Category:Real Problem of Life
Pages in category "Real Problem of Life"
The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total.
- Actually, they are rascals. They do not know the value of life and the real problem of life. Simply like animals they are eating, sleeping, having sex life and dying. That's all
- As human being, as we are trying to solve our problems . . . the real problem we have to solve. And why we are in material condition and miserable condition? Because we have got this material body. This is the problem, real problem
- Bhagavad-gita points out that you may feel very happy with your so-called material senses, but you should see to the real problem of life, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi: birth, death, old age and disease
- Birth, death, old age, disease, the real problems of life. It does not mean that because we have advanced in so-called material civilization, you have avoided birth, death
- Education does not mean how to find out a fish expertly. That is being done by the birds. Education means to solve the problem of life. And what is the real problem? Birth, death, old age and disease
- Everyone is becoming engineering, technologist or medical man or so many. But the real problem of life is to understand the self
- Everyone is engaged in childish activities, but nobody is interested in the real problem of life
- Everyone is fool, rascal. He does not know what is the real problem of life
- How to become free from the bondage of this material body and become free again in spiritual life, that is real problem of life. That they do not know
- Human form of life, nobody is interested to know about the philosophy of the life, value of life. They have become so frivolous. In this evening, everyone is engaged in childish activities, but nobody is interested in the real problem of life
- In BG, Krsna informs us that our real problem of life is death - birth, death, old age and disease. Birth is the beginning, and then, one who has taken birth, he must die. But if one does not take birth, then he does not die. This is the actual problem
- It is the real problem of life. We say that you live peacefully, happily, but don't risk your life
- The real problem of life in the material world is to solve the question of birth, death, old age and disease
- The real problem of life is birth, death, disease and old age. Not that to live in a high skyscraper our problems of life is solved
- The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things
- The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things. It will not give relief
- The real problem of life is the repetition of birth and death, which is like a wheel rolling repeatedly up and down. This wheel, however, completely stops when one is in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The real problem of life is to understand the self. But there is no educational system throughout the whole world what is the self, what is his need, how it is constituted, how it is working
- The real problem of life, that we are eternal, as eternal as God, but we are subjected to birth and death
- There are 8,400,000 species of life, forms of life. You have to accept one of them. That is our real problem. If we forget the real problem and blindly or foolishly say that "God is dead . . ." God may be dead, but God's law is not dead
- They (the scientists) are as good as an ordinary man, because they do not know actually the real problem of life. But they are puffed-up
- This human form of life, is meant for understanding the real problem of life and to solve it. This is the opportunity. And Krsna personally coming to instruct you, "You solve in this way." But we are so doggish, we will not take. What can be done
- To us everything material, without connection to Krsna, is to be rejected as stool, otherwise we will waste valuable time needed to solve the real problems of life, namely, birth, death, disease, and old-age
- We are not interested in any material comforts of life which are limited and temporary. We are interested in solving the real problems of life, birth, death, old-age, and disease
- We are so fool that we do not understand what is the real problem of life. We are simply busy in temporary problems. Real problem is that a living being is eternal, and by the laws of nature, by his karma, he has to change his body. That is real problem
- We have neglected the real problems of life. And we are misusing our intelligence for constructing big buildings and constructing or increasing the so-called bodily necessities of life
- When we forget completely our real problems of life, that is animalism. So that animalism . . . when the human society, the animalism is prominent, simply living like animals, that is called dharmasya glanih, Deficiency in the matter of dharma