marvel | marveling | marvellous | marvelously | marvelous
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Marvelous"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.
- I am so pleased that Devananda is doing marvelous work in propagating our Krishna Consciousness movement by lecturing in the Boston University, and he is being paid $25 per lecture
- I have seen the pictures of your kirtan sent by Sachisuta, and they are all marvelous. Please print them in BTG
- If we can perform kirtan following the recently made recording, it will be marvelous
- The acceptance has been very marvelous, because the things are presented in pure form, so it has acted very nice. Otherwise, it is not a movement that I have manufactured something. No
- This (spreading of Krsna Consciousness movement) is marvelous. You give the real thing, and it will act. If you give false things, nasta, so superficially it is (Sanskrit), but if it is spoiled, it will create disease
- Tirtha Maharaja will give me all facilities to present before the audience during the Golden Jubilee function a picture of my "marvelous work that is being done in the USA and East European countries," but I do not think he has any intention