Category:One Hundred
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Pages in category "One Hundred"
The following 181 pages are in this category, out of 181 total.
- A devotee, although born in a candala (dog-eater) family, can purify his whole family for one hundred generations, past and future, by devotional service, whereas a proud brahmana cannot even purify himself
- A person who executes his occupational duty properly for one hundred births becomes qualified to occupy the post of Brahma, and if he becomes more qualified, he can approach Lord Siva
- About Trinity College lectures, I think I can stay in Hartford for the days I have to lecture there, and the fees may be charged $100 per lecture as the New York City College has offered
- According to law of karma, you have given one hundred dollars to a poor man to help him. This means that the poor man has to pay you four hundred dollars in your next life, with interest and compound interest
- According to the Varaha Purana, as quoted by Srila Jiva Gosvami, there is no difference between the water of the Ganges and the Yamuna, but when the water of the Ganges is sanctified one hundred times, it is called the Yamuna
- After consulting with Raghava Pandita, he secretly delivered one hundred gold coins and about seven tolas of gold into the hand of Nityananda Prabhu's treasurer
- After hearing the one hundred verses, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu happily embraced Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, who was immediately overwhelmed in ecstatic love of Godhead and fell unconscious
- After passing one hundred life of first-class karmi one can become Brahma. And after becoming Brahma, he goes directly back to home, back to Godhead
- After the first bathing, further bathings were conducted with panca-gavya and then with pancamrta. Then the maha-snana was performed with ghee and water, which had been brought in one hundred pots
- Although Yuvanasva went into the forest with his one hundred wives, all of them were very morose. The sages in the forest, however, being very kind to the King, began very carefully attentively performing an Indra-yajna so that the King might have a son
- Among these many sons, six were the foremost, such as Prthusrava and Prthukirti. The son of Prthusrava was known as Dharma, and his son was known as Usana. Usana was the performer of one hundred horse sacrifices
- An explanation of the Gayatri mantra can be found in the Madhya-lila, Chapter Twenty-one, text 125
- At present, we have about 100 centers worldwide and about 10,000 fully dedicated students in those centers. You are welcome to visit or stay in any of our centers for your spiritual advancement
- At the source of the River Sarasvati, this King will perform one hundred sacrifices known as asvamedha. In the course of the last sacrifice, the heavenly King Indra will steal the sacrificial horse
- Bali Maharaja had one hundred sons, of whom Maharaja Bana was the eldest and most famous
- Below the abodes of the Yaksas and Raksasas by a distance of 100 yojanas (800 miles) is the planet earth. Its upper limits extend as high as swans, hawks, eagles and similar large birds can fly
- Betting was with gold coins, and Balarama first of all challenged with one hundred coins, then one thousand coins, then ten thousand coins. Each time, Balarama lost, and Rukmi was victorious
- By the blessings of Lord Brahma, King Prthu would become more famous than King Indra. Thus Prthu's determination to perform one hundred sacrifices was indirectly fulfilled by the blessings of Lord Brahma
- Devotional service to the Lord is rendered by all limbs or parts of the body. It is the transcendental dynamic force of the spirit soul; therefore a devotee is engaged one hundred percent in the service of the Lord
- Dhrtarastra's wife, Gandhari, gave birth to one hundred sons and one daughter, O King. The oldest of the sons was Duryodhana, and the daughter's name was Duhsala
- Duration of life on the moon, according to Vedic information, is ten thousand years, and one day there is equal to six months here. Thus ten thousand multiplied by one hundred eighty years is the duration of life on the moon
- Even the performance of one hundred asvamedha sacrifices cannot compare to the sacrifice of sankirtana
- Every place within a radius of one hundred miles from where a devotee is born becomes sanctified
- Every year on the date of Ananta-caturdasi there is a festival to commemorate the passing away of Haridasa Thakura. At the same place, Deities of Nityananda Prabhu, Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Advaita Prabhu were established about one hundred years ago
- Everything is zero without the Lord (Krsna), who is the digit that transforms zero into ten, two zeros into one hundred, three zeros into one thousand, and so on. Thus a "zero man" cannot become happy without the association of the Lord, the supreme - 1
- For another explanation of the word adi-vasya (in CC Antya 14.26), refer to Antya-lila, Chapter Ten, verse 116
- For his own sense gratification, King Indra thought to defeat Maharaja Prthu in the performance of one hundred horse sacrifices. Consequently he stole the horse and hid himself amid so many irreligious personalities, taking on false guise of a sannyasi
- Forest - going means to take one-hundred - percent shelter of the Supreme Lord, as explained by Prahlada Maharaja in his talks with his father
- Formerly people used to beget one hundred to two hundred sons and daughters. As will be evident from the next verse (SB 4.27.7), King Puranjana not only begot 1,100 sons but also 110 daughters
- Formerly, one servant was engaged, ten rupees or twelve rupees per month. Now you cannot get a servant unless you pay one hundred rupees. So in that comparison, everyone is getting more money, but still the condition is the same
- From a practical point of view, as I have not yet finished Srimad Bhagawatam and we have got now 100 branches, so by the time I am finished with Bhagawatam there must be at least 1000 branches. I have worked alone, now you are so many
- He (guru) does not even say that he is the direct servant. Rather, he is the servant one hundred times removed
- He (Pradyumna) then released another one hundred arrows toward the body of Salva. After this, he pierced each and every soldier by releasing one arrow, he killed the chariot drivers by firing ten arrows at each one of them
- Her (Gandhari's) ambition to become the mother of one hundred sons was fulfilled, and she began to nourish all the children according to her exalted position
- Here the government begins cheating. He is engaging you to hard work day and night and paying you a piece of paper, where it is written "one hundred dollars." That's all. This is your society, cheating and cheater
- Hiranyakasipu performed a severe type of tapasya, austerity, for many long years. Indeed, it is said that he performed the tapasya for one hundred heavenly years. Since one day of the demigods equals six of our months, certainly this was a very long time
- His (Dhrtarastra's) brother Pandu died also. Then in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra his one hundred sons and his grandsons all died, along with all other well-wishers like Bhismadeva, Dronacarya, Karna and many other kings and friends
- Hundred and one years ago, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, he appeared on this day. So Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is gaura-sakti. Gaura-sakti means empowered, empowered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I am so pleased that you have published. Even I have not seen them, I am pleased and obliged to you. Continue this work. Whenever there is any publication in any language, it enlivens me 100 times
- I became the husband of fifty wives, and in each of them I begot one hundred sons, and thus my family increased to five thousand members
- I have already replied Jadurani's letter. Regarding her offenses, I do not remember when she committed offenses, and even though she might have done so, I excuse her 100 times, without any hesitation. So she has nothing to bother about it
- I have established about 100 big big temples all over the world; unfortunately, I am getting too much anxiety in my country and I do not know why
- I have therefore decided to send more men from America to India to preach this cult all over the country. We require about 100 men minimum, out of whom there are about 40 men in Calcutta and Bombay and other places
- I know in the Western countries it is difficult job to finish sixty-four rounds or 120 rounds, like that. Minimum sixteen rounds. That must be finished. Tat-tat-karma-pravartanat. This is the direction. Observing the regulative principles
- I know that you are practical. Instead of talking 100 times and doing nothing. That I want
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of God (brahmanya-deva), who appeared as Saksi-gopala to benefit a brahmana. For one hundred days He traveled through the country, walking on His own legs. Thus His activities are wonderful
- I tell you as a sincere friend that you must immediately retire from active politics if you do not desire to die an inglorious death. You have 125 years to live as you have desired to live but you if you die an inglorious death it is no worth
- I thank you very much for sending me a record player by air freight, but since you have not mentioned that it is an unsolicited gift, customs has raised objections & they want to levy duty to the extent of 100 Rs
- I want to have in India a nice center so that foreign students will go. College for students from America who travel (indistinct). So I want to keep at least one hundred students here
- I want to make 100 Murtis, probably in hard rubber, for our Temples
- If Brahma is the center of all manifestations, then this material world is a manifestation of the center by 180 degrees, and the other 180 degrees constitute the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- If brahmananda, the bliss of merging in the Brahman effulgence, were multiplied one hundred trillion times, it would still not equal even an atomic fragment of the ocean of transcendental bliss felt in devotional service
- If we get that house we shall celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada a little pompously
- If you can produce Krsna conscious children, produce 100 children. There is no objection. But if you cannot do that, then either don't produce children or produce children as much as you can manage. This is Krsna philosophy, it is not simply a negation
- In his wife Simhika, Vipracitti begot one hundred and one sons, of whom the eldest is Rahu
- In his wife Simhika, Vipracitti begot one hundred and one sons, of whom the eldest is Rahu and the others are the one hundred Ketus. All of them attained positions in the influential planets
- In India also there are svamis who go to people's houses and preach, "If you give me one ounce of gold I can make it into one hundred ounces of gold." The people think - I have five ounces of gold. Let me give it to him, and I'll get five hundred ounces
- In our Mayapur center daily one hundred men are being fed. And in our Bombay center . . . similarly, in our Los Angeles . . . in all centers our temple is open. Any man can come and eat and live with us
- In the Antya-lila of Caitanya-caritamrta, Chapter Two, verses 104-106, there is a description of Madhavidevi. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu considered her one of the maidservants of Srimati Radharani
- In the dynasty of Gadhi, the most powerful Visvamitra took birth. By dint of his austerity and penance, he became a brahmana. He had 101 sons, who were celebrated as the Madhucchandas
- In this Krsna consciousness movement we have got one hundred centers, and each temple, not less than twenty-five, up to 250 devotees live. So we have no fixed up means of income
- Instead of working foolishly for sense gratification, if we work one hundred times, one-hundredth portion of that labor for Krsna, our life will be successful. That is the teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- It (New Vrndavana) has a farmhouse and several other structures, well, streams, hills (govardhana, as named by Swamiji) pasture grounds (a cow will be acquired soon), ghat, pond, woodland, all situated on 138 acres
- It has become an obligation, that one must go out of his home, of his village, of his country. That is defective. There was no need of so many transports. People remained locally. One has to go for livelihood hundred miles. This is defective
- It is estimated from authoritative sources of Vedic literature that Bhagavad Gita is eternal truth and was first revealed within our knowledge at least 120 millions of years ago
- Jayadhvaja had a son named Talajangha, who had one hundred sons. All the ksatriyas in that dynasty, known as Talajangha, were annihilated by the great power received by Maharaja Sagara from Aurva Rsi
- Just as it is the nature of all living entities within this material world to become envious of their competitors, King Indra, although King of heaven, was also envious of King Prthu and therefore wanted to stop him from performing one hundred sacrifices
- Just like one little child has taken away from the pocket of his father one hundred dollar bill, and he's going to tear it. And the father says, "Oh, my son, what you will do with this paper? You take these lozenges." And the lozenges is worth one cent
- Kamsari Sena was formerly Ratnavali in Vraja, as described in the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika - 194 and 200
- King Bali had one hundred sons, and the eldest of all of them was Banasura
- King Indra is known as sata-kratu, which indicates that he has performed one hundred horse sacrifices (asvamedha-yajna). We should know, however, that the animals sacrificed in the yajna were not killed
- King Indra, who performed one hundred sacrifices, received this prayer of protection from Visvarupa. After conquering the demons, he enjoyed all the opulences of the three worlds
- King Prthu was determined to perform one hundred sacrifices, and King Indra took this very seriously because Indra himself was known as the performer of one hundred sacrifices
- King Puranjana not only begot 1,100 sons but also 110 daughters. At the present moment no one can produce such huge quantities of children. Instead, mankind is very busy checking the increase of population by contraceptive methods
- King Puranjana's family life was, of course, very happy. As mentioned in these verses, he begot 1,100 sons and 110 daughters
- Krsna remains in this universe for only 125 years, but all the pastimes of that period are exhibited in each and every universe. These pastimes include His appearance, His boyhood activities, His youth & His later pastimes up to those pastimes at Dvaraka
- Krsna said, "But by Her bodily features and counter words She neglects Me. And I even possess unlimited pleasure by Her neglect of Me, for She becomes so beautiful that She increases My pleasure one hundred times"
- Last Monday we were at a law college and at least one hundred law students were up and chanting and dancing along with us
- Lord Brahma came down to pacify King Prthu regarding his continual performance of one hundred sacrifices
- Lord Brahma requested Prthu Maharaja to desist from his unnecessary competition with Indra, who was determined to stop Prthu Maharaja from completing one hundred yajnas
- Lord Caitanya said that "I am the servant of the servant of the servant 100 times removed" and similarly we should think ourselves
- Lord Rsabhadeva instructed His one hundred sons, of whom the eldest, Bharata, was a very advanced devotee and a follower of Vaisnavas. In order to rule the whole world, the Lord enthroned His eldest son on the royal seat
- Lord Rsabhadeva performed all kinds of sacrifices one hundred times according to the instructions of the Vedic literatures. Thus He satisfied Lord Visnu in every respect
- Lord Siva is generally worshiped by Hindu maidens to get a good husband. Gandhari satisfied Lord Siva, and by his benediction to obtain one hundred sons, she was betrothed to Dhrtarastra, despite his being blind forever
- Lord Siva presented King Prthu with a sword within a sheath marked with ten moons, and his wife, the goddess Durga, presented him with a shield marked with one hundred moons
- Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, said: My dear King Prthu, Indra, the King of heaven, has disturbed your execution of one hundred sacrifices. Now he has come with Me to be forgiven by you. Therefore excuse him
- Maharaja Iksvaku: One of the sons of Vaivasvata Manu. He had one hundred sons. He prohibited meat eating. His son Sasada became the next king after his death
- Make the well 100 feet deep and big and fix a pump so that you can always take water from. This news about the well has pleased me very much. Also, because the tamal tree is blooming so nicely you may let it stand; do not cut it down, but let it grow
- Mallikarjuna is also known as Sri Saila. It is situated about one hundred miles northeast of Karnula on the southern bank of the Krsna River. There are great walls all around the village, and within the walls resides the deity known as Mallikarjuna
- Money means gold. Where is gold? You are cheated. Money means gold. So instead of possessing gold, you are possessing some paper, written there, "hundred dollars." And you are such a fool, you are satisfied
- Mr. Harrison is purchasing 172 acres of land near London, and it is expected that he will construct a temple of Radha-Krishna there. This is also very encouraging news
- My idea is that all our centers should be self-supported. We do not like that idea that for your support you have to go 100 miles to get your bread. That is a very dangerous drawback. You produce your food locally and then support yourself
- Not only did Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu pick out this one (CC Adi 16.41) among the one hundred verses and remember it although the brahmana had recited them like the blowing wind, but He also analyzed its qualities and faults
- Not only was Puranjana, the King of Pancala, satisfied in his own sex life, but he arranged for the sex life of his 1,100 sons and 110 daughters. In this way one can elevate an aristocratic family to the platform of a dynasty
- O Maharaja Pariksit, subduer of enemies, this Revata constructed a kingdom known as Kusasthali in the depths of the ocean. There he lived and ruled such tracts of land as Anarta, etc. He had one hundred very nice sons, of whom the eldest was Kakudmi
- Of Rsabhadeva's one hundred sons, the eldest, named Bharata, was a great, exalted devotee qualified with the best attributes. In his honor, this planet has become known as Bharata-varsa
- Of the one hundred sons, half disobeyed Visvamitra by not accepting Sunahsepha as their eldest brother, but the other half accepted his order. Therefore the father blessed the obedient sons to become the fathers of sons
- Of the one hundred sons, twenty-five became kings in the western side of Aryavarta, a place between the Himalaya and Vindhya mountains
- Of the sons of Talajangha, Vitihotra was the eldest. The son of Vitihotra named Madhu had a celebrated son named Vrsni. Madhu had one hundred sons, of whom Vrsni was the eldest
- On Salmalidvipa there is a salmali tree, from which the island takes its name. That tree is as broad and tall as the plaksa tree - in other words 100 yojanas (800 miles) broad and 1,100 yojanas (8,800 miles) tall
- One man has got hundred dollars income. He is trying to be happy, more happy, by increasing the income to a thousand dollars, because his sense gratification is not sufficient in one hundred dollars
- One year of Brahma’s life consists of 360 such days and nights (8,64,00,00,000 solar years), and Brahma lives for one hundred such years. Such is the life of a Brahma
- Our Srimad-Bhagavatam will be finished in sixty volumes, and Caitanya-caritamrta is already finished in seventeen volumes. So altogether at least we'll have hundred volumes of books, small and big, to give sruti-pramana
- Out of 100 persons, seventy-five percent, they are engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord. The rest twenty-five percent who are grhasthas, they are meant for sacrificing fifty percent of their income for this seventy-five percent
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was offering obeisances flat hundred times and taking bath three times. Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, those who have gone to Radha-Kunda, you have seen, the extreme tapasya. He was very rich man's son
- Rajaputa Krsnadasa said, "I have my home here, and I also have about two hundred Turkish soldiers and about one hundred cannons"
- Regarding your proposal of working in Columbus with the chance of earning $100 per day, why don't you take it? This will be a great help to this center because there is such great potential for spreading our movement amongst the students there
- Remembering this statement (of Pingala), Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu became ecstatic. The story of Pingala is found in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Eleventh Canto, Eighth Chapter, verses 22-44, as well as in the Mahabharata, Santi-parva, Chapter 174
- Rsabhadeva gave His one hundred sons instructions whereby they could become free from the clutches of maya
- Rsabhadeva took a wife named Jayanti and begot one hundred sons who were as powerful and qualified as He Himself. His wife Jayanti had been offered to Him by Indra, the King of heaven
- Rsabhadeva was retiring from the duty of royal position, and before that, He selected, out of His one hundred sons, Bharata as the king, next king
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya composed one hundred verses in a very short time. Indeed, not even Brhaspati, the priest of the heavenly planets, could compose verses as quickly
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya wrote a book of 100 verses named Caitanya-sataka or Susloka-sataka. Two other verses he wrote, beginning with the words vairagya-vidya-nija-bhakti-yoga & kalan nastam bhakti-yogam nijam yah, are very famous among Gaudiya Vaisnavas
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, he was a impersonalist, followers of the Sankara philosophy. When he became convinced about the Vaisnava philosophy, he wrote one hundred slokas, prayers to Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- She (Gandhari) left home after losing her one hundred sons, and in the forest she saw that her most beloved husband was also burning. Now she actually felt alone, and therefore she entered the fire of her husband and followed her husband to death
- Since each millennium consists of 4,300,000 years and we are now in the twenty-eighth millennium, some 120,400,000 years have passed since the battle took place on the bank of the River Narmada
- Somaka had one hundred sons, of whom the youngest was Prsata. From Prsata was born King Drupada, who was opulent in all supremacy
- Srila Nityananda Prabhu continued, "If You invite at least one hundred sannyasis to Your home and feed them sumptuously, Your offense will be nullified"
- Standing like flagstaffs on the summits of these four mountains are a mango tree, a rose apple tree, a kadamba tree and a banyan tree. Those trees are calculated to have a width of 100 yojanas (800 miles) and a height of 1,100 yojanas (8,800 miles)
- Suppose for two days he has a 98.6 degree temperature, but with a slight change of diet, a slight change of behavior, the temperature rises immediately to 100. Relapse
- Suppose we were to take a hair and divide it into a hundred parts. Could we do it? No. That is not possible. But if we could do it and then divide it again into another one hundred parts, each part would be the size of the spirit soul
- The aim (going to that 104th floor) is the same, but you cannot say that one who has already covered one hundred steps, he is as good as one who has covered two steps. There is that difference
- The American people have every thing in ample and the worker gets about Rs 100/- as daily wages and still there are thieves for want of character. The lower class men daily workers are cent percent drunkards
- The breadth of each Vaikuntha planet is described as eight miles multiplied by one hundred, by one thousand, by ten thousand, by one hundred thousand and by ten million. In other words, each Vaikuntha planet is expanded beyond our ability to measure
- The child thus remains just like a bird in a cage, without freedom of movement. At that time, if the child is fortunate, he can remember all the troubles of his past one hundred births, and he grieves wretchedly
- The demigod Aparajita fought with Namuci, and the two Asvini-kumara brothers fought with Vrsaparva. The sun-god fought with the one hundred sons of Maharaja Bali, headed by Bana, and the moon-god fought with Rahu
- The family in which a maha-bhagavata takes his birth is fortunate because due to the birth of a first-grade devotee the members of the family, past, present and future up to one hundred generations, become liberated by the grace of the Lord
- The great sage Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, King Prthu initiated the performance of one hundred horse sacrifices at the spot where the River Sarasvati flows towards the east
- The name of the book of one hundred beautiful verses composed by Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya is Susloka-sataka
- The Sankirtana party is selling daily 50 to 100 copies of Back To Godhead, and they are collecting 30 to 50 dollars, and the students of the Washington University, they are little bit attracted
- The sastras state that a family in which a pure devotee is born is sanctified for one hundred generations of ancestors & descendants. And the sastras also state that every place within a radius of 100 miles from where a devotee is born becomes sanctified
- The shock she suffered because of the wholesale killing of her one hundred sons and her grandsons also was certainly too much for a woman. But she suffered all this just like an ascetic
- The son of Manu was Iksvaku. When Manu was sneezing, Iksvaku was born from Manu's nostrils. King Iksvaku had one hundred sons, of whom Vikuksi, Nimi and Dandaka were the most prominent
- The son of Rucirasva was Para, and the sons of Para were Prthusena and Nipa. Nipa had one hundred sons
- The son of Setu was Arabdha, Arabdha's son was Gandhara, and Gandhara's son was Dharma. Dharma's son was Dhrta, Dhrta's son was Durmada, and Durmada's son was Praceta, who had one hundred sons
- The time duration needed for the integration of three trasarenus is called a truti, and one hundred trutis make one vedha. Three vedhas make one lava
- The tip of the hair, just a small full stop, you divide this point into one hundred parts, and that one part again divide into one hundred parts. That is, mean, one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair
- The tract of land comprising about one hundred square miles from modern Delhi to the Mathura district in Uttar Pradesh, including a portion of Gurgaon district in Punjab (East India), is considered to be the topmost place of pilgrimage in all of India
- The Vedas say, svadharma-nisthah sata janmabhih puman virincatam eti: "One who strictly follows the principles of varnasrama-dharma for at least one hundred births will be rewarded with the post of Lord Brahma
- The whole trouble of the world is that nobody is satisfied. If he's a poor man, if he thinks, "Oh, my income is $100. If I get $400 per month, then I will be very happy." But when he gets $400, he expects, "Oh, if I get $1,000, then I shall be happy"
- The Yadu dynasty had 101 clans in different parts of the country. All the members of these different clans respected Lord Krsna in a manner befitting His divine position
- The younger section of this country, both boys and girls, are taking great interest in this movement. At present I have more than 100 students already initiated, strictly following the Vaisnava regulations
- There are millions of elephants in the African jungle, in Indian jungles. They require one hundred pounds at a time to eat. Who is supplying food? So there is no question of starvation in the kingdom of God. Starvation is for the so-called civilized men
- There was a great tension between him (Vasistha) and Visvamitra, who wanted his kamadhenu, wish-fulfilling cow. Vasistha Muni refused to spare his kamadhenu, and for this Visvamitra killed his one hundred sons
- Thereafter, Bali Maharaja begot one hundred sons in the womb of Asana. Of these one hundred sons, King Bana was the eldest. The activities of Bali Maharaja, which are very laudable, will be described later (in the Eighth Canto)
- They sold 100 Bhagavatams in two days is very nice. I think the Bhagavatam is now selling as well as the Gita. So this is very encouraging to me
- This (CC Madhya 20.112) is a quotation from the Visnu Purana (6.7.61). For a further explanation of this verse, refer to Adi-lila, Chapter Seven, verse 119
- This book (Krsna-karnamrta) was composed by Bilvamangala Thakura in 112 verses. There are two or three other books bearing the same name, and there are also two commentaries on Bilvamangala's book
- This is a quotation (of CC Madhya 25.158) from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.15.43). For an explanation see Madhya-lila, Chapter Seventeen, text 142
- This rascal wants so much. It is simply joking. Anyway, I think you cannot find out, let Jayapataka find out. The composition charges should not be more than Rs. 250 for 100 pages, very small pages
- Under the circumstances, if you and other devotees can secure at least $100 per month for Back To Godhead, then it will not be necessary for you in San Francisco to obtain money by getting advertisements
- Unless situated by the side of the Supreme One, zero is always zero; one may add one hundred zeros, but the value will still remain zero. Unless one's material assets are used in Krsna consciousness, they may play havoc and degrade the possessor
- Upon becoming a student of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya wrote one hundred verses praising Him. Two of those verses are mentioned in the Caitanya-caritamrta
- We are serving God, we have no profession, we have no business, we have no income, but Krsna is supplying all the necessities of life. Paying for this house two thousand dollars per month. We have got one hundred such centers
- We are taking authoritative version from the sastra. And we are . . . our program is to publish at least one hundred books of this size. There are so many information. They can read all these books and take information
- We are working so hard for sense gratification, we are never satisfied. But if one-hundredth part of this labor, if we devote for understanding Krsna consciousness, our life will be successful. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s teachings. Try to understand
- We have got about hundred branches, and each branch, there are not less than twenty-five up to 250. So average, if you take one hundred, then it is ten thousand. Yes. Ten thousand. And all of them are young, within thirty, within thirty
- We have got about one hundred branches all over the world - Europe, America, Australia, and Far East, Middle East, India - everywhere we have got branches. And I am very much obliged to your country, USA. You are mostly cooperating with this movement
- We have got about one hundred centers. So we are simply engaged in Krsna consciousness business. So far our material necessities are concerned, we are not badly situated
- We have got so many branches all over the world, and each and every branch you will find devotees like this. At least twenty-five devotees, up to one hundred devotees we have got
- When a person is given varieties of food, there may be a hundred and one varieties, but if one likes ordinary saka, spinach, he prefers to eat that
- When King Prthu was performing one hundred yajnas, Indra became very envious because he did not want anyone to excel him
- When Krsna jumped into the water, the river overflooded its banks to a distance of one hundred yards, as if something very large had fallen into it. This exhibition of Krsna's strength is not at all uncommon, because He is the reservoir of all strength
- When there is a little hope of success in these countries, it encourages me 100 times more than in other places. If they take up this Krishna Consciousness, they'll take it very seriously. This is the perfection of Communist ideology
- When there was another party, then the 105 brothers (Kurus and Pandavas) were together. In this way, we must cooperate to spread Krsna consciousness
- Wherever you go, your this fate will go with you. If you are meant for getting ten thousand, you'll never get ten thousand, one hundred. This is called destiny
- Whoever executes his occupational duty (sva-dharma) for one hundred births (for instance, if a brahmana continues to act as a brahmana) becomes eligible for promotion to Brahmaloka, the planet where Lord Brahma lives
- With great humility, Raghunatha dasa placed one hundred gold coins and about two tolas of gold before Raghava Pandita for all the other devotees
- With the progressive advance of each new yuga, the duration of human life is reduced by ninety percent - from one hundred thousand to ten thousand, from ten thousand to one thousand, and from one thousand to one hundred
- You have no experience. In India we have got experience. Each and every monkey has got at least hundred girls with him. Hundred, one hundred. So what we able to enjoy?
- You may sleep in a very nice apartment in a six-story building or in a 122-story building, and the dog may lie in a street, but when he sleeps and when you sleep, there is no difference
- You must execute the duties. Just like we have asked our students to finish sixteen rounds chanting minimum. Sixteen rounds is nothing. In Vrndavana there are many devotees, they chant 120 rounds. Like that. So sixteen rounds is the minimum
- You report that although construction has temporarily stopped the expenditure is still Rs. 100 per day. I do not think four masons require so much. Please explain what is the Rs. 100 per day expenditure
- Your suggestion to get new buses is good. I always recommended that. I don't like old vehicles. I think one hundred buses are not sufficient for America
- Yuvanasva married one hundred wives, but he had no sons, and therefore he entered the forest. In the forest, the sages performed a sacrifice known as Indra-yajna on his behalf