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Pages in category "Spare"
The following 51 pages are in this category, out of 51 total.
- All we have to do is spare a little time and chant Hare Krsna, but we are not even ready for this much tapasya
- Arjuna considers that the son of his great teacher should be spared, for he happens to be the son of Dronacarya, even though he is an unworthy son, having done all sorts of heinous acts whimsically for no one's benefit
- Arjuna was perplexed because Asvatthama was to be killed as well as spared according to different scriptures cited by different persons
- Damodara Pandita was notable for his objectivity as a critic. He did not even spare Caitanya Mahaprabhu from his criticism. This also cannot be imitated by anyone else
- Devotees are merciful because they spare the poor animals, and they are clean because they are free of contamination from unwanted foodstuff and unwanted habits. Austerity is represented by restricted sex life
- He (A pure devotee) fully engages in the service of the Lord, and for other affairs he simply spares as much time as absolutely necessary
- He (Arjuna) is encouraged herein personally by the Lord (Krsna) to kill the son of Drona, but Arjuna considers that the son of his great teacher should be spared, for he happens to be the son of Dronacarya, even though he is an unworthy son
- He (Jambavan) was attached to his boy and to the greatly valuable Syamantaka jewel, which he did not want to spare for Krsna
- He (Pariksit) was thinking how ironic it was that although no one was saved from his sharp sword when he desired to kill, the poor lower-class Kali was spared by his timely surrender. Maharaja Pariksit's glory and kindness are therefore sung in history
- I (Prabhupada) am so glad to learn that you have contacted a very good devotee, Mr. Jashapara. By Krishna's Grace you have met such a nice friend, and if he is prepared to spare his apartment in Bombay immediately we can start a Bombay center
- I think there is no need of getting a degree. If you can spare some time, you try to learn Bengali, from Sriman Prabhansu. It will be a great asset for our Mission; and as you have decided to work to get money, I quite approve
- I want them to travel vigorously throughout the world to lecture in all universities and other institutions. There is no lack of financial resources and we shall spare nothing to see to this party's success
- If George simply spares that chapel to us it will be a great service to the neighboring people and visitors. We shall turn the chapel so nicely that everyone who comes to see will be Krishna conscious person
- If the president thinks that he can be spared, then he can go
- If they are serious, they must hear the philosophy for some time, and I am prepared to spare my time for this purpose
- If you have got some spare time and the inclination, you can read the chapters of Krsna Book and put them into verse
- If you instruct a rascal, he'll be angry. - Therefore we go as beggars: "My dear sir, you are a very nice man. I'm a sannyasi beggar, so I want to construct a temple. Can you spare some money?" So he will think, - Oh, here is a beggar. Give him some money
- If you want to know what is the science of this movement, we can spare day and night to convince you. But these are superficial. First of all we say that, "We are not this body." So why we shall be interested with the history of this body?
- It is only the question of understanding the process how to execute Krishna Consciousness. If you can therefore spare some time to live with me, it will be better. You appear to be a very intelligent boy and I hope you will learn the art quickly
- It was Bhishmadeva's duty to conduct the fight (the Battle of Kuruksetra), and no pains would be spared in that connection. BG 1972 purports
- Modern scientists try to avoid death by physiochemical advancement of knowledge, but alas, the controller of death, Yamaraja, is so cruel that he does not spare even the very life of the scientist himself
- My dear brother (Kamsa), by the influence of destiny you have already killed many babies, each of them as bright and beautiful as fire. But kindly spare this daughter (Yogamaya). Give her to me (Devaki) as your gift - SB 10.4.5
- My idea in forming the GBC is that I may be spared from the management and use my time for translating books
- Out of so many years, if one could spare ten thousand years for the sake of austerity, he would be assured of success in his future life. This was not very astonishing. Although such a feat is impossible in this age, it was quite possible in Satya-yuga
- Overpowered by hunger and thirst, they ran to devour Brahma from all sides and cried, "Spare him not! Eat him up!"
- Paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam (Bg. 4.8). So Krsna wants to utilize your energy for His satisfaction. That is devotion. Everyone has got his energy, and he can spare it for Krsna's service. That is real devotion
- Please go on all working together in cooperative spirit and do the needful; then I may be spared taxing my brain over so many matters and I can go on my real work of translating
- Take advantage of these books yourselves. Not that you just distribute but neglect reading them yourself. Always read them, especially Krsna book. Every time you have a spare moment, you should read
- The beginning of devotional service is to spare some time and listen to Srimad-Bhagavatam from the right source
- The Brahmacaris are dedicated their life and everything but the householder should spare at least 50% of income for the society. That is the standard distribution of money example set by our predecessors, Srila Rupa Goswami, and Srila Sanatana Goswami
- The other day while taking my morning walk from the backside of your land I reached on the main road. So much land is still vacant without any utility. If you can spare all these lands on lease terms we can immediately use them properly
- There is every chance of a woman's having a miscarriage if she experiences some ecstatic emotion or is frightened. Pregnant women should therefore be spared all these external influences
- There was a great tension between him (Vasistha) and Visvamitra, who wanted his kamadhenu, wish-fulfilling cow. Vasistha Muni refused to spare his kamadhenu, and for this Visvamitra killed his one hundred sons
- We can avoid idle conversation and utilize our time in the spare moments for studying slokas from the Gita and Bhagavatam. Practically I have given you more than enough for 50 years at one sloka daily
- We cannot spare our valuable time for bodily comforts, sacrificing our real aim of life, self-realization. That is not civilization. That is animal civilization. First consideration is self-realization
- We do not know what is the aim of life. We are taking to so many unnecessary engagements. The human life is so valuable that not a single moment you cannot spare for any other business than Krsna consciousness
- We have nothing to do other than listen, and by listening carefully, enlightenment is sure to come. Krsna will surely help, for He is seated within. We only have to make the effort and spare a little time
- When the educated, indulgent student becomes a householder by the strength of university degrees, he requires money by all means for all kinds of bodily comfort, and therefore he cannot spare even a penny for the so-called vanaprasthas and sannyasis
- Whenever I hear complaints or disturbances in our centers my mind becomes too much disturbed and I cannot properly translate my books. So please spare me from such disturbance by cooperating all together Godbrothers and Godsisters