Category:Sincere Devotees of God
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Pages in category "Sincere Devotees of God"
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- A devotee of Lord Krsna is he who believes sincerely that by becoming a devotee of the Lord one becomes fully equipped with everything spiritual
- A sincere devotee can therefore be empowered by the Lord regardless of his situation. In the preceding verse (CC Madhya 19.134) from the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Srila Rupa Gosvami has described how he was personally empowered by the Lord
- A sincere devotee is always helped directly or indirectly by the spiritual master and the Supersoul
- A sincere devotee must be prepared to hear the Vedic literature like the Upanisads, Vedanta and other literatures left by the previous authorities or Gosvamis, for the benefit of his progress
- A sincere devotee should read every chapter and every word of Srimad-Bhagavatam, for the beginning verses describe that it is the ripened fruit of all Vedic literature. Devotees should not try to avoid even a word of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- A sincere devotee who engages in the service of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by preaching His cult all over the world will never be affected by visaya-taranga, material influences
- A sincere devotee who engages in the service of the Lord automatically becomes situated in the brahma-bhuta stage. The devotee's duty is only to strictly follow the principles of regulated devotional service, as previously mentioned - in NBS 12 purport
- A sincere devotee who follows the instructions of the spiritual master certainly gets direct instructions from his heart from the Supersoul
- A sincere devotee who is not very intelligent may ask some material benefit from the Lord, but the Lord, being omniscient, does not generally give material rewards but, on the contrary, takes away whatever material facilities are being enjoyed
- A sincere devotee, after his initiation by the Lord or His bona fide representative, takes very seriously chanting of the glories of the Lord and traveling all over the world so that others may also hear the glories of the Lord
- All nine methods are bona fide methods, and either all of them, some of them or even one of them can bring about the desired result for the sincere devotee
- All of you are sincere devotees pledged to the missionary activities, so you should sit together and decide what to do and what not to do
- Any stage of life in Krishna consciousness may be a victim of strong material energy. Therefore we have always to take care and strictly follow the rules and regulations. You are a good boy and sincere devotee and I hope you will understand me right
- As illustrated by Yamunacarya (quoted in BG 2.60), A sincere devotee of the Lord shuns all material sense enjoyment due to his higher taste for spiritual enjoyment in the association of the Lord. That is the secret of success. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as the devotees surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord sincerely, the Lord accepts them, and thus the devotees at once become free from all material contaminations. Such devotees are above the three modes of material nature
- As soon as this is done the Lord excuses the sincere devotee. But that does not mean that one should take advantage of the Lord's causeless mercy and expect to be excused over and over again, while he commits the same sinful activities
- Because they (the four Kumaras) were sincerely searching for the Lord, they finally saw His personal feature directly, which corresponded with the description given by their father. They thus became fully satisfied
- Bhagavad-gita, being spoken by the Lord, is as good as the Lord Himself. When a sincere devotee reads Bhagavad-gita, this is as good as seeing the Lord face to face in his personal presence, but this is not so for the mundane wrangler
- Even Christian priests are greatly surprised that all these boys from Jewish and Christian families have joined this KC movement; before joining, they never regarded any principles of religion seriously, but now they have become sincere devotees of God
- Even though, externally, a devotee may not render full service, if he is internally sincere and serious the Lord welcomes his service nonetheless. Thus the Lord is known as bhava-grahi janardana because He takes the essence of one's devotional mentality
- Every devotee should be so sincere to Krsna, or God, that he must execute Krsna's mission
- First of all faith, the next step is to associate with devotees. But devotees must be sincere devotee, otherwise what will be the effect of such asociation? Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sango. Then, gradually he will be inclined to become one of the devotees
- For the nondevotees, He's giving facilities to forget. And for the devotees, who are sincerely seeking Krsna's favor, Krsna's service, He's giving memorization, - Yes, you do like this. Do like this
- Fully surrendered sincere devotee
- He (Arjuna) wanted to skillfully avoid the fighting by using Krsna consciousness as an excuse. But as a sincere student, he placed the matter before his master and questioned Krsna as to his best course of action. BG 1972 purports
- He is my old god brother. Sincere Vaisnava. Please treat him like your father
- I (Prabhupada) have become convinced that our Krishna Consciousness Movement is finally having some effect on the world, and I am very satisfied with the work of my sincere disciples for assisting Lord Caitanya in this way
- I am very glad to know that Ananda Prabhu is staying with you. Please offer my dandabats. He is my old god brother. Sincere Vaisnava. Please treat him like your father. Do remain in full cooperation
- I feel happy that even after my departure, things will go on. I am happy that I have got so many sincere devotees who will carry on
- I know that you are a very suitable match for Krsnadas. You are both young, intelligent and sincere devotees
- I know that you are sincere devotee and a faithful brahmacari, but still you should not do anything without consenting me
- I want to see a few sincere devotees, not many false devotees or pretenders
- I will give intelligence. There is no question of asking. If you become a devotee, sincere devotee, I'll give you everything without your asking
- If a devotee is qualified, sincere and serious about Krsna consciousness and if he follows the instructions of a bona fide spiritual master, as Prahlada Maharaja did when preaching the instructions he had received from Narada, his preaching is effective
- If a sincere devotee renders service to the Lord or to the arca-vigraha, the form of the Lord, all his activities prove successful because the Lord is present within his heart and understands his sincerity
- If a sincere devotee somehow does fall down, the Lord corrects him and saves him from gliding down to the darkest region of hellish life
- If a sincere devotee wants Krsna above everything but at the same time is attached to material possessions, which hinder his advancement in Krsna consciousness, by tactics the Lord takes away all his possessions
- If one is a sincere and pure devotee, the material lust in his heart is completely vanquished as he discusses the lusty feelings between the gopis and Krsna, and he makes quick progress in spiritual life
- If the preachers in our Krsna consciousness movement are sincere devotees of Krsna, Krsna will always be with them because He is very kind and favorable to all His devotees
- If we are serious and sincere devotees, the Lord will give us the intelligence to offer prayers properly
- If you are sincere devotee, it is very easy thing to become devotee. Simply four things: man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). Four things. A child can; they are learning. They're also offering a flower, mad-yaji. This is worship
- If you put restrictions then not so many men will come, but sincere ones will come, those who are actually sincerely searching after real spiritual life
- In BG 18.66 Krsna says - Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear - Thus a fully surrendered, sincere devotee immediately receives relief from all kinds of sinful reactions
- In due course of time he (the sincere devotee) will return to the shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and will thus have perpetual association with Him
- In the beginning, when a devotee is serious and sincere, the Lord gives him directions from within to approach a bona fide spiritual master
- Intelligent and sincere devotees
- It is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - the Lord dictates from within one who is sincerely engaged in His service, and the Lord acts in such a way that such a person can ultimately attain the supreme goal of life
- It is said that the import of the Vedas becomes clear to one who is not only a sincere devotee of the Lord but also a sincere servitor of the spiritual master
- It is the duty of every sincere devotee to accept the arca-vigraha at home or in the temple and worship the form of the Lord as advised in authorized scriptures and directed by the spiritual master
- It is very good news that your Temple has attracted so many sincere, intelligent and enthusiastic devotees. Please see them all trained nicely in devotional service and let them continue to follow the regulative principles and work on patiently
- It is very much pleasing to know that Vancouver center is improving daily. Cidananda is a very good organizing leader, Ananda is a good soul, and you are also a sincere devotee
- Krishna can understand from within the sincerity of purpose of a particular living entity, and He gives direction to such sincere devotee to the path of realizing Krishna Consciousness
- Krishna is very kind and any sincere devotee is always taken care of by His Lordship in all respects
- Krishna is very merciful to His sincere devotees, but also we have to remember that Maya is very strong. Therefore, we have to always be engaged in serving Krishna
- Krsna does not require any big paraphernalia. He only wants how you are a sincere devotee. That's all. And that DS can be discharged in any condition. Ahaituky apratihata. It cannot be checked by the material circumstances. This is the process of KC
- Krsna has two kinds of presence - prakata and aprakata, manifest and unmanifest. These are identical for the sincere devotee. Even if Krsna is not physically present, the devotee’s constant absorption in the affairs of Krsna makes Him always present
- Krsna helps a sincere devotee internally and externally. Internally He helps as paramatma by giving intelligence from within. Dadami buddhi-yogam tam
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami offers equal respect to all the preachers of the cult of Caitanya, who are compared to the branches of the tree. ISKCON is one of these branches, and it should therefore be respected by all sincere devotees of Lord Caitanya
- Lord Krsna says, "Even if a nondevotee comes from a brahmana family and is expert in studying the Vedas, he is not very dear to Me (Krsna), whereas even if a sincere devotee comes from a low family of meat-eaters, he is very dear to Me"
- Lord Krsna says, "Even if a sincere devotee comes from a low family of meat-eaters, he is very dear to Me (Krsna). Such a sincere pure devotee should be given charity, for he is as worshipable as I"
- Lord Siva's uncivilized, devilish characteristics are never abominable because he teaches the sincere devotees of the Lord how to practice detachment from material enjoyment
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had a very sincere devotee whose name was Kholaveca Sridhara and whose only business was to sell pots made of the skin of banana trees
- Of course, sometimes if a devotee is very sincere, the Lord, as a special favor to him, refuses to fulfill his material desires and directly blesses him with pure, unalloyed devotional service
- On that elevated platform (Vaisnava) he (Bilvamangala Thakura Gosvami) wrote a book named Krsna-karnamrta, which is very famous amongst Vaisnavas. Since he exhibited so many ecstatic symptoms, people used to call him Lilasuka
- On the part of the Lord there was no offended mood because He does not accept any offense created by His sincere devotee
- One may live in the darkest jungle alone out of home, but a steadfast devotee knows very well that he is not alone. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is with him, and He can protect His sincere devotee in any awkward circumstance
- One who deserves to approach the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna is called the maha-paurusika. Anyone who hears Srimad-Bhagavatam attentively from its bona fide reciter is sure to become a sincere devotee of the Lord, who is able to award liberation
- Since no sincere devotee is attracted to sinful actions, as soon as a man becomes a pure devotee he can do inestimable selfless service to society for the peace and prosperity of all concerned, in this life and in the next
- Since the omnipotent Lord is situated within the heart of everyone, He can give directions to His sincere devotees by which they can attain the right path. Such directions are especially offered to the devotee, even if he desires something else
- Sincere intelligent young devotees
- Sincere, intelligent and enthusiastic devotees
- So a sincere devotee who is always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord should know for certain that Krsna will never break His promise. He will always protect His devotees in every circumstance
- So our, this movement presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. So they are being accepted all over the world, and we are getting good devotees, sincere devotees. All parts of the world
- Spiritual master is representative of Krsna. Krsna sends some sincere devotee to act on His behalf, and therefore he is spiritual master
- Spreading Krsna consciousness is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission; therefore His sincere devotees must carry out His desire
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught us this lesson - one who appreciates a sincere devotee is eligible to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught us this lesson; one who appreciates a sincere devotee is eligible to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Such words from the lips of a sincere devotee cannot be false. All possibilities abide in Him, for He is the primeval Lord
- Tat te'nukampam susamiksamanah. When a devotee is in great danger, he sees that danger to be the great mercy of the Lord because it is an opportunity to think of the Lord very sincerely and with undiverted attention
- That very SB I (Sukadeva) shall recite before you because you are the most sincere devotee of Lord Krsna. One who gives full attention and respect to hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam achieves unflinching faith in the Supreme Lord, the giver of salvation
- The bona fide spiritual master who happens to meet the sincere devotee should be accepted as the most confidential and beloved representative of the Lord
- The devotee does not have to learn anything new from the Lord because the Lord teaches the sincere devotee always from within
- The devotees know this truth (God knows past,present & future) and therefore they discharge their duties sincerely, without being overly anxious for rewards. Besides that, one cannot estimate the Lord's reactions, either by speculation or by scholarship
- The four sages Sanat-kumara, Sanatana, Sanandana & Sanaka are described as actually sincere devotees. Although they had heard from their father, Brahma, about the personal feature of the Lord, only the impersonal feature - Brahman - was revealed to them
- The intelligent man seeks the help of the Lord, and the Lord helps the sincere devotees engaged in His multifarious services
- The life of a sincere devotee of the Lord is thus explained in a nutshell by Narada Muni by his personal example
- The Lord Himself appears as the spiritual master to a person who is sincere in heart about serving the Lord
- The Lord is never hungry, nor does He require any food to fill His empty stomach. He is complete in Himself. Yet He always mercifully eats the foods offered by His devotees in sincere affection
- The Lord is reciprocally respondent to His devotees. When He sees that a devotee is completely sincere in getting admittance to the transcendental service of the Lord and has thus become eager to hear about Him, the Lord acts from within
- The Lord is transcendental to our sense experience, but He reveals Himself to the sincere devotee. Because Vidura was always absorbed in thought of the Lord, Maitreya could estimate Vidura's transcendental value
- The Lord is within everything, and He creates everything by His different energies. Through His inconceivable powers He can appear at any place in order to favor His sincere devotee
- The Lord protects His devotees from the demoniac material allurements provided the devotee sincerely keeps himself pure by the above mentioned process of regulated life in Krishna consciousness. Therefore there should be no fear for you
- The Lord reveals Himself to the sincere devotee when He is pleased with his service: svayam eva sphuraty adah
- The Lord understands the mentality and sincerity of a particular living entity who is engaged in Krsna consciousness and gives him the intelligence to understand the science of Krsna in the association of the devotees. BG 1972 purports
- The more a devotee sincerely loves Krsna, the more Krsna reciprocates, so much so that a highly advanced devotee can talk with Krsna face to face. Krsna confirms this in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 10.10
- The practical experience of Maharaja Pariksit is disclosed herein (SB 2.4.5), revealing that transcendental topics of the Lord act like injections when received by the sincere devotee from a person who is perfectly uncontaminated by material tinges
- The service of the Lord through purified senses is called bhakti-yoga, or devotional service. The sincere devotee is always helped by the Supersoul, who resides within the heart of every living entity
- The sincere devotee engaged in Krsna consciousness cannot be without knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- The sincere devotee should go on with sincere service of the Lord. The Lord will give proper direction as to how and where it has to be done
- The sincere devotee who associates with devotees gets the opportunity to hear and contemplate this subject of the pastimes of the Lord, and the result is that he feels distaste for so-called happiness in this or that world
- The Supersoul gives instructions to the sincere, unalloyed devotee on how he can progress more and more in approaching the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be realized through karma-kanda and jnana-kanda. Adurlabham atma-bhaktau: the Lord is realized only by a sincere devotee
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is known as bhava-grahi janardana because He takes only the essence of a devotee's attitude. If a devotee sincerely surrenders, the Lord, as the Supersoul in everyone's heart, immediately understands this
- The very beautiful form of the Lord is always youthful. Sincere servants of a particular form of the Lord always see that form as very beautiful, and thus they engage in constant devotional service to Him
- Their (sincere devotees) only business is to chant and remember the holy name, fame and pastimes of the Lord and, according to personal capacity, to distribute the message for others' welfare without motive of material gain
- There are many examples of sincere devotees in the history of the world, especially in India, and they are our guides on the path of self-realization
- There are three classes of transcendentalists (3) a sincere devotee of the Lord, who awakens God consciousness by hearing and chanting and leaves home depending completely on the Personality of Godhead, who resides in his heart
- They (devotees of God) are not afraid of entering a hellish condition, for since they are engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, heaven or hell is the same for them
- They (sincere devotees) are never envious of anyone, nor are they proud of being eligible to go back to Godhead because they have the highest aim of life, going back to Godhead
- This (Krsna does not very readily grant perfection in devotional service) means that Krsna wants to see that a devotee is actually sincere and serious and that he does not have ulterior motives
- This first-class devotee is one who has strictly followed the rules and regulations under the training of a bona fide spiritual master and has sincerely obeyed him in accord with revealed scriptures
- This humbleness of the pure devotee, who is one hundred percent engaged in His service, puts the devotee of the Lord in a trance by which to realize everything, because to the sincere devotee of the Lord, the Lord reveals Himself
- This is the special favor of the Lord toward a sincere devotee - taking away all his possessions, especially his material opulence, his money
- Those who are sincerely devotee of Vasudeva sometimes, due to their past habits, may commit something sinful, not knowingly, but habituated; that is excused by Krsna
- Thus it is the duty of every sincere devotee to accept the arca-vigraha at home or in the temple and worship the form of the Lord as advised in authorized scriptures and directed by the spiritual master
- Very intelligent and sincere devotee
- Very qualified and sincere devotee
- Very serious and sincere devotees
- Very sincere and very much qualified devotees
- Visnu Svami considered that accepting the dress of a tri-dandi was paratma-nistha. Therefore sincere devotees add another danda, the jiva-danda, to the three existing dandas
- What he (A pure devotee) very sincerely desires at heart is to continue in the loving service of the Lord, even at the risk of taking birth again
- When one is sincere in his devotional service, the Lord obliges the devotee to give up his material development and completely surrender unto Him
- When Prahlada Maharaja was offered benediction by Nrsimha-deva, due to his great devotion and tolerance he refused to accept any benediction from the Lord, thinking that such acceptance was not befitting a sincere devotee
- When the Lord is fully satisfied with the sincere efforts of the devotee, He may endow him with His loving transcendental service
- You are a sincere devotee from the very beginning, coming from a very respectable family, intelligent, and your humbleness is a proof of your high parentage
- You are such a sincere devotee that Krishna has helped you to understand the philosophy so quickly. And this sincerity of purpose is the only means to attain perfection in Krishna Consciousness