Category:Subtle Body
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- A person properly initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, becomes attached to the Lord's transcendental loving service in one of the five transcendental relationships. Such transcendental service is not a subject matter for gross and subtle bodies
- A sinful person, never mind what kind of sinful man is he, is taken in subtle body to the place of Yamaraja, and there he is trained up in a particular type of suffering
- According to Sri Madhvacarya, when consciousness, the living force in the heart, is agitated by the three modes of material nature, then the subtle body of the living entity becomes possible
- According to the activities of the present body, one prepares another subtle body. And according to the subtle body, one attains another gross body. This is the process of material existence
- Actually the gross body is dependent on the subtle body. Therefore the next gross body must suffer and enjoy according to the subtle body. The soul is carried by the subtle body continuously until liberated from gross material bondage
- Actually the living entity does not move. The living entity does not take birth or accept death, but because of the transient subtle and gross bodies, the living entity appears to move from one place to another or be dead and gone forever
- Actually the living entity is in the subtle body, even though the gross body apparently changes and even though he inhabits the gross body on various planets
- Actually the part and parcel of the Supreme is not eternally subjected to gross and subtle bodily life. The gross and subtle coverings do not comprise the living entity's eternal form; they can be changed
- After being in contact with the material modes of nature, the living entity develops the subtle and gross bodies
- After his body was destroyed, he doubtlessly carried his plans with him by means of the subtle body, composed of mind, intelligence and ego. Thus he would get another chance by the grace of the Supreme Lord, the Supersoul, who is always within the heart
- After reaching Satyaloka, the devotee is specifically able to be incorporated fearlessly by the subtle body in an identity similar to that of the gross body, and one after another he gradually attains stages of existence
- After the destruction of this gross body, the subtle body carries me to another gross body
- After the three worlds - the upper, lower and middle planetary systems - merged into the water of dissolution, the living entities of all the three worlds remained in their subtle bodies by dint of the energy called kala
- Air is carrying some flavor from flower garden or some filthy place. You cannot see the air, you cannot see the smell, but you can perceive the bad smell or good smell. So the subtle body carries like that
- All the activities performed by the living entity in the subtle body are called illusory because they are not permanent
- Almost all of them (millions and billions of men and women) have a wrong conception of life, for they identify themselves with the gross and subtle material bodies, which they are not, in fact
- Although everyone has to accept a subtle body, the scientists and medical men cannot see it. I have a mind, and you have a mind, but I cannot see your mind, and you cannot see mine
- Although Hiranyakasipu was a great demon, he was not as foolish as the population of the modern world. Hiranyakasipu had clear knowledge of the spirit soul and the subtle and gross bodies
- Although sometimes we cannot see the gross body changing, chanting the holy name of the Supreme Lord immediately changes the subtle body, and because the subtle body changes, the living entity is immediately freed from material bondage
- Although the gross bodies apparently change, the real root of the gross body - the subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego - is always there
- Although the impersonalists also reach that spiritual sky after giving up the subtle and gross material bodies, they are not placed in the spiritual planets
- Although the root of distress and happiness is the mind, intelligence and ego, a gross body is still required as an instrument for enjoyment. The gross body may change, but the subtle body continues to act
- Although the spirit soul is situated in subtle and gross material bodies in different forms of life, he is not bound by them, for he is always understood to be completely different from the manifested body
- An impious man who dies after sinful activities is sometimes condemned so that he cannot possess a gross material body of five material elements, but must live in a subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego
- An important word in this verse is mukta-lingah. Mukta means "liberated," and linga means "the subtle body." When a man dies, he quits the gross body, but the subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego carries him to a new body
- As a criminal is arrested for punishment by the constables of the state, a person engaged in criminal sense gratification is similarly arrested by the Yamadutas, who bind him by the neck & cover his subtle body so that he may undergo severe punishment
- As an individual spirit soul is almost identical to his gross and subtle bodies, so the Supreme Lord is almost identical to the material and spiritual worlds
- As long as the spirit soul is covered by the subtle body, consisting of the mind, intelligence and false ego, he is bound to the results of his fruitive activities
- As long as there exists the subtle material body composed of intelligence, mind, senses, sense objects, and the reactions of the material qualities, the consciousness of false identification and its relative objective, the gross body, exist as well
- As long as we are in the subtle and gross bodies, we are suffering under the three modes of material nature. Once we enter into the devotional service of the Lord, we are immediately situated on the platform of brahma-bhuta
- As stated in the Vedas, the living entity is always separate from two kinds of material bodies - the subtle and the gross. All our sufferings are due to these material bodies
- As the life air was ready to leave the gross body, the subtle body also began to experience pain
- As the sparks of a fire or the shining rays of the sun emanate from their source and merge into it again and again, the mind, the intelligence, the senses, the gross and subtle material bodies all emanate from the Lord and again merge into Him
- At death the process of changing bodies takes place due to the subtle body; the mind, intelligence and ego carry the soul from one gross body to another. This is called transmigration of the soul
- At death we can see that the gross body is finished, but actually the living entity is carried by the subtle body to another gross body
- At night, when I give up that subtle body, which took me far away from my bed, again I come and accept this material body and wake up
- At the time of death, according to his mental condition, the living being is carried by the subtle body, consisting of mind, intelligence and ego, to another gross body
- At the time of death, fire burns the gross body, and if there is no more desire for material enjoyment the subtle body is also ended, and in this way a pure soul remains
- At the time of death, our consciousness carries us into another body. There are the mind, the intelligence and the ego, which constitute the subtle body, and there is also the spirit soul, which is even more subtle
- At the time of death, the condition of your mind will transfer you with mind, intelligence, subtle body. They are seeing that this gross body's finished, but they cannot see that there is another body which is made of mind, intelligence and ego
- Because of his (the living entity's) not possessing a gross body, he creates a great deal of trouble in his subtle body. Thus the presence of a ghost is horrible for those who are living in the gross body
- Because of his desire to enjoy the material world, the living entity is dressed with the material gross and subtle bodies. Thus he is given a chance to enjoy the senses. The senses are therefore the instruments for enjoying the material world
- Because of illusion the spirit soul remains covered by the gross and subtle material bodies. Thus covered, the conditioned soul identifies with the material body and becomes subject to the sense of false ego
- Becoming ghost, you cannot enjoy anything grossly. The subtle body will create disturbance
- Beyond this gross conception of form is another, subtle conception of form which is without formal shape and is unseen, unheard and unmanifest. The living being has his form beyond this subtlety, otherwise he could not have repeated births
- By bhakti-yoga we can directly transcend both the subtle body (mind, intelligence and ego) and the gross material body. Then we can be situated on the spiritual platform in our original, spiritual body
- By ignorance, self-interest is calculated in terms of the gross and subtle bodies, and therefore a whole set of activities is spoiled, life after life
- By karma-yoga we attempt to get out of the gross body, and by jnana-yoga we attempt to get out of the subtle body
- By the grace of Krsna, Devayani gave up her imaginary position in the material world. Completely fixing her mind upon Krsna, she achieved liberation from the gross and subtle bodies
- By the supervision of the external energy, and superior superintendent, we are transferred to a different body by the subtle body
- By virtue of the processes of the subtle body, the living entity develops and gives up gross bodies. This is known as the transmigration of the soul
- Changes of the gross body are conducted by the subtle body. After the destruction of the gross body, the subtle body takes the living entity from his present gross body to another
- Combination of earth, water, air, fire, ether, mind, intelligence, ego - eight material elements, five gross and three subtle. This body is made of that. So the Buddha philosophy is that you dismantle this body, nirvana
- Death means this gross body, this overcoat is left, and I am carried away by the subtle body, and I enter into another overcoat, or gross body
- Death means to leave this body and carried by the subtle body to another gross body. That is called death. We are carried by the mind, intelligence and ego, subtle body. Just like we can experience a good scent of rose flower is carried by the air
- Devotional service means engaging the spiritual body and spiritual senses in the service of the Lord. When we are engaged in such activities, the actions and reactions of the gross and subtle bodies cease
- Due to being conditioned by the external energy, the conditioned soul within this material world gets two kinds of bodies - a gross material body and a subtle material body composed of mind, intelligence and ego
- Due to the conditioned soul's eternal attitude of separation from Krsna, the spell of material energy awards him two kinds of bodily existence - the gross body consisting of five elements, and the subtle body consisting of mind, intelligence and ego
- Due to the gross and subtle bodies, he (nitya-baddha jivas) is subjected to the threefold miseries, miseries arising from the body and mind, other living entities and natural disturbances caused by demigods from higher planetary systems
- Even if the reactions of the subtle and gross bodies are not manifest, one does not become free from the material conditions. Therefore it is wrong to say that a child is as good as a liberated soul
- Even in the absence of certain manifestations in the subtle body, the objects of sense enjoyment may act. The example has been given of a nocturnal emission, in which the physical senses act even when the physical objects are not manifest
- Even one is finished, this material body . . . sometimes they commit suicide out of frustration, that "This desire is not fulfilled. Let me commit suicide." No. That is ignorance. Desires continue in the subtle body - mind, intelligence and ego
- Every living entity is covered by a subtle and gross body. The subtle body is the covering of mind, ego, intelligence and consciousness
- Ghost means that those who are too much sinful, they do not get this gross body. They are punished with the position, to remain in the subtle body, at least for some time. That is ghostly life
- Guided by so-called psychologists and philosophers, people in the modern age do not know of the activities of the subtle body and thus cannot understand what is meant by the transmigration of the soul. Here we have to take the authorized statements of BG
- He (Pariksit) inquired also about their (great mystics) detachment from the subtle and gross material bodies. He inquired also about the purports of the Vedic knowledge
- He (the living entity) still makes intellectual plans to further his existence, and therefore, although he gives up the gross body, he is carried by the subtle body to another gross body
- He got the chance of understanding God - he doesn't care for that. He's unnecessarily laboring whole day in the sea, so that he's developing a mentality, he'll think of swimming in the water, and the subtle body will carry him to the fish yoni
- He is fully aware and completely different from the material body, but because of being misled by misuse of his slight independence, he is obliged to accept subtle and gross bodies created by the material energy
- His (the living entity's) gross body is made up of five elements, his subtle body is made of mind, intelligence, false ego and contaminated consciousness, and he has five active senses and five knowledge-acquiring senses. In this way he merges in matter
- Human beings should endeavor to get out of this gross and subtle body, attain the spiritual body and go back home. That should be the aim of human endeavor
- I am the Supersoul of every individual. I am the supreme director and the dearest. People are wrongly attached to the gross and subtle bodies, but they should be attached to Me only
- I cannot see what is the result, what you are dreaming. I am fool. I do not know. But the man who is dreaming, he is experiencing. Similarly, change of body means we are carried by the subtle body to another gross body. This is the process, nature's way
- I have (Prabhupada) already explained. Mind, intelligence & ego - this is subtle body. Everyone has got his mind, everyone knows. But we cannot see. The intelligence... Everyone has got intelligence, but we cannot see. Similarly, subtle body is invisible
- I will have to accept another body. That we have got experience daily, in day and night. When we sleep at night, although we have got this body lying on my bed, I accept another body, subtle body, and I go to another place and dream
- If a human being is taught to change his subtle body by developing a consciousness of Krsna, at the time of death the subtle body will create a gross body in which he will be a devotee of Krsna
- If a human being is taught to change his subtle body by developing a consciousness of Krsna, or if he is still more perfect, he will immediately get a spiritual body and thus return home, back to Godhead. This is the process of the transmigration
- If one can accept the subtle body of a dream as false and not identify oneself with that body, then certainly an awake person need not identify with the gross body
- If we train the subtle body in this life by always thinking about Krsna, we will transfer to Krsnaloka after leaving the gross body
- If, by Krsna's grace, we act in our spiritual body, we can transcend both the gross and subtle bodies. In other words, we can gradually train ourselves to act in terms of the spiritual body
- In a conscious or unconscious state, the actions of the subtle or gross bodies may not be manifest, but such states cannot be called the liberated state. A child may be innocent, but this does not mean that he is a liberated soul
- In a subtle body inconceivable to Hiranyakasipu, Lord Visnu, who was in great anxiety, entered Hiranyakasipu's nostril along with his breath
- In other words, we are concerned with two objects: namely, everything that is related to our gross and subtle bodies; and the world at large, with all its paraphernalia
- In the material world, when one is not covered by the gross body but subtle body, they are called ghosts or pramathas. Those who are good, not harmful, they are called pramathas
- In the subtle body, the mind is predominant, and therefore if one's mind is always absorbed in remembering the activities or the lotus feet of the Lord, he is to be understood to have already changed his present body and become purified
- In this bed I am crying. The friends say: "Why you are crying?" "Tiger, tiger, tiger." Where is tiger? So you are changing daily at night from this gross body to the subtle body. And again, the dream is over, from the subtle body, again gross body
- In this dissolution, the gross bodies became unmanifest, but the subtle bodies existed, just like the water of the material creation. Thus the material energy was not completely wound up, as is the case in the full dissolution of the material world
- In this verse (SB 4.29.70) it is clearly explained that the subtle activities of the mind and intelligence continue due to the sufferings and enjoyments of the living entity's subtle body
- Intelligence is so gross that they simply see this gross body. But there is another, subtle body, and within that subtle body there is soul. So condition of the subtle body will carry you to another gross body
- It is clear in this (SB 4th canto chapter 28) verse that at the time of death thoughts of material enjoyment do not go away. This indicates that the living entity, the soul, is carried by the subtle body - mind, intelligence and ego
- It is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti (BG 4.9)). If one is free from the bondage of both the gross and subtle material bodies and remains a pure soul, he returns home, back to Godhead, to be engaged in the service of the Lord
- It is said in the scriptures that the constables of Yamaraja cover the subtle body of the culprit and take him to the abode of Yamaraja to be punished in a way that he is able to tolerate
- It is sometimes said that because a child is innocent he is completely pure. Actually this is not the fact. The effects of fruitive activities reserved in the subtle body appear in three concurrent stages
- It is stated in this verse (SB 3.25.33) that bhakti dissolves the subtle body. The spirit soul has two coverings - subtle and gross
- Just like if you take one very nice digestive pill, so whatever you have eaten, even stone, it will be digested. It will be digested. Similarly, as soon as you take to bhakti immediately your gross and subtle body is digested
- Just like the strength of fire within fuel wood, the Lord remained within the water of dissolution, submerging all the living entities in their subtle bodies. He lay in the self-invigorated energy called kala
- Liberation does not mean stopping activities; it means being purified of illusory activities and becoming transcendental to relations with the gross and subtle bodies
- Liberation is the permanent situation of the form of the living entity after he gives up the changeable gross and subtle material bodies
- Liberation means getting out of the clutches of the subtle body. Liberation from the gross body simply involves the transmigration of the soul from one gross body to another
- Lord Buddha did not give them the information of the subtle body, or the soul. They are unable. Why they were unable? They were gross materialists
- Mind is the subtle body of the living entity. We may sometimes be absorbed in some thought which is sinful, but if we give up the sinful thought, it may be said that we give up the body
- Mukti means when there is no more working of the subtle body also. This death, this annihilation of this gross body, that is not mukti, because the subtle body will work, and subtle body will carry you to the next gross body
- Mukti: When freed from all material affection, the soul, giving up the gross and subtle material bodies, can attain the spiritual sky in his original spiritual body and engage in transcendental loving service to the Lord in Vaikunthaloka or Krsnaloka
- O Lord, O supreme eternal, by expanding Your plenary portion You have created the subtle bodies of the living entities through the agency of Your external energy, which is agitated by time
- O my gentle mother, when the mind is agitated by the movements of the modes of material nature, the living entity, although freed from all the different phases of the subtle and gross bodies, thinks that he has changed from one condition to another
- One can experience the distinction between the subtle and gross bodies even daily; in a dream, one's gross body is lying on the bed while the subtle body carries the soul, the living entity, to another atmosphere
- One may change the gross body, but he works in the subtle body
- One should be convinced that he is a spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Brahman, Krsna, but has somehow or other been entrapped by the material coverings of the gross and subtle bodies
- One who is too much attached to this material world or too much sinful, sometimes they are punished by not getting this gross body. They live in the subtle body, and that is called ghost
- One who is too sinful, very much sinful, he does not get the gross body. He remains in the subtle body, and that is called ghost
- One who is too sinful, very much sinful, he does not get the gross body. He remains in the subtle body, and that is called ghost. You have heard - some of you might have seen - there is ghost
- One who tries to understand this instructive spiritual knowledge (that if we talk and think about Krsna we don't have to accept another gross and subtle body) is delivered from this ocean of nescience
- People cannot understand the activities of the subtle body, and consequently they are bewildered as to how the actions of one gross body affect another gross body. The activities of the subtle body are also guided by the Supersoul
- Plans for material enjoyment are made by the subtle body, and the gross body is the instrument for enjoying these plans. Thus the gross body can be compared to the wife, for the wife is the agent for all kinds of sense gratification
- Self-realization means becoming indifferent to the needs of the gross and subtle bodies and becoming serious about the activities of the self
- Since the gross and subtle bodies are emanations from the Personality of Godhead, the knowledge of light permits one to engage both of them in the service of the Lord
- So long you are encircled by the subtle body, there is no question of liberation, because the subtle body will take you to another gross body. When we are free from the subtle body, then we are liberated. We go back to home, back to Godhead
- Some of the conditioned souls, who follow the transcendental sound in the form of Vedic literatures and are thus able to go back to Godhead, attain spiritual and original bodies after quitting the conditional gross and subtle material bodies
- Sometimes the forefathers may be suffering from various types of sinful reactions, and sometimes some of them cannot even acquire a gross material body and are forced to remain in subtle bodies as ghosts. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes you give up the coat, but your underwear remains, and you take up another coat similarly, my, the subtle body will remain with me so long I am not emancipated or liberated from material condition
- Soul is always staying in the subtle body, and the subtle body is left when he goes to God or kingdom of God
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments that the word siddha-deha, "perfected spiritual body," refers to a body beyond the material gross body composed of five elements and the subtle astral body composed of mind, intelligence and false ego
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains these verses (CC Madhya 20.108-109) as follows: Sanatana Gosvami asked Caitanya, "Who am I?" In answer, the Lord replied - You are neither the gross material body nor the subtle body composed of mind and intelligence
- Srimati Radharani is as fully spiritual as Krsna. No one should consider Her to be material. She is definitely not like the conditioned souls, who have material bodies, gross and subtle, covered by material senses
- Such chanting (of Hare Krsna) will release one from designated conditions arising from the gross and subtle bodies
- Such identification (either as the gross or the subtle material body) is certainly false and constitutes the genuine platform of the theory of illusion
- Tatha dehantara-praptih. As the soul is changing body, from babyhood to childhood, childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youth-hood, like that. Similarly, after finishing this body, it may be invisible to you, but the subtle body is there
- The activities of the subtle and gross bodies depend on how developed conditions are
- The advocates of Visistadvaita-vada philosophy explain the Vedanta-sutra by saying that although the living entity has two kinds of bodies - subtle and gross - and although he thus lives in three bodily dimensions, he is nevertheless a spiritual soul
- The atmosphere of the subtle body at the time of death is created by the activities of the gross body. Thus the gross body acts during one's lifetime, and the subtle body acts at the time of death
- The change of the gross body is not very important, but the change of the subtle body is important. The Krsna consciousness movement is educating people to enlighten the subtle body
- The conclusion is that the Lord is eternally existent in His transcendental form, which is neither gross nor subtle like that of the living being; His body is never to be compared to the gross and subtle bodies of the living being
- The conclusion is that the subtle body - mind, intelligence and ego - creates an atmosphere with desires and ambitions that the living entity enjoys in the subtle body
- The conditioned soul has knowledge, and if he wants to fully utilize the gross and subtle bodies for his real advancement in life, he can do so
- The desires in the subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego cannot be fulfilled without a gross body composed of the material elements earth, water, air, fire and ether
- The difference between self-realization and material illusion is to know that the temporary or illusory impositions of material energy in the shape of gross and subtle bodies are superficial coverings of the self
- The enlightened jnani, when free from all material contaminations, namely the gross and subtle bodies together with the senses of the material modes of nature, is placed in the Supreme and is thus liberated from material bondage
- The five material elements, the ten senses and the mind all combine to form the various parts of the gross and subtle bodies
- The ghostly body means one who is living in the subtle body. Ghost is a fact; it is not fictitious
- The gradual process of liberation from the material coverings, one after another, is the gradual process of being liberated from false egoistic conceptions of the material gross body, and then being absorbed in the identification of the subtle body
- The great sage Narada continued: The living entity acts in a gross body in this life. This body is forced to act by the subtle body, composed of mind, intelligence and ego. After the gross body is lost, the subtle body is still there to enjoy or suffer
- The gross body is a product of the subtle body
- The gross body is composed of earth, water, fire, air and ether. The subtle body is composed of mind, intelligence and ego. Of the eight material elements, five are gross and three are subtle
- The gross body is made of earth, water, air, fire, and the subtle body is made of mind, intelligence and egotism. So we are within this. So nobody knows; there is no educational system, what is our real constitutional position
- The gross body is made of earth, water, fire, air, and ether, & the subtle body is made of mind, intelligence, & false ego. But the living being is transcendental to these eight elements, which are described in the BG as the inferior energy of God
- The gross body is made of the gross elements of matter, and the subtle body is made of mind, intelligence, ego and contaminated consciousness
- The impersonal feature of the Lord is the abode of great oceans, and His belly is the resting place for the materially annihilated living entities. His heart is the abode of the subtle material bodies of living beings
- The individual souls are fully covered by the gross material body and subtle body made of the life air and intelligence
- The living entities and other potencies merge into Maha-Visnu as the Lord lies down and winds up (destroys) the cosmic manifestation. Liberation means being situated in one's eternal, original form after giving up the changeable gross and subtle bodies
- The living entity acquires a particular nature packed up in a subtle body and gross body formed by the life air, the ego, the ten sense organs, the mind and the five gross elements
- The living entity has two kinds of body - the subtle body and the gross body. Actually he enjoys through the subtle body, which is composed of mind, intelligence and ego. The gross body is the instrumental outer covering
- The living entity is bound by the subtle body, consisting of the mind, intelligence and false ego. At the time of death, therefore, the position of the mind becomes the cause for the next body
- The living entity is covered by two different types of bodies - the gross body and the subtle body
- The living entity is eternal: he can never be subjected to the limits of time, as are his gross and subtle bodies. The cosmic manifestation is never false, but it is subject to change by the influence of the time factor
- The living entity is the eternal servant of Krsna. Being part and parcel of the Lord, he is constitutionally pure, but due to his contact with material energy, he identifies himself with either the gross or the subtle material body
- The living entity takes birth in a particular family and receives a body which is either like that of his mother or like that of his father because of his intense desire. The gross and subtle bodies are created according to his desire
- The living entity, after entering a womb of a mother, also collects his gross and subtle bodies, taking ingredients from the totality of sky, air, fire, water and earth
- The living entity, who is originally pure spirit, can be conditioned by the gross and subtle bodies and, by freeing himself from these gross and subtle conditionings, again attain his situation as pure spirit
- The living symptoms, represented by consciousness and conviction, are the manifestation of the subtle body-mind, ego and intelligence. These subtle elements are included within the field of activities. BG 1972 purports
- The living symptoms, represented by consciousness, and convictions are the manifestation of the subtle body - mind, ego and intelligence. These subtle elements are included within the field of activities
- The Lord's devotees do not mind the offenses of the foolish in their many gross and subtle bodily endeavors. The Lord's devotees continue to bestow the blessings of devotion upon all such offenders without hesitation. That is the nature of devotees
- The material gross and subtle forms are simply due to the conditioned soul's ignorance and as soon as he is fixed in the devotional service of the Lord, he becomes eligible to be freed from the conditioned state
- The materialistic philosopher Darwin has tried to study the changes of the gross body, but because he had no knowledge of either the subtle body or the soul, he could not clearly explain how the evolutionary process is going on
- The mind, intelligence and false ego are always engaged in an attempt to dominate material nature. According to that subtle astral body, one attains a gross body to enjoy the objects of one's desires
- The more we talk of Krsna, think of Krsna and preach for Krsna, the more we become purified. This means we no longer have to accept a hallucinatory gross and subtle body, but instead attain our spiritual identity
- The present body may be finished grossly, but the subtle body is not finished; it carries the soul to the next body
- The residents of Brahmaloka do not have gross material bodies to change at death, but they transform their subtle bodies into spiritual bodies and thus enter the spiritual sky
- The senses of the living entity are there, but they only become active when the gross body and the subtle body are developed
- The so-called scientists of the modern age cannot see how the subtle body is working in carrying the soul from one body to another
- The spirit soul is connected with the material energy and must accordingly suffer material conditions and reversals, continually, life after life because of this covering (subtle body)
- The subtle body carries the soul, and good or bad, there are two things. If you have created your mental situation very good, then you will get next body very good
- The subtle body carries the soul. Just like in dream, we are carried by the subtle body and placed in different condition. But so long this body is capable of working, I come to this body. My dream is over, and I come back to this body
- The subtle body comes back and settles in the present gross body because the gross body has to be continued. Therefore one has to become free from the subtle body also. This freedom is known as mukta-linga
- The subtle body is covered by the constables (of Yamaraja) so that the living entity can pass such a long distance (792,000 miles) quickly and at the same time tolerate the suffering
- The subtle body is endowed with sixteen parts - the five knowledge-acquiring senses, the five working senses, the five objects of sense gratification, and the mind. This subtle body is an effect of the three modes of material nature
- The subtle body is made of intelligence, mind and ego. So when a soul does not get a gross body, he has to work with the subtle body. That is ghostly life. So ghostly life is not false
- The subtle body is made of mind, intelligence, false ego and contaminated consciousness, and the gross body is made of five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether
- The subtle body of the living entity consists of the mind, the sense objects, the five senses that acquire knowledge and the five senses for acting in the material condition
- The subtle body with the semina of the father, it is injected in the mother's womb, and then again you will develop another body. This is the process of transmigration
- The subtle body's activities - be they pious or impious - create another situation for the living entity to enjoy or suffer in the next gross body. Thus the subtle body continues whereas the gross bodies change one after another
- The subtle body, which carries the conception of the next body, develops another body in the next life. This process of transmigrating from one body to another and struggling while in the body is called karsati or struggle for existence. BG 1972 purports
- The subtle body, which is called linga, the body of desire, is the background for the development of a particular type of gross body, which is either like that of one's mother or like that of one's father
- The subtle mental body, which is also material and composed of false ego and intelligence, likewise vanishes when the soul is liberated
- The three modes of material nature may not be manifest in the subtle body, but the contamination of the three modes remains conserved, and in due course of time, it becomes manifest
- The total material existence is first agitated by the three modes of material nature, and these become the living conditions of the living entity. Thus the subtle and gross bodies develop, and the ingredients are earth, water, fire, air, sky, and so on
- The transmigration of the soul is caused by the subtle body, which is the storehouse of all kinds of material desires
- The transmigration of the soul means when the gross body stops. Just like when you sleep, your gross body is on the bed, but the subtle body takes you somewhere. So the transmigration of the soul takes place carried by the subtle body
- The transmigration of the subtle body is never visible to material eyes; therefore when one gives up the gross body, we think that he is finished
- The vivid descriptions of the subtle and gross bodies in this chapter (SB 4.29) are most scientific, and because they are given by the great sage Narada, they are authoritative
- The whole Vedic philosophy of life is that one should get rid of the material encagement of gross and subtle bodies, which only cause one to continue in a condemned life of miseries
- The word suksmaya is significant because within this gross material body there are subtle material bodies - namely mind, intelligence and ego
- The words lingad vinirgame, which are used here (in SB 3.27.28-29), mean "after being freed from the two kinds of material bodies, subtle and gross
- There are many plans for making the body comfortable, and these plans are carried in the subtle body after the destruction of the gross body. It is not a fact that after the gross body is destroyed the living entity is finished
- There are two kinds of bodies for every individual soul - a gross body made of five gross elements and a subtle body made of three subtle elements. Within these bodies, however, is the spirit soul
- There are two kinds of bodies: subtle body and gross body. Gross body is made of this earth, water, fire, air, sky; and subtle body is made of mind, intelligence and ego
- There is another body, suka body, subtle body. Can you see the mind? But everyone has got mind. Can you see intelligence? But everyone has got intelligence. So what is the power of your seeing? Why you are so much proud of your seeing, nonsense seeing
- There is ghosts: bhuta preta pisaca. Not only this life, demonic life, but after death also there are ghostly life. They do not get this gross body. They remain in the subtle body - mind, intelligence and ego
- These dreams are on the mental platform, the egoistic platform, and the bodily platform. But I am not the body. The gross body and subtle body are different from my actual self
- They (atheists) have no idea how the subtle body carries the results of the present body's actions down to the next gross body
- This gross body and subtle body is changing according to the change of the situation. So when you remain in your spiritual body, that is eternal. Therefore to keep in spiritual body is to accept devotional service
- This is fact, that when this body is no more working, the subtle body carries the soul to another gross body. That they cannot see, but it acts. This science they do not know. Seeing is always not competent, material eye
- This subtle body has been figuratively described as a serpent, or the city's police superintendent. When there is fire everywhere, the police superintendent cannot escape either
- This subtle body is an effect of the three modes of material nature. It is composed of insurmountably strong desires, and therefore it causes the living entity to transmigrate from one body to another in human life, animal life and life as a demigod
- Those who are very sinful & attached to their family, house, village or country do not receive a gross body made of material elements but remain in a subtle body, composed of mind, ego, intelligence. Those who live in such subtle bodies are called ghosts
- Transmigration of the soul means the soul is twice covered - subtle body and gross body, just like shirt and coat. So when this gross body is finished, the subtle body is there. It takes you to another body
- Try to understand that in daytime you are illusioned by this gross body, and at night you are illusioned by the subtle body. So both of them are illusion
- Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti: he (one who is free from the bondage of both the gross and subtle material bodies and remains a pure soul) goes back home, back to Godhead. Thus it appears that Saubhari Muni attained that perfect stage
- Under the spell of illusion, a person accepts the gross and subtle bodies as his self; such a conception is the basis of the doctrine of transference
- Under the spell of illusion, a person accepts the gross and subtle bodies as his self; such a conception is the basis of the doctrine of transference from spirit to matter
- Unless the living entity gets another gross body, he will have to continue in a subtle body, or a ghostly body. One becomes a ghost when the subtle body acts without the help of the instrumental gross body
- Unless the senses of the gross body are developed, they will not act on the subtle body. Similarly, because of the absence of desires in the subtle body, there may be no development in the gross body
- We act sometimes in relation to the gross body and sometimes in relation to the subtle body
- We are packed up. Just like this body is packed up with shirt and coat, so the coat is the gross body, and the shirt is the subtle body. So when this gross body is resting, the subtle body is working
- We are part and parcel of Krsna or God sanatana, eternally, not that at the present moment I have become separated from the spirit soul, and when I shall be uncovered by this gross and subtle body, we shall become one
- We have to change that body after death according to my mental condition, because we have got two bodies, the subtle body and the gross body. This gross body is finished; it is no more working
- We have to understand from authoritative literature. The subtle body is working, just like when you sleep your gross body is not working, but the subtle body, the mind, intelligence and ego, is working; therefore you dream
- We should always remember, as it is stated in Bhagavad-gita, that both the gross and subtle material bodies are dresses; they are the shirt and coat of the living entity
- We, or I, the spirit soul, being carried by the subtle body, and the nature is giving me another gross body. In this way we are transmigrating from one body to another. This is called evolution
- When a man dies, he is called dead, but when he again appears in a subtle form not visible to our present vision and yet acts, such a dead body is called a ghost
- When consciousness is displayed through the medium of the subtle and gross material bodies, it is covered, but when the consciousness is purified, in Krsna consciousness, one becomes free from the entanglement of repeated birth and death
- When he's actually Krsna conscious, he's transcendental to this gross and subtle body. He attains a spiritual body, which is never to be finished - eternal, blissful life
- When one becomes liberated even from the subtle body; at that time the living entity is competent and fully prepared to be transferred to the transcendental or spiritual world
- When one is fully absorbed in devotional service, he is completely disconnected from the two material coverings, the subtle and gross bodies. Dhruva Maharaja actually attained this stage of life by constantly discharging devotional service
- When one is spiritually situated and does not desire a gross or subtle body, he attains his original spiritual body. As confirmed by the Bhagavad-gita: tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna
- When one is transferred to the spiritual world, he gives up both the subtle and gross bodies of this material world. He enters the spiritual sky in his pure, spiritual body and is stationed in one of the spiritual planets
- When one is very sinful, he does not get the material body. He lives in the subtle body: mind, intelligence & ego. That is ghostly life. And they display. Because they have no body, one cannot see, but they display so many mischiefs. That is ghostly life
- When one transfers to the spiritual world by virtue of understanding Krsna consciousness, the actions and reactions of both gross and subtle bodies no longer bother the spirit soul
- When the body is finished, I am not finished. When the gross body comes to an end, I am still present within the subtle body of mind, intelligence, and false ego, and this subtle body carries me to another gross body
- When the gross body stops to work . . . just like at night the gross body is lying, but the subtle body mind is working. Therefore you are dreaming
- When this body stops, the gross body, the subtle body is there. Why don't you believe it? Unless the subtle body is working, how do you dream? The dreaming means subtle body is working
- When we give up this gross body, we are carried by the subtle body to another gross body. So I am not giving up
- When we quit this gross body, the subtle body carries me to another gross body. This is the law of transmigration. It is not the question of belief. It is a fact that if we neglect to study this scientific knowledge, then we are missing the opportunity
- When you are free from the conception of gross and subtle bodies and when your senses are free from all influences of the modes of material nature, you will realize your pure form in My association. At that time you will be situated in pure consciousness
- When you become on the same level of Krsna consciousness, then your this subtle body also cannot act. You directly go in spiritual body to Krsna. So we shall discuss this point next
- Whenever a person experiences, by self-realization, that both the gross and subtle bodies have nothing to do with the pure self, at that time he sees himself as well as the Lord
- Where is the living entity who has no desires? That is not possible. If we kill somebody to make him desireless, that "If you are killed, then there will be no more desire," no, the desire will continue in the subtle body
- While existing in the present body, the same subtle body carries him from one stage of life to another (for example, from childhood to boyhood) by mental development
- While in the subtle body, we create many plans to enjoy sense gratification. These plans are recorded in the spool of one's mind as bija, the root of fruitive activities
- While living in this gross body, we have to educate our subtle body in such a way that it becomes spiritualized completely. The subtle body is mind, intelligence and ego
- Why there is discharge of semina? So people do not know that I am leaving this gross body, but I am entering into subtle body. Subtle body is there, not question of inside
- You are not dying. Hanyamane sarire. That you can experience practically, daily. How is that? When you sleep at night, then you dream, means subtle body. So these activities of this gross body stop. You again work in the subtle body
- You are the possessor of the shirt and coat. The shirt and coat is not you. You are different from the shirt and coat. Similarly, we have got our two kinds of body - the gross body and the subtle body
- You will see one man is in coma, cannot speak, but he is crying. Crying means his subtle body is working. Just like in sleep, this gross body is silent, but the subtle body is working. He is seeing some dream, some good or bad
- Your another body, which is made of mind, intelligence and ego - subtle body - that is working. Everyone has got this experience. The subtle body takes you to another place or another condition