professions | profession
Pages in category "Profession"
The following 94 pages are in this category, out of 94 total.
- Agriculture is the noblest profession
- Jagai and Madhai were born in respectable brahmana families, but they adopted the professions of thieves and rogues and thus became implicated in all kinds of undesirable activities, especially woman-hunting, intoxication and gambling
- My Guru Maharaja said that instead of earning livelihood by showing the Deity in the temple, it is better to take the profession of a sweeper in the street and live honestly
- A learned brahmana should become a teacher, a priest and a recipient of charity. A bona fide brahmana is authorized to accept such professions
- A student has a duty, or a householder has got some duty, a sannyasi has got some duty, a brahmacari has got duty. So there are different types of duties according to different occupation or profession
- Agriculture is the noblest profession. It makes society happy, wealthy, healthy, honest, and spiritually advanced for a better life after death. The vaisya community, or the mercantile class of men, take to this profession
- Although the profession of begging is allowed for a brahmana or sannyasi, one does better if he can avoid such a profession and completely depend on the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead for maintenance
- Apart from such Vedic duties, even in our ordinary dealings (for example, in our household affairs or in our business or profession) we must consider that the result of all activities must be given over to the supreme enjoyer, Lord Krsna
- Arjuna, although he was fighter, Arjuna did not change his position. He did not become a brahmana. After hearing Bhagavad-gita it is not that he gave up his profession as a ksatriya and went to Himalaya to become a brahmana, meditation
- As Sukracarya listened to what had happened to Devayani, his mind was very much aggrieved. Condemning the profession of priesthood and praising the profession of uncha-vrtti (collecting grains from the fields), he left home with his daughter
- At least everyone is engaged in earning a livelihood in some profession or occupation. In these dealings, one has to meet many undesirable people, and their behavior is compared to the biting of mosquitoes. This creates very undesirable conditions
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung that namasraya kari thakaha apana kaje: "Take shelter of hari-nama and remain in your own profession"
- Brahmana should not charge anything, but they can take charity. So the students, they would bring charities naturally. This was brahmana's profession
- Brahmanas, they would simply advise about health and the future, so that is their profession and people give them eatables, cloth, so they have nothing to do for working outside
- By the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he (Kesava Kashmiri) gave up the profession of winning championships and became a great devotee. He joined the Nimbarka-sampradaya, one of the Vaisnava communities of the Vedic culture
- By tricks of chance one may be obliged to adopt a profession which is not very adorable in society, but that does not hamper one in executing devotional service to the Lord
- Dhrtarastra must have been very glad to understand that Arjuna was not going to fight and was instead leaving the battlefield for the begging profession. But Sanjaya disappointed him again in relating that Arjuna was competent to kill his enemies
- Different classes of people in the social system are engaged in various professions, and when one inquires as to the well-being of a particular person, he should do so on the basis of that person's occupation
- Drauni (Asvatthama), although he belonged to the brahmana family and he accepted the profession of a ksatriya, he degraded so much that he cut off the heads of five sons of Draupadi while they were sleeping
- For a brahmana or a ksatriya, engaging in the service of the vaisyas or sudras is considered the profession of dogs
- From the Vedas we understand that He (God) is supplying everyone's necessities, and we can actually see that the lower animals, the birds and the bees, have no business or profession, yet they are not dying for want of food
- Generally the people in pilgrimages like Vrndavana, they have taken this religiousness as a profession to earn money, just like other businessmen do. That is cheating
- Generally the suvarna-vaniks are bankers dealing in gold and silver. In western India, the Agarwalas also belong to the banking profession. This is the original business of the suvarna-vanik or Agarwala community
- He (Arjuna) became perfect by his own profession. How? Because he satisfied Krsna. So you can be situated in any position. That does not matter. But try to satisfy Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement: how to satisfy Krsna. It is not very difficult
- He said, "My dear friends, please hear of Krsna's sweetness. Because of a great desire for that sweetness, My mind has given up all social and Vedic religious principles and taken to the profession of begging, exactly like a mystic yogi"
- Hindu, or I may be a Christian, but the fact is that we are serving somebody. Either you be Hindu or Muslim or Christian or you may profess any religion, but you must be serving somebody. Is it not? So that serving is religion. Try to understand this
- His (a Krsna conscious person) only profession is to attract the attention of Krsna by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and living a very simple life, without following daily changes of fashion
- I have received the booklet known as Paramahamsa Sarasvati Goswami issued by the Gaudiya Mission of London. I can understand that this brochure was written by my godbrother, Professor Sannyal, but the essay is not very practical
- If one acts in his profession according to his position in the modes of nature and gradually gives up these activities, he attains the niskama stage
- In Africa there are so many elephants, millions of elephants. They eat at a time forty kilograms. And who is supplying food? They have no business. They have no profession. How they are eating?
- In his heart, Sukracarya did not like his profession, but since he had accepted it, he was obliged to go unwillingly to his disciple to settle the grievance submitted by his daughter
- In the sastra it is said that a brahmana, if he's in difficulty, he may accept the profession of a ksatriya or up to vaisya, but never accept the occupation of a sudra. These are described in the sastras
- In time of emergency, one may accept any of the various types of professions known as rta, amrta, mrta, pramrta and satyanrta, but one should not at any time accept the profession of a dog
- Instead of earning livelihood by showing the Deity in the temple, it is better to take the profession of a sweeper in the street and live honestly. He said like that. The sweeper is working hard toiling and getting some money and living
- It is advised in the authorized scriptures that a brahmana may, under awkward circumstances, accept the profession of a ksatriya or even a vaisya, but never is he to accept the profession of a sudra
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that the Lord can be worshiped even by one's profession, if it is sincerely offered for the pleasure of the Lord
- It is sometimes found that even demoniac persons who are envious of Krsna take to the profession of explaining BG in a different way to make business, but anyone who desires actually to understand Krsna must avoid such commentaries on BG. BG 1972 pur
- It is sometimes found that persons who are worshiping Krsna in a different way, take to the profession of explaining BG in a different way to make business, but anyone who desires actually to understand Krsna must avoid such commentaries on BG. BG 1972 p
- Jagai & Madhai were born in respectable brahmana families, but they adopted the professions of thieves and rogues and thus became implicated in all kinds of undesirable activities, especially woman-hunting, intoxication and gambling
- Just like Dronacarya. He was brahmana, but he became a ksatriya for certain reason. So it is advised that brahmana may take the profession of a ksatriya and up to the vaisya. But if he takes the profession of a sudra, then he is fallen
- Karmis change their professions at any moment, but a Krsna conscious person does not change his profession
- Karmis change their professions at any moment, but a Krsna conscious person does not change his profession, for his only profession is to attract the attention of Krsna by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and living a very simple life
- Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed everything - his family, his profession. And many other leaders. But what for they were working? They were working for some material benefit, that's all, not for any spiritual benefit. So that is not transcendental activities
- Murari Gupta could treat both bodily and spiritual disease because he was a physician by profession and a great devotee of the Lord in terms of spiritual advancement. This is an example of service to humanity
- Nanda is said to have possessed 9 hundred thousand cows, & at the time of Krsna (about 5000 years ago) the tract of land known as Vrndavana was flooded with milk and butter. Therefore God's gifted professions for mankind are agriculture & cow protection
- No diplomacy, no politics, no duplicity. That will not help. Sato vrtteh. Vrtteh, his profession should be very straightforward. No underhand dealings
- O exalted governors of various planets, the true brahmana, who has no material possessions, maintains himself by the profession of accepting silonchana. In other words, he picks up grains left in the field and on the ground in the wholesale marketplace
- One becomes abominable by adopting an abominable profession or by associating with people who are naturally abominable
- One engaged in the mode of passion is not only mentally unhappy, but his profession and occupation are also very troublesome. He has to devise so many plans and schemes to acquire enough money to maintain his status quo. This is all miserable. BG 1972 p
- One should simply accept whatever he earns by his own profession
- One who is in a lower grade of social life cannot accept the profession of a higher class unless necessary. In times of emergency, all the classes but the ksatriyas may accept professional duties of others
- Our policy should be for maintenance to take from many persons. Big donations should go to the building and book funds. Our policy is "madhukari'' or the profession of the bumblebee
- Our request is that you read Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Here there are many Englishmen and Indians. That is my request. I am not charging anything. I am not making a profession. This sankirtana movement, we are chanting freely. You can hear
- She (Kubja) was not trained to worship Krsna in any other way; therefore she wanted to satisfy Him by her profession
- She said, "Because I have taken the profession of a prostitute, I have performed unlimited sinful acts. My lord, be merciful to me. Deliver my fallen soul"
- So by any means money wanted. So he adopted all disrespectful profession - cheating, gambling and stealing, any way to live… The only attraction is family, kutumba. So for the sake of maintaining family, he was committing all kinds of sinful activities
- So far we are concerned, we have no business, we have no profession. We do not know what we shall eat tomorrow. Or in the evening. We are in such a position. But we have no anxiety. You can see practically
- Sometimes the word grha-vrtti is substituted for the word grha-vitta. Vrtti means "profession"
- Such hadis (who engage in public sanitary activities like picking up stool and sweeping the street, sometimes they are untouchable, especially when engaged in their profession) also have the right to become devotees
- Sudras means non-Aryan. And Aryans, they are divided into three higher castes. Caste means according to profession and quality. That is caste
- Sukadeva Gosvami gave this warning (without contribution they should not ask food to the householders) especially for those mendicants who adopt this line of profession to solve their economic problems. Such mendicants are in abundance in the age of Kali
- Sukracarya was certainly very sorry that because of his daughter's complaint he had to go to his disciple to beg some mercy, which he was obliged to do because he had accepted the profession of priesthood
- The administrative class must be well versed in the sastras, but must not take to the profession of teachers
- The descendants of Paramesvari Thakura took many disciples from brahmana families, but as these descendants gradually took to the profession of physicians, persons from brahmana families ceased becoming their disciples.
- The facility is, the other animals lower than the human being, they have not got to do any business or any profession or go from one country to another to earn livelihood. That is their advantage
- The householder should earn money by business or by profession and spend at least fifty percent of his income to spread Krsna consciousness; twenty-five percent he can spend for his family, and twenty-five percent he should save to meet emergencies
- The lower animals, the birds and the bees, have no business or profession, yet they are not dying for want of food. They are all living in nature's way, and they all have the necessities of life provided - namely eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- The men in Vedic society who engage in public sanitary activities like picking up stool and sweeping the street are called hadis. Sometimes they are untouchable, especially when engaged in their profession
- The merchant should not think that because he is engaged in an occupation in which the telling of lies is compulsory, he should give up his profession and pursue the profession of a brahmana. That is not recommended. BG 1972 purports
- The profession of unchasila, collecting grains from the field, is called rta. Collecting without begging is called amrta, begging grains is called mrta, tilling the ground is called pramrta, and trade is called satyanrta
- The professions of a qualified brahmana are pathana, pathana, yajana, yajana, dana and pratigraha. The words yajana and yajana mean that a brahmana becomes the priest of the populace for the sake of their elevation
- The real qualification of a medical practitioner can be obtained only through strenuous study of medical science for a considerably long period, and only upon completion of his studies can he take up the medical profession
- The word 'nirgrantha,' when combined with 'api' used in the sense of certainty, indicates a person who is a hunter by profession or who is very poor
- They (materialistic persons) may also professionally recite the Bhagavatam or other scriptures, worship the Deity in the temple and initiate disciples
- They (professional Bhagavatam reciters) are simply interested in maintaining the material establishment of family attachment and earning some material benefits out of the profession
- Thieves and rogues simply await some political upset in order to take the opportunity to plunder the people in general. To keep thieves and rogues inactive in their profession, a strong government is always required
- Thinking the absolute Personality of Godhead to be poverty-stricken or to have no potency - or, in other words, to be impotent - is simply rascaldom. This rascaldom is the profession of the conditioned soul, and it increases his bewilderment
- This is Krsna consciousness, to save others who are in the darkness. It is not a profession, - Now, Krsna consciousness is my profession. I'm getting very easily food and shelter
- This was brahmana's profession. They would not charge anything, but his disciples, students, would beg from door to door and bring. That is gurukula
- To earn a living, one can honorably adopt the profession of a street sweeper, but one must not change his dress to the saffron robes of a renunciate simply to fill up his empty stomach
- We are serving God, we have no profession, we have no business, we have no income, but Krsna is supplying all the necessities of life. Paying for this house two thousand dollars per month. We have got one hundred such centers
- We find it necessary and unavoidable in business dealings to speak lies - not to mention the volumes of lies that are spoken by members of the legal profession
- We require some income for our maintenance. So this was the brahmana's business. There is no question of doing some business or making some profession or going to the office or going to the factory. This is not brahmana's business
- When a brahmana adopts the profession of a kapota, or pigeon, he lives by collecting grains from the field. This is called uncha-vrtti
- When a sannyasi advances further, he no longer accepts anything from home: instead, he collects his necessities, especially his food, from many places. This system is called madhukari, which literally means "the profession of the bumblebees
- You have been put into that profession. That does not mean because you have to deal with some sinful men you have to become a sinful
- You may be industrial administrator or engineer you make your profession perfect. And that perfection is achieved by satisfying the SPG by your profession. Just like Arjuna: He was a soldier. He knew how to fight. So by his profession he satisfied Krsna
- You must hear about the Supreme Personality of Godhead and nothing more. That should be your profession. Then what will be the result? The result will be sthane sthitah