Category:Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 04 Chapter 18 Purports - Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth Planet
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- A conditioned soul is hampered by four defects: he is sure to commit mistakes, he is sure to become illusioned, he has a tendency to cheat others, and his senses are imperfect. Consequently we have to take direction from liberated persons
- A huge arrangement exists for producting large-scale industrial & agricultural products, but all these products are meant for sense gratification. Therefore despite such productive capacities there is scarcity because the population is full of thieves
- According to spiritual communism, all properties on the surface of the globe belong to the SP of Godhead. The population has a right to use goods only after offering them to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the process of accepting prasada
- Activities intended to satisfy the senses of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, are called krsnarthe 'khila-cestah. This indicates that one can attempt all kinds of work, but one should do so to satisfy Krsna. This is described in Bhagavad-gita as yajnarthat karma
- All necessities grown on earth - namely fruits, flowers, trees, grains, animals and animal by-products - were created for use in sacrifice for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- All the residents of Siddhaloka are naturally endowed with these mystic yogic powers
- All these persons are asat, nondevotees. Nondevotees are also called grha-vrata, whereas the devotee is called dhrta-vrata
- Although a follower may not be a liberated person, if he follows the supreme, liberated God, his actions are naturally liberated from the contamination of the material nature. Lord Caitanya therefore says: "By My order you may become a spiritual master."
- Although the inhabitants of Kimpurusa-loka are naturally endowed with such powers (mystic powers), one can attain these powers on this planet by performing different yogic practices
- Although there are immense potencies within the earth for the production of grains, fruits and flowers, this production is checked by the earth itself when it is misused by nondevotees, who have no spiritual goals
- Although they are trying to solve the problems of human society in the United Nations, they are still baffled. Because they do not follow the liberated instructions of the Vedas, they are unhappy
- As confirmed in BG, the process of yajna was instituted from the beginning of creation. By the regular performance of yajna, the equal distribution of wealth and the restriction of sense gratification, the entire world will be made peaceful & prosperous
- As far as the approved method is concerned, it is enjoined in the sastras that intelligent men in this age will take to the sankirtana movement, and by so doing they shall worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Caitanya
- As far as the inhabitants of Siddhaloka are concerned, they are endowed with all mystic powers. The yogis in this planet practice the eightfold yogic mysticism - namely yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi
- As soon as the process of yajna is stopped, the earth will withhold all productions -- vegetables, trees, plants, fruits, flowers, other agricultural products and minerals
- At the present moment it has become fashionable to disobey the unimpeachable directions given by the acaryas and liberated souls of the past. Presently people are so fallen that they cannot distinguish between a liberated soul and a conditioned soul
- Atheists will not believe in this spiritual method of producing grains (for performing sacrifices), but whether they believe or not, the fact remains that we are not independent to produce grain by mechanical means
- Because people are without Krsna consciousness, they have become thieves, and consequently they are being punished by the laws of material nature. No one can check this, not even by introducing so many relief funds
- Because the entire world is now following the imperfect directions of conditioned souls, humanity is completely bewildered
- Because the liquor and beer are inferior, they are placed in an iron pot, and because soma-rasa is superior, it is placed in a golden pot
- Bhagavad-gita recommends that we perform yajna, sacrifices. By the performance of yajna, sufficient clouds gather in the sky, and when there are sufficient clouds, there is also sufficient rainfall. In this way agricultural matters are taken care of
- Brahma created this material world for the use of the living entities, but it was created according to a plan that they would be given directions by Brahma in the Vedas in order that they might ultimately leave it and return home, back to Godhead
- Brhaspati is the priest of the heavenly planets. Vedic knowledge was received in logical order by the great sages through Brhaspati for the benefit of human society, not only on this planet, but throughout the universes
- By drinking this soma beverage the demigods become more powerful mentally and increase their sensual power and bodily strength
- By following the principles laid down by great sages and saints of the past, we can very easily understand the aim of all life. The word avarah, meaning "inexperienced," is very significant in this verse - SB 4.18.4
- By regularly practicing the yogic processes, the yogis attain various perfections; they can become smaller than the smallest, heavier than the heaviest, etc. They can even manufacture a planet, get whatever they like & control whatever man they want
- Eagles are fond of eating goats, and of course many birds eat only fruits and berries. Therefore the words caram, referring to moving animals, and acaram, referring to grasses, fruits and vegetables, are mentioned in this verse - SB 4.18.23-24
- Even though the earth's being in the shape of a cow may be taken figuratively, the meaning herein (SB4.18.9-10) is very explicit
- Every conditioned soul is inexperienced. Everyone is abodha jata - born a fool and rascal
- Every moon is earthly, being composed of the five elements
- Every planet produces different types of food according to the needs of its residents. According to the Vedic sastras, it is not true that the moon does not produce food or that no living entity is living there
- Everyone is inventing so many methods. Consequently human society has lost the standard ways of life, both materially and spiritually, and as a result people are bewildered, and there is no peace or happiness in the world
- Everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and everything can be used for His satisfaction. Things should not be used for the sense gratification of the living entities
- Generally the mountainous and hilly portions of the earth are made flat by the striking of thunderbolts. Generally this is the business of King Indra of the heavenly planets
- Generally thunderbolts are thrown on the tops of hills in order to break them to pieces. As these pieces are spread asunder in due course of time, the surface of the globe gradually becomes fit for agriculture
- Ghostly position is very painful because a ghost has intelligence, mind and ego and wants to enjoy material life, but because he doesn't have a gross material body, he can only create disturbances for want of material satisfaction
- Human beings should perform the sacrifices recommended in the sastras, and if they do so there will no longer be food scarcity. In Kali-yuga, the only sacrifice recommended is sankirtana-yajna
- Human society should take advantage of the instructions from both sruti and smrti. If one wants to advance in spiritual life, he must take these instructions and follow the principles
- Humanity must have food for the mind and ear, as well as for the purpose of vibration. As far as transcendental vibrations are concerned, the essence of all Vedic knowledge is the maha-mantra
- If one is habituated to taking the prasada of Lord Visnu, there is no chance of his becoming a ghost or anything lower than a human being
- If one offers oblations with faith and devotion - either to the lotus feet of Lord Visnu or to His representative in Pitrloka, Aryama - one's forefathers will attain material bodies to enjoy whatever material enjoyment is due them
- If people do not start eating prasadam, grains will no longer be produced, and people will simply starve. Indeed, not only will people be obliged to eat less, but they will kill one another and eat each other's flesh
- If people follow the injunctions given by the great sages, srutis and smrtis, they can actually be happy in both this life and the next. Unfortunately rascals are manufacturing so many ways and means to be happy
- If the intelligent men, or the brahmanas of society, would follow the rules and regulations, certainly the entire face of this present world, which is in such chaotic condition, would change, and people would be happy and prosperous
- If they (the people in this age who act for sense gratification) continue like this, there will ultimately be a state of poverty, and no grains, fruits or flowers will be produced
- In Bhagavad-gita (9.25) it is said, pitrn yanti pitr-vratah. Those who are interested in family welfare are called pitr-vratah
- In Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Srila Rupa Gosvami says that if one poses himself as advanced in spiritual life but does not refer to the srutis and smrtis he is simply a disturbance in society
- In democratic government at the present moment all kinds of fools and rascals are making decisions. But what can they do? What is the result of their legislation? They enact something today just to whimsically repeal it tomorrow
- In its present condition, the world can only be saved by introducing this sankirtana, this Krsna consciousness movement. As we have learned from the previous verse (SB 4.18.7), one who is not in Krsna consciousness is considered a thief
- In Kali-yuga, if this Vedic (Hare Krsna) maha-mantra is chanted regularly and heard regularly by the devotional process of sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23), it will purify all societies, and thus humanity will be happy both materially and spiritually
- In other words, they (one's forefathers) do not have to become ghosts - by offering oblations with faith and devotion to either Visnu, or His representative Aryama
- In Siddhaloka all the inhabitants are great yogis, perfect in mystic powers
- In the Dasama-skandha, the Tenth Canto, of Srimad-Bhagavatam, there is a vivid description of how the demons appear before Krsna in various wonderful forms. For instance, Bakasura appeared before Krsna and His cowherd boyfriends as a gigantic crane
- In the Manu-smrti it is stated that a woman should not be given independence, but should be given protection by her father, husband and elderly sons. In all circumstances a woman should remain dependent upon some guardian
- In this age of Kali the simple performance of sankirtana-yajna - the holding of festivals as initiated by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness - should be introduced in every town and village
- In this verse (SB 4.18.15) the word soma means "nectar." Soma is a kind of beverage made in the heavenly planets from the moon to the kingdoms of the demigods in the various higher planetary systems
- In this verse (SB 4.18.3) the word amusmin is very explicit. It is the duty of everyone to mold his life in such a way that he will have a profitable next life
- In this verse (SB 4.18.6) the words asadbhih and adhrta-vrataih are important. The word asadbhih refers to the nondevotees
- In this verse (SB 4.18.8) there are two significant words: yogena, "by the approved method," and drstena, "as exemplified by the former acaryas."
- In Vedic civilization there is a performance called sraddha by which food is offered with faith and devotion
- Intelligent men should encourage the performance of sankirtana-yajna by their personal behavior. This means that they should follow the process of austerity by restricting themselves from illicit sex life, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication
- It is certainly a very wonderful thing if we see a person on this planet flying in the sky without a vehicle, but in Vidyadhara-loka such flying is as commonplace as a bird's flying in the sky
- It is explained in Bhagavad-gita that if one eats food grains without offering them to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Yajna, he is a thief and liable to be punished
- It is not that everyone's father becomes a ghost, but the oblations of pinda are offered to the lotus feet of Lord Visnu so that if a family member happens to become a ghost, he will be favored with a gross body
- It is said that the inhabitants of Kimpurusa-loka can perform many wonderful mystic demonstrations
- It is stated in the Twelfth Canto of Bhagavatam that at the end of Kali-yuga people will be so polluted that there will no longer be any grains, wheat, sugarcane or milk
- It is the duty of family members, especially the son, to offer oblations to the demigod Aryama or to Visnu. From time immemorial in India the son of a dead man goes to Gaya & at a Visnu temple there, offers oblations for the benefit of his ghostly father
- Just as a boy is educated in order to become happy later, one should be educated in this life in order to attain an eternal and prosperous life after death
- Just as a calf can derive milk from a cow, all living entities - including animals, birds, bees, reptiles and aquatics - can receive their respective foods from the planet earth, provided that human beings are not asat, or adhrta-vrata
- Just as a cow cannot deliver sufficient milk without being affectionate to her calf, the earth cannot produce sufficient necessities without feeling affection for those who are Krsna conscious
- Just as fish can swim within water, the residents of Vidyadhara-loka can swim in the ocean of air
- Kardama Muni prepared a great airplane, which was as large as a small town and had various gardens, palatial buildings, servants and maidservants
- King Indra of the heavenly planets is in charge of throwing thunderbolts and giving rainfall
- King Prthu, an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, did not wait for King Indra to break up the hills and mountains but did so himself by using his strong bow
- Level land is especially conducive to the production of grain. Thus the planet earth requested Maharaja Prthu to level the surface of the earth, breaking up the high land and mountains
- Lord Caitanya, whose bodily complexion is golden and who is always accompanied by His confidential devotees to preach this Krsna consciousness movement all over the world
- Lord Krsna's capital, Dvaraka, was well planned, and similar other cities - Mathura and Hastinapura (now New Delhi) - were also well planned. Thus the planning of cities and towns is not a modern innovation but was existing in bygone ages
- Materialistic men are not interested in taking directions from a liberated person, but they are very much interested in their own concocted ideas, which make them repeatedly fail in their attempts
- Misguided conditioned souls who have come to lord it over material nature should be trained to become dhrta-vrata. This means that they should take a vow to satisfy their senses or enjoy material life only by satisfying the senses of the Supreme Lord
- One can immediately become a spiritual master by having full faith in the transcendental words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and by following His instructions
- One is mistaken if he thinks that by applying modern machines such as tractors, grains can be produced. If one goes to a desert and uses a tractor, there is still no possibility of producing grains
- One political party utilizes a country for one purpose, and the next moment another political party forms a different type of government and nullifies all the laws and regulations
- One should be educated in this life in order to attain an eternal and prosperous life after death. It is therefore essential that people follow what is given in the srutis and smrtis to make sure that the human mission is successful
- One should follow the principles laid down in sruti & smrti not only in one's spiritual life but also in material life. As far as human society is concerned, it should follow the Manu-smrti as well, for these laws are given by Manu, the father of mankind
- One who is not in Krsna consciousness is considered a thief. Even though he may be materially very advanced, a thief cannot be placed in a comfortable position. A thief is a thief, and he is punishable
- Payah-panam bhujanganam: if one feeds a serpent milk, the snake will simply increase his venom. However, if one supplies milk to a talented sage or saint, the sage will develop finer brain tissues by which he can contemplate higher, spiritual life
- Presently women are given full independence like men, but actually we can see that such independent women are no happier than those women who are placed under guardians
- Soma is far different from the liquors made for demoniac people, as explained in the next verse - SB 4.18.15
- Such people (those who act for sense gratification) will gradually become poverty-stricken, for they cannot use things which are to be enjoyed by the Supreme Lord for their own sense gratification
- Such powers (by which one can disappear from vision and reappear in a different form) are also mystic powers. The possession of such mystic power is called isita. The demons generally learn such mystic powers by the practice of yoga
- That which happened during the time of Prthu Maharaja (using grains for sense gratification) and his father, King Vena, is also happening at this present moment
- The demons also have their own types of beverages in the form of liquors and beers, just as the demigods use soma-rasa for their drinking purposes
- The demons born of Diti take great pleasure in drinking wine and beer. Even today people of demoniac nature are very much addicted to liquor and beer
- The earth has already explained that because nondevotees are enjoying the production of food, she has reserved food seeds for the performance of sacrifice
- The inhabitants of both Siddhaloka and Vidyadhara-loka are naturally endowed with mystic yogic powers by which they not only can fly in outer space without a vehicle but can also fly from one planet to another simply by exerting their will
- The inhabitants of Kimpurusa-loka can perform many wonderful mystic demonstrations. In other words, they can exhibit as many wonderful things as one can imagine. The inhabitants of this planet can do whatever they like, or whatever they imagine
- The leaders of such degraded men known as Yaksas, Raksasas, bhutas and pisacas, are all in the mode of ignorance. They have been placed under the control of Rudra
- The Lord is supplying everyone food, but according to the living entity's association with the modes of material nature, the living entity develops his specific character
- The name of Kapila Muni is significant in this verse because He was the expounder of the Sankhya philosophical system, and His father, Kardama Muni, was a great yogi and mystic
- The name of Prahlada Maharaja is very significant in this connection. Because Prahlada Maharaja was born in a family of demons, as the son of Hiranyakasipu, by his mercy the demons were and still are able to have their drinks in the form of wine and beer
- The nondevotees have been described in Bhagavad-gita as duskrtinah (miscreants), mudhah (asses or rascals), naradhamah (lowest of mankind) and mayayapahrta-jnanah - those who have lost their knowledge to the power of the illusory energy
- The planet earth in the shape of a cow herein (SB 4.18.6) submits that all these utilities (namely fruits, flowers, trees, grains, animals and animal by-products) are being used by nondevotees, who have no plans for spiritual understanding
- The planet earth is also called vasundhara. The word vasu means "wealth," and dhara "one who holds." All creatures within the earth fulfill the necessities required for human beings, & all living entities can be taken out of the earth by the proper means
- The point is that everyone is taking his eatables from the planet earth. According to one's association with the material qualities, one develops a certain type of character
- The ungodly human being, ignorant of his duty to give protection and food to the animals, kills them to compensate for the insufficient production of grains. Thus no one is satisfied, and that is the cause for the present condition in today's world
- The Vedic principles (mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186)) urge us to follow in the footsteps of great liberated souls. In this way we can receive benefit in both this life and the next, and we can also improve our material life
- The word ayah (iron) is very significant. Whereas the nectarean soma was put in a golden pot, the liquors and beers were put in an iron pot
- The word cori-bhute indicates that the population has turned to thievery. According to Vedic understanding, men are transformed into thieves when they plan economic development for sense gratification
- The word yajna indicates Lord Visnu. We should work only for His satisfaction. In modern times (Kali-yuga), however, people have forgotten Visnu altogether, and they conduct their activities for sense gratification
- The words hiranmayena patrena indicate that this soma beverage is not an ordinary intoxicating liquor. The demigods would not touch any kind of liquor. Nor is soma a kind of drug. It is a different kind of beverage, available in the heavenly planets
- There are different varieties of living entities on different planets, and they all derive their eatables from their planets in different forms. On the basis of these descriptions, how can one assume that there is no living entity on the moon
- There are many carnivorous birds descended from Garuda, the winged carrier of Lord Visnu. Indeed, there is a particular type of bird that is very fond of eating monkeys
- There are some types of living entities in the form of human beings whose living conditions and eatables are most abominable. Generally they eat flesh and fermented blood, which is mentioned in this verse (SB 4.18.21) as ksatajasavam
- There is a planet called Pitrloka, and the predominating deity of that planet is called Aryama. He is somewhat of a demigod, and by satisfying him one can help ghostly family members develop a gross body
- These are nice instructions for milking a cow. The cow must first have a calf so that out of affection for the calf she will voluntarily give sufficient milk. There must also be an expert milkman and a suitable pot in which to keep the milk
- They are already killing animals for flesh, so when there will no longer be grains, vegetables and fruits, they will kill their own sons and fathers and eat their flesh for sustenance
- This (SB 4.18.26) is evidence that the Lord supplies food to everyone. As confirmed in the Vedas: eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman. Although the Lord is one, He is supplying all necessities to everyone through the medium of the planet earth
- This is the whole plan of material nature (that things should not be used for sense gratification) according to the directions of this material nature
- This Krsna consciousness movement directly receives instructions from the Supreme Personality of Godhead via persons who are strictly following His instructions
- This process of chewing the chewed (punah punas carvita-carvananam (SB 7.5.30)) will never make human society happy. In order to make all human society happy and prosperous, we should accept the standard methods given by liberated persons
- Those who are very sinful & attached to their family, house, village or country do not receive a gross body made of material elements but remain in a subtle body, composed of mind, ego, intelligence. Those who live in such subtle bodies are called ghosts
- Two significant words used in this verse (SB 4.18.3) are asmin and amusmin. Asmin means "in this life," and amusmin means - in the next life
- Unfortunately in this age, even exalted professors and learned men believe that there is no next life and that everything is finished in this life. Since they are rascals and fools, what advice can they give?
- Unless one eats prasada, he is certainly a thief. It is the duty of governors and kings to punish such thieves and maintain the world nicely. If this is not done, grains will no longer be produced, and people will simply starve
- Unless the people of the world take to Krsna consciousness, there will be a scarcity of food and much suffering
- Vedic civilization takes advantage of the perfect knowledge presented in the Vedas and presented by great sages and brahmanas for the benefit of human society
- Vedic injunctions are known as sruti, and the additional supplementary presentations of these principles, as given by the great sages, are known as smrti. They follow the principles of Vedic instruction
- Vedic knowledge is considered one of the necessities for human society. If human society remains satisfied simply by taking grains from the planet earth as well as other necessities for maintaining the body, society will not be sufficiently prosperous
- We may adopt various means, but it is essential to know that the planet earth will stop producing grains if sacrifices are not performed
- Whatever is taken from the earth - either from the mines, from the surface of the globe or from the atmosphere - should always be considered the property of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and should be used for Yajna, Lord Visnu
- When human society becomes asat, or ungodly, or devoid of Krsna consciousness, the entire world suffers. If human beings are well-behaved, animals will also receive sufficient food and be happy
- When there is a scarcity of grain, the government should follow the methods prescribed in the sastra and approved by the acaryas; thus there will be a sufficient production of grains, and food scarcity and famine can be checked
- When there is sufficient grain production, the general populace eats the grains, and animals like cows, goats and other domestic animals eat the grasses and grains also
- While present on this planet, Lord Krsna had to fight with many demons who could exhibit the wonderful mystic powers of Kimpurusa-loka
- With all this paraphernalia (an airplane as large as a small town with gardens, servants, maidservants and palatial buildings), Kapiladeva's mother, Devahuti, and His father, Kardama Muni, traveled all over the universes and visited different planets
- Within this material world there are various types of living entities, and the different types of reptiles and scorpions mentioned in this verse (SB 4.18.22) are also provided with their sustenance by the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead