Category:Offering Food to Brahmanas
Pages in category "Offering Food to Brahmanas"
The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total.
- According to the varnasrama system, the brahmanas are always honored first. Thus at the festival, the brahmanas and their wives were first offered the remnants of food, and then the others - ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- According to the Vedic injunctions, a brahmana is the mouth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; in all rituals a brahmana is offered food (brahmana-bhojana) because when a brahmana eats, it is considered that the Supreme Lord Himself eats
- According to the Vedic system, therefore (because one gets liberated in this way), it is customarily recommended that after performing a ritualistic ceremony, one should feed the brahmanas
- Actually, one who preaches the message of the Gita is very dear to Krsna, as is confirmed in the Gita itself. Such a preacher is factually a brahmana and thus by feeding him one feeds the Supreme Lord directly
- Advaita Acarya said, "feeding you is equal to feeding ten million brahmanas. Therefore, accept this sraddha-patra." Thus Advaita Acarya made him eat
- Advaita was prepared to talk with any learned brahmana on this point and prove definitely that by offering food to a pure devotee like Haridasa Thakura, He was equally as blessed as He would have been by offering food to thousands of learned brahmanas
- After completing the bathing ceremony for the child (Krsna), mother Yasoda received the brahmanas by worshiping them with proper respect and giving them ample food grains and other eatables, clothing, desirable cows, and garlands - SB 10.7.5
- After giving these cows, the King first sumptuously fed all the brahmanas, and when they were fully satisfied, he was about to observe the end of Ekadasi, with their permission, by breaking the fast
- After offering the used articles to the singers and reciters, Vasudeva and his wives, dressed with new ornaments and garments, fed everyone very sumptuously, from the brahmanas down to the dogs
- After the brahmanas are fed, it is the custom for the host, with their permission, to accept prasadam. Thus, with the permission of the brahmanas, all the members of the Yadu dynasty took lunch
- After the eclipse, all the members of the Yadu dynasty again took their baths in the lakes created by Lord Parasurama. Then they sumptuously fed the brahmanas with first-class cooked food, all prepared in butter
- After touching to one's head all the flowers and water offered to the Deity, one should throw them into a sacred place. Then one should feed at least two brahmanas with sweet rice
- All the brahmanas invited on that occasion by the members of the Yadu dynasty were fed sumptuously with cooked food
- All the centers of our Krsna consciousness movement have Deity worship programs very nicely going on in which food is offered to the Deity and distributed to the first-class brahmanas and Vaisnavas and even to the people in general
- All the people gathered there sat down to honor the prasadam, and by and by they took food. All the brahmanas and their wives were fed first
- Although sacrifice may be offered to please Krsna, He is more pleased when grains and ghee, instead of being offered in the fire, are prepared as prasada & distributed, first to the brahmanas and then to others. This system pleases Him more than anything
- As the brahmanas chanted the Vedic hymns and performed the ritualistic ceremonies for the second time, Nanda Maharaja again gave them huge quantities of grain and many cows
- Because Rantideva perceived the presence of the Supreme Godhead everywhere, and in every living entity, he received the guest with faith and respect and gave him a share of the food. The brahmana guest ate his share and then went away
- Brahmana-bhojana, feeding of the brahmanas, is also recommended, for when the brahmanas eat sumptuous remnants of food after yajna, this is another way that Lord Visnu Himself eats
- By such (in every festival or ceremony one offer oblations to the fire and give sumptuous food for the brahmanas to eat) activities, a householder may be elevated to the heavenly planets and similar places in the higher planetary systems
- Fire is certainly devoid of life, but devotees and brahmanas are the living representatives of the Supreme Lord. Therefore to feed brahmanas and Vaisnavas is to feed the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly
- Five items-time, worship, offering of respect, offering of oblation into the fire and offering of food to a brahmana-comprise purascarya. This and other rituals are mentioned in the hari-bhakti-vilasa, the authoritative book of directions
- Haridasa Thakura asked Advaita Prabhu why He was doing something which might jeopardize His position in brahmana society. Advaita Prabhu replied that He was feeding millions of first-class brahmanas by offering the food to Haridasa Thakura
- He (King Bhismaka) specifically honored the brahmanas by giving them large quantities of gold and silver, grain mixed with molasses, and cows decorated with cloth and ornaments
- He (Lord Krsna) immediately burned several kinds of scented incense and, as is usual, offered him arati with burning lamps. After thus offering him an adequate welcome and after the brahmana had taken food and drinks
- If one arranges to feed many brahmanas or relatives during the sraddha ceremony, there will be discrepancies in the time, place, respectability and ingredients, the person to be worshiped, and the method of offering worship
- If you will permit me, I shall send some food to a brahmana's house, and there you may take prasadam. If you do so, I shall then live very comfortably
- In ceremonies when brahmanas and Vaisnavas are sumptuously fed, the host partakes of the remnants of foodstuff after the guest has given permission
- In every festival the brahmanas are to be fed first, and when the brahmanas are pleased they bless the festival by chanting Vedic mantras or the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In one palace Narada found Lord Krsna feeding brahmanas after performing ritualistic yajnas. In another palace Narada found Krsna silently chanting the Gayatri mantra, and in a third he found Him practicing fighting with a sword and shield
- In the age of Kali, taking advantage of the fact that by feeding a brahmana one obtains a more effective result than by performing sacrifices
- In the morning, afternoon and evening one should worship the Deity, chant the Hare Krsna mantra, offer oblations, perform a fire sacrifice and feed the brahmanas. These five activities constitute purascarya
- In this way, until twelve days have passed, one should observe this payo-vrata, worshiping the Lord every day, executing the routine duties, performing sacrifices and feeding the brahmanas
- Instead of offering fire sacrifices, one should offer foodstuffs to brahmanas and Vaisnavas, for that process is more effective than fire yajna
- It is the conclusion of the sastra that instead of feeding many jnana-kandi or karma-kandi brahmanas, it is better to feed a pure Vaisnava, regardless of where he comes from
- It is the duty of a householder to feed first of all the children, the old members of the family, the brahmanas and the invalids
- It is the practice that after finishing the sraddha ceremony, one should offer food to an elevated brahmana. But Advaita Prabhu offered food first to Haridasa Thakura, who had taken his birth in a Muhammadan family
- It may also be noted that the beggars who should be maintained by the householders are not professional beggars, but sannyasis and brahmanas, to whom the householders should supply food and clothing
- Krsna is the enjoyer of sacrificial offerings. Yet although His Lordship eats the oblations offered in the fire, my dear King, He is still more satisfied when nice food made of grains and ghee is offered to Him through the mouths of qualified brahmanas
- Krsna said, "The brahmanas should be given all kinds of grain in charity. Then decorate all the cows and feed them well. After performing this, give money in charity to the brahmanas"
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, whose enemy was never born, performed his daily morning duties by praying, offering fire sacrifice to the sun-god, and offering obeisances, grains, cows, land and gold to the brahmanas
- My dear brahmana, you have carried out the order thoroughly because you are also as compassionate as the Lord. It is my duty, therefore, to offer you something, but all I possess are but remnants of food taken by great saintly persons
- My dear King, first offer prasada unto the brahmanas and the demigods, and after sumptuously feeding them you may distribute prasada to other living entities according to your ability. In this way you will be able to worship all living entities
- Nanda Maharaja distributed to the brahmanas 200,000 cows, which were well decorated with cloth and ornaments. He gave the brahmanas not only cows in charity but also hills of grain decorated with ornaments and golden-bordered cloth
- Nanda Maharaja first fed the brahmanas sumptuously and then gave them in charity first-class cows fully decorated with golden necklaces, garments and flower garlands
- Nanda Maharaja gave two million cows, completely decorated with cloth and jewels, in charity to the brahmanas. He also gave them seven hills of grain, covered with jewels and with cloth decorated with golden embroidery - SB 10.5.3
- Narada Muni continued, ‘Every day I shall send sufficient food to you both (the brahmana and his wife). You can take as much food as you want'
- Narada Muni has prohibited unnecessarily gorgeous arrangements to feed relatives or brahmanas during the sraddha ceremony. Those who are materially opulent spend lavishly during this ceremony
- On this occasion (of Krsna's first birthday), mother Yasoda arranged to distribute a large quantity of grain, and first-class cows decorated with golden ornaments were made ready to be given in charity to the learned, respectable brahmanas
- One should invite a first-class brahmana or Vaisnava - a realized soul - and feed him while observing the sraddha ceremony to offer oblations to one's forefathers
- One should perfectly honor the respectable brahmanas one has fed, and then, after taking their permission, one should take prasada with his friends and relatives
- Since it is described in the previous verse (SB 4.21.41) that feeding a living brahmana is more effective than offering oblations in a fire sacrifice, in this verse it is now clearly described what brahmanism is and who a brahmana is
- Sudama thought, "I was rendered service by the Supreme Personality of Godhead because of His high regard for the brahmanas, and by massaging my legs and feeding me with His own hand, He practically worshiped me"
- The brahmana's (Srutadeva's) wife cooked simple foods like rice and dal, and Lord Krsna and His followers (Narada and others) were very much pleased to accept them because they were offered in devotional love
- The brahmanas were not only given well-fed cows in charity, but also gold, gold coins, bedding, clothing, animal-skin seats, blankets, horses, elephants, girls and sufficient land for maintenance
- The brahmanas, because of Lord Krsna's accepting a little particle of food, felt sumptuously fed, even while they were in the water
- The conclusion is that if one can feed a brahmana or Vaisnava, it is better than performing hundreds of thousands of sacrifices
- The householders are required to rise early in the morning, and after bathing they should 1) offer respects to the Deities at home by prayers, by offering fuel in the sacred fire, by giving the brahmanas in charity land, cows, grains, gold, etc
- The members of the Krsna consciousness movement engage daily in transcendental activities - Deity worship, offering food to the Deity and distributing food to the first-class brahmanas and Vaisnavas and even to the people in general
- The most important word in these verses (in SB 10.7.13-15) is maha-gunam, indicating that the brahmanas were offered very palatable food of exalted quality. Such palatable dishes were generally prepared with two things, namely food grains & milk products
- The neglect of this prescribed duty of a householder (it is the duty of a householder to feed first of all the children, the old members of the family, the brahmanas and the invalids), especially in the matter of the old men and children, is unpardonable
- The Vedic principles recommend that in every festival or ceremony one offer oblations to the fire and give sumptuous food for the brahmanas to eat
- There are many varieties of prasada, prepared very nicely with grains and ghee, offered to the Deity and distributed to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas and then to the general public. This is the way of human society
- Thereafter they offered the brahmanas highly delicious foodstuffs first offered to the Personality of Godhead and offered their respectful obeisances by touching their heads to the ground. They lived perfectly by protecting the cows and the brahmanas
- These ritualistic functions (purascarya) demand that three times a day one worships and offers respects to his forefathers, offers oblations to a fire, and respectfully offers food to a learned brahmana
- They do not know what is civilization. This is civilization, huh? Brahmana. And they will think, "What is this nonsense, to worship a brahmana, to give food to the brahmana-bhojana?"
- Those (brahmanas) who were not married were given wives, maidservants, grain, silver, utensils, garments, jewels, household furniture, chariots, etc. This charity was nicely performed as a sacrifice according to the Vedic rituals
- When one gets the opportunity of a suitable auspicious time and place, one should, with love, offer food prepared with ghee to the Deity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and then offer the prasada to a suitable person - a Vaisnava or brahmana
- When the brahmana class or caste gradually became easygoing, being fed by the society although they had no brahminical qualifications, they degraded themselves into brahma-bandhus, or disqualified brahmanas
- While the hymns were being chanted, he (Nanda Maharaja) bathed the child (Krsna) with water mixed with pure herbs, and after performing a fire ceremony, he sumptuously fed all the brahmanas with first-class grains and other food - SB 10.7.13-15
- Worshiping Lord Visnu with great faith and devotion and living only by drinking milk, one should follow this vow. One should also offer oblations to the fire and feed the brahmanas as mentioned before