Category:Protecting Brahminical Culture
Pages in category "Protecting Brahminical Culture"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- A king should protect brahminical culture and should be very alert to the welfare of his citizens; he should not be greedy due to attachment to material enjoyment
- A society devoid of cow protection and brahminical culture is not under the direct protection of the Lord, just as the prisoners in the jails are not under the protection of the king but under the protection of a severe agent of the king
- Although the inhabitants of Gokula were mostly cowherd men and cultivators, they knew how to defend themselves from danger and how to give protection to the women, the old men, the cows and the children, as well as to the brahminical purohitas
- At the present, especially on this planet earth, there is no protection of brahminical culture and cows, which are the basic prerequisites for all kinds of good fortune. This age is very dangerous because society is being managed by demons and Raksasas
- For protecting the cows and brahminical culture, the Lord, who is very kind to the cow and the brahmanas (go-brahmana-hitaya), will be pleased with us and will bestow upon us real peace
- From Karusa, another son of Manu, came the Karusa dynasty, a family of ksatriyas. The Karusa ksatriyas were the kings of the northern direction. They were celebrated protectors of brahminical culture and were all firmly religious
- If a Raksasa, or demon, were situated in Brahma's post, then the entire arrangement of the universe, especially the protection of the brahminical culture and cows, would be ruined. All the demigods anticipated this danger
- If human society wants to be exalted, the leaders of society must follow the instructions of Bhagavad-gita and give protection to the cows, the brahmanas and brahminical culture
- In flattering a woman, in joking, in a marriage ceremony, in earning one's livelihood, when one's life is in danger, in protecting cows and brahminical culture, or in protecting a person from an enemy's hand, falsity is never condemned
- In Vedic culture, the welfare of the cows and the welfare of the brahmanas are essential. Without a proper arrangement for developing brahminical culture and protecting cows, all the affairs of administration will go to hell
- It is the duty of the ksatriya kings to maintain the brahminical culture and protect the qualified brahmanas, and all these kings discharged their duties rightly
- Lord Krsna is the prime protector of brahminical culture and the cow. Without knowing and respecting these, one cannot realize the science of God, and without this knowledge, any welfare activities or humanitarian propaganda cannot be successful
- Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of brahminical culture and the cow
- The Lord is described as go-brahmana-hitaya because His incarnation is only for the protection of the cows & brahmanas. Unfortunately, because in Kali-yuga there is no protection of the cows and brahminical culture, everything is in a precarious position
- The Lord is the protector of cows and the brahminical culture
- The perfection of human life is attained by following three principles of civilization: protecting the cows, maintaining the brahminical culture and, above all, becoming a pure devotee of the Lord
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead respects and protects the brahmanas and brahminical culture, as well as the cows; in other words, wherever there are brahmanas and brahminical culture, there are cows and cow protection
- This (the need for brahminical culture and protection from the government) is admitted in this verse (SB 4.21.52) by the citizens of Maharaja Prthu, who could maintain the wonderful situation of his government due to his position in pure goodness
- To remain under the jurisdiction or administration of such a king or leader (like Maharaja Prthu) is the perfect status for human society. The primary responsibility of such a king or leader is to protect the brahminical culture and the cows in his state