Category:Real Purpose of Life
Pages in category "Real Purpose of Life"
The following 57 pages are in this category, out of 57 total.
- Gaura Pahu, 1969 - Why I have invited the spiritual death? Because I am engaged in something which is useless and I have rejected the real purpose of my life
- Go back home, back to Godhead. That is the mission of human life. And that point we are missing. We are engaged in so-called philanthropic work. Real purpose of life we are missing. And this can be done only in this human form of life
- Gross material science cannot divert the real purpose of human life. They can only increase the artificial needs of life without any solution to the problems of life
- Here it is the real purpose of human life: vasudeva-para veda vasudeva-para makhah, vasudeva-para yogah. There are so many yogis. I can clearly say that without Vasudeva, yoga - simply pressing the nose, that's all - this is not yoga
- Human life is meant for understanding the spiritual value of life, but on account of the people being sudras, they are not interested. They are forgetting the real purpose of life
- I (Kunti) am falsely attached to these families, but my real purpose in life is to be attached to You. - This is bhakti
- I can perform spiritual weddings for my initiated disciples. I have gotten so many young devotees married, and they are executing Krishna Consciousness nicely. That is the real purpose of married life
- I have rejected the real purpose of my life. - Adhama means valueless things. And dhana means valuables. So actually, everyone of us, neglecting our spiritual emanicipation, we are engaged in material sense gratification
- If these leaders simply become a little convinced about the real purpose of human life, there is tremendous potency for improving the world
- Ignorant of the real purpose of life, people take to either gross materialistic activities or ritualistic activities. King Barhisman is herein (SB 4.29.47) requested not to be attached to such activities
- Impelled by false prestige and infatuated by material opulences, human society, instead of striving for Krsna consciousness, creates havoc and disrupts peaceful living. Thus men forget the real purpose of life: to attain the favor of Lord Visnu
- Narada Muni wanted to instruct the King about the real purpose of life and invoke a spirit of renunciation in his heart. Knowledge and the spirit of renunciation (jnana-vairagya) are the ultimate goal of life
- Narottama dasa Thakura advises, sadhu-sastra-guru-vakya, hrdaye kariya aikya. The meaning is that one must consider the instructions of the sadhu, the revealed scriptures and the spiritual master in order to understand the real purpose of spiritual life
- Not the real purpose of life
- Now I have given you everything, but I do not see that even the basic principles of advancement in spiritual life are always there, and sometimes there is tendency to neglect what is our real purpose of life, namely, to become mad after Krsna
- One should learn how to dovetail everything in the service of the Lord, for everything is connected to Krsna. That is the real purpose of life and secret of success
- Our real engagement should be in inquiring about the real purpose of life and rendering devotional service to the Lord. Thus we will be eternally blessed in our spiritual activities, full of knowledge and bliss
- People are not interested for liberation. They want to become religious for material benefit. But that is not the real purpose of life
- Persons who are attached to worshiping demigods like Lord Brahma, Siva, Indra and Candra for some personal benefit are less intelligent and have forgotten the real purpose of life
- Santah, saintly persons, or mahatma, they develop by hearing about God constantly. They develop love of God. That is the aim of life. That is the real purpose of human life
- Society, friendship, love and everything should be so adjusted that it may not disturb our real purpose of life. Not that we forget our real purpose of life and we become more and more entangled in the so-called society, friendship and love
- That is the real purpose of married life; to live together peacefully, execute Krishna Consciousness, bring up children in Krishna Consciousness, so they will not again have to enter into this world of birth and death
- That is your real purpose of life. "Real purpose of" means that you are part and parcel of God, and He is waiting when you give up service, your manufactured service, and come to this service of Krsna consciousness, devotional service
- The Bhagavata says that you can make economic development as far as it maintains your body and soul together. Not that making whole life economic development and real purpose of life forget
- The first combination is with wife, and then we want some apartment or place to live together, then produce children, then we want society; then we want money, wealth. In this way go on increasing, the real purpose of life is forgotten
- The karmis and jnanis are generally devotees of Lord Siva, but they do not properly understand his real purpose in life. Sometimes so-called devotees of Lord Siva imitate him in using poisonous intoxicants
- The real purpose of human life is to attain liberation from material entanglement. Such liberation may be achieved by many methods, but all of them more or less depend on tapasya, austerity, which begins with celibacy
- The real purpose of human life is to attain the spiritual platform and return to Godhead. That is the summum bonum of spiritual realization
- The real purpose of life is how to become detached from this material life. That is perfection. But people are being educated how to become attached. That is the difference between Krsna consciousness and so-called human civilization
- The real purpose of life is to become a devotee of the Lord. It does not matter where one is situated
- The real purpose of life is to go back home, back to Godhead, and live with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, play with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, dance with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and eat with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The real purpose of life is to make contact with the Lord and be engaged in His service. That is the natural position of living entities
- The real purpose of life is to remember Krsna when one's life comes to an end (ante narayana-smrtih (SB 2.1.6)). If at the time of death one can remember Krsna, one's life is successful
- The real purpose of life is to revive our dormant love of God. Indeed, that is our ultimate necessity. How that love of God can be attained is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The real purpose of life is to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Srila Rupa Gosvami describes in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu that devotional service is so exalted that it is beneficial and auspicious for every man
- The real purpose of life, especially human life, is meant for reviving our sanatana-dharma, sanatana occupation, eternal occupation
- The real purpose of life, jivasya tattva-jijnasa (SB 1.2.10), that is missing. And when you present that "This is the most important business of life," they say - It is brainwashing
- The sacrifices which are recommended in the Vedas are meant to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In ignorance only, people try to satisfy many other agents, but the real purpose of life is to satisfy the Supreme Lord, Visnu
- The so-called scientific advancement is simply expanding the influence of maya's illusory energy. They're already rascals and fools, and still they are being made rascals and fools. So they're forgetting their real purpose of life
- The standard of morality, Arjuna's activity of killing was immoral. Morality, immorality, this is all creation of mind. Real purpose of life: to serve the order of Krsna. That is real morality
- The temporary comforts of life experienced either on this planet or on other planets are all to be taken as illusory because they do not touch the real purpose of life. The real purpose of life is to go back home, back to Godhead
- The Vedic performances are, of course, very glittering and pleasing to hear about, but they do not serve the real purpose of life
- Their business was, these Gosvamis, krsnotkirtana-gana-nartana-parau: they were always engaged in chanting "Krsna." That is the real purpose of human life, especially in this age
- They are very much attached to this material body and anything in relationship with this body. But the real purpose of human life is to become renounced - no more material body. That is required
- This is called varnasrama-dharma. This is real purpose of life: four varnas, four classes of men, up to fourth class, not up to tenth class. And then spiritual life: brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasa
- Those in the mode of goodness can engage in devotional service, and after that they can return home, back to Godhead (yanti mad-yajino 'pi mam). That is the real purpose of human life
- What is the real purpose of the human form of life? Cultivating Krsna consciousness. Other things will be obtained by nature's law, which is ultimately God's law
- When man forgets the real purpose of life, the mission of human form of life, then it is called dharmasya glanih, the disturbance of the occupation of human being
- Why we should become so foolish that forget our real purpose of life and engage in will-o'-the-wisp struggle for existence, which will never be successful? Why this misconception of life?
- With the destruction of one body, the soul transmigrates to another body, thus the bondage of material existence. Therefore, to train the soul properly to revive his original consciousness, or Krishna Consciousness, is the real purpose of human life