Category:See Me (Prabhupada)
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Pages in category "See Me (Prabhupada)"
The following 42 pages are in this category, out of 42 total.
- As you are very much eager to see me stronger, similarly I am also very much eager to regain my former health and serve you all
- At present, I am very busy and have very little time; still your ideas are very nice. However, unless we meet together, it will be difficult to give you help. Perhaps you can come to see me, as I will be in Vrindavan, at our Krsna-Balarama Mandir
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami, after seeing me, said that you all are learned then why don’t you preach the teaching of Caitanya Mahaprabhu in foreign countries, On this I argued with him, I said we are dependent country, who will listen to us?
- By Krishna's grace, you are very much engaged there. It is very encouraging. I will be going to Hawaii on Jan. 24th via Hong Kong and Tokyo, arriving in Honolulu about the 29th. If you like, you can see me there
- I (Prabhupada) am sure if he sees me it will not be difficult to convince him about this Krsna Consciousness philosophy because after all he is your son. I do not know his present address, otherwise I would have called him here directly
- I am going to Mayapur tomorrow morning, and you are welcome to come to our Sri Candra doya Mandir there and see me
- I am in due receipt of your short note which was hand-delivered to me by Dr. Wolf. I won't have the opportunity to visit Atlanta on this tour, however, I shall be in New York from July 9th - July 20th. You can see me in New York if it is possible for you
- I am returning to Vrndavana by October. At that time, you please see me, and we shall talk about your program
- I have got my temple here. There are devotees. They want to see me. I want to see them. They want to take something, spiritual knowledge, from me, and my duty is to impart
- I shall be very glad if you come and visit me in Honolulu at our temple at 51 Coelho Way. When you come to see me, we can talk over all these things. I shall be leaving Honolulu for L.A. on June 20th, 1975
- I shall be very happy if you would kindly come and see me here. I am scheduled to leave Hawaii on the morning of Feb. 9th, so if you could possibly come before that time it would be very nice
- I understand also from him that Kirtanananda Swami is also eager to see me, and we shall be very glad if they come back and work with us conjointly. I am praying for this to Krishna
- If some of the leaders may come and see me. Just like the governor of Chandigarh. He's nice man. He came to see me in his governmental position, with his aide-de-camp, car and men
- If they see me they immediately fall down flat
- If you want to stay there I have no objection. For the time being you can perform your devotional service in Puri and when I return to Mayapur in mid-March, you can see me and we shall see what was the cause for your being asked to leave
- In Los Angeles many fathers and mothers used to come to see me to express their feelings of gratitude for my (Prabhupada's) leading the Krsna consciousness movement throughout the entire world. BG 1972 Preface
- Maya saw me very successful within one year, so that I got so many sincere young flowers like yourself and others, so it was a great defeat to the activities of maya
- Mr. George Harrison appears to be very intelligent boy, and he is by the Grace of Krishna fortunate also. On the first day, he came to see me along with John Lennon, and we had talks about 2 hours. He wanted to talk with me more
- So far your son is concerned, last year when I was in Los Angeles I invited your son to come and see me; and if he comes to me, surely I shall try my best to bring him into our line of devotional service
- Surely he will be very much influenced by seeing our Temple activities and street Samkirtan movement in the city. So please ask him to see me immediately
- Thank you for the pecans. I shall be coming to L.A. on the 20th of June for one week & then I shall go to Denver for one week. You can see me in L.A., if you like. Please continue to follow all of the rules & regulations carefully, & chant or read always
- Thank you so much for your eagerness to see me. I am doing the work of my Guru Maharaja and similarly you also help me and we will be all benefited in Krishna Consciousness
- The old man who comes to our Calcutta temple, Nagan, came to see me in Bombay. He said we have saved Calcutta and the Naxalites are in favor of our Calcutta will change
- The other day one professor came to see me from Khabudvipa(?). He was very submissive, but still, he would argue like this, that "Whatever Krsna is making me to do, I am doing." So I told him, "Krsna is asking you to surrender. Why don't you surrender?"
- The Ramakrishna Mission man came to see me. He said that "You dress like American. Otherwise nobody will take you as important."
- They (so-called devotees of Lord Caitanya who are envious to see our disciples addressing their spiritual master as Prabhupada) formed a faction along with other such envious persons just to minimize the value of the Krsna consciousness movement
- To keep myself under your care will certainly be a great boon. The only thing I am considering about staying in the mainland because the devotees in different centers here can see me if required more quickly then they can do so in Hawaii
- We hope we shall get very good response from the student community here, because one of the representatives of the student newspaper came to see me and there was nice discussion, and I hope a good report will come out
- When I was in Calcutta, many Naxalite and Communist youths used to see me. They were arguing with me, but I defeated them smilingly. They left after offering me their respects
- Without seeing him (His Divine Grace Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja) at that opportune moment never would we have been able to 2) be engaged in the factual service of the Lord under instructions of His Divine Grace
- Without seeing him (His Divine Grace Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja) at that opportune moment, we could have become a very great business magnate, but never 1) would we have been able to walk the path of liberation
- You are expecting to see me, but I also expected to see the London Rathayatra, but you made no arrangement so what can I do?
- You give him the scheme and ask him, and if he wants to discuss it, please come and see me
- You may come and see me after September 3rd in Vrndavana where we can discuss all these affairs. There is also a nice guest house there