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Pages in category "Mirage"
The following 41 pages are in this category, out of 41 total.
- Disgusted with the mirage of happiness in the material desert, they (those who are after the imitation peacock) seek to merge into voidness
- Don't run after this mirage. Just turn back to Godhead, back to Krsna. That is our propaganda
- Due to his strong bodily conception, his memory is destroyed, and again and again he runs after material enjoyment, just as an animal runs after a mirage in the desert
- He (the conditioned soul) does not know that all such renderings of service are totally illusory. As we have discussed many times before, this material world is itself an illusion, like a mirage in the desert
- He approaches such a tree due to his strong appetite, and thus he suffers. He would like to acquire water, but he is simply illusioned by a mirage, and he runs after it
- Illusion is exemplified by the mirage, water in the desert
- Illusion means which is not fact. So the fact must be there; otherwise how the illusion, reflection, comes? Illusion is exemplified by the mirage, water in the desert
- In the desert mirage there is no actual water. There is only the appearance of water. Real water is somewhere else. The manifested cosmic creation appears as reality. But reality, of which this is but a shadow, is in the spiritual world
- In the desert there is no water, but the mirage suggests that there is such a thing as water. In the material world there is no water, there is no happiness, but the real water of actual happiness is there in the spiritual world
- In the desert there is no water, but the mirage suggests that there is such a thing as water. In the material world there is no water, there is no happiness, but the real water of actual happiness is there in the spiritual world. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the spiritual world there are no mirages. Absolute Truth is there; it is not here in the material world. Here, everything is relative truth; one truth seems to depend upon another
- In the very first verse of the First Chapter of Srimad-Bhagavatam Vyasadeva says that the internal potency is factual reality, whereas the external manifested energy in the form of material existence is temporary and illusory, no more real than a mirage
- In this material world there is only reflection of that love. Actually, there is no love. It is the mirage in the desert. Therefore, if we want really love, this word can be applied only to Krsna, all-attractive
- In this material world, every living entity desires some future happiness, which is exactly like a mirage in the desert. Where is water in the desert, or, in other words, where is happiness in this material world?
- Some say that transcendence must be void of all qualities because qualities are manifested only in matter. According to them, all qualities are like temporary, flickering mirages. But this is not acceptable
- Sometimes in this house in the sky (gandharva-pura) the conditioned soul drinks, eats and has sex. Being overly attached, he chases after the objects of the senses just as a deer chases a mirage in the desert
- Sometimes sailors at sea think they see land, but actually this is a mirage in the water. This material world is like that
- Sri Vyasadeva says herein (SB 1.1.1) that the manifested internal potency is real, whereas the external manifested energy in the form of material existence is only temporary and illusory like the mirage in the desert
- Such activities (going to a sinful person for help, running after a mirage) do not produce any tangible results. Due to being directed by the illusory energy, a conditioned soul suffers in so many ways
- The advancement of materialistic civilization is just like a mirage in the desert
- The fire of lamentation is always blazing, and the mirage of false happiness is always alluring, but one has no shelter from them. Thus foolish persons live in the cycle of birth and death
- The kings said, "We are no longer interested in sense gratification derived through the material body. By Your grace, we have now come to the conclusion that hankering after such material happiness is just like searching for water in a desert mirage"
- The spiritual world is real, and the material world is similar to it. I.e., in the desert we sometimes find a mirage, but although the water in a mirage is false, this does not mean that there is no water in reality; water exists, but not in the desert
- There are two worlds - the spiritual and the material. The material world is false like a mirage in the desert. In the desert, animals think they see water, but actually there is none
- There is no reality in the conditioned life of material existence, but because of our ignorance we are attached to the mirage
- This morning we were discussing this point, mirage. In the mirage there is a show of false water, and the animal runs after it. But there is no water, and finally he becomes more thirsty, and it is desert; he falls down and dies
- This world is full of ditches of so-called distress and happiness, & there are many ferocious animals always ready to attack. The fire of lamentation is always blazing, & the mirage of false happiness is always alluring, but one has no shelter from them
- Water may appear present in a mirage, but real water is somewhere else
- When we accept a mirage to be water in the desert, there is no question of water being a false concept. Water is a fact, but it is a mistake to think that there is water in the desert
- When we stand beside a reservoir of water, we see the tree reflected upside down. We also have the experience of a mirage in the material world. We think that there is water, but actually there is none