Category:Throughout the Universe
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Pages in category "Throughout the Universe"
The following 111 pages are in this category, out of 111 total.
- A material body is manufactured by the external energy according to the direction of the SPG. The conditioned soul, being seated on this machine, wanders throughout the universe, and because of his bodily conception of life he only suffers
- According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, & some are going down into the lower planetary systems
- According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems
- After achieving such great success and a reputation which spread throughout the universe, he (King Prthu) at last obtained the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- After this, semen (the faculty of procreation) and the god who presides over the waters appeared. Next appeared an anus and then the organs of defecation and thereupon the god of death, who is feared throughout the universe
- After wandering throughout the universe, a fortunate person within this material world seeks shelter of such a guru, who trains the devotee in the suitable ways to render service according to the circumstances so that the SPG will accept the service
- All conditioned souls working within the illusory energy of the Lord consider the body to be the self, and thus they continuously wander throughout the universe, taking birth in different species of life and creating more and more problems
- All living creatures throughout the universe-including birds, reptiles, ants, aquatics, trees and so on-are emanations of the marginal potency of the SL. Therefore all of them belong to the family of the Supreme Being. There is no clash of interest
- All living entities are rotating throughout the universe, going sometimes up to the higher planetary systems and sometimes down to the lower planets. This is the material disease, which is known as pravrtti-marga
- All of Krsna's lilas are present simultaneously throughout the innumerable universes. By our limited senses we cannot appreciate this; therefore Krsna’s eternal pastimes are very difficult for us to understand
- All the material planets-upper, lower and intermediate, including the sun, moon and Venus-are scattered throughout the universe. These planets exist only during the lifetime of Brahma
- All these combined together (namely earth, water, fire, air, sky, mind, intelligence and ego) are distributed throughout the entire universe, which extends diametrically to four billion miles
- All these qualities (described in BG 10.4-5) are manifest throughout the universe in human society and in the society of the demigods. There are many forms of humanity on other planets, and these qualities are there. BG 1972 purports
- Although I cheated him in My incarnation as Vamana, taking away his dominions throughout the universe, and although I still criticized him for not fulfilling his promise, I have just now seen him in his kingdom, and he feelingly expressed his love for Me
- Although they (so-called scientists) cannot even estimate the varieties existing throughout the universe, they are very proud of their knowledge, and they are accepted as learned by persons of a similar caliber
- Among all the living entities wandering throughout the universe, one who is most fortunate comes in contact with a representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus gets the opportunity to execute devotional service
- As far as the sun and moon shine with the stars and as far as the clouds pour rain, all the land throughout the universe is in your possession
- As fuel overloads a fire, so the embryo created by the semen of Kasyapa in the womb of Diti has caused complete darkness throughout the universe
- As the individual soul is present by his consciousness throughout his entire body, so the Supersoul, or Paramatma, is present throughout the whole creation by superconsciousness. This superconscious energy is imitated by the individual soul
- At Visnu-kanci is Lord Varadaraja, and Hari is situated at Mayapur, Lord Caitanya's birth site. Thus in different places throughout the universe there are various Deities in temples bestowing Their causeless mercy upon the devotees
- At Visnu-kanci there is Lord Visnu, at Mayapur Lord Hari, and throughout the universe a variety of other forms
- Because of complete darkness throughout the universe, the regular activities and engagements of all the different planets were suspended
- Behold the forest named Khadiravana, renowned throughout the universe. If one comes to Khadiravana, he can immediately be elevated to Visnuloka
- Birth after birth, he travels not only in the different species of life, but also from one planet to another. Lord Caitanya says that the living entities, bound up by fruitive activities, are wandering in this way throughout the whole universe
- Brahma thought to himself: Alas, it is wonderful that in spite of my being scattered all over, there is still insufficient population throughout the universe. There is no other cause for this misfortune but destiny
- Brhaspati is the priest of the heavenly planets. Vedic knowledge was received in logical order by the great sages through Brhaspati for the benefit of human society, not only on this planet, but throughout the universes
- By acting on the platform of fruitive activity, one wanders throughout the universe in different species and forms. Unless he comes in contact with a devotee of the Lord, a guru, he does not become attached to the service of Lord Vasudeva
- By His one plenary portion as Paramatma, antaryami, the Lord is all-pervading throughout the unlimited universes. He is the pratyak, or antaryami, of all living entities
- By the grace of Krsna and the spiritual master, a fortunate person, after wandering throughout the universe in different species of life, receives the seed of pure devotional service
- By the supreme will of Krsna, the mountain known as Lokaloka has been installed as the outer border of the three worlds - Bhurloka, Bhuvarloka and Svarloka - to control the rays of the sun throughout the universe
- Describe how the creation of the globes throughout the universe, the four directions of the heavens, the sky, the planets, the stars, the mountains, the rivers, the seas and the islands, as well as their different kinds of inhabitants, takes place
- Dhruva Maharaja, the son of King Uttanapada, was already known throughout the universe as a great devotee of the Lord, constantly thinking of His lotus feet
- Diseased and conditioned, the living entity transmigrates throughout the universe. Sometimes he is situated in the upper planetary system and sometimes in the lower system. In this way he leads his diseased life
- For this transcendental happiness, the living entity has wandered throughout the universe in different forms of life and different planetary systems, but because he has forgotten his intimate relationship with Visnu he has merely suffered life after life
- From the statements of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the Bhagavad-gita, we are to conclude that living entities exist everywhere throughout the universes. They are distributed as trees, plants, aquatics, birds, human beings and so on
- Harassed life after life by the laws of nature, the living entity wanders throughout the entire universe in different planets and species of life. Somehow or other, if he is fortunate enough, he comes in touch with a devotee who reforms his entire life
- Having lost sight of their destinations in life, all living entities are wandering in different species throughout the universe, sometimes getting birth in a lower species and sometimes existence in higher planetary systems
- He (Brahma) saw that the lotus on which he was situated was spread throughout the universe, and he contemplated how to create all the planets, which were previously merged in that very same lotus
- He (God) is full of all energies, He is all-pervasive in spite of His residing in Goloka Vrndavana, just as the sun, although situated in a particular place within the universe, is present by its sunshine throughout the universe
- He (Narada Muni) was very pleased with Dhruva Maharaja because in one lifetime, by dint of his severe penances and austerities, he had achieved Vaikuntha, which was never achieved by any other king's son or rajarsi throughout the whole universe
- He says that although He is Krsna's eternal servant, somehow He has fallen into the ocean of birth and death, accepting one body after another, dying and being born again, not only in this planet but throughout the whole universe, in many species of life
- Hiranyaksa, by his demoniac strength, actually established his supremacy throughout the universe, and the demigods were afraid of his uncommon power
- If you want to become a devotee of Krsna, there is no impediment throughout the three worlds within the universe. You can become a devotee, it is so easy
- In different places throughout the universe there are various Deities in temples bestowing Their causeless mercy upon the devotees. All these Deity forms are nondifferent from the murtis in the spiritual world of the Vaikunthas
- In the aerial mansion, Kardama Muni traveled throughout the eight directions controlled by the different demigods like, Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirrti, Varuna, Vayu and Kuvera, and as the demigods go to Mount Meru, he also went there to enjoy life
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He has spread Himself throughout the universe, but although everything is resting upon Him, He is aloof
- In this way (sometimes going here and sometimes there and sometimes doing this or that) the living entity wanders throughout the entire universe, imprisoned in various species and thus engaging in various activities for which he must suffer the reactions
- It is also said in CC Madhya 19.151 - According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems
- It is understood from this verse that the predominating deity of the moon is the maintainer of all the trees and plants throughout the universe. It is due to the moonshine that trees and plants grow very luxuriantly
- Kasyapa Muni met his wife, Aditi, in the heavenly planets, but the same misconception (because of bodily attachment, one is regarded as a husband or son) extends throughout the entire universe and is also here on earth
- Khadiravana is described in the Bhakti-ratnakara (Fifth Wave): “Behold the forest named Khadiravana, renowned throughout the universe. If one comes to Khadiravana, he can immediately be elevated to Visnuloka”
- Krsna is spread throughout the whole universe in His impersonal form. Since everything is a manifestation of the Lord's energy, the Lord can manifest Himself through any energy
- Krsna is the ultimate goal of spiritual science. Of course when we speak of Krsna we refer to God. There are many names for God throughout the world and throughout the universe, but Krsna is the supreme name according to Vedic knowledge
- May there be good fortune throughout the universe, and may all envious persons be pacified. May all living entities become calm by practicing bhakti-yoga, for by accepting devotional service they will think of each other's welfare
- Modern science believes that it is by sunshine that the entire cosmic manifestation is maintained, and actually one can see how the actions and reactions of sunshine maintain order throughout the universe
- My dear Lord, O Supreme Unborn, I know that the different varieties of living entities, such as animals, trees, birds, reptiles, demigods and human beings, are spread throughout the universe, which is caused by the total material energy
- My dear Lord, the impersonal Brahman spreads everywhere, like the sunshine or the sky. And that impersonal Brahman, which spreads throughout the universe and in which the entire universe is manifested, is You
- Narada and the Kumaras travel throughout the universe to educate the conditioned souls that their business in the world is not that of sense gratification but of reinstating themselves in their original position of devotional service to the S P of God
- Narada Muni is always wandering throughout the universe just to create different types of devotees. Narada even made a hunter a devotee. He also made Dhruva Maharaja and Prahlada devotees
- Narada said, "This (Mandakini, Bhogavati and Ganges) sacred, transcendental water flows throughout the entire universe, purifying wherever it flows"
- Not only in India, but also throughout the whole universe, in every country, in every nation, in every society, there must be some people who have brahminical tendency
- O Brahma, when you are absorbed in devotional service, in the course of your creative activities, you will see Me in you and throughout the universe, and you will see that you yourself, the universe and the living entities are all in Me
- O my Lord! O infallible Supreme Person! When a person wandering throughout the universes becomes eligible for liberation from material existence, he gets an opportunity to associate with devotees
- On the occasion of Lord Krsna's birth, seasonal changes took place throughout the entire universe
- One who simply understands that throughout the entire universe Krsna is the supreme enjoyer and beneficiary of all kinds of sacrifices, penances and austerities, immediately becomes desireless (niskama) and therefore peaceful
- Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates of the Panca-tattva distributed the holy name of the Lord to invoke love of Godhead throughout the universe, and thus the entire universe was thankful
- Sri Krsna carries a flute and enchants the hearts of all women throughout the universe. He is specifically the enjoyer of the beautiful gopis, and He is the enchanter of Cupid also. Let Him be glorified!
- Svasty astu visvasya: "Let there be good fortune throughout the entire universe." Prahlada Maharaja thus requested the Lord to be merciful to everyone, including his father, a most envious person
- The conditioned souls are wandering throughout the different planets of the universe, entering various species of life
- The darkness throughout the universe is explained herewith as being caused by the embryo created in the womb of Diti by the semen of Kasyapa
- The demigods indirectly prayed that Lord Siva counteract the kalakuta poison, which was spreading throughout the universe
- The demoniac influence of the sons in the womb of Diti expanded darkness throughout the universe
- The different forms of Krsna are distributed throughout the universe to give pleasure to the devotees. It is not that devotees are born only in India. There are devotees in all parts of the world, but they have simply forgotten their identity
- The eleven senses and five sense objects, and the eight elements are the gross and subtle matter, namely earth, water, fire, air, sky, mind, intelligence and ego. All these combined together are distributed throughout the entire universe
- The Ganges is the only celestial river which flows throughout the universe, and great sages travel all over the universe via this sacred river
- The living entity is wandering throughout the entire universe and taking birth in different species on different planets. Thus he moves up and down, but that is not real progress. Real progress is getting out of this material world altogether
- The Lord is so kind that He has spread the River Ganges throughout the universe so that by taking bath in that holy river everyone can get release from the reactions of sins, which occur at every step
- The opulences of the impersonal Brahman spread throughout the millions and millions of universes. That Brahman is but the bodily effulgence of Govinda
- The Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna, who is eternally an adolescent, is the primeval Lord, the source of all incarnations. He expands Himself in these six categories of forms to establish His supremacy throughout the universe
- The seven groups of fourteen associates arrange the proper times for regular snow, heat and rain throughout the universe
- The six Gosvamis of Vrndavana are respected throughout the entire universe because a devotee, having pleased the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all emanations, automatically pleases everyone, and thus everyone offers him respect
- The Supreme Lord is represented throughout the entire material universes by His entering into all things as the Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- There are two kinds of men throughout the universe. Those who are devotees of Lord Visnu are called demigods, and those who are just the opposite are called demons
- There are two kinds of men throughout the whole universe. There are men in other planets also, they are very highly elevated; they are therefore called devas, or demigods
- There is no literature throughout the universe like Srimad-Bhagavatam. There is no comparison. There is no competition. Every word is for the good of the human society
- These manifestations were distributed throughout the universe, but by the grace of the Lord, Arjuna could see them while sitting in one place. That was due to the inconceivable potency of Krsna
- These roaring vibrations spread all over the atmosphere until they extended all over the world and into outer space, up and down and out to the ten directions, rumbling throughout the entire universe
- They (persons living in the heavenly planets) are elevated to the heavenly planets, and then they again fall to the earthly planets. This process is known as brahmanda bhramana, wandering up and down throughout the universes
- They (residents of other planets) presented various gifts to the King (Prthu) and acknowledged him as the proper type of king by whose planning and activities everyone throughout the universe could be happy and prosperous
- This Krishna Consciousness Movement is for understanding one God, one scripture, one mantra, and one engagement for all living entities, not only within this world, but throughout the whole universe
- Throughout the material universes there are many such spiritually inclined souls, and our mission is to present to everyone right knowledge of spiritual life
- Throughout the universe there are only these two types (suras and asuras) of human being. In the Rg Veda it is stated that the suras always aim at the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord Visnu and act accordingly
- Throughout the whole universe - in the higher, lower and middle planetary systems - Prthu Maharaja's reputation was loudly declared, and all ladies and saintly persons heard his glories, which were as sweet as the glories of Lord Ramacandra
- To deliver people in regions throughout the universe who could not meet Him, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally entered the bodies of pure devotees
- Wandering and wandering throughout the universe, he (conditioned soul) may by chance get the association of a devotee physician, whose instructions and hymns make the witch of the external energy flee
- We (Rupa and Sanatana) are the most fallen; therefore by showing us Your (Caitanya's) mercy, Your mercy is most successful. Let the power of Your mercy be exhibited throughout the entire universe
- Whatever we see existing throughout the universe is intrinsically the property of the supreme enjoyer, and one may enjoy a thing that is kindly given by Him, but one must never touch the property of others
- With His (the Lord's) strong, glorious arms, which award fearlessness throughout the universe, He took hold of Vasuki and began churning the ocean, using Mandara Mountain as a churning rod
- Within a week there would be an inundation throughout the universe and that the fish incarnation would protect the King, along with the rsis, herbs, seeds and other living entities, in a boat, which would be attached to the fish's horn
- Worshiping the most powerful demigod Surya, the seven groups of fourteen associates arrange the proper times for regular snow, heat and rain throughout the universe