Category:People of the World
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Pages in category "People of the World"
The following 78 pages are in this category, out of 78 total.
- Actually we need such a nice building in London. People of the world take it very seriously. During the British period in India, anything which was trademarked, "made in London'' was sold very quickly, so try to make your London Yatra equally important
- All the great sages assembled together and, after observing cruel Vena's atrocities, concluded that a great danger and catastrophe was approaching the people of the world. Thus out of compassion they began to talk amongst themselves
- All the people of the world will either jokingly or seriously chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, and thus they will derive the benefit of cleansing the heart
- All the people of the world, they are struggling hard for existence, simply calculating that, - This much I have achieved today, and this much I'll achieve tomorrow. In this way my bank balance will be increased more and more
- All the people of the world, they're fools and rascals. Why they are fools and rascals? Now, there are two things. Vyasadeva, by his bhakti-yoga meditation, he found out that there is God and there is maya
- Arati Song, 1968 - The aratrika ceremony which is going on on the bank of the Ganges to receive Lord Caitanya is so beautiful that it is attractive to the people of the world, all people of the world
- Because everyone (the people of the world) was happy in all respects, there was no resentment, although there were sometimes battles between the state kings for political reasons and supremacy
- Being a mahajana, it is the duty of Yamaraja to preach the cult of devotion to the people of the world, as Narada, Brahma, and other mahajanas do. But Yamaraja is always busy in his plutonic kingdom punishing the doers of sinful acts
- BTG broadcasting exclusively everything about the Supreme Personality of Godhead. These topics about Godhead are delineated in a manner for understanding of any common man & it is high time that people of the world should now know about the Supreme Truth
- By the cooperation of all classes of human beings, the sacrifice recommended in this age, namely the sacrifice of congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord, may be executed for the common welfare of all the people of the world
- I am so proud of having beautiful disciples like you who understand the inner meaning of my mission. Actually, I want the people of the whole world to come to God consciousness and be happy
- I have got a very ambitious program to organize a nice Sankirtana Party both in Oriental and Occidental style, so that we can thus attract all classes of people in the world to Krishna Consciousness
- If the people of the world accepts this philosophy, Krsna consciousness, there is no more higher and lower level. Samah sarvesu bhutesu (BG 18.54). Samah means equal - all living entities on the same level
- If the people of the world understood that the basic principle of life is spiritual identification, they would understand that the business of the spirit soul is to serve the Supreme Spirit, Krsna
- If the people of the world, taking into account their respective material qualities, divide the whole society into four orders for material progress, the entire human society will undoubtedly be happy
- If the selected people of the world, combined together, they push this movement in India, then the whole program of the modern leaders will collapse. That's a fact. And that was my idea
- If the surface of the globe is overflooded with the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, the people of the world will be very, very happy
- If the techniques of this great literature (Srimad-Bhagavatam) are understood by the people of the world, there will be success
- It is already declared in the Bhagavad-gita that the Lord (Krsna) appears for the welfare of all people of the world and to vanquish the asuras, or the materialistic atheists
- It is my ambition, as foretold by Lord Caitanya, that the people of the world will be happy under the banner of Krishna Consciousness, and let us try our best for this greatest philosophy of life
- It is my ideology that this Krsna consciousness movement can solve all the problems of conditioned life. We can make all the people of the world united in this simple method of chanting Mahamantra
- It is our only intention to spread this sublime philosophy to all the persons of the world for the complete welfare benefit, both spiritual and material of everyone of them
- It is requested that all our devotees in the ISKCON community become pure Vaisnavas, so that by their mercy all the people of the world will be transferred to Vaikunthaloka, even without their knowledge
- It is said, maya-mrgam dayitayepsitam anvadhavad: (SB 11.5.34) Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyasa to show His causeless mercy to the maya-mrgas, the people of this material world, who suffer because of lusty desires
- Krsna's going to the school of Sandipani Muni was to show the people of the world that however great or ingenious one may be, he must go to higher authorities for general education
- Krsna-katha is the only remedy for all people of the world because it can situate one in pure consciousness of the self and liberate one from material bondage
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja wrote CC in his old age, in an invalid condition, but it is such a sublime literature that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati used to say - The time will come when the people of the world will learn Bengali to read Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
- Material activities performed for political emancipation and social and humanitarian activities performed with an idea that people of the world will be happy are also illusory because the basic principle is the bodily conception, which is illusory
- Medical and other relief work to the distressed persons are not objectionable items, but actually the people of the whole world are suffering on account of lacking in Krishna Consciousness
- My idea is to attract people of the whole world to Mayapur. So we are just trying to acquire three hundred fifty acres of land from the government. It is going on under consideration. Some men are against and some are in favor
- My idea is to attract people of the whole world to Mayapura. So we are just trying to acquire three hundred fifty acres of land from the government
- O my Lord, the people of the world are embarrassed by all material anxieties - they are always afraid. They always try to protect wealth, body and friends, they are filled with lamentation and unlawful desires and paraphernalia
- O people of the world! Please try to translate the Gita's message into action and channel your thoughts toward Lord Krsna's lotus feet
- On the earth they (the inhabitants of Satyaloka) come down and do good to the people of the world in different circumstances under different climatic influences
- One can sit down anywhere and chant Hare Krsna. If the surface of the globe is overflooded with the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, the people of the world will be very, very happy
- Our only appeal to you, all people of the world, that we are embarrassed with so many problems. So we say this is the only solution. There is no price; there is no tax; there is no imposition of previous qualification. Simply chant Hare Krsna
- People of the world are generally in darkness regarding spiritual knowledge, especially in regard to the devotional service of the Lord
- People of the world were dominated by such (like Maharaja Yudhisthira) pious kings, they were happy in all respects, and it was quite possible for such great emperors to rule the world
- People of the world, they're hankering after this civilization. Unfortunately we are miser. We are not giving them
- People visit the temple of Nara-Narayana at Badarikasrama just to learn how the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His incarnation as Nara-Narayana engages in austerities to teach the people of the world how to achieve self-realization
- Please try to save temple of Jiva Goswami because in very near future many people all parts of the world will come to see the Temple and Samadhi of Jiva Goswami and Rupa Goswami
- Prahlada Maharaja say - People in this material world who are enamored with the material energy do not know what the goal of human life is. Why? Because they have been enchanted by the Lord's glaring external energy
- That (God's holy name must be heard, glorified and remembered) will bring about the desired peace and prosperity so eagerly awaited by the people of the world. The word ca includes all the remaining processes or methods of bhakti-yoga, as mentioned above
- The bull is the emblem of the moral principle, and the cow is the representative of the earth. When the bull and the cow are in a joyful mood, it is to be understood that the people of the world are also in a joyful mood
- The kingdom of God, or Rama-rajya, is impossible without the awakening of God consciousness in the mass mind of the people of the world
- The people of the world in this age of Kali are always full of anxieties. Everyone is diseased with some kind of ailment. From the very faces of the people of this age, one can find out the index of the mind
- The people of the world should be taught to hear the transcendental topics of the Lord, and the devotee of the Lord must speak loudly so that they can hear
- The world should learn from the Bhagavad-gita, the lesson. Evam sastram devaki-putra-gitam. There is one scripture only, one common scripture for the whole world, for the people of the whole world, and that is this Bhagavad-gita
- There are hundreds and thousands of sources for distributing mundane news of the world, and people of the world are also receiving it
- There are many subtle laws which are practically unknown to people in general, but the Krsna consciousness movement is very scientifically distributing all this Vedic knowledge for the benefit of the people of the world
- These two, the sun and moon, are very kind to the people of the world. Thus for the good fortune of all, They have appeared on the horizon of Bengal
- They (people of the world) avariciously base their undertakings on the perishable conceptions of "my" and "mine." As long as they do not take shelter of Your safe lotus feet, they are full of such anxieties
- They (so-called svamis) say, "Don't encourage service to Lord Narayana. It is better to serve the starving people of the world." Unfortunately such materialists, either singly or combined in the form of the United Nations, cannot fulfill their plans
- This Bhagavata discourse is meant for giving enlightenment to the people of the world. It is not a sectarian religion; it is meant for all human beings
- This is now formal accepting of sannyasa, but real sannyasa purpose will be fulfilled when you'll be able to induce the people of the world dancing like you. That is real sannyasa. This formal dress is not sannyasa
- This Krsna consciousness movement has been started not only for the inhabitants of Bharata-varsa but for all the people of the world, as announced by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This Krsna consciousness movement: it is welfare activities for all the people of the world. It is not a sectarian movement; not only for the human being, but also for the animals, birds, beasts, trees, everyone
- This sort of thinking is also a type of meditation on the Absolute Truth, and as soon as such meditation begins, one develops one's godly qualities, and the whole world appears to be a happy and peaceful residence for all the people of the world
- We could hardly have attained to transcendental knowledge if they (the Personality of Godhead and His beloved confidential-servitor devotees) had not bestowed such mercy (by dissipating the darkness of nescience of the people of the world) upon us
- We invite everyone, every gentleman, every sane man, to come and cooperate with us. This is a nice mission. We shall be glad to cooperate for the good of all people of the world
- We often tend to be philanthropic and altruistic, and we strive to be friends with our countrymen, with our families and with all the peoples of the world - but this is based on a wrong conception
- We simply request the leading personalities of all nations to take to the science of Krsna for their own good, for the good of society, and for the good of all the people of the world
- We want the whole people of the world, let them become human being. That is our movement. What is this? Simply killing business is going on
- We want unification of Hindu and Muslim. Unification of all faiths and peoples and the method is being done by our Krishna Consciousness Movement
- What is that maya? Maya means to plan how to become materially happy. This is maya. All the people of the world, they are simply making plan how they will be happy within this material world. That's all. This is maya
- Whatever Kapiladeva speaks, whether directly or in the scriptures, is authoritative in all respects for the people of the world
- When the bull and the cow are in a joyful mood, people of the world are also in a joyful mood. The reason is that the bull helps production of grains in the agricultural field, and the cow delivers milk, the miracle of aggregate food values
- Why was the King of Hastinapura, at least till the time of Maharaja Pariksit, accepted as the Emperor of the world? The only reason is that the people of the world were happy because of the good administration of the emperor