Category:People Are Suffering
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Pages in category "People Are Suffering"
The following 65 pages are in this category, out of 65 total.
- A KC person knows that if a man is suffering it is due to his forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with Krsna. Therefore, the highest benefit one can render to human society is relieving one's neighbor from all material problems. BG 1972 purports
- Although unfortunate people also get this opportunity (association with devotees), due to their great misfortune they cannot take shelter of pure devotees, and consequently they continuously suffer
- Artharthi means in need of money. People generally go to church (or) temple when they are suffering from some ailments or need of money, these two classes
- As Prahlada Maharaja said: People suffer from material distress because they are not attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A pure devotee's chief concern, therefore, is to raise the ignorant mass of people to the sense of Krsna consciousness
- At present there are droughts throughout Europe & America, & people are suffering, but if people take this KC movement seriously, if they stop their sinful activities & chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, all their problems will be solved without difficulty
- Because of forgetfulness of this object (the only lovable object for everyone), people are suffering in this material world, but if one fortunately revives his old consciousness of loving Krsna and connects with Visvatma, one becomes perfect
- Because of this lack of Krsna consciousness in human society, people are suffering terribly, being merged in an ocean of nescience and sense gratification. A devotee onlooker is very much aggrieved to see such a situation in the world
- By God's arrangement there is sufficient food, land and prospects for food on this planet, but we have arranged things in such a way that in one part of the world people are suffering and in another part they are throwing grains in the ocean
- Despite all the trouble a sadhu may encounter, he is very merciful upon fallen conditioned souls. He sees that people are suffering due to a lack of Krsna consciousness, and because he is always thinking of the welfare of others, he is suhrt
- Due to business exchanges, relationships seem to be strained. Finally wars are declared between nations, and as a result of these upheavals there is destruction all over the world, and people suffer heavily
- If a mantra has so power, why it should be secret? It should be distributed. People are suffering. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Chant this Hare Krsna mantra. Anyone who will hear... Even the birds and beasts will hear and they will be liberated"
- If the present status quo is allowed to continue, people will certainly suffer more and more under the leadership of these demoniac agnostics
- In rare circumstances, when people are suffering for want of grains, meat-eating or flesh-eating can be allowed, but not otherwise
- In the cosmic administration there is only one party, which consists of the servants of God, and the responsible deities of the various planets maintain the cosmic laws in terms of the orders of the SG. But the people suffer on account of their own folly
- In the Fifth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam there is a chronological description of people suffering due to different kinds of sinful activities. Unfortunately, at the present moment people are unaware. They are kept in darkness
- Intelligent men and women should take interest in this great movement. It is a very scientific spiritual movement. People are suffering for lack of spiritual knowledge
- It is said that great personalities almost always accept voluntary suffering because of the suffering of people in general. This is considered the highest method of worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is present in everyone's heart
- It is the natural desire of a Vaisnava to save suffering humanity. Generally others do not care whether people suffer or not, but a Vaisnava, a devotee of the Lord, is always thinking of how to alleviate the fallen condition of the people
- My Guru Maharaja is tenth from Caitanya Mahaprabhu, I am eleventh, you are the twelfth. So distribute this knowledge. People are suffering. They are simply fighting on some false thing, maya
- My point is that you are all Vaisnavas; try to do something good to the people, because they are all suffering
- Nature is very cruel. She does not excuse anyone. When people do not care for nature, they commit all kinds of sinful activities, and consequently they have to suffer
- Notwithstanding all such advancement of material knowledge in the West, the people in general there are suffering the pangs of the poisonous effects of materialism because they have cared very little for the culture of spiritual science
- Nowadays people are suffering for want of sufficient food grains, and in the yajna tons and thousands of mounds of food grains are offered in the fire. That is good. But there is no food grains, there is no ghee. That is not possible in this age
- Nunam pramattah kurute vikarma. Because of uncontrolled senses, people fully engage in sinful activities by which they get a body full of suffering
- Of course, we do not want to criticize, but according to sastra, people will suffer more and more. And they must suffer. Because they are becoming godless, they must suffer. That is nature's punishment
- One should also have compassion for the people in general, who are suffering due to forgetfulness of Krsna. These important functions will make one happy within this material world
- People are in ignorance, they are suffering, and it is especially India's business to release them from this material suffering and give them information about the Vaikuntha world, the world of no anxiety
- People are suffering due to Godlessness, and, if you want to serve the people, your society, your country, the whole human society, then try yourself, try your best, you just rise up to the occasion of becoming Krsna conscious
- People are suffering for want of Krsna consciousness. Therefore each and every one of us should be engaged in the preaching work of Krsna consciousness for the benefit of the whole world
- People are suffering on account of being enamored by the external energy. Krishna wants to deliver them. He comes personally, he comes as a devotee, and he sends His authorized devotee
- People are suffering. Let them have this knowledge and be happy. Our proposal is sarve sukhino bhavantu. That is Vedic civilization: You all be happy
- People have become so dull-headed, they cannot understand what is the real suffering, and neither they have any inquiries how to mitigate the sufferings
- People must co-operate. If not, then they will have to suffer. So, I am very glad that you have come forward, being one of the leaders of the cultural community
- People suffer on account of sinful reaction, ignorance. Out of ignorance, they commit sinful action, and sinful action reacts. Therefore the greatest contribution to the human society is knowledge
- Prahlada Maharaja was unhappy seeing the people, degenerated people, suffering in this material world
- Preaching is our most important business. People are suffering for want of this Krsna consciousness, so as representative of Krsna, it is our duty to enlighten them, and we should accept all kinds of . . . but there is no difficulty
- Sadhu means that they are always compassionate with the sufferings of the people in general. That is sadhu
- Sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), association with a sadhu, is very essential in Krsna consciousness. People are suffering due to contamination by tamo-guna and rajo-guna
- Sane people should execute Krsna consciousness very seriously, so that they can go back home, back to Godhead, without having to further suffer the miserable conditions predominant in this universe
- Simply open a factory in which to manufacture nuts and bolts and work very hard and drink, and eat meat? What kind of civilization is this? It is because of this so-called civilization that people are suffering
- So intelligent men and women should take interest in this great movement. It is a very scientific spiritual movement. People are suffering for lack of spiritual knowledge. They have become materially like animals. Materialism means animalism
- Spiritual life means normal life, and material life means diseased life. Therefore we are always suffering in materialistic way of life. Diseased condition means suffering
- Suffering persons sometimes pose themselves as leaders of the people, and the unfortunate followers are put into further disadvantages under such so-called leadership
- That is Vaisnava. He feels, "Oh, these people are suffering. Let us give some information from the sastra so that they can be relieved from the suffering condition."
- The best welfare activity is raising people to the platform of Krsna consciousness, since the conditioned souls are suffering only for want of Krsna consciousness. The Lord Himself also comes to mitigate the suffering of humanity
- The entire world is lacking Krsna consciousness, and therefore people are suffering from the grossest ignorance and do not even believe in a life after this one
- These centers are being opened just to give the opportunity to the people who are suffering not only in this life, life after life
- This is Indian civilization. Yet in the same place, India, Bharata-varsa, how much people are suffering by giving up the Vedic way of life and not understanding the teachings of Bhagavad-gita
- This is the position of the world, and they are suffering and they will continue to suffer. Nature will punish them. Yamaraja will take them. That is their next life. So you try to save them. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- To enlighten them (the poor, we are opening centers) in KC & reform their character by teaching them how to avoid illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling, which are the most sinful activities and which cause people to suffer, life after life
- Try to deliver these innocent persons who are suffering. Everyone is suffering. That should be the motto. Do not sit idly, eat and sleep. No. Either loitering, wandering... I know, our men in Krsna consciousness, they are bold enough
- Two brahmastra weapons released, one by Asvatthama and by Arjuna, it created a havoc, catastrophe. And the people were suffering
- We are teaching people that you are suffering life after life. Now the human society has come to such a position that they do not know that there is life after this life. They are so advanced. Exactly the cats and dogs
- We cannot stand to see people suffering due to ignorance. What is that ignorance? They do not know that they are not their body
- We want actually good for everyone. And this is the only medicine, Hare Krsna mantra. For any problem. Para-duhkha-duhkhi. People are suffering. If her guru has opined like that, then she may take some attention
- What about this material world? Padam padam yad vipadam: (SB 10.14.58) this is a place not for devotees but for people who are suffering. Therefore Kuntidevi suggests, - This Krsna consciousness is the medicine for your suffering. Take it and be happy
- Whatever Krsna consciousness movement is going forward, it is due to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's magnanimous compassion for the poor people suffering in this Kali-yuga. Otherwise, to become Krsna conscious is not very easy job, is not easy job
- When we are teaching, it is because the people are suffering on account of ignorance. Therefore we are teaching. How we are callous? We are not callous; we are very much sympathetic to give them knowledge
- You are working sincerely to distribute this great science to the people of Germany. Not only the people in Germany, but all over the world, people are suffering
- Your sympathy for the suffering humanity is nice, because if you think that, "So many people are suffering from disease. Let me open a hospital, and let me give free treatment," from your part it is all right