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Pages in category "Reciprocation"
The following 81 pages are in this category, out of 81 total.
- A bona fide spiritual master is by nature very kind toward the disciple. Therefore when the student is submissive and is always ready to render service, the reciprocation of knowledge and inquiries becomes perfect. BG 1972 purports
- A devotee is not much interested in the universal form, for it does not enable one to reciprocate loving feelings. BG 1972 purports
- A faithful servant and a rich master, the reciprocation is service. The master is also satisfied by the service of the servant, and the servant is also satisfied, giving service to the master. This is our relation with Krsna
- After hearing Ramananda Raya speak of the qualities of Radha Krsna, Lord Caitanya desired to hear from him about the reciprocation of love between Them
- After one attains these (vibhava, anubhava, sattvika & vyabhicari), there is actually an exchange of rasa or transcendental activity with the God. This exchange in loving reciprocation between the lover & the beloved is generally called krsna-bhakti-rasa
- All of these symptoms are transcendental, and they are exhibited in different ways, acting and interacting under different conditions. They are like the reciprocation of love between the lover and beloved
- Arjuna saved his life (Maya Danava's), and as a result of this the demon felt obliged. He reciprocated by building a wonderful assembly house for the Pandavas, which attracted the extraordinary attention of all state princes
- As expansions of Her personal form and transcendental disposition, they (the damsels of Vraja) are agents of different reciprocations of love in the pastimes of Lord Krsna, under the supreme direction of Srimati Radharani
- As more and more you increase in sincerity, similarly Krishna will more and more reciprocate by giving you the intelligence to serve Him nicely
- As soon as there is a reciprocal exchange by the living entity’s free will, at once the great spiritual being attracts the small living entity, thus freeing him from all material bondage
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the performance of yajna brings reciprocal good fortune for both the human beings and the demigods
- Caitanya replied, I can find no one else in the world who can realize the transcendental loving reciprocation between Radha & Krsna. You (Ramananda Raya) are asking Me to stay here for ten days, but I feel like remaining with you for the rest of My life
- Caitanya told Ramananda Raya, Such a position (of transcendental loving reciprocation) cannot be attained without the performance of transcendental activities. So will you kindly explain to Me how I can raise Myself to this platform?
- Devotional service is reciprocation between two, and therefore it cannot be located simply within one’s self. Therefore the bliss of self-realization, brahmananda, cannot be equated with devotional service
- Devotional service reciprocated between the Lord and His devotee is an exhibition of the transcendental pleasure potency of the Lord
- Feelings of love are reciprocal, especially on the spiritual platform. I know what is your feelings about me, and in the same way I am always dependent on your kind affection
- Formerly it was customary that the sages used to go to the kings and the kings used to visit the sages in their hermitages; each was glad to fulfill the other's purpose. This reciprocal relationship is called bhakti-karya
- If we take it (loving affairs between Radha and Krsna) as ordinary boy and girls reciprocating their loving feelings, then we will misunderstand. Then there will be the production of prakrta-sahajiya, victims of Vrndavana
- If you are not ideal, then it will be useless to open center. You behave nicely, they will come, they will see, and they will learn. If you go to some school and the professors are rascals, then what you will learn? It is both, reciprocal
- If you go to some school and the professors are rascals, then what you will learn? It is both, reciprocal. You shall act as professor, teachers. Your life should be ideal, and they will come and see, and they will learn
- Illusioned mundaners cannot understand the transcendental and reciprocal relationship between the Lord and His devotees, and therefore they want to lord it over material nature or cynically merge with the Absolute
- In order to intelligently apply the sixfold loving reciprocations mentioned in the previous verse, one must select proper persons with careful discrimination
- In reciprocal devotional activities with the Lord, the devotee actually enjoys the transcendental mellow of devotional service
- In the Absolute world the fool is also the master and the master is also a fool in reciprocal exchange of dealings. Lord Caitanya also accepted Himself a great fool before His spiritual master and all of us must follow the transcendental process
- In the impersonal philosophy there is no reciprocation between the Supreme and the living entity, but in the personalist philosophy there is. BG 1972 purports
- In the spiritual world satisfaction of the senses is equally shared by the transcendental reciprocators. Since the activities are unlimited and constantly increasing, there is no scope for material attempts or artificial arrangements
- In the Twelfth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that in Kali-yuga the government will levy taxes without reciprocally benefiting the citizens
- In this way (one person chanting Hare Krsna mantra and at the end of mantra, the group responding) there is a reciprocation of hearing and chanting
- In Vrindaban the reciprocation of transcendental humor is higher than in Vaikuntha
- It is the duty of the saints and sages to enlighten the fallen souls, and reciprocally it is the duty of the householder to receive the saints and sages cordially, as the peacock dances in ecstasy at the presence of clouds in the sky
- It is very difficult to ascertain which exigency is the cause of the other, but we can describe this process of reciprocity as the wheel of work. And to travel all over the universe is to circumambulate the wheel of work
- Living entities in a pure state are called devotees. The Supreme Lord becomes the devotee of His devotees. If a reciprocal relationship is not present between the devotee and the Lord, then there is no personalist philosophy. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Caitanya admitted that this is the highest position of transcendental loving reciprocation, and He told Ramananda Raya, By your grace only have I been able to understand such a high transcendental position
- Love is reciprocal, voluntary, good exchange of feeling, then there is love; not by force. That is rape.Why one is called lover, another is called rape
- Reciprocations of loving affairs in ecstasy are possible only in Vrndavana. Therefore just after His (Krsna's) appearance as the son of Vasudeva, the Lord immediately left for Vrndavana
- Reciprocations of lusty desire took place between Lord Siva and the beautiful woman, even though Uma and Lord Siva's associates were by Lord Siva's side. Such is the attraction between man and woman in the material world
- Self-realization ultimately means to understand the Personality of Godhead and the living entities; to know the individual self and the reciprocal exchanges of loving service between the Supreme and the living entity is real self-realization
- Such association (between Krsna & Radharani) have nothing to do with material lust, although it resembles the material union between man & woman. It is only because that similarity is there that such reciprocation is sometimes called, transcendental lust
- Such reciprocation of feelings (between God and Hid devotees) takes place in the transcendental Vaikuntha planets, and therefore the liberation sought by the impersonalists is already achieved in devotional service
- The Bhagavad-gita religion is not Hindu religion or Christian religion or Mohammedan religion. It is the real religion, between the soul and God. The reciprocation, the exchange of dealings between the Supreme and the subordinate
- The body is generated from activity, and activity is generated from the body, just as a tree is generated from a seed that is generated from a tree. This reciprocal cause and effect is called maya
- The gopis said, "One class simply receives, another class reciprocates favorably, even if the lover is very contrary, and the third class neither acts contrary nor answers favorably in dealings of love"
- The householder should not foolishly ask a saint to deliver what is available in the market. That should be the reciprocal relation between the saints and the householders
- The impersonalist cannot reciprocate. Krishna does not take anything from them, neither does He give them anything. The Impersonal, therefore, simply enjoys the troubles of speculation
- The liberated souls are not devoid of senses; otherwise there cannot be any reciprocation of unhampered spiritual happiness exchanged between them in spontaneous unbroken joy
- The Lord says here (in BG 9.29) distinctly, "mayi te," "in Me." Naturally, as a result, the Lord is also in them (who are situated in Him). This is reciprocal. This also explains the words: asti na priyah/ye bhajanti. BG 1972 purports
- The material relations are based on reciprocation of material enjoyment, which depends mainly on material resources
- The monist philosopher, after executing severe austerity, merges into the impersonal effulgence of the Lord, but the living entity always wants reciprocation in loving affairs
- The professional prostitutes jubilantly smeared these liquid substances on the bodies of the men, and the men reciprocated in the same way. All the liquid substances had been mixed with turmeric and saffron, and their color was a lustrous yellow
- The reciprocation between friends is called sakhya, the affection of a parent for a child is known as vatsalya, and the affairs of conjugal love constitute madhurya
- The so-called wives and husbands, parents and children, are all concerned with reciprocal material profit. As soon as the shroud of illusion is removed, the dead body of material so-called love and affection is at once manifest to the naked eye
- The son serves the father, just as the servant serves the master. There is affection between master and servant and son and father. The father also serves the son in so many ways; therefore the relationship is reciprocal
- The spirit soul is eternal, and the Supreme Lord is eternal; therefore reciprocation of their loving exchanges is eternal
- The spiritual master is always instructing his disciples and they in turn are always trying to serve their spiritual master. It is a reciprocal relationship of love
- The Supreme Soul is the Personality of Godhead, and the individual soul is the living entity. When they engage in reciprocation of service and benediction, the living entity is said to be in the atmarama position
- The system which teaches this eternal system of reciprocation - that is called sanatana-dharma, the eternal religion. It is meant for everyone
- The whole process of devotional service involves a transcendental reciprocation in the relationship between the worshiper and the worshiped. Without such a diverse exchange of transcendental flavors, devotional service has no meaning
- There is science, and there is also loving reciprocation. Krsna is very dear to the wise man, and the wise man is very dear to Krsna. Krsna will return our love a thousand-fold
- This (God is equal to everyone, because of natural affection He favors His devotees) partiality of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is natural. A person cares for his children not because of partiality but in a reciprocation of love
- This reciprocation of service and love between husband and wife is the ideal of a householder's life
- Those who imagine the form are called iconoclasts. During the Hindu-Muslim riots in India, some Hindus would go to the Moslem mosque and would break statues and images of God, and the Moslems would reciprocate in like manner
- We should always remember that the society, friendship, only shadowy representations of the real society, friendship, and love reciprocated in the kingdom of God
- When Lord Balarama returned to Vrndavana, all the cowherd boys and the gopis had grown up; but still, on His arrival, they all embraced Him, and Balarama embraced them in reciprocation
- When there is reciprocation of transcendental dealings with Krsna, Krsna gradually becomes a personal associate of the devotee. Then the devotee eternally enjoys blissful life