Category:Our Real Interest
Pages in category "Our Real Interest"
The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.
- A small child, you let him be free, he will catch up sometimes this, catch up sometimes that, catch up sometimes that. He does not know what is his real interest
- Adhama means lowest of the mankind; patita means fallen. If one does not understand his real interest, he is called fallen
- Artha means how to satisfy Krsna. This is artha. It is said, arthadam. Arthadam. You can get real interest in this life
- As a monkey takes shelter of the branch of a banyan tree and thinks he is enjoying, the conditioned soul, not knowing the real interest of his life, takes shelter of the path of karma-kanda, fruitive activities
- Even when one understands the Vedic rituals, he becomes interested in promotion to heavenly planets, not knowing that one's real interest lies in returning home, back to Godhead
- Everyone has got interest. But nobody knows what is real interest. That is missing
- Everyone is busy of his own interest, but they do not know what is real interest. They do not know what is real interest. The real interest is to invoke the dormant love of Krsna
- Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum: "They do not know that the real interest and the highest perfection of life is to worship Lord Visnu (Krsna)." (SB 7.5.31) It is impossible to become satisfied by trying to adjust the external energy
- Nobody is thinking that "I am increasing the requisites of the body, but I am not this body; I am soul. What is the requisition of the soul?" they have forgotten. Real interest they have forgotten
- Nobody knows the real interest is to go back to home, back to Godhead. Nobody knows. Ask any so-called sadhu, yogi, swami - they do not know
- Of course hardly anyone is interest in achieving his real self interest, love of Krsna, but our presentation is so scientific that learned persons are appreciating it all over the world
- Our real interest is in the western countries. The trouble in India is we cannot preach. There are language difficulties and the people think they already know everything
- Our real interest lies in understanding this simple fact. Then we can make further spiritual progress. Otherwise, if we remain in the bodily conception of life, our miserable material existence will continue forever
- The fingers catching a sweetmeat cannot enjoy it. The real interest is give it to the stomach and your interest is fulfilled. Immediately your fingers will be fed. This is personal interest - to enjoy through Krsna, not directly
- The government is not partial to any citizen, but if a citizen is law-abiding he receives abundant opportunities from the state laws to live peacefully and fulfill his real interests
- The leaders incite them toward false, illusory gain and thus engage them in various acts of sin. In temporarily benefiting themselves, such leaders sacrifice the real interest of their followers and destroy the followers
- The population in this age, almost all of them, are manda - means bad or very slow - they do not understand what is the aim of life; therefore they are called manda. Because they do not understand their real interest of life, they can be called very bad
- The real interest is to approach Visnu, to go back to home, go back to Godhead. That he does not know. He is entangled with these material affairs. Anartha
- The real interest of the living entity is to get out of the nescience that causes him to endure repeated birth and death
- The real interest or goal of life is to return home, back to Godhead. To enable one to fulfill this purpose, there are so many Vedic literatures, including Vedanta-sutra, the Upanisads, Bhagavad-gita, Mahabharata and the Ramayana
- The special advantage of this human form of life - Prahlada Maharaja says - although it is adhruvam, it will not stay, but arthadam, you can have your real interest fulfilled
- The whole idea of human civilization should be how to push one to Krsna consciousness, to Visnu. Because they do not know, na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum (SB 7.5.31). The real interest is to approach Visnu, to go back to home, go back to Godhead
- There are two classes of men - namely the krpana and the brahmana. A brahmana is one who knows Brahman, the Absolute Truth, and who thus knows his real interest. A krpana, however, is one who has a material, bodily concept of life
- These rascals, they do not know that their real interest is to satisfy Visnu. They think, "Some way or other if I can satisfy my senses, then my life is perfect." But you cannot satisfy your senses without satisfying the Lord's sense
- They do not know that the real interest is to go back home, go back to Godhead. Durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah. They have accepted that "We shall be happy by adjusting this material world." Therefore they cannot make any progress
- They do not know that, My svartha, my interest, my goal of life, is to love, to find out God and to love Him. That is my real interest
- This is a spiritual movement, and at the present moment people are more interested with material improvement, but our real interest is... Not only our, every human being's interest should be for spiritual upliftment
- Under the spell of the Lord's material energy, he continues to loiter in the forest of material existence. He does not discover his real interest even at the point of death
- Unfortunately, these materialistic persons, they do not know what is his real interest. The real interest is Visnu, how to serve Visnu
- We are not the body; we are spiritual beings trapped in the body. Our real interest lies in understanding this simple fact
- We are opening centers in different parts of the world to give an opportunity for people to understand their real interest: Visnu, Krsna. That is our mission. Kindly help us and join us
- We are opening centers in different parts of the world to give opportunity to the people to understand his real interest: Visnu, his real interest. That is our mission