Category:No Power
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Pages in category "No Power"
The following 51 pages are in this category, out of 51 total.
- Accepting spiritual master means voluntarily accepting somebody to rule him. There is no question . . . I have no power to rule over you unless you voluntarily surrender
- Actually God is everywhere. But so long I am not purified, I have to see God as they are prescribed in the sastra. Here the Deity, He is God, but because I have no power to see God, therefore I see that - Oh, it is made of wood. It is made of metal
- All these authorities (Siva, Lord Brahma, Manu or Narada) are certainly very powerful, but they do not have the power to disobey the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although crocodiles are very fierce animals, they are powerless when they venture out of the water onto land. When they are out of the water, they cannot exhibit their original power
- Although the two eyes are situated in one place, they have no power to see without the sunlight. Vibhrajitam janapadam. If one wants to see something very clearly (vibhrajitam), he must see it with two eyes and the assistance of his friend the sunlight
- As soon as you get the spiritual body, the sun has no power to take it away
- Asasvatam means temporary. Even if I agree, "All right, it is a miserable place. Let me live here perpetually," no. That also will not be allowed. As soon as there will be order, "Please get out," you have no power to remain
- At least, we have got this experience in India. There are so many unemployed, educated. Because they have been educated as dog, they must find out a master. Otherwise, they have no independent power to work
- Bhagavad-gita states that only under superior orders does anything take place. Matter itself has no power to produce independently
- By a little use of intelligence we can also readily agree that the living being who sees the things beyond himself by ordinary vision has no power to see or to move independently
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the inaugurator of this movement five hundred years ago, although He is accepted as Krsna Himself, still, He says that, "Alone, I have no power or strength." Ekaki amara nahi paya (Ohe Vaisnava Thakura). This is the humble submission
- Chant sixteen rounds regularly and no power in all three worlds will make you fall down
- Demigods have no power to bestow material profit. Even if one is attached to material benedictions, he should worship Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and ask Him. Krsna is completely able to give even material benedictions
- Dull matter alone cannot create anything. The material energy produces the creation by the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Iron itself has no power to burn, but when iron is placed in fire, it is empowered to burn
- If he marries, why he should not take responsibility for maintaining? Why he should marry if he has no power of maintaining?
- If you adherently be always engaged in some sort of service, twenty-four hours in the service of the Supreme Lord Krsna in Krsna consciousness, there is no power in the world who can drag you into this sense gratification province
- If you can help, you can simply repeat the instruction of Krsna. Otherwise you have no power to help. It is all concoction
- If you persistently simply adhere to the devotional service of Krsna, there will be no more strength of this illusory nature to drag you. No more. There will be no more power to get you into this province of sense gratification
- Iron has no power to heat or burn, but after coming in contact with fire the iron becomes red-hot and can then diffuse heat and burn other things. Material nature is like iron, for it has no independence to act without the touch of Visnu
- It (the way mind is taking us anywhere and everywhere) is as though we are riding on a chariot behind an unbridled horse. We have no power over where we are going but can only sit in horror and watch helplessly
- Krsna said to the gopis that - I have no power to repay your debt. You be satisfied with your own activity. I cannot give you anything
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja, placing himself in a helpless condition, states that he has no personal power, but by the desire of Caitanya & expressed through the Vaisnavas, it is possible for him to cross a transcendental ocean to present Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
- Material nature has no power by herself. Her activity begins by the grace of the Lord. The example of a woman’s conception can help us understand this subject. The mother is passive, but the father puts his energy within the mother, & thus she conceives
- Material nature has no power to create without the power of the purusa, just as a prakrti, or woman, cannot produce a child without the connection of a purusa, or man. The purusa impregnates, and the prakrti delivers
- Maya has no powers. Krsna has given her power to chastise these individual souls who are defying the authority of Krsna. They should be punished. It is Maya's thankless task, but Maya is obedient servant of Krsna
- Sanatana Gosvami replied, "You (Nawab Hussain Shah) are going to Orissa to give pain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. For this reason I am powerless to go with you"
- Science has no power to solve these miseries (birth, old age, disease, and death) that are always giving us trouble. Instead, they divert our attention to the making of spaceships or atomic bombs
- Sometimes the king had to kill personally with the sword. Even in European countries, the royal orders were trained up. Nowadays it is constitutional, democratic government. The king has no power. But this is not good for the people
- The animal cannot think beyond his body. A dog is thinking, "I am this body." The cat is thinking, "I am this body." Beyond this, he has no power. He is so low-grade. Therefore, he is called animal
- The cosmic manifestation has no power to act unless it is moved by the superior energy, the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- The hands, the nose, the eyes, the other sense organs and all the bodily parts may be present on a dead man, but he cannot enjoy. Why not? The enjoying energy, the spiritual spark, has left, and therefore the body has no power
- The impersonalists do not have the power to go beyond the effulgence of God and arrive at the Personality of Godhead, from whom this effulgence is emanating. The Isopanisad is a hymn to that Personality of Godhead - CC Intro
- The Lord is all-powerful, and by His grace His pure devotee can be as powerful as He may desire, and there is no limit to it. And when the Lord withdraws His power from anyone, he is powerless by the will of the Lord
- The prescription is there, but I am trying my humble way to present it. That's all. I have no power. But the, the order is there. Anarthopasamam saksad. And people do not know it. Therefore this Bhagavata is presented
- The superior energy is controlling the inferior energy. Matter has no power. The big airplane, nice machine, is flying in the sky, made of material things. But unless the spiritual energy, pilot, is there, it is useless
- There is no difference between this dog and this big nation. The only difference is that human being, by nature's gift, he got better senses. And he has no power, or there is no education to utilize the better senses, how to advance spiritually
- These rascals say, "There is no God." Simply rascals. At least expose these rascals. We have no power to kill them, but at least we can expose them. That is also great service
- This system is sanatana - it comes from time immemorial, and it will continue in the same way. There is no power in the world which can stop it
- We are doing something good for the whole world. Present the scholars' opinions. They have the power, we are powerless. What can be done? Depend on Krishna
- We have no power, but we are trying to discharge the duty sincerely. Then it is everything. There is no problem. Visvam purna-sukhayate. And vidhi-mahendradis ca kitayate. And when a person is fully Krsna conscious, he knows what is what
- We may have a very good spiritual master, but if we have no power to inquire, we cannot make progress. Nor should the inquiry be of the nature of a challenge
- What we are seeing in this material world? Something material and something spiritual. Material means which has no sense or which has no moving power, and spiritual means which has got sense and which has got moving power
- When Krsna desires that "This man should be killed now," or "He must die now," nobody can check. Rakhe krsna mare ke mare krsna rakhe ke. If Krsna desires to kill somebody, nobody can give him protection - no power
- You may have a very good spiritual master, but if you have no power to inquire, then you cannot make progress. Inquiries must be there
- Yudhisthira said, "I want to perform this Rajasuya sacrifice and invite the demigods to show that they have no power independent of You - that they are all Your servants and You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead"