service to Krishna. He rejects anything which has no pure idea of serving the Personality of Godhead
- Rather, they are interested in the higher duties of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such devotional service is called nistraigunya
- Real, steady bhava is definitely displayed in the matter of 1) cessation of material desires (ksanti), utilization of every moment in the transcendental loving service of the Lord (avyartha-kalatvam (CC Madhya 23.18-19))
- Realize the transcendental loving service
- Reciprocation of transcendental loving service
- Relationship of transcendental loving service
- Religious principles aim at learning how to render transcendental loving service to the Lord. That service must be unmotivated and unchecked by material conditions. Then human society will be happy in all respects
- Sad-dharma means "eternal occupation." That eternal occupation is engagement in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Satisfaction is the beginning of transcendental bliss. One should progress by attaining neutrality and equality in the relative world. And passing this stage of equanimity, one is fixed in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Senses require engagements, and when the senses are engaged totally in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they have no chance to become contaminated by material infections
- Serve Krsna to the best of your capacity and when you are 24 hours engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord that is the highest stage of transcendental bliss or Krsna Consciousness
- Serve the Lord in transcendental loving service
- Simply by rendering transcendental loving service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can have all the benedictions of the world without separate endeavor
- Since the Lord is always spiritually qualified, He is attached to servants who always render transcendental loving service unto Him. He is attached to the truth in life, not to brahminical qualities. Indeed, He is never attached to any material qualities
- Since the meditation recommended in the lower stages is a means to come to platform of devotional service, those already engaged in transcendental loving service of the Lord are above such meditation. This stage of perfection is called Krsna consciousness
- So it is not a thing that one should attain the transcendental loving platform of Krsna by studying
- Sraddha is confident, firm faith that by rendering transcendental loving service to Krsna one automatically performs all subsidiary activities. Such faith is favorable to the discharge of devotional service
- Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana, a great Vaisnava scholar, defines this as bhagavad-arcana-rupaika-niskama-karmabhir visuddha-cittah - accepting transcendental loving service to the Lord as the prime duty, free from fruitive reaction
- Sri Govinda, who pleasingly accepts the loving transcendental service of His devotees, gives all protection to the words and actions of His devotees
- Sri Nityananda Prabhu is by nature very much inspired in rendering transcendental loving service to Lord Krsna. Now, being ordered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He distributed this loving service anywhere and everywhere
- Sri Nityananda Prabhu overflooded the entire world by distributing transcendental loving service. No one can understand His character and activities
- Srila Jiva Gosvami has directly accepted that the highest destination is bhakti-yoga, by which one accepts the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Those who accept the path of bhakti-yoga are the factual paramahamsas
- Such control of the material energy, however, can be most successfully carried out if one is a soul surrendered unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead and carries out His order in the spirit of loving transcendental service
- Surrendered to the transcendental loving service
- Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat. Even a slight performance of such a principle (of taking to the transcendental loving service of the Lord) enables one to overcome great difficulties. BG 1972 purports
- The best path is to become a cool-headed, submissive devotee of the Lord, try to hear about the Lord from the bona fide spiritual master, and thus serve the Lord in transcendental loving service
- The Bhagavatam describes the highest religious form - reinstatement of the living entity in his original position of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord
- The Bhagavatam says that because nondevotees neglect the transcendental loving service of the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, their intelligence is not sufficient, and therefore these persons fall down
- The bhakti-yogis are the greatest of all-because as again confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (6.47), they are always absorbed in the thoughts and actions of transcendental loving service to Godhead
- The brahmanas said, "To hell with it all, for we have not developed transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is beyond the speculation of the mind, body and senses"
- The devotee has no need for speculative knowledge, pious activity or mystic yoga. All these are automatically present when one renders the Lord transcendental loving service
- The devotee of the Lord does not seek them (material enjoyment, salvation and mystic powers) separately, wasting his valuable time in life. The valuable time of one's life must therefore be fully engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The devotees develop a spiritual individuality in their spontaneous service attitude, which is enhanced on and on, up to the point of madhurya-rasa, or transcendental loving service reciprocated between the lover and the beloved
- The devotees experience the above-mentioned state of affairs (reaching the Vaikuntha planets) by attainment of spiritual forms for activity in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The difference between the impersonalists and the personalists is that the impersonalists, limited by their speculative processes, cannot even approach the SPG, whereas the devotees please the SPG through His transcendental loving service
- The fallen and forgotten souls are detached from the transcendental loving service of the Lord. The living entities are parts and parcels of the Lord, and they are eternally servitors of the Lord
- The first falldown is caused by the desire to lord it over material nature. Thus one gives up the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The Fourth Chapter describes the main reason for His appearance, which is to taste the mellows of His own transcendental loving service and His own sweetness
- The general argument of the common man is that since the Lord is not visible to our eyes, how can one either surrender unto Him or render transcendental loving service unto Him
- The goddess of fortune, Laksmiji, Lord Brahma & Lord Siva are not independently powerful; they are powerful as expansions of the Supreme Lord, and all of them are engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, so also are the living entities
- The inhabitants of Vaikuntha give preference to the service of the Lord, not their own sense gratification. Serving the Lord in transcendental love yields such transcendental pleasure that, in comparison, sense gratification is counted as insignificant
- The jnanis, yogis and karmis cannot expect this direct cooperation of the Lord. They are not able to satisfy the Lord by transcendental loving service, nor do they believe in such service to the Lord
- The liberty of discharging loving transcendental service to the Lord is invested in everyone, even the women, the sudras, the forest tribes, or any other living beings born in sinful conditions
- The life and dedication of Maharaja Prthu in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead serve as a good example of karma-yoga
- The living entities are the marginal energy of the Lord, and therefore they are meant for being properly utilized in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. When this is not done, one's situation is called maya
- The Lord (Caitanya) ordered Sanatana Gosvami to write books on the transcendental loving service of the Lord, and He authorized him to excavate the different sites of Krsna's pastimes in the district of Mathura
- The Lord certainly fulfills all desires in regard to transcendental loving service, but He cannot fulfill the whims of nondevotees, even when such casual devotees offer Him the best of prayers
- The Lord confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47): Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all
- The Lord declares that by enlightenment in theistic knowledge He awards attachment for Him to those who constantly engage in His transcendental loving service
- The Lord in His abode called the Vaikuntha planets, which are eternal manifestations, always remains with His associates and enjoys transcendental loving services by His pure devotees in different transcendental humors
- The Lord is svarat, or fully independent, and the servant is also fully independent, or svarat, in the spiritual atmosphere because there is no forced service. There the transcendental loving service is due to spontaneous love
- The Lord is unlimited; no one can know Him completely, but one's advancement in the transcendental loving service of the Lord can make one eligible to know the Lord
- The love of Godhead can be attained only by the practice of transcendental loving service of the Lord, and nothing else
- The lowest of human beings can be elevated to the highest stage of devotional life if they are trained by the bona fide spiritual master well versed in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The material body is meant for sense enjoyment, whereas the spiritual body engages in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The more progress is made in devotional service under the guidance of the Bhagavatas, the more one becomes fixed in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The most perfect way of life in this material world is simply to be devoted to My (Krsna's) transcendental loving service and to execute honestly the prescribed duties of one's particular position
- The natural position of the living entity is to serve the Lord in a transcendental loving attitude. When the living entity wants to become Krsna Himself or imitate Krsna, he falls down into the material world
- The nitya-muktas are eternally liberated souls, and they are eternally engaged in the reciprocation of transcendental loving service with the Lord in His eternal abode beyond the manifested mundane creations
- The other forms of liberation maintain the individuality of the particle soul and involve being always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The perfect conception of oneness helps the worshiper in being engaged in the Lord's loving service, whereas the impersonalist, being falsely puffed up, remains a nondevotee forever, without being recognized by the Lord
- The point is that a devotee is so much absorbed in the transcendental loving service of the Lord that he has no time to think of any benefit beyond his immediate engagement
- The potencies in the spiritual world are all pure because they are engaged in the unalloyed transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The pure devotee hates and fears sayujya-mukti, merging into the effulgence of the Lord. This merging is due to an offense committed against the transcendental loving service of the Lord, and therefore it is not at all desirable for a pure devotee
- The pure devotee is the pleasure-possessing cloud, and when he is filled with transcendental loving service, then he can bestow his mercy as a downpour of rain - and the pleasure potency returns to the ocean of Krsna
- The purport of all Vedic literatures is to induce one to accept the transcendental loving service of the Lord by all means
- The real service, or service in svarupa, is present in the transcendental world, in association with the Lord. The very same service in transcendental love can be practiced in devotion here
- The rest of one's time should be devoted to engaging in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. In this way one can attain relief from the reactions of material activity
- The role of the bona fide Spiritual Master is to lead the conditioned souls out of forgetfulness and back into pure consciousness of serving the Lord in transcendental loving service
- The saintly devotees are always free and liberated, whereas the karmis, who have no knowledge of spiritual life or the transcendental loving service of the Lord, are very much afraid of giving up the rotten material body
- The senses require real engagements, and if they are not engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they will certainly seek engagement in the service of materialism. BG 1972 purports
- The seven sons are the seven processes of devotional service - hearing, chanting, remembering, offering worship, offering prayers, rendering transcendental loving service and serving the lotus feet of the Lord
- The stage of loving service to the Lord in parental affection is an advanced stage of love in fraternity
- The Supreme Lord is not visible to material eyes, but when the material senses are inclined to the transcendental loving service of the Lord and are thus purified, the Lord reveals Himself to the vision of the devotee
- The Supreme Lord says: Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all
- The transcendental loving service of the Lord is performed in three ways - with the body, with the mind and with words. Here (in SB 3.15.49) the sages (four Kumaras) pray that their words may always be engaged in glorifying the Supreme Lord
- The ultimate goal is here. One should be always abiding with God, worshiping Him, transcendental loving service, and intimately united with Him, intimately. This intimate unity means that five kinds of relationship. That is the perfection of yoga
- The word ahaituki means "without reason." A pure devotee does not render loving service to the Personality of Godhead for any cause or for any benefit, material or spiritual. This is the first symptom of unalloyed devotion
- There are different types of philosophers, and the greatest of all of them are those who have seen the Personality of Godhead and have surrendered themselves in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- There are hundreds and thousands of aphorisms in the revealed scriptures. Atmaramas ca munayah: "Even the self-realized souls are also attracted by the transcendental loving service of the Lord"
- There are sixty-four items of regulative devotional service for purifying the senses, and one should strenuously undergo such regulative service. Then one can enter into the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- There are two kinds of devotional service: the way of pancaratrika regulative principles and the way of bhagavata transcendental loving service
- There is no question of a devotee becoming a sudra if he does certain work. No, a devotee is never a sudra. He is transcendental. Because their activity is done in transcendental loving service unto the Lord, it is all on the transcendental plane
- These all (austerities, pious duties, and mystic yoga) reward different results to their performer. The rewards of these practices, however, appear to be very glittering as long as one is not elevated to the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- They (mental speculation and artificial austerities) will not help at all in the progress of devotional service. These processes are, therefore, not favorable for entering into the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- They (the brahmanas) regretted very much that, although their wives were elevated to the platform of pure devotional service, they themselves could not understand even a little bit of how to love & offer transcendental loving service to the Supreme Soul
- They (the conditioned souls) exist in different species of life because they are eternally averse to transcendental loving devotion to the Supreme Lord
- They (the inhabitants of the spiritual planets) have nothing to do there except to render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Narayana, who is the predominating Deity of Vaikuntha planets
- They (the living beings) are eternally cognizant of their relationship with God in their constitutional position of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord
- This (transcendental loving) service must be without adulteration, that is to say, we must love God without expecting material remuneration. Loving God to become one with Him is also a form of adulteration
- This conditional life is due to our rebellious condition towards God. As soon as we agree surrender and be one with Him by transcendental loving service, the whole thing becomes adjusted
- This fixed meditation is called samadhi, or trance. A person constantly engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord cannot be deviated from meditating on the form of the Lord, as described herein - in SB 4.8.52
- This forgetfulness (of bodily existence) is actually possible when we engage our senses in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. In the conditional state, one engages his senses as a member of a family or as a member of a society or country
- This goal is the living entity's topmost interest and greatest wealth. Thus one attains the platform of transcendental loving service unto the Lord
- This material manifestation is necessary to give a chance to the conditioned souls who are unwilling to associate with the Lord in the relationship of loving transcendental service
- This material world is not created for those who do not want to enjoy sense gratification, who constantly remain in transcendental loving service and who are eternally Krsna conscious
- This process of turning the senses from material attachment to the loving transcendental service of the Lord is called pratyahara, and the very process is called pranayama, ending in samadhi, or absorption in pleasing the Supreme Lord Hari by all means
- This stage of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord without any hopes of emolument from the Lord, or any other way, can be attained when the material senses are purified and the original pure state of the senses is revived
- This type of attachment (with awe and veneration) might be characterized by a certain lack of freedom, and it is exhibited in Mathura and in the Vaikuntha planets. In these abodes of the Lord, the spirit of transcendental loving service is restricted
- Those who are munayah, saintly persons following in the footsteps of Narada Muni, simply engage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord without any personal desire for sense gratification. Anyabhilasita-sunyam jnana-karmady-anavrtam - BRS 1.1.11
- Those who are not engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord wrongfully think that they are accumulating so much money day after day - BG 16.12
- Those who are pure devotees always remain in the ocean of transcendental loving service to the Lord and have no business with the other processes, which are compared to the rivers that only gradually come to the ocean
- Those who aspire to merge into the Brahman effulgence are as abominable as demons. Devotees who aspire to associate with the Supreme Lord to render Him transcendental loving service are far superior
- Those who collect contributions on behalf of ISKCON should be very careful not to use even a farthing of the collection for any purpose other than the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Those who collect contributions on behalf of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness should be very careful not to use even a farthing of the collection for any purpose other than the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Those who have given up devotional service to engage in severe austerities for other purposes are not purified in their minds, despite their advanced austerities, because they have no information of the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Those who take advantage of transcendental knowledge gradually regain their lost consciousness of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Through the actions of these two bhagavatas the Lord instills the mellows of transcendental loving service into the heart of a living being, and thus the Lord, in the heart of His devotee, comes under the control of the devotee's love
- Thus one knows enough to dovetail himself in the transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Trained in the transcendental service of the Lord
- Transcendental loving devotional service is the spiritual activity of the spirit soul. Mayavadi philosophers confuse such spiritual activity with material activity
- Transcendental loving service for the Supreme Lord is the natural inclination of every living being
- Transcendental loving service is never to be compared to the forced service of the material world. In the material world, even if one is under the conception that he is no one's servant, he is still the servant of his senses
- Transcendental loving service of the Lord begins
- Transcendental loving service to the Lord in one of the five principal relations, namely santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya, i.e., neutrality, servitorship, fraternity, filial affection and conjugal love, is graciously accepted by the Lord
- Transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord is free from the infections of desires for sense gratification, fruitive work, and the culture of knowledge with the aim of merging into the Absolute to become one with the Supreme Lord
- Transcendental narrations of the pastimes of the Lord can be described only by liberated souls like Vyasadeva and his bona fide representatives who are completely merged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Turn everyone to the transcendental loving service
- Uddhava continued, "They are meant only for realizing Krsna and dovetailing oneself in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead." This is the last instruction of the Bhagavad-gita also
- Understanding the exchanges of transcendental loving service with Krsna is possible only when one is actually in touch with the pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord
- Unless one is reinstated in his own constitutional position, it is not possible to understand the Supreme Personality or to be fully engaged in His transcendental loving service with determination. BG 1972 purports
- Unless one is situated in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, one is unable to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Vidura put forward many varieties of questions with a view to understanding the principles of transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Vidura was never attracted by the royal palace of his brother. He was always ready to leave the place and devote himself completely to the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Whatever work is done here in this life for the satisfaction of the mission of the Lord is called bhakti-yoga, or transcendental loving service to the Lord, and what is called knowledge becomes a concomitant factor
- When a devotee has achieved the position of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord through the mercy of Lord Caitanya, he thinks the impersonal Brahman to be no better than hell
- When a devotee revives his loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it should be understood that he has been successful in achieving the desired goal of his life. At that time everything is automatically done by the mercy of the holy name
- When a living entity desires to serve the Lord in transcendental loving service, the Lord helps the devotee in so many ways as the caitya-guru, or the spiritual master within, & thus the devotee can perform many wonderful activities
- When a person is fully engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, he is pleased in himself, and thus he is no longer engaged in sense gratification or in fruitive activities. BG 1972 purports
- When a process of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality is added, progress is made perfectly to the ultimate goal
- When one actually feels this and turns his intelligence to inquiring about it from the right sources, he gets information of the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- When one begins to render some sort of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the neutral relationship known as santa-rasa is transformed into dasya-rasa, servitorship
- When one goes above the stage of liberation, however, he at once becomes one of the associates of the Lord to render transcendental loving service. That is technically called vimukti
- When one's transcendental loving service to the Lord is actually awakened, it generates transformations in the body such as perspiration, trembling, throbbing of the heart, faltering of the voice and tears in the eyes
- When Sri Narada Muni discoursed on bhagavata-dharma, devotional service, he indicated how a conditioned soul can be liberated by engaging in the loving transcendental service of the Lord
- When the mind is purified, the senses are also purified. Instead of using the senses for sense gratification, the awakened devotee employs the senses in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. By this process the dormant love for Krsna is awakened
- When there is no attachment or no spontaneous loving service to the Lord, one is engaged in the Lord's service simply out of obedience to the spiritual master's order or in pursuance of the scriptures, such obligatory service is called vaidhi-bhakti
- When unalloyed practice of sadhana-bhakti is matured into transcendental love for the Lord, the transcendental loving service of the Lord begins gradually developing into nine progressive stages of loving service
- When we at last become free from these designations and begin to render transcendental loving service to the Lord, we attain our perfectional state. We then become established in our true dharma
- Whenever there is a recitation of poetry or a dramatic play on the different pastimes of Krsna, the audience develops different kinds of transcendental loving service for the Lord. They enjoy different types of vibhava, anubhava and sancari-bhava
- Whether one desires everything or nothing, or whether he desires to merge into the existence of the Lord, he is intelligent only if he worships Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by rendering transcendental loving service
- With firm faith and devotion, such great personalities engage themselves in rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord. That is the verdict of the personified Vedas
- Without the transcendental loving service
- Without transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord, a so-called intelligent class is simply in name intelligent class. But it is not... He's actually not intelligent, because there is no function