Category:Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila Chapter 15 Purports - The Lord Accepts Prasadam at the House of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya
Pages in category "Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila Chapter 15 Purports - The Lord Accepts Prasadam at the House of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya"
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- A brahmana can chant the Hare Krsna mantra on the platform of namabhasa, but not on the platform of pure vibration
- A brahmana may be a very learned scholar, but this does not mean that he is free from material contamination. A brahmana’s contamination, however, is in the mode of goodness
- A contaminated brahmana considers the guru to be an ordinary human being, and he objects when a Vaisnava is created by the Krsna consciousness movement
- A contaminated brahmana may superficially imagine a form of the Lord, but actually he considers the Deity in the temple to be made of stone or wood
- A diseased person may go to a physician for relief, but after he leaves the hospital he may again be infected due to his unclean habits. Thus material existence continues
- A karmi or a jnani, regardless of his greatness, has no faith in Lord Visnu, His holy name or His devotional service
- A neophyte devotee engaged in Deity worship in accordance with the regulations set forth by the spiritual master is in a position superior to that of the fruitive worker and speculative philosopher
- A person may be relieved from sins once, but it is a practice among Christians to confess sins and yet commit them again. By getting freed from sins and again engaging in them, one cannot attain freedom from the pangs of material existence
- A person who simply chants the holy name of Krsna once becomes perfect and should be regarded as a Vaisnava. This is confirmed by Srila Rupa Gosvami in his Upadesamrta
- A properly initiated Vaisnava may be imperfect, but one who chants the holy name of the Lord offenselessly is all-perfect
- A real brahmana is never envious of Vaisnavas. If he is, he is considered an imperfect neophyte
- A sannyasi is expected to collect a little food from each and every householder. That is to say, he should take whatever he requires to eat. This system is called madhukari
- A sannyasi should not cook food for himself or accept an invitation to eat at a devotee’s house continuously for many days
- A Vaisnava is so liberal that he is prepared to risk everything to rescue the conditioned souls from material existence
- A Vaisnava may be engaged in governmental service or in a professional business so that externally one cannot understand his position. Internally, however, he may be a nitya-siddha Vaisnava - that is, an eternally liberated Vaisnava
- A wife should dedicate her life and everything to Krsna for further advancement in Krsna consciousness. If her husband abandons Krsna consciousness and she gives up her connection with him, she follows in the footsteps of the dvija-patnis
- A wife who is satisfied, who is not greedy, who is expert and knows religious principles, who speaks what is dear and truthful and is not bewildered, and who is always clean and affectionate should be very much devoted to her husband if he is not fallen
- According to etiquette, things used by Krsna should not be used by anyone else. Similarly, things used by the spiritual master should also not be used by anyone else. That is etiquette
- According to the faith, there are first-class, second-class and neophyte devotees
- According to the Vaisnava regulative principles, one must be initiated as a brahmana
- Actually there is no support for these statements (of Nityananda's being an ordinary human being and considering Nityananda instrumental for sense gratification) made by sahajiyas or other professional distributors of krsna-bhakti
- After seven years, it (the book Sri Krsna-vijaya) was completed (in 1402 Sakabda). This book was written in plain language, and even half-educated Bengalis and women could read it very clearly
- Afterwards, the Lord (Caitanya) would visit Siddha-bakula, where Haridasa Thakura lived. After visiting with Haridasa Thakura, the Lord would return to His own place at the abode of Kasi Misra
- All the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu participated in all these festivals - the Dipavali festival, the Rasa-yatra, and Utthana-dvadasi
- All types of sinful reactions are vanquished one after another if a person engages in the devotional service of Lord Visnu
- Also mentioned in the Radha-krsna-ganoddesa-dipika (38) are Krsna’s uncles who were the husbands of Nanda Maharaja’s sisters: mahanilah sunilas ca ramanav etayoh kramat. Mahanila and Sunila are the husbands of Krsna’s aunts
- Although according to the sonnet style each line should contain fourteen syllables, there are sometimes sixteen, twelve or thirteen syllables in his (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's) verse
- Although born in a brahmana family, one becomes a brahmana only after initiation and the sacred thread ceremony
- Although chanting the holy name is good for both the conditioned and liberated soul, it is especially beneficial to the conditioned soul because by chanting it one is liberated
- Although Deity worship is not essential, the material conditioning of most candidates for devotional service requires that they engage in this activity
- Although he may apparently be a neophyte, he still has to be considered a pure, unalloyed Vaisnava. It is the duty of the householder to offer respects to such an unalloyed Vaisnava. This is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s instruction
- Although the remnants of food left by Jagannatha were brought into the Bhattacarya’s house, they were kept separate from the preparations he had made at his home
- Amogha did not receive an opportunity to be freed from all offenses after being attacked by the disease, but Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and his wife were very dear to the Lord. Because of their relationship, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu excused Amogha
- Amogha was an offender because he blasphemed the Lord (Caitanya). As a result, he was about to die of cholera
- Amogha was Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya’s son-in-law, and he was being maintained by Sarvabhauma
- Among the followers of the Vedic way, the salagrama-sila, the vigraha of Narayana, is worshiped in the form of a stone ball. In India, every brahmana still worships the salagrama-sila in his home
- An advanced devotee should respect a person who has been initiated by a bona fide spiritual master and who is situated on the transcendental platform, chanting the holy name with faith and obeisances and following the instructions of the spiritual master
- An aggressor intent on killing may be a very learned scholar of Vedanta, yet he should be killed because of his envy in killing others. In such a case, it is not sinful to kill a brahmana
- An impersonalist may be aware of the impersonal Brahman feature of the Absolute Truth, but his activities are on the impersonal platform
- Any devotee who believes that the holy name of the Lord is identical with the Lord is a pure devotee
- Any devotee who believes that the holy name of the Lord is identical with the Lord is a pure devotee, even though he may be in the neophyte stage. By his association, others may also become Vaisnavas
- As far as killing the body of a brahmana is concerned, Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.7.53) gives the following injunction concerning a brahma-bandhu, a person born of a brahmana father but devoid of brahminical qualities
- As far as Sathi, the daughter of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, was concerned, she was advised to give up her relationship with her husband
- As far as the Lord Himself is concerned, if the devotee chooses to leave, the Lord brings him back again, dragging him by the hair
- As for being freed from all sinful reactions by chanting the holy name of Krsna only once, one must chant the holy name without committing any offenses
- As soon as one fully surrenders to Krsna, he becomes a Vaisnava
- As the Padma Purana states, The holy name of Krsna is identical with Krsna and is like a cintamani gem, a touchstone. That name is Krsna personified in sound and is therefore perfectly transcendental and eternally liberated from material contamination
- At noon, when there was an upala-bhoga offering in a place called bhoga-vardhana-khanda, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would go outside the temple. Before going outside, He used to stand near the Garuda-stambha column and offer His obeisances and prayers
- Bees collect a little honey from each flower, but all these small quantities of honey accumulate to become a beehive
- Being a sannyasi, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu could collect a little food from the house of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, and this was the Bhattacarya’s request
- Being envious of the Lord and His devotees is not at all auspicious for a demon. By such envy, a demon loses everything considered beneficial
- Being very eager to enjoy the fruits of their activities, conditioned souls become involved in the actions and reactions of material life. Consequently they enjoy and suffer the results of karma
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following genealogical table of Gunaraja Khan: (1) Dasaratha Vasu; (2) Kusala; (3) Subhasankara; (4) Hamsa; (5) Saktirama (Baganda), Muktirama (Mainagara) and Alankara (Bangaja); (6) Damodara
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following genealogical table of Gunaraja Khan: (7) Anantarama; (8) Guninayaka and Vinanayaka. The twelfth generation included Bhagiratha, and the thirteenth Maladhara Vasu, or Gunaraja Khan
- Bhimasena felt it very fitting that Duryodhana and his company were arrested. This could have been accomplished by the Pandavas only with great endeavor
- Bhimasena spoke the verse given above (in CC Madhya 15.269), remembering Duryodhana’s former nefarious and atrocious activities against them
- By chemical manipulation, bell metal is turned into gold when touched by mercury; similarly, when a person is properly initiated, he can acquire the qualities of a brahmana
- By his (Vasudeva Datta's) transcendental presence the whole world is glorified and all conditioned souls are also glorified
- By praying to the almighty Lord one will become eligible to remain constantly in the association of the Lord, thus fulfilling the mission of going back home, back to Godhead
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Nityananda Prabhu to deliver all the Bengalis to devotional service
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu set forth three duties for three different people. Mukunda was to earn money & follow the religious principles, whereas Narahari was to remain with the Lord's devotees, & Raghunandana was to engage in the Lord’s service in the temple
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very kind and affectionate toward His devotees, yet He would not accept a long invitation at Sarvabhauma’s house. Out of affection, He accepted only five days in the month
- Caitanya said, You (Vasudeva Datta) desire the liberation of all kinds of living entities without discrimination. You are very anxious for their good fortune, and I say that simply by your prayer all living entities within the universe can be liberated
- Caitanya said, You (Vasudeva Datta) do not even have to take up the burden of their sinful activities. Thus there is no need for you to suffer for their sinful lives. Whoever receives your compassion becomes a Vaisnava immediately
- Chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is so powerful that it does not depend on official initiation, but if one is initiated and engages in pancaratra-vidhi (Deity worship), his Krsna consciousness will awaken very soon
- Chanting one name (of Krsna) is sufficient to rescue a living being from all sinful reactions
- Compared to the food eaten by the Lord (Caitanya) on other occasions, the Bhattacarya’s feast was not even a morsel. This is what the Bhattacarya is pointing out to the Lord
- Cutting the hair from his head, depriving him of his wealth and driving him from his residence are the prescribed punishments for a brahma-bandhu. There is no injunction for killing the body
- Diksa is the process by which one can awaken his transcendental knowledge and vanquish all reactions caused by sinful activity. A person expert in the study of the revealed scriptures knows this process as diksa
- Due to being illusioned by the external energy and due to a poor fund of knowledge, people tend to envy one another. Because of this they are entangled in fruitive activity, and they try to escape this fruitive activity by mental speculation
- During the entire month, Caitanya would visit Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya for 5 days, Paramananda Puri Gosvami would visit for 5 days, Svarupa Damodara for 4 days, & the 8 other sannyasis for 2 days each. In this way the 30 days of the month would be filled
- Even a neophyte devotee is superior to the karmis and jnanis because he has full faith in chanting the holy name of the Lord
- Even by associating with such a neophyte devotee (who is materialistic), one can become a devotee also
- Even ordinary men with little knowledge of the alphabet could read this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) and understand it. Its language is not very ornamental, and sometimes the poetry is not very sweet to hear
- Even the most perfect and learned scholar cannot understand a Vaisnava's activities
- Even though born in a brahmana family, one cannot engage in Vedic rituals without being initiated and having a sacred thread
- Everyone in every town and village should be enlightened by the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Krsna consciousness should be distributed to everyone indiscriminately. In this way, the entire world will be peaceful and happy
- Everyone is acutely feeling the pangs of material existence. Even in the ranks and files of the American Senate, the pinpricks of material existence are felt, so much so that April 30, 1974, was actually set aside as Prayer Day
- Everyone is feeling the resultant pinpricks of Kali-yuga brought about by human society’s indulging in illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication
- Everyone should be given a chance to receive it (Krsna consciousness) and be happy
- Everything is a manifestation of the energy of the Supreme Brahman
- Externally Mukunda dasa was a royal physician, but internally he was the most liberated paramahamsa devotee. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu knew this very well, but ordinary men could not understand it
- Generally, the conditioned souls forget Krsna when they are enticed by the material, external energy. Consequently they are called krsna-bahirmukha, bereft of their relationship with Krsna
- Gunaraja Khan was a very well known and wealthy man. His palace, fort and temples are still existing, and from these we can deduce that the opulence of Gunaraja Khan was certainly very great
- He (a Vaisnava) does not suffer the results of his previous pious or impious actions
- He (Sukadeva Gosvami) points out that a demon can lose everything because of his nefarious activities
- He (Vasudeva Datta) was far, far above philanthropists, philosophers and fruitive actors. He was the most exalted personality to ever show mercy to the conditioned souls. This is not an exaggeration of his transcendental qualities. It is perfectly true
- His real name was Maladhara Vasu, but the title Khan was given to him by the Emperor of Bengal. Thus he became known as Gunaraja Khan
- I (Brahma) worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is Syamasundara, Krsna Himself, with inconceivable innumerable attributes, whom the pure devotees see in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of love - BS 5.37-38
- I offer my obeisances unto Amogha Pandita, who was accepted by Lord Caitanya. As a result of this acceptance, he was always merged in ecstatic love, and he manifested ecstatic symptoms such as choking of the voice and standing of the hairs on his body
- If a brahmana does not become a Vaisnava, he certainly falls down from the brahmana platform. This is confirmed by Srimad-Bhagavatam
- If a conditioned soul becomes Krsna conscious, the karma of his pious and impious activities is completely destroyed
- If Amogha were not excused, his punishment would have directly affected Sarvabhauma. Amogha’s death would have indirectly brought about the death of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya
- If her husband abandons KC & she gives up her connection with him, she follows in the footsteps of the dvija-patnis, the wives of the brahmanas who were engaged in performing sacrifices. The wife is not to be condemned for cutting off such a relationship
- If one accepts the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as a material vibration, he falls down
- If one becomes a Vaisnava through proper initiation, he automatically becomes a brahmana. There is no doubt about it. The Garuda Purana confirms this
- If one chants the holy name even once without committing an offense, he attains all success. During the chanting of the holy name, the tongue must work
- If one does not immediately leave upon hearing the Lord or the Lord’s devotee blasphemed, he falls down from devotional service
- If one hears an irresponsible person blaspheme the master and controller of religion, he should block his ears and go away if unable to punish him. But if one is able to kill, then one should by force cut out the blasphemer's tongue and kill the offender
- If one is a Vaisnava, his sinful life is certainly ended
- If one wishes to perfect his initiation, he must first undergo the purascarya activities
- If, according to the desire of the devotee, the Lord (Krsna) completely destroys the creation, He is so opulent that He will not mind the loss
- Impersonalist brahmanas are always opposed to Vaisnava principles. They are envious of Vaisnavas because they do not know the goal of life
- In a firm relationship with the Lord, the devotee does not give up the Lord’s service under any circumstance
- In Dvaraka, Lord Krsna had eighteen mothers - Devaki, Rohini and others. Besides these was His foster mother, Yasoda, in Vrndavana
- In lower consciousness, accepting something to be spiritual when it is actually material is called bhauma ijya-dhih
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.32) the Lord says: O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth - women, vaisyas (merchants), and sudras (workers) - can attain the supreme destination
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.4) Lord Krsna confirms this: By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna promises to relieve His devotee from all the reactions to sinful life
- In the Hare Krsna movement, the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, the dancing in ecstasy and the eating of the remnants of food offered to the Lord are very, very important
- In the material world, conceptions of good and bad are all mental speculations. Therefore, saying ‘This is good and that is bad’ is all a mistake - CC Antya 4.176
- In the material world, the three modes are goodness, passion and ignorance, and all of these are simply different gradations of contamination. Unless a brahmana transcends such contamination he cannot be accepted as a Vaisnava
- In the morning, afternoon and evening one should worship the Deity, chant the Hare Krsna mantra, offer oblations, perform a fire sacrifice and feed the brahmanas. These five activities constitute purascarya
- In the northern Indian high country, the kayasthas are accepted as sudras, but in Bengal the kayasthas are considered among the higher castes. It is a fact that the kayasthas came to Bengal from northern India, specifically from Kanyakubja, or Kanauj
- In the Western countries, Christians believe that Lord Jesus Christ, their spiritual master, appeared in order to eradicate all the sins of his disciples. To this end, Lord Jesus Christ appeared and disappeared
- In this Age of Kali many so-called brahmanas are envious of Vaisnavas. The Kali-contaminated brahmanas consider Deity worship to be imaginative
- In this age, the Lord is manifest through wood as Lord Jagannatha, and He is manifest through water as the river Ganges. Therefore Caitanya ordered the 2 brothers - Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya & Vidya-vacaspati - to worship Lord Jagannatha & the river Ganges
- Instead of being punished by the Lord, he (Amogha) was saved by the Lord’s mercy. All this was due to the unflinching love of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- It is a fact that a fully surrendered Vaisnava is completely out of the range of material infection
- It is a great offense to receive pardon for sins and then commit the same sins again. Such an offense is more dangerous than the sinful activity itself
- It is from the prayers of the sruti-gana, the personified Vedas, who glorify the Lord
- It is not that anyone can be suddenly initiated without meeting the requirements. When one is further advanced by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra 16 rounds daily, following the regulative principles and attending classes, he receives the sacred thread
- It is not that Lord Krsna’s pastimes are nonexistent. They are going on exactly as the sun is shining perpetually, but when the sun is present before our eyes, we call it daytime (manifest), and when it is not present, we call it night - unmanifest
- It is on the basis of faith and attachment to Krsna that one can judge who is a madhyama-adhikari or an uttama-adhikari
- It is Srimad-Bhagavatam’s opinion that the process of Deity worship is not actually necessary, just as the specific prescriptions of the Pancaratra and other scriptures do not have to be followed
- It is the duty of every human being to surrender to a bona fide spiritual master. Giving him everything - body, mind and intelligence - one must take Vaisnava initiation from him
- It is to be understood that this side of the Viraja River is filled with material planets floating in the Causal Ocean
- It sometimes happens that prasadam is mixed with a larger quantity of food and then distributed, but in this case we find that Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya kept the jagannatha-prasadam separate. He kept it aside particularly for the satisfaction of Caitanya
- Items of devotional service, when directly offered to Krsna, constitute the highest attainment of life. This is the verdict of the revealed scriptures
- Kaurava soldiers were under the command of Karna, but the commander-in-chief of the Gandharvas was able to arrest all the Kauravas by virtue of superior military strength. At that time Duryodhana’s ministers and commanders requested Yudhisthira to help
- Krsna confirms this in BG 7.28: Persons who have acted piously in previous lives and in this life and whose sinful actions are completely eradicated are freed from the duality of delusion, and they engage themselves in My service with determination
- Krsna delivers all Vaisnavas from the reactions to their past sinful activities
- Krsna explains in BG 9.13: O son of Prtha, those who are not deluded, the great souls, are under the protection of the divine nature. They are fully engaged in DS because they know Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, original and inexhaustible
- Krsna is spread throughout the whole universe in His impersonal form. Since everything is a manifestation of the Lord's energy, the Lord can manifest Himself through any energy
- Krsna is the proprietor of both the material and spiritual universes. The material world constitutes only one-fourth of His creative energy
- Krsna promises this in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.66): Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear
- Krsna said, Transcendental love for Me does not depend upon bodily connection, but anyone whose mind is always absorbed in Me will surely, very soon, come to Me for My eternal association
- Krsna specifically states in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.13): According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me
- Krsna-bhakti is not the monopoly of a certain caste. Everyone is eligible to receive this great benediction given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Liberation cannot be attained unless one is completely free from the modes. In any case, the Mayavada philosophy keeps one conditioned
- Lord Jesus Christ certainly finished the sinful reactions of his followers by his mercy, but that does not mean he completely delivered them from the pangs of material existence
- Lord Krsna also had many uncles. As stated by Srila Rupa Gosvami in his Brhat Sri Sri Radha-krsna-ganoddesa-dipika (32), upanando ‘bhinandas ca pitrvyau purva-jau pituh: The elder brothers of Nanda Maharaja were Upananda and Abhinanda
- Many so-called brahmanas attempt to fight us, saying, “How can you create a brahmana out of a European or American? A brahmana can be born only in a brahmana family.” They do not consider that this is never stated in any revealed scripture
- Many words used in those days could be understood only by local inhabitants, yet this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) is still so popular that no bookstore is complete without it. It is valuable for those who are interested in advancing in Krsna consciousness
- Neither karmis nor jnanis are purified. In the words of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Thakura, they are kukarmis and kujnanis - bad fruitive actors and bad speculators
- Nityananda Prabhu should not be considered instrumental for sense gratification. Although professional so-called preachers support this idea, such statements are not found in any authorized revealed scriptures
- Nityananda Prabhu, being the expansion of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is the most munificent incarnation. No one should consider Him an ordinary human being or an entity like the prajapatis, who were ordered by Brahma to increase generations
- No one should consider Vasudeva Datta a mundane philanthropist or welfare worker. Nor was he interested in merging into the Brahman effulgence or in gaining material honor or reputation. He was far, far above
- Now is the time for the members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness to distribute krsna-bhakti all over the world and thus follow the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- O best of the brahmanas, even without initiation, preliminary purification or acceptance of the renounced order, one can attain perfection in devotional service simply by chanting the Lord’s holy name
- Offenders consider Nityananda Prabhu to be like one of them, an ordinary human being. They do not know of Nityananda Prabhu’s identity with the visnu-tattva
- On the material platform, distinction is made between good and bad, but on the spiritual platform everything is of the same quality
- On the transcendental platform there is no higher or lower, pure or impure
- One cannot be a husband if he cannot liberate his dependents from inevitable death
- One is known as a materialistic devotee if he simply worships the Deity of Hari with faith but does not show proper respect to the devotees and to others
- One may be advanced religiously, but if he is not trained in devotional service, he has very little credit on the transcendental platform
- One may be illiterate or incapable of understanding the philosophy, but if he partakes of these three items, he will certainly be liberated without delay
- One may be initiated and yet contaminated by the Mayavada philosophy, but a person who chants the holy name of the Lord offenselessly will not be so contaminated
- One person worships in the temple, another earns money honestly by executing his professional duty, and yet another preaches Krsna consciousness with the devotees. Apparently these three types of service appear separate, but actually they are not
- One should accept the holy name of Krsna to be identical with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Transcendence Himself
- One should distribute Krsna consciousness without discrimination throughout the world
- One should not even see the face of a person who blasphemes Lord Visnu and His devotees. Never try to associate with such persons
- One should understand that the name "Krsna" and Krsna Himself are identical. Having such faith, one must continue to chant the holy name
- One should worship and chant the holy name of the Lord by accepting it as the Lord Himself. One should therefore be initiated properly according to revealed scriptures under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master
- One who criticizes Lord Visnu and His devotees loses all the benefits accrued in a hundred pious births. Such a person rots in the Kumbhipaka hell and is bitten by worms as long as the sun and moon exist
- One who derides an exalted devotee loses the results of his pious activities, his opulence, his reputation and his sons
- One who executes Caitanya's mission must be considered eternally liberated. He is a transcendental person & does not belong to this material world. Such a devotee, engaging in the deliverance of the total population, is as magnanimous as Caitanya Himself
- One who has preliminary faith is called a kanistha-adhikari, or a neophyte. The neophyte, however, can become an advanced devotee if he strictly follows the regulative principles set down by the spiritual master
- Only pure devotees, who have no motive other than serving Krsna, can give such transcendentally valuable benedictions (distribution of Krsna consciousness) out of charity
- Out of many millions of learned Vedanta scholars, there may be one visnu-bhakta, or devotee of Lord Visnu. It is he who is most exalted
- Out of many thousands of brahmanas, one may become qualified to perform yajna. Out of many thousands of such qualified brahmanas, one may be fully aware of the Vedanta philosophy
- Out of the nine processes of devotional service, kirtana is very important
- Raghava Pandita was an eternal servant of Krsna, and everything he saw was related to the service of the Lord. He was always absorbed in the transcendental thought of how he could always serve Krsna with everything
- Raghava Pandita was not simply a crazy fellow suffering from some cleansing phobia. He did not belong to the mundane world
- Sannanda and Nandana (also known as Sunanda and Pandava) were the younger brothers of Krsna’s father, Nanda Maharaja
- Sannyasis should collect a little from each and every householder and should eat simply what is necessary to maintain the body
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya considered that if Amogha were killed, the killer would suffer sinful reactions for killing a brahmana. For the same reason, it would have been undesirable for the Bhattacarya to commit suicide because he also was a brahmana
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya decided to give up his relationship with Amogha and never see his face
- She (Yogamaya) informed Kamsa about the birth of his enemy, Krsna, and being thus baffled, Kamsa consulted his associates, who were all demons. When this big conspiracy was taking place, this verse (of CC Madhya 15.270) was spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami
- Simply by becoming a devotee, one is freed of all the reactions of karma
- Simply by chanting the holy name of Krsna one can obtain freedom from material existence. Indeed, simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra one will be able to see the lotus feet of the Lord - CC Adi 7.73
- Simply by chanting the holy name, one is immediately delivered
- Simply by the desire of a devotee, a conditioned soul can attain liberation and transcend the results of karma
- Since everyone can be liberated in this way (simply by the desire of a devotee), one may conclude that it is according to the sweet will of the devotee whether the material world exists or does not exist
- Since the energy and energetic are identical, actually everything is Krsna, Parambrahma
- Since the king (Adisura) is supposed to be accompanied by his associates, the brahmanas accompanied the King to help him in higher spiritual matters. The kayasthas were to render other services
- Sinful reactions may be just waiting to take effect (phalonmukha), reactions may be still further dormant (kuta), or the reactions may be in a seedlike state - bija
- Sometimes he (an impersonalist) imagines a form of the Lord (saguna-upasana), but such an attempt is never successful in helping one attain complete realization
- Sometimes neophytes, devotees on the lower platform, try to imitate Raghava Pandita on the platform of material purity and impurity. Such imitation will not help anyone
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His representative understand everything about a devotee, even though the devotee may externally pretend to be an ordinary householder and professional businessman
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu here (in CC Madhya 15.169) informed Vasudeva Datta that since Krsna is all-powerful, He can immediately deliver all conditioned souls from material existence
- Sri Gunaraja Khan had fourteen sons, of whom the second son, Laksminatha Vasu, received the title Satyaraja Khan. His son was Sri Ramananda Vasu; therefore Ramananda Vasu belonged to the fifteenth generation
- Sri Gunaraja Khan never cared for the artificial aristocracy introduced by Ballal Sena
- Sri Gunaraja Khan was one of the topmost Vaisnavas, and he translated the Tenth and Eleventh Cantos of Srimad-Bhagavatam for the understanding of the common man
- Sri Krsna assures the dvija-patnis in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.23.31-32): Because you are My pure devotees, not only your relatives but also people in general, as well as the demigods, will be satisfied with you
- Sri Krsna assures the dvija-patnis in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.23.31-32): My dear dvija-patnis, rest assured that your husbands will not neglect you on your return, nor will your brothers, sons or fathers refuse to accept you
- Sri Krsna-vijaya is a book of poems considered to be the first poetry book written in Bengal. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura states that this book was begun in the year 1395 Sakabda (A.D. 1473)
- Sri Krsna’s pastimes in this material world are called prakata-lila (manifested pastimes), and His pastimes in the spiritual world are called aprakata-lila (unmanifested pastimes). By unmanifested we mean that they are not present before our eyes
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives a genealogical table and family history of Gunaraja Khan
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that the kayasthas who came from Kanyakubja were high-class men. Of them, Dasaratha Vasu was a great personality, and the thirteenth generation of his family included Gunaraja Khan
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura comments that serving Vaisnavas is most important for householders
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, in clarifying verses 171-179 (of CC Madhya 15.179), states that the meaning of these stanzas is very simple but that the purport is a little difficult to understand
- Srila Jiva Gosvami instructs that the other processes, such as arcana, vandana, dasya and sakhya, should be executed, but they must be preceded and followed by kirtana, the chanting of the holy name
- Srila Vasudeva Datta knew very well that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the original Personality of Godhead, Transcendence itself, above the material conception of illusion and maya
- Srila Vasudeva Datta Thakura is universal love itself, for he was willing to sacrifice everything and fully engage in the service of the Supreme Lord
- Srila Vasudeva Datta wanted to completely relieve the conditioned souls from material existence so that they would no longer have an opportunity to commit sinful acts. This is the significant difference between Srila Vasudeva Datta and Lord Jesus Christ
- Such a person who chants the holy name of the Lord offenselessly is very important and woshipable
- Such a personality (One who executes Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission) factually represents Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu because his heart is always filled with compassion for all conditioned souls
- The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases - impersonal Brahman, Paramatma and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan. All of these are one and the same truth, but Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan constitute three different features
- The activities and plans of a Vaisnava cannot be understood by ordinary men
- The almighty Personality of Godhead has three potencies - internal, external and marginal
- The Bhagavatam enjoins that even without practicing Deity worship one can achieve the complete success of human life by any of the other devotional processes, such as simply offering oneself at the Lord’s feet for His protection
- The book Sri Krsna-vijaya was highly praised by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and it is very valuable for all Vaisnavas
- The Brahma-samhita (5.37-38) confirms: I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who resides in His own realm, Goloka, with Radha, who resembles His own spiritual figure and who embodies the ecstatic potency - hladini
- The conditioned soul is always fearful due to being controlled by the external potency; therefore the conditioned soul should always pray to the almighty Lord to conquer the external potency (maya) so that she will no longer manifest her powers
- The conditioned souls, who are condemned due to their forgetfulness of the Lord, are put under the control of the external potency when she creates the material world
- The devotees are obliged at the time of initiation to begin engaging in Deity worship
- The Dipavali festival takes place on the dark-moon night in the month of Kartika (October-November)
- The holy name of Krsna, His body and His pastimes cannot be understood by the blunt material senses. They are manifested independently - CC Madhya 17.134
- The holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krsna mantra, cannot be identified with any material sound
- The impersonalist may consider himself a brahmana and may be situated in the mode of goodness, but nonetheless he is conditioned by one of the modes of material nature. This means that he is not yet liberated
- The Lord (Caitanya) has ordered everyone to become a guru (CC Madhya 7.128): amara ajnaya guru hana tara' ei desa
- The Mayavadis and karmis should turn their attention to the magnanimous Vasudeva Datta, who wanted to suffer for others in a hellish condition
- The more one is freed from material identification, the more one can realize that the spirit soul is qualitatively as good as the Supreme Soul
- The name Viraja indicates a marginal position between the spiritual and material worlds, but the Viraja River is not under the control of the material energy. Consequently it is devoid of the three gunas
- The nine devotional processes, beginning with sravana and kirtana, can all be attained at once if one simply chants the holy name of the Lord offenselessly
- The offenseless chanting of the holy name does not depend on the initiation process. Although initiation may depend on purascarya or purascarana, the actual chanting of the holy name does not depend on purascarya-vidhi, or the regulative principles
- The original prabhu is the Lord, Sri Krsna
- The owner of millions of cows does not consider the loss of one she-goat
- The Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna said, A brahma-bandhu is not to be killed, but if he is an aggressor, he must be killed
- The process of devotional service entails always considering oneself the eternal servant of Krsna, making friends with Him and dedicating everything unto Him
- The process of devotional service entails hearing, chanting and remembering the holy name, form, pastimes, qualities and entourage of the Lord, offering service according to the time, place and performer, worshiping the Deity, offering prayers
- The purascarya process is the life force by which one is successful in chanting the mantra. Without the life force, one cannot do anything; similarly, without the life force of purascarya-vidhi, no mantra can be perfected
- The Rasa-yatra, or rasa dancing of Krsna, takes place on the full-moon night of the same month (October-November). Utthana-dvadasi takes place the day after Ekadasi in the waxing fortnight of the moon in the same month
- The regulative principles of diksa are explained in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa (2.3-4) and the Bhakti-sandarbha - 283
- The ten sannyasis living with the Lord were (1) Paramananda Puri, (2) Svarupa Damodara, (3) Brahmananda Puri, (4) Brahmananda Bharati, (5) Visnu Puri, (6) Kesava Puri, (7) Krsnananda Puri, (8) Nrsimha Tirtha, (9) Sukhananda Puri & (10) Satyananda Bharati
- The three modes of material nature keep the living entity in a constant state of fear
- The tongue is sevonmukha-jihva - it is controlled by service. One whose tongue is engaged in tasting material things and also talking about them cannot use the tongue for absolute realization
- The vaisyas and ksatriyas may also engage in this worship (of the salagrama-sila), but it is compulsory in the house of a brahmana
- The Vedas enjoin, sarvam khalv idam brahma: everything is the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Brahman or Parambrahma
- The Viraja River is filled with material planets floating in the Causal Ocean. The name Viraja indicates a marginal position between the spiritual and material worlds, but the Viraja River is not under the control of the material energy
- The word candala actually refers to a dog-eater, who is considered the lowest of men. Even candalas can be enlightened in Krsna consciousness due to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's benedictions
- The word dana, meaning "charity," is significant in this verse (of CC Madhya 15.41). Whoever engages in the distribution of Krsna consciousness is a charitable person
- The word madhukari comes from the word madhukara and means - honey-collecting bees
- The word mahad-atikrama, meaning “envy of Lord Visnu and His devotees,” is significant in this verse - CC Madhya 15.270
- The word mahat indicates a great personality, a devotee or the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. Being always engaged in the Lord’s service, the devotees themselves are as great as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The word prabhu, or master, indicates that the Lord is to be continuously served by His devotee
- The word purah means “before,” and carya means “activities.” Due to the necessity of these activities, we do not immediately initiate disciples in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
- Their (Radha and Govinda's) companions are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa
- There are different kinds of men, beginning with the brahmana and going down to the lowest platform, candala. Whatever one’s position, everyone in this Age of Kali needs to be enlightened in Krsna consciousness. That is the greatest need of the day
- There are different stages of dormant reactions to sinful activities to be observed in a sinful life
- There are many devotees attached to Lord Ramacandra, and Murari Gupta is a vivid example of such unalloyed devotion. He never agreed to give up Ramacandra's worship, not even upon Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s request. Such is the chastity of devotional service
- There cannot be any comparison to Vasudeva Datta. As the perfect Vaisnava, he was para-duhkha-duhkhi, very much aggrieved to see others suffer. The entire world is purified simply by the appearance of such a great devotee
- There is a class of so-called devotees called prakrta-sahajiyas who think that Nityananda Prabhu is an ordinary human being. They have spread the news that Caitanya ordered Nityananda to return to Bengal from Orissa just to marry and beget children
- They (mental speculators) think that Nityananda Prabhu’s body was material and that it was meant for sense gratification. Whoever thinks in this way is a candidate for the darkest regions of hell
- They (those who hanker after women and money) also engage in some moneymaking businesses to cheat innocent people, and they try to support their business programs by making offensive statements
- Thinking Nityananda Prabhu to be an ordinary human being is the business of mental speculators known as kunapatma-vadis. These people accept the material body, which is a bag of three material elements (kunape tri-dhatuke), as themselves
- This is a quotation (of CC Madhya 15.170) from the Brahma-samhita - BS 5.38
- This is a quotation (of CC Madhya 15.269) from the Mahabharata (Vana-parva 241.15). Bhimasena made this statement when all the Pandavas were living in exile in the forest. At that time there was a fight between the Kauravas and the Gandharvas
- This is certainly a great offense against Nityananda Prabhu (to spread the news that Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Nityananda to return to Bengal from Orissa just to marry & beget children). Such an offense is called pasanda-buddhi, or an atheistic remark
- This is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s order to all His devotees. Krsna-bhakti, devotion to Krsna, is open to everyone, even low-class men like candalas. One should follow this order in the disciplic succession stemming from Sri Advaita and Nityananda Prabhu
- This is the beginning of a description of the food prepared for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This description is given by Kaviraja Gosvami, who, it is assumed, was an expert cook who knew both how to prepare and how to serve food
- This statement (SB 10.4.46) was made by Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit. This quotation (of CC Madhya 15.270) concerns the attempted killing of Krsna’s sister (Yogamaya), who appeared before Krsna’s birth as the daughter of mother Yasoda
- This verse (of CC Madhya 15.110) is found in the Padyavali (29), an anthology of verses compiled by Srila Rupa Gosvami
- This verse (of CC Madhya 15.237) was spoken (in SB 11.6.46) by Uddhava to Krsna. This was during the time when Uddhava-gita was spoken. At that time there was disturbances in Dvaraka & Krsna decided to leave the material world & enter the spiritual world
- Those sinful people who blaspheme Vaisnavas, who are all great souls, are subjected very severely to the punishment offered by Yamaraja
- Those who are above the jurisdiction of night are always in the spiritual world, where the Lord’s pastimes are constantly manifest to them
- Those who hanker after women and money, who are self-interested and have the mentality of merchants, can certainly discover many things with their fertile brains and speak against the authorized revealed scriptures
- Thus a brahmana is not a result of the caste system. He becomes a brahmana only by qualification. Similarly, a Vaisnava does not belong to a particular caste; rather, his designation is determined by the rendering of devotional service
- To attain full success when taking initiation from the spiritual master, one should first perform purascarya processes
- To rectify this material conditioning the great sage Narada and others have at different times recommended various kinds of regulations for Deity worship
- Uddhava could understand the situation, and he talked with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The verse (of CC Madhya 15.237) quoted above (from SB 11.6.46) is an excerpt from their conversation
- Ultimately, it is not the sweet will of the devotee but the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who, if He so desires, can completely annihilate the material creation. There is no loss on His part
- Unless one comes to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his realization of impersonal Brahman is imperfect
- Unless one is a fully qualified brahmana, he cannot advance in the spiritual science
- Unless one is freed from sinful life, one cannot become a Vaisnava
- Unless one is initiated as a brahmana, one cannot worship the holy name properly
- Unless one is initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, all his devotional activities are useless. A person who is not properly initiated can descend again into the animal species. Hari-bhakti-vilasa - 2.10
- Unless Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu discloses the fact, no one can understand who is actually a great devotee of the Lord engaged in His service
- Vaisnavas are all great souls. Whoever blasphemes them falls down to the hell known as Maharaurava, accompanied by his forefathers
- Vaisnavas following the path of Sri Narada and his successors endeavor to establish a personal relationship with the Lord by receiving the grace of a bona fide spiritual master through initiation
- Vasudeva Datta and Sivananda Sena were living in the same neighborhood, which is presently called Kumarahatta or Halisahara
- Vasudeva Datta is the ideal devotee of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Vasudeva Datta was so liberal that he requested Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to transfer all offensive activity upon him so the conditioned souls would be purified and go back home, back to Godhead. This prayer was certainly without duplicity
- Vasudeva Datta’s example is unique not only within this world but within the universe. It is beyond the conception of fruitive actors or the speculation of mundane philosophers
- Viraja is a river that divides the material world from the spiritual world. On one side of the river Viraja is the effulgence of Brahmaloka and innumerable Vaikuntha planets, and on the other side is this material world
- We find Sri Vasudeva Datta Thakura and Srila Haridasa Thakura to be many millions of times more advanced even when compared with Lord Jesus Christ
- We have introduced this system in all of our centers. Arcana, arati, bhoga offering, Deity dressing and decoration are all preceded and followed by the chanting of the holy name of the Lord - Hare Krsna
- Whatever is used by Krsna or the spiritual master is worshipable. In particular, their sitting or eating places should not be used by anyone else. A devotee must be very careful to observe this
- When a Bengali emperor named Adisura first came from Kanyakubja, or Kanauj, he brought with him five brahmanas and five kayasthas
- When a brahmana becomes a Vaisnava, there is no duality
- When a brahmana engages in the Lord's service, fully understanding his eternal relationship, his devotional service is called abhidheya. When one attains that stage, he is called a bhagavata, or Vaisnava
- When a brahmana engages in the Lord's service, this indicates that he is free from contamination and material attachment
- When a person who chants the holy name is liberated, he attains the ultimate perfection by returning home, back to Godhead
- When Krsna or Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the center, everyone can engage in different activities for the service of the Lord. That is the verdict of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- When one is actually advanced in the purascarya-vidhi, he is recommended by the local temple president for initiation
- When one is situated on the absolute platform, one can understand that the holy name of the Lord and the Lord Himself are identical
- When one is situated on the neophyte platform, one cannot understand the devotional ingredients of a pure, unalloyed devotee
- When such a living entity comes under the jurisdiction of the material energy, he is sent into one of the innumerable material universes created by the material energy to give a chance to conditioned souls to fulfill their desires in the material world
- When the novice engages in devotional service - especially in Deity worship - & follows the order of a bona fide spiritual master, he is a pure devotee. Anyone can take advantage of hearing about Krsna consciousness from such a devotee & become purified
- When we consider their bodily and mental conditions, we find that the character of such candidates (candidates for devotional service) is impure and their minds are agitated
- Whether a Vaisnava is properly initiated or not is not a subject for consideration
- Whoever kills or blasphemes a Vaisnava and whoever is envious of a Vaisnava or angry with him, or whoever does not offer him obeisances or feel joy upon seeing him, certainly falls into a hellish condition
- Whoever takes to Krsna consciousness and follows the regulative principles can return home, back to Godhead
- Whoever understands Brahman is called a brahmana, and when a brahmana engages in the Lord's devotional service, he is called a Vaisnava
- With folded hands I (Caitanya) offer my prayers unto Krsna, Nanda Maharaja’s son, who is my life and soul
- With such faith (that a person who simply chants the holy name of Krsna once becomes perfect) in the holy name one may begin a life of Krsna consciousness. But an ordinary person cannot chant the holy name of Krsna with such faith
- With the material senses one cannot understand the transcendental holy name of the Lord or His form, activities and pastimes. But when one actually engages in devotional service, utilizing the tongue, the Lord is revealed
- Without performing the purascarya activities, one cannot become perfect even by chanting this mantra (the Hare Krsna mantra) for hundreds of years. But one who has undergone the purascarya-vidhi process can attain success very easily
- Yamesvara is on the southwest side of the Jagannatha temple. Gadadhara Pandita resided there, and there was a small garden and a sandy beach known as Yamesvara-tota
- Yasodhara, Yasodeva and Sudeva were the maternal uncles of Krsna
- Yogamaya and Krsna were born simultaneously, and Vasudeva replaced Yogamaya with Krsna and took Yogamaya away. When she was brought to Mathura and Kamsa attempted to kill her, Yogamaya slipped out of his hands. She could not be killed