Category:Our Responsibilities (Disciples of SP)
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Pages in category "Our Responsibilities (Disciples of SP)"
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- A child is a rare gift given by Krishna, but at the same time a great responsibility; every parent has the responsibility to see that his child grows up K.C.
- Actually, I have appointed the GBC men to act on my behalf, so it is their responsibility now to sanction such matters and make decisions of management
- After marrying they see it is very great responsibility. "Now let me take sannyasa." That's all. Why you marry? Because he finds that after marriage there are so many difficulties. So irresponsible man
- After the sixteenth year the parents shall treat their child as a friend, and the child is allowed to gradually develop his adult responsibility and independence
- As for the responsibility for proper spending, the man in charge or the president will be responsible in Mayapur and Vrndavana
- As GBC member your task is very responsible. You must always keep yourself pure and in this way your preaching work will take effect
- As the wife of a GBC member you have got the responsibility to help your husband to maintain the highest standard of Krishna Consciousness both in yourselves and in all the other devotees in the Temple
- As you are temple president, that is a great responsibility. So you must try to execute it with great care
- He can stay out and distribute books on sankirtana, but for that he can remain grhastha, nor does it mean he perpetually remains on sankirtana party forgetting his responsibilities
- Hrdayananda Maharaja has suggested that why don't you come to South America and assist him in responsible management. That is good idea. Please keep me informed of your activities
- I (Prabhupada) want that householders shall manage in the temples, because they have got propensity to manage things and they want to take responsibility and they will not go away
- I am encouraged to see your report of books sold, because it proves that you consider it your responsibility to see that more and more people are reading our literature
- I am entrusting this huge task to all of you for working together cooperatively for doing something wonderful. I can understand that you are responsible and cool-headed along with the others, so you take the hand in reconciling all differences
- I am praying simply that all of you, my advanced disciples, GBC men, sannyasis, temple officers, like that, that all of you will become sober-minded and feeling always very much responsible how the things will go on as I have given them
- I am so glad that Dayananda is doing everything so nicely. He is intelligent, responsible boy, and whatever you do conjointly, it has my approval. You may note it
- I am very glad that you are taking responsibility for Krishna's sake, this is advancement of Krishna Consciousness
- I am very hopeful that some of our students can take up this responsibility and render the best service to humanity by educating people in Krsna consciousness
- I can understand from seeing these figures just how much suitable you are for heading up the responsible position of senior man in the New York temple affairs
- I can understand that things are going on nicely. And the Japanese boys and girls are taking a more responsible role in order to help you out. That is very encouraging
- I have not heard from you for some time, so I had become worried what is your position. As GBC man you should become very responsible to see that the highest standards of Krishna Consciousness should be maintained all over the Society
- I have written to you to become responsible and to manage things. However, at the Bhaktivedanta Manor, as anywhere, the local president is in charge
- I may inform you in this connection that what I am doing to push on this great movement in the world is all with your cooperation. It is not possible for me alone to execute this great responsibility
- I must caution that we must be careful to avoid so far as possible affection for family based on sense gratification. Be happy in your family life by working cooperatively to please Krishna, and she should be your assistant
- I shall always pray to Krishna to give you more and more strength and confidence in this great responsibility and I shall pray for your long life to execute this mission
- I think his father has got a special duty to protect this child in his K.C.; The mother has also similar responsibility, so either your wife or yourself must take care of the good child
- I want that advancement amongst all of my students, so you are responsible that the standard will be maintained
- I want that all our centers be nicely managed so I can be freed for translation work without any anxiety. Therefore I have created the GBC to take this responsibility
- I wish that it will be noted down in history that this Krishna Consciousness Movement is responsible for saving the world. Practically, our Movement is the only hope for saving the world from complete disaster
- I would like to hear from you, how many men are there in Vrindaban and how the project is progressing there. Now we have got good respect there in India, so you boys manage everything intelligently and responsibly
- If it is necessary then you can make a nice bed for Lord Jagannatha and Lord Balarama, and keep them nicely until I return. It is your responsibility to see to keeping all the things which I left there very nicely, so please see to it
- If there are so many foreign brahmanas in India and I am making brahmana in the Western countries, if they are still fallen, then what is this attempt? My attempt is futile. So kindly be responsible, those who are second initiated
- If there is any deviation from this standard then it is the responsibility of you and the local GBC representative to rectify it immediately. Within these Vaisnava standards which I have put forward lies the spiritual strength of our movement
- If you and your wife want to have children for raising them in Krishna Consciousness, and if you are prepared to take the full responsibility for delivering them from the clutches of birth and death, then I have no objection
- If you are willing to stick there in Mexico City, along with your good wife, and do the needful for worshiping Lord Jagannatha and take all responsibility, then I have no objection if you install
- If you cannot increase it, you should at least maintain what I have given you. You cannot accuse me that I have not given you anything. So it is a great responsibility you now have
- If you cannot take the responsibility, then remain as a brahmacari. Why should you marry? Yes. If you practice brahmacarya, then you become free, seventy-five percent freedom immediately
- If you have taken a wife for grhastha life, why are you neglecting? That is not Vaisnava. Vaisnava means he is very much responsible, and if he is householder, then he must be responsible
- If you take this responsibility, it will be a great help. If you so desire, Brahmananda can also go there for some time to train you how to do this press management
- In future through out the society, it is better so far as possible that we should rent. Big house means big responsibility. So unless there are many men, and very big propaganda, buying house is risky and unnecessary
- It (Mayapur program) will be a world center for teaching spiritual life. Students from all over the world will come and we shall revolutionize the atheistic and communistic tendency of rascal philosophers. So we must be responsible for this great task
- It is our responsibility to recruit these young educated boys and girls before they become spoiled by the degraded conditions of this so-called human society
- It is very good that you are feeling so much responsibility for the welfare of Their Lordships, and I hope that you will very enthusiastically engage yourself in tending to Their needs
- It is your responsibility since you are recommending them that they follow strictly the rules and regulations and remain strong in KC. They must attend the mangala aroti and the Srimad-Bhagavatam class and Bhagavad-gita class and chant 16 rounds minimum
- It is your responsibility to see that these devotees that you have recommended strictly follow the rules and regulations, chanting 16 rounds, attending the classes and the mangala aroti and refraining from the four prohibitions
- Karandhara Prabhu is the Treasurer of the BTG and BKF so you may immediately clear your accounts with him, and this will be a serious responsibility upon you
- Kindly be responsible, those who are second initiated. If you fall down, then the whole movement becomes false. That is happening. So rectify if that is happening, that guna-karma. You must acquire the qualities & must act accordingly. That is practical
- Krishna is very kind upon you because he has given you so many responsible tasks. So always think of the Lotus Feet of Sri Krishna and you will find no difficulties in executing the tasks allotted to you by Krishna
- Krsna Consciousness is factually the only solution to all the suffering which is besetting fellow humanity and all living entities. So we have great responsibilities in discharging our duties in devotional service
- Maybe our movement will be supported in the future by the United Nations. So we Krishna Consciousness people have accepted a very important and responsible task in the whole world, therefore, our principal work also must be very responsible
- My Guru Maharaja wanted that this Krishna Consciousness be spread all over the Western countries especially, and now in my old age, I am leaving this great responsibility in the hands of all you my students
- Now I am trusting you all elderly leaders to do everything very responsibly and to the standards we have set, so that I may very soon begin translating fulltime. Thank you very much
- Now that you are President of the Detroit Temple, you have very great responsibility to take proper care of all the devotees who are engaged there
- Now upon the shoulders of you the leaders of this Movement falls the responsibility of practically saving this earth planet from the present dangerous position
- Now we have got very great responsibility to spread this message all over the world, and in London you have got now a good chance to preach in the most important city of the world
- Now we have the GBC, the sannyasins, the presidents and so many qualified devotees. We have to give up the habit of placing everything on Prabhupada's shoulders. We must be responsible, mature, steadfast and convinced
- Now you are being forced by Krishna to advance in Krishna Consciousness, because you must set the perfect example for all others to follow and be always very responsible and sober
- Now you are raising your third child. So more and more you are becoming responsible for these living entities who are your dependents. You must see that they do not take birth again in this material world. That is your duty
- Now you are the leader of so many men, so you have got the blessings of Krishna's favoring you, because now He is forcing you to be responsible for becoming yourself perfectly example of Krishna Conscious devotee
- Now you have got the responsibility to inject this idea in your country. Please do it with a cool head, and very soon we shall see the practical benefit for your countrymen
- Now you have got very, very great responsible work. I will die. You will live. Kirtir yasya sa jivati. But I will not die
- Now you must all my senior disciples and leaders become very, very much aware of your grave responsibility to the human society for delivering them from the clutches of catastrophe
- Our main business is to train up men to be self sufficient and competent in many ways to carry on the preaching work, not to make them into specialists or to minimize their responsibility by centralizing everything
- Our scope is unlimited, resources unlimited, so we must be exceptionally enthusiastic and sober-minded and responsible for working in that spirit
- Regarding householder life, I have no objection, this is not my responsibility. Henceforth my students must take the responsibility for their own householder life
- Regarding the temple not being finished on time, that is your responsibility. What can I do?
- Regarding your opening another school, if you can do it, I have no objection. But, it is a great responsibility. To open for a few days, and then close it is not good
- Regarding your unstable condition of mind, I beg to request you to always remember that you have all gone to London with a great mission and responsibility. I am so much pleased with you all six boys and girls who are doing so much for my missionary work
- Sannyasi means responsible, you must be responsible for the spiritual progress of the devotees, to see that the right standard is being observed in all departments
- Serious students of this Krsna consciousness movement must understand their great responsibility to preach the cult of Vrndavana (devotional service to the Lord) all over the world
- So don't become grhamedhis, simply having a wife and few children. That, cats and dogs they have also got. That is not required. You find inconvenience to live alone as brahmacari - all right, you take to a wife. Live with wife. Live responsibly
- So far as your being replaced as President of Boston temple, I have no objection. For better management of the whole institution, the governing body commission is responsible
- So far we are concerned we are trying to train first class men. How much great responsibility we have to follow regulative principles, chant the beads, live with personal character etc
- So more and more I am urging my students to recognize the grave responsibility which is theirs for saving this fallen human society from gliding down into hell
- Somebody responsible should be in charge. That way instead of salt something may be put. So many people cooking is going on. All right. Hare Krsna
- Such position of leadership and organization is regarded as Krishna's special favor upon you, because you are forced in this way to become very responsible and set the ideal KC example, and in this way you will make very nice advancement in spiritual life
- Take your (GBC) responsibility very, very seriously as being the representative of Chaitanya, Who is God Himself & always remember that you are one of the few men I have appointed to carry on my work throughout the world & your mission before you is huge
- Thank you for serving steadily and taking responsibility in Krishna Consciousness. The spiritual master cannot be approached for solving marriage problems. That is not the business of the guru
- That is real affection, to make sure my child gets back to Godhead, that is my real responsibility as a parent. And I have seen that Gurukula offers this opportunity more than any other place anywhere
- That is wanted, that all of you will take upon yourselves the responsibility of preaching widely everywhere the message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The first thing is that we have taken very, very responsible task, to finish this so-called lording over this material nature
- The main responsibility of my disciples is to follow the four regulative principles and chant 16 rounds without fail
- The man is more important than the money. We admit everyone to our society, including the cheater, the drug addicted, all qualified. We should take the responsibility to train them
- The modern human society is in need of Krishna relationship, so as soon as they will come in touch with our movement, surely they will feel very happy. So kindly execute this responsibility to your best capacity, and Krishna will be very happy upon you
- The more you take responsibility, Krishna is pleased on you. I am very glad you are feeling such responsibility and Krishna will bless you
- The parents must take responsibility for their children, otherwise they should not have children
- The people are suffering on account of illusory happiness of this material world, and we have got great responsibility to enlighten them with Krishna Consciousness
- The president, secretary and treasurer (of Calcutta) elected by the members of the center cannot be changed at least for one year; better to continue it for three years. All combined together should be responsible for keeping correct accounts
- The whole world is going to hell and everyone is suffering. In light of this, how can we argue amongst one another and neglect our responsibility for reclaiming these fallen souls for going Back to Home, Back to Godhead
- The world is full of these classes of men, and you have to educate them. Your responsibility is very great. You have to make an ass a devotee, a camel a devotee, a dog a devotee, a hog a devotee. This is your mission
- This taking of sannyasa should not be a whimsical proposition, and should not be an excuse for becoming irresponsible, no responsibility of grhastha, brahmacari, etc. Sannyasis also have great responsibility to become fearless preachers
- Those on the level of hogs and dogs will never appreciate such a great attempt (as the Sankirtana movement). Yet this does not matter to the preachers of Sri Caitanya's cult, for all over the world they will continue to perform this responsible work
- Those who are conducting different centers and temples, they should be very responsible men. Because everything will depend on their sincere activities and character
- Those who are responsible should be very frugal to see that not one penny is unnecessarily spent
- We are not orphans. We are taken care of by our rich father, very wise father, very rich father, able father. We are not forlorn orphans. We have got respectability. And we offer our respect to father. We depend on father. We are safe
- We cannot invest any money in any film industry. I am very glad to learn that you will soon be freed from all family responsibility and join our movement
- We cannot take responsibility for marrying others who are not initiated by us
- We have got very great responsibility to spread this Krsna consciousness movement to the world. By switching on this Krsna consciousness, you solve all the problems
- We have to be very sincere devotee of Krsna and He will supply everything. In that position, go on preaching. Don't be tottering. You have taken a great responsibility; go on executing it. Don't fight amongst yourselves for petty things
- We must become so responsible for seriously practicing this art of KC, because this world is so full of degrading elements of life for dragging everyone down & down, & if just a few men can perfect the art, they can save the rest of all the people
- We require a guidebook for Deity worship, arcana-paddhati, based on Hari-bhakti-Vilasa. All brahmanas will be responsible to learn this book
- We require personalities like you to join this movement wholeheartedly, but because you have got wife and children I am hesitating to ask you to close your business. As a responsible head of a family you should consider this point seriously
- Whatever success is there, it is just due to my firm faith in his (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's) instruction. So I am trying to follow. And by his grace, you are helping me. So actually, the responsibility will now depend on you. I am also old man
- When I get married our boys and girls, the boy takes this vow that "I take responsibility of your maintenance throughout your whole life," and the girl promises that "I desire to serve you throughout my whole life"
- When there is gain, don't be puffed up. You should think that this gain is for the Lord. And when there is loss, you should know that "This is not my responsibility. It is God's work. He'll see." Then you'll be happy
- Whether your husband likes to take responsibility as your spiritual guide or not, that does not matter. He must do it. It is his duty because he has taken you as his wife. Therefore he must take full responsibility for you the rest of his life
- You are an old experienced devotee and I have personally trained you in so many things, so now it is your responsibility to train others otherwise what is the meaning of my training you?
- You are intelligent boy and now you are in very responsible position as president of our Baltimore branch, so you should be more careful
- You are my elder disciple, you are one of the leaders of our Society; therefore, it is your duty to feel always this responsibility for seeing that the things go on properly
- You are now big officer, and I think Krishna has favored you by this position, because now you will be forced to always be the best example of KC person and be very very responsible
- You are so humble and so sincere, this is a sign of your success. May Krishna bless you more and more. Krishna has placed you in that position. Now, you should always be fully conscious of your great responsibility
- You are the best man for this task of being responsible for our world headquarters at Mayapur, thank you very much for helping me in this way
- You are the leader of London temple, one of the most important temples in the world, so your responsibility is very very immense
- You are the president of the Temple and therefore you are responsible for all areas. Who is in charge of the Deity room? It must be secured at night, every window and door must be locked and you must personally see to this
- You as mother and father must take responsibility to deliver these nice children and that will be a very great service for Krsna
- You become very responsible and convinced of this our Krishna philosophy and if you maintain your purity then you will convince everyone else with this philosophy, that is our mission
- You can understand that I am very much depending on you to become very much convinced yourself of our Krishna philosophy and to take full responsibility for teaching others purely
- You cannot be irresponsible to your wife and child. That is not allowed. If you can go with your wife to Munich to open a center there certainly I have no objection. That is a different thing. But you cannot leave your wife to go to Munich
- You cannot take preaching very easy-going. Preaching must be fight. Do you mean to say fighting is easy thing? Fighting is not easy thing. Whenever there is fight, there is danger, there is responsibility
- You go on in this spirit independently of any other responsibilities and produce books more and more, profusely
- You have got good ideas, you are intelligent and have got qualifications, but you must learn to be more responsible
- You may get yourself married, provided that you can meet the responsibility of grhastha life. If you marry you will have to work to provide for your wife and family and try to spend at least 50% for Krishna Consciousness
- You may go there again and take some responsible post for correcting the situation, that will be your real duty, not that there is some disagreement and I go away disgusted, no. That is not Vaisnava standard
- You must execute the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, parampara, Caitanya Mahaprabhu and your guru. That is real life of devotional service, to take some responsibility for working and execute it to your best capacity
- You must take the full responsibility to give them all guidance and facility for perfecting their lives in Krishna Consciousness. The trick is to keep everyone always engaged happily in Krishna's service, then they will advance rapidly
- You should be very serious for trying for it, as I think that you are one of my senior disciples and I am very much relying on you now to carry on this mission with full responsibility
- You should take your post of temple president as a very serious matter. It is your responsibility to always exhibit a Krsna conscious example
- You were originally entrusted with the responsibility of that branch, as you helped start it, and so it is your duty now to help maintain it, even you are not present there
- Your first consideration must be to see that your children become Krishna conscious, and if your husband will not take his responsibility, then what can be done? Simply you must keep to the principles, and pray to Krishna to help you
- Your normal life is Krishna Consciousness. If you so desire you can stay in Mayapur without taking any responsibility. Simply read books, take Prasadam, and chant Hare Krishna. Now, for the time being, you stay with your father. Later on you can decide
- Your sincere endeavor to engage new devotees is very much appreciated. It is especially encouraging that these new devotees are taking on responsible service within our communities
- Your suggestions about marriage are very nice. Marriage is a great responsibility and should not be taken lightly