Category:Many Thousands
Pages in category "Many Thousands"
The following 121 pages are in this category, out of 121 total.
- According to Bhagavad-gita: Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth - BG 7.3
- According to the Gopala-tapani Upanisad, the Lord showed one of the many thousands of petals of His lotus feet. It is said: brahmano'sav anavaratam me dhyatah stutah parardhante so 'budhyata gopa-veso me purastat avirbabhuva
- According to the Vedic version, ekam bahu syam: He (Lord Krsna) can expand Himself into many thousands and millions but still remain one
- After observing this brave act performed by the chaste wife Arci, the wife of the great King Prthu, many thousands of the wives of the demigods, along with their husbands, offered prayers to the Queen, for they were very much satisfied
- After you give birth to many hundreds and thousands of children, they will also be captivated by My illusory energy and will engage, like You, in sexual intercourse
- All the planets, they are of different atmosphere, and each and every planet there are varieties of living entities. So even if you divide so many thousands and hundreds, still, 8,000,000. This is God's creation
- Although Ananta has many thousands of faces and has been glorifying the Lord for many, many years, He could not find the limit of the glories of the Lord. Thus it is not possible to estimate the complete potencies and glories of the Supreme Lord
- Although His original name is Krsna (krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (SB 1.3.28)), He acts in unlimited ways, and according to His work He has many, many thousands of names
- Although there are many expansions, Lord Sri Krsna is the origin, as confirmed in the Brahma-samhita. He is like the original candle, from which many thousands and millions of candles are lit - CC Intro
- Among Krsna's greatly powerful sons, eighteen sons were maha-rathas. The maha-rathas could fight alone against many thousands of foot soldiers, charioteers, cavalry and elephants
- Among many thousands of men, one may endeavor for perfection, and even among the siddhas, those who have already become perfect, only one who adopts the process of bhakti, devotional service, can understand Krsna
- Among many thousands of such liberated persons, one who can understand the true meaning of liberation is very rare
- Among many thousands who desire liberation, one may actually achieve liberation, giving up material attachment to society, friendship, love, country, home, wife and children
- Ananta means you cannot get the limit that, "So many millions or so many thousands." No. You cannot count. So all these jivas, we, living entities, we are being maintained by that one. This is the Vedic information. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- As far as we are concerned, we have already started the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and many thousands of Europeans and Americans have joined this movement
- At a certain time, the Personality of Godhead, Karanodakasayi Visnu, lies in the Karana Ocean and produces many thousands of universes from His breathing
- At Prayaga (Allahabad), many thousands of people gather during the month of January to bathe in the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna
- At Prayaga (Allahabad), many thousands of people gather during the month of January to bathe in the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna. Afterward, many of them go to the confluence of the Bay of Bengal and the Ganges to take bath there
- At that time Arjuna could see in the universal form of the Lord the unlimited expansions of the universe situated in one place although divided into many, many thousands. BG 11.13 - 1972
- At the Rajasuya-yajna of Yudhisthira, many thousands of brahmanas were present, yet Krsna was selected to be worshiped first. Therefore, Krsna is always the Supreme Person, but by His causeless mercy He recognizes the brahmanas as dearmost to Him
- Big commercial and industrial firms have contributed many thousands of rupees to a defense fund that burns the money in the form of gunpowder, but unfortunately, if they are asked to contribute liberally to advance the KC movement, they are reluctant
- Blind following and absurd inquiries. These things are condemned in this verse. Blind following means, "Oh, there is a svami. So many thousands of people are following. Let me become his disciple." This is called blind following
- By direct perception we can see that the sun is just like a disc, no larger than the plate we eat on. From scientists, however, we come to understand that the sun is many thousands of times larger than the earth. So what are we to accept
- By the grace of Krishna I have many thousands of disciples, young American and European boys and girls. Many of them have come to me bewildered, rebellious, and addicted to all sorts of sinful activities. Like so many of the young people today
- Daksa means "expert," and he was given this name because of his ability to beget many hundreds and thousands of children
- Dasyam. There is the following statement in regard to assisting the Lord as a servant. After many, many thousands of births, when one comes to understand that he is an eternal servant of Krsna, one can deliver others from this universe
- Distinguishing between pure devotees and internal or confidential devotees, Rupa Gosvami traces the following gradual process of development. Out of many thousands of karmis, one is better when he is situated in perfect Vedic knowledge
- Due to his (the fully Krsna conscious person) being Krsna conscious, all impiety within is instantly cleansed, an effect of many, many thousands of yajna performances. BG 1972 purports
- Even though there were many thousands of maidservants (in the palace) equally beautiful and qualified and of the same age, Rukminidevi personally was engaged in fanning Lord Krsna
- Everyone is not expected to hanker after spiritual salvation. That requires also many, many years' qualification. So manusyanam sahasresu. After many . . . out of many, many thousands of people, one is very much anxious for spiritual realization
- Fifty-two (centers) outside India, but in India there are many thousands
- For the creation, maintenance and destruction of the material worlds, the Supreme Lord Personality of Godhead Himself appears in many thousands of forms of incarnations, and the specific adventures found in those transcendental forms are all auspicious
- God has many names, and according to your conception, you can have God's name also. But out of all those names, many thousands and unlimited different types of names, Krsna is the principal name because Krsna means all-attractive
- God has many thousands of names or God has no name. No name means He has, He has got so many thousands of millions of names that you cannot say, "This is only God's name." This is one sense
- He (Jarasandha) began to make extensive arrangements to attack the kingdom of Mathura with his innumerable military phalanxes, consisting of many thousands of chariots, horses, elephants and infantry soldiers
- He (Krsna) married many thousands of wives, but this does not mean that while He was with one wife the others were bereft of His association. Krsna could associate with each and every wife by His expansions
- He (the Supreme personality of Godhead) acts just like the supreme emperor, and many thousands of kings and chiefs work under Him
- He explains that manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye (BG 7.3): "Out of many, many thousands of people, a few people may try how to get spiritual salvation." Not all
- Hearing of the Lord's arrival in Kuliya-grama, many hundreds of thousands of people came to see Him
- His complexion is like black cloud but very, very beautiful. He is so beautiful that more attractive than many, many hundreds and thousands of Cupid. This is the Govinda's description. There are so many description. So this is spiritual varieties
- However, when I (Caitanya) started for Vrndavana, many thousands and millions of people gathered and began to go with Me
- I have got many thousands of disciples. These disciples want to pay me something as a matter of etiquette and I want to utilize this money for printing different kinds of books on this Krishna Consciousness Movement
- If one uses this human form of life properly, he can elevate himself to the higher planetary systems, where material happiness is many thousands of times better than on this planet
- If someone sees the face of the Lord while aratrika is going on, he can be relieved of all sinful reactions coming from many, many thousands and millions of years past. He is even excused from the killing of a brahmana or similar prohibited activities
- If there is one ideal Krsna conscious person, he can do benefit to many thousands
- If you want to kill your enemy, you'll kill your enemy, not others. Other innocent people will not be killed. But nowadays, for defending, we are using atom bomb. So many thousands of innocent men are being killed
- In Brahma-samhita it is said: Advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam (Bs. 5.33). In India there are many thousands of temples, and within these temples there are arca-vigrahas, Deities. All these Krsnas are nondifferent; they are one
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3) it is said that out of many thousands of ordinary men, one fortunate man endeavors for perfection in life
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is also said by the Lord Himself that out of many hundreds of thousands of people, one may try for perfection in human life, and out of many liberated souls, one may know Him as He is
- In this way, many thousands of elephants, horses and men were killed, and their blood flowed just like the waves of a river. In that river, the severed arms of men appeared like snakes and their heads like tortoises
- In Vedic literatures like the Brahma-samhita it is stated that Krsna is served in His abode with great respect by not only one goddess of fortune but many thousands
- It (Krsna Consciousness) is not like a political movement, that you speak some jugglery of words and many thousands of people come and join. It is a great science. Only cool-headed, fortunate men can understand
- It has been said that the process which immediately increases one's love and affection for the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the best of the many thousands of ways to become free from the entanglement of material existence
- It is of course not unheard of in the history of the world that a powerful king would keep many hundreds of queens, but although such a king might be the only husband of so many wives, he could not enjoy all of them at one time
- It is said in the Skanda Purana that out of many thousands of gopis, 16,000 are prominent, out of those 16,000 gopis, 108 are especially prominent, out of these 108 gopis, eight gopis are still more prominent
- It is stated here (in SB 4.4.32) that many thousands of demigods named Rbhus became manifested because of the oblations offered in the fire and the chanting of the hymns from the Yajur Veda
- Koti-karmanistha-madhye eka 'jnani' srestha: one jnani, or impersonalist, is better than many thousands of fruitive actors
- Krsna explains in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3): Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth
- Krsna had many thousands of cows, and they were divided into groups according to their colors. They were also differently named according to color. When He would prepare to return from the pasturing ground, He would gather all the cows
- Krsna is always served by many thousands of goddesses of fortune; therefore He has no need to satisfy His senses by going to a society girl. But because He is kind to everyone, He decided to go there (Kubja's house)
- Krsna says that out of many thousands of people, one may try to make perfection of this life; and out of many millions of such persons on the path of perfection, only one may understand Krsna
- Krsna states in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3): Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth
- Lord Brahma, being completely pure, could see the original form of the Lord as Visnu, having many thousands of faces and forms. This process is called self-realization
- Lord Caitanya explained that of the many thousands and millions of living entities wandering in the material world, one who by the grace of Lord Krsna and the spiritual master gets the seed of devotional service is very rare and fortunate
- Lord Siva, who is also known as Visvanatha, is the lord of the kingdom of Kasi. The temple of Lord Visvanatha is still existing in Varanasi, and many thousands of pilgrims still gather daily in that temple
- Manusyanam sahasresu: out of many thousands of persons, one may endeavor for liberation, and of many thousands of persons attempting to become liberated, one may achieve liberation from the anxieties of material existence and become self-satisfied
- Many thousands of boys and girls in the Western countries are seriously taking to this movement sacrificing many things. Especially they do not indulge in illicit sex life, gambling, meat eating, and intoxication
- Narayana is being worshiped by many thousands of goddess of fortune, sambhrama, with great fear. Just like Rukmini-devi. She is Laksmi-devi, and she was always afraid of Krsna that, - He may not leave me away
- Narottama dasa Thakura and other great acaryas like Madhvacarya, Ramanujacarya and others accepted many thousands of disciples to induce them to render devotional service
- Nityananda Prabhu delivered Jagai and Madhai, but a servant of Nityananda Prabhu, by His grace, can deliver many thousands of Jagais and Madhais. That is the special benediction of the disciplic succession
- Now India there is scarcity, scarcity of foodstuff. But the same India was producing so much grains, even during British time, that many thousands and thousand tons of rice were being exported from India to other countries
- On the plea of visiting all those holy places, the Lord converted many thousands of residents and thus delivered them. Simply by touching the holy places, He made them into great places of pilgrimage
- Others on the battlefield could not see this form (Krsna's universal form) because Krsna gave the vision only to Arjuna. Arjuna could see in the body of Krsna many thousands of universes. BG 1972 purports
- Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth. BG 7.3 - 1972
- Out of many thousands of brahmanas, one may become qualified to perform yajna. Out of many thousands of such qualified brahmanas, one may be fully aware of the Vedanta philosophy
- Out of many thousands of karmis, one becomes jnani, jnani, in true knowledge. They are called jnani
- Out of many thousands of people who are liberated, they can understand what is Krsna. So Krsna understanding is not very easy job
- Out of many thousands of persons who are in self-knowledge as to what and who they are, only one or two may be actually liberated
- Out of many thousands of such persons who have thus attained success in human life, one may know scientifically about the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna
- Out of many thousands who are liberated, only one or two may understand what and who Krsna is. So understanding Krsna is not such an easy job
- Out of many thousands, millions people, one is anxious to make his life successful. Nobody is interested. Practically they do not know what is actually success of life
- Out of many, many thousands and millions of people, one takes to the scientific institute of varnasrama-dharma. That means followers of the Vedas, strictly
- Out of many, many, many thousands of people, who wants to have perfection in spiritual life, then those persons who have attained such perfection, out of them, one or two may understand what is Krsna
- People are often astonished to see many thousands of Westerners converted to Vaisnavism
- Please try for it New Delhi because it is the place where only educated and enlightened Indians are staying in hundreds and thousands, and I think if you work steadily, it will be possible to enroll many thousands of subscribers
- Sati was going very fast so that she might not be checked by her husband, but she was immediately followed by the many thousands of disciples of Lord Siva, headed by the Yaksas, Maniman and Mada
- Sitadevi was kidnapped. Ramacandra is the Supreme Lord; He could have married many thousands of Sita. But as the dutiful husband, to rescue one wife He killed the whole family of Ravana. This is protection
- So far the sign is concerned, why should we make such an expenditure of so many thousands of dollars for a sign . . . what benefit shall we derive?
- So many thousands of Europeans, Americans, they have joined us on account of sadhu-sanga
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's tour of South India was certainly very extraordinary because He visited many thousands of places of pilgrimage there
- Srila Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis were situated in government service, and Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was the topmost scholar of India. Similarly, Prakasananda Sarasvati was a leader of many thousands of Mayavadi sannyasis
- The Bhagavad-gita says that out of many thousands of human beings, one may try to make perfection of his life. Man is an animal, but he has one special prerogative, rational thought. What is that rational thought? Reasoning power, argument
- The Bhagavad-gita says, out of many thousands, someone may develop this reasoning power: "Why am I suffering?" He asks this question - Why am I suffering
- The chief of all the sannyasis, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, arrived at the house of Vidya-vacaspati. When He stayed at his house, many hundreds of thousands of people went to see Him and chant the holy name - Caitanya-bhagavata Antya-khanda, Chapter Three
- The form of Krsna is described in the authoritative Vedic literature Brahma-samhita: His abode is made of cintamani stone, and the Lord plays there as a cowherd boy and is served by many thousands of gopis
- The Garuda Purana points out that out of many thousands of brahmanas, one may be expert in performing sacrifices, and out of thousands of such expert brahmanas, one brahmana may be expert in the knowledge of the Vedanta-sutra
- The Krsna consciousness movement has started performing sankirtana-yajna in different places, and it has been experienced that wherever sankirtana-yajna is performed, many thousands of people gather and take part in it
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (7.3): Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth
- The Lord says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3): Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth
- The word natah is significant. An actor changes dress to play different parts, but is always the same man. Similarly, the Lord assumes many thousands and millions of forms (advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam adyam purana-purusam)
- There are different grades of fighters, including maha-rathi, eka-rathi and rathi, classified according to their fighting ability. These maha-rathis could fight alone with many thousands of men
- There are thousands and thousands of literary men all over the world, and they have created many, many thousands of literary works for the information of the people in general for thousands and thousands of years
- There are various grades of men, and out of many thousands one may be sufficiently interested in transcendental realization to try to know what is the self, what is the body, and what is the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- This entire universe, filled with its many great mountains, rivers, oceans, trees and living entities, is resting just like an atom on one of His many thousands of hoods. Is there anyone, even with thousands of tongues, who can describe His glories?
- This process of KC is offered to every one, but only one out of many thousands of people will accept it. Therefore you should be very serious about perfecting your life in KC & thereby becoming qualified to enter into the Kingdom of God, Goloka Vrindaban
- This very example is cited in Bhagavad-gita: one should become like the ocean. The ocean is filled by many thousands of rivers, and millions of tons of its water evaporates into clouds, yet the ocean is the same unagitated ocean
- This was spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit, that srotavyadini rajendra nrnam santi sahasrasah. The subject matter of hearing, there are many thousands for persons who has no self-realization
- Those who have attained the perfection of life, out of many thousands of them, one may know what is God actually. So to know God actually is not a very easy job
- To accept God or to know God, that is very difficult job. Out of many thousands of people are anxious, one may be very much anxious to know what is the highest perfection of life
- We are willingly, against the principle of religion that "Thou shalt not kill," we have opened so many thousands of slaughterhouse, giving a nonsense theory that the animal has no soul. Just see the fun
- We cannot get many followers. Because everyone is under this impression, "I am this body." And to get him released from this conception is not so easy job. So we cannot expect many thousands and millions
- We don't want these nonsense followers, many thousands. What they will do? But if we can turn one man into Krsna consciousness perfectly, he can do tremendous work in the world
- We find it a vast ocean. But this vast ocean is nothing but a drop of water in the universe. There are so many, thousands or millions of vast oceans in the sky. So therefore the sky becomes the biggest
- Well, knowledge means it is meant for few men. If you want men without any university degree, you will get many thousands. But as soon as say: "We want graduate," it will be minimized. Or as soon as you say "postgraduate," it will be still minimized
- When Bhrgu Muni offered oblations in the fire, immediately many thousands of demigods named Rbhus became manifested. All of them were powerful, having achieved strength from Soma, the moon
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was apparently in an angry mood and chastising His devotees, many thousands of people outside loudly cried in a tumultuous voice, "All glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu"
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was in ecstasy, He considered one moment to last as long as twelve years. After seeing the Jagannatha temple from a distant place, the Lord became so ecstatic that He considered the six-mile path many thousands of miles long
- When Vasudeva, who is also called Anakadundubhi, was looking at his newborn baby, he was so happy that he wanted to give many thousands of cows in charity to the brahmanas