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Pages in category "Rays"
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- A conditioned soul, even one so great as Brahma, who manages the affairs of the entire universe, cannot compare to the Personality of Godhead, for He can produce numberless universes simply by the spiritual rays emanating from the pores of His body
- Above the rays of the sunshine by a distance of 100,000 yojanas (800,000 miles) is the moon, which travels at a speed faster than that of the sun
- According to the Brahma-samhita, yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda-koti: the material universes are generated from the bodily rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- According to their (modern scientists) experience, the moon is full of dust, but this does not explain how it gives us soothing rays from a distance of millions of miles
- All devotees who think of the Paramatma within the heart worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the temple Deity. They also understand the impersonal features of the Lord and His bodily rays, the Brahman effulgence
- All glories to Sri Caitanya, who acted as the eastern horizon where the sun of the atmarama verse rose. He manifested its rays in the form of different meanings and thus eradicated the darkness of the material world. May He protect the universe
- All the luminaries, from the sun up to Dhruvaloka, distribute their rays throughout the three worlds, but only within the boundary formed by this mountain (Lokaloka Mountain)
- Although sunshine is not different from the sun, still, if you simply study scientifically, scientifically, what is the molecules, what are these rays, where this brilliant illuminative thing . . . so many things you can go on studying
- Although the impersonal feature of the Absolute is an expansion of the rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He does not need to take care of the impersonalists who enter the brahma-jyotir
- Although the sun is situated far away from the other planets, its rays sustain and maintain them all. Similarly, the supreme sun, Govinda, diffuses His heat and light everywhere in the form of His different potencies
- As the moon never refuses to distribute its pleasing rays even to the home of a candala, a Vaisnava never refuses to act for everyone's welfare
- As the powerful sun, by its glowing rays, can purify all kinds of impurities, so the all-spiritual Personality of Godhead can purify all material qualities in a person He attracts
- As the sparks of a fire or the shining rays of the sun emanate from their source and merge into it again and again, the mind, the intelligence, the senses, the gross and subtle material bodies all emanate from the Lord and again merge into Him
- As the sun exists diffusing its unlimited rays, so does the Supersoul, or Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Association with Krsna is like association with sunshine. Where there is sunshine, there is no contamination. As long as one is out in the ultraviolet rays of the sun, he will not be diseased
- Because it (Lokaloka Mountain) is extremely high, extending even higher than Dhruvaloka, it blocks the rays of the luminaries, which therefore can never extend beyond it
- Because of even the faintest rays of the effulgence of the Lord's holy name, one can attain liberation. We can see this in all the revealed scriptures. The evidence appears in the story of Ajamila in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- By His (Krsna's) impersonal feature He expands the rays of the brahmajyoti, which is limitless and all-pervasive
- Faithless unbelievers do not see what is clearly evident, just as owls do not see the rays of the sun
- Freed from all sinful reactions are those who concentrate their minds with great attention upon My very pleasing abode; the white island, Svetadvipa, which is always brilliant with spiritual rays; My mark of Srivatsa; the Kaustubha gem
- From Atri's tears of jubilation was born a son named Soma, the moon, who was full of soothing rays. Lord Brahma appointed him the director of the brahmanas, drugs and luminaries
- From the hair on Hiranyakasipu's head there emanated an effulgent light as brilliant and intolerable as the rays of the sun at the time of dissolution
- He (a rare person) can do this (uproot the weeds of sinful actions with no possibility that they will revive) simply by discharging devotional service, just as the sun can immediately dissipate fog by its rays
- He (a rare person) can do this (uproot the weeds of sinful actions with no possibility that they will revive) simply by discharging devotional service, just as the sun can immediately dissipate fog by its rays - SB 6.1.15
- He (Aniruddha) was dressed in yellow garments & had eyes just like lotus petals. His arms were very long, & he had nice, curling, bluish hair. The glaring rays of his glittering earrings & the beautiful smile on his lips were certainly captivating
- He (Sudama) saw that in place of his cottage there were big palaces made of valuable stones and jewels, glittering like the sun, moon and rays of fire
- Here sun is an insignificant part, creation, of the Lord. And the sun has got so much effulgence, bodily rays, that it is illuminating and heating the whole universe. You cannot deny it. This is the position of the sun
- His neck was very short and thick, His chest broad, His waist thin, and the hairs on His body as white as the rays of the moon
- Impersonal Brahman is also subordinate to the complete. Brahman is more explicitly explained in the Brahma-sutra to be like the rays of the sunshine. The impersonal Brahman is the shining rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 Introduction
- In Brahma-samhita (5.49) Brahma is likened to valuable jewels influenced by the rays of the sun, and the sun is likened to the Supreme Lord Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- In the effulgent rays of the spiritual sky there are innumerable planets floating. The brahma-jyotir emanates from the supreme abode, Krsnaloka, and the anandamaya-cinmaya planets, which are not material, float in those rays. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the rays of the moon, different material entities appear to be comparatively more or less important. The light of the moon on the Taj Mahal appears to be more beautiful than the same light in the wilderness
- In the same way, the yogi should concentrate his mind on the Lord's nipples, which resemble a pair of most exquisite emeralds and which appear whitish because of the rays of the milk-white pearl necklaces adorning His chest
- In the Visnu Purana it is said that as fire expands its rays and heat from one place, similarly the Supreme Spirit, the Personality of Godhead, expands Himself by His manifold energy everywhere and anywhere
- In this prayer, therefore, Sri Isopanisad petitions the Lord to remove the effulgent rays of the brahmajyoti so that the pure devotee can see His all-blissful transcendental form
- Krsna is sometimes compared to the moon, which does not hesitate to distribute its soothing rays, even on the houses of the candalas and other untouchables
- Krsna is sometimes compared with the moon, which does not hesitate to distribute its soothing rays, even on the houses of the candalas and untouchables
- Krsna's body is a city of attractive features, and it is sweeter than sweet. His face, which is like the moon, is sweeter still. And the supremely sweet gentle smile on that moonlike face is like rays of moonshine
- Sankirtana movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge
- Simply by the association of such pure devotees, the moonlike rays from their hearts reflect on him, and by the influence of the pure devotees he may show some likeness of attachment caused by inquisitiveness, but this is very flickering
- Since Sri Gaurasundara, or Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is identical with Sri Krsna Himself, the Brahman effulgence consists of the rays of His transcendental body. Similarly, the Supersoul, which is called the Paramatma, is His plenary representation
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says, drgbhya anandasrubhya ata evamrtamayah: Here (in SB 9.14.3) the word drgbhyah means 'from tears of jubilation.' Therefore the moon-god is called amrtamayah, 'full of soothing rays'
- The abhasa feature of bhakti is compared to twilight, and the accumulation of one's sins is compared to fog. Since fog does not spread throughout the sky, the sun need do no more than merely manifest its first rays, and the fog immediately disappears
- The Absolute Truth is the Absolute Person who has no equal or competitor. The impersonal Brahman rays are the rays of His transcendental body, just as the sun's rays are emanations from the sun
- The beauty of Krsna's smile is the sweetest feature of all. His smile is like a full moon that spreads its rays throughout the three worlds - Goloka Vrndavana, the spiritual sky of the Vaikunthas, and Devi-dhama, the material world
- The brahma-jyotir is described in the Brahma-samhita as the rays emanating from that supreme spiritual planet, Goloka Vrndavana, just as the sun's rays emanate from the sun globe
- The clouds, darkness and snowfall can cover only a very insignificant portion of the sun's rays. Similarly, the modes of material nature may react upon the raylike living entities
- The example cited here (SB 2.5.11) of the sun is very appropriate. In the material world the sun is the cause of all illumination: fire, electricity, the rays of the moon, etc
- The houses were all illuminated by hundreds and thousands of lamps placed in different corners of the cornices, walls, columns, bases and architraves, and from far away the rays of the lamps appeared to be celebrating the festival of Dipavali
- The impersonal Brahman is more explicitly explained in the Brahma-sutra as the rays. As there is the rays of the sunshine, sun planet, similarly, the impersonal Brahman is the shining rays of the Supreme Brahman or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The inhabitants of Salmalidvipa worship the demigod of the moon in the following words. By his own rays, the moon-god has divided the month into two fortnights, known as sukla and krsna, for the distribution of food grains to the pitas and the demigods
- The Lord is eternally manifested by His internal potency or spiritual energy just like the sun and its rays in the clear sky, but at times He creates the material energy, as the sun creates a cloud in the clear sky
- The man had been untimely awakened and was therefore very angry, and when he looked upon Kalayavana in his angry mood, rays of fire emanated from his eyes, and Kalayavana burned to ashes within a moment
- The portion in dissolution remains without sunrays or moonglow. It all remains dark and full of water, and there are indefatigable winds, as explained in the following verses
- The process of uncovering is like this: the rays of sunshine are luminous, and the sun itself is also luminous. In the presence of the sun, the rays illuminate just like the sun
- The queens said, "Dear moon-god, we think you have been attacked by a severe type of tuberculosis. For this reason, you are becoming thinner and thinner day by day. O lord, you are now so weak that your thin rays cannot dissipate the darkness of night"
- The real sky is the spiritual sky, eternally filled with the rays of the brahmajyoti, and a portion of this unlimited sky is covered by the mahat-tattva cloud of the material creation
- The reflected rays of His body mix with maya, and thus maya gives birth to myriad universes
- The sun expands itself by its terrible heat and rays, yet the sun is always aloof from such rays and heat
- The Vaikuntha planets and the Goloka Vrndavana planet are all self-illuminating, and the rays scattered by those sva-dhama of the Lord constitute the existence of the brahma-jyotir
- The Vaikuntha planets and the Goloka Vrndavana planet are all self-illuminating, and the rays scattered by those sva-dhama of the Lord constitute the existence of the brahmajyoti
- The Vaikuntha planets are all self-illuminating like the sun, and the rays of the Vaikuntha planets are called the brahmajyoti
- The walls of the house were made of first-class marble, decorated with valuable jewels. There was no need of light, for the household was illuminated by the rays of these jewels. The female members of the household were all amply decorated with jewelry
- The whole atmosphere was illuminated by the rays of the jewels bedecking the hood of Sesa-naga, and that illumination dissipated all the darkness of those regions
- The word pratiyate, which means "apparently" and "not actually" (like the experience of having one's head cut off in a dream), is significant. The reflection of the moon on the water is the separated rays of the moon and not the actual moon
- There are two kinds of children born of good fathers: one is educated in KC so that he can be delivered from the clutches of maya in that very life, & the other is a ray of the Supreme Personality of Godhead & teaches the world the ultimate goal of life
- These rays of the personal body of Krsna are cast all over the creation of the Lord, and the portion of the effulgence which is covered by the material cloud is called the created cosmos of the three material qualities - sattva, rajas and tamas
- This sankirtana movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge
- To remain as molecular part of the Brahman rays or spiritual rays, that is impersonal. And to have a spiritual form just like Krsna and Visnu, that is another spiritual perfection. That is Vaisnava philosophy
- Uddhava continued, "The Brahman effulgence is only the bodily rays of Narayana, and because you are always absorbed in ecstatic thought of Krsna and Balarama, what pious activity remains for you to perform"
- Ultimately the word "Brahman" can be applied to Krsna only. Arjuna affirms that because the impersonal Brahman is the effulgence emanating as rays of Krsna's transcendental body, Krsna is the Parabrahman
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that in the months of April & May the rays of Priyavrata's brilliant sun were as pleasing as the rays of the moon, and in October & November, both morning and evening, that sun provided more warmth than the sunshine
- Vivid description of how the rays of the sun are distributed throughout the different planetary systems of the universe is very scientific
- We should relish this instruction of Narottama dasa Thakura that in order to get relief from the pangs of blazing fire of this material existence, one should take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, because it is as cooling as the moon rays
- We should specially note in this verse (SB 2.2.31) the description of gatim bhagavatim. To become merged in the rays of the Parabrahman, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as desired by the brahmavadi impersonalist, is not bhagavatim perfection
- When fire is covered by the walls of a pot or is kept in a jug, the illuminating rays of the fire cannot be very much appreciated. Similarly, misused knowledge, which does not benefit the people in general, is not very much appreciated
- When the rays of the two brahmastras combined, a great circle of fire, like the disc of the sun, covered all outer space and the whole firmament of planets
- When the same living being (who is unhappy) becomes a devotee of Lord Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, he at once lives a soothing life, as if under the cooling rays of the moon in autumn
- When there is spring season, the sunshine is available, all at a time, they (trees) become green. So as the sunshine is working in this material world, similarly the ultimate bodily rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the origin of all creation
- When Vasudeva was sustaining the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead within his heart, he appeared just like the glowing sun, whose shining rays are always unbearable and scorching to the common man
- When we take into account that the moon is 100,000 yojanas, or 800,000 miles, above the rays of the sunshine, it is very surprising that the modern excursions to the moon could be possible
- While Krsna was the charioteer of Arjuna, sun rays glittered on the dress of the Lord, and the beautiful hue created by the reflection of such rays was never forgotten by Bhismadeva