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Pages in category "Microphone"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- Although he is child - he has no knowledge - but when he says that "This is microphone," it is correct. This is the process. He is a child. He does not know what it is. But the father has said; he has taken it. And then he is correct
- Although I have got superior intelligence, that is also controlled by Krsna. If Krsna gives you intelligence, then you can manufacture this nice microphone; otherwise, you cannot
- Even one is dull-brained, you can teach him by education how to manufacture this microphone. So intelligence is there, every living entity
- Even though he is child, he is repeating the words of the father. He is fixed up, that "My father has told me this thing. It is perfect." He is convinced. So he says, - This is microphone
- I can ask any of my disciple to do something, he'll do it. But this microphone, it has also a form, but if I want microphone, "Please do this," he cannot, it cannot be, because it is material
- I do not know what is the mechanical arrangement of this microphone, but if I want to know it, then I must go to a perfect knower who can explain me that these ingredients or these parts of the machines are there
- If we get opportunity, preaching facilities for going on car, on airplane, using typewriter, dictaphone, microphone, we must use it. Because this is Krsna's property, it must be used for Krsna. This is our philosophy
- The Vaisnava says, prapancikataya buddhya hari-sambandhi-vastunah. Everything has some relationship with the Supreme Person, the Absolute Truth. For instance, a microphone is made of metal, but what is metal? It is another form of earth
- These foolish scientific men, "You can speak, but if you use microphone, then I'll kill you." Yes. The Gopala Banh's policy. They would not say: "Not allow." But in a different way
- This microphone can be utilized for so many purposes, and it can be utilized also God's purposes. I am speaking through this microphone about the message of God. So when it is utilized for God's purposes it is spiritual
- This microphone, it has come from matter and... Actually it has not come from matter, it has come from the living being who has manufactured it. But we foolishly concluding that it is a combination of matter
- Today there was a television station interview in my apartment. They came with big cameras and microphones, and I played harmonium and one lady interviewed with a few questions
- We are now dictating into a microphone and recording on a dictating machine, and thus we are finding how the machine can be connected to the Supreme Brahman. Since we are using this machine in the service of the Lord, it is Brahman
- We don't condemn. We don't say that don't manufacture this microphone. Yes. Microphone-use. But use it for declaring glories of the Lord. Then it is fully utilized. That is our process, Krsna consciousness
- We say everything definitely. How I can say definitely? Because I have heard it from Krsna. The example I have given: The child, he asks his father, "Father, what is this?" Father says, - My dear child, it is called microphone
- You cannot teach a stone how to manufacture this microphone. It isn't possible, because he has no intelligence. But even one is dull-brained, you can teach him by education how to manufacture this microphone. So intelligence is there, every living entity
- You know or not know, that doesn't matter. The original cause is Krsna. The microphone, the original cause is Krsna. These karatalas, the original cause is Krsna. This pitcher, original cause is Krsna