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Pages in category "Surpass"
The following 217 pages are in this category, out of 217 total.
- A devotee of Lord Caitanya considers residence in the heavenly planets a will-o’-the-wisp. He surpasses the perfection of mystic yoga power because for him the senses are like snakes with broken fangs
- According to Bhagavad-gita, Seventh Chapter, the laws of nature are so stringent that it is impossible for the living entity to surpass their enforcement
- Actually our students have surpassed the category of brahmana because they are Vaisnavas which means they are transcendental to any material position
- After killing Vrtrasura, Indra could not surpass the brahma-hatya, the sinful reactions for killing a brahmana
- After surpassing the brahminical perfection, one has to become a devotee of the Lord so that His loving affection in the form of proprietor, master, friend, son and lover can be transcendentally achieved
- After surpassing the impersonal brahmajyoti and seeing the personal aspect of the Lord and His most auspicious eternal form, the devotee realizes the Absolute Truth in full
- After thus speaking at the door of Vaikuntha, the Lord returned to His abode, where there are many celestial airplanes and all-surpassing wealth and splendor
- All plans of materialistic happiness will automatically come to an end. The intelligent person makes a plan to return home, back to Godhead. Such an intelligent person surpasses all the pangs of material existence, like birth, death, disease and old age
- Although one may be well versed in the transcendental science, one should be careful about the offense of maryada-vyatikrama, or impertinently surpassing a greater personality
- Although one's duration of life is limited in years, if by chance one becomes a devotee, he surpasses the duration prescribed for his life; indeed, sometimes yogis die according to their wish, not according to the laws of material nature
- Anyone who is engaged in devotional service without any adulteration, he can surpass these three qualities of material
- Anyone who is fixed in the transcendental service of the Lord has surpassed all the material qualities and is situated in the status of Brahman realization, in which one is not afflicted by hankering for material objects
- Anyone who places this Lord of Svetadvipa within his heart can surpass the pangs of the six material tribulations: hunger, thirst, birth, death, lamentation and illusion. Thus one can attain his original, transcendental form
- As far as the goal of ultimate knowledge is concerned, it is also confirmed in Vedic literature: tam eva viditvatimrtyum eti. "Only by knowing You can one surpass the boundary of birth and death". BG 1972 purports
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (7.14), no one but those who surrender at the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord can surpass the stringent laws of nature
- Bharata, the son of Maharaja Dusmanta, bound thirty-three hundred horses for those sacrifices, and thus he astonished all other kings. He surpassed even the opulence of the demigods, for he achieved the supreme spiritual master, Hari
- Bhattacarya replied, "The awakening of pure love of Godhead, which is the result of devotional service, far surpasses liberation from material bondage. For those averse to devotional service, merging into the Brahman effulgence is a kind of punishment"
- By perfection of the yoga system one not only can travel through material space, but can surpass material space and enter the spiritual sky. We learn this fact also from an incident concerning Durvasa Muni and Maharaja Ambarisa
- By the grace of the Lord, if a devotee, at the time of death, can simply chant His holy name - the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, he immediately surpasses the great ocean of the material sky and enters the spiritual sky
- Daivi hy esa guna-mayi mama maya duratyaya: (BG 7.14) no one can surpass the vigilance of material nature or hide his intentions from material nature
- Death is inevitable; no one can surpass the force of death. Therefore Maharaja Pariksit, while fully alive, wanted to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam. He is consequently addressed here (in SB 8.5.24) as arindama
- Devotional service is such a powerful transcendental method that it surpasses all other methods of transcendental realization
- Dhruva Maharaja thus surpassed the seven planetary systems of the great sages who are known as saptarsi. Beyond that region, he achieved the transcendental situation of permanent life in the planet where Lord Visnu lives
- Dhruva Maharaja wanted a benediction which surpasses even the highest purusartha, liberation. He wanted the benediction that he might constantly remember the lotus feet of the Lord. This stage of life is called pancama-purusartha
- Direct knowledge of the spiritual sky can be had only by great sages and saintly persons who have already surpassed the influence of the three material modes of nature by engaging in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness
- Durvasa Muni's purpose in going to Brahmaloka was apparently to speak to the residents of Brahmaloka about how powerful a devotee is and how a devotee can surpass every living entity within this material world
- Even though many devotees always think of Krsna, none can surpass the gopis, among whom Radharani is the leader in thinking of Krsna. Radharani’s Krsna consciousness surpasses that of all other devotees
- Everyone is born a sudra, completely dependent. Samskarad bhaved dvijah: but when he is initiated by purificatory processes, he is called twice-born. This initiation process means he surpasses the ordinary birth
- Foolish people who because of a poor fund of knowledge think that one can equal Krsna or become Krsna are condemned in every way. No one can equal or surpass Krsna, who is therefore described as asamordhva
- For want of sufficient piety, the onlookers are not attracted by such pastimes of God. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that only those who have completely surpassed the way of sinful reaction can engage themselves in the transcendental loving service of God
- God accepts such service from the devotee (serving God as his father), & thus he becomes more than the Lord. The impersonalists desire to become one with the Supreme, but devotees become more than the Lord, surpassing the desire of the greatest monist
- God is easily understandable for the pure devotee because God declares in the Bhagavad-gita that after surpassing the stage of knowledge, when one is able to be engaged in the devotional service, then only can one know the true nature of the Lord
- Gradually surpassing the mode of goodness, one is situated in pure goodness, which is not contaminated by the material qualities. When thus situated, a devotee no longer has any doubts; he knows that he will not come back to this material world
- Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, CD 2 - This chanting of Hare Krsna is directly enacted from the spiritual platform, surpassing all lower states of consciousness-namely sensual, mental and intellectual
- He (one) can easily surpass all the practices for controlling the mind by engaging in the service of the Supreme Lord under the direction of the bona fide spiritual master. This easy process is being recommended by Srila Rupa Gosvami
- He (the sthita-dhi-muni) has surpassed the stage of mental speculations and has come to the conclusion that Lord Sri Krsna, or Vasudeva, is everything. He is called a muni fixed in mind. BG 1972 purports
- He traveled in that way through the various planets, as the air passes uncontrolled in every direction. Coursing through the air in that great and splendid aerial mansion, which could fly at his will, he surpassed even the demigods
- Her (Radharani's) pure, mature love surpasses that of all others. Her love is the cause of Lord Krsna's tasting the sweetness of the conjugal relationship
- Her pure, mature love surpasses that of all others. Her love is the cause of Lord Krsna's tasting the sweetness of the conjugal relationship
- Hiranyakasipu was so alert against being burnt to ashes by the anger of great sages like Bhrgu that by dint of austerity he surpassed their power and placed even them under his subordination
- His (Lord Nityananda's) body was anointed with sandalwood pulp, and He was nicely decorated with tilaka. His movements surpassed those of a maddened elephant
- His (Yudhisthira) actual arms were Krsna and Arjuna, and thus he surpassed everyone's opulence. Duryodhana, being envious of this opulence, planned so many schemes to put Yudhisthira into difficulty, and at last the Battle of Kuruksetra was brought about
- His thousands of extended hoods are adorned with dazzling jewels surpassing the sun
- How is it, then, that Europeans and Americans will not become brahmanas? In fact, one who comes to Krsna consciousness has already surpassed brahmanism. As stated in Bhagavad-gita - 14.26
- I am an ignorant fool, for I interpret as an insult what is meant for my benefit. In this way I am just like King Indra, who out of ignorance tried to surpass Krsna, the Supreme Lord
- I want that our Vrindaban temple to be the first class temple of India. Already people are saying that it surpasses all temples of the district in beauty, and I think it surpasses all temples in India
- I want that we shall excel the Caitanya Math. They have been struggling for the last 50 years, and we shall surpass them in two years
- If karma-yoga, or work with transcendental results, is systematically performed, we shall transcend & more than fulfill all fragmented endeavors - by the laborites toward a mundane heaven wherein laborers surpass capitalists in the acquisition of wealth
- If Krsna chooses to deceive a person, no one can surpass Him in His deceit. His greatness is not simply one-sided - it is all-sided. BG 1972 purports
- If one can surpass this chain of birth and death, why an intelligent man should not take up this process of Krsna consciousness
- If one is fortunate enough to come to the point of bhakti-yoga, it is to be understood that he has surpassed all the other yogas. Therefore, to become Krsna conscious is the highest stage of yoga. BG 1972 purports
- If one is fortunate enough to come to the point of bhakti-yoga, Krsna consciousness, it is to be understood that he has surpassed all the other yoga systems
- If one is fortunate enough to get the association of a pure devotee, he can easily surpass all the practices for controlling the mind by the mystic yoga process simply by following the regulative principles of Krsna consciousness
- If one is so absorbed in the rendering of service, he can be understood to be elevated to the highest position of bhakti. By such transcendental loving service alone can one surpass the influence of maya and relish pure love of Godhead
- If someone always sees Krsna inside and out, then it is to be understood that he has surpassed all austerities and penances for self realization
- If someone is fortunate enough to understand Bhagavad-gita in that line of disciplic succession, without motivated interpretation, then he surpasses all studies of Vedic wisdom, and all scriptures of the world. BG 1972 purports
- If their (the logicians) judgment is impartial, they will understand that no other humanitarian activities can surpass those of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- If you surpass the laws of nature, then you will be punished. There is simultaneous law of nature. The example is that you can eat, say, four ounce or eight ounce foodstuff. If you eat ten ounce, then there will be suffering, indigestion
- Ignorance is no excuse. You cannot surpass or avoid laws of nature. It is not possible
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.34) the Lord advises that one always think of Him (man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65)). In this way, by always being Krsna-minded or Krsna conscious, one can surpass the influence of maya
- In fact, they (people less than sudra) look so very beautiful that immediately they surpass the ordinary brahmanas
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord (Krsna) states that anyone who surrenders unto Him surpasses the control of the three qualities of material nature
- In the two previous slokas it has been definitely proved that the SB is the sublime literature which surpasses all other Vedic scriptures due to its transcendental qualities. It is transcendental to all mundane activities and mundane knowledge
- In this example there is a mixture of conjugal love and neutral love, but the conjugal love has surpassed everything. Actually, Brahman realization is only a stunted existence
- It is also confirmed here (SB 3.16.32) that the Lord was surrounded by many Vaikuntha airplanes. Vaikunthaloka is described here as having splendid opulence, far surpassing the splendor of this material world
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that a devotee engaged full time in the transcendental loving service of the Lord has already surpassed the influence of the three modes of material nature
- It is said that Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya composed a hundred verses in appreciation of the Lord's activities, and that those verses were so great that they could not even be surpassed by Brhaspati, the greatest learned scholar in the heavenly planets
- It is said, harim vina na mrtim taranti. One cannot surpass the cycle of birth and death unless one is favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is significant in this verse (SB 4.7.47) that the brahmanas say, Simply by chanting Your holy name we can surpass the obstacles, but now You are personally present
- It is very difficult to surpass the jurisdiction of maya, duratyaya. But punishment will not be excused. Ignorance of law is no excuse. Similarly, this maya, this material nature, is very, very strong
- It should be understood that no one can surpass the Supreme Personality of Godhead in speaking. There is no difference between the Supreme Person and His speeches, for He stands on the absolute platform
- Kardama Muni, by his yogic power, could surpass the strength of the demigods and travel in space in all directions. The comparison here is very suitable
- Krsna consciousness is meant for the very fortunate, for simply by accepting this one process a person can surpass all the duties of austerity, renunciation, celibacy, etc
- Krsna has four extraordinary transcendental qualities absent in Lord Narayana. These four qualities are, (4) His extraordinary beauty, which surpasses the beauty of the three worlds. Lord Krsna's beauty is unequaled and unsurpassed
- Krsna is so kind to His devotees that if you (Dhruva Maharaja) go to Him, then the combined kindness of millions of mothers like me (Queen Suniti) will be surpassed by His affectionate and tender dealings
- Krsna is the center of all affection for all living creatures. When this affection is developed for Krsna, one surpasses and transcends all Vedic injunctions
- Let the logicians compare all the results of other humanitarian work with the merciful activities of Lord Caitanya. If their judgment is impartial, they will understand that no other humanitarian activities can surpass those of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Lord Krsna continued: "There is no one in the three worlds of the universe, including the powerful demigods, who can surpass My devotees in any of the six opulences, namely wealth, strength, reputation, beauty, knowledge and renunciation"
- Lord Krsna’s beauty is unequaled and unsurpassed
- Lord Narayana has sixty transcendental qualities. Over and above these, Krsna has four extraordinary transcendental qualities absent in Lord Narayana. These four qualities are (4) His extraordinary beauty, which surpasses the beauty of the three worlds
- Lord Siva is called yogisvara, the master of all yogis, and Krsna is also called yogesvara. Yogisvara indicates that no one can surpass the yoga practice of Lord Siva, and yogesvara indicates that no one can surpass the yogic perfection of Krsna
- Madana-mohana always chews pan that surpasses the nectar of heaven
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was the emblem of religion. When he was ruling his kingdom with the help of Lord Krsna and Arjuna, the opulence of his kingdom surpassed all imaginations of the opulence of the kingdom of heaven
- Mama maya duratyaya: it is impossible to surpass the control of material nature, for the Supreme Personality of Godhead is working behind it
- Materialistic men with a little eagerness for hearing about the transcendental name, fame, qualities, etc., can surpass all other methods of attaining knowledge and detachment
- Mayavati had mystic knowledge of supernatural powers. Supernatural powers are generally known as maya, and to surpass all such powers there is another supernatural power, called maha-maya
- My dear Lord Sambhu, who within this material world but you can surpass My illusory energy? People are generally attached to sense enjoyment and conquered by its influence. Indeed, the influence of material nature is very difficult for them to surmount
- No one can surpass the higher planets in a material body, but when one gets a spiritual body he can travel not only to the higher planetary system of this material world, but even to the still higher planetary system known as Vaikunthaloka
- No one can surpass the time representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by material power, by the counsel of ministers, by intelligence, by diplomacy, by fortresses, by mystic mantras, by drugs, by herbs or by any other means
- No one can surpass the vigilance of material nature or hide his intentions from material nature. If human society unlawfully claims that the property of the universe, either partially or wholly, belongs to mankind, all of human society will be cursed
- No one can surpass your effulgence, for all things, manifested and unmanifested, gross and subtle, superior and inferior, are but various forms of you that are manifested by your effulgence
- Nobody should think that "Now I have learned everything. I can surpass everyone. I have become above all rules and regulation. Now I have become paramahamsa."
- Ominous planets such as Mars and Saturn shone brighter and surpassed the auspicious ones such as Mercury, Jupiter and Venus as well as a number of lunar mansions. Taking seemingly retrograde courses, the planets came in conflict with one another
- One cannot surpass the cycle of birth and death unless one is favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One cannot surpass the stringent laws of material nature except by the mercy of the Supreme Lord
- One has to surpass the brahminical stage and reach the vasudeva stage to understand the Personality of Godhead Krsna
- One learned brahmana may have passed beyond all Vedic knowledge. He is considered the best among all the brahmanas. And yet, out of thousands of such brahmanas who have surpassed Vedic knowledge, one person may be a visnu-bhakta, and he is most famous
- One who achieves the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead certainly surpasses all material wealth, even that of the demigods in the heavenly planets
- One who has completely surpassed the resultant activities of the impious path of life (this is possible only when one engages exclusively in pious activities) can understand his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One who has surpassed the rules and regulations of varnasrama-dharma is called avadhuta. Such a person has already surpassed the clutches of maya, and he lives completely separate and independent
- One who is unflinchingly engaged in the devotional service of the Lord surpasses the material qualities and attains Brahman realization
- One who knows the Supreme Personality of Godhead surpasses realization of both Brahman and Paramatma because Bhagavan is the ultimate platform of absolute knowledge
- One who surrenders at the very beginning, as recommended in this mantra, at once surpasses all preliminary stages simply by adopting the devotional attitude
- One who takes pleasure in chanting and hearing the transcendental glories of the Lord has already surpassed all kinds of material benedictions, including the results of pious fruitive activities, sacrifices and even liberation from material bondage
- Only a devotee can surpass maya's great influence
- Only if a living entity gives up the false conception that the body is the self and always thinks himself an eternal servant of Krsna and the Vaisnavas can he surpass the influence of maya - mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te - BG 7.14
- Ordinary yogis can exhibit wonderful material activities, known as asta-siddhi, eight kinds of yogic perfection, but a pure devotee of the Lord can surpass these perfections by performing activities which can make the whole universe tremble
- Sanandana said, "The personified Vedas sing, 'Without taking shelter at Your (Visnu's) lotus feet one cannot surpass the influence of material energy'"
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya composed a hundred verses in appreciation of the Lord's activities, and that those verses were so great that they could not be surpassed even by Brhaspati, the greatest learned scholar in the heavenly planets
- Sex indulgence is not good; it is grossly material and we have to surpass it. But when one has staunch faith in Krsna, he'll be able to transcend the urge
- Simple attainment of goodness is also a material mode; one has to surpass this stage of material goodness and reach the point of purified goodness, or vasudeva-sattva. This vasudeva-sattva helps one to enter into the kingdom of God
- Simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord, one can surpass the ocean of death, so Dhruva Maharaja was certainly able to surpass the illusory magical feats of the Yaksas, which for the time being disturbed his mind
- Simply by chanting Your holy name, one can surpass all obstacles. We offer our respectful obeisances unto You in Your presence
- Since Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the original trunk, the taste of the fruits that grew on the branches and subbranches surpassed the taste of nectar
- Siva-jvara began to pray, "My dear Lord, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You (Krsna) because You have unlimited potencies. No one can surpass Your potencies, and thus You are the Lord of everyone"
- Some great devotees of the Lord cannot surpass the boundary of awe and veneration. But other devotees are in such an intense compact of love with the Lord that they forget His exalted position and regard themselves as His equals or even His superiors
- Sometimes we are proud of our austerities, penances and mystic yogic powers, but it is clearly stated herein that one cannot surpass the laws and directions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, either by dint of mystic power, a scientific education
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "These are remnants of food that Krsna has eaten and thus turned to nectar with His lips. It surpasses heavenly nectar, and even such demigods as Lord Brahma find it difficult to obtain"
- Sri Isopanisad instructs us not to make one-sided attempts to win the struggle for existence. Everyone is struggling hard for existence, but the laws of material nature are so hard and fast that they do not allow anyone to surpass them
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura interprets these words (sriya-unmattasya) to mean that although Maharaja Ambarisa was such an opulent king, he was not mad after money, for he had already surpassed the madness of material opulence
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is a postgraduate study even for the atmaramas, who have surpassed all the studies of Vedic knowledge
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the one unrivaled commentary on Vedanta-sutra. Sripada Sankaracarya intentionally did not touch it because he knew that the natural commentary would be difficult for him to surpass
- Such enjoyment (spiritual vibration of chanting the glories of the Lord) could not be surpassed by any other enjoyment, even sex, which is the culmination of all pleasure in the material world
- Surpassing the desire of the greatest monist
- Tad brahma niskalam anantam: brahmananda is unlimited. But that unlimited pleasure can also be surpassed. That is the nature of the Transcendence. The unlimited can be surpassed also, and that higher platform is Krsna
- The acceptance of Sri Caitanya-bhagavata by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami indicates his acceptance of the disciplic succession. A writer of transcendental literature never tries to surpass the previous acaryas
- The beauty of Krsna consciousness, however, is that by one stroke, by engaging in devotional service, one can surpass all rituals of the different orders of life. BG 1972 purports
- The beauty of Srimati Radharani's eyes forcibly devours the beauty of newly grown blue lotus flowers, and the beauty of Her face surpasses that of an entire forest of fully blossomed lotuses
- The bhakti-yogi surpasses all the yogis because, by dint of his devotional service, he is promoted to the region beyond the material sky and is placed in one of the planets in the spiritual sky by the supreme will of the Lord the controller of everything
- The brahmanas continued, "They (our wives) have surpassed all of us in firm faith and devotion unto Krsna"
- The conjugal love of the gopis is the most exalted devotional service, surpassing all other methods of bhakti. Therefore Lord Krsna is obliged to say, 'My dear gopis, I cannot repay you. Indeed, I am always indebted to you'
- The devotee thus surpasses the subtle objects of different senses like aroma by smelling, the palate by tasting, vision by seeing forms, touch by contacting, the vibrations of the ear by ethereal identification, and the sense organs by material activities
- The devotee, thus surpassing the gross and the subtle forms of coverings, enters the plane of egoism. And in that status he merges the material modes of nature (ignorance and passion) in this point of neutralization and thus reaches egoism in goodness
- The devotees can surpass the reactions of karma and achieve wonderful results, even without effort. It is also said, phalena pariciyate: one's success or defeat in any activity is understood by its result
- The elevated transcendentalist can surpass all the regulations of the Vedas, just as the demigods traveling in space surpass all the jungles and rocks on the surface of the globe, although a common man, has to face all those impediments
- The goal of human perfection is stated here (in CC Madhya 6.230) in brief. One has to surpass all the planetary systems of the material universe, pierce through the covering of the universe and reach the spiritual world, known as Vaikunthaloka
- The gopis there are also goddesses of fortune, and they surpass the goddess of fortune who abides in Vaikuntha. In Vrndavana, Lord Krsna is always playing His transcendental flute, which is His dear companion
- The great sage Maitreya Muni is described here (SB 3.5.17) as bhagavan because he surpassed all ordinary human beings in learning and experience. Thus his selection of the greatest welfare service for the world is considered authoritative
- The influence of material nature is very difficult to surpass, but as stated by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.14), mam eva ye prapadyante, mayam etam taranti te: if one voluntarily submits to the lotus feet of Krsna, he can be saved very easily
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana are all pure devotees. Their destination after quitting the body is Krsnaloka. They even surpass the Vaikunthalokas
- The intensity of Her loving service is the highest form of ecstasy. No one can surpass Srimati Radharani in relishing the qualities of the Lord through this supreme transcendental mellow
- The Krsna consciousness movement issues a supreme call to all kinds of religionists, asking them with great authority to join this movement, by which one can learn how to love God and thus surpass all formulas and formalities of scriptural injunction
- The laws of nature will not excuse a child, that "This child does not know it has touched the fire. Let it not be burned." No. Ignorance is no excuse. You cannot surpass or avoid laws of nature. It is not possible
- The liberated person is described in Bhagavad-gita: one who engages in uninterrupted devotional service to the Lord, having surpassed the stringent laws of material nature, is understood to be situated in Brahman
- The liberation of the bhakta, which is called not just mukti but vimukti, surpasses the five other kinds of liberation - sayujya, sarupya, salokya, sarsti and samipya
- The Lord is approached by four kinds of pious men (arto jijnasur artharthi jnani ca), but here (in SB 10.8) we see that Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda surpassed all of them
- The Lord said, "Your statements are certainly getting better and better one after the other, but surpassing all of them is another transcendental mellow, and you can speak of that as the most sublime"
- The Lord says that anyone who executes devotional service systematically without deviation can attain the perfection of Brahman by surpassing the contamination of the three modes of material nature
- The Lord, although transcendental to all material modes, still surpassed all the qualities of the sons of Aditi, known as the Adityas. The Lord appeared as the youngest son of Aditi
- The Mayavadi philosophers aspire to become one with the Supreme Lord, but a devotee surpasses that position
- The messenger said, "Dear Lord (Krsna), we know very well that Jarasandha cannot defeat You at any time, for Your power, strength, resources and authority are all unlimited. No one can equal You or surpass You"
- The parks and gardens in the artificial heavens surpass in beauty those of the upper heavenly planets
- The riches of the world surpassed all the riches of all other planets in the three planetary systems of the universe
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam is the sublime literature which surpasses all other Vedic scriptures due to its transcendental qualities. It is transcendental to all mundane activities and mundane knowledge
- The tinkling of Krsna's ankle bells surpasses the songs of even the swan and crane, and the sound of His bangles puts the singing of the cataka bird to shame
- The transcendental position surpasses these (Virat, hiranyagarbha, & karana) designations and is therefore called the position of the fourth dimension. This is a quotation from Sridhara Svami’s commentary on the 11th Canto, 15th Chapter, verse 16, of SB
- The transcendental work of the karma-yogi surpasses the mundane limits of the material body and mind, because it is performed in relation with the transcendental spirit soul
- The wives of the demigods repented because although they had the opportunity of a birth in a higher planetary system a lifetime spanning millions of years & all material comforts, they were not as fortunate as Prthu and his wife, who were surpassing them
- The women of Mathura said: "What austerities must the gopis have performed? With their eyes they always drink the nectar of the form of Lord Krsna, which is the essence of loveliness and is not to be equaled or surpassed"
- Then there appeared (from the ocean of milk) the goddess of fortune, Rama, who is absolutely dedicated to being enjoyed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She appeared like electricity, surpassing the lightning that might illuminate a marble mountain
- There are many paths and beautiful spots created by man on this planet earth, but none of them can surpass those of Kailasa
- There are many so-called spiritualists who outwardly pose to be advanced in the science, but inwardly or privately are completely under the particular modes of nature which they are unable to surpass. BG 1972 purports
- There are many who like to chant the Hare Krsna mantra in a silent, solitary place, but if one is not interested in preaching, talking constantly to the nondevotees, the influence of the modes of nature is very difficult to surpass
- There were varieties of cakes, sweet rice and fine cooked rice that surpassed the taste of nectar. There were also varieties of vegetables
- This (dharma, artha, kama, moksa) is material principles. We have to surpass this material principle, then come to the spiritual platform. That is sarva-dharman parityajya
- This chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is enacted from the spiritual platform, and thus this sound vibration surpasses all lower strata of consciousness - namely sensual, mental and intellectual
- This knowledge (subject matter of ninth chapter of Bhagavad-gita) is also uttamam; ud means "transcend," and tama means "darkness," and that knowledge which surpasses this world and the knowledge of this world is called uttamam
- This material energy is also called Durga, which indicates that it is a force which is very difficult to surpass. No one can surpass the laws of Durga by any amount of childish plans
- This maya, this illusion, is very strong to overcome or to surpass. It is not easy
- This sound vibration (of chanting of Hare Krishna) is not material, it is spiritual, and powerful beyond our conception. So it cannot be hindered in any way by something material; it surpasses all these material barriers
- Those who are in the mode of goodness can partially enter into the transcendental understanding, but it is advised in Bhagavad-gita that one has to surpass this
- Those who are truly interested in the perfection of the yoga process should render service to Krsna through this Society for Krsna Consciousness and thereby surpass all other systems and attain the ultimate goal of all yoga - love of Krsna
- To increase the transcendental bliss of the cowherd men of Gokula, this child (Krsna) will always act auspiciously for you (Nanda Maharaja). And by His grace only, you will surpass all difficulties - SB 10.8.16
- To surpass the influence of the illusory energy is very difficult, but those who are determined to catch hold of the lotus feet of the Lord are freed from the clutches of maya
- Today your mind has become fit to take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna because, surpassing the Vedic regulative principles, you have eaten the remnants of food offered to the Lord
- Unless one surpasses the field of activities in service to the limited, one cannot reach the unlimited
- Until one surpasses the glare of the brahmajyoti, one cannot receive information of the land of the Lord
- Uttama means "the knowledge which is beyond this material darkness." This material world is called darkness, and when the knowledge surpasses this material world, material knowledge, that is really called uttama
- Vidagdha-madhava of Srila Rupa Gosvami: "My dear Krsna, the touch of Your mother is so pleasing and cooling that it surpasses the cooling capacity of the pulp of sandalwood and of bright moonshine mixed with the pulp of usira root"
- Vidura had already surpassed the fallible nature of the living entity in conditional life due to his being acyuta-bhava, or legitimately absorbed in the devotional service of the Lord
- Vimukta-maninah means they (impersonalists) are simply falsely thinking that they have surpassed the clutches of maya. Falsely
- We cannot surpass the vigilance of material nature by committing or by executing sinful life. That is not possible
- Whatever you might write due to false pride, trying to surpass Sridhara Svami, would carry a contrary purport. Therefore no one would pay attention to it
- When it (the plant of devotional service) is full grown, it surpasses the length and breadth of this universe and enters into the transcendental atmosphere, where everything is bathed in the effulgence of the brahmajyoti
- When Krsna was a child, He playfully took the shoes of His father, Nanda Maharaja, and put them on His head. People may try very hard to become one with God, but actually we can surpass that - we can become father of God
- When natural love arises, all regulative methods are surpassed, and pure love is exhibited between the Lord and the devotee
- When one is factually on the plane of spiritual understanding, surpassing the stages of sense, mind and intelligence, he is then on the transcendental plane
- When one is transcendental or surpasses the material qualities, he is simply fixed in the worship of the Supreme Personality
- When one knows these (Krsna and His transcendental name, form, qualities and pastimes), he surpasses death and the ephemeral cosmic manifestation with it, and in the eternal kingdom of God he enjoys his eternal life of bliss and knowledge
- When one surpasses astanga-yoga and comes to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, that is called bhakti-yoga, the culmination
- When one surpasses the astanga-yoga and comes to the point of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, it is called bhakti-yoga, the culmination. BG 1972 purports
- When one surpasses the stage of acquiring knowledge by the descending process, he is immediately situated on the transcendental platform
- When one surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he surpasses the influence of the illusory energy
- When one understands that purusa, the supreme controller, to be Paramatma, one is engaged in the method of yoga (dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah (SB 12.13.1)). But mother Yasoda has surpassed all these stages
- When she (Devahuti) heard him (Kardama Muni) speak she was confident that since he was very much advanced in devotional service he had already surpassed all transcendental educational activities
- Whenever one is perplexed, let him take shelter of the lotus feet of Vasudeva, Krsna, who will give the devotee intelligence to help him surpass all difficulties and return home, back to Godhead
- While boarding the Vaikuntha airplane, his (Dhruva maharaja) body changed to a completely spiritual golden hue. No one can surpass the higher planets in a material body
- With the world spiritually manifest, its modes of nature, such as goodness, passion, and ignorance, cannot present any obstacle to one's spiritual advancement. When such obstacles are surpassed, one attains to the absolute vision
- With the world thus spiritually manifest, its modes of nature, such as goodness, passion, and ignorance, cannot present any obstacle to one's spiritual advancement. When such obstacles are surpassed, one attains to the absolute vision
- Women in general, being very simple at heart, can very easily take to KC, and when they develop love of Krsna they can easily get liberation from the clutches of maya, which are very difficult for even so-called intelligent and learned men to surpass
- Yet in Krsna there is a special transcendental attraction due to the conjugal mellow, and consequently He surpasses Narayana. This is the conclusion of transcendental mellows
- Yet this flute is always drinking the nectar of Krsna's lips, which surpasses nectarean sweetness of every description. Only by hoping for that nectar do the gopis continue to live
- You can get light of the spiritual world, by sattva-guna. But you have to surpass the sattva-guna. That is called suddha-sattva, untinted, without any tinge of these rajo-guna and tamo-guna
- You cannot gratify your senses more than necessity. Everywhere that is the stringent laws of nature. Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya. You cannot surpass it
- You cannot surpass the laws of nature. Similarly, change of body, that is forced by the nature. Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah (BG 3.27). Prakrteh, by the nature's law, we have to do
- You cannot surpass the stringent laws of material nature. Practically, the modern so-called scientific world, they are trying to conquer over the laws of nature. That is not possible. You forget that
- You cannot surpass the stringent laws of maya, but if you want to avoid punishment, then you take shelter of Krsna. Mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te
- You should also double the quantity of prasadam. Make so much that it will even surpass the Ratha-yatra festival
- Your (the Lord's) inconceivable potency keeps You unattached to the mundane qualities. Surpassing all conceptions of material contemplation, Your pure transcendental knowledge keeps You beyond all speculative processes