Category:On The Contrary
"on the contrary"
Pages in category "On The Contrary"
The following 79 pages are in this category, out of 79 total.
- A devotee does not think like yogis & jnanis, who want to refuse a material body & become one with the impersonal Brahman effulgence. A devotee does not like this idea. On the contrary, he will accept any body, material or spiritual, for he wants to serve
- A materialistic man like Ravana does not understand this great truth, but on the contrary he wants to snatch Sitadevi from the custody of Rama and thus incurs great miseries
- A pure devotee (anyabhilasita-sunyam (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11)) is never misdirected by material opulence. On the contrary, whatever he possesses he engages one hundred percent in the service of the Lord
- A pure devotee has the power to challenge such high-caste people, and his brave statements are not to be considered proud or puffed up. On the contrary, he is to be considered straightforward
- A sincere devotee who is not very intelligent may ask some material benefit from the Lord, but the Lord, being omniscient, does not generally give material rewards but, on the contrary, takes away whatever material facilities are being enjoyed
- After Arjuna had understood the spirit of the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, never advised him to give up his seemingly ordinary duties. On the contrary, Arjuna fought the battle with even greater energy
- Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was thinking that the quantity of food was enormous, Nityananda Prabhu, on the contrary, thought it not even a morsel. He had been fasting for three days and had greatly hoped to break fast on that day
- As far as Rukmi was concerned, his promise was not fulfilled, nor was his mission successful. He had come from home with his soldiers, military phalanx to defeat Krsna, release his sister, but on the contrary he lost all his soldiers & military strength
- As long as there is a demand for sense satisfaction, there is no chance for pacification; on the contrary, by unnecessary dry speculative arguments, the whole matter becomes distorted, and thus the Lord moves still further away from our understanding
- Because Lord Brahma wanted to mystify the all-pervading Lord Krsna, who can never be mystified, but who, on the contrary, mystifies the entire universe, he himself was put into bewilderment by his own mystic power - SB 10.13.44
- But when the same hladini-sakti is adulterated by the external, material energy and emanates from the living being, it does not attract Krsna; on the contrary, the living being becomes attracted by the glamor of the material energy
- Desiring to exhibit the symptoms of a pure devotee, the Lord tried to induce Prahlada Maharaja to take material benedictions, but Prahlada Maharaja did not accept them. On the contrary, by his personal example he showed the symptoms of a pure devotee
- Devotees of the Lord never assert independent individuality; on the contrary, they utilize their individuality in pursuit of the desires of the Lord, and this cooperation of the devotees with the Lord makes a perfect scene of the Lord's pastimes
- He (Duryodhana) could not accept the sound advice of Vidura, but on the contrary he insulted that great soul, who was the well-wisher of his whole family. Vidura could understand this because he was a pure devotee of the Lord
- He (the son of the brahmana) was not at all sorry for the King's (Maharaja Pariksit's) not being well received. On the contrary, he justified the wrong act in a way characteristic of the brahmanas of Kali-yuga
- He alone who is never afraid but who, on the contrary, gives complete shelter to all fearful persons can actually become a husband and protector. Therefore, my (Laksmi's) Lord, you (Kamadeva) are the only husband, and no one else can claim this position
- He and his own men, the Haihayas, were not very much appreciative of Jamadagni's reception. On the contrary, they wanted to possess that kamadhenu, which was useful for the execution of the agnihotra sacrifice
- I do not wish to give any decision without the GBC's verdict. My only grievance is that I appointed GBC to give me relief from the management but, on the contrary, complaints and counter-complaints are coming to me
- I set up the GBC with hope that I shall get relief from administration of the mission but on the contrary I have become the center of receiving so many complaints. So it is not a relief for me, rather it is becoming a little troublesome
- If a person is lacking in devotion or Krsna consciousness, he cannot be released from material bondage, even if he executes his prescribed duty. On the contrary, even by discharging his prescribed duty he will glide down into hell
- If one worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord will never offer him such condemned benedictions (like those of the demigods). On the contrary, it is said in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.88.8), yasyaham anugrhnami harisye tad-dhanam sanaih
- If the body of a poor man were daridra-narayana, this would mean that the body of a rich man, on the contrary, must be dhani-narayana
- In the BG (15.15) it is said that the purpose of the Vedas is to know the Personality of Godhead, but these veda-vada-rata men are not at all interested in the SPG. On the contrary, they are fascinated by such fruitive results as the attainment of heaven
- In the transcendental world a devotee is never envious of another devotee on account of his excellence but on the contrary if a devotee finds some excellence in other devotees he eulogizes the devotee admitting his own subordinate position
- It is not that the impersonal Brahman assumes a form; on the contrary, the impersonal Brahman effulgence is an emanation from the supreme form of the Lord
- It is useless to give such a person (who's too much puffed up because of his family, opulence, beauty & material advancement) good instruction for gentle behavior & a peaceful life; on the contrary, one should search out the ways & means to punish him
- Krsna and Baladeva are not subjected to the regulations of the universe; on the contrary, the whole universe is under Their subjugation
- Krsna continued, "On the contrary, when a person becomes penniless, whether by force or by circumstances, he may become interested in Me if he gets the proper opportunity"
- Krsna continued, "They (the personalities in the royal order) were not unfit in any way, over & above that, your father, your brother had no objection to such a marriage. On the contrary, they gave their word of honor you would be married with Sisupala"
- Krsna is not afraid of anyone. On the contrary, everyone is afraid of Krsna. Therefore He can actually give protection to a subordinate living entity
- Mental speculations, by adding some dozens of "if's" and "maybe's," cannot aid the advancement of knowledge - on the contrary, such mental speculations will only end in despair by dismissing the case abruptly and declaring the nonexistence of God
- My (Krsna) dear boys & relatives, I therefore advise you that even if a brahmana becomes angry with you & calls you by ill names or curses you, still you should not retaliate. On the contrary, you should smile, tolerate him & offer your respects
- Neither any sinful nor any virtuous act can bring freedom from the bondage of work, as we have explained above. On the contrary, both sinful and virtuous acts will bind the worker up in the wheel of action and reaction
- No one has ever achieved the results he desired from material activities. On the contrary, everyone has been frustrated again and again. One must not waste his time in such material activities for sensual pleasure, either in this life or in the next
- On hearing this (Arjuna took a vow to kill him), Jayadratha wanted to leave the warfield and asked permission from the Kauravas for this cowardly action. But he was not allowed to do so. On the contrary, he was obliged to fight with Arjuna
- On the contrary, because they possessed gold, land, villages, horses, elephants and sufficient grains, they had nothing to earn for themselves. They would simply devote themselves to the well-being of the entire society
- On the contrary, even though full of all opulence and material prosperity, any householder's house where the devotees of the Lord are never allowed to come in, and where there is no water for washing their feet, is to be considered a tree
- On the contrary, he (Jiva Gosvami) argued with him (materialist very proud Sanskrit scholar) regarding the scriptures and defeated him - when the scholar approached Jiva Gosvami for a certificate of defeat
- On the contrary, He (Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His body as a tortoise) apparently felt some itching, and thus the rotation of the (Mandara) mountain was certainly very pleasing
- On the contrary, he (the devotee of the Lord) will accept any body, material or spiritual, for he wants to serve the Lord. This is real liberation
- On the contrary, he(Satrajit) installed the jewel for his own purposes of worship. And who would not worship that jewel? The Syamantaka jewel was so powerful that daily it produced a large quantity of gold
- On the contrary, one is only aggravated by such activities. Please, therefore, give us directions on how one should live for real happiness
- On the contrary, others are dependent on Him for the activities of their different sense organs. Unless the living entity is inspired and directed by the Supersoul, he cannot act
- People do not know that the highest goal of human life is to please Lord Visnu. On the contrary, like demons, they simply plan to kill Visnu and be happy by sense gratification
- People do not understand that neither any sinful nor any virtuous act can bring freedom from the bondage of work, as we have explained above. On the contrary, both sinful and virtuous acts will bind the worker up in the wheel of action and reaction
- Since (God's) His body is the complete whole of everything that be, one cannot assert that He is impersonal only. On the contrary, the perfect description of the Lord holds that He is both impersonal and personal simultaneously
- Sometimes it is found among exalted personalities like Lord Brahma that the wife and children are not a cause of bondage. On the contrary, the wife actually helps further spiritual life and liberation
- Sri Isopanisad herein warns that we must not follow this dangerous path leading to death. On the contrary, we must develop the culture of spiritual knowledge so that we may become completely free from the cruel hands of death
- Such apparently material activities of Arjuna did not drive him away from his transcendental position, but on the contrary revived his consciousness of the songs of the Lord, as He sang them personally
- Such literatures (modern fictions and novels) cannot do good to anyone; on the contrary, they agitate the young mind unnecessarily and increase the modes of passion and ignorance, leading to increasing bondage to the material conditions
- Sukracarya should have encouraged Bali Maharaja to give everything to Lord Visnu. This would have been a sign of love for the Supreme Lord. But he did not do so. On the contrary, he wanted to punish his devoted disciple by cursing him
- The brahmanas deviated Devapi from the path of the Vedic principles, and therefore when asked by Santanu he did not agree to accept the post of ruler. On the contrary, he blasphemed the Vedic principles and therefore became fallen
- The crocodile, on the contrary, being an animal of the water, increased in enthusiasm, physical strength and sensual power
- The devotees of the Lord are not ambitious to dominate a false and temporary phenomenon. On the contrary, a devotee wants to be dominated by the supreme predominator, the Lord
- The gigantic feature of the boar was certainly fearful for all nondevotees, but to the pure devotees of the Lord He was not at all fearful; on the contrary, He was so pleasingly glancing upon His devotees that all of them felt transcendental happiness
- The identity of the living entity is never impersonal or formless; on the contrary, it is the material dress that is formless and that takes a shape according to the form of the indestructible person
- The leaders of the people are very much anxious to live in peace and friendship, but they have no information of the simple method of hearing the glories of the Lord. On the contrary, such leaders are opposed to the propagation of the glories of the Lord
- The Lord is never contaminated by sins; on the contrary, the sinful living entities become sterilized by contact with the Lord
- The Lord then said to His attendants, Jaya and Vijaya: Depart this place, but fear not. All glories unto you. Though I am capable of nullifying the brahmanas' curse, I would not do so. On the contrary, it has My approval
- The perfection of yoga, therefore, does not terminate in voidness or impersonalism; on the contrary, the perfection of yoga is attained when one actually sees the Personality of Godhead in His eternal form
- The proud student community did not become submissive. On the contrary, the students spoke of the incident anywhere and everywhere. In a laughing manner they criticized the Lord
- The rsi did not congratulate his son, but, on the contrary, began to repent, saying: Alas! What a great sinful act was performed by my son. He has awarded heavy punishment for an insignificant offense
- The word asamsrti is very important. Samsrti refers to continuing on the path of birth & death. Asamsrti, on the contrary, refers to nivrtti-marga, or the path of liberation, by which one's birth and death cease and one gradually progresses to Brahmaloka
- There is no benefit in feeding a snake milk and bananas because the snake will never be satisfied. On the contrary, by taking milk and bananas the snake simply becomes more poisonous (kevalam visa-vardhanam)
- They (mayavadis) have no faith. On the contrary, they describe it (Srimad-Bhagavatam) in their own way. We should not hear, therefore, from the Mayavadis
- We must accept the statement of Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami that whatever the Caitanya-bhagavata did not mention he has especially mentioned in the Caitanya-caritamrta
- When they (Samba, Pradyumna, Caru, Bhanu and Gada) approached a well, they found no water in it, but, on the contrary, within the well was a wonderful living entity. It was a large lizard, and all of them were astonished to see such a wonderful animal
- When they are instructed to undergo mystic yoga practice, they are not at all satisfied. On the contrary, they become more and more angry with You
- Whereas materialists are absorbed in material thoughts and activities, devotees, on the contrary, are always absorbed in thoughts of Krsna and Krsna's activities. Therefore they are already on the platform of liberation
- Yamaraja also advised his servants never to approach the devotees. On the contrary, he instructed his messengers that if they meet a devotee they should offer their respectful obeisances
- Yudhisthira continued, "I cannot understand why You (Krsna) are kind to us. We are not yogis; on the contrary, we are attached to material contaminations. We are householders dealing in politics, worldly affairs. I do not know why You are so kind to us"