Category:Rascal Gurus
"rascal guru"|"rascal gurus"|"guru who is a rascal"|"gurus who are rascals"|"no rascal should become a guru"|"rascals are advertising, these gurus"|"rascals come as guru"|"not guru; they are all rascals"|"guru, this kind of rascal"|"rascal as guru"|"gurus, all rascals"|"not a guru. You are rascal"|"not guru. He's a rascal"|"rascal, not guru"|"not guru; he is rascal"|"rascals and fools as guru"|"so-called gurus, rascals"|"rascal as guru"|"gurus,rascals"|"gurus are either rascals"|"a rascal. He's not guru"|"rascals who is not guru"|"rascals, they are becoming guru"
Pages in category "Rascal Gurus"
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.
- Guru cannot become by manufacturing nonsense ideas. He's not guru. He's a rascal. Whatever guru will speak must be evidenced by the sastra. That is guru
- Guru is he who repeats the words of Krsna. He is guru. Otherwise he's a rascal. This is the test
- Guru must be speaking on the strength of Vedic knowledge, not manufacturing. He's a rascal
- If the guru and father and the government, they are themselves rascals and fools, how they will guide? And that is the position. General public, they require guidance, but the guides themselves are rascals and fools, cheaters, bluffers
- If you approach a person, guru, who is not representative of Krsna, you are approaching a rascal. How you'll be enlightened? You must approach Krsna, or His representative. That is wanted
- Nowadays it is democratic days, majority. So as this Krsna consciousness movement is also taken as one of the sentimental movements... It is the most scientific movement, but because there are so many gurus, rascals, they imagine something and cheat
- Nowadays there are so many rascal gurus who manufacture their mantras as a process for material advancement, not spiritual advancement. Still, the mantra cannot be successful if it is manufactured
- One should lament that, "We are under this rascal government, under the rascal guru, rascal father. But who are meant for giving protection, they are all rascals. This is our position." This is called Kali-yuga
- One should not be misled by so-called gurus who are rascals and fools. Rather, one should directly see the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the guru or instructor
- One who teaches this tattva-jnana, he is guru. Otherwise he's a rascal. So therefore the first indication is that if you want to become a real human being, then you must approach a real guru and learn from him
- The instruction of Krsna is perfect, and the teacher or guru who speaks the same thing as Krsna says, that is perfect. And if he manufactures his own ideas and becomes more than Krsna, then he's a rascal number one. There is no benefit
- The so-called rascal guru, he does not know also what is the aim of life, and if he makes some disciples, then sastra says, andha yathandair upaniyamanah: one blind man is trying to guide many other blind men. So what is the benefit? There is no benefit
- This rascal philosophy has killed the whole world, atheism. So many incarnation, Gods, all false theories only. This is going on. So many gurus - all rascals. All rascals
- We cannot accept any rascal to become guru. Guru must be in the parampara system. He is receiving the knowledge directly from God, Krsna
- We should not take lessons of God from these rascals. We should take lessons of God from sastra, from guru and from sadhu -- one who has seen God, tattva-darsina
- When Krsna is present, when He lifted the Govardhana Hill, everyone saw. Where is your rascal Guru Maharaja doing that, everyone can see? When Krsna in Vrndavana, He lifted the Govardhana Hill. All the inhabitants saw it