Category:Regular Chanting
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Pages in category "Regular Chanting"
The following 56 pages are in this category, out of 56 total.
- A person advanced in spiritual consciousness through the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra need not practice to develop it (taror iva sahisnuna) separately, for a devotee develops all good qualities simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra regularly
- All our students must carry out these daily duties of regular chanting without offense of ten kinds, following the regulations, and studying our literatures
- As president, you must make sure that all the students are regularly chanting 16 rounds, taking bath, attending mangal aratrik, reading our books, and following the regulative principles. If everyone keeps strictly these principles then success is assured
- As you chant, try to hear each word very carefully and always complete your sixteen rounds. Regular and attentive chanting, along with following the four regulative principles will keep one pure
- Best way to maintain enthusiasm is by regular chanting with the devotees together in the temple and by having festivals. So you should immediately have one festival then everyone will be busily engaged. I can give you one festival for every day
- By chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra regularly and following the regulative principles, one becomes qualified to be initiated as a brahmana
- By the grace of the spiritual master and Krsna, one nourishes the bhakti-lata by regularly sprinkling it with the water of sravana-kirtana, hearing and chanting
- By your example teach all of the citizens to become ideal Vaisnavas, faithfully following the regulative principles and chanting regularly the Hare Krsna mantra
- First management is that each and every member in the temple is chanting sixteen rounds regularly and following the regulations, that's all
- For six of the eighteen years He continuously stayed in Jagannatha Puri, He regularly performed kirtana, inducing all the devotees to love Krsna simply by chanting and dancing
- Haridasa Thakura replied, "I shall accept you without fail, but you will have to wait until I have finished chanting my regular rounds on my beads. Until that time, please sit and listen to the chanting of the holy name"
- Haridasa Thakura was the ideal spiritual master because he regularly chanted on his beads a prescribed number of times. Indeed, he was chanting the holy name of the Lord 300,000 times a day
- He wanted to preach the glories of name, but there are teachers with title. Acarya title was given to Haridasa because he was chanting daily, regularly
- I am so glad to note that you are strictly following the regulative principles of devotional life and regularly chanting 16 rounds of beads daily. Continue faithfully, because such chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra is our very strength in spiritual life
- I am so pleased that you are chanting the Hare Krsna mantra 16 rounds regularly and following the principles. Stick to these rules and regulations and Krsna will bless you with Krsna consciousness
- I am very glad to know that you are feeling happy in Krsna's service and you are chanting His holy Names regularly according to the Vaisnava prescription. I am very glad that you have requested initiation and I have duly chanted your beads
- I hope that you are trying to follow the regulative principles and that both you and your husband are chanting your beads regularly daily. These two duties are essential for advancement in Krsna Consciousness
- I hope you are chanting regularly at least 16 rounds. Sometimes Maya disturbs us but that does not mean any serious drawback. So if you feel too much uneasy, you can come and live with me for some time, and everything will be set up
- I hope you are doing your best to conduct the regular routine duties of the Temple-chanting regularly the beads, observing the restrictive regulations, taking Samkirtan Party to the streets, and selling our magazines and books
- I know that you cannot stop kirtana or chanting but it must be done regularly because that is our strength. We are always in the whirlpool of maya, and only this chanting of Mantra can save us from all pitfalls
- I would also like to know if the initiated devotees are chanting regularly sixteen rounds and following the regulative principles rigidly. This is very essential
- If they ( following the regulative principles and chanting on your beads regularly) are made the center of our activities, then Krsna will begin to answer all questions from within how to become further advanced in His loving devotional service
- If this principle (remaining with the family and trying to become purified by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra regularly under the direction of a spiritual master) is followed by everyone, there is no need to accept sannyasa
- If we deviate from this process (observing the rules and regulations and regularly chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra) we may fall down, even though we may be very highly advanced
- Immediately begin Deity worship as Kirtanananda and Brahmananda is doing, and I am sure this process, helped by your regular chanting, will kill Mr. Lust, rest assured
- In our Krsna consciousness movement after six months or a year, he (who has got first initiation with hari-nama and chanting at least 16 rounds a day) is initiated for the second time and given the sacred thread with the regular sacrifice and rituals
- It is our practical experience in the KC movement all over the world that many millions of people are factually coming to the spiritual stage of life simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra regularly, according to the prescribed principles
- It is very encouraging to me that you are regularly chanting your twenty rounds of beads daily. Be careful never to decrease but increase the number and you will become more strong in Krsna Consciousness
- It is very good news for me (Prabhupada) that you are regularly chanting your 16 rounds; try to increase the rounds, but don't decrease
- It would be better to remain with his family and try to become purified by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra regularly under the direction of a spiritual master. This is the instruction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Kindly execute the missionary activities very carefully with enthusiasm, patience, conviction, follow the regulative principles, chanting regularly 16 rounds, dealing without any duplicity, and above all keeping oneself in the society of pure devotees
- Krsna-kirtana is so nice that even without sacred thread, because he is regularly chanting, he is to be supposed to be purified. That is the recommendation given by Jiva Gosvami
- One then (if one is sincere, he is initiated) actually engages in the service of the Lord by regularly chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, sixteen rounds daily, and refraining from illicit sex, intoxicants, meat-eating and gambling
- Our line of action is not difficult - chanting sixteen rounds regularly, following the four restrictive principles, take prasadam, read books - we have got so many books - speak, discuss about the subject matter amongst yourself, and this is the process
- Simply follow the regular program of chanting 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Maha-mantra daily and abstain from illicit sex-life, meat-eating, gambling, and intoxication. In this way you will surely make rapid progress in Krishna Consciousness
- So Lord Caitanya says that ceto-darpana-marjanam. This misconception of life will be the first installment of our profit by chanting, by regularly chanting this Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna, by performing this yajna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu regularly led congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra in the house of Srivasa Thakura every night for one full year
- The (Krsna conscious) movement will go on increasing more and more, provided the leaders of the movement remain firmly Krsna conscious by following the regulative principles and the primary activities of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra regularly
- The austerity in our Gaudiya-sampradaya is very simple: following the four principles, restriction, avoiding the offenses, and chanting regular beads. That's all. And hearing. Chanting and hearing, both things. Not only chanting; we have to hear SB
- The conclusion is that anyone who is trying to advance in Krsna consciousness by regularly chanting the holy name should always be respected by Vaisnavas
- The Governing Body Commission's duty is to see that every member is following the rules and regulations and chanting sixteen round regularly on the beads
- The holy name is so spiritually potent that simply by chanting the holy name one can be freed from the reactions to all sinful activities. What, then, is to be said of those who chant the holy name regularly or worship the Deity regularly
- The only thing we require for this purpose is to remain in our spiritual strength by chanting regularly & following the rules & regulations. I am sure you are already strict on this point, & it is my duty to remind it for your steady strength
- The reason for the Japa beads is so that you can keep track of how many times you are chanting Hare Krishna mantra daily. It should be chanted a steady amount of times regularly
- There is very good chance for our success in India. We should follow the same principle; namely chanting the beads regularly, following the regulative principles, leading the Sankirtana Party on the street, try to sell our literature and books
- This Hare Krsna maha-mantra is so powerful, you understand or do not understand, if you go on chanting regularly, one day you will come to the platform - you will clearly understand what is the meaning of God. This is Hare Krsna movement
- We are followers, rupanuga. We are followers of the Gosvamis. So their behavior, sankhya-purvaka-nama-gana-natibhih kalavasani-krtau. The whole time, 24 hours, was used in Krsna consciousness by chanting Hare Krsna mantra regularly on fixed up big beads
- We can understand how we have to be very cautious in executing our spiritual duties by observing the rules and regulations and regularly chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. If we neglect doing this, we will eventually fall down
- We have to be careful not to degenerate like these others. Our strength depends upon regular chanting the required 16 rounds and rigidly adhering to the regulative principles
- You are chanting very regularly and trying to follow the four principels of restriction as far as possible. I have got an account with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Montreal, and, if you like, you may deposit the money there in my account
- You can see the great necessity of following the prescribed duties of chanting regularly and following strictly the instructions of the Spiritual Master and the regulative principles